• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 52,411 Views, 11,685 Comments

Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student - milesprower06

Twilight Sparkle is being sent to Ponyville to learn about friendship. She's not happy about it.

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Pinkie Apple Pie

Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student
by milesprower06

Pinkie Apple Pie

Dear Pinkie,

You do realize that the only reason the Apples considered you a part of their family is so there'd be one more pony to rut, right?

You see, when a family like that gets horny...

Well, stop by the library when you've got time. This isn't the most appropriate thing to discuss in a letter. Although I must admit, when you went over the waterfall, it was quite impressive how the only thing you lost was 35 pounds of bacon.

Nice photo of Big Mac's ass though. Damn I want that.


Dear Applejack,

Cousin! Let's go bowling!


~We travel the highway of information
And then an idea spawned
We write and we post our fine narration
On our Fimfiction and beyond

We're cloppers forever, cloppers together
Horse sex but so much more
Appledashers have you read O's story
Where AJ is a whore?

There's no place that I'd rather flee
When Twilight's at the li-brary
Friends all around come join with me
As we chase her out of our land

We're shippers forever, shippers together
Our OTP's we adore
For BDSM, strap them tight in leather
And leave subs red and sore

Now we're not perfect, nowhere close, sweet pea
But at least we're better than EqD
Haters may say we'll burn for our sin
But just keep on writing, shipping for the win!

Writing's more fun with your favorite kink
Like shipping Rainbow with the kitchen sink
I need some more, come on send the link
As we touch ourselves 'til we're mad

We're clopping together, taking forever
This climax is a chore
Whenever we come, we will face the weather
We're cloppers to the core

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