• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 44,720 Views, 5,477 Comments

The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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The Alluring Lust (Edited By BS)

Now more alert than ever, Blueblood went into his room and changed clothes into the uniform Rarity gave him, armed himself, and started parsing through the pages of the latest story of Scarlet's in an attempt to find any clues as to what was going on and what did she do now.

_There once was a radiant yet poor maiden whose heart was pure, though her mind was shy. Growing up with a loving family, there was nothing that she loved more than hearing about how their parents fell in love..._

_…one day, the maiden was trapped by a dragon..._

_...after overcoming their fears, both the maiden and dragoness joined forces, intrigued by what they could achieve together. The girl wished for fortune and more stories to tell, the dragon intrigued by the prospect of fame and glory..._

_...in love with the stories she heard and wrote, an impossible dream blossomed in the maiden's heart. If making stories was her life, why not ensure that her life became a story? The very best of all fantasies come true, she imagined. And so, the maiden set her mind on a new goal, achieving her magnum opus with one final story. The story that would be retold forever about how she accomplished what all fillies dream. A life in a castle, a fairy tale wedding, and a prince as her groom..._

Wait, groom?! Does she mean…?

Skipping ahead, Blueblood soon realized this book was more than just fantasy and understood that what he was reading was more like a diary or, more accurately, a confession of an unstable stalker.

_But when she finally found her Prince, the maiden's heart ached as the Prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. So much so was that he was accustomed to being pampered, so starving was his soul for empathy. It was clear as day. Almost like destiny calling for her. She needed to be by his side. She needed to fix him…_

_…miracles occurred as if to answer her prayers. The Prince saw the light, like a seed finally taking root. And where once there was just a project to fix, now stood a charming and radiant stud. One Whose inner beauty now matched his dashing appearance at last. Such were his charms that even the dragoness was entranced. Soon both she and the maiden shared a common desire. While sharing their ideas, both ladies realized that why should they be greedy with such a gift? A prince as magnificent as he needed to be shared. After all, there will always be a need for mares to warm their bed…_

_...A deal was struck, and maiden and dragon were now one and the same. With a form that he would have no choice but to fall in love with. Any other pleasures his heart could have and the maiden responsible would finally be seen as the perfect other half of the charming Prince with a human soul…_

As if it was made of fire, Blueblood tossed the foul book away in horror, shock, and disgust, not believing what he had just read.

No…it's impossible! How? How did she find out?! How long has she been stalking me!?

Rushing out of the door, Blueblood raced toward Scarlet's office, equal parts angry and eager for answers about what she had done.

"Scarlet! Open up! Open this door right now!" He demanded furiously as he twisted the knob and banged his hoof against the door, ignoring how behind him, the illusion of the hotel seemed to be fading and where once were clean walls was now a building reclaimed by nature.

"My, my, whatever is the rush, dear? So anxious are we for a private…?"

"I'm done playing games, Scarlet! I just read your book. What the heck is wrong with you?! How long have you been stalking me!?"

As if ignoring his demands, Scarlet's tone from the other side of the door never changed. "Oh, that's wonderful news, dear! I didn't want for us to keep secrets from one another."

"Scarlet!" He increased his banging and started to try and shoulder the door open, only for it to crack open slowly.

"Relax, honey. There's no need to rush. There will be plenty to talk about later, but first, be honest with me. How much did you like it? Sorry if it caught you off guard, but I couldn't keep silent anymore. I just needed to tell all of Equestria how much I love you and to prove to you how I'm the unquestionable perfect alpha for our soon-to-be glorious herd! I apologize for all the grammatical errors, though" Ever so slowly, the door kept opening as Blueblood heard the sound of vines and grass ripping. "But don't fret the small details. I guarantee you will love it…." finally breaching his way inside, the Prince paused when he found himself standing in the middle of a void where any and all light was absent. "…once you see how it ends."

"Blueblood?" Alert, Blueblood turned around and saw the silhouette of Fluttershy at the end of a dark corridor before running away.

"What the…? Fluttershy?" Giving chase, he started after her, only catching glimpses of her before she turned another corner. "Oh, stars, not you too, Fluttershy. Please listen to me; we need to get out of here. This hotel is not what it seems. Fluttershy…please wait! Fluttershy stop! Stop!" As he panted, the Prince tried to wait for his eyes to the darkness while the chase continued until he eventually reached the pegasus and took a moment to breathe.

"Fluttershy, I know this is crazy, but you need to believe me. This place is not what it seems it…." When he grabbed her shoulder, the Prince was surprised to see the pegasus had turned into a bipedal anthropomorphic form that still maintained her equine features. Not only that but behind here were Rarity and AJ, who both had similar appearances, and both wore nothing but a towel to cover their bodies. Suddenly a dense fog surrounded the group, and the Prince found himself in the middle of an open natural hot spring in the middle of the night, surrounded by a luscious forest with water reaching his waist.

"Yes, dear?"

"F-Fluttershy?" Blueblood started to look at the others. "Rarity? Applejack? What is happening?" Swallowing the lump in his throat. He noticed a golden ring on their fingers as the wet towels left less and less to the imagination.

"Don't you like it?" Pinkie suddenly appeared behind him and brought him into a hug, her chest firmly pressing against his back, making him very much aware of the fact that not only was he now bipedal all of a sudden, but there were also two very soft and prominent things pressing against his back "It is, just as you always dreamed off Bluey, how you wished we would have looked like all the time." Her voice turned softer as she began to speak and lightly nibble on his ear while the others slowly approached him with come hither eyes. "A dream come true."

"Drink it in, darling. You know I look fabulous!" Rarity announced, posing briefly while letting her towel fall off

"Not bad, eh partner? Go ahead, take a swing. I have rock-hard abs right here!" AJ challenged, lifting the lower half of her coverings to show how cut her stomach was, displaying a defined sixpack and barely covering private parts covered only by the fog and water level

"And we can remain like this forever and ever too! Isn't it great!? Now you don't have to struggle anymore. You can finally act on your greatest desires. We can even dance more easily as this" Fluttershy flashed him a kind smile while their eyes finally closed, preparing to kiss him. Blueblood heard water moving, and a splash gave him the idea that his friends were now completely exposed and hidden only by Fluttershy's looming face in front of him as the remaining mares hugged his sides. He had to close his eyes while a crimson red blush spread across his face as he tried to remain focused.

"I…y-yeah, I mean! No! Please, girls, stop it! It's not right! It's not fair to you! It…It's not REAL!" He pushed them back, and they turned to smoke, leaving the spring empty. Blueblood held his chest and panted profusely. It appeared that his body had returned to normal, while nearby, Scarlet started to hum thoughtfully.

"Well then, that wasn't supposed to happen, but I love it when they play hard to get!" Clapping her hands together, she casually walked toward the now fuming Prince, who glared daggers at the unicorn. The hot spring soon dries out and dissipates until they find themselves in an empty round room inside the hotel with only a red carpet. "Did you enjoy my little sample, darling? Don't lie to me, Bluey. I could sense that you were craving for it to be true."

"Like I would ever ask for something so selfish and cruel like that for them. You don't know me at all, Scarlet, maybe the old me would have fallen, but that is a life I have long left behind." He hissed out, quickly drawing Llamrai and Hengroen.

"Ah yes, your existence as a human, so cruel and bleak was your life as one." She nodded a couple of times while approaching calmly, ignoring the weapons completely. "As I recall, you didn't have a voice there either, right? No, it was always someone else making all the decisions."

She gently pressed a finger to each of the sword's edges and slowly pushed them away. "I say you more than earned your right to be selfish and have your wishes granted." Feeling an itch on his back, the Prince refused to look away from his opponent as he felt the same appendages Celestia gave him once.

"Isn't this your right? As a prince? As someone fair and just? As an atoned soul? Riches, wives, power, and more, you've more than earned it. What's so wrong with accepting the fruits of your labors? Now I will ask this nicely, please lay down your weapons and tell me." She got closer to his face. "What is your greatest desire?"

She was about to kiss him when the cold edge of a sword pressed against her neck, stopping her advance. "I say I'm done playing games, "dragon." Or should I say Desire?" Blueblood raised an eyebrow as the mare in question giggled and stepped back

"Clever boy."

Illuminated in a jade green aura, Scarlet grew to ten times her normal size. Her legs fused and lengthened until they resembled the body of a snake. Wings sprung forth from her back, and her features changed from an equine to draconic with a pink gem in the shape of a heart resting on her forehead while retaining her female human chest. Her arms and hips were covered by a thin golden chain and semi-transparent veil. Her wrists had two golden wristbands attached to the end of the sleeves veils, and a dark green sleeveless shirt covered her pronounced chest.

"If I may ask, what gave it away?"

"It wasn't all that hard. When we arrived, I had my suspicions about you. No hotel could be this well prepared, no matter what excuse you use. Twilight and Starlight already told me about you and what your deal is." She stalked around him as he tracked her pivoting to ensure she remained in sight. "Just like a dragon, your compulsion for hoarding wasn't subtle, especially with how you use this place to lure and farm it. You collect joy and desire instead of gold, aren't you?"

Leaning forward, Blueblood didn't realize until it was too late how she was now stroking his cheek tenderly with the back of one of her fingers. "My, my, such a brilliant Prince, you got almost everything right, dear, but why bother with the small details and boring exposition? Why not chat about what I would like to discuss." Blueblood's spine shivered when she started to lick her lips. "There are so many stories of the knight fighting the dragon, but why fight when instead we can make love?" She fluttered her eyelashes and extended her forked tongue near his face, causing Blueblood to flinch and jump back before readying his weapons. Desire laughed all the while at his reaction and flustered face.

"Aw, somepony is getting shy now? Don't be afraid. I don't bite."

"No, you only manipulate, brainwash, mind control, and possess others by blinding them with their deepest desires, so forgive me if I'm skeptical." now, it was Desire's turn to glare daggers at Blueblood. "That poor novelist, you have been pulling her strings since day one, haven't you?"

"Brainwashing? Mind control?" For once, she looked genuinely surprised before shaking her head and speaking quietly. "Oh no, dear, please don't compare me to my brother. I can't force my will onto others. I only open people's hearts and show them what they crave. I assure you, Scarlet has been in complete control of her faculties. Just like you, just like the other royals, and even your dear friends." Snapping her fingers, four spotlights appeared behind Desire, showing Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie smiling calmly at him.

"Girls!" Blueblood rushes towards them, and Pinkie doesn't waste time hugging him. "Wow, Bluey, I'm flattered that you miss us, but we just saw each other." She giggles lightly.

"Don't worry, girls, I will find a way to break the mind control and save you." He ended the hug and saw that all of them were eyeing him with growing concern as he looked into their pink glowing eyes.

"Save? But darling, we are not in any single danger whatsoever. We want this." Rarity explained as they marched toward Desire.

"Desire isn't such a bad gal partner. I spent a long time being oblivious to many things, my head all stuck on the farm and whatnot. Thanks to her, I realized that something was missing. I think my family wasn't all that far off, partner." AJ confessed while looking down before smiling with a blush. "I think I got a crush on you." She breathed in relief, holding her chest. "Boy howdy! I have never felt so happy to be this honest with myself." A red mist started to emanate from Desire and surrounded AJ until she disappeared.


"I confess, after being knocked back to reality from our first encounter, I went and did tons of soul searching and realized how silly that dream of mine was." Rarity chuckled in embarrassment. "I have been petty and childish, holding a grudge against a pony genuinely wishing to change their ways, and never once thought I could have feelings for you again. But after one single night with you? After being praised so much by a stud so kind and beautiful. It was bound to happen." Blueblood watched in horror, seeing Rarity was starting to disappear. "I will never forget the night we slept together, darling, your fur against my body, the warm, the soothing heartbeat of...oh, for Celestia's sake, may Equestria know! I love you, Blueblood!" She loudly proclaimed before disappearing too.


"Oh, don't worry, Bluey, nothing bad is happening to them," Pinkie chuckled, appearing next to him.


"Yeah, Desi is just absorbing their desires and bodies to merge with her own to become one single mare, just like what happened to Scarly."

"WHAT?!" Blueblood looked at her, astonished at her casual revelation, but before he could protest, she blindsided him with a kiss full on the lips, leaving him sputtering as she laughed

"I mostly just got curious at what the big deal was." She tasted her lips for a moment. "Not bad actually, but for real now, the reality is that for how much I love everypony, the truth is that none of them take me seriously when the subject of a romantic partner comes up, and that was cool. I honestly didn't think about it either until we spent that night making cakes and other desserts." She smiled sincerely at him while caressing his cheek. "Thanks for seeing me as a mare, Bluey."

She started to get teary-eyed before closing them. "You made me extra duper happy that day."

"Pinkie, I didn't know." He tried to hold her hoof, but she too vanished before he could reach her.

"No, no, no! Don't go! Not now after telling me this."

"Blueblood," The shy voice of Fluttershy made his heart sink as she slowly made his way toward him with calm and grace.

"Please stop fighting it."

"Fluttershy, no, please, not you too" Kneeling, he let her pull his face into a hug where he could hear her heartbeat.

"There is nothing wrong with finding us attractive."

"But my soul…mi mind…I'm so confused. I shouldn't."

She silenced him by sushing him and caressing his head. "Just let it go, Blueblood. Close your eyes and let things take their course." Ignoring the red mist surrounding the two, she ended the hug and grabbed his face so that he could look her in the eyes. "This is no longer earth, and you are more than a human now. You are more than that, so why not explore it more? I know of Nefi and Sierra too, and I'm ok with that. We all are."

"You are?"

She nodded once. "Why not expand your horizons? Admit to yourself that your tastes have evolved? You are not a bad person. You don't discriminate, and you love all races equally. You love your aunts, don't you?"

"I do"

"Then if you can love them as your family, then there is no reason not to desire a mare as your partner, and even more." As if in a trance, his eyes started to water as their faces drew closer, "Equestria is a polygamous society. Love has no boundaries here. You are free to choose."


"Then stop thinking so hard and hurting yourself with lies and thoughts about being wrong. Focus on how you can have it all if you can embrace it." Closing his eyes, the Prince surrendered and started to kiss her slowly as the mist surrounded them both. Her body slowly turned into that of Scarlet's original equine form. Then, the Prince's crown shined brightly and flashed once, blasting the spirit away from him and dissipating the fog.

"WHAT!?" Looking back in shock and with two voices, Desire saw Blueblood shaking off his trance as he held his head, massaging his temples.

"Wha…what just, I almost..." Recovering his senses, he glared at her in anger. "The girls, what have you done to them!?" Now gripped by a cold fury, Blueblood charged his horn and readied his swords. "Desire? Scarlet? I don't care who or what you are now! Using others' dreams and pleasures against them is beyond repulsive! I'm done with diplomacy; I will stop you with force if words don't work. This madness ends NOW!"

"What is happening? How are you still rejecting us?! Our magic is flawless. No living being can resist their desires!" She then noticed his crown still shining.

"That crown" Standing up, Desire started to get angry

"My crown?" Blueblood raised an eyebrow at the mention of it.

"That damn piece of silver is enchanted with some kind of failsafe. That is why nothing we do seems to put your mind at peace!"

"Wait, enchanted? So those bad feelings...god, why didn't I figure it out sooner?! It came from Discord, for Pete's sake. Of course, he wouldn't just gift a regular crown." He internally chuckled at his good fortune.

Recovering her composure. Desire dusted herself off briefly. "No matter! If that piece of metal is the only obstacle left..." Stomping on the grass, Desire grasped a long thorny vine that emerged and morphed until it became a wickedly sharp rapier in a shape reminiscent of a rose. The petals formed a complex hilt while the stem and thorns served as the blade. "...then it will be a simple matter of smashing it to pieces."

Gathering the magic around them, Desire dispelled the illusion of the room, revealing that they were in the open in the middle of a grassy field surrounded by pillars and rows of seats in a gladiatorial style arena where all the guests, including the royals, sat acting as spectators with Discord and Cadence still bound by vines placed in a raised and shaded booth near the arena floor.

"And to be perfectly honest? This could be even better." Testing her blade with a couple of flourishes in the air, Desire's weapon left the pleasant smell of roses in the air as it passed. "I have experienced the greatest of carnal pleasures throughout history!" Pointing at one pillar, the structure was quickly covered in vines and roses that bloomed, spreading more of her visible golden pollen. "Feasted on the most exquisite of dishes ever made!" She then pointed to the ground filling the floor with a mosaic of different colored petals, and soon more of them started to fall from the sky. "But none of it" She pointed the sword at him and eagerly licked her lips. "Nothing else excites me more than forcing open my target desires with my claws!" She proclaimed with heart-shaped eyes and a glowing body.

Suddenly Desire's body morphed again, shifting into an anthropomorphic alicorn version of herself. One that retained her hairstyle, though one could see a streak of AppleJack's blond mane, tail color, and hairstreaks for Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy. A pinkish-white fur covered her form as her eyes turned reptilian and pink. A second pair of pegasus wings sprung forth along with a serpentine tail. A sports bra with sequins and jewelry wrapped around her torso, a semi-transparent cape hung about her waist, and parachute pants with bandages tied about her calves give her an alluring Arabic belly dancer appearance.

"Sublime Quimera," Desire spoke using six voices.

"Scarlet, what have you done?" Blueblood asked her in horror, looking at her hoard of desire and joy on full display. "All those ponies, no…all these creatures, are they all your victims? you put them under some trance, too?"

"Sweetie, we're tired of repeating ourselves here. We told you we don't do that. All of them are here of their own free will." She raised her blade into a guard, "Willing spectators gathered to witness the greatest wedding imaginable." She pointed at a gazebo with white flowers decorations and an elegant bride and groom outfit. "The crescendo of our final story and victory over that impostor preaching about how love can exist without desire." She glared while gesturing at Cadence as she struggled against her restraints while looking at Blueblood.

"Cadence!" Blueblood rushed to the platform in horror until a wall of vines circled the arena's edge, halting his efforts.

"A pa, pa, sorry sweetie, this will not be an interactive audience now. and there will be no outside interference here." Turning back. Blueblood barely dodged a magical blast that turned into vines when it hit the ground as Desire approached. "And unfortunately, the wedding will have to be placed on hold until we resolve this lingering issue between us."

Pointing her weapon at him, she glared at Blueblood. "Not going to a lie, part of us is happy things became like this. All great love stories need an obstacle, so if you truly wish for us to play the cliche scene of a dragon vs. Prince as we battle and blast our way into your heart? Then fine by us, we can play."

She then addressed the other royals. "Let this be a demonstration, esteemed guests! Allow us to show you a sample of our powers and how they could be used to achieve all our goals with one swift move! We share your passion and dreams for your voices to be heard! Become my generals and aid me in spreading my seeds worldwide, and I promise, no matter what your dream is, it will be fulfilled."

Blueblood was impressed and unnerved by how some guests considered her proposal, while others like Skystar, Sierra, and Nefertiti looked at him with concern. The rest, like Hestia, were just looking indifferently at the situation, intrigued to see how it would play out. Yet he could see the glint in their eyes. Even if subtle, it was clear that Desire had gotten their attention.

"Heh, so this was your plan all along, eh? World domination through me and other royals. Pathetic, at least your brother was skilled enough to do it himself."

"HEY! Discord already got his turn ruling the planet. Now it's our time to shine, but do not fret. Our world would be far more cheerful and fulfilling than what he could have dreamed up." She said while smirking at her sibling.

"But first, there is one last king piece that needs to be crowned and placed on the gameboard."

"I'm not afraid of those that hide behind others and have them fight their battles."

"Oh, you think we are hiding? Allow us to correct that." Charging her horn Blueblood was blindsided when she adopted a very familiar pose.

"Wait, that pose…no, it can't be!" He barely had time to raise a half globe of magic and his swords in his defense before she disappeared. Not a second after, a brutal wave of light assaulted the Prince, drawing him into a star shower "Divine Star Shower Slash," Desire intoned as the wave increased and obliterated Blueblood's defense sending him flying as the audience cheered at the spectacle in front of them.

"No, she is almost complete," Discord mumbled in fear at the display before him.

"What is happening? What did she do?" Cadence looked back at him for an answer.

"This is why Desire is the most dangerous of our family. With a vessel to Anchor her to this plane, she can use the full capacity of her powers and reclaim her original title."

"Original title?"

"Like any other tree, Desire's real danger lies not in how life itself is enough for her to exist but how she can extend her "roots" all over time and space. The longer she remains on this plane, the more information she can copy. Any form of magic, Any combat style, and eventually? She can change reality to be whatever her vessel desires. This makes her a force of nature that once was able to topple empires. That is why she was once known and feared by everyone as Yggdrasil, the forest dragon."


"A bit of an exaggeration, but in a word, yes. Or rather, that is what she will become if left alone. That's why our family doesn't exactly like the idea of her coming to this side of the realms. Give her enough time and a vessel that eventually 'desires it.' She would be able to reshape the world just like I once did. Not even the Elements of Harmony would be enough to stop her by then." Discord continued with a worried tone in his voice.

Blueblood recovered from the attack and held his chest in pain as he slowly stood up.

"Only small cuts and hits with the flat of my sword, dear. We wouldn't want to harm your scrumptious body or harm that fabulous outfit you're wearing." Scarlet commented, allowing him to catch his breath. "But we believe we have made our point already. Now tell me, darling, are you still not afraid?"

Blueblood remained quiet before launching at her with a blistering series of cuts, slashes, and thrusts, all of which she easily parried or dodged. "Any requests for what style you would want to see next? Hurricane's? Rockhoof's? maybe Flash Sentry's style, perhaps?"

He didn't respond while she continued taunting him and forced him back, moving the Prince onto the defense with her assaults. "No, you are right. Why stop this good thing we have going here? Your Dear aunty is already the undefeated swordmaster and is one of the best that has ever existed, besides," As their blades locked together for a moment, their faces came closer, Desire smirked and blew a kiss at him. "This way, you can finally have your wish granted, am I right?"

Springing apart, Desire invited in an attack with an opening that the Prince tried to exploit. Blueblood struck and pinned Desire to the ground. Blueblood thought he could take advantage of this position until he heard a moan. "Oh please, harder, your majesty."

Recoiling, the Prince hesitated, leaving him wide open for an attack from Desire's tail, which cracked like a whip and sent him flying in what would have been an uncontrolled heap if not for him recovering in mid-air through the subtle application of magic. "The hell?"

He stood and closed in once more as Desire advanced, pressing her blade against him, and despite looking thin and delicate, her monstrous strength started to show as Blueblood was forced to kneel to not be crushed. "I knew you would like some rough foreplay. Now it's time to deal with this nuisance."

Shifting her position to unbalance Blueblood, Desire gathered herself before recoiling back, fully prepared to slash the crown from the Prince's head. The battle would have ended there if not for the Prince's quick actions, teleporting away in the last moment before impact. Desire quickly blocked an attack from behind. "Ah, a quick step and faint, standard unicorn royal guard move. You have been practicing, but it's still…."

Desire was caught off guard by the follow-up blow that sliced into her abdomen when Blueblood spun in place like a top and brought his other sword into her midsection before pressing his advantage and seizing the fight's momentum.

"What? How did Desi not see that?" Discord questioned in astonishment at the blow.

"Cousin? of course, he must have figured it out!" Cadence replied as the Draconequus looked back at her for an explanation.

"Blueblood and I have been exchanging mail from time to time. Ever since I went back to the Crystal Empire, and in his notes, he told me how much he has worked towards winning a duel against my Aunt Luna." She smiled at the memory. At the same time, they watched a surprised and off-balance Desire start to struggle to try to match Blueblood's pace and new fighting style.

"From training with the guards to researching old tomes to asking around the castle for options, he has been set his mind on figuring out a way to keep aunt Luna unbalanced, and in his last letter, he told me of a new strategy that had brought him closer."

"Even if he figured something out, there is no way Desi didn't know it already."

"Unless it's an entirely new style." Cadence countered, "You said it yourself. She can copy everything that has been practiced or made before, correct? Then what about something that was created just now? She can copy all the combat styles she wants, but in the end, against something brand new, there is no way she would not struggle."

Blocking a strong vertical slash, Desire lost her footing, and when Blueblood stepped back before lunging forward with another cut, his blades scything out to bite into her arms. "The earth pony's powerful strikes combined with the swift footwork and movement of the pegasi."

Using her wings, Desire took to the air. Deciding to change tactics and started to launch an aerial assault on the Prince but was surprised when using his swords and magic, Blueblood lifted off the ground surrounded by a nimbus of magic and dust and countered with aerial strikes of his own. before teleporting in front of her and knocking her further into the air with another powerful overhead strike. "The well-known pegasi faints while adding magical strikes from unicorns."

Spinning in place, he chambered a kick from his rear hooves before jumping and teleporting on top of Desire, planting his hooves square in the middle of her back and cannoning Desire back into the ground. "The powerful kicks that earth ponies are so well known for paired with the grace of a pegasus flying professional, and those are just three examples. Yes, Blueblood has been training every day to find his path on what he called 'the way of the alicorn,' to understand better how to confront an opponent like aunt Luna who has all the tribe's advantages. While he may still be a unicorn, I believe he is getting closer and closer to achieving his goal with each passing night. Listen well, Discord, that sister of yours may know every combat style, but if she thinks she can win against my cousin without any effort, she has another thing coming."

Charging his horn, Blueblood shifted towards Desire, who had yet to recover, only for him to be blocked by a panting Desire, who, after regaining her breath, started to giggle and grin. "Yes, more!"

Looking at Blueblood, she flashed him a disturbingly large smile. "This is it." blocking a slash. Blueblood flowed backward with his guard up.

"The moment you have been waiting for, right? To stand on equal ground with dear auntie." Their swords clashed, and they circled each other "To finally be able to put her against the ropes." Jumping back, she took to the air once more, and Blueblood lifted pieces of the ground and used them as a platform to give chase.

"To dance the beautiful waltz of steel."

Clenching his teeth, Blueblood glared at her. "You are telling me you took those blows on purpose? Are you toying with me?" He demanded as he pressed the attack, only for Desire to match it and bind their weapons together, leaving their faces close once again.

"Well, it would not be much of a fight if there is not some back and forth, wouldn't it, and I told you not to lie, love. I see the glimmer in your eyes. You love this just as much as I do." Desire smirked as his hooves trembled in exertion.

"Don't worry, sweetie. I can lead."

Booping her nose against his, Blueblood went cross-eyed for a moment and then widened when suddenly he felt like he was fighting Pinkie Pie, who started giggling, "This is fun!"

"What?" Surprised, the Prince barely registered what happened when Desire's attacks got more substantial and unpredictable, and soon he was forced to kneel once more. "Come on, partner, put your back to it. That can't be all your strength now, right? " It was now AJ who he felt that he was confronted with until he recovered his composure and, with a slash, pushed her back while pressing forward with a series of lunging trusts until one ripped some of the sequins off, earning a moan and a gasp from Desire.

"Darling!" Covering her chest, Blueblood's cheeks heated up when Desire fluttered her eyelash at him and started to act like Rarity "No need to be so rough with the attire. I spent so much time making this creation." Casually standing up, Blueblood gulped when she used her magic to lift him. "If you wish to undress me, we can come up with a much more pleasant alternative."

"Desire! That's playing dirty!" Blueblood shouted before teleporting away from her hold as she giggled.

"'All's fair in love and war' and right now? You are not facing one individual here, honey." Desire quoted with a smirk before attacking with a series of simple slashes making the Prince retreat back from each attack as the realization of his situation dawned on him. "You are facing all of us!"

I didn't want to believe it, but just like Pinkie said, right now I'm not just fighting Desire and Scarlet, I'm fighting them plus four of my friends! She knows I couldn't possibly harm them. But if I don't do something… He had to shake his head as more promiscuous thoughts invaded his mind. Even with the aid of the crown ringing alarm bells, it was getting harder and harder to concentrate.

How do I fight her without harming my friends?

A steel-lined punch to the face brought Blueblood back to reality before blocking another series of looping slashes from Desire's blade. "Look alive, partner! Can't have you drifting off to la-la land in the middle of a brawl, right?"

"Applejack, please snap out it! Look around you. Desire is using you! She's using all of…."

"Agh! Again with that darlin', and I thought I was the stubborn one" Desire only rolled her eyes. "We. Are. Fine!" They punctuated each word with a slash, pommel strike to the chest, and a kick to the ribs that laid the Prince low, plowing him into the ground and grass as he held his side and tried to recover his breath.

"This is all us, just a couple of gals having fun with their colt friend, now up you go."

"Desire, using my friends like this...I will never forgive you!"

"My, my darling, someone is getting worked up over nothing." She fluttered her eyelashes. "Remember, you are the one that insisted on fighting, sweetie. Although now I see why you refused to change into that delightful Blood Moon form of yours. There is always next time, and we can stop right now if you wish. All you need to do is remove that nasty crown of yours and let us into your heart. We will certainly let you inside us."

Gripping the hilts of his weapons tighter, Blueblood clenched his teeth and held back some tears before resuming his attacks on the spirit.

This is going to hurt me so much.

He dodged one attack and managed to strike her stomach, which was swiftly followed by a blast of magic. "Girls, if any of you can hear me, I'm so sorry! This was the only way to rescue all of you!" Blueblood yelled with a heavy heart, steeling his nerves and trying to go back on the offensive.

Desire, for her part, only laughed at his remark and continued to block his attacks effortlessly. "Our hero, such gallant and kind words you just said, Blueblood. It is fueling our desires for you even more, but unfortunately..."

She sped up, and her attacks became stronger and almost too fast for him to perceive. And as much as he tried to parry and counter, Desire started to overwhelm him with her strikes, Ignoring the crown and starting to toy with him a little.

"We are done playing around. After all, this is supposed to be a romance novel, not an action-adventure comic. It was fun while it lasted, but your words have reached us, honey. We are just eager to play doctor next as we take our time kissing all your booboos away. Yes, that would be a perfect way to bring this love story back on track." Desire declared victory as she executed more of Luna's signature moves blindsiding the Prince. He is left powerless and defenseless until, finally, he is confronted by another star shower that messed with his perception. He felt himself floating in the vacuum of space briefly before crashing down to reality and falling to the ground, covered in minor cuts and bruises. His crown split in half from the final attack coming to rest on the ground in front of him.

"And thus the knight has fallen, overwhelmed by his opponent's strength. Though, he can't help but wonder who this mysterious maiden is who now invades his thoughts? The maiden, meanwhile, still lingers on the one question yet to be answered. What is your greatest Desire, dear Prince Blueblood?" Desire started to narrate to herself as if she was taking notes on how to proceed with her final novel.

Panting in exhaustion, Blueblood kept his gaze low as he tried to fill his lungs with as much air as possible and ignore the alluring voices enticing him as his body aches and pains and began to fade. His stamina was almost gone, and his magic not far behind. His thoughts slowly turned to desperation, having exhausted all of his repertoire of movements.

"Blueblood," the Prince blinked and then stared with wide eyes. He raised his head only to find himself in the void with a figure of Twilight Sparkle standing in front of him, constructed entirely of magic. Stepping closer, she used her horn to show an image of his cousin casting this spell before being captured. "Listen to me" Her echoey voice spoke without a mouth before approaching his ear and whispering something that confused him briefly before a revelation dawned in the Princes mind.

Smiling, he gazed down again as the figure dissipated into pure magic and brought a new glimmer with Twilight's cutie mark shining in his eyes which he could see while admiring his reflection in the sword. His stamina and magic slowly started to return. Twilly, you genuinely are a lifesaver.

"Is this the part where I finally surrender, Desire? That is what you want to hear, Right? Yeah, that sounds logical. From where I kneel, it sounds like the only option left—especially when fighting someone so overwhelmingly powerful. This takes me back" Ignoring her confused expression, Blueblood simply took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he lifted his head, reminiscing about his last sparring lesson with his Aunt.

The night before Blueblood's trip to Ponyville

During their daily lessons, the Princess forgot her restraint and started dueling with all her might, quickly overwhelming her nephew due to her getting lost in the moment. It was such a rush of adrenaline that she did not realize her actions until one powerful strike destroyed his wooden sword and sent him flying toward the rack where more wasters were neatly arranged, destroying the furniture and making the Prince groan in exhaustion and pain.

Catching his second wind, he looks up only to see his Aunt frozen in shock at his state while slowly lowering her gaze to her own weapon. Immediately the Prince recognized what was happening, and a stab of pity pierced through his heart now that he had discovered a well-kept fear his Aunt had yet to overcome. The fear of others being afraid of her. Of proving everyone right for being wary of Nightmare Moon returning, maybe as something even worse. And now, in front of his eyes, that fear was growing stronger by the mere thought of instilling this fear in her own family.

Her line of thought was interrupted once some shifting debris caught her attention, and looking up, she saw that the Prince had stood with some difficulty. "I surrender…That is what I should be saying now, isn't aunty?"

Luna's guilt kept building until she was surprised by her nephew's chuckle and smiling face. "Yeah, anyone else in my position would probably say that. It's the only option left. I should too but unfortunately…."

Lifting into the air, the Princess was left speechless when her nephew turned into Blood Moon. Rather than using Clarent or summoning Llamrai and Hengroen, he picked up two random practice swords and looked at her with stars in his eyes "…I can't do that, not when I'm having this much fun!" Lowering his stance, Blood Moon raised a quick salute before dropping into guard. "Come at me, auntie! This fight is not over yet. Show me who is the mare of the moon!"

Having fun?… Show him who I am?… Nephew, even now, you don't hold any ill will towards me? Trembling a little and shedding a tear, a smile blossomed on the Princess's face.

"My sweet, stubborn boy." She said with a choked voice and tears in her eyes. She released all of her magic. The ground started to tremble as her body was engulfed by her astral force until a pillar of light emanated from her body briefly before it all ended, and she got into her own preferred stance. "I pray you don't regret this later. I'm done holding back, nephew!"

"I wouldn't have it any other way!" And with that, both student and teacher laughed and charged each other for their final fight of the night. Even if it lasted only a couple of minutes, that moment in time was filled with complete and pure joy between the two.

The garden was filled with the sounds of their combined strikes and laughter as tears kept flowing in their eyes. No words were needed. It was at that moment that both understood each other emotions perfectly. The mare of the night was grateful for finding a pony who had nothing but admiration for her and her work as only her sister had done before. And the Prince of Canterlot now has embraced and loved his new family, swearing to make sure that they would never feel misery or loneliness ever again as long as he had something to say about it.

It wasn't until one powerful slash managed to make a clean cut through his swords that they both felt time returning, as he heard the pieces of his weapons falling into the distance and a burn mark was scored in his chest, causing Blueblood to return to normal and could feel his last embers of energy start to extinguish, and his vision started to get blurry, his Aunt was mere inches away from him, looking up for some reason.

"Damn…and I thought this time…I would reach you…I was…so close" keeping his gaze down, he managed to weakly chuckle before falling on the Princess's chest feeling drops of rain plink down on top of his head before passing out, only detecting some garbled sounds from Luna before closing his eyes.

Signing in relief, Blueblood opened his eyes and looked back at Desire. "Before I respond, tell me something, Desire."

With shaky legs, he slowly started to stand and picked up the pieces of his crown. Desire didn't bother to stop him, believing the battle was more than over. "You have been going on and on about fulfilling dreams and desires, but you never once mentioned our achievements."


"Since we started our fight, I wondered why your attacks always seemed to lack a certain sense of finality." He chuckled briefly and shook his head. "Can't believe I kept overlooking something so obvious that was right in front of me. No wonder you don't like my cousin Cadence. She truly is your superior isn't she?"

That seemed to tip her off as Desire soon glares at him, her magic starting to engulf her weapon. "Careful now, darling. You're treading on incredibly thin ice."

He only laughed off her warning. "As if I care for the opinion of someone so shallow. Answer me this, Desire."

With a smile, the Prince recalled a time when he just laughed while lying on the ground covered in sweat. "Have you ever collapsed, laughing your heart out after achieving a move you spent countless nights perfecting?"

A tear ran down his cheek when he recalled the times he spent with Celestia and how using the changeling necklace, they managed to snuggle next to her fire like a mare caring for her colt. Both of their eyes were slightly damp with tears of happiness from the action. "Have you ever shed tears of joy after finally finding the love that you craved for years?"

He sighed in relief at his last duel with Luna, looking at his swords. "Have you ever loved and admired your opponent so much that you didn't even care that you lost to them?"

Blueblood returned his gaze to his opponent and was met only with a glare and a raised, confused eyebrow. His suspicions were confirmed. The Prince shook his head and sighed in pity. "No, of course, you haven't. Your attacks are not even the final product but the ones still in process. After all, that is the flaw behind your name."

"What did you just say?!" Desire demanded, now completely livid

"A flaw? Can an endless one even have one?" Triceps asked his peers

"I think I see what he is coming from," Pharynx answered with his hoof under his chin in thought. "You could argue that desire and want are synonymous. Desire in itself isn't exactly achieving something, but rather it is the driving force to seek it in the first place."

"But if the goal is to obtain…." Hestia came to the same conclusion "…I get it now. It makes sense when you think about it. A colt wishing to be a guard doesn't have the same drive the second he becomes one while enjoying his job is not desire. It's love in general. That is what he meant with Cadence being her superior."

"So all her promises were not real in the end?" Skystar wondered out loud.

"No, I believe she meant it," Nefertiti told her before glaring slightly at Desire. "It would simply have never ended one way or another. She would have to hang our prizes over our heads but then put a condition or an obstacle of some kind in our way so we would never truly achieve it completely and would just continue to desire it endlessly."

"Is that true?" Cadence turned to Discord for an answer. "She really can't grant a complete wish?"

"No. That is how Desi has been all her life. No matter what she tries, the second a dream comes true. She loses all of her power. To sustain herself, she either moves from host to host or drives her current one from one wish to another. And in the end, the results are all the same. Desire dies if it is just granted out of thin air."

"But what about what you said earlier? That she encompasses every single Desire possible, and she only needs the idea of life itself to exist?"

"It the same situation as obtaining a job Cadence, it always present yeah, but its a speak of dust for her, unless the subject desire something like a 'healthier, wealthier or different life.' No one actively wishes for the life they already have 24/7. Don't they?"

"I can't believe a spirit like her could have such a huge flaw."

"I wouldn't be celebrating victory just yet, Candy," Discord warned. "While it is true that Desi has that nasty flaw in her powers, that doesn't mean the fight has changed. Bluey still has to figure a way to win. Especially when my sister has had eons to figure out ways around that flaw with lust, and in this hotel/casino, the idea of 'beat the house' and naked lust are a few cases where the Desire can endure and turn into obsession easily. She was smart enough to collect five horny mares for additional power."

"That's why she is doing this! Lust is a viable energy source that lasts more than anything else for her" Cadence's eyes widen in alarm. "And even worse, rejection can make one's desire for someone even stronger."

Discord nodded as they continued to watch the fight. "Correct, if she succeeds, I imagine she would just continue to find a way to twist all the wishes made into lustful ones. Maybe she intended to use the other royals as seeds to expand her influence faster. She probably would turn the world into some bizarre orgy planet where lust runs rampant, and only a fragile line of self-control exists. Blueblood needs to come up with something and fast if he intends to turn things around."

"Let me warn you, honey, you might be cute, and nothing would make me happier than you claiming me, but it not very wise to anger an endless one." Desire glared and pointed at Blueblood with her rapier.

"Well, thanks for the concern, but you should know something as well." He stood on two hooves and showed one piece of the crown and his sword floating with his magic. "This crown and these swords are more than just a gift from a friend and family heirlooms" He brings the other piece and sword into an x in front of him. "They are proof of my devotion to improving myself. My accomplishments and dreams made reality through blood, sweat, and tears. Compared to that, facing an opponent like you is nothing. Against someone who refuses to cross the finish line and just keeps dragging things on and on, wishing to reach the goal. Someone too scared to reach the top of the mountain, I simply can't lose!"

Extending his swords, Blueblood closed his eyes and charged his horn as his body and weapon shone with a solid purple light, briefly blinding everyone present.

"How many tricks does that pony have?" Triceps questioned, shielding his face

"Is he using the remaining of his magic on one final strike? If he misses, it is all over" Discord voiced his concern until he saw Cadence's shocked expression slowly morph into a smile. "No, I recognized that light Blueblood, are you…?" She tears up and needs to clean her eyes. "Go, Blueblood! You can do it!"

Engulf by the purple light, the Prince fired his magic into the air, parting the clouds in the sky as his body started to morph. To Desire's horror, the crown pieces not only melted and combined with the edge of his swords, but a rainbow-colored light also seemed to come from the sky and infuse itself with his weapons.

"No, that is impossible. The crown not only fused, it somehow acted as a magnet and called the elements of harmony to his aid? But how?!"

She then remembers Twilight's final act and clenches her teeth. "Twilight, she used the same trick I did and sent her magic to Blueblood to act as a lightning rod. He is infusing love and friendship magic into his blades! B-But there is no way a weapon can hold so much power unless t…that infernal cow! Those blades are her creations?!" Desire realized as she noticed the silhouette of a giant Holstaur with four arms crossed, smirking at her before disappearing.

With renewed vigor, Blueblood cast a spell on himself and turned his body bipedal as a new golden crown appeared on his head, and a shining blue streak appeared in his now longer hair while their swords turned white and glowed with the same rainbow light glinting along the edges of the matched blades. "You have my thanks."

Desire could not help but drool lustfully at Blueblood's new appearance until he calmly opened his eyes, showing a baby blue light instead of a sclera and irises. "I'm now at peace with myself and my sexuality." He smiled and casually flicked a blade to the side, eliciting a solid gust of wind. "I'll no longer question my feelings toward mares, bipedal, or any other type of lady. I now realize I am attracted to all of them."

Desire smiled at that. "Am I finally getting through…?"

She steps forward only for a slash of magic and air to cut her cheek, hurting her and causing the cut to petrify. "It's such a shame, but I simply can't have those kinds of feelings toward you after everything you have done. Don't feel bad, Scarlet. You are just misguided and confused like I once was. I will certainly aid you in finding the help you need... but first." His expression turned serious, and he adopted his guard once more. "I will rescue those you have trapped."

Desire felt a pang of fear for the first time, knowing how his sword could potentially turn her into stone as it did her brother in the past. "No…I'm so close. I finally got you to admit and express your desires. I can't stop now!" Throwing restraint to the four winds, she summoned giant vines from the ground with sharp thorns and turned them to use as weapons.

Not intimidated in the slightest by this display, Blueblood launched himself at her and blocked every attack as her concern grew. Each exchange started more slowly, giving her no choice but to use all of her power and engulf the arena in a half-sphere of projectiles going at Mach speeds, heading straight to Blueblood to turn him into a pincushion.

"There it is! One of Desire's signature moves, World of Torns, it's over. Being trapped in that attack is no different than being engulfed in a forest made complete of thorns and vines. There is no way Blueblood could escape that." Discord tells Cadence getting invested in the battle but never stop being concerned.

"Don't be so sure, Discord; Blueblood is not done yet, and he has the greatest aid possible."

"What?" He looked at her, confused as she pointed at the stadium. "Look again"

To his shock, Blueblood was holding his own and even was cutting his way through the onslaught of relentless assaults in a flurry of steel, all while keeping his eyes on the prize. "That is not an ordinary fighting style."

Dodging with such speed that he resembled a ghost, Blueblood pressed the advantage against Desire "The quick maneuvers of Rainbow Dash."

quickly retreating to gain space, Desire barely dodged a slash that cleaved a deep furrow in the ground "The titanic strength of Applejack."

Countering another strike, Blueblood charged head-long with a middle slash that split the vines into kindling like they were paper "The point-blank precision of Rarity."

Gulping, Desire started to lose her composure under the intense gaze of Blueblood as she began to suffer more and more strikes "The overwhelming force of the stare of Fluttershy."

Screaming in fear, anger, and frustration, Desire abandoned all pretense of defense and launched a blistering counterattack, swinging and thrusting wildly. Blueblood dodged and weaved around them as if his body was water. "The dodging capabilities of Pinkie."

Recovering her breath, she struck forward as Blueblood crossed his swords to catch her attack "and finally, the strategic thinking and support of Twilight, and my aunts combine."

"What? Except for two of the princesses, none of them have ever carried a sword in their life!" Discord questioned in disbelief, "how can he copy a style that doesn't exist?"

"Don't underestimate the power of love," Cadence smirked at him. "As the saying goes, 'you learn more from failure than from success,' and my cousin has lost a lot. Blueblood never stopped wondering how he could improve, not only in battle but in life. Every lesson taught, every conversation he had, everything he could learn from everyone, he took it all to heart and kept playing with scenarios in his mind, coming up with new ways to use what he had learned and thinking outside the box. That is where the true potential of his cutie mark lies: To bravely explore the unknown. To rush forward into the darkness and see the world as only he can. And now, encouraged by his love for his family and friends, my cousin was able to map his way to victory. Desire might know every fighting style, but against someone like Blueblood, who will keep standing up, who he never will give up, she could get so far. She made the mistake of underestimating him and now that he has figured her out, this fight is more than over."

Cadence stood up and smirked at the panicking spirit. "Do you see it now, Desire!? This is the power of love, resulting from hard work and determination. Instead of just wishing for something to happen. This battle is already over no matter what tricks you have left."

Cadence! Wholly and thoroughly enraged, Desire tried to do something, but her attacks were the only thing preventing Blueblood from ending the fight. More than half of her body was already stone, and her movements became even more labored. Yet no matter how angry or scared she was, a sense of joy was building within her and coursing through her veins.

This isn't good. No matter what I do, he keeps coming. I fear for my life. One wrong move and I'm done. He's determined to win now,...yet. A smile started to crawl onto her face, and without even realizing it, she began to laugh. Why Am I having so much fun? This thrill of battle? Is my heart pounding against my chest? The adrenaline thundering through my veins? This is dangerous, but I…I don't want it to end. Is this…?

Without realizing she felt herself floating in mid-air surrounded by spinning roses as Blueblood calmly guided her movements with an elegant slide. The true silver waltz?! It is so beautiful. I have never felt so close and connected with anyone before. Blueblood, you are such a tease. I'm falling for you all over again!

Without realizing it, an underhand slash struck her open. And from her wounded stomach came a bright white light that expelled the four elements launching them into the air, holding their respective regalia. Blueblood charged his horn to summon and then commanded his knights to catch the unconscious girls who were covered in sap and green goo. After catching Rarity himself, Blueblood paused to move some stray hair and clean her face, making her smile.

In front of him now was Desire back into her dragon form, pant-like crazy and holding her wound as it turned into stone. Blueblood is not too far behind.

"Please," she smiled and slowly got into the same position her Aunt adopted during her signature attack. "Not yet. Let's continue a little bit longer."

Blueblood only smiled and nodded without saying a word, gently setting the mare down before approaching Desire. "At the very least, let me grant you this wish." She finished.

"No Desire, this time I will grant yours" charging his horn, he copied the stance for Luna's signature attack. They then charged one another, and when their weapons clashed, everything froze for a moment, and then a blinding flash of white light enveloped the arena.

Recovering her senses, Desire and Scarlet found themselves resting under a cherry blossom tree as Blueblood, still in his bipedal form, admired the starry night above them before looking down at the pair with a kind smile. With blushes on their faces and too tired to ask questions, they got comfortable and rested once more before being brought to reality. There, they discovered a giant beam of light in the shape of Blueblood's cutie mark. After all this struggle, the fabric of their bra finally gave way and fell off her chest to land next to the destroyed rose sword. Their body began to turn to stone as they could only smile and look down to await the inevitable. Behind them, Blueblood slowly sheathed his weapons once more.

"That final move…what is it called?" Desire asked without looking.

"…Purge of the midsummer dream." Blueblood responded after a pause

They chuckled together at the title. "Fitting, Prince Blueblood, if I can have one final request? I wish you to put all the blame for his mess on me. She wasn't responsible whatsoever so that I would take the fall, so in exchange for this gift, just…."

"Please let my friend go."

"Please let my friend go."

They both ask simultaneously before completely turning to stone. Their body glowed a light pink as the Prince looked back at them in pity.

They tried to save their friend in their final moments, Scarlet. Desire, there might be hope for you two yet.

He smiled in satisfaction and closed his eyes, not having the energy left to block their final 'gift,' but when he opened them again, he was surprised to see that Desire had used her power to show him what transpired after losing consciousness from his last duel with his Aunt.

"Almost got me?" Luna asked sarcastically as she bought him closer into a hug, her face utterly damp in tears. "What do you mean?" The center of her armor cracked open in his cutie mark's pattern as she openly wept in joy, bringing her head down on top of his. "You already reached me even before your sword hit."

Tightening the hug, she started to nuzzle his head affectionally. "Thank you so much, Blueblood, for showing me something so beautiful." above the pair, a moonbow caused by Blueblood's strike slowly faded away. "I'm sorry, sister, but just for tonight, I'm afraid I'll have to take your title."

She laughed at her own words, and her eyes felt heavy. She sat them both down and got comfortable next to her nephew, using her wing as a blanket. "My boy, my little star pupil."

As the illusion ended and Blueblood blinked a couple of times, he chuckled warmly at what he had just witnessed. Oh, Aunt Luna, for how much you complain about Aunt Celly, you can be just as sappy as her. Don't worry. You are still the coolest.

Marshaling the rest of his strength, he saw his cousin rushing to his side in concern, making him happy as he returned to his original form. "I leave…the rest to you" And with those final words, Blueblood closed his eyes and fell unconscious from exhaustion into his cousin's hooves.

Author's Note:

Couldn't find songs that matched the mood completely, if any of you had a suggestion of what song might work let me know in the comments

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