• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,428 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

  • ...


Bishop was quite surprised at how light the pegasus was in his backpack, despite being just under 2 foot tall and being very strong for her size she didn't weigh no more then your average household cat. Rainbow Dash was curled up inside the bag looking through the holes of the fabric, watching as the platoon made its way through the forrest. Bishop was walking with the captain as Andy, Cole and Dixon followed in the rain.

Rainbow Dash could hear the harsh weather crashing against her shelter, with the odd rain drop seeping through and tickling her nose. Every gust of wind cooled the sweat on her coat, making her whole body shiver.

"You okay in there?" Bishop asked quietly, looking around for enemy soldiers.

"I'm okay. .... It's, nrgh! A little cramped in here."

"Try to get some rest. Don't worry, we'll be there soon."

Rainbow Dash squirmed to try to get into a more comfortable position, she laid on her back spreading her wings so they covered the small holes in the bag. She started to think to herself as she bounced with every step Bishop took. 'How did I get here?' She closed her eyes and tried desperately to remember her past.

One memory in particular kept creeping back into her mind, Pinkie Pie, floating in front of her, saying goodbye. 'Was it just a dream? Did it actually happen? If so then what was in that m-


Bishop stopped moving, Rainbow Dash listened to see what was going on, but she couldn't her anything. She could feel the sergeant laying down on the wet ground, she stayed as quiet as she could, not knowing what was going on. The sergeant then cocked his gun. Tense seconds passed by as Rainbow held her breath, she could hear Bishop's heartbeat as she waited.

"You got him?" The captain said quietly.

"Got him."


The deafening explosion made Rainbow Dash jump in the bag, instantly her body was struck with a surge of adrenaline as her surroundings were quiet again. But then the same dull ringing in her ears began to return as she could feel a painful throbbing in her head. She began to quiver, holding her head in her hooves, not knowing what was happening.

"Number 2 is on the move, got him?"

"Got him."

Rainbow Dash firmly covered her ears, shutting her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.


Covering her ears hardly made a difference, the ringing got louder as the pain in her head got worse. She then felt the sergeant standing back up, she began to calm down as she heard Bishop sigh in relief.

"Good shooting." The captain praised, patting Bishop on the shoulder. He looked out into the distance, seeing the small town, no more then a mile away.

"Alright, let's ge-"


The noise made Bishop flinch as the captain stumbled backwards, his mouth hung open, he looked at himself. There was on open, bloody wound, still smoking on his chest. Bishop stared in horror as he looked through the gory cavity, time seemed to slow down as the captain looked at him in the eyes before:


A second impact struck the wounded man between the eyes, the captain gurgled as blood spurted from the gaping hole in his skull, covering Bishop in a dark crimson. The startled sergeant watched as the commanding officer fell to the ground. He looked around, disorientated, in shock, looking for the attacker before another gunshot struck the tree, inches from Bishop's head. His senses cleared, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

"SNIPER!!" Bishop screamed.

The sergeant dove to the ground before the team did the same thing, Bishop looked through the sights of his weapon, scanning the trees, the ground, breathing heavily as he tried to find the shooter in the deep depths of the woods.

"Dixon! Get your ass up here!"

Dixon crawled up to Bishop before grabbing the sniper rifle, he scooted into position before cocking the weapon. Bishop felt Rainbow Dash squirming in the backpack as he watched Dixon, looking down the sights of his weapon, waiting for the right moment. He saw movement up in the trees just as a bright flash was seen down his sights. He ducked, the bullet with inches to spare before looking down his gun, he held his breath, grasped the gun tightly and then:


Dixon fires a shot, shortly followed by another, screams echoed through the forrest as Dixon watched his target fall out of the tree and onto the solid ground. Dixon stood up and gave Bishop his weapon before leading the way.


Bishop quickly took off his bag and unzipped it, he saw Rainbow Dash, curled into a cyan ball, looking at him with terror in her eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Rainbow Dash couldn't reply, she tried to talk but she was too scared to even utter a sentence. Bishop sighed, he knew that there was no stopping now, he had to carry on.

"It's okay. I promise it's going to be okay."

"B-b-b-bl-blood?" She whimpered.

Bishop wiped most of the blood off his face, looking at his hand he could see the captains blood all over his palm, he looked at the commanding officer, lying on the ground, in a pool of his own blood. He winced before turning back to the terrified Pegasus. A small, yet obviously fake smile spread across his face.

"W-we're almost there, just sit tight."

Rainbow watched as he zipped the bag up again. Bishop grabbed his gun before putting his bag back on his shoulders. Quickly he regrouped with the platoon, they all looked back at their fallen captain, Bishop then quickly turned away and then carried on walking into the forrest.

"We'll mourn him later. Right now we need to keep moving. Dixon, you get in front, keep an eye out. These guys are sneaky bastards."

"No thanks." Dixon said with a slight chuckle. "Your not my boss. I'm staying back here."

"Dixon! This is no time for bitching! Get your ass up front! Now!!"

"Fuck you!! I'm staying back here!!"

Bishop looked at Andy and Cole before turning to Dixon again. He scowled before turning to face the treturous path they were going to take. Bishop said nothing and started walking in front of his team, they closely followed, grasping their guns as they prepared themselves for another fight.


It wasn't long before they were walking past the shooters body, sprawled on the blood soaked floor. The soldiers became nervous as they looked around their surroundings. The thunder crashing and the rainfall, almost making it impossible to hear, the thick fog whick surrounded them, making it hard to see where they were going. Andy walked up to Bishop before tapping him on the shoulder.

"I don't like this Bish. We really exposed out here."

"Just keep watch. We should be fine."

The sergeant gave Andy a reassuring smile before continuing ,Bishop then looked back to see Dixon, still hanging back but doing his job at least.

"Everything alright back there Dick?" Bishop shouted.

"Yeah. Everything clear. .... And don't call me Dick."

Bishop turned around again, walking backwards as he face the sergeant with a smirk on his face as he could see Dixon was clearly afraid for once.

"Why? It's your nickname isn't it?"

Dixon gave Bishop a menacing look before slowly walking closer towards the sergeant.

"My FRIENDS call me Dick. You're not a friend, you're not a pall, you're not even a partner. You're just some guy, who I have the displeasure of working w-"



Dixon fell to the ground, accidentally dropping his gun as the excruciating pain consumed his mind. He continued to wail in agony as he grabbed his pistol and started shooting wildly into the woods. Bishop ran to Dixon as the other soldiers opened fire.

"Dixon!! .... Dixon?!!"


"You're hit!! Where are you hit?!!"


Bishop couldn't help but smirk as he helped the wounded sergeant to his feet. Bishop quickly ran past Andy and Cole, keeping his head low as they soon followed. Using the nearby trees as cover as they sprinted as fast as they could.

"Come on!! Move Dixon!! MOVE!!"



Muffled blood curdling screams filled Bishop's ears as he felt the cyan Pegasus flailing wildly in his backpack. His heart skipped a beat as Rainbows cries of pain echoed through the forrest.


As soon as Dixon left his grasp Bishop jumped behind a large tree before taking his backpack off as quick as he could. Rainbow Dash was still screaming in agony as he unzipped the bag, seeing the Pegasus squirming in pain.

"Rainbow! Where are you hit?!!"

"My wing!! AAHHHAH!! MY WING!!"

Bishop could see the wound was bleeding heavily, the Pegasus looked at him, tears flowing from her eyes before mixing into the small puddle of blood under her. Bishop looked up to see Andy, Cole and Dixon, waiting for him as they fired at the enemy.


Bishop looked back at Rainbow, her eyes were fixed as she screamed hysterically, he quickly reached into his bag and pulled Rainbow from it, creating new, ear shattering wails of pure agony. Bishop cradled Rainbow in his arms before taking a deep breath.

He started to sprint as fast as he could towards his team, with the Pegasus bawing in his arms.


Bishop stormed past the soldiers and continued on, Andy, Cole carried Dixon as fast as they could as they followed the sergeant. Dixon grunted and yelled as he limped with his one good leg, still firing at the enemy, rage burning in his eyes.