• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

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Just Like the Wind

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Just Like the Wind

"Ven...tus? " That was the first word out of Fluttershy's mouth as both herself and Rainbow looked at the creature standing before them. A creature not unlike Sora.

The blond haired boy smiled, giving the mare a nod. "Yeah. Though you can call me Ven if you want to Fluttershy." He looked from the yellow mare and towards the blue one. "And you too Rainbow Dash. All my friends call me Ven."

The rainbow maned mare reared back. "You know...W-wait. How the hey do you know our names?"

The boy smiled. "It's not just you I know. Rarity...Twilight and the rest of the girls."

"B-But we've never met you before," Fluttershy said softly, her eyes widening in shock and confusion.

"Yeah! She’s right! So how the hey do you know our names, pal!?" Rainbow Dash asked, her head lowering as if she was on the verge rushing him.

"Well...You can blame him for that." He motioned towards Sora. "It's because of him that I'm in his heart now after all."

The timid of the two mare’s gaze rested upon the human the blond haired boy motioned to, his breathing heavy and labored as he lay within her hooves. "In...His heart? What do you...What does that mean?"

"This place..." The boy’s eyes looked around at the void around him. "This place Is Sora's heart. In other words, we are inside Sora's inner self."

"His...inner self?" Fluttershy's eyes looked around herself before allowing them to fall to the ground below her, eyes widening at the sight. "This...picture...Is that...Sora?"

Rainbow blinked before looking down herself. Not getting a good look at it, she flew high into the sky, her own eyes widening by degrees. Below her was sure enough something akin to the stained glass windows back at Canterlot. This one depicting a somewhat younger looking boy with brown hair. One she knew right away as being Sora.

Beside him, in small pictures were four others. A creature that looked like a weird diamond dog. She was sure that was that Goofy person. And the duck must be Donald. Just below them was two other humans. One more masculine than the other. She could tell the one that was Riku right away...which would make the other one Kairi.

All of that wasn't what surprised her though. Around the rim of the pillar, were symbols. More than a few resembling the crown cutie mark she knew Sora would have in his pony form. Beyond that though, she recognized what would come after every crown. It would be pictures of Lightning bolts...Apples...Stars...Balloons...Butterflies...and the last being gems.

Even if she didn't say it, she knew right away what it all meant.

Slowly the mare flew back down, landing before both her friend and the blond haired boy as her hoof grasped at her own heart. "O-Okay...maybe that's true..." Rainbow began before frowning. "But...Sora never said anything about you before."

"He only just found out about me within his heart...much to both of our surprise," The boy explained. "We were going to figure it out later since he had all this to deal with. Because of that I've been watching you guys...at least when I could. I know all of you pretty welll, even though we've never had a chance to meet in person until now."

"How did you even get in his heart?" Rainbow questioned with a raised eyebrow. "How did we even get in his heart?"

Ventus folded his arms about his chest, an action that seemed very reminiscent of Sora when he was deep in thought, "Well...to tell you the truth...I've been here for a long time. Asleep for most of it but...a long time nonetheless." He turned to the two mares. "As for you and Fluttershy...I think Sora, because of what was happening, opened his heart to let you in."

"What was happening...you mean...Sora getting hurt?" The timid of the two mare’s asked as she visibly shrank away at the boy's words, her part in him getting her once again playing within her mind. Yet despite the hurt she felt for her own actions, she couldn't help but look down with wonder at the keyblade wielder in her hooves her voice, barely a whisper. "He...let us enter?"

"It's just what I think anyway." He rubbed the back of his head. "And honestly…it sounds like something he would do."

"Now that you mentioned it...He said something weird like this happened when he fought some guy named Roxas back in his story." Rainbow spoke before casting her gaze back at the blond haired boy. "Still, you didn't answer how you got here, buddy."

Ventus chuckled softly as he rubbed the back of his head. "Hehe...Sorry..." He looked towards the brown haired boy in Fluttershy's hooves for just a little bit before nodding. "I think I have at least a little time before I need to do what I gotta do. Still, I'll make this as quick as I can..." Lowering himself to the ground, the blond haired boy allowed himself to sit in front of the others. "Right...so...where to begin...I guess I should start with when Sora and I first connected." He looked up. "Back when he first saved me."

Fluttershy's eyes widened in surprise, "Saved you? How...and...um...From what?"

"Well...the first time he saved me...it was when my heart was separated," He raised his head, chopping the air in two in front of him "Torn in two parts...Light on one side...Darkness on the other."

"W-What? That can...happen?" Rainbow Dash asked, her curiosity peaked. "How does that even happen?"

"It was....Xehanort. My master...well...My former master was the one to cut my heart into two pieces."

"Geeze..." The blue pegasus whispered before her ears perked up. "But...I mean to get rid of your darkness...Isn't that a good thing?"

Ventus shook his head, "I've learned that it's not so simple. Everyone, no matter how kind or how evil, harbors both light and darkness within them. It is what makes you human...or...in your case pony. if you were to cut one or the other off...what do you have left?" He shook his head. “Besides…I never asked to be cut. Darkness or not, it's mine.”

Both mares were quiet at the boy's words, Fluttershy being the first to brake it this time. "So...what did Sora do then? How did he save you?"

The blond haired boy gently touched his chest, the place where his heart would be. "When it was fractured... my heart, I mean... he found me. He told me he was a brand-new heart, and said he followed my light." The blond haired boy smiled softly. "I just thought he was curious so I told him what happened, I was going to die anyway...so I didn't have anything to hide. It was much to my surprise though that, without a second thought, he told me to join my heart with his. He filled in the gap that was missing and... he saved me."

"As a new heart...You mean like as when he was just a foal? That's…gah…" Rainbow was about to scoff but her gaze fell back to Sora, frowning." Geeze...I don't think I could say that's unbelievable knowing that block head and where we are now." She sighed before looking back towards Ventus. "You said twice though, right? What happened the second time?"

"The second time He saved me...It's the reason I'm in his heart now." The boy answered, looking down. "The darkness that formed from my heart, it wanted to merge back with me so that he could χ-blade...a weapon so powerful that it could open even Kingdom Hearts."

"Kingdom Hearts...that's the place that Xehanort want's, isn't it?" Fluttershy asked, concern etched on her face.

"Yeah..." Ventus frowned, his hand clenching into a fist. "Master Xehanort desired Kingdom Hearts. While my friends were fighting him he sent my darkness after me to create the χ-blade."

"But why would he do such a thing?" the shy mare timidly asked, her hoof gently clutching onto Sora's hand.

"He believed that a clash between absolute light and darkness was the sole way to bring forth the χ-blade," Ventus explained. "And so...he pitted me against the darkness that was in my heart..." the boy looked down. "I didn't want that...so...I did the only thing I could do. I fought my darkness...my brother...and...I shattered my own heart, destroying us both."

The two mares gasped in shock at the boy's words, their eyes widening in disbelief. Fluttershy's grip on Sora's hand tightened, her heart aching for the pain the blond haired boy had gone through. "That's...that's horrible," she murmured softly.

Rainbow Dash's expression turned serious as she spoke, "But you're here now...inside Sora's heart. How did that happen?"

"I'm here because Sora called out to me. His voice cut through the darkness around me and I followed it to him." Slowly, he stood back up and made his way towards the suffering hero. "He was only a child when I met him that second time. I was just...a speck of light and even then...he could feel my sadness." He placed his hand back over his heart. "I...Didn't have any right to do so...but I asked if I could stay with him...at least for a little while. He didn't even stop to consider it."

Ventus closed his eyes as he looked down. "He just opened up his heart and let me in. That's how I came to reside in his heart ever since." Ventus looked down at Sora, his eyes softening at the sight of the brown-haired boy's pain.

"Sora saving ponies... even when he was a foal, huh?" the rainbow maned pegasus murmured. "Yeah, that sounds about right for that idiot." She gently flew to Sora's side. "You said you could save him... How are you going to do that?"

"When that white pony, Celestia, brought him over with her magic and turned him into a pegasus, she unknowingly locked his magic within him," Ventus explained. "What I'm going to do is free it, whatever it takes." He held out his hand and before too long, light began to build within his palm. In an instance, an object formed. A very familiar weapon, despite its different look.

"That's...A keyblade!" Rainbow gasped. "Wait! You're a keyblade wielder too?!"

Ventus smiled softly, nodding his head. "Yeah. I was trained as a keyblade wielder along my friends Terra and Aqua." He looked down at the keyblade in his hand before turning his gaze towards Sora. "Using this...I think I can undo the lock that holds his magic."

"Unlock...his magic?" The cyan mare spoke. "But...what would that even do?"

"With at least part of his magic unlocked, he should be able to use his spells... most importantly, Cure," Ventus explained. "It's a powerful healing spell that can even bring those at the brink of death back... at least if he's fast enough to use it on someone."

Fluttershy frowned as her mind began to race. Her mistakes in all of this. The part she played in hurting Sora. It could all be corrected in such a simple way. Sora could live...and she could beg for his forgiveness....But...something was gnawing at the back of her mind. Something important. Slowly, she shifted her gaze from Ventus to Sora, the boy barely breathing, even in his heart. "W-Wait...Ventus...before we start...I...What's going to happen to you?"

Ventus paused, his gaze softening as he looked towards the shy mare. "You...Don't have to worry about me, Fluttershy. Sora's going to be okay soon so..."

"Stop..." Fluttershy all but yelled, cutting the boy off. "You... I mean... I'm sorry but...you didn't answer the question." She glanced towards Sora. "What's...going to happen to you?"

The blond haired boy sighed softly, his eyes closing for a moment before opening once more. "I...I don't know," he admitted. "Using my keyblade like this...it's going to take a lot out of me. Best case...I fall back to sleep again...Worst case...I...fade away."

Fluttershy's eyes widened in shock and horror at the boy’s words. "What?! No...you can't just...fade away. There has to be another way."

The other Keyblade wielder blinked, taken aback by Fluttershy's concern. Slowly, he chuckled before letting out a soft yet hearty laugh. When the laughter subsided, he gave Fluttershy a warm smile.

“Geeze…Sora really does know how to pick his friends." He held up his blade, pointing the tip at Sora once again. "Still...Thanks, but there's no time now...I knew the risk and I'm sure Sora would have figured it out too...it's why I waited until he couldn't resist to show myself. He would have tried to stop me."

"That...sounds like something spiky would do alright..." The rainbow mare joked, though her own voice betrayed her worry for the situation at hand.

Fluttershy, on the other hand, eyes welled up with tears, her heart clenching at the thought of losing such a kindhearted being. "But...you can't just sacrifice yourself like this," she whispered, her voice shaking with emotion. "It's not fair."

Ventus shook his head, his eyes softening as he looked towards the shy mare. "Life isn't fair, Fluttershy," he said softly. "But sometimes, we have to make sacrifices for the people we care about."

The shy mare lowered her head before slowly lifting it back to face Ventus, tears running down her face. "Then... if we do this... then... promise me... promise me you won't fade away. If you do...Then Sora will be...He won't forgive himself...so please!" The shy mare's gaze fell back to Sora. "Promise me that you will find a way to hang on...so that we can find some way to save you too!"

The blond haired boy's eyes lowered, catching the mare's tears falling on Sora's hand, a sight that was all too familiar to him. "Geeze...you ponies..." He gently rubbed the back of his head, expressing a soft sigh. With a warm smile now gracing his lips, he raised his free hand, giving her a thumbs up, "Okay...I promise, Fluttershy. I'll do everything I can to make sure Sora's magic is unlocked. And I'll be okay when this is all over."

Fluttershy let out a sob of relief, her heart feeling lighter at Ventus' words. "Thank you," she whispered.

"You don't have to thank me," he responded gently. "We'll do our best for Sora...So he won't be sad anymore then he is." Now ready, more than ever before, he pointed his keyblade towards Sora. The blond haired boy focused intently, channeling the energy through his Keyblade, filling the room with a soft, vibrant light that resembled Sora's own. A gentle beam extended from the tip of his Keyblade, connecting to Sora's chest. As the beam made contact, a soft click resonated throughout the void.

Sora's body was illuminated by a bright, blinding light that made both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash cover their eyes. As the intense radiance began to subside, the room's atmosphere lightened. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash slowly lowered their hooves, their eyes widening in disbelief and awe as the light dissipated. When their vision adjusted, they both let out audible gasps at the miraculous transformation before them. Sora's form had changed, his body now that of the familiar pegasus pony that they had met when all of this began.

The blue pegasus's eyes widened in surprise. "Woah...He...He turned back into a pony?"

"Is...Is this what was supposed to happen? Ventus?" Fluttershy's focus shifted towards the blond haired boy, only for her to gasp in shock at what she saw before her. The blond haired boy was slowly but surely fading away.

As Ventus's luminous form dissipated, he cast a fleeting glance at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, a soft smile gracing his lips. "I'm sorry... I won't be able to hold on much longer," he murmured as his figure began to fade. The radiant particles ascended, dissipating into the surrounding atmosphere.

Fluttershy instinctively moved to assist, but Ventus gently halted her with an outstretched hand. "Don't... I promised, didn't I? I'll hold on. So, don't worry about me." His gaze drifted to his fading hands, clenching them tightly. "Please, tell Sora... I'll be asleep for a while. And tell him...I hope he forgives me for leaving him like this."

Fluttershy nodded, tears streaming down her face as she watched Ventus fade away. "I will...I promise," she choked out.

The boy smiled brighter. "Thanks..." With that said, his eyes would close as his last light vanished into the ether, leaving the shy mare and the brash pegasus alone with the now changed human once again.

They were quiet for only a few moments before the rainbow maned pegasus stood up, pulling Sora with her as she did so. "We...We have to go back right now. He might have his magic but it won't mean Celestia's butt if he doesn't use it on himself now!"

The timid mare nodded as she too stood up, helping her friend hold the stallion. "R-Right...but...where do we go from here? How do we get back?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes darted around the room, searching for any sign of a way out. "I...I don't know," she admitted. "But we gotta try something. We...h-huh?"

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at her friend who had suddenly stopped talking, her magenta eyes looking off into the distance. Following her friend's gaze she found the object of her friend's attention. It was a door. One she would swear was not there before.

"W-Where did that...come from?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "I don't know and I don't care. For all we know that Ventus kid opened it for us. Let's just go through it and get out of here. We still have a Sora to save!" She led the way towards the door, with Fluttershy following right beside her, both mare's supporting Sora's weight.

As they reached the portal, it creaked open slowly, revealing a bright light on the other side. Without hesitation, Rainbow Dash stepped through the door, pulling her friends behind her.


All at once everything happened.

Rainbow's eyes shot open just as the crystalized bubble fell away from around both her friends. Despite her spinning head, the blue mare rushed to her friend's side, slipping on the other side of Sora. Fluttershy, already gently cradling his body in her lap, tears streaming down her face, looked at the blue mare in disbelief before gasping, her gaze falling back to the wounded Sora.

"H...He has to heal! He has to use his magic to heal himself!"

Rainbow Dash nodded, determination in her eyes. "Right, we have to get him to use his magic." She turned her attention to Sora, gently taking his hoof in hers. "Come on, Sora. Use your magic, we know you can do it."

The stallion groaned, his eyelids fluttering as he slowly regained what consciousness he had left. "Rainbow Dash?" he murmured weakly, his voice hoarse. "Fluttershy?"

"We're here, Sora," The shy mare responded for the both of them. "You have to summon your Keyblade! You have to use your magic to heal yourself! Please!"

"My...magic..." His eyes widened. "Ventus...he..."

"He unlocked it for you," Rainbow Dash finished for him, giving his hoof a gentle squeeze. "Now you just have to use it to heal yourself, Sora. Come on, you can do it."

Sora's breathing was shallow as he concentrated on summoning his Keyblade. With a flick of his hoof, the weapon appeared within it, and he closed his eyes, focusing on channeling his magic through it. The blade began to glow with a soft light, faint at first but slowly, but slowly would grow brighter and brighter. Lifting his blade into the sky, he gritted his teeth before opening his eyes, the word of power coming to him in a flash.


Just as he says the words, a green aura danced in a circle and a flower bloomed overhead. It caressed both mare's fur, relieving what little aches either of them had before the minty scent tickling their nose. Sora breathed slowly before opening his eyes fully. Slowly but surely he sat up fully as both mare pulled away from him. Looking down at his hoof, he frowned before looking away and closing his eyes. "Ventus..." He shook his head before opening his eyes again. "Alright...Let's save our friends!"

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