• Published 7th Jun 2012
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Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student - milesprower06

Twilight Sparkle is being sent to Ponyville to learn about friendship. She's not happy about it.

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Pinkie Pride

Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student
by milesprower06

Pinkie Pride

Dear Diary,

So today was Rainbow's birthiversary. I wondered how I could possibly top her last two birthdays. Two years ago, she got swimming lessons, and the year after that, she got a Daring Do book signed by A.K. Yearling. How was I going to top those?

As I began to ask for volunteers, the first one to speak up was a pony named Cheese Sandwich, who came into town and was all like, "Pinkie, everything you know is wrong." Another party-planning pony, he sang on and on about the various parties he had headlined. The party in the CIA sounded pretty impressive. Pretty soon, everypony forgot about my plans and went to help him with his. For a little bit, I tried other careers, but shortly decided to take my title back.

So I return to the site of the party and challenge Cheese to a Goof Off. We stared each other down and dared each other to one-up the other. Dare to be the goofiest. Dare to be the silliest. Dare to be stupid. Now that we each had our polka face on, we started to sing a complicated song. Cheese wasn't pulling any punches when he decided to ripoff my very own song! What, you think you're all clever just because you can make a parody of other ponies' songs? Puh-lease.

But I realized it had gone a little too far when I crushed Rainbow Dash with the...um...whatever that was. So I decided to forfeit, and pack up my things and go home. Then, the others apologized for getting so wrapped up in Cheese's party preparations and forgetting about me. Cheese also reveals that he got into planning parties because of me. So we decide to team up. While he went and made up a batch of his famous lasagna, I made another trip to the hardware store for some last-minute items. While we're on the subject of his food, I hope he eats more than cheese sandwiches. If so, he's bound to get fat sooner or later, and he'll have to go on a grapefruit diet.

But that huge balloon of Rainbow Dash? The spotlight and ice sculpture of her cutie mark? I mean, wow. I think Twilight's gonna need a new egometer when Dash's readings break her current one.

Right before leaving town, I was thrilled that Cheese spent one more minute to give me his cock. Twilight is gonna be super jealous.

So here's to you, Cheese Sandwich. It's been just a little less lively here since you've been gone. Thanks for the leftovers. Next time the girls just want to have lunch, I'll tell them to eat it. I guess I'll let your copyright infringement of my song slide this time, because that was a heck of a party! The garbage collectors are gonna have their work cut out for them on trash day. Speaking of parties, I've gotta go plan another one! Mayor Mare wants me to do a party for the anniversary of Mare Do Well too, sort of like an ode to a superhero party.

Guess I also have to find that hole in the multiverse I forgot about. Can't believe Gummy slipped through.

By the way, I hope you stopped by my family's rock farm on your way out of town. It's quite the Amish paradise.

-Pinkie Pie

~We've been spending most our lives
Living in a pony paradise
I've baked cupcakes once or twice
Living in a pony paradise
Party hats at discount price
Living in a pony paradise
I'm ripping off Pinkie Pie
Living in a pony paradise

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