• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,438 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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Since they were reunited Rainbow Dash never left his side for a second, she was so overwhelmed with bliss that she could never bring herself to lose sight of him, Bishop didn’t mind the extra attention, because he was equally as overcome as she was.

Later that day it had just turned dark, the stars were starting to appear in the night sky as the clouds moved to surround the moon shining its light into even the darkest depths of the forest. Rainbow Dash stared into the moon as she sat next to Bishop; Andy was checking the wounds on his back as the Pegasus found herself stunned by the uncanny resemblance of the small white planet in the sky. She stared into the brightness until she heard the commotion next to her.

She turned to see Bishop with the leather handle of his in his mouth, she almost giggled at the sight until she saw Andy behind him holding his can of whisky. She the remembered the purpose of the leather strap, she leaned closer looking at the sergeant in the eyes as she began to worry about the pain he was about to go through, because she remembered exactly how it felt, it made her wing burn just thinking about it. She looked at the bag to see the haunting sight of her own blood almost completely staining the entire bag.

She placed a hoof on Bishop’s leg before the sergeant gave her a reassuring wink, with that he looked ahead as Andy stood behind him.

“You ready Serge?”

Bishop nodded, his hands clenched before he closed his eyes, Rainbow Dash scooted closer as Andy quickly poured the alcohol on the sergeants back. Bishop’s eyes widened, he sunk his teeth into the strong leather as he tried not to move, Rainbow Dash stood in front of him but he was looking past her as his face started turning red. His hands started shaking, Dash wanted to do something to help but there was nothing she could do, instead she watched as tears began to stream out of his eyes, she watched Andy as he worked frantically, wiping a cloth around his wounds to dry them.

“Done!!” Andy shouted, to which Bishop shot up off the ground and began to jump on the spot, screaming in agony, he spat the leather strap from his mouth as he flexed his back. After taking a few deep breaths he started walking away from the camp.

“Hey, wait!” Dash yelled.

“No Rainbow! …. Just, stay here. …. I’ll be back in a bit. I promise.”

Dash sat on the ground as a frown spread across her face, she watched every step the sergeant took as he disappeared into the distance. She turned around and started walking back to Andy, she then looked to her right, she almost froze at the sight of Dixon walking towards her with a bloody knife, she gasped before sprinting for the private.

Rainbow Dash jumped next to Andy, hiding behind him before looking around him to see Dixon, who was now stood next to a tree. Andy turned to see the quivering Pegasus behind him.

“Hey. Are you okay?”

Andy then turned to look at Dixon, he watched as the sergeant firmly stabbed the large knife into the strong wood before using it to wrench a large piece of bark from the tree, after putting it under his arm Dixon put the gory blade in his mouth before reaching into his jacket pocket with his free hand.

Rainbow Dash whimpered at the disturbing sight as the blood of the sergeant’s victims dripped down his chin, Dixon then pulled out a lighter, he took the knife out of his mouth, glaring at the Pegasus with a glint of madness in his eye before walking back to where he was.

“Fuck me!” Andy exclaimed, he turned back to Rainbow Dash, she was shaking, hiding behind the private. Before he could put a hand on her back to stroke it Rainbow Dash jumped to her feet, running off, as Andy watched her he saw the Pegasus run up to sergeant Bishop. The sergeant was almost knocked off his feet as Rainbow jumped into his arms.

“Whoa! Careful there! …. Hey. …. You’re shaking. Rainbow, what’s wrong?”

She didn’t reply, gripped the sergeant tighter around his neck, Bishop looked at Andy in the distance before turning to Dixon. Bishop’s eyes widened at the sight of Dixon sharpening his knife with blood smeared around his mouth. Dixon glared at the sergeant almost like a lion stalks its prey, Bishop heart began to race in his chest, his body all of a sudden felt cold. The sergeant was all too familiar with what Dixon was thinking, with that he started backing away, not once breaking eye contact, he gently placed Rainbow Dash on the ground before shuffling up to Andy, still not breaking eye contact.

“Andy. …. You trust me right”


“Get my piece.”

“…. What?”

“Do it now. …. Slowly”

Andy obeyed, keeping the pistol hidden he pushed it along the ground, Rainbow Dash saw clearly what was going on.

“B-bish?” She whimpered. Placing a hoof on his leg, the sergeant then stood up putting the pistol in his holster.

“Stay here. Both of you.”

Bishop slowly started to walk towards Dixon as Rainbow and Andy watched, the sergeant took a deep breath, trying to think of what to do next. He had seen many in the soldiers in the past, shell shocked, have a nervous breakdown, even turn suicidal, but this was different, Bishop looked into Dixon’s eyes and he saw a lust for blood.

He hovered his hand over the pistol before he sat opposite the sergeant, Dixon stopped sharpening his blade, he placed it on the ground, not once breaking eye contact, as Bishop leaned forward to speak