• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul



After bringing Sora back from the Crystal Empire

Fluttershy sat on the edge of the bed, her hooves dangling down to brush against the wooden floor beneath them. Her vision was blurry from exhaustion, but she could still see clearly the stallion who lay upon the bed, underneath its warm blankets. His breathing was slow and steady if not a little weak, otherwise, he was fine. Just as she had always done for the past two days and nights, Fluttershy fought through her tiredness, determined to keep him company until he woke up.

She had to...For him.

For the one who had come close to giving his own life up for her and her friends.

She kept a watchful eye on the injury-stricken stallion; that was the least she could do for him. It was, after all, the only help she had to offer.

The mare moved towards the slumbering stallion, allowing herself a rare opportunity to get closer to him. His relaxed breathing and slow heartbeat lulled her into a peaceful state, just as it had on the previous night. The doctor from the Crystal Kingdom told them that his injuries had been healed - an extraordinary feat, and she knew they owed this miracle to Riku, an old friend of Sora's.

Despite his head,could barely remember what the stallion looked like, the mare's sole focus was on the stallion who lay upon her lap at that time. She didn't even care about that blood that had gotten onto her at that moment, time almost seeming like blur to her. All she cared about was Sora, and Sora alone.

The mare's tired gaze drifted towards a nearby window. She could see the first hints of sunlight coming in through the spaces in the curtains, and she was serenaded by the cheerful songs of birds heralding the start of the new day.

She smiled softly as she listened to nature's melodic tunes before looking back at the stallion. She repeated what had become her customary greeting, "Good morning, Sora, I hope you slept well." With a gentle touch of her hoof, she brushed away some of his mane that was covering his face. As she did so, her hoof grazed his cheek causing the mare to flinch in surprise, a deep blush forming on her face. He didn't wake up—but did move slightly in response to her touch.

She waited with bated breath, her heart pounding as she anticipated something, anything to happen. When the stallion kept on sleeping, she released a sigh of relief. Tenderly, she held the hoof that had stirred the stallion with her other, caressed it gently.

She had felt the warmth emanating from him. Unable to stop herself, a smile crept onto her face. Had he always been this warm? The mare pondered as she drew closer to the stallion, allowing her chin to rest gently on the soft fabric of the blanket that covered him.

The mare didn't know if it was her tired brain speaking to her or not but, she couldn't help but notice so many things about the stallion now that she had gotten so close to him as she did. While she had known it before, the mare really thought the stallion looked quite dashing. The line of his jaw was strong and defined yet...a touch of softness could be seen. His muzzle was short yet blocky, something she had seen in so few stallions. She remembered his sky blue eyes, sparkling as the sun every time he was happy. And his lips...they were nice and...

"Fluttershy? Hello? ya in their partner?"

At the sound of Fluttershy's name being called, the mare jolted awake with a start from her daydreaming. Her cheeks reddened as she looked around the room her gaze falling towards the sleeping stallion as the culprit for the voice. Seeing that it could not possibly be the one to have called her, she would turn towards the closed door, and sound of hooves gently knocking upon it could be heard before the same voice spoke again.

"Fluttershy? Ya awake sugarcube?"

That voice...it was Applejack...

"Come in...I'm...um...I'm awake." The mare would say before yawning softly, trying her best to fight back the sudden wave of tiredness that hit her.

The door slowly opened, revealing her apple farming friend, stetson and all. There would be a smile playing across the mare's face as she entered, but it would soon turn into a worried frown as she her gaze fell towards the yellow pegasus.

"Morning, Shy. Thought I would wake up bright and early to check in on Sora, though It seems that ya beat me to it...again."

Fluttershy gave nervous a nod, "I...I guess so...I mean...I wanted to make sure he was comfortable while he slept."

"Ah can see that." She remarked as she glanced towards the dozing stallion in question. "He certainly does look quite relaxed ta be sure." She paused as she looked at the mare, “Now that Ah feel he’s no longer in danger… Ah need to focus my attention on a pony who needs it more then he does.” Her expression softened as she looked at the lemon-colored pony. “So... How are you feeling, Shy?”

"I'm okay...really," Fluttershy replied with a smile, one she mustered up as best she could.

"Uh huh." Applejack responded with a hint of disbelief.

"N-No. Really I'm Fine Applejack. I..." She yawned as she swayed back and forth before suddenly jolting up to stop herself from falling back. "I'm okay!"

Applejack's eyebrows scrunched up as she observed the yellow horse. She was well aware that Applejack could tell when something was wrong and wasn't being honest, and the young mare was certain that this wasn't lost on her.

The farm mare let out a deep breath as she lumbered towards the yellow one. "Alright there, Shy. You may be trying to keep it together but you can't fool me. Ah know what burnout looks like and you've got it. It's been hitting you harder than a blind bird hitting the broad side of a barn."

Fluttershy squirmed under the other mare's scrutiny. "I'm alright, I...I promise" she squeaked softly, hiding her tired eyes more and more behind the fringes of her mane.

"No ya ain't, Shy. Even Ah can tell ya can't keep going on like this." The mare stated matter-of-factly, causing the shy mare to flinch. "Have ya even had a lick of sleep? Ya liable to burn from exhaustion long before Sora wakes up. And we both know him well enough that he will blame himself for you getting yourself hurt in any kind away..."

"But..." Fluttershy tried to speak up, but the look of finality on Applejack's face made her pause. It was a look she had only ever seen a few times before. One that said there would be no further discussion about any topic they were discussing. Letting out a soft sigh, she deflated into the fringes of her mane once again. "I...No…Y-You're right, Applejack. I know I've been pushing myself too hard and it's not healthy. But I thought I could manage it and look after him at the same time." She cast her gaze over towards the stallion. "I...had to do this..."

"Ya had to?" The farmer asked with a raised eyebrow. “Why do ya feel ya have to do this. Ta push yourself. Ah can tell that your about ta pass out any second."

Fluttershy turned away from her friend, "I...I was useless..." She said quietly.

Applejack's eyes widened in surprise at Fluttershy's sudden confession. She had never heard Fluttershy speak about herself in such a negative way before. "What do ya mean? Useless how?" she asked softly, placing a comforting hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder.

The yellow mare hesitated for a moment before speaking. "When Sora was attacked, I...I couldn't do anything for him. I couldn't do anything to help him."

"Fluttershy...none of us could." Applejack to the mare. "We...we were trapped behind that bubble Sunset had set for us."

Fluttershy nodded, tears forming in her eyes. "I know that, but...I still feel like I should have done something. I couldn't protect him when he needed me the most. After everything he's done for us..."

Applejack's expression softened as she gazed at her friend. "Ah understand that, Shy. But that doesn't mean you have to push yourself to the point of burnout. There are other ways you can help him, ways that don't involve hurting yourself."

Fluttershy sniffled and wiped away her tears with her hoof. "I...I understand Applejack. I just...I don't like to see him hurt. If...If I had just...I..."

"Fluttershy..." the apple farmer spoke, catching the mare's attention. "Who's the mare who faced down a giant dragon like it was nothing at all?"

"I...well...I mean I was but..."

"And who stared down a cockatrice even as she was about to turn into stone?"

The yellow pegasus flinched at that, remembering that particular day, "I...I did but...he was being mean and..."

"Let's not count the times you helped me and the girls against Discord and that bug queen. And-"

Fluttershy gazed at the bed and the sleeping stallion, her voice barely a whisper. "I understand what you're trying to do, Applejack...but it doesn't make me feel any better for not being able to help Sora."

“That wasn't the point, Shy.” The farm mare said tenderly as she rested a hoof on her friend's back. "Fluttershy, Ah know it doesn't feel like it to ya, but you are one of the bravest ponies Ah know. Applebloom told me how you bravely stepped in so that Sora wouldn't be hurt by that shadow king. Not only that, but you also pushed the young'uns away so that evil stallion couldn't grab them when he went for you.” She smirked. “I still need to thank you for that though.”

The timid horse shook her head, as the memories began to flow through her sleeping mind. Tears began filling the corners of her eyes as the flashbacks repeated again and again in her brain. "I...I didn't...I mean...I wasn't thinking then. I just wanted the girls to stay safe...and for Sora not to..." She tried to bring out the dreaded word, but it wouldn't come out. The longer she thought about it, the more her tears began to flow “I was…so scared…but…Sora…I couldn’t…and the girls…”

"Ah know, Shy." The farm mare pulled her close, hugging her friend tightly as she as the shy mare's emotions came crashing down on her. Applejack would just smile as she held her close, petting the back of her head lightly. "Ah know..." She repeated softly.

For a few moments, the pair remained there, just standing there tightly with one another until the timid mare finally pulled back, wiping away the tears that had started to form.

"Thank you...And sorry..." She told her friend. "I...I think I...I didn't want to think about it all this time...I was so afraid to think about it…I…I came to close to…and…"

"Hehe…Figured as much..." The farm mare answered, patting the yellow one on the shoulder. "It's okay Fluttershy, you don't have ta apologize for anything. You did what ya did and you won’t hear me saying ya shouldn’t have done what ya did. Ah wish it wouldn’t come to it…just like how it came ta Sora…but…Ah’m glad that we have ponies like you and him looking out for us. Now come on. You need rest. Ah know you wanna help out your hero but you can't do that if ya tucker yourself out. Ah promise, me and Twi will take care of him today. And you can come back tomorrow after a full night's rest."

The yellow pony nodded and smiled weakly, "Okay...thank you...Applejack."

The farmer smiled, "Anytime, Shy." With that she let go of the yellow mare, allowing her to step back from her hug. "Want me ta walk ya home?"

The yellow pegasus shook her head, "No...I'll be okay. Thank you...Applejack."

Applejack smiled, "Alright then. See ya later then, Shy. And promise me you will get some rest, ya hear?"

Fluttershy gave a slight nod in confirmation, "I...I will..." She paused before she exited, facing her friend. "I-I know, um, I told you that I was afraid...but when thinking about it now, I don't think I would have done anything differently..."

The farm mare smiled. "Of that ah have no doubt Shy. Thanks...for saving Applebloom."

The timid mare nodded, a smiling playing across her sleepy features. "I...y-you're welcome AJ."




"Fluttershy wake up."

The butter yellow mare slowly opened her eyes before sitting up and yawning softly, a hoof covering her mouth as she did so. She looked around herself before finding the one who had woken her from her dreaming memory. "Rarity?"

"Finally...you must have been really tired dear." Rarity mused softly, tilting her head at her butter yellow friend. "You were sleeping like quite the rock."

"I-I was?" The waking mare tried her best to remember what it was that she had been dreaming about before, but the last vestiges of the dream were slowly slipping away from her. Shaking her head, the mare decided that she needed to focus on the present at the moment. Turning her gaze towards the white mare that had woken her up, she spoke up once again. "I...um...I'm sorry Rarity. Can you tell me what time it is?"

"According to Lightning, it is just a little past noon, Darling," The white unicorn responded. "You were only asleep for an hour or two and while I did not want to wake you, you cousin had asked me to collect you. She wants to see the both of us actually."

"She...does?" Fluttershy asked, rubbing the remainder of the sleep from her tied eyes, as what Rarity had said made the mare become fully awake. "Did...ah...Did she say what it was about?"

The white mare shook her head. "Sadly no. I did ask of course but she was being rather cryptic with me." The mare sighed. "She was however, adamant on meeting us so it is best not to keep the good captain waiting. She doesn't seem like the kind of mare you want to have angry with you after all, Rainbow and Sora's actions proving such a point."

The shy mare couldn't help but chuckle softly at that. "She's...um...she's not that bad. She can be a little...serious...that's true...but...she is very kind when you get to know her."

"I'll take your word for it darling, of that you have my promise." The red coated mare smiled softly at her friend. "Come now, let's go see what she wants. Even if she is as kind as you say, I wouldn't want to make her angry for no reason."

Fluttershy nodded, standing up and stretching, her wings flapping gently as she did so. After gathering herself up, the mare would look around, finally noticing something that was missing. "Oh...where did the foals go?"

"Don't worry about them dear, Lightning had instructed the guards to take the sleeping littles off." The white mare answered. "They are being loaded onto the carts as we speak. She plans on taking them out of this dreadful place as soon as possible."

"Oh good...thank you...Rarity, for telling me I mean." Fluttershy said, "I'm guessing she is getting ready to move again. And if that's the case...then...we can look for Sora and the others soon."

"Indeed. And the sooner we find them, the sooner you can tell your little hero how you feel. Isn't that right, darling?" Rarity cooed softly, gently nudging her friend.

Fluttershy's cheeks reddened, avoiding the gaze of the ivory unicorn. "Y-Yeah...I suppose so...it feels like everything is all happening at once…or...maybe not at all." She shook her head. "It's hard to explain—the more I think about revealing my feelings to him, the faster my heart beats and the more confused, scared…and…um…excited I become…"

The white mare embraced her friend warmly and smiled. "Fluttershy, I know it's hard for you right now, but don't get overwhelmed. Hold your feelings for Sora close to your heart and trust that you will make the right decision when the time comes. Every mare has gone through this before so don't worry."

"I...I think I understand Rarity. Thank you." Fluttershy answered. "I just hope I don't ruin our friendship by telling him..."

"Oh, Fluttershy!" Rarity exclaimed, smiling brightly. "If it's Sora, he wouldn't allow his and your friendship to be ruined by such a thing. Even if he isn't a pony, he is one of the good ones. We've seen that first hoof after all."

Fluttershy smiled back, laughing softly. "Y-Yeah...He is."

The white mare smirked. "Now...with that little problem out of the way, shall we see what your captain guard of a cousin wants with the pair of us, hmm?"

Fluttershy nodded as she wrapped her bag around her body, gently patting the pouch that held what remained of the potions Sora had given her. "I...um...I'm ready."

With a silent nod, Rarity led the way, the pair of ponies making their way though the encampment. As they did so, both mares would spot the cart that held the foals and a quite a few other older ponies nearby, the guards having loaded them onto the secure cart nearby. While more then a few of the fillies and colts had still been asleep, A few had been awoken by some of the older ponies, seemingly their guardians or parents. Fluttershy had been relived that at least a few of them still had family left after this ordeal, even if it was a scant few.

As the pair of friends entered the main tent of the encampment, the captain's gaze would fall towards the two. With a quick look from her subordinates to her side, the two guards that had been standing beside her moved until they were behind both Fluttershy and Rarity.

"I'm glad that you were able to find Fluttershy, Miss Rarity." Lightning spoke, her voice neutral as it spoke. Almost practiced. "I needed to update you two on the plan from here on out."

The white mare blinked, looking back at the two guards. "I see...So...If you don't mind me asking, what is it that we are doing?"

Lightning responded with a simple, "First and foremost, evacuating the civilians is our priority. We must follow Princess Celestia's orders after all."

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes...of course..." She hesitated for a moment, wondering what else she could say, before speaking up. "And once we get the civilians out, are we going to look for Sora?"

Lightning closed her eyes before opening them again. "Me and my team will be heading off for Trottingham as soon as the civilians are safe. And you two are going back though the entrance with them."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Wait...back? But I...I thought that we could help look for..."

The captain shook her head. "That is a negative." She stood up. "Despite your deeds to this country, you two are still untrained civilian mares under my watch."

Fluttershy started to call the Captain her cousin, then quickly corrected herself, wanting to at least be respectful of her family's rank, though her need to find an argument against following her orders was almost overpowering. And yet...she couldn't.

She could understand why Sora and Rainbow Dash had to do what they did, but when it was her turn. "I...But we can...help..."

“You two will follow my orders,” Lightning declared sternly, preventing her cousin from speaking. When she saw Fluttershy flinch, the captain softened her gaze before continuing. “I assure you, Fluttershy, that I will bring your friends back to you safe and sound, but it wouldn't be right of me to put an animal caretaker and a tailor on the front lines.”

The white unicorn scowled. "Forgive me, Captain, but I have more than enough experience dealing with difficult situations on my own. I've faced down the Diamond Dogs and the Changelings in the past just so you know. Not to mention Fluttershy can show her mettle when she puts her mind to it." The mare huffed. "Also I'm not just some common household tailor. I am the best fashionista to grace this side of Equestria."

“I commend your enthusiasm Miss Rarity, however this is not a runway show. I'm afraid I cannot permit either of you to go." Lightning's voice became adamant. "That's the end of it. Dream Drop, Lancer, please send these two with the rest of the non-combatants.”

"Of course, Captain." The one called Lancer spoke, as he moved the flap of the tent open. "Right this way Miss Rarity."

The white mare snorted, tossing her mane in annoyance. "This is intolerable! How dare you treat us this way!" Rarity declared firmly, her voice ringing out clear and strong. "We have every right to search for our friends and offer them aid! Fluttershy, please, won't you say something?"

The yellow pegasus stared down, searching in vain for the words to voice her disagreement against the captain. Fluttershy opened and closed her mouth, her mind whirling with myriad emotions.

"Well, Fluttershy? Do you think my judgment is wrong on this one?" Lightning asked, her question gentle yet piercing the timid creature's soul.

The yellow pegasus paused, taking a deep breath as she planned out her response. “I think we should follow what Lightning requested,” she finally said, her voice quieting towards the end of the sentence. She let out a soft sigh and turned her gaze away from the others around her.

"Fluttershy?! Are you sure?! Listen, I know it will be dangerous but we can't just-"

"It's fine Rarity. We should do as she says." Fluttershy answered, her voice sounding almost distant as she spoke. "I...I think it is for the best...for us...for Lightning...and for Sora and Rainbow Dash."

Rarity gasped, "But...But...Fluttershy. What about your feelings? What about Sora?"

"Sora..." Fluttershy began, closing her eyes as she did so. "I won't let go of my feelings for him...But causing him to worry just to say how I feel...I don't think I can live with myself if it cause him to get hurt." She opened her eyes, looking at Rarity. "I'm sorry Rarity, but...I think Lightning is right."

"I...I..." The white mare tried to find the words to argue, but none came to mind. Nothing that would justify putting both herself and Fluttershy in danger. Rarity sighed. "If you're sure dear...then...I won't force the matter any further." She paused, her smile softening. "I do know that you wouldn't say this if you weren't absolutely sure." She turned to Lightning, who had a raised eyebrow throughout the whole of the exchange. "Please...Forgive my outburst."

"Nothing to forgive, Miss Rarity." The captain responded, her stoic façade softening slightly. "I know what I'm asking you to do...I'm not doing this because I want to, but because I have to."

"I understand that, Captain." Rarity responded, bowing her head towards her. "You are in command after all."

"Now...If there is nothing else." Lightning stated. "The both of you should return to the civilian encampment and await further orders from myself or-"

"Hello? Is Captain Lightning in here?"

The familiar voice of Starlight Glimmer could be heard from beyond the tent's walls, causing the guard captain to perk up at being called. making her way from around the table she called out, "Enter."

Starlight entered, a smile gracing her lips as she did as soon as she spotted Rarity and Fluttershy within as well. "Oh good. I was wondering where the two of you went. Thought for sure that I had overlooked you, or, goodness forbid, you had already gone to Trottingham already."

Lightning's tone shifted while she replied, "We were just talking about that. I had given both of them the directive to return to the residential encampment. Following that, they will be exiting the barrier with the other citizens."

The purple unicorn frowned. "Oh dear. Is that so?" She turned towards the two elements of harmony.

"Captain's orders." Was the only response Rarity gave, looking to Fluttershy who seemed to share the same sentiments as her.

"That does complicate matters a bit," she said, her lips curving into a smile. "I was hoping to speak with Fluttershy, but I guess that'll have to wait." Her horn began to radiate an eerie glow, and soon afterwards a scream filled the air. Starlight seemed unfazed as every pony around them spun their heads towards the sound of it.

"By the way," the purple unicorn added nonchalantly, "You should really close your mouth. Wouldn't want anyone losing any teeth now, would we?" Before anyone could ask questions or intervene, those within the tent except for Starlight felt as though they were floating in mid air, light as a feather before suddenly crashing towards the ground — followed by darkness.

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