• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,429 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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Later that morning Sergeant Cole was inspecting Bishop’s wounds as the injured soldier was propped up against a tree looking into the distance, trying everything to ignore the indescribable pain. As Bishop caught a glimpse of Dixon cleaning his weapon in the distance, Sergeant Bishop stared at the rebellious soldier as Dixon returned the glare.

“What are we going to do about him?” Sergeant Cole asked.

Bishop paused, still looking at Dixon before he broke eye contact and turned away.

“…. *Sigh* …. I don’t know Cole. …. I don’t think we are in In the position to make any rash decisions.”

“Rash decisions? What the are you talking about? …. He’s lost it Bish. He’s a drunk and he’s dangerous.”

Bishop paused, looking at his surroundings before looking at Dixon again. A question then entered his mind, idly circling around before as he looked at the ground.

“What would you do?”

“…….. Sir?”

“If you was captain and you had the choice, what would you do?”

“Honestly? …. I would have cut that bastards throat in his sleep a long time ago.”

The wounded sergeant then stood up before Cole could finish his work, Bishop stumbled, still unsteady walking by himself. He looked at Dixon again before turning back to Cole, anger and frustration clear in his eyes.

“And that’s exactly why you’d never become captain. As much as we all hate his guts, he’s still one of us Cole. He has a family in Mississippi.”

“I have a family too sir! …. And so do you and Andy! …. I know it’s not right but isn’t it logical? …. Who knows what’s going through his head. You’ve seen what he’s capable of, what he can do, what happens when it’s you that he goes for next?!”

“Then I’ll snap his neck the next chance I get, but as of now he’s still a part of this team. He’ll get his comeuppance when he serves his sentence at home.”

“That’s my point sir. …. Right now, we are the only people in this world who’ve seen him commit his crimes. What if he doesn’t want to serve his sentence?

Sergeant Bishop didn’t reply he heard footsteps coming from behind; he turned to see the intoxicated soldier walking up to him. Sergeant Bishop stood his ground before Dixon then walked past him with a smirk on his face. Dixon chuckled before holstering his pistol.

“You know that feeling you get when you know someone’s talking about you? It’s funny isn’t it? …. You might think you’re in control David but you’re no more of a soldier then I am. …. Hmph… Looks like japs and Nazis aren’t my only enemy. …. Trust me Bishop, I may not be you’re friend but you sure as fuck don’t want to have me as an enemy. …. After all.”

Dixon then patted Bishop on his wounded shoulder, making the sergeant wince in pain.

“You’re not looking too good, old man.”

Bishop quickly grabbed Dixon’s hand with a firm grip before pulling it away from his shoulder, Sergeant Cole watched, his hand was hovering over his sidearm as the two men stared at each other, Bishop with a look of rage in his face and Dixon’s grin receding into a sinister scowl as Bishop refused to let go of his hand.

“Listen to me DICK. Don’t forget the situation we’re in. I don’t think you’re in the position to be threatening me, especially with two armed officers’ close by, who are more than willing to shoot reckless sons of bitches like you. So right now, you can take you’re bullshit threats, you’re bullshit excuses and you’re bullshit attitude to someone who gives the slightest fuck what you think!! …. I’m not the enemy you stupid fuck!! The enemy is out there waiting for you!! …. And don’t you dare fucking touch me again.

Sergeant Cole is now holding his pistol; Dixon was now centimeters from Bishops face, both men standing tall as they stared each other down. Bishop then let go of Dixon’s hand before pushing him away, without skipping a beat Dixon then spat on the sergeants’ shoe before he growled.

“From now on, you best stay the fuck away from me. All of you.”

Dixon looked at Cole, seeing that he was holding his pistol before turning away and walking back to where he was stood before. Sergeant Bishop then held his shoulder, rubbing it as he turned back to Cole who was stood behind him.

“Let me see that.”

Sergeant Bishop limped towards the tree before his legs collapsed under his weight, making him fall to the ground in a heap, shouting in agony. Cole was quick to run to his aid, as Bishop tried to push himself up from the ground, tears of pain fresh in his eyes. Cole carefully avoided his bullet wounds as he helped turn the wounded sergeant on his back.

As Cole inspected Dixons handiwork sergeant Bishop coughed up a mouthful of blood.

“Shit. …. How do you feel Bish? Do you feel numb?”

Bishop tried to talk but his voice was a mix of painful coughs as tearful cries. Sergeants’ heart then sank as he realized what is happening.

“Fuck. …. Looks like one of those bullets grazed one of your lungs, pretty fucking badly as well. …. You’re going to have to take it easy. …. By the looks of things, you need to keep your heart rate down, or the wound is only going to get bigger.”

Bishop kicked the floor in anger, he clenched his fists as the pain and rage before screaming into the trees above before his body went limp.



“Forget what I said. …. I hope that motherfucker burns in he- AHHH!!! FUCK!!”

Bishop couldn’t control his body as he shook violently; clenching his teeth and squeezing Coles jacket as he couldn’t help but scream, the shrapnel in his torso was churning in his flesh with every move he made. Cole could do nothing but hold the sergeant down as a tear rolled down his cheek. Cole closed his eyes, seeing the sergeant sobbing whilst squirming in a puddle of his own blood was a sight he just couldn’t bear.

The sergeant was beaten, bloody, mangled and heart broken, all Bishop wanted was to see the blue Pegasus by his side, just to give him the push he needed, the strength to carry on. But she was gone and all Bishop had left was the pain. …. The never ending, torturing, excruciating pain.