• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,426 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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“Ready to talk yet?”

Rainbow’s tormenter brought the leather belt up to his shoulder, using all his might as he struck her on her already bruised back, her eyes widened, she couldn’t scream, her mouth was gagged with the same dirty cloth as before. Her back arched as the agonizing pain washed across her entire body, she looked around at her audience, the room was full of business men, generals and soldiers, all watching as she was beaten mercilessly.

Rainbow scrambled to her feet running as fast as she could to the nearest door she could see, but the crowd guarding her exit pushed her back towards the center of the room. Conflicting thoughts raced in her mind. ‘JUST TELL THEM!!’ Her body screamed for mercy, her heart ached as her mind was seriously considering telling them where her heroes were.


Her sentence was cut off as she felt a deadly grip tighten around her neck, unable to breath she flailed her legs widely as she was lifted off the ground. Her face soon turned purple as the lack of oxygen was making her weak, adrenaline surged in her veins as her hooves yanked desperately at the leather belt, doing everything she could to loosen the grip.

Finally she was dropped to the ground, her chest heaved as she gasped for air, she looked around, nobody was going to save her. After she put her head in her hooves she began to bawl, knowing it was only a matter of time before she would give up. But then she noticed that the room fell silent, even the heartless tormenter behind her had stopped walking, she looked up, she saw the same man with the brown suit as before, had she not been in so much pain she probably would have burst out laughing at his moustache again.

The dictator marched up to her, Schmidt, his translator followed as Rainbow Dash came face to face with the infuriated mam. He then yelled at the top of his lungs, Rainbow Dash covered her head expecting another painful blow to her beaten body, but it never came.

The dictator then began to talk to her, she couldn’t understand what he was saying but whatever it was, he was talking in a chilling tone which sent a shiver up her spine. Schmidt then translated.

“You have become an extreme nuisance to me.” He began, translating as the enraged dictator continued to yell at the helpless mare. “If you are not going to talk then you will be of no use to us. I’m giving you one last chance to speak, then I’ll end you’re suffering. …. Otherwise you’re going to die right here.”

The dictator yelled again, raising his hand, Rainbow Dash squeaked before she raised her hooves, pressing them firmly against her head. She began to shake her heart stopped; she paused before she peaked through her hooves looking at the suited man in front of her.

“P-p-please, d-don’t hurt me. …. No more. I beg. …. I beg!”

The leader growled, turning away before gesturing by waving his hand to the soldier stood next to the colorless Pegasus. To which he replied by wrapping the belt around Rainbow’s neck again, once again Rainbow Dash choked as the air was squeezed out of her lungs. Her vision blurred as the grip grew tighter and tighter, her heart surged, desperately trying to pump the last of her oxygen to her brain. As she was seconds away from blacking out she brought her legs up to her chest before she used the last of her energy to kick the soldier behind her as hard as she could.


The grip loosened around her neck, she was dropped to the ground as the soldier yelled in agony. Quickly collecting her thoughts, Rainbow Dash looked back, seeing that the heavy blow had struck the soldier in the groin, her eyes widened, she panicked as she turned to face the crowd in front of her, the dictator screamed out a command, pointing at her to which his right hand man pulled out a pistol from his jacket.

Rainbow ducked as the soldier fired at her, she felt the heat of the bullet as it flew past her ear, grazing the flesh as it went through the window behind her. Rainbow Dash looked at the cracked window, she saw her chance, but she had a score to settle.

Felling the blood pump into her muscles, she sprinted towards the infuriated as he yelled at his guards, with one great leap, she threw herself into the air, leaning back as she flew across the room.

“Take this!!”

Using her back legs, Rainbow Dash kicked the Dictator in the nose with all her might, feeling the bones crack under her hooves as she used the force to sling shot herself towards the window. She felt the deafening scream ring in her ears as she braced herself for impact. Using all her body weight she smashed through the thick glass, she started to fall before her body tensed with fear as she saw herself plummeting to the ground outside the six story building.

She screamed as gravity began pulling her towards the ground, out of instinct she closed her eyes as she unfurled her wings and with one firm thrust she started to glide along the ground. She opened her eyes looking at her wings as the biggest smile wiped across her face. For the first time in this world she was flying again, the pain was unbelievable but she didn’t care.

All of a sudden she heard bullets flying past her, she turned back to see almost every soldier in the building she just escaped from, firing their guns at her. Rainbow Dash almost lost focus as she wobbled in the air, with a graceful swoop she dove towards the ground in a vertical nose dive, pulling up just as she was inches from the concrete path. She carried on flying towards the horizon as she dodged the bullets as they struck the ground beneath her, kicking dust into her face, but with the gaze of an eagle she carried on dodging and diving like a fighter jet in a dog fight, in no time at all she could see a forest into the distance.

As soon as the gunfire ceased she dropped to the ground, landing on her feet before she sprinted into the trees.