• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,428 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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At first she refused to believe it, but as her eyes wandered the evidence was clear, his hands were burnt, his torso looked to have been torn apart, she looked back before instantly snapping her head back, the area had all the tell tails signs of some kind of fire or a huge explosion.

But then she realized, if Cole was the only American soldier here and the fire around her was still burning, then that means she was close, they couldn’t be much further away right? Fire doesn’t burn forever. She looked back at sergeant Cole before standing up, she held back her tears before pulling herself away, she began to search the floor for footprints, but all she could see was blood. Rainbow Dash cringed with every step she took, her hooves squelched on the moist ground.

After jumping over another charred body she saw three sets of deep footprints moving away from the area, she felt that glimmer of hope once again but before she ran off she turned around and look at Coles body in the distance, turning back she began to run again. She tried everything to keep a brave face on as she galloped through the woods but her efforts were fruitless as she choked, she began to openly sob as she picked up the pace, running as fast as her legs could carry her.


In all her years Rainbow Dash had never experienced war so brutal, seen death in front of her eyes or been so scared in all her life, coming from such a peaceful world there was no way she could be prepared for the brutality she suffered, she wanted to go home but not when Bishop could be alive, waiting for her. She continued following the footprints, her legs quickly grew tired so she opened her wings and took off, this time she made sure she checked what was in front of her before looking down again, she had already made that mistake several times.

Just then, she heard something, it was barely audible; she touched down before staying as still as she could. She heard it again, someone was talking, her ears perked up as she began to walk closer. Unable to tell what was being said, she creped as quietly as she could, tense moments passed, part of her wanted to sprint towards the noise hoping it wasn’t a trap or even another Nazi platoon. If there was one thing this war had taught her it’s that nothing can ever be predicted, she kept herself composed still walking down the woods as she kept her ears open.

The noise was now coming to her right behind a large bush, she paused, still trying to listen in, it was definitely a conversation, but who was it? She hesitated before she tip hooved her way into the shrubbery, she saw light and with that she saw someone, her eyes lit up as she recognized the backpack.


She felt a twig snap under her weight, with that the dark figure in front of her spun around before firing it’s weapon. Three defining gunshots barely missed her as she felt one bullet in particular tear through her mane, pulling out her delicate hairs and scorching her neck, she opened her mouth to scream but her hooves covered her mouth, she whimpered as the figure fired another shot into the bush.


Rainbow Dash’s heart sored, it was Andy. Words couldn’t begin to describe how she felt so relived. The only thing holding her back now was seeing the pistol being pointed directly at her, if he fired his gun one more time it would most certainly be her end.

Tense moments passed before the dark figure slowly backed away from the bush, she pulled herself up, her eyes following the man before the change in light showed it was Dixon. In a funny way it was actually a relief to see him too. The sergeant then turned around walking next to the private, and there he was, the beaten, bruised and wounded soldier standing tall, holding his weapon in his hands. Rainbow Dash stepped forward peeking her head through the leaves, but then Bishop snapped his head towards her, lifting his gun and aiming it directly at her, she froze as the others did the same.

“Whose there?!!” He yelled, sending a chill down her spine as she listened to the menacing tone in Bishop’s voice.

Rainbow Dash mustered all the strength she could she pressed a hoof out into the light, at first there was silence; the Pegasus closed her eyes, not knowing how they’d react.


She opened her eyes, the sergeant had lowered his weapon, so did the others, now was the time. She hesitantly stepped out of the bushes, not breaking eye contact with the Bishop, she watched as the soldiers eyes widened before his mouth fell open. His face was a mix of surprise and devastation; he looked at all the cuts, bruises on the fragile, colorless creature that stood before him. Bishop threw his gun to one side; that was Rainbow’s cue.

Dash, sprinted towards the sergeant as he kneeled, she closed her eyes as she jumped into Bishop’s arms, she wrapped her forehooves around his neck before they both embraced each other, Bishop was startled, he couldn’t believe what was happening. Rainbow Dash buried her head into his chest sobbing into his jacket, tears dripped into sergeant Bishop’s wounds, making him hiss in pain, but he didn’t care one bit.

Rainbow Dash was in just as much pain, her burning muscles, her wings, only now she realized how much pain she was in, she gripped tighter, the sergeant sniffed, holding back his tears, he was overcome with joy. Rainbow Dash looked up at him before she started to feel strange, she looked down, she cried in bliss as she watched her color started to come back.

Starting from her hooves, her cyan color swooped across her legs, her tails rainbow color appeared with glistening sparks surrounding her body, the warm feeling consumed her entire body until she was back to the way she was. Rainbow Dash felt a sense of overwhelming pride in her heart as she looked back at Bishop with teary eyes.

“I. …. I missed you. …. Oh Celestia I missed you.” She whispered between sobs, before placing her head against his chest again.

Bishop paused before her stood up as he held the Pegasus in his arms, he couldn’t hold onto his emotions any longer. He squeezed the Pegasus tighter as he sniffed, felling the warmth of the cyan creature against his body as his tears soaked into her rainbow mane. Rainbow Dash once again, felt safe, like nothing could possibly hurt her again as they both cried.