• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,732 Views, 1,590 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Keyblade Crusading

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Keyblade Crusading

Apple Family Orchard
Cutie Mark Crusader's Treehouse

Scootaloo's tiny hooves hammered against the wooden table, creating a sharp staccato that echoed through the treehouse. The other three members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and extra member Babs Seed quickly settled into their seats, their eyes bright with anticipation as the orange pegasus gained their undivided attention.

"Alright girls, since we played catch up with the leader of the Manehatten branch of our little organization yesterday, we’re totally going all out on our main mission for today."

Apple Bloom nodded eagerly. "We’re all ears, Scootaloo! What's the plan?"

“Yeah! You seemed pretty excited when you came to get me this morning.” Sweetie Belle squeaked. “You got something up your sleeve for us to get our cutie mark today?”

The pegasus filly smirked, her wings buzzing with unrestrained energy. "And for good reason too. Now hear me out. We tried everything when it came to finding our cutie mark...at least everything we could think of so far. Sooooo…I’ve been thinking long and hard about what we haven't tried."

The white unicorn’s ears perked up with curiosity as her muzzle scrunched. "But…if we tried everything, what can we do if everything was already done?"

"I’m glad you asked my unicorn friend!" Scootaloo mused as she pointed at the white filly. "Yes we did try everything...in Equestira. But what about the one thing that’s new that came from outside of Equestra?"

Babs raised an eyebrow at the question. "The one thing that's new?" her ears perked and a soft gasp escaped her lips. "Oh wait. You's talkin' 'bout that Sora fella, aren't ya?"

Scoot’s eyes lit up, nodding enthusiastically before pointing towards the other orange filly in the room. "Yes, that's exactly it, Babs!” she rubbed the back of her head, “Or...well...part of it. See I was thinking we could use the knowledge Sora told us to our advantage and find a way to do the same things he can do, see?"

"Hmm...I mean it is an idea and all but I don't think we have a Gummie Ship on hoof like Sora does." Apple Bloom shook her head softly. "And even if we did, ah'm sure our sisters would be mighty angry if we try and go off world and what not."

The pegasus waved her hoof dismissively. "Oh no, I'm not talking about anything crazy like that, Apple Bloom. We don't need a Gummie Ship for what I’m thinking we should do.”

"What are ya thinkin', Scootaloo?" Babs leaned forward, intrigued by the orange pegasus’s idea. “Cause I’m kinda lost ya know.”

“Do I really have to spell it out for you girls?” Scootaloo asked, looking between the girls as each one gave the orange mare a wistful nod. Rolling her eyes and sighing deeply, the pegasus leaned forwards. "Okay so…What if we could summon our own Keyblades?" she whispered, excitement bubbling in her voice.

The room fell into a stunned silence, broken only by the faint rustle of the wind outside and the creaking of the treehouse. Apple Bloom blinked rapidly, trying to process Scootaloo's words. "Summon our...our own Keyblades?" she repeated, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Think about it." Scootaloo pointed towards her head, emphasizing the point. "Imagine the adventures we could go on, the battles we could fight, and the worlds we could explore!” She glanced around at each of their stunned faces, a grin spreading across her own as she continued. “With our own Keyblades, we could be just like Sora, traveling to new worlds and helping those in need. We could finally find our true purpose and earn our cutie marks in the process!”

Sweetie Belle frowned. “I think you just want to do the first part of what you said, Scoots.”

“That is not the point!” The orange pegasus countered. “We will have our own keyblades guys!”

Babs leaned back in her chair, a skeptical expression on her face. "I dunno, Scoots. Gettin' our own Keyblades does sound cool and all, no matter how stupid of a concept it is…but…how do we go about that?"

“Already thought of a plan for that girls.” She reached into her saddle bag and slammed a map onto the table in front of them. Opening it, she pointed towards a familiar looking tree that was also a house. “We go to Twilight’s Library!”

“Twilight's Library?” Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow, her mind racing to make sense of Scootaloo's plan. "What's going to Twilight's library gonna do for us?"

“Are you girls seriously not following what I’m putting down here?” Scootaloo deadpanned.

Apple Bloom exchanged a glance with Sweetie Belle and Babs Seed, confusion evident in their expressions. Finally, Apple Bloom spoke up, voicing the question that lingered in all their minds. "Okay Scoots, why don’t ya tell us what Twilight’s Library have to do with summoning Keyblades?"

The orange pegasus groaned, slamming a hoof onto her face and dragging it down. “Think about it girls! Who's the one pony that would be studying everything that Sora told us back at the barn party?" As Scootaloo posed the question, realization slowly dawned on the faces of her friends, the farm filly being the first to speak out.

"Oh! I get it now! Twilight might know how to help us summon our own Keyblades!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

“Oh But…Isn’t Twilight not here today?” Sweetie spoke up with a frown. “You told us that yesterday, right Apple Bloom?”

Babs crossed her hooves over her chest. “Guess that would put a damper on things then? If this Twilight mare ain't around, how are we gonna get to her library?"

A soft click of their teeth came from Scootaloo’s way, her hoof wagging back and forth. “If you remember, only Twilight left for Canterlot. If that's the case, who would be keeping an eye on the library at this time?”

The question hung in the air for a moment before Apple Bloom’s eyes widened in realization. “Spike!” she exclaimed, her voice filled with newfound hope. “Spike’s still in Ponyville! He could help us get into the library and find out what we need to know about summoning Keyblades!”

“Now hang on, AB,” Scootaloo said, “After what we did back in the Crystal Empire, no way Spike is gonna let us in on any information dealing with anything Keyblade related or the such,” She smirked. “But…if somepony were to, I don’t know, get him away from the place…”

Apple Bloom's eyes widened as she caught on to Scootaloo's plan. "You're thinkin' of having somepony distracting Spike while the rest of us sneak into the library and look for information on Keyblades, aren't ya?" she asked, leaning forward. “That actually might work.”

“But who do you think is gonna do that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo deflated ever so slightly at the new question. “Ah…Well…that's what I’ve been trying to wreck my brain over for a while. What can we use to draw Spike out of the library…Rarity isn’t here…and I doubt he would leave for just anything…”

“Well…if nopony else has a plal…I think I can do it.” the white filly responded with a smile

The rest of the fillies looked Sweetie’s way, a chorus of, “Huh?” escaping everyone’s lips.

She smiled brighter, “Well I’ve been studying Rarity for a while and I’m pretty sure I got her personality down pact. All I have to do is get Spike to cave into my feminine charms and lead him away for a while, right? Easy peasy!”

"Okay, wait a minute," Apple Bloom interjected, concern evident in her voice. "Sweetie, are you sure about this? Trying to distract Spike with feminine charms might not be the best idea..."

Sweetie Belle chuckled, waving off Apple Bloom's worries. "Oh please, it'll be fine! I've seen Rarity handle situations like this with ease. It's all about grace, poise, and a little bit of charm. I can do this!"

The girls looked between each other at Sweetie’s confidence, all three sighing softly before Scootaloo spoke for the three of them.

“Well…If she says she can do it then let her.” The orange pegasus smirked. “Alright then ladies…I think we have a plan.” The four friends exchanged determined looks, the thrill of adventure coursing through their veins. Scootaloo rose to her hooves, her wings buzzing with excitement. "Alright, cutie mark crusaders - Keyblade wielders extraordinaire! Let's make our way to the library and find out how we can summon our own Keyblades!"



Royal Training Grounds

A sudden chill ran down Sora’s spine as he looked off into a seemingly random direction, a frown forming on his features soon after.

“Sora?” Snapped at his sudden trance, he turned towards Trixie who had called out to him, the show mare holding up a piece of burnt cardboard that the stallion’s magic had all but destroyed, its simmering embers floating into the wind. Tossing it aside, she tilted her head before speaking once again. “Is something the matter? Trixie noticed that you are spacing out.”

The stallion shook the foreboding feeling off his mind, giving the mare a reassuring smile. “Naw. I’m okay. Might have just overused my magic is all.”

“Well Trixie does think you had been over using your spells a bit,” The show mare remarked with a curt nod, “Perhaps she shall allow you to take a break for now. You have shown her more than enough of your skill for you to satisfy her curiosity after all.” She smiled as she held out her hoof towards him. “You shall praise your friend for being such a good…ah” She de…friend.”

Sora nodded, though he couldn’t help the roll of his eyes as he reached out to clap Trixie's hoof with his own. "Yeah sure. Thanks Trixie. You’re the best. Still, a break would do me some good." He blushed brightly as he heard a small growling from his torso, his hoof quickly moving towards the offending spot. “Getting kinda hungry anyway.” He turned towards the mare with a wide smile. “Up for some grub?”

"Well…Trixie can’t say no to food. Not when she is just as hungry as you are after alll." The show mare frowned. “But where can we go? Trixie doesn’t quite have the bits on her for a full meal in this expensive city after all.”

“No need to go out. We can just find something here in the castle.” The keyblade wielder exclaimed. “I ate here before so I at least know the way to the servant's Cafeteria.”

The blue unicorn raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "The servant's cafeteria? That doesn't sound very glamorous, but in Trixe’s line of work, beggars can’t be choosers. Trixie supposes it will have to do.” Gesturing for the stallion to lead, she smirked. “Lead the way, oh magical pegasus stallion.”

Sora rolled his eyes again but couldn’t help but smile softly, happy to oblige her even if she hadn’t worded it in such a way. Together, they made their way back into the castle from the training grounds, the show mare doing most of the talking along the way.

Despite seeing it first hand, Trixie would still go on about the stallion’s abilities. “You really are an odd case Sora.” The mare mused, for what seemed like, at least for Sora, the tenth time. “If only Trixie had found such a blade herself. Think of the tricks she could pull off” He leaned towards the stallion, giving him her widest grin. “Are you sure you don’t want to become Trixie’s assistant? Just think of the shows the two of us could put on. There would be no place with locks that Trixie could not escape.”

"As tempting as that sounds, Trixie,” The stallion responded, “I think I'll stick to being a Keyblade Wielder for now. I mean I still have a world to save after all" He flashed her a playful grin. “But hey, maybe we can make up a performance after everything settles down.”

Trixie pouted at Sora's reply, "She will hold you to that you know." She spun around dramatically, her cape billowing as she posed in front of the stallion. “Oh! I can already see it. The Great and Powerful Trixie and the Hero of Equestria! The best of friends and the most magical of ponies!”

The stallion raised an eyebrow at the mare, a smile playing on his face. “Oh? We’re best friends now?”

"Of course, Sora! Trixie has deemed you worthy of being her best friend!" She declared dramatically before turning away, her nose up in the air. "But don't let it get to your head now. You could very well lose the spot if someone better comes along after all."

“Ha!” A soft laugh escaped the stallion’s lips. “Then I’ll try and stay on your good side, Trixie.”

It wasn’t long before the two of them reached the castle's servant cafeteria, Sora and Trixie both greeted by the delicious aroma of freshly cooked meals. The sound of chatter and laughter filling the air all around them.

“Goodness.” Trixie mused as she stepped further within, looking at all the ponies mill about with either food or friends. “Trixie has been to a few fancy restaurants before…but this is…”

The stallion had to agree, knowing full well what the mare would have said. He had been within this hall before but never really paid attention to most of what was around him at the time. Now though, he could fully appreciate it. The castle cafeteria was a grand hall with high ceilings and arched windows that let a warm glow from the sun inside. He could see that the tables were round and scattered throughout the room, surrounded by chairs with intricate designs. The walls were adorned with tapestries and paintings, giving the hall a regal atmosphere.

Trixie was right. It really did look like an upscale restaurant.

Turning back towards the mare after their group stupor, he smiled. “Should we pick a place to sit after we grab some food?”

Trixie's eyes sparkled with excitement as she surveyed the bustling cafeteria, taking in the sights and smells with keen interest. "Absolutely! And let's find a spot by the window, shall we? Trixie prefers to have a view while she dines," she declared with a flourish, leading the way with the stallion following after her.

After grabbing some plates and filling them with an assortment of dishes, Sora and Trixie found a spot to the show mare’s liking and began to dig in. Trixie, as she did so, recounted tales of her mesmerizing performances across different lands, the mare the most excited her had ever seen her, at least since he showed her his magic skills.

Sora listened attentively to Trixie's stories, captivated by her animated retellings. Despite having been a bit of a traveler himself, he couldn’t help his need to know about new lands. A bit of a holdover from his childhood years. As Trixie finished recounting a particularly daring escape act involving disappearing fireworks, a sheet of aluminum foil and a colorful string, a pair of blue hooves hit the table in front of them, causing both mare and stallion to jump in surprise at the sudden interruption.

“So this is where you were! I’ve been looking all over for your spiky butt!”

The stallion blinked as he looked into the angry magenta colored eyes staring a hole right through him. If looks could kill, he would at least be down to his last hit point.

"R-Rainbow Dash?" Sora stammered, taken aback by the fiery look in her eyes.

Trixie frowned, her hooves folding across her chest in annoyance. "And here Trixie was, thinking that she would have a nice outing with a good friend, and who shows up but Rainbow Crash to ruin it all.”

The glare turned towards the show mare. “Wanna say that again ya fake magician?”

The stallion quickly placed himself between the two mares before they could really bite each other. “H-Hey there, Dash! It's…ah…have a good time with the rest?”

Rainbow Dash scowled at the keyblade wielder, her gaze flickering between him and Trixie. "Don't try to sweet-talk your way out of this, Spiky. You owe me an explanation," she hissed, her tone accusatory. “First you don’t come out of your room when I come and get you. That I can forgive. Cool. Whatever. But now when I come to see if you are okay, I found not only that you are not in your room but you are hanging out with….her.” She points to the other blue mare besides Sora. “But also that you are laughing and having fun while doing so when you were a sad sack this morning!”

Trixie raised an eyebrow at angry, her expression shifting from annoyance to defiance. “And what, pray tell, is wrong with 'hanging out' with me? Trixie will have you know that she is excellent company!” The show mare huffed before fixing Rainbow Dash with a challenging stare.

“Hey, come on now. There’s no need for name-calling or hostility, you two,” Sora said, glancing between Trixie and Rainbow Dash. He turned towards the former. “I’m sorry I made you worry about me, Dash. I honestly wasn’t feeling the best at that point in time but…Now I do. I had a talk with a friend over breakfast and…kinda made me see some things in a new light is all.” He watched as the rainbow maned mare’s glare turned towards Trixie. “It wasn’t her, Dash. It was of the Princess kind.”

“Trixie can be a princess if she wants to,” the show mare retorted as she raised her nose to the sky. “But no, it wasn’t Trixie he had breakfast with. She found him talking to a unicorn stallion when she had come back to the castle.”

“Okay…fine…” Rainbow huffed. “Still, doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. You made a promise, remember? To talk about what the princess said to you last night.” She frowned. “And don’t you dare say it wasn’t anything big because you wouldn’t have acted the way you did this morning if it wasn’t.”

Sora sighed, knowing that Rainbow Dash wouldn't let this go easily. He couldn’t tell her everything…not yet…but...he owed her something…

Relenting, the stallion sighed and shook his head “I know Rainbow…And sorry for holding off for so long.” Taking a deep breath he looked the mare in the eyes. “Listen, the princess wanted to let me know about my magic…about how dangerous it was for…a pegasus like me to use it.” He frowned, flicking an eye towards Trixie as a soft hint. “Like…deadly dangerous. Because of what Ventus did, though, it's all better now. She just…wanted to let me know what happened.”

Rainbow’s expression softened slightly at Sora's explanation, her initial anger giving way to concern. "Wait, so you mean to tell me that using your magic could have... seriously hurt you before?"

“It could have before, but not now. She said I was all good to go.”

"Whoa…” The rainbow maned mare sat down, frowning. “That's... intense. I had no idea your magic was that risky to use," she said, her tone softening as she glanced at Sora. "Then…you’re okay?”

“Better than okay, if you have to ask.” Trixie mused. “Why, he has been showing off his magical prowess earlier today. Quite a show, too! Trixie would even say that he is a master”

“Well.” Sora interjected. “I wouldn’t say that. I mean…My skills are way below what my friend, Donald can do. Kind of a wall short of a full barn in that regard…”

Rainbow couldn’t help the huff of a laugh that escaped her lips. “Haha…You’ve…been hanging around AJ too long…”

A faint blush hit the stallion’s cheeks at the mare’s words, rubbing the back of his head. "Well I do live with her and her family. Can’t say I didn’t pick up a thing or two from them."

“Yeah…she tends influence a lot of ponies.” The blue pegasus frowned. “Still…back on topic. Are you sure you’re okay now? No magic backlash or anything stupid like that right?”

Nodding reassuringly, he smiled at the mare. “No magic backlash or anything like that. My capacity for magic is still a bit low but…I’m sure it will build back over time.”

Rainbow Dash nodded, a smirk playing on her lips as she reached out to ruffle the top of Sora's head affectionately. "Alright, Spiky. As long as you're sure you're okay, then I guess I can let it slide this time.” She gave the stallion a light punch on his shoulder. “And I won’t tell the others you are on a date with Trixie of all ponies.”

The show mare sputtered in indignation at Rainbow Dash's words, her cheeks flushing slightly. "W-Wha! This is not a date! We're just… hanging out as friends!"

"W-What she said!” The stallion added, “I wouldn’t hurt Fluttershy like that!"

“Oh?” The brash mare mused with a raised eyebrow, a grin growing slowly upon her lips, “Who the hey said Fluttershy?”

If Sora’s face could be any redder without danger of him passing out, it would have been, “I-It’s…I mean…I…” He looked one way. “I didn’t…” He looked another. “What I mean is…” He stood up. “Oh hey! I forgot I’m needed somewhere else!” Before any of the mare’s could stop him, he would jump over the table before practically flying out the door, leaving both Rainbow and Trixie behind and in trail of tan feathers.

The stallion ran until he was out of sight of the pair, stopping only when he felt he had put enough distance between them and knew that they weren’t following him. Rainbow gave him a convenient excuse to leave after all and he happily took advantage of it. Now, once again alone, he was left with his thoughts about the whole conversation, a frown forming on his face.

Geeze…Sorry…I didn’t tell you the whole truth Rainbow…how could I? If I did…I’m sure Fluttershy would…she would blame herself for what happened to me…and then I…I would lose her?

Sora took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest at the thought of not wanting to see Fluttershy hurt.

Do I really…care that much for her?

Placing a hoof on his heart, he closed his eyes.



Near Golden Oaks Library

Apple Bloom, Sweetie belle, Scootaloo and Babs Seed all peaked from around the building they were hiding behind, the four fillies scanning the area around Golden Oaks Library before slipping back behind cover, the girls moving into a close huddle. It was the apple filly that spoke first, turning towards the unicorn filly. "You sure you got this, Sweets? Might need him busy for a long while we look for Twilight’s notes."

Sweetie, rolled her eyes, waving off her friend's concern as she addressed them all, "Oh please, I know what to do.”

The rest of the girls exchanged skeptical glances before turning back towards their friend, the apple filly speaking for them once again. “Well…I mean, not that we doubt ya Sweets but…ya never did tell us exactly what ya plan to do.”

"Oh, you know, just a little unicorn charming,” The little filly mused, “A few fluttering eyelashes, and some sweet words to top it off. He won't even know what hit him when I’m through with him!" She smiled as she slammed her hooves together. “In fact, I know he won’t know what hit him!” She turned towards her friends with a smirk “Annnnnnd if that doesn’t work, I’ll just hit him!” Before the others could stop her, she bounded away towards the door with a hop and a skip in her step.

Before her friends could stop her, Sweetie Belle slipped from behind the building to make her way confidently to the door of Golden Oaks Library, her mane flowing behind her as she swayed her hips with awkward and exaggerated grace.

Apple Bloom shook her head, a hoof flying towards her face. "Well, she's got confidence, that's for sure."

Scootaloo chuckled softly, nudging Babs with a hoof. "If coincidence means she looks like she got a stick up her but then yeah…she gots loads of it."

"Either way, let's hope she can pull this off and get Spike outta the library... if not, our plan was doomed from the start."

The rambunctious white unicorn filly approached the door of Golden Oaks Library, taking a deep breath as she pushed to channel her inner Rarity, mimicking her older sister’s charm and elegance as best as she could remember. Approaching the door with a confident smile on her face, she knocked daintily at first and waited.

After a few moments and finding that no one was coming, she tired again, a little harder than before but still doing her best to remain lady-like.

Once again no one came.

Frustrated, her hoof hit the door a bit harder this time, creating a loud banging noise she knew would echo through the quiet library. As she stepped back, huffing in annoyance, the door suddenly swung open to reveal a surprised Spike standing in the doorway, his eyes slightly bloodshot as though he had been sleeping just recently. The little drake’s eyes widened at the sight of Sweetie Belle, her expression shifting from frustration to a charming smile in an instant.

"Hi Spike," the little filly greeted, adding a soft sing-song flare to her tone of voice. "It's a beautiful day outside isn’t it? Just positively radiant."

“Ah…yeah… Hi Sweetie.” Spike blinked a few times, trying to process the unexpected visit from Sweetie Belle. Rubbing his eyes with a claw, he yawned before giving her a curious look. "What brings you here?” His eyes widened again as his little fins perked. “Is Rarity back!?”

“No, no, no. I am sorry to say she is not…buuuuuut. How about the next best thing?”

The dragon raised an eyebrow. “Fluttershy?”

Sweetie frowned. “No.”



“…Oh! Cheer-”

The filly huffed and pouted. “It’s me you dork!!” Calming herself and smiling again, she began to flutter her eyes. “A-Anyway, I was in town and I thought I would come and check up on my good friend Spike today. So…how ya been?”

Spike scratched his head, looking a bit puzzled at Sweetie Belle's sudden interest in checking up on him. He shifted uncomfortably on his feet before shrugging. "Oh, you know, same old same old. Just tending to the library and organizing Twi’s research and stuff. Nothing too exciting."

Sweetie Belle nodded, her eyes twinkling as she gently grabbed at the drake’s claw, holding it softly. "That's so sweet of you to help out like that. You're such a hard worker, Spike."

Spike's face turned a light shade of pink as he felt Sweetie Belle’s hoof on his claw. He wasn’t used to this level of attention from her and couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his chest at her words. Clearing his throat, he tried to play it cool. “Oh, well, you know, just doing my part to help out around here. Twilight has a lot on her plate, so I try to make things easier for her.”

Sweetie Belle smiled warmly at him, leaning in slightly as she batted her eyelashes. “You’re always so thoughtful and caring, Spike. It really shows what a wonderful dragon you are. In fact, Such a hard worker deserves to be treated and it just so happens that I saw a few gemstone cupcakes back at Sugarcube Corner. That’s the second reason why I’m here. I couldn’t help but think of my good buddy Spike as soon as I saw them.”

The little dragon’s eyes widened at the mention of the sweet, stony, treats, his mouth practically drooling at the thought of them.

Well…actually drooling honestly.

Quickly wiping his mouth and leaning against the door in a very ‘not interested but also very interested’ way, he gave his shoulders a shrug, "Well, I mean...I do love gemstone cupcakes, but…I really shouldn’t go. I mean the library is…”

“Oh pish posh.” The filly waved her hoof, knowing for a fact she had him in the palm of her hoof. All he needed was an extra push. “That silly library isn’t going anywhere. Besides, you mean to tell me that you are willing to leave a poor filly all alone on the day she invites you out to eat?” She pulls towards the little dragon, giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes. “I mean…if that’s how it is then…”

Feeling a mix of guilt and a strange fluttering in his chest he had never felt before except for when Rarity was near, he couldn’t help but relent to the little filly’s request. She did come all the way out here for him after all. With a sigh, he nodded in agreement. "Okay, okay, you win. But Only a few. Then I gotta get back to my sle-I mean cleaning! Yes…Cleaning."

With that he closed the door and allowed himself to be pulled by the arm by the white filly.

What he didn’t see was said filly turning her head to her hidden companions before giving them a big wink.

Scootaloo was the first to turn towards her friends with a confused look on her face. “I…Don’t even know how to explain what I just saw…”

“Seems Sweets been holding back on us when it comes ta getting her way.” Apple Bloom mussed, shivering a bit. “Hate ta see that power used in the wrong hooves…”

Running out in front of the other two she turned towards them with a wide smile, “Are we gonna be sitting on our flanks all day or are we gonna find those notes?” She turned towards the tree. “Lets get a move on ponies!”

The girls quickly followed after Apple Bloom’s cousin, their hooves clattering against the cobblestones as they hurried to catch up. It didn’t take long before a quick turn of the nob would allow the three fillies access into the silent tree home/public library of Twilight Sparkle. Now inside, they could smell the pleasant scent of old books and crips paper. As they slowly filed into the sun lit main room, none of them could deny the cozy atmosphere that the library provided. The perfect place for some light reading when it came down to it. The shelves were neatly organized, each book finding its place with care and precision.

“Don’t think I’ve ever been in here the last time I visited…” Babs spoke, looking around the area. “Not as stuffy as the public library back in Manehatten, that's for sure.”

“Yeah it's okay.” Scoots pipped up, shurging. “I mean not as cool as the skating park but whateves.”

“Alright, alright, enough gawking, girls,” Apple Bloom declared, taking charge of the situation. “Like Babs’s said. No time to be wasting. Let's split up and search for them notes.” She turned towards Babs. “Since ya the new gal, you git ta search around the front of the entrance and first floor, Also keep a lookout in cause Sweetie or Spike come back this way.” She turned towards the pegasus. “You get the top floor Scoots.And please be careful not to knock anything down you too. Ah’m sure Spike will notice. Ah’ll take the basement.”

Her cousin nodded. "Got it, AB. I'll keep watch and search around the entrance and first floor." With a determined expression, she trotted off towards the front of the library, her eyes scanning for any signs of Twilight's notes while also keeping an eye out for any incoming visitors.

Scootaloo saluted before darting towards the staircase leading to the upper level to complete her own task, her wings buzzing with excitement as she did so.

Nodding to herself, Apple Bloom made her way towards the basement’s door, opening it carefully before deciding down the narrow stairway, her hooves echoing softly upon the wooden ledges as she did so. Reaching the bottom, the apple filly flicked on the lights and began her own work, her eyes scanning for anything that might be of importance to Twilight's work with the Keyblade.

While the place wasn’t dusty by a long shot, Twilight always making sure to take care of her equipment, it certainly wasn’t the cleanest place. Books and boxes strolled here and there along the tables and walls. Searching this place was going to be a daunting task no matter how she looked at it

“Dang..What should ah even be looking for?” She tapped a hoof to her chin. “If Ah was a notebook filled with super secret stuff on Keyblades, where would ah be?”

“I would say the obvious, but I’m sure you’re not as dumb as you look.”

The little filly would have nearly screamed her head off if it wasn’t for the black wing that draped over her muzzle, silencing her. She squeaked as she looked up into the deep yellow eyes of the pony in front of her - a pony she hadn’t seen before. The newcomer had a mischievous grin playing on his lips as he removed his wing, a hoof to his lips telling her to be quite as he released her from the sudden silence. Apple Bloom stumbled back a few steps, her heart racing as she tried to gather herself.

“W-Who… who are you?” she managed to stammer out, eyeing the mysterious pony cautiously.

“Me?” the black stallion asked, pointing towards himself before turning away from her with a shake of his head and a shrug. “No one worth mentioning honestly.”

The filly huffed as she stepped towards the stranger, frowning, “T-Then what are ya doing here? This is Twilight’s home ya know.”

“Oh!” He gasped, chapping his hooves to his cheeks. “Please forgive me. I didn’t know.” Smirking, he turned towards the little one. “Oh that reminds me, what are you doing here? This is Twilight’s home ya know and I’m pretty sure you are not Twilight.”

Apple Bloom narrowed her eyes at the mysterious pony, sensing something off about his demeanor. She couldn't quite place it, but there was an air of mischievousness that made her hooves itch with unease. Stealing herself, she straightened her posture and replied with the lie she knew would work if anypony ever caught them…that wasn’t Spike of course, "W-we're here to help Twilight find some important notes for her research.”

The stallion raised an eyebrow, “Was that before or after you and your friends tricked the little dragon out of the house so you could break in?”

The farm filly’s eyes widened in shock at the sudden yet accurate accusation, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to come up with a response. She knew they were technically sneaking around the library, but breaking in felt like a strong word for what they were doing.

“Hey I’m not one to judge, mind you.” The black stallion quickly added, smirking at the mini panic attack she was about to have, “I mean if you want something you gotta take right? But gee…Guessing you girls might get in trouble if you get found out here…” He tapped a hoof to his chin, pretending to be lost in thought over the situation, “What to do, what to do…This is pretty damning information I have on you three after all…oh…make it four. I’m sure that white filly is in on this too after all,” Before Apple Bloom could respond, the mysterious pony's smile widened, and he trotted around her in a playful circle, his tail swishing behind him. "Hey now, I didn’t say I was gonna tell anyone. Who am I to spoil your fun after all? So…how about this…for scarring ya….”

Much to the little filly’s surprise, the stallion raised his hoof and within it, formed a keyblade. One that was very much different from Sora’s own. This one being a slick black, red and silver. A blue jewel that looked very much like an eye at the tip and the handle of the blade.

“Huh…W-Wait! That’s a Keyblade!?” She gasped as she looked towards the black stranger. “You’re a keyblade wielder like Sora?”

The mysterious pony chuckled at Apple Bloom's question, twirling the keyblade in his hoof with practiced ease. "Opps you found me!" he replied with a wink. "Well it's not like there is only one Keyblade Wielder after all. My brother is one too." He pointed the blade towards a nearby chest, a beam of light shooting form the tip and opening it in one fell swoop. “There. I think this is what you girls are looking for, right?”

Apple Bloom's eyes widened in astonishment as the chest opened to reveal a collection of neatly organized papers and notebooks, exactly what they had been searching for. She couldn't believe her luck as she stepped forward to examine the contents, her heart racing with excitement.

"Wow, you found them!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. Turning towards the stallion she beamed a bright smile. "Thank you so much, Mister!"

The mysterious pony grinned, twirling the keyblade once more before making it disappear with a flick of his hoof. "Hey, No problem at all," he replied casually, his demeanor relaxed yet somehow still mysterious. "Just consider it a favor between fellow adventurers."

“Still…ah…if ya don’t mind me asking, what are ya doing in Twilight’s home?” The little yellow filly asked with a raised eyebrow. “Are ya from Sora’s home? Are ya looking for him?”

“Me? Naw. Never really met the guy…I do know of him though. Made quite the name for himself in the other worlds after all.” He moved past the filly, making his way up the stairs. “You could even say I’m a bit of a fan.” He turned towards her, his hoof raising to his lips. “Though I don’t want to bother him when he already has a lot on his plate. So…you mind keeping our little meeting a secret? As a favor for finding those notes for you, if I have to pull your leg.”

Apple Bloom hesitantly nodded after thinking for a while, still somewhat perplexed by the mysterious pony's sudden appearance and equally sudden helpfulness. She watched as he made his way up the stairs, his figure disappearing into the shadows of the upper level.

“W-Wait!” She gasped soon enough before following after him, knowing that her friends where on the upper levels. When she made it to the top though, all she saw was Bab’s looking her way with a bewildered expression.

“Huh? Wait for what, A.B.?” Babs asked, tilting her head in confusion.

“I…ah…” Apple Bloom struggled to find the right words to explain the encounter with the mysterious pony, her mind still reeling from the unexpected turn of events. She glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of him on the upper level, but he had vanished without a trace. Shaking her head she turned back to her cousin. “It’s…I was just letting ya’ll know ah found the notes.”

Babs nodded, her ears perked up with interest as she approached Apple Bloom. "That's great! Did you find them in the basement?" she asked, a curious look in her eyes.

Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to explain the mysterious pony's involvement in their discovery. She decided to keep that part to herself for now. "Yeah, I found them down there. Lets go and give them a once over. Where’s Scoots?”

“Still upstairs.” The orange filly pointed. “Should I get her?”

Apple Bloom nods as she pulls out her pencil and papers. “We’re gonna need all hooves on deck if we are gonna copy at least half of this stuff before Spike and Sweetie gets back.”

Babs nodded in agreement, understanding the urgency of their task. "I'll go get Scootaloo. You start organizing the papers, and we'll make sure we get copies of everything Twilight needs."

As Babs went to find Scootaloo, Apple Bloom spread out the papers and notebooks on a nearby table. She quickly scanned through the contents, making mental notes of the important information they needed to copy. The mysterious pony's assistance lingered in her thoughts, and she couldn't help but wonder about his connection to the world of keyblade wielders.


Upper Midtown Homes

Twilight Sparkle stepped out of her mother's home in Canterlot, a grateful smile on her face as she turned to bid farewell. "Thank you, Mom, for letting me drop, even if it was a bit unannounced," she said warmly..

Velvet returned her daughter's smile, her own eyes twinkling with affection. "Oh, Twilight, you're always welcome here, whether it's planned or not," she replied fondly, reaching out to give Twilight a gentle hug. "It's always a pleasure to have you visit." Pulling away she looked her daughter up and down, sighing softly. “I almost want to lock you away in here so you don’t go into danger again…but that would be

taking away your chance to shine like I know you can. I trust you’ll be careful, my little starlight.”

Twilight chuckled softly at her mother's protective nature, brushing a lock of her lavender mane behind her ear. "I promise I'll be cautious, Mom. Besides, I have my friends by my side, and we always have each other's backs," she reassured, her voice filled with conviction.

“Of that I am grateful for.” She released Twilight, stepping backwards a bit. “Still…stay safe okay. Both you and your friends. Especially that Sora fellow. Even with how odd of an egg he is, at least from what you told me, I can tell you all really care for him as a friend as well…Still…if tis a choice between him or you, I’ll take him getting hurt any day of the week so…please don’t let it come to that for him.”

"I'll do everything in my power to keep us all safe, Mom. And don't worry, we'll watch out for each other, especially Sora.”

“That’s all I ask.” Velvet smiled once again. “Oh…and tell him thank you for me. Without him…I might have lost my one and only daughter.”

"I'll be sure to pass along your thanks to Sora, Mom," the young mare promised, her voice soft yet resolute. "He's been a true friend to me and the others, and I don't know if I could imagine him not beside us at this point."

“Made that much of an impact on you did he?” Her mom asked with a wry grin. “Should I be planning your wedding?”

Twilight blushed furiously at her mother's teasing, stammering as she tried to regain her composure. "Mom, no! It's not like that at all!" she protested, waving her hooves frantically in denial. "Sora and I are just friends…really good friends, but...it's not…you know, like that!"

Velvet simply chuckled at her daughter's embarrassment, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Oh, Twilight, I was only teasing," she said with a warm smile. "But if he does mean so much to you, then I'm glad you have such a loyal friend by your side."

Twilight let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you, Mom. And like I said, I'll be sure to convey your gratitude to Sora. He'll appreciate knowing he made a difference."

As she turned to leave, Velvet called out after her daughter. "Remember to take care of yourself too…and to write back ever so often.”

Twilight paused and turned back to her mother, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I will, Mom. I promise."

With that she turned back and made her way down the road towards the castle, her mind occupied with thoughts of her mother and her conversation. She had told her everything that had happened, doing her best to leave out Sora being from another world of course. It was heart pounding to be sure and she was more than sure that her mother WAS about to lock her in her room for the rest of her days if she really had the power to after everything she had told her.

Nerve wracking as it was, she was happy she did. And she was happy her mother didn’t try and stop her from doing what she needed to do to keep Equestria safe. Still, she could have done without her mother’s teasing. Jest or no, the studious mare didn’t harbor much feelings for the young stallion besides a close friendship. She wouldn’t say he wasn’t easy on the eyes, but just wasn’t her type of stallion. A great friend though, through and through.

She paused. Just what is my type then? I never really thought about it till now. Hmm…

She quickly shook her head, ridding herself of such thoughts. “No. Too much on my plate to think about such silly concepts. Right now I need to get back and get some rest. The Diamond Dogs will be coming to Canterlot in a few days and I need to get ready for them.”

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