• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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The Key: Part One

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

The Key:Part One

In all her life, Lightning had never encountered creatures quite like the ones she had battled since she had gotten here—these Heartless. Even to a simple mare like her, their dark, twisted forms seemed to defy the natural order, and their malevolent energy sent an ominous chill through the air. Yet, there was no time for fear, only the instinct to fight and survive.

Within one fluid motion, Lightning's blade sliced through the air, cleaving one of the small shadows in two. The defeated Heartless dissipated, leaving only a faint echo of its malevolence. They were weak, individually. If it was just a few of them, she would have been done with it long ago, but that orb, that Demon Tide, all it did was produce more and more of the wicked creatures, and the effects were starting to show.

She didn’t remember how long it’s been since it had started, but the toll of the relentless onslaught was undeniable, and Lightning, despite her well trained endurance, could feel the strain on her muscles starting. Her movements, once fluid and precise, were becoming more measured as fatigue set in. Every swing of her blade required a conscious effort, and she could sense the weight of each step.

Clicking her teeth, she flapped her wings, the feather appendages becoming a symphony of rapid beats as she propelled herself out of harm's way just as black claws from one of the many Heartless lashed out where she had just been. Swift and precise, she twisted and turned mid-air as her blade struck the back of her enemy, making it disappear as she had done for countless others, only for two more to replace it-a never ending cycle.

A quick glance to her side revealed the young colt, his determined eyes reflecting a mix of courage and weariness. Dagger in mouth, he fought valiantly, dodging and weaving, but Lightning could discern the signs of tiring in his movements. His instincts were commendable, but the toll of the ongoing battle was evident.

Even further back, Rarity could be seen, her own magic at work, using a something akin to a cloth to whip at the Heartless. It wasn't as strong as both her’s and the colt's strikes, more then likely due to inexperience and fighting her own exhaustion, still, it seemed to get the job done, at least for the small fries. Even then, Lightning knew that they couldn't keep going on like this for much longer. The Demon Tide showed no signs of stopping, and the longer they fought, the more Heartless it produced. She would have cut down the mare controlling them, but the unicorn, Starlight, wasn't giving her an inch to do so.

Besides, she knew that if she left to fight the unicorn: the colts...Rarity, and her subordinates that were still unconscious would be left defenseless against the endless horde of Heartless.

Lightning gritted her teeth, remembering three other of her charges.

Looking back, she noticed, even as far away as she was, that Rainbow had not moved an inch ever since she had touched that bubble her cousin and the Keyblade Wielder was in. The only way she knew that the rainbow maned mare wasn't dead was due to the fact that her sharp eyes could still see her chest puffing in and out.

Whatever it was she was doing it was taking too long.

"I'm...Running out of options here..." the captain muttered under her breath before jumping, lashing out with her hind legs at another Heartless that dared to get in her range.

She knew that the only other way to save as many ponies as possible was...retreat. To take Rarity, the colts, and whoever else they could carry away from here to as far as possible. It wasn't the best plan. It was even one she hated the most, but it was the one with the best possible outcome besides, they were already on their last leg.

If she was alone things would be different. She would fight to her last breath to destroy the enemy that was in front of her. Even go out in a blaze of glory if she had failed to do so.

But she was not alone. Right now she was the one in charge, and whatever it was that Rainbow Dash was doing was failing as far as she knew. With her mind made up, and a resolute nod, she fought her way towards the colt, getting closer to him in the process. Making her presence known to him she flared her wings to push the Heartless that he was fighting back, giving him enough time to take a breather as she spoke aloud.

"Colt!" Her voice was commanding, quickly gaining the attention of the teenage earthpony. "We are leaving! Gather Rarity and your young brother and flee. I'll hold them off until you are out of sight and follow after you."

"Leaving?!" Zidane balked, his eyes becoming wide before a frown soon replaced his shocked expression. "But We can't! Didn't the fair mare with the rainbow hair say she has a plan to save that key stallion?" The colt dodged an attack from one of the Heartless, before slashing it with his blade. "We can't leave her!"

"You will do as I say, colt!" Lightning replied, her voice sharp despite her own inner turmoil about her decision. "Fighting a losing battle isn't bravery. It's stupidity!" She clicked her teeth. "Besides, if you fall here, who will be there to save your brother?"

The teen flinched but shook his head nonetheless, still defiant. "Still...Rainbow and the others! If we leave then..."

"Zidane," The captain spoke, using his name for the first time. She lashed out with her blade, slashing a Heartless that got too close for comfort, she stood in front of him before casting her gaze back at the colt, "It's been too long. Whatever it is that Rainbow is doing, we can't wait any longer. The Heartless are overwhelming us and I know for a fact you are on your last leg. We need to leave. Now."

The colt frowned as he looked down. He knew she was right. Every fiber of his being knew she was right. He was exhausted to the point where only sheer willpower was the only thing keeping him going. He wanted to run away. To take his brother and escape into the darkness. It would have to been the smart thing to do after all.


"If you understand then-"

"I ain't going tho."

Lightning's eyes widened in surprise. "What did you say?" she asked, not sure if she had heard him correctly.

"I said, I'm not going," Zidane repeated, his voice steady and firm. "I can't just leave Rainbow and the others behind."

The mare frowned as she looked back towards the Heartless encroaching on their locations. "This isn't the time for horseapples colt! She swung her blade with renewed vigor, taking down two Heartless in one swipe. "We need to leave now before it's too late!"

"I understand that, Captain," Zidane replied, his voice taking on a serious tone. "But the fair mare with the rainbow mane said she has a plan, and I am one to never abandon a fair mare in her quest."

Lightning narrowed her eyes, before looking away, her teeth clicking. "You stubborn...are all males like this?" She stepped forward. "I'll drag you kicking and screaming if I have to, you know..."

"What? And waste energy with me kicking and screaming where you could be helping the others escape?" He smirked. "Doesn't sound very productive since I will be doing just that if I have to to make you let me go. You'll waste all your energy on me." His dagger slashed out defecting a blow from a nearby Heartless. "So you either leave and save the others. Or wait for the fair rainbow maned maiden to save the day. Your choice. Either way I’m staying right here."

The captain sighed as she looked away. "You're willing to bet your life on Rainbow and the others?"

Zidane shrugged. "I'm not just betting on them, I'm betting on us. I believe in us. I believe in you, and I believe in me, and I believe in her." He smiled. "Besides...I don't want to leave knowing there was something I could have done to change things." He looked forward, his voice soft. "Not again."

"Not again...?" Lightning asked softly, more to herself than to the colt, before sighing, drawing herself next to him. "You really are annoying." The mare crouched as she stood ready for battle.

The teen grinned, his eyes shining with renewed determination. "I would argue I'm more persistent," he mused with a wink. "Sounds a lot better on paper when you are talking to cute mares?"

"If you two are done with your little play," Starlight spoke, gaining both of the pony's attention. "And you said your farewells, I am putting you all to sleep." She raised a hoof.

Before the Captain could speak, Zidane beat her to it, stepping out in front of the mare with a cocky grin on his lips, “Don't think it's my bedtime yet," The colt mused, looking back at Lightning with a wink and a smile before focusing on the purple unicorn once again. "Still got a lot left in me after all."

"You talk brave but even I can see how tired you are now." the unicorn sighed as she looked away. "Honesty, ever since we met when I had first opened this camp for you refugees, you have done nothing but give me such a nasty side eye. I must admit...you were quite the annoyance. Always sneaking off as you did."

"What can I say? I like a good adventure. As for my “side eye” as you call it, you can say it is my very own intuition." The colt mused. "It can always spot a nasty personality in a mare right away and react accordingly." He puffed out his chest. "You can't say I wasn't wrong on my assumptions. I mean look at you now. All big and bad and using monsters to fight us heroes." He shook his head. "For shame, miss Starlight."

Starlight rolled her eyes. "You're still just a child," she scoffed. "You don't know anything about the world or what it takes to survive in it. All I see you doing is flailing in the dark."

"Ha! Then you don't know me at all." He smirked. "But fix that nasty attitude of yours and I'll gladly talk it over with you over a cup of coffee. Your treat of course."

Starlight made to respond with a curt word of advice but stopped, her eyes closing. "Enough games. I've wasted enough time on the two of you already." She raised her hoof, and the Demon Tide responded to her command, the heartless pulsing harder then ever before within the ball. "Besides...Working with idiots, I can tell when somepony is trying to waste my time. And yours kid...it just ran out."

Just as she had raised it, the mare's hoof fell, it being the cue for the Heartless to strike. All in one go, a stream of Heartless shot out of the dark orb, all aiming for Zidane and Lighting. The two of them side to side, ready to face the onslaught, the colt with his dagger, the mare with her sword.

A sudden tan blur shot past the two of them in a glow of blue light. Before either colt or mare would understand what just happened, a voice rung from the form, loud and clear for all to hear.


At it...no...his command, a radiant barrier of light manifested in front of the two of them. Just as it did, the Heartless collided against it, their attacks repelled by the protective shield. The barrier flicked with each strike, almost as if it were about to break. Before it did however, the figure raised his head, his Keyblade glowing with a bright light before the shield shot out in front of himself into beams of dancing light, striking each and every Shadow that was still unlucky enough to be within its range.

The figure stood tall, his bright blue eyes shimmering brightly as his Keyblade vanished in a burst of light. He turned to face Lightning and Zidane, offering them a bright smile, despite the seriousness of the situation. "Are the two of you okay?"

Lightning's eyes widened in recognition. "Sora? You're...okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry for being so late and all," the stallion replied before turning his attention back to the Heartless in front of them. The Demon Tide. "You two look like you could use a brake, so go back and take a rest for a while and leave the rest to me. I got this."

Zidane, now fully recovered from his shock, couldn't stop the laugh that escaped his lips. "Lotta talk for someone who got stabbed not too long ago. You sure you don't need back up." Despite the offer, the colt couldn't help but fall on his flank, panting harshly now that all energy reserves was gone.

The Keyblade Wielder shook his head. "I'd take you up on your offer but-"

"He's not alone!" Both the colt and the Captain turned just in time to see Rainbow Dash fly over head wa already at Sora's side, her hoof digging into the ground harshly. "Because he's got the one and only Dash on his side!" She turned her head, smirking at the pair. "Told ya I would get the hero to save the day."

"So...you did." Lightning smiled and nodded. "Good job Rainbow Dash."

"Don't forget about me, Darling," Rarity chimed in, standing gracefully beside Sora.

"R-Rarity?! What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash questioned, surprised by Rarity's appearance.

"It is well taken care of since I'm sure our two friends here will be seeing to their safety," Rarity explained confidently as she looked behind herself towards Zidane and Lightning. "Out of all of us that were not in that bubble, I'm the one that's least exhausted as you well know. Do not fret though; I won't get in your or Sora's way. I can, and have, handle myself quite well in stressful situations, as you well know, Rainbow Dash.

"Gah...well...maybe but still."

Rarity couldn't help the playful smirk that formed on her face, "Oh, darling, you're starting to sound like Sora back when we first met him. Always cautioning us to stay out of fighting while he deals with everything alone." She tilted her head. "It seems the roles have reversed a bit, haven't they?"

The white mare's playful comment elicited the exact reaction she wanted from Rainbow Dash. The cyan mare red cheeks blazing brightly as she turned to glare at her prim and proper friend. "Gah! Just because I care about you guys doesn't mean I'm turning into Spiky." She huffed. "Whatever! Do what you want! Just don't come crying to me when you chip a hoof."

The white mare huffed. “I’ll have you know that I-Ekk!”

Sora was quick to stand in front of the mare, defecting a magical beam that had been shot in the fashionista's direction. The source of said blast coolly raised her head, glaring at the lot of them.

"You ponies...really feel like you have all the time in the world huh? Joking and playing around like you are. I knew I shouldn't have wasted so much time in taking you all out." Starlight growled as her horn began to glow brightly. "And you..." She addressed Sora. "How are you alive? You were stabbed in your heart. I saw it myself."

Sora closed his eyes before pacing a hoof over his chest. "If you want to know…I have friends that place their faith in me. That's why I'm still alive." he stated firmly as he summoned his Keyblade once more. Lowering his stance, he readied himself. "Besides, I still have to stop you. No..." He shook his head. "I have to save you from making the same mistake my friend made a long time ago."

Starlight scoffed. "Save me? You think I need saving?" She raised her hoof once again, the Demon Tide responding to her command. "I've already made my decision, and I will see them through to the end. Darkness is the only way any of us will be free!"

"You're wrong!" the Keyblade Wielder yelled, his body crouching low as he readied himself for battle. "And I'll wake you up to realize it!"

The stallion's hooves struck the dirt as he galloped forwards, Keyblade in maw. Already he could see the Demon Tide drop Heartless onto the ground to meet him. Not wanting to disappoint, he launched himself forward towards the encroaching Heartless. Gripping the Keyblade firmly in his maw, the equine warrior wasted no time as he struck out at the first Heartless that dared to approach. The Keyblade cut through the shadows with a radiant glow, cleaving the darkness and sending the Heartless reeling.

Approaching another, he launched the dark beast into the air before following after it, kicking it hard with his hind hoof further upwards as he backflipped. As he landed upon the ground, Rainbow Dash was already rushing over him, tackling the Heartless in midair before tossing the beast away, causing it to crash into the ground with a resounding thud. With a salute she flew towards her own group of the beast, leaving Sora to turn his sights upon the Demon Tide itself.

Without hesitation, he blasted forward, his Keyblade shimmering brightly as he closed in on his target. The Heartless reacted to his approach however, a dark stream of Shadows rushing towards the stallion encroaching upon it. Almost by instinct, his blade went from his maw to his hoof before he pointed it out in front of him. With a focused concentration, he channeled his Keyblade's power into the ground, the key word slipping from his tongue.


The air at the spot he pointed at swirled around in a controlled whirlwind, lifting dust and debris as the force intensified. Taking advantage of the swirling wind, Sora leaped within it, his form enveloped by the currents he had created. At the last second, before the Heartless had time to converge on the stallion, the gust carried him skyward, easily out of reach now that he was in the air proper.

Now in the air, Sora pointed his Keyblade at the core of the Demon Tide. With the commanding yell, "FIRE!" he channeled the magical energy within the Keyblade. Suddenly, the tip of his weapon erupted in a burst of flames, and from it, several fiery projectiles shot forth.

The fireballs streaked through the air, leaving trails of flame in their wake as they homed in on the Heartless below. Each impact created a fiery explosion, illuminating the darkened battlefield with bursts of light and heat. The Demon Tide recoiled from the onslaught, its shadows dancing in the wake of Sora's powerful magical assault.

However, as the fiery chaos unfolded, the Heartless, undeterred, began to rise high into the air, forming a swirling mass of darkness that launched a torrent of its minions toward Sora, aiming to strike the airborne pony before he could regain his footing.

Just as the Heartless surged on his positions, a blue blur swooped in with remarkable speed. With precise timing, she caught the falling Keyblade wielder mid-air, ushering him out of harms way out of the Heartless's assault.

"Haha! Need a lift hero?" The mare mused, giving the stallion she held by his foreleg a wink.

Sora smiled as he looked up towards his savior, "Thanks, Dash. I own you one."

"Eh. I'm used to saving your butt at this point so just chalk it up to your tab. I expect you to convince AJ to give me lots of Apple Ciders when it's cider season again." Her gaze fell towards his Keyblade. "Still, when you said you could use magic, you weren't kidding. Never seen wind magic used like that. Don't get me started on those fireballs."

"Thanks, Dash, but it's still not strong enough to take down that Heartless yet." The stallion sighed, looking up at the swirling mass of darkness that still loomed over them. "My magic has grown way weaker than before ever since that Keyblade Exam...Really sucks having this happen to me a third time."

"Hey, we'll figure something out, Hero. Besides, we've dealt with worse, right? All we gotta do is take them down!" She smirked. "Mabey hit it with a Fast Ball Specials? Just like back at the Crystal Kingdom"

"Is that what you're calling it?" He teased before looking back down, his eyes frowning. "If so then shoot me over towards Rarity instead. She could use some help."

Rainbow Dash blinked before looking over to where her white furred friend was. She wasn't surrounded by any means but she did seem to be struggling against a group of Shadow Heartless. "Oh yeah, I see what you mean. One Fast Ball Special coming up!"

Without hesitation, she spun the stallion around by his foreleg at high speed before letting go, the force propelling him through the air like a comet. It barely took any time for him to reach the elegant mare, his Keyblade striking a Heartless that was about to set upon her from behind.

"Sora! I know with everything going on I forgot to tell you...but It is good to see you back in action as it were," Rarity exclaimed with relief, her horn aglow with magic before shooting off a beam of light towards a nearby Heartless. "And I must say, you do make a grand entrance look stylish. I never knew you could use barrier magic."

"It's one of the spells I learned during my travels," Sora replied, before tossing his Keyblade, striking several of the Heartless at once that were in front of him. "Even if I do have my magic back, it's not enough. And I'm already running low. My healing spell really takes more out of me then most of them after all."

Rainbow came flying in, running a Heartless into the ground before tossing it up and kicking the dark beast away. "Well, we'll just have to find a way to hold out then!" she exclaimed. "We can't let this Heartless win before we even get started on the plan!"

The stallion nodded. "I know...I just hope Fluttershy can do what she has to do...and fast."

"Oh! I remember seeing her just before coming here, checking up on me as it were...but then she ran off soon after." Rarity said, her horn once again aglow as she used the fabric from her bag to whip at a Heartless. "You mean to tell me that you have a plan for dealing with all these horrid creatures?"

"I do..." Sora responded with a nod. "I just hope that Fluttershy can wake up our sleeping stallion..."


In another part of the camp, away from the ongoing battle, Fluttershy moved through the wreckage with a sense of urgency, her wings flapping hard as they ever had before. Despite her job being the safest and most simplest, she could feel the weight of the situation heavy on her back. Her mind raced to just a little while ago before she left Sora and Rainbow to help the others...


"We need to find Sunburst."

Fluttershy tilted her head at Sora's words. "S-Sunburst...that's the stallion you saved from Trottingham...isn't it?"

"What do we need him for?" The rainbow maned mare asked. "Isn't he like...knocked out and stuff?"

"He is...but I think he might be the only one able to stop Starlight." He looked behind himself, frowning. "If...I remember. He has to be that way."

Fluttershy's eyes widened at the mention of Starlight. "Wait...you...you said that she reacted to that name..." the shy mare gasped. "Is...That stallion...is she the one she was talking about before she...she made me...she mind controlled me...?"

"It has to be." He placed a hoof over his heart. "When my heart touched his...I could see his memories. And I could feel that he had a strong connection to Starlight. I know in my heart that he's the reason she's doing all of this. Cause she feels guilty for hurting him..."

"Even if that's the case. Why should we even help her?" Rainbow scoffed. "She tired to kill you. Heck! She almost succeeded!"

Sora sighed, his gaze falling to the ground. "I know, Dash, but I can't help but think that she's not the real villain here. There's something bigger going on, and I think that she's just a pawn in it all. If we can wake Sunburst up, if we can get him to stop her for long enough to actually talk...I think we can save everypony."

The rainbow maned mare sighed harshly, rubbing the back of her head. "Geeze! Leave it to you to try and save the pony who tired and kill you..." She shook her head. "Fine...how are we doing this?"

"I don't want to leave the others...and that giant ball Heartless you were fighting. The Demon Tide. I can't leave that alone. If the other's get stuck by it they'll end up in the same state Twilight and Sunburst was in."

"I...I can go find him."

Sora and Rainbow gaped as they looked towards the timid mare stand up, the former of the two doing the same as he spoke. "Fluttershy, are you sure? It could be dangerous."

"I...I can't fight...not like you and Rainbow Dash can." The mare spoke softly. "I'll just get in the way...so...let me do at least this. It's the least I can do...after I hurt you..."

The stallion's expression softened as he reached a hoof towards the mare. "Fluttershy...you know I don't blame you for-"

"But I do!" Fluttershy interrupted as he pulled away, shaking her head. "I know it wasn't me...that Starlight was controlling my mind...but...I still feel like I hurt you...so please...I can do this..."

It was quite for only a few moments before Sora nodded. "Okay...if you're sure, then I'll believe in you." He smiled softly at the mare. Before she could leave however, he reached out and grasped her hoof, forcing her to stop. "After this is over...we can talk okay? I promise..."

The mare shivered at his touch. His smile. It hurt to see them both.

"I...I'll find him..." Fluttershy turned and ran away, both to find the stallion in question...and away from Sora.


"I'm sorry...Sora...I'm sorry..." She muttered to herself, her wings fluttering as she picked up her pace. an explosion from behind her caused the mare to stop in her tracks, the mare turning around, just in time to see Sora about to get attacked by the Heartless. The mare gasped as she started back to where she came from, only to stop when Rainbow Dash caught the stallion in mid air, whisking him away from danger.

Fluttershy's heart pounded in her chest as she breathed a sigh of relief. She knew she had no right to be, not after putting the stallion in danger herself. She didn't care if she had been mind controlled before. It was still her hooves that held Sora tight...Still her hooves that caused him to get stabbed by Gilda.

She shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts from her mind. She couldn't let those memories consume her. She had a job to do, a task that only she could accomplish. And she was going to do it, no matter what.

"He...He'll be okay....He...He'll be fine." The mare spoke softly before dashing off again. It wasn't long before she came upon a nearby bush, one that seemed to have been disturbed quite a bit. At least, compared to the rest of them. Her natural forest instincts told her this was the spot Sora had come from. Slowly she flew upon the bush, scanning the ground with her sharp eyes. It didn't take long to find who she was looking for.

The stallion lay there, seemingly unharmed but deeply unconscious. Fluttershy's gaze softened as she approached him, her wings fluttering nervously. Kneeling down beside the stallion, she gently checked for any signs of injuries. Relief washed over her as she realized that, at least physically, he seemed to be okay.

"Sunburst?" Fluttershy spoke softly, her voice a delicate whisper. "Can you hear me?" There was no response from the stallion, not even a twitch. Fluttershy frowned, biting her lip in concern. She wasn't sure if he was just sleeping or in the same state of coma that Twilight was in before when she was saved from the bubble. Sora did say that Sunburst nearly had his heart stolen by the Heartless, just like Twilight.

"Ponyfeathers..." She cursed softly to herself, "I...It took Twilight a few days to wake up after all of that...Sunburst was just saved...How can I..." She shook her head wildly. "No! It's okay...I won't give up...I...I can't let Sora down again..." She turned back to face the stallion, her mind racing with ideas.

"I...I just...I....oh...wait..." She looked down at the stallion before frowning. Carefully she grasped his hoof in her own. "Sunburst...I...I don't know if you can hear me...I pray to Celestia that you can...but...it's Starlight...She...She's hurting ponies...more then that I...I think she's hurting herself..." Fluttershy's voice quivered as she spoke, tears gathering in her eyes. "I need you to wake up and help us stop her. Please...we can't do it without you. You're the only one that can stop her...because...you are the only one she cares about now...so please..."

Fluttershy's voice trailed off as she looked down at Sunburst. She wasn't sure if her words had any effect on him or not. She hoped that they did - that he could hear her and would wake up soon. But she couldn't be sure.

As she sat there, holding the stallion's hoof, Fluttershy couldn't help but feel the weight of everything that was happening. The battle raging on around her, the darkness that threatened to swallow them all... it was all too much. She wanted to run away from it all...to leave everything behind. Maybe if she did...she would finally be safe...she would finally be able to...

The mare shook her head. "No...I...I would never forgive myself if I did that...I would never want to see my friends again if I did something so horrible...And...even if I don't deserve to...I could never...love Sora like I do now if I ran."

She didn't know how long she sat there, but eventually she felt a stirring in Sunburst's hoof. Opening her eyes, she saw that he was starting to move - just a little bit, but it was something.

"Sunburst?" Fluttershy whispered, gently squeezing his hoof.

Orange eyelids fluttered softly to reveal aqua blue eyes. Sunburst groaned, his head feeling heavy as he tried to lift it up from the ground. "Y-you...who are...you...?" he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper before his gaze shifted around himself. "What...what happened? I was in the lab...and...then..."

Fluttershy interrupted him, her voice urgent. "Sunburst, listen to me. Starlight, she's gone too far. She's hurting ponies, and she needs to be stopped. Sora and the others are fighting off the Heartless, but we need your help to stop her. Please, you're the only one who can reach her."

"Starlight...Starlight!" He tried to push himself up, only to fall back again, the mare catching him before he did so. "I...She...I have to get to Starlight!"

Fluttershy held him steady, her wings fluttering nervously. "I know, but you're still weak. Let me help you up." She carefully lifted him to his hooves, supporting him as he stumbled a bit. "We need to hurry. Sora and the others are fighting against the Heartless as we speak, and they need our help. Can you walk?"

"I...Think I can...I...you said Heartless?" The stallion questioned. "Is...wait...is that the name of those dark creatures in the lab?" The stallion shivered. "They...They went wild and...they attacked everyone...I...I moved to protect Starlight but..." He shook his head. "You said we have to stop her...she...is she controlling them now?"

Fluttershy nodded, "She is...Starlight is controlling them. She's using them to hurt others, and we need to stop her before it's too late."

Sunburst's eyes widened in shock. "Starlight...how...I don't...She was always so kind and caring...I mean yes she was a bit rude...but..."

"I...I think it's because...she wanted to save you." The mare told him. "I think…She convinced herself that using the Heartless to save you is the only way, but she's wrong." She closed her eyes. "Sora...my...My friend. He tired to tell her but she didn't listen to him."

"That's...just like Starlight..She hates to be proven wrong right until the end…." Sunburst frowned as he looked towards the shy mare. "You're right. I need to get to Starlight. It usually takes time but I'm the one that can get though that thick skull of hers...Think...you could help me to her miss..."

"Fluttershy...My name is Fluttershy. Its...um...Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine," He said with a smile before looking ahead. "Let's go, Fluttershy. We can't waste any more time. Starlight needs me."

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