• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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A Moment with Apples and Oranges

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

A Moment with Apples and Oranges

Sweet Apple Acers

The air was filled with laughter and the sound of hooves tapping against the ground in time with the music as the warm afternoon gave way to the cool of the night. Many within the older Apple family were still roaring to go till dawn as mothers put their tired fillies and colts to bed for the night within the repurposed barn house. The little ones that were awake would laugh and and squeak with glee, treating the whole thing as a giant sleepover with family.

Elsewhere, nearing the gates of Sweet Apple Acers, Applejack walked with two other ponies, her aunt and uncle Orange. As they strolled along, the faint scent of apples lingered in the air, a reminder of the family's orchard that stretched out behind them. The two older’s ponies laughed softly, their voices mingling in casual conversation as they shared stories and caught up on family news.

"Thank y'all kindly for comin' out here today, Auntie Orange, Uncle Orange," Applejack mused softly, wrapping her hooves around both of their necks in a gentle hug, "It means a heap to me."

Auntie Orange embraced her niece back, alongside her husband as she spoke. "The pleasure was all ours, dear. We'll be sure to visit again soon. Was always partial to down home cooking from time to time, isn’t that right dear?"

“Of course.” The stallion mused, “Do tell Granny that she outdid herself this year.”

"Well shoot. She'll be glad ta hear it," the farm mare smirked as she pulled away from them. "Ya sure Ah can't offer ya to stay for the night? Ah'm sure ah can make the bed all nice and neat for ya."

Auntie Orange chuckled softly, her tangerine coat gleaming in the moonlight. "That is very kind of you dear, Applejack, but we've already made arrangements to stay at a hotel in Ponyville for the night so that we can board the Train to Canterlot in the morning. We appreciate the offer, though."

"Indeed, we've got everything all sorted out, my dear." Uncle Orange added. "Though I must admit, it was quite the day well spent with our distant family. It might not be a thing we do every year mind you, but we will be sure to pop in from time to time."

"That and to check in on you and your siblings." His wife said with a worried expression. "Word of those...dreadful creatures have been the talk of all of Manehatten recently. What did you call them before...Heartless?"

"Yeah, it's true. Ponyville was attacked by the Heartless not too long ago, matter-o-fact," Applejack's expression grew even more serious as she nodded in response to Uncle Orange's question. "It was a rough time for everypony but we all came out of it unscathed tho'. They caused a lot of chaos and destruction before we managed to drive 'em off," she frowned. "Those varmints haven't been giving ya any trouble up there have they, now that ya mention it? Ah know a few of my friends went down ta Trottingham to deal with a heap of them, so ah reckon they can pop up anywhere if that's the case."

Auntie Orange shook her head. "No, thankfully we haven't seen any Heartless in Manehattan as of now and I do hope it stays that way. They sound like dreadful creatures."

"I'm sure they won't come down our way honey." Her husband mused, gently placing a hoof upon his wife's shoulder. "Our police force is the best and you've seen the guards the Princess sent our way. We are as safe as safe can up in the city."

"It's always good to stay vigilant. Guard or no guard," the orange farm mare responded. "Speaking of which, stay safe on the road back ta Ponyville. The roads back may be lit but doesn't mean ya should slack when it comes to keeping yourself safe."

"We will." The stallion nodded softly to his neice. "It was good seeing you again, little Apple. Maybe bring your family around for a holiday in Manehatten? I'm sure the Misses would love to dress you all up like she did when you came to live with us when you were a little filly."

Applejack couldn’t stop the fond smile spreading across her face at Uncle Orange's suggestion. "That sounds mighty nice, Uncle Orange. Ah'll talk it over with the family and see if we can make it happen. It'd be a right treat to spend a holiday back in Manehattan with y'all." Pulling away she hugged her aunt again once before backing off. "Right. You two best be off or we'll be here all day saying goodbye."

Auntie Orange chuckled softly. "You're right, dear Applejack. Take care of yourself, and don't forget to keep an eye out for those Heartless."

"I will, Auntie Orange. You two take care on your journey back, and do write a letter ta let us know when ya get to Canterlot safe and sound, ya hear?" With one final round of hugs and well wishes, Auntie Orange and Uncle Orange bid farewell to their young niece.

As Auntie Orange and Uncle Orange departed, Applejack turned to find Pinkie Pie approaching with her usual exuberance. "Hey there, Pinkie! I just wanted to see Auntie and Uncle Orange off," she greeted with a warm smile. Applejack glanced at the box balancing upon Pinkie's back. "Guessin' ya headin' back home with a few pies for the Cakes?"

"Yep, you guessed it! I've got a whole bunch of pies for Mr. and Mrs. Cake. They're gonna be so happy!"

"I'm sure they will be." The mare chuckled with a smile. "And thanks again for helping out with the Reunion. Owe ya big time for all that ya done." Her smile faltered a bit as she looked away from the pink party mare. With a soft sigh she looked into Pinkie’s blue eyes and spoke, her tone of voice low and somber. "And...ah...listen. That time in the Crystal Empire...ya know when we were in that weird black void talking to Rockhoof and that Somnambula mare?" She rubbed the back of her head. "Ah don’t think ah ever really apologized ta you when…well…when ah was angry at Sora...and you."

"Aw, Applejack, you don't owe me anything. Apology or otherwise" The mare mused as she booped her friend's nose, "We're friends, remember? We're always here for each other, no matter what. Even if one of them is being a grumpy pants. I'm sure Sora would say the same thing."

Applejack chuckled softly, shaking her head in amusement at Pinkie Pie's playful boop. "Heh, I knew you'd say that, Pinkie. Still...wanted ta let ya know that ah am grateful. To you, the girls...hehe...and Sora."

Pinkie Pie's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with warmth and understanding. "Aw, shucks, Applejack. You don't have to thank us. We're just doing what friends do."

"Don't ah know." The mare mused as she raised a hoof the bump it with the pink mare. "Ya best get going too. Ah'm gonna make sure the rest of my family is settled for the night under the stars. Stay safe ya hear?"

Pinkie Pie bumped hooves with Applejack, her smile bright and genuine. "You betcha, AJ! I'll make sure to stay safe, and you do the same, okay? Tell little Apple Bloom that I'll be back, bright and early tomorrow for the second day of festivities! See ya later!"

Applejack watched as Pinkie Pie bounced away, her vibrant pink mane trailing behind her like a streak of confetti.

Shaking her head softly she turned back to head towards the farm, the young mare taking her time to do so. As Applejack walked back towards the farm, her thoughts began to drift to the recent battles against the Heartless. It had been a trying time for her and her friends, but they had managed to overcome each challenge together. Even if it was by the skin of their teeth most of the time. Still, a win's a win in her book.

But amidst the pride, she couldn't help the lingering sense of unease she felt. The young mare couldn't help but feel a storm was on the horizon, one she knew she had to be ready for. Whatever the Heartless wanted with this world...her world...it couldn't be good. And here she was promising to stay safe knowing that no matter how strong she may seem, she didn't have the power Sora had. She didn't even know if she had the real drive to...

The mare shook her head, ridding herself of such thoughts. Sora trying to sacrifice himself to save us would have solved nothing. Can't go thinking I need to do so too if the time came...

As she approached Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack pushed her worries aside and focused on the task at hand. The preparations for the second day of the Reunion were well underway. many of the older ponies had came in to help for the night, taking shifts for the cooking. She smiled, waved, and nodded towards all that greeted her before she was stopped by her Granny Smith, a gentle frown on her face.

"There ya are A.J."

Applejack stopped in her tracks, her smile fading as she looked at Granny Smith's concerned expression. "What's the matter, Granny? Is somethin' wrong?"

"Well...nothing big." She told her. "Just haven't seen the Apple Bloom and her friend's running about is all. Pretty sure ah told them to come back home before nightfall if she was gonna up and leave."

Applejack's brows furrowed in concern as she listened to Granny Smith's words. "They haven't come back yet? Did they say where they were goin'?"

"No...but last ah saw anypony saw of them, they were headin towards the way that leads to the treehouse they dun built."

Applejack's worry deepened. The treehouse was a favorite spot for Apple Bloom and her friends to play, but it was also located near the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres. Not too far from here but she knew that if they were still out there, in the dark, nothing good could come of it.

Giving her granny a smile to alleviate her concern, the farm mare reassured her. "Don't you worry, Granny. I'll go and find Apple Bloom and her friends right away. They're probably just caught up in their games and lost track of time." She patted her granny's hoof reassuringly before swiftly making her way towards the outskirts of the farm.

As Applejack ventured deeper into the orchard, the moon cast an eerie glow through the branches, creating mysterious shadows that danced on the ground. She knew she shouldn't be scared. She had face way scaryier dangers then walking though some woods. No...her worry was for her little sister and her friends. After everything they went though in the Crystal Empire, she expected them to be at least a little wary of wandering off alone.

Quickly but carefully, she pushed onwards before finding her destination. Just as she does though, a loud scream would pierce the darkness from within the little house in the tree.

Without a moment's hesitation, she called out, "Apple Bloom! Scootaloo! Sweetie Belle!" Her voice rang out with urgency as she rushed towards the treehouse, her mind racing with worry for her little sister and her friends.

Reaching the treehouse, Applejack wasted no time. With swift movements, she climbed the stairs and burst through the door, nearly breaking it off its hinges in her haste. As she entered, her eyes quickly scanned the room, searching for any sign of danger.

To her relief, she found Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and even Babs Seed huddled together inside, their flashlights illuminating their startled faces. None of them were hurt. In fact, they appeared to be cozied up in their sleeping bags in the ruins of their makeshift blanket fort, their eyes wide with surprise at Applejack's sudden entrance.

"Girls, are y'all alright?" Applejack asked, her voice filled with concern as she approached them.

"Gosh...d-did you plan this whole thing about A.B.?" Babs asked in a shaky tone. "Having your sister hide to scare us is a low blow."

"Ah didn't plan anythin' like that. Ah came runnin' 'cause ah heard screams comin' from here!" Applejack said, her brows furrowing in confusion.

The four fillies exchanged sheepish glances before Apple Bloom shuffled forward, her voice tinged with guilt. "We're sorry, Applejack. We didn't mean to worry anyone. We just wanted to have a sleepover in our fort and tell spooky stories. We lost track of time, that's all."

Relief washed over Applejack as she realized the situation wasn't as dire as she had originally feared. She let out a sigh and ruffled Apple Bloom's mane affectionately. "Well, I'm glad you're all safe. But next time, make sure to let someone know where you're going, alright? You had us all worried sick."

Apple Bloom nodded, her eyes filled with remorse. "I promise, Applejack. We'll be more careful next time."

The other fillies chimed in with their agreements, their voices filled with sincerity. Applejack couldn't help but smile at their innocence and determination to mend their mistake.

"Well then, let's head back home now," Applejack said, her tone gentle yet firm. "Granny Smith and the others are worried sick. We need to let them know that everything's alright and then you four will head on up ta bed. Gonna sleep in for the rest of the Reunion if ya stay up so late at night."

The fillies nodded in agreement, gathering their things as they prepared to leave the treehouse. In doing so, they made the long walk back to the Farmhouse, Applejack taking position behind them, keeping a watchful eye on her sister and her friends as they made their way back to Sweet Apple Acres.

The farm mare couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that her sister and her friends were safe. She sighed contentedly, grateful that everything had turned out alright in the end. At least this was a clean victory for her.

But as Applejack followed behind the girls, a sudden chill ran down her spine, causing her to pause and glance back. For a brief moment she thought she saw...something...but there was nothing there but the shadows of the night.

Shaking her head, Applejack brushed off the feeling of unease, chalking it up to her nerves after the scare with her sister and her friends. With one last glance behind her, she hurried to catch up with the fillies, eager to return home and put the events of the night behind them.


After a bit of a stern talking to from their elders, Apple Bloom, her orange pegasus friend, and her cousin all slipped into the yellow filly’s room, closing the door behind themselves as they did so. When they were finally alone, the yellow filly smiled and turned to her friends. “Good thinkin' on that excuse, Babs. Thought sis had caught us for sure.”

"Yeah, well, we had ta come up with somethin' quick. I thought she was gonna lay down the farm law on us if she found out about the notes we took from Twilight’s house," Babs chuckled nervously, still feelin' the remnants of her fright from Applejack's unexpected entrance.

“Yeah. And then our plans would have gone up in smoke.” Scootaloo chimed in. “Still, they are safely tucked away in the treehouse so we can get them later tomorrow.” She yawned softly. “Right now though, I’m beat. Doing nothing but reading all day really makes a girl tired ya know?”

"I think me and Babs did most of the reading there, Scoots," Apple Bloom spoke in a deadpan tone. "You were too busy readin' over Sora’s adventures to help us do our research."

The orange pegasus raised an eyebrow. “I was though. I mean what better way to find how Sora uses his keyblade then by reading over all of his adventures! I mean, he took on a Celestia to goodness Hydra! A Hydra, Apple Bloom!”

"Yeah, I heard ya the first time Scoots," the yellow filly spoke as she rolled her eyes. "Still, we haven’t found anything out yet… not to mention that we had to take the notes with us since there was way too much to copy… Hope Spike doesn’t go and find them missin'."

Scootaloo shrugged, flopping onto Apple Bloom's bed. "Eh, don't worry about Spike. I'm sure he's too preoccupied with Sweetie Belles since she hasn’t been seen all day long. Geeze…she was only supposed to distract him for a little while. What could the two of them do all day?”

"Eh. I say they let her be," Babs spoke, jumping up and laying down on Apple Bloom’s bed. "The better she distracts him, the less he'll know the notes are missin'. And if she can't get him out of the library again, then all the better, since we can return the notes at that time without any pony bein' none the wiser, right?"

“Can’t argue with that logic.” The yellow filly agreed, slipping under the covers of her bed. “Anyway, we should get some rest. The faster we go to sleep, the faster we can wake up and tackle those notes tomorrow.”

In the quiet darkness of Apple Bloom's room, the four fillies settled down for the night, their minds filled with thoughts of adventures and mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

Despite the gentle atmosphere around her with friends and family, the yellow filly couldn't help but feel a pit in her belly...her only thoughts, now that she had time to do so, were about the stallion she liked.

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