• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,428 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

  • ...


Rainbow's mind was filled with a wash of multiple feeling and emotions as she slowly woke up, her wing was throbbing, her head was burnings. She began to feel dizzy as he whole body began to shiver. 'What happened? Where am I? Where is everyone?'

Just then she felt her stomach churn as she tried to stand up, she tried again but this time her body wouldn't allow it. She turned to her right as her stomach emptied it's contents onto the floor. Every fiber in her body was burning as she spat the last of the vomit from her mouth. She then heard a farmiliar voice approaching her, she couldn't see who it was or hear what it was saying, she didn't struggle as it picked her up, careful not to touch her wing.

She was carried through the room, which was still nothing but a blur as she tried to focus on what was around her, she felt disorientated, her whole body was limp and her mouth hung open as she tried to breath normally again. She was then placed on something warm and soft, her eyes began to focus on her surroundings, she could see she was indoors.

The floor was covered in debris, the walls were covered in bullet holes and all the shelves in the room were empty. 'Shelves?' She thought to herself, she squinted her eyes before she could see she was in a pharmacy, the color of the room, the medical supplies on the floor, at least it looked like a pharmacy, or a hospital even.

Rainbow could now see clearly again, she could see sergeant Bishop in front of her, looking at the others as they patched Dixon up, who was still groaning in pain.

"GAH!! Are you fucking done yet?!!"

"Almost." Cole smirked to himself. "Just, one. .... Last."



"Done. .... How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been shot in the ass, you dumb fuck!!"

"Hey Bish! How's she doing?"

Bishop turned around and placed a hand on her mane, although she liked it, she couldn't tell him how painful it was as he patted her head.

"I think she's coming around, go on Andy, make the call. Let's get out of here."

"Yes sir!" Andy said triumphantly as he ran out of the room. Bishop then turned back to Rainbow to see she was wincing in pain.

"How are you doing?"

Rainbow tried to speak but she was too lethargic to do so, the sergeant smiles before putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, it's the drugs, they do that to you."

Rainbow Dash then began to look around the room, her eyes scanned the area around the area as she tried to gain the strength to talk.

"We made it Rainbow." Bishop said with a large smile on his face, a look which Rainbow Dash needed at a time like this.

"We made it to Norden. This room we're in was a hospital, before the war started. We couldn't reach the other building but we found a radio in here. Andy's gonna call for backup, and hopefully we'll be out of here by sundown."

Rainbow Dash was getting her strength back again, she squirmed around before she was on her stomach, the heated surface underneath her warming her body. She looked at the sergeant in front of her before looking at his with a questionable look in her eyes. She opened her mouth, trying to push words out of her lungs.

"Hey. You should really take it easy. You've lost a lot of blood."

With one firm push, Rainbow Dash managed to force the words out of her mouth but it came out more like a screech then a whisper.

"Why are you here?" She said, feeling her vocal chords loosening, allowing her to talk again.

"W-what do you mean?" Bishop asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"W-wh. .... Why are you here? Fighting by yourselves?"

Bishop understood her question but was hesitant to answer it.

"We uh. .... I'm sorry, I can't discuss that."

Rainbow Dash glared at Bishop, she felt like she was being patronized.

"Can't or wont?" Rainbow said with a slight growl.

Bishop then stood up and walked towards his team. Rainbow Dash was surprised by his sudden change in attitude, but that only confirmed her suspicions that something was going on. Andy then came back into the room, wheeling a large table into the room, on top of it was an old radio.

"Bish! I got a signal!"

All the soldiers instantly jumped from their positions towards Andy, Bishop patted him on the back as Andy talked on the radio.

"I got us a signal to base. Their waiting for the captain to speak."

The sergeants looked at eachother, Bishop took the microphone out of Andy's hand before pressing a button which put the device on speaker.

"This is Master Sergeant David, Ann, Bishop."

"Bishop? .... Where's the captain?"

".... *Sigh* .... Captain Matt, Finn, John was killed in action two days ago."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as her heart, it was the first time she heard that the captain was killed.

".... Whose with you now sergeant?"

"I'm currently with, Private, Andy, May, Clarkson. .... Sergeant, Daniel, Saint, Cole. .... Sergeant, Adam, Isaac, Dixon. .... And a cilvilian."

"A civilian? .... Who?"

Bishop looked at Rainbow Dash before turning back to the Radio.

"A prisoner we found in the place where Sergeant Cage was executed. She's english and she's with us now. .... Injured. So is Private Andy, sergeant Dixon and myself. We need an immediate evac, we are low on ammo and supplies. .... Hello? .... Hello?!"

Just the a high pitch screech came from the radio before it went silent. Then a deep and throaty voice cam on the radio.

"Sergeant Bishop."

All the soldiers recoiled, shocked at the voice on the radio, the unmistakable German accent seemed to scare the soldiers, Bishop then stood closer to the metal box before talking into it's microphone.

"Who is this?" He asked, before a laugh was heard over the radio.

"Who I am, is the last thing you should be worried about sergeant. You come into our country, you spy on us and kill our soldiers. .... This is not your fight sergeant."

"You made it our fight when you snatched one of our men!"

"He was foolish enough to spy on us."

"This conversations ov-"

"No it's not!" The commanding tone shouted. "You're going to listen to what I have to say. .... Where there's an action, there's a consequence. And you, my friend, you are going to know what happen when you fuck with our business. .... You're going to regret this."

After a moments silence, Bishop leaned forwards and turned the radio off. Nobody said a word as they looked at sergeant Bishop, who was staring blankly at the table in front of him.


Later that night sergeant Cole was looking at Rainbow Dash's wound on her wing, closely examining it as she winced in pain. The sergeant then reached back for the whisky before holding it close to her wing.

"What's that for?"

"Clearing any infections. .... It's best to be safe then sorry."

"I guess. .... Will it hurt?"

"Don't worry about it."

Rainbow watched as the sergeant poured the alcohol onto her wound, she instantly gasped as the ice cool liquid, strangled every exposed nerve in the wound, making her scream in pain.

"AAAAHHHHAAAHHH!! You said don't worry about it!!"

"Would you have let me do it if I said it would hurt?"

Rainbow Dash continued to grunt in pain before the agonizing sting slowly started to fade in her left wing. Cole then slowly wrapped it up before Rainbow Dash looked at it, saddened, thinking she would never fly again. When he was she pulled it from his grasp before cradling it in her forehooves. Tears began to well up in he eyes as she looked at her precious wing, devastated like a mother loosing her beloved child.

"Dont worry." Dixon said, leaning forward. "I've seen much worse before."

Rainbows ears pricked up, she looked at Cole with a strange twinkle in her eyes.

"You're a pony doctor?"

"What? No no no, I'm a vet. Well, I was. .... I've worked with all kinds of animals, cats, birds even fish."

"Before the war happened?"

"Yeah. .... Listen, I'm really sorry about the pain we've put you through. We was doing what we could with what we had."

"It's okay. .... I'm fine now. I'm alive. And I'm thankful for that. So thank you."

"That's good to know. .... *Yawn* .... Alright, I gonna get some shuteye. See you in the morning Rainbow."

"See yah."

Sergeant Cole waked off into one of the wards before climbing into one of the beds, leaving Rainbow Dash to think to herself, to think about how she ended up here. She knew now that what she was seeing in her dreams was real, she could remember it as clearly, she even cringed at the cheesy quote she said before she entered the cave. 'Daring Dash. .... Really?' She thought to herself.

Just then, the blue box came back to her. She could have sworn that she had seen it before, outside the cave, but she couldn't figure out where. Tall, wooden, square and blue. 'What was it doing in there?' All of a sudden she could remember what happened next.


Rainbow Dash began to walk around the big blue box in front of her. As she circled it she looked into the details, such as the windows, the doors, the odd blue light on the top and the white letters on the top saying.

"Police Public Call Box."

Just then the light on top flickered, she jumped back before walking closer, she walked towards the double door in front of her, she gulped before lifting a hoof and grabbing the handle.


Her mind went blank, she couldn't remember what happened after that. As she squinted her eyes, trying to force her mind to remember what the heck happened that day, Dixon limped into the room. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, looking at the wounded soldier before she started trying to resist the urge to smile, knowing it would on piss him off. Dixon gave a glare before hopping towards the ward where sergeant Cole was sleeping.

Rainbow Dash laid slowly stood up for the first time, stumbling before she got her balance. She began to stretch her legs as she slowly made her way into the ward. By the time she walked inside she saw Dixon, Cole and Bishop, already sleeping. Rainbow looked around the room, she could imagine it once full of nurses and busy doctors running around, but now it was nothing but a deserted skeleton of a building, holes in the walls and the floor from where explosions and shrapnel had done it's damage.


Rainbow Dash looked behind her, a yellow glow flickered against the wall, she looked around the corner to see Andy sat against the wall, in front of him was a candle, illuminating the book surrounded by notes on the floor.

"Come here."

Rainbow Dash walked up to the private as he went back to reading his book. Rainbow Dash sat beside him, looking at the book he was reading, she couldn't understand the writing as it was written a foreign language.

"What are you reading?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Found it in the library next door. It's called The Common Rouge written by Max, Ludwig."

"How can you tell that? .... Oh yeah. You speak different languages."

"French, German and Russian to be exact."


Rainbow Dash went back to looking at the book, trying to mime the words.

"Gussen. .... Gus. ...G. What does that one say?"

"That one? .... 'Gesundheit.'"

"What does it mean?"

"It means 'god bless you' in German."

Rainbow Dash paused before reading out the word again.

".... Gesundheit. .... *Sigh* All this thinking is making me sleepy."

"You look like you could do with some rest. .... Go on, get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay. .... Goodnight."

"Gute Nacht."

Rainbow Dash walked back towards her blanket in the next room, she stopped, feeling nervous as she looked into the darkness. She then walked back into the ward before walking past Andy again, he watched as she walked up to the bed of where sergeant Bishop was sleeping.

"Bishop? .... Bish?" Rainbow whispered, but there was no response.

She stood back before she reared up and jumped onto the bed and still the sergeant was refusing to wake up. She slowly crept up to Bishop as he laid on his side, she muzzled his arm but once again he was still deep in his sleep. Giving up, she lifted his arm before she crawled underneath, curling into a ball and shuffling close to his body's warmth.

Rainbow Dash sighed as for the first time in weeks, she felt safe, like nothing could touch her again. After shuffling on last time to make sure her wing was as comfortable as possible, she looked through one of the holes in the ceiling, looking into the sky she could see the stars looking down on her. With one deep breath, she closed her eyes as Andy watched in the corner of the room. He smiled before turning to read his book.

"What weak, inglorious fools we mortals are.

That war must be, or any need of war.

And yet, the better day is coming when the teachings of the lowly Nazarene Shall be the rule of nations--as of men;

The sword and bayonet shall be preserved, By the fair children of a nobler race, As relics only, of a barbarous past."