• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,438 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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Bishop took a minute to come up with something to say as Dixon continued to stare at him, so far the crazed sergeant hadn’t so much as blinked yet. Rainbow and Andy watched from a distance as the tension grew, Rainbow Dash then caught a glimpse of Andy reaching into his bag before pulling out a large machete. Bishop felt a knot in his stomach as he felt the sweat dripping under his clothes.

“Not looking so good Dixon. …. You need a hand with any of this?”

“Fuck off.” Dixon growled.

“…. I know what you’re feeling Dixon. …. That sense of helplessness, the lonely feeling in your chest. Believe me, we’re all going through it.”


“We can get through this. If you take it easy, we can get out of here, as a team.”

Dixon paused before silence turned into a chuckle, Bishop placed his hand on his pistol as Dixon leaned forward, the blade was now directly below him and inches from his reach.

“Hehehh. ….. Your talking as if I crazy.” Dixon said in a disturbingly friendly tone. “A team you say? …. Since when did being a team matter in this fucking shitstorm? Since when does a “TEAM” plot to kill one of their own?!”

“…. We’ve not discussed such things.”

“Then why the piece?”

“It’s best to be prepared in a war.”


Before Dixon finished his scream he found Bishop’s had withdrew his pistol and aimed it at his head. Andy stood up hiding the large blade behind his back, Rainbow Dash’s legs were screaming to run and help but Bishop’s word was the only thing that was keeping her where she was. The mad sergeant sat back before laughing again, Bishop’s hands were shaking, he looked down the sights of his weapon as Dixon continued to snigger.

“You’re right. Heheh. It IS always good to be prepared in this war. …. Because you never know what’s coming. …. After all this time I’ve killed many Japs, Nazis but ironically it looks like they’re not my real enemy.”

“You are your own worst enemy Dixon. You’ve proven yourself to be a threat to this unit.”

“Unit? WHAT FUCKING UNIT?!! …. There’s three of us, excluding that cunt!”

“You know the damn drill! Don’t make me do it. The only thing stopping me from pulling this trigger is knowing you have a family who love and care for your wellbeing.

“My family?”

Dixon had a look of woe spread across his face.

“D-didn’t nobody tell you?! ….. THEY’RE DEAD!!”

Bishop looked down to see the blade had disappeared, before he could focus his vision on Dixon again, the crazed sergeant had tackled him to the ground, knocking the gun out of his hand.


Andy sprinted towards the fight, machete in his right hand. Dixon had the sergeant pinned to the ground, Bishop could feel the shrapnel churning in his muscles as he struggled.

“ANDY!! NO!!” Bishop choked.

The private brought the blade back to swing but Dixon saw him in the corner of his eye. Throwing a punch to Bishop’s temple he threw himself towards Andy, blocking the attack with his right arm before grabbing Andy by the throat with his left. The private’s face turned red as the sergeant choked him against a nearby tree, Bishop tried to stand up but the throbbing in his head and the ringing in his ears was disorientating his senses.

Dixon lifted the skinny private off the ground still pinning him against the tree before, yanking the machete out of his hand.


Dixon was thrown against the tree as he felt something jump on his back, looking back he saw the cyan Pegasus, Rainbow Dash was holding the crazed sergeant by his neck, doing everything in her power to stop the relentless violence.

Without thinking, Dixon threw his head back, head-butting the filly on the snout, knocking her off his back. Dixon then turned back to Andy, with one firm swing of the machete Dixon drove the blade into the privates chest. With a crazed grin spread across his face, Dixon watched as the blade pierced the privates skin, feeling the bones breaking and the muscles tearing under the force. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes at the gut wrenching crunch, she looked up only to see the blood as it splattered on her face and her eyes. Andy gasped before looking at the sergeant in the eyes, feeling the cold steel inside him.

Dixon let go of the blade, leaving the private pinned against the tree.

“How does it feel?” Dixon growled, still smiling.

Andy didn’t answer; he scowled before spitting a mouthful of blood into Dixon’s face. The sergeant recoiled, wiping the blood from his eyes before throwing a punch to Andy’s jaw. Dixon didn’t pause he made his way towards Rainbow Dash, wielding the blade in his hand.

The Pegasus was wiping her eyes, trying to see, her nose was throbbing, dripping in blood as her vision cleared, she spotted the sergeant walking towards her, she looked past his to see the private hanging from a tree. She turned her gaze back to Dixon as she saw the blade in his hand.

“No. ….No, no. Nononono.”

She flipped into her stomach before flapping her wings, as she took off she felt the crazed sergeant’s hand grab her leg. She flapped her wings furiously before she was pulled back to the ground, she hung upside down as Dixon held the knife to her.

Bishop’s senses were slowly returning as his vision started to clear, he then heard a ear-splitting scream coming from the distance. His head darted to see the sight of Dixon slowly cutting Rainbow Dash on her chest.


Bishop tried to stand but his legs collapsed under his weight, Dixon stopped, looking at the sergeant as he held the Pegasus in his hand. Rainbow Dash clutched her wound, still screaming as she looked at Bishop through teary eyes.

Bishop saw Andy pinned to the tree, his heart was beating out of his chest, Bishop looked for his pistol before realising it was by Andy’s feet, he slowly turned back to Dixon.

“You lay one on finger on her I’ll-“


“…. Please. …. Not her just. …. Please. Don’t hurt her, she hasn’t done anything to deserve it.”

Dixon paused looking at the blue pony in his hand, Rainbow Dash looked at him, eyes pleading for mercy. Dixon turned back to Bishop with a neutral look on his face.

“…. Please.”

Dixon stared at Bishop, the silence was agonising, slowly Dixon started to smile, the evil grin sent a shiver down Bishop’s spine, Bishop desperately started to try and climb onto his feet as Dixon grabbed Rainbow Dash by her tail.

All Bishop could do was watch as Dixon slammed the Pegasus on the ground, Dash’s strangled cries tore a hole in Bishop’s heart. Bishop screamed in anguish as he watched. Dixon continued to mercilessly beat the helpless creature against the ground. Dixon then threw the Pegasus into the air before kicking her into a tree. Rainbow’s beaten body fell to the ground. Bishop grew numb as he saw the Pegasus’s limp body rolled on the ground into a puddle. He stared at the motionless creature on the ground as the clear puddle slowly turned red.

Uncontrollable anger began to consume his mind; Bishop clenched his fists until his nails began to draw blood from his palms. He felt the fire burning in his chest as he stumbled onto his feet; he stared at Dixon dead in the eyes as a storm began to brew in the sky. Thunder crashed, blinding streaks of lightning exploded around them as the tension grew and grew. And with that, powered only by unadulterated rage, Bishop roared before he sprinted towards the armed soldier.