• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,730 Views, 1,590 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Half a Day in the Life Part 2 (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

A Day In a Life Part 2

Green to start music and red to stop music

Sweet Apple Acres: Apple Residence…

Really?! For truly!?”

Applejack raised an eyebrow to a familiar yellow filly’s bouncing and hopping, “Well, yeah. Sora’s gonna be staying with us for a while. He needed a place to stay so ah offered." She turned back to look at the stallion with an amused smile. "Sides, ah very well couldn’t let a friend that saved a friend live out on the street now, could ah?”

The orange farm mare had, for obvious reasons, explained Sora’s situation to the family of her household. Sora’s gaze shifted from one Apple Family member to another as he waited for their approval. Big Mac, Applejack’s, big, red, older brother who seemed to talk as much as Riku on a bad day, and Granny Smith, a light green mare that seemed to have seen better years but still had that bright fire in her eyes, both nodded their head in acceptance accommodating Sora, especially after hearing from Applejack how the young stallion had saved one of her friends from danger. That being said, the pony that was the most enthusiastic about Sora’s living arrangement was the yellow ball of fluff with the cherry red mane and the oversized pink bow.

Though the keyblade wielder did not know why the filly was as happy a kid in a candy store with such news, he took in her happiness all in stride, smiling softly at the little filly’s behavior, chalking it up to kids being kids.

I guess not that I’m one to talk about kids being kids. Sora mused softly to himself.

Finally calming down, the filly allowed herself to swoon against the nearby sofa as her mind began to race. The stallion of her recent dreams was coming to live with her and her family. Never in all of her life would she have thought such a coincidence would happen. But here he was, with that cute face and that cute muzzle and those cute sky blue eyes and that cute chocolate mane, wearing his cute clothes while cutely-

“Applebloom! Are ya’ll paying attention?”

Applejack’s voice forced her back into reality, ending any cute daydream she was having about her cute crush. “A-Ah’m sorry AJ. What did ya say?”

With a huff of frustration the older farm-mare pointed to the stallion. “Now ah need ya to mind your manors and don’t bother Sora too much none. He’s here to work, not to play. Besides ah’m sure he has enough on his mind with his responsibilities he was given without having to worry about you and the crusaders dragging him on one of y'all cutiemark getting adventures.”

And there was the hoof that stepped into her ice-cream cake. “But sis, me and the crusaders could show him around Ponyville. Oh! Maybe even earn a tour guide cutie mark.”

“Didn’t y'all already try that once before?” Applejack asked as she raised an eyebrow to the filly.

“Hey! The girls and ah agreed that the only reason it didn’t work was because we were trying to give the tour to ponies that already lived in Ponyville. He’s not from Ponyville so it has to work this time.” Applebloom said with conviction.

Applejack rolled her eyes at her sister's words, though it was in a good natured way. “Well ah guess ah can’t really argue with that logic now can ah? But y'all can do that later, after he has settled in and what not.” She turned to the stallion. “Come on then, Sora. Ah'll show ya to your room and then we can get started on what y'all be doing around the farm.”

Sora nodded to Applejack and then turned to face the rest of the apple family. He smiled shyly as he let the tip of his hoof scratch his cheek gently. “Thanks for putting up with me. I promise to do my best around here.”

“Just do your work like ya are suppose ta and make me proud sunny.” Granny Smith said with a smile and a nod. She turned to face her only grandson. “Right Big Mac?”

“Eeeyup.” The large stallion answered with a nod of his head as well.

With a smile and a wave, Sora turned to follow Applejack, both ponies making their way upstairs.

Applebloom left soon after, saying something about assembling the crusaders for an emergency meeting, while Big Mac made his way outside to finish his share of apple bucking for the day.


Sora and Applejack pair of ponies climbed a set of stairs before coming to a lone door at the very top. The mare gave it a gentle nudge making her way into the room right after the door opened. Sora followed the farm-mare, his gaze shifted around the room and taking in the sights.

It looked like any other attic turned room; a lone bed in the middle, a nightstand with a single candle for late night activities, and a chest probably filled with family memorabilia. It wasn’t as fancy as the ones up in Canterlot, like she had said, but it still held a feeling he couldn’t quite place. A good feeling that warmed every inch of his equine form. Honestly, at least to him, the way it felt like home gave him great comfort.

“Well here ya’ are. Not as cozy as them fancy rooms up in Canterlot, but still nice and dry.”

Sora smiled as he turned to Applejack. “Thanks Applejack. It reminds me of when I moved into my house way back on on the islands. Nice and homey.”

Applejack smiled as she tipped her hat to him. “Aww, shucks. No need to thank me Sora. Just helping out a friend is all.”

“Friend? “ Sora echoed before smiling a bit. "heh...You said that before downstairs."

“Well, more like friend in the making.” When the stallion raised an eyebrow she continued. “Listen Sora. Ah know that the princesses' gave ya a seal of approval and all that, but ah don’t like the fact that you’re hiding something from us, and ah know ya are cause I'm the element of Honesty, I can tell. But after seeing what ya had ta fight first hoof and the princesses practically staking their lives on ya then ah guess ah can at least give you the benefit of the doubt. Besides, ya saved my friend and that has to count for something.” The mare placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Now ah understand if’n you don’t want to talk about whatever it is ya got. Ah figure ya didn’t want to get us involved too much.“

Sora chuckled nervously. “Haha...That easy to read?”

“Like an open book. But Ah don't think that's a bad thing in itself, but if’n y'all ever do want to talk about something, just know that I’ll be ready ta listen, If ya will let me.”

Sora couldn't help but rub the back of his neck as he looked away from the mare. “Rarity said the same thing to me. Fluttershy too.”

“Did they now?" She said with an amused expression. "Well it looks like ya’ll got three mares to unload your troubles to. Especially Fluttershy. She's a pony ah know will always listen to somepony else's problems without batting an eye.”

Sora turned away from Applejack, looking towards his bed. His voice seemed to falter lightly as he spoke. “Thanks for the offer Applejack. I don't have any problems to speak of at the moment but I'll keep it in mind.” He felt the mares hoof brush along the back of his neck, causing him to turn to face the mare.

“Sugarcube, everypony has problems to speak of; just not many are willing to tell others about them.” She gave him a light hug and turned to head back downstairs. Before she went, however, she called back toward the stallion. “Ah’m the same ya know. So are Pinkie and Rainbow and the rest of the girls. We all have things that we refuse to share with each other.”

He raised an eyebrow at the farm-mare, “So why do you suggest that I talk about mine?”

Applejack smiled as she turned to face the stallion once again. “Cause ya’ll look like somepony that could really use it.” She turned to trot down the stairs before Sora could even hope to respond. “Now get settled in and meet me out by the barn Sora. We gots some apple bucking to do before the day’s through."


Golden Oaks Library…

Twilight worked tirelessly as she engulfed the entirety of her book collection in the confines of her magic. She had been needing a break to get her thoughts in order on everything that had gone on in the past two days. Meeting the odd stallion that was named Sora, being told of a civilization that's been hidden for over one thousand years, and finding out about the dangerous creatures that were called the Heartless. It was just too much to take in at once. She believed a bit of normality would do her good, so she could sort through everything.

After checking off a few books she had replaced on a shelf, Twilight turned to a dejected looking Spike. She couldn’t help but smile sadly as he lay on the sofa, twirling his claw around a cushion. Despite how mad he was about the way Rarity treated Sora before, he couldn’t help but feel a little down after finding out that Sora would not be staying in the library anymore. She kept forgetting that despite him being surrounded by many friends, he really didn’t have many young colts to hang out with, and Sora was quite the interesting male to be around; everyone couldn’t help but like him for some reason or another. Well, everyone but Rainbow Dash.

Sure he was rather dense and quite foalish at times, he at least proven to her that there was more to him then what she could see, jumping in to save Fluttershy the way he did; accepting the princess's need for aid. Still, it kind of caught her off guard, finding one so young risking his life to protect ponies he barely knew, even opting to take on this King Sombra pony without a second thought. It was...something to be sure.

Sure, she had her reservations about him as well, but she could see why Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie could trust him so easily. He was amazingly simple and an overly kind pony who seemed to have a heart of gold.

She turned back to her work, placing a few more books upon the shelves. Stopping only to look out at the bright blue sky. Despite the calm warm evening, a shiver went up her spine. She honestly didn't know where it came from or why she felt it...but she didn't like it.


Rarity's Boutique

Rarity finished up the base design of her latest masterpiece that she had been creating through the inspiration of Sora’s own clothing. With a coy smile, she hung the picture upon her work board that held six more just like it before pulling out a few bolts of cloth and some thread.

“Now for the colors. It has to be bold, yet not complicated. Maybe something in black and pink but nothing too extravagant. She likes things simple.” Rarity scanned over a few pieces of lavender cloth. “Hmm…but what could go with it? There’s just so much to choose from. How will I ever find the right color?”

She looked toward her work desk, finding the design of Sora’s clothes she had done a quick sketch of when she had them in her possession. Her thoughts immediately turned to the stallion and a light blush formed on her cheeks.

That caramel coated stallion seemed to always occupy her mind as of late, invading every inch of her being and causing her heart to run abnormally fast. For a stallion to make her feel this way without even knowing it was truly rare to hear.

“Oh dear…” She slowly made her way to her bed allowing herself to down upon it. She placed both hooves on her chest, doing her best to calm her beating heart. “How in Celestia’s name are you able to make me feel like this? Not even Blueblood was able to make me feel this way, even before I found out how much of an…an…uncouth pony he was.”

Sora was in every way Blueblood’s opposite of that she was sure. Where Blueblood was inconsiderate and bratty, Sora was kind and loving. It made her heart swoon just to be close to the caramel stallion.

She turned over to lie on her belly, pulling in a pillow to lay her head upon. “I had promised myself not to fall for another pony so fast but…” She blushed brighter as her heartbeat quickened. “To have you in my hooves Sora. Oh that would be a day to remember…”

Rarity turned to her side and clutched the pillow tighter, her daydreams running on automatic once again. “Oh yes, I can see it now. The both of us, sitting at a candlelit table, you dressed in an all-black suit with an accent of red tied about your waist, and me wearing a sparkling purple dress with the split running up the length of my leg. You sit close to me, and whisper in my ear sweet nothings while I place my hoof on your lap, edging you on. Food all but forgotten, you turn my head to face you and look deep into my eyes, searching for the love you know all too well is there. I look into your own, conveying my affection for you as much as I can. You lean into me, slowly parting your lips and I, out of instinct part mine as well. You eat up the inches between us before…”

Rarity squealed as she kicked her legs out, burying her face into the pillow. “Oh dear Celestia, yes!”


Ponyville: Open Field

Rainbow ears perked up at a sudden noise in the distance. The mare turned towards it with a raised eyebrow before shrugging. She yawned and laid her head back on the cloud she was sleeping on. Or rather, she was trying to sleep on since her very much sought after snooze time eluded her completely. Her mind was too busy thinking about that stupid spiky maned stallion with the caramel fur.

She sighed as she brought her hooves over her face, pulling her cheeks down in exasperation. “Geez, he can’t even leave me alone when he’s nowhere around. Talk about annoying.”

She tried to focus on something else, anything else, but no matter what, her thoughts ended with Sora in the forefront. With a groan, she slipped off her cloud and began to fly towards Ponyville. “Who does he think he is, invading my life like this? It doesn’t help that he reminds me of…” She trailed off, with an annoyed grunt. “How dare you remind me of…”

She sucked in her breath and slapped herself across the face. “Y-you’re not like that anymore Rainbow!” She yelled. “You’re a tougher filly then that so suck it up! Who cares who that stupid colt reminds you of! That’s in the past and this is now!” She stood on all fours and grew a determined scowl. “I won't let you get to me Spikey!”


Flutterhy's Cottage

Fluttershy was in dire straits.

“Oh this is not like me. Not like me at all.” She said to herself as She had paced the floor, nearly walking a ring into the carpet as her mind went into overdrive.

She had sat and listened to Sora for the duration of the train ride, soaking in every piece of information she could gain from him. The town in which he lived seemed so peaceful and carefree. His friends also seemed really sweet too. The way he talked about Riku, he really seemed to admire him, even if they did fight a lot. Tidas and Wakka and Selphie; they all seemed like amazing ponies.

Then there was Kairi.

The way he talked about that mare made her heart tighten a little. They really seemed close, but that was to be expected, being childhood friends and all. She could feel it though. Sora seemed to have some sort of attraction towards Kairi, even if it was innocent affection.

It still made her heart cringe though.

When he had told her that Kairi had left a while ago, she couldn’t hold back an inward smile, which was the cause of her current worry

“Oh how can I think that way? I can’t possibly be happy that he had to say goodbye to a childhood friend, can I?” But the more she thought about it the more glad she was that Kairi was unable to be there for him. If she was nowhere near him then maybe-

Fluttershy groaned and slumped onto the couch, grabbing a white bunny in the process, the little rabbit looking at her with concern. “Oh, Angel! What am I going to do? I want Sora to be happy. And he just looked so down. And I thought that if I can make him happy enough to...”

Angel raised his paw and tapped Fluttershy’s forehead hard. She looked at him as he gave her a glare and pointed to her and then slammed his fist together.

“Y-you’re right Angel.” She flew into the air hugging her pet happily. “I have to believe in myself. Since his old friends aren’t around and he’s a long way from home, then I have to make sure that he feels like this is his home too.” She zipped to her dresser and pulled out some paper. “Ok then. Now what was the name of that fruit again?”


Sugercube Corner

Pinkie placed the sleeping twins into their cribs, a gentle smile on her face as she did so. She had fulfilled her promise to play with them, and though she was sad to see them tuckered out, she was happy to find that they still held a smile on their faces.

After covering the two foals in their blankets, she silently made her way out of the room, closing the door behind her. She enjoyed her job of making ponies happy. It was her one passions in life, and nothing made her happier.

So remembering Sora the way he was when he had been speaking to the princess back at the palace, almost brought her from her happy high.

The pink mare had followed after the pair of ponies that night when she had gone to visit Sora. To make sure that he was settled in. Sora, honestly at first seemed like such a happy colt, speaking to the princess in such a casual way. Pinkie knew right away that Sora was the kind of colt to make friends with everyone he met. Had his life been different, he would be one of the best party ponies in Equestia.

Most of what they said went over the mare’s head, but one thing was certain, Sora was hurt. He felt like a failure, and she knew it was eating him up inside.

She could see it, just as well as Fluttershy, something strange shrouding Sora's heart. She was doing everything in her power to take his mind away from whatever was bothering him, but she could tell it always lingered in the back of his mind. He hid it well from most of her friends, but she was sure that even Rarity would see it soon enough. He would put on his shell, saying that he was all hunky-dory, but underneath it all he was somepony that was hurting.

“How can we help you if you won’t let us Sora?” She knew the answer all too well though. Something she had to fight with herself. Because the happiness of others is more important…

She smiled slightly at that. “I guess, in a way, we are both the same Sora.” The pink mare placed a hoof over her heart. "Making others happy is the only thing we know how to do."

Pinkie Pie made her way down the stairs to find Ms. Cake behind the counter. “Hey Ms. Cake, I’m gonna bake a cake for me and my friends.”

“Oh?” The motherly pony smiled warmly to her helper. “Well isn’t that nice Pinkie. Don’t stay up too late then, okay?” When Pinkie nodded, Ms. Cake made her way upstairs to retire for the night.

Pinkie placed an apron over herself and set to work gathering the ingredients. “I promise to make you smile for real Sora! No! I Pinkie Pie Promise!”


Sweetapple Acres

Applejack smiled as she watched Sora buck but the next tree she pointed it. The apples shook for only a second before falling into the bins under the tree. The young stallion smiled widely before pumping his hoof.

“HA! That’s five in a row!”

“Land Sakes Sora!” Applejack whistled. She couldn’t believe how short a time it took him to master a craft that took her weeks. And he was a pegasus ta boot.

At first she was quite skeptical towards how he would take to the hard work, but those thoughts took a huge nosedive off the side of cliff by that afternoon. Sora was a hard worker when it came down to it. If anything he told her it reminded him of when he and his friends would work to build their little house on the island they played on.

Applejack was more surprised that he was slightly more muscular then his body type suggested. Even she, the calm and cool AJ, had a hard time keeping her thoughts together fully around him. If anything it felt refreshing to have a young stallion helping around the farm.

Teaching him the art of Applebucking too little to no work at all too. She had kicked a few trees, allowing him to see how to best strike the tree without hurting himself. When she was sure that he had gotten it, she let him at the first tree he felt ready with.

She knew he was strong; he had to have been if he was the one that was going to fight those heartless critters, but when he had struck the tree with his hind legs, nearly knocking all but a few of the apples out of the tree with one blow, it really threw her for a loop.

By the end of it all he had kicked down more apples then most other stallions they hire to help with apple bucking season.

Sora breathed heavily after kicking yet another tree. Sweat beaded off his body, running down his fur. “Geez! I need to work out more. Guess being on the island all that time got me a little out of practice.”

Applejack coughed as she approached the stallion, catching his attention. “Sora, y'all did a bang up job today, especially since it was your first time and all. Ah half expected you to do worse than ya did.” She smiled as Big Mac began to load up the cart with the bucket of apples resting at the foot of the trees. “Ah can happily say that with you around we can get more than our fair share of apples ready for selling.” She turned to smile at the stallion. “Thanks for all your help today Sora.”

Sora rubbed at the back of his head sheepishly. “I-it was nothing really. I just wish I could do more.”

“Ya’ll did more than enough, at least for today anyway.” She gave him a sly smile. “I expect you to buck twice as many tomorrow.”

Sora smiled and nodded happily. “You can count on me AJ.”

“That’s the spirit Sugarcube. Now then, why don’t ya’ll go and wash up ‘fore dinner. Y'all look as though ya could use it. Don’t worry about lugging the apples to the barn. Me and Big Mac can take care of that.”

Sora gave himself a sniff and released an embarrassed chuckle as he nodded in agreement. “Ok AJ, but I’m definitely helping you next time.” He trotted past Applejack and Big Mac with a spring in his step.

Big Mac chuckled softly, the red stallion turning towards his sisters. “Keep heaping praise on him like that and one would think you have a crush AJ.”

The mare rolled her eyes at her brother’s teasing. “With Sora? He’s a cute kid, but not really my type. Sides, Rarity would fight me tooth and hoof if she ever thought he was.”

Both Applejack and Big Mac laughed playfully at the thought of her prim and proper friend gearing up for a war of love.


It was quite some time before Sora slipped under the covers, snuggling up in the soft fabric. With clean fur and a full belly, the boy couldn’t help but feel that despite the hard work he was put though, he couldn’t have been happier. He slipped his fore hooves under his head, closing his eyes in content. Sure he was still apprehensive about everything happening to him, but he felt that he could finally find at least a little rest. The fact that he had to fight a seemingly powerful king controlling the dark power of the heartless never once left his mind. He’d faced stuff like this before, he could do it again. It did make him said that he was alone for the fight, no Donald or Goofy. The king or the others. He was alone here and he knew it. Still, right now, at this point in time, he honestly felt that...

“Everything is going to be just fine.”

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