• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,428 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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Paper trail

Rainbow Dash opened her wings before turning to see the oncoming forest. Weakened by her earlier struggle she was unable to avoid crashing into the ground. As she descended she used what strength she had left to tilt her wing to send her into a steep glide. Rainbow crashed into multiple branches and trees before her feet struck the ground, causing her to spiral out of control.

She rolled on the ground before crashing into a large rock. It wasn’t long before she was reminded of her harsh reality as she opened her eyes to look around. Just then her element crashed into the ground, causing it to shake under her hooves. She groaned before she pulled herself up, she leaned forward to walk but her front legs collapsed under her weight, using her back legs, she lazily pushed herself along the ground until her element was right in front of her gaze.

Waiting for her strength to come back, Rainbow Dash stared into the reflection of the jewel, sighing as she was bathed in a warm glow. But then she noticed something.

“The Jeep!”

She turned, the rock she crashed into was supporting the vehicles weight as it was perched on top of it. Her strength came back in an instant, she eyes lit up as her spirit was lifted.

“Bish! BISH!!”

She started to run around the demolished vehicle, there was no answer, she kept shouting at the top of her lungs till her throat felt like it was on fire, but nobody was around. She stomped her hoof in frustration but at least she found the Jeep, ‘that’s start right?’ she thought to herself. She began looking around the truck, searching for clues, for any signs of her heroes.

She tried to concentrate to every conceivable detail she could find on the truck, she leaped into the back of the Jeep before her eyes were struck by an eerie sight.

She looked around, her mouth went dry as she stared at the bullet holes, the used cartridges scattered on the floor, and the blood. She pressed her hoof against the metal walls of the jeep, staring into the bullet holes as a potent smell struck her senses, the smell of alcohol and blood mixed together gave off a scent which made her gag.

Unable to stand the smell for any longer she backed away before falling out of the Jeep, landing on her back. Groaning in pain as her bruises began to throb she hoisted herself off the ground before looking at the dent she made on the floor, that was when she saw a large boot print in front of her gaze, her eyes widened she saw the ground covered in a dark crimson, as she jumped onto her feet she saw herself surrounded by footprints, all covered with blood.

As her heart jumped into her mouth, Rainbow Dash began searching for a trail, it wasn’t long before she saw the trail of blood going into the trees in the distance, with a stampede of footprints following. She quickly ran to her element and picked it up, holding it under her wing before she began to gallop, following the blood as it lead her deeper into the woods.


Rainbow Dash was growing tired, the trail didn’t seem to end, the blood and footprint just appeared to go on and on. She had ran for what felt like an eternity but she kept her focus, not knowing if Bishop was dead or alive was enough to give her the strength she needed to carry on.

As she entered a clearing she closed her eyes for a second moistening them before she tripped on something. Her body was thrown forward, she yelped as she tumbled onto the ground when she came to a stop she opened her eyes, what she saw next, she’ll never forget.

Right before her was a pair of dark, glazed eyes, staring into her soul, as her eyes widened she noticed she could see the sky through the bloody wound on the soldiers head. Rainbow screeched flailing her legs before she backed away as fast as she could, seeing that it was a dead Nazi soldier, surrounded by dozens more. The stench was horrific, she covered her mouth with her hooves as her mind began to panic, making her whole body shake as she stared at the dozens of decaying bodies in front of her. Some had their insides sprawled out on the floor, one was missing a head one had been burnt to a crisp, the skull exposed as the fire surrounding the body made the flesh sizzle, the smell of burning flesh pushed her stomach too far, she hunched over as it began to empty it’s contents onto the ground, her head hung as she hurled, seeing that she was stood in a large puddle of blood, her vomit mixed into the gore below her as she let out a blood curdling scream of anguish.

She began to hyperventilate, looking in all directions for a way out but she was completely surrounded by death, blood and gore, closing her eyes she took off into the sky as quickly as she could before inevitably crashing into a tree. Landing on her rump she jumped back onto her feet as began seeing stars, shaking her head, she was still in a state of panic, not daring to look back she crouched ready to start running before something caught her eye.

Still breathing erratically, her heart running on nothing more than adrenalin she saw someone laying on the ground, but it wasn’t a Nazi soldier, he was wearing American attire. At first she didn’t want to believe it. ‘N-no. …. It can’t be!’ She thought, running to the soldiers side, she stumbled before falling to her knees, sliding on the floor before she found herself sat next to the body of:
