• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

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Internal Affairs of the Heart

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Internal Affairs of the Heart

The train rattled along the tracks, carrying Sora and the others within it back home to Canterlot. The air inside the cabin was thick with a mixture of soft melancholy and uneasy foreboding. Despite the mission to save Trottingham having been successful and getting rid of the barrier of darkness, everyone on board the train couldn't help but feel the sting of defeat itching their backs, despite winning the battle.

The one feeling it the most being that of the resident Keyblade Wielder.

Sora lay on the narrow bunk in the cabin room, his twitching wings cueing any that would see him to the turmoil buliding within him. The rhythmic clatter of the train wheels served as a dissonant lullaby, failing to bring the peace of sleep to the pony-turned-Keyblade-Wielder. His mane fell haphazardly across his face as he stared at the ceiling.

A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he draped a hoof over his eyes; a veiled attempt to shield himself from the haunting memories of the recent battle. The victory in Trottingham should have brought joy, but the revelation of Grogar's sinister plans had cast a shadow over their achievements. His normally bright and optimistic gaze now reflected the weight of the burden he carried.

He replayed the scene over and over within his mind and each time. Would it have gone different if he had went ahead and attacked him? Maybe…Maybe he would have won. Though he couldn't help but think he would have lost someone he cared about deeply in the process. The thought made his heart ache with a mixture of guilt and fear.

Fear for what may happen because he wasn't able to act...and guilt for not being strong enough...again...when it really mattered the most.

Lost in his thoughts, A familiar voice of certain brash pegasus pierced through the melancholy air from the other side of the cabin door, causing his ears to perk ever so slightly.

"Hey, Sora. You awake? Mind if I come in?"

Startled, the stallion quickly sat up, hooves resting on the edge of the bunk as his gaze fell to the door to his cabin. "Yeah, I'm awake, Dash. Come on in," he responded to her request. Soon, the door creaked open, revealing Rainbow Dash's cyan-coated figure against the backdrop of the train's narrow hallway.

She gave the stallion a smirk as she entered, taking a moment to gauge Sora's demeanor. "You've been cooped up in here for a while. Thought I might check in on ya and make sure you aren't doing something stupid like jumping out of the train to go chase Grogar without us." She gave the stallion a smirk, telling him that it was just a bit of a joke on her end.

Her blunt but caring approach brought a faint smile to the stallion's face. "Nah, not planning any solo adventures off the train anytime soon. Besides, you would be the first to catch me and bring me back if I did something like that." he replied, appreciating her attempt to lighten the heavy atmosphere. He sighed softly before lowering his head.

"Ha! You bet I would, Hero," she teased, using her nickname for him. Taking a seat beside the stallion, she leaned herself back against the wall behind her. Despite coming to see him, the mare was quiet for a moment, as if gathering her thoughts, when she next spoke her voice was…soft. "So...ah...Kinda thought for sure you would have said something dumb like, 'I'm surprised you were the one to come check in on me,' or something stupid like that."

"Nah, I know better than to underestimate you, Dash," The stallion chuckled. "Honestly, out of everypony, you are the one that I can never be surprised about." He smirked. "Your brashness included."

Rainbow Dash playfully nudged Sora with her wing. "Hey, being brash is what makes me awesome, right? Somepony’s gotta make the calls others are too chicken to make after all." She winked, before both the mare and stallion devolved into a soft chuckle. When it had slowly subsided, the mare gave him a playful glare. "Still...gonna make you pay for that remark with a set of pranks I have in the works. I have a whole bunch of ghost themed ones lined up just for you, Spiky."

The stallion slumped over in his seat dramatically. "Aww man…Pinkie told you, didn't she?"

Rainbow Dash nodded mischievously. "Of course Pinkie spilled the beans. You never did make her Pinkie Promise not to do so after all." The mare laughed. "Don't worry though. I won't go too hard on you...maybe."

"Dang." Sora tried to pout but soon the laughter came, the rainbow maned mare following after him in his defeated chortle. The two of them continued in the gentle levity the conversation had taken, their worries momentarily forgotten in the comfort of each other's company. When it was over, the caramel stallion wiped a tear from his eye, giving the mare beside him a wide smile. "Thanks, Dash. Kinda needed a mood lifter."

"Hey, anytime, Hero. We're a team, remember? We've got each other's backs." She reached out, gently nudging his wing with her own. "I mean even if I was asked to by the girls, I could tell you were a wreck the whole time we were packing ponies onto the train and everything." She perked up. "Oh! Speaking of wrecks on trains there-of, I heard Trixie is gonna be okay. Doctor said she woke up asking about you actually." The mare raised an eyebrow, giving the stallion a wry gaze. "What did you two talk about for a self absorbed mare like to be worried over you?"

He rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I didn't do too much," he replied with a shrug, "We talked a bit and I did promise to go see her show and all that. Was always interested in magic shows when I was a kid...though I never got to see one so she promised to show me."

"When you were a..." She trailed off before her ears perked, as if just remembering who Sora was. Reaching a hoof to scratch her cheek, she smiled awkwardly. "Oh yeah...I always forget you weren't a pony before coming to Equestria."

The keyblade Wielder snorted softly. "Yeah. I make it pretty convincing that I lived on four legs all my life since it's not my first time becoming a four legged creature." he raised a hoof to his chest, touching it softly. "Though..getting hurt the way I did was kinda new...ish."

The rainbow maned mare flinched softly as she watched him. "Does it...hurt? The place Gil....I mean...the place you got stabbed?"

Sora's expression turned more somber as Rainbow Dash brought up the sensitive topic. He took a moment before responding, his hoof rubbing the spot softly, "Physically, it's healed. My magic saw to that. How I feel about it though…" He lowered his hoof and his head, "I can't say I didn't miss using my spells...but...the fact Ventus had to use most...if not all of his recovered magic for me to do so...Can't say it doesn't sit right with me he had to make that choice..."

Not to mention...I feel a lot more different then before...The stallion thought the last part to himself. What did Ventus do to give me my magic?

"Did...you know him?" Rainbow asked, pulling the stallion from his inner thoughts. "I mean, he told me and Shy how you saved him...but...Did you know him personally?"

The stallion gently shook his head, a distant look in his eyes. "Not really...but at the same time...I can't say his name doesn't sound familiar to me. Like...it's some distant memory I can't recall, even though I shouldn't have any of him."

Rainbow frowned before leaning back as Sora did, her head gently hitting the wall. "Well, I don't quite get all the magical stuff, heart stuff, or whatever, but I do know one thing – Ventus wanted to save you, and that's good enough for me to call him a friend, even if I only just met him."

"Well, you've got a point there." The stallion chuckled softly, at the mare's honest response. "Friendship doesn't always need elaborate explanations. Ventus wanted to help, and that's what matters."

Rainbow Dash grinned, leaning forward. "Exactly! And you've got a whole bunch of friends here who've got your back, Sora."

"Yeah." Sora mused before giving the mare a sideways glance. "Though It's kinda funny. The first time you and I met, you weren't too fond of me, if I remember correctly. Kinda makes a guy jealous you can make fast friends with Ventus over me." He teased.

The blue mare blushed, recalling the initial encounters with the keyblade wielder, times that she could honestly kick herself over. "Uh, well, yeah...okay. You got me." See rubbed the back of her head, "I...ah...Sorry about...Ya know...being a Grade-A jerk to you."

The stallion waved a hoof in front of his face. "No need to apologize, Dash. I wasn't exactly being upfront with everything I knew either, especially about the Heartless and where I came from. I had my reasons, but it doesn't change the fact that I was keeping things from you all from the beginning."

"Yeah yeah, I know." She waved a hoof. "I was still a jerk though so..." She gently punched his shoulder. “You better accept my apology already, Spiky. Or I'm gonna have to kick your flank from here to Canterlot."

Sora chuckled, shaking his head as he rubbed the spot she stuck. "Okay, okay. Apology accepted, Dash. And I promise not to hold it against you… So please don't do what you said you were gonna do if I don't."

"Don't worry. I'll save the flank-kicking for stupid Heartlesses or dumb spiky haired ponies doing dumb spiky haired pony stuff."

The stallion gave her a deadpanned look. "That sounded kinda specific, Dash."

Rainbow Dash grinned mischievously. "Good. It was supposed to."

The stallion rolled his eyes before casting his gaze out to the sunny side sight in front of him, the gentle flow of the river flowing softly before the as the train made its way alongside the water's edge. "So...ah...how's the rest of the girls? Rarity and Fluttershy I mean. Knowing you, you went to see them before coming to me right?"

"Ugh, don't even get me started on those two." The mare groaned as she leaned forward. "They told me everything. The fact that Fluttershy is refusing to talk to you now really is getting on my nerves!" Standing up, her hoof stuck the door. "Not only that, but Rarity isn't letting you talk to her until that yellow butterball feelings are all sorted out!" She turned towards Sora. "What about your feelings about her? Don't they care what you think?"

Sora's ears pinned to the back of his head at the mare's words, his mind replaying the events leading to Fluttershy's and Rarity's discissions.


As Sora stood amidst the weary ponies, the setting sun casting a warm glow on the makeshift train station, his gaze was drawn to Fluttershy. He had many things to worry about…from the Heartless to Grogar’s plans to the missing ponies…but the weight of her heartfelt confession lingered, creating a complex tapestry of emotions within him. The chaos of the day's events seemed to fade away momentarily as he grappled with the significance of what had been said. What she had confessed.

I Love you…

As much as he didn’t see it at first, he couldn't deny the mare’s actions towards him. The shared moments of laughter, the conversations, and the genuine warmth that emanated from her had left an imprint on his heart. As he took a tentative step closer to her, he found himself reflecting on the parallels with his past, particularly with Kairi.

It wasn't as profound as it was with the shy mare…or at least…maybe it didn’t feel that way… but...he remembered talking...laughing...laying under the night sky with her...just like he had done with Fluttershy. He couldn't deny that he didn't have...some sort of feelings for his childhood friend back then...and yet...

It wasn't fair to compare the two, he knew that, especially after what happened between himself and Kairi, but the similarities were undeniable.

The only difference is...Fluttershy told him how she felt...and how she felt was...

"She loves me..."

He…needed to talk to her.

Before Sora could make his way towards Fluttershy, the surprise in her eyes as she caught sight of him moving towards her and her swift retreat onto the train caught the stallion off guard. Confusion and concern etched across his face as he tried to make sense of her reaction.

His instinct was to follow her, to address the situation and understand why she seemed to be avoiding him now of all times. However, his path was blocked by a familiar set of bright blue eyes. Rarity, with her characteristic elegance, stood in his way, a mix of sympathy and caution in her gaze.

"Sora, darling, I know what you are feeling," Rarity began, her voice gentle yet firm. "And I know what you want to talk to Fluttershy about, and believe me, if it was my choice, I would let you through without a second thought. But Fluttershy asked me to keep you away from her for now."

Sora felt a surge of frustration well up within him, a feeling not unfamiliar from past experiences.

"W-Why?" He asked, his voice steady, despite the anger behind it. "I…She doesn’t want to talk to me? But…she…and…"

Rarity sighed, "Sora please…I understand your desire for answers, dear, but Fluttershy needs some time to sort through her own emotions first. It's clear that her own confession caught her off guard along with what happened before it, and it wouldn't be fair to push her into a conversation she may not be ready for." Her hoof gently rested on Sora's chest, a comforting touch that held a subtle plea for patience. "She asked…no…begged me to tell you to wait. Okay?"

Sora felt a mix of emotions, his frustration battling with the realization that Rarity spoke a truth he couldn't ignore. Fluttershy needed time, and despite his desire for answers, he couldn't force a conversation that might do more harm than good. She was hurting…

Reluctantly, the Keyblade wielder nodded, his frustration giving way to a softer tone. "I... I'm sorry, Rarity. I just... I want to understand. I want to help her through this, too."

"I know you do, Sora. Which is why I am here. I'll watch over her for you, if you will let me, and make sure she gets her yellow flank together," Rarity assured him, her tone carrying a mix of sincerity and playfulness. Squinting at the stallion, her hoof poked him in the chest none too gently. "That also goes for you, buster. Make sure you know what you want to say to her when she comes to you, okay? I’m sure you are just as much of a mess as she is."

Sora nodded quickly, touching the spot she poked. "Y-yeah, I will. This whole situation is... a lot…yeah…" he admitted.

"It is…AndI know you have lots of things on your mind right now." The fashionista smiled softly. "Saving the world...saving missing ponies...dealing with your own inner turmoil. It really is a lot…but don’t forget, though it all, deserve to be happy too, now more than ever. Don't let this," She points to his head, "Overrule this," She points to his heart, "Okay?"

"I..." Sora shook his head before nodding softly. "I understand."

"Good. I'll make sure to tell Fluttershy you asked about her, okay? So make sure you have your thoughts sorted out when she's ready to talk, however long that may take." Rarity patted his shoulder reassuringly before turning to board the train, leaving Sora alone once more to do just that.


Sora sighed, his gaze shifting towards Rainbow Dash with a soft smile. "It's fine. Fluttershy will talk to me when she's ready. And it really does give me to time think about things myself...Patience, right?"

The mare rolled her eyes and huffed. "Never liked patience. It's overrated," her wings flickered with a hint of restlessness. "But I guess you're right. If you both do need time then you do need time. Doesn't mean I have to like it, though."

"Thanks for worrying though. About her...and about me."

Rainbow Dash softened her gaze, her impatience momentarily subsiding as a light blush formed on her cheeks. She turned away from him with a soft growl. "Yeah, well, somepony has to. Don't get used to it though." she muttered, but her voice lacked the usual bite.

The stallion smirked. "Still, I think we talked enough about me and all my troubles." He gently poked the mare's cheek. "So did Lightning let you talk to you friend Gilda?"

"Ugh...of course you would change the subject to her." The mare growled.

He chuckled, knowing that Rainbow Dash's deflection meant that she did, indeed, speak to the griffon. "So...taking that as a yes?" The stallion teased before playfully nudging her side, "Come on, Dash. Spill the beans. Don't leave a guy hanging."

"Gah! Okay we talked alright! Happy?"

Sora's grin widened as the rainbow maned mare fidgeted with her hooves, clearly flustered by his persistence. "Very happy. So, what happened? Did you manage to patch things up?"

"You know...for the one that was stabbed by her, you sure are eager to know if I made best friends with her or not."

Sora's smile widened. "It's not like it was her fault right? She was being controlled after all. If I blame her, then I might as well blame Fluttershy which you know I would never do."

Rainbow Dash sighed, her wings drooping slightly. "Yeah, yeah, I know. It's just...it's complicated, Sora. Gilda and I talked, but it's going to take time. She feels guilty about what happened, even though she couldn't control herself but she still hurt you and I…need time to get over that, okay?"

"Yeah...I can understand that. Same thing happened to me and Riku after all." Sora's voice held a hint of empathy as he thought back to the times his best friend had been consumed by darkness. "But you talked, right? That's a step in the right direction."

"I guess..." She cast a gaze towards the stallion. "Still gonna make her apologize to you though. Her fault or not, you still got hurt by her talons."

"Rainbow, you don't have to do that. I forgave Gilda a long time ago. Holding a grudge wouldn't be fair."

The mare scoffed. "You're too forgiving sometimes, you know that?"

Sora smirked, "Well, forgiveness is a key part of friendship, right? Plus, holding onto grudges just weighs you down. I've learned that the hard way."

"Is that why you also forgave Starlight?" The brash mare asked. "I mean...she pretty much got you stabbed and everything, and tried to get rid of us with that Heartless."

"She was...different." The stallion told her after a moment, frowning a bit. "I told you before, she was only trying to fix her mistakes. She was hurt...she was alone...and the Darkness and Grogar took advantage of that. She was a victim too."

"I guess you're right," she admitted, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation. "But still, it's hard for me to let go of what she did."

"I can understand that...and you don’t have to. It was my choice to save her so I have no regrets."

The two were quiet for a while after that before Rainbow once again broke the silence. "AJ is gonna be pissed at you for getting hurt again. Twilight too."

Sora rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Yeah, I know. They're probably going to give me the whole lecture on being more careful and not diving headfirst into danger."

Rainbow Dash snorted, "Well, you should listen to them. You can't save the world if you're constantly getting yourself injured."

“What’s that? Pot calling the kettle black?”

“Ugh…okay. Yeah. Fair. But my point still stands. You hurt, No save world.”

"Okay…fair too, " Sora replied with a grin. "But you know how it is. Trouble just has a way of finding me."

The mare rolled her eyes. "Yeah, trouble and you are like best buds or something."

"Kinda wish that wasn't the case but can't argue with you there." The stallion responded as he stuck his tongue out at the mare. "Still...can't let myself lose just yet. We gotta find those ponies...and then we gotta stop Grogar."

"Dang straight!" Rainbow raised a hoof into the air. "No way we are gonna let some blue jerk mess with us like that and get away with it. Next time we met, I'm going straight for his face, no questions asked."

The pair laughed again, both mare and stallion enjoying the light-hearted moment amidst the chaos that had become their lives.


In a quiet cabin further up towards the front of the train, away from the chatter of the others, Fluttershy sat with her wings tightly wrapped around her, seeking solace in the cocoon of her own feathers. The emotional storm she had experienced left her drained, and tears had left their traces on her cheeks.

Rarity, ever the caring friend, sat beside her, rubbing Fluttershy's back gently. She spoke in a soft, comforting tone, "There, there, darling. Are you done crying now? It's perfectly okay to let it all out. You've been through so much today."

Fluttershy nodded, her voice barely above a whisper from behind her feathery barrier. "Yes, Rarity. I... I think I'm done now. I just..." The shy mare turned to her friend, peaking at the white mare between her feathers. "I feel horrible...asking Sora to wait after he had been though so much...and after I had...I had told him I love him...I'm...I'm a bad pony Rarity..."

"You're not a bad pony, darling." The mare consoled the flustered mare with a gentle smile. "You're just a confused mare in love."

"But I am horrible, Rarity." The yellow mare argued. "I couldn't even tell him myself. I had to have you do it. That wasn't fair to him..."

Rarity's expression softened, her voice filled with empathy. "Darling, love is never easy. It's messy, complicated, and sometimes we make mistakes. But that doesn't make you a bad pony. Honestly, the two of you need time to process your feelings for each other right now anyway. Its a good thing you two are taking time apart."

Fluttershy sniffled, her wings quivering as she clutched them tighter around herself. "E-Even if that was true. Do I even deserve a stallion like him after I...I hurt him." The shy mare shook her head. "I may not have been the one to hold the dagger...I may not have been in control...but I did hurt him. I don't know if he can forgive me for that. And even if he can, I don't even know if I can forgive myself."

"Now Shy Dear, listen. I-"

"And what about that...that monster! Grogar! I should have at least been there to comfort Sora after all of that...and yet...I run away...I ask my best friends to talk to him and I run away with my tail between my legs like a scared puppy." the timid mare shook her head. "Rainbow had every right to be upset with me."

"You really mustn't be so hard on yourself, Fluttershy." The white mare told her softly "Rainbow Dash may have been upset, but deep down, she understands that you needed some time to gather your thoughts before you talked to Sora again. And honestly, out of all of us right now, I think she would be the best choice to send to talk to him anyway. If anypony can cheer a knucklehead up it's another kuncklehead as it were."

The shy mare nodded though she still lowered her head, "It...still doesn't seem fair...I wish...it was me..."

Rarity smiled. "Is that a bit of selfishness I see in you Little Shy?" The mare giggled softly.

The timid mare blushed, her feathers fluffing up in embarrassment. "Oh, no! I didn't mean it like that... I just... I want to be there for him, to support him through everything he's going through."

"Does that mean...you still love him?"

Fluttershy's breath hitched at Rarity's question, her heart pounding in her chest. She closed her eyes, trying to steady herself, before finally giving a small nod. "Yes...yes, I do. I love him with all my heart, even if it feels like it's breaking right now."

"Then never let go of that feeling, darling. Work through your emotions and come back to him stronger than before. That's the best you can do for now."

"I...I understand Rarity." The mare answered softly.

"Good...now...after a good cry, you know what always cheers me up? A nice tub of icecream." The fashionista slipped from beside her friend, making her way towards the door. "I just hope the fillies and colts haven't taking all of it from the kitchens." She smiled as she turned towards her friend. "I shan't be two shakes of a lamb's tail darling. Will you be alright by yourself?"

Fluttershy nodded, offering a small smile. "Yes, Rarity, I'll be fine. Thank you for being here for me."

Rarity returned the smile before exiting the cabin, leaving Fluttershy alone with her thoughts. The gentle hum of the train filled the room, its rhythmic vibrations providing a sense of comfort as Fluttershy reflected on everything that had transpired.

Fluttershy sat in the quiet cabin, enveloped in her own contemplations. The gentle hum of the train seemed to echo the rhythm of her thoughts. As Rarity left to fetch some ice cream, Fluttershy took a deep breath, letting the solitude of the moment settle around her.

Lost in her thoughts, Fluttershy couldn't help but replay the events in Trottingham. The revelation of her feelings to a then dying Sora. Meeting Ventus and letting him use his magic to save the one she loved. The intrusion of Grogar after they had just defeated the horrible Heartless. Her decision to spend some time apart so that she could work though her own feelings for the stallion...and if he even had the same feelings for her.

The train continued its steady course toward Canterlot, carrying with it the hopes and fears of the ponies aboard. Fluttershy, being just one of many of them, wrapped in the cocoon of her own feathers, embraced the solitude as a chance for self-reflection. She knew that, in the quiet moments both now and later, she had to find what she wanted the most and brace herself for if what she wanted could ever be hers to begin with.

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