• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 44,720 Views, 5,477 Comments

The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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To Ponyville (AP, W-SS, CC, GT4 and YB)

Twilight Sparkle was currently doing her best impression of a fish that had forgotten how to breathe. Her mouth opened and closed sporadically as she stared at the sight before her, her brain continuing to unsuccessfully comprehend what she was seeing. Spike, her number one assistant, stood right next to her, and while he seemed to be just as befuddled as Twilight, he also seemed to have kept more of his wits, and was currently trying to break Twilight out of her trance.

Namely, by waving one claw in front of her and repeatedly closing her jaw with the other.

"Do you believe us now, Twilight?" Celestia asked with a hopeful smile, willfully “oblivious” to her former student’s mental plight.

"I can assure you, Twilight, we did every possible magical and medical test known to our Canterlot doctors. He is in no way pretending, under a curse or spell, nor has any sort of injury," Luna jumped in. "They have eliminated every rationally possible cause, and yet his condition remains a mystery."

"Wha…who…I can’t…words!" The Golden Oaks library of Twilight’s inner mind had flipped its ‘open’ sign to ‘closed’ and turned its lights off for the night.

In front of the assembled princesses, Blueblood was being nuzzled by Twilight Sparkle’s pet owl, Owlowiscious, who wasn't known for being overly-affectionate to strangers. In fact, the only other ponies who Owlowiscious had shown that kind of affection to were her closest friends, and even that had taken weeks!

Twilight had never seen such horseapples before.

Yet here she was once again, observing something she once thought improbable, if not impossible. During her time studying in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns she had never really seen much of the prince other than at day court or yelling at the gardeners. She was never really one to pay much attention to other ponies. And as for Blueblood he probably didn't even know of her existence until she had earned her wings which suited Twilight just fine.

But something that she remembered all too well was how universally hated the prince was by all the animals in the royal gardens, mostly due to him acting like a jerk towards them all the time. In fact, she was beyond certain that he was the “anti-Fluttershy” when it came to kindness, whether it be towards animals or ponies.

But this…this was different. Ever since his arrival with the princesses, not only had he been friendly and kind to her, but he had also even offered to help Spike with his list of chores on multiple occasions simply because he wanted to help. On its own, such an offer was already weird, and only continued to confound the inner machinations of the Princess of Friendship and her draconic assistant. But witnessing and hearing him be so friendly to what she once overheard Blueblood call ‘filthy vermin’ was what caused her mind to finally pack its bags and leave town.

“I think you guys broke her…” Spike murmured, letting his claws drop to his sides. “Give me a sec, I think I have an operations manual stashed here somewhere for times like these.” He opened a nearby closet and began rummaging through its contents.

Celestia’s gaze turned worried. "Twilight, are you still with us?"

"I…uh…" Twilight blinked several times before shaking her head. "Y-yeah I'm with you, sorry.”

Spike returned, dusting off a scroll in his claws. “Right then, How To Reboot: step one, we have to…oh, you brought her back.” He tossed the scroll back into the closet and slammed the door shut with a nervous chuckle. “Forget you saw that.”

Twilight, meanwhile, had regained some of her senses and was finally beginning to process the information her eyes were feeding her. “This is…it’s all just too much, too fast," she exclaimed, pressing her hooves into the sides of her head.

Luna whispered into her sister’s ear, “I told you she’d react like this.”

Celestia giggled. "Don’t worry about it, Twilight. Luna and I were in your horseshoes yesterday."

Twilight nodded and looked back at Blueblood. "So…he really doesn't remember anything?"

Both princesses nodded solemnly. "Not much, I'm afraid. Math and speech seem to be the most of what he has retained," Celestia answered.

"And that is why we need your help, Twilight Sparkle," Luna added.

"W-what? Why me?" Twilight asked, pointing a hoof at herself. Spike raised an eye ridge.

"You see, although it’s a mystery as to how this event transpired, it has also presented us with a golden opportunity that we wish to take advantage of," Luna explained.

Celestia nodded in agreement. "It's a chance for us to become a true family again. Nothing would make us happier than to have this new Blueblood with us. Unfortunately, our duties prevent us from spending the time we need to teach him all that he needs. If the other nobles were to discover him while in this condition, Faust help us all."

"That’s why we have come to ask for your aid, Twilight Sparkle," Luna finished. "Our wish is for you to provide sanctuary to our nephew for a fortnight while he acquires an education in Ponyville and initiates magic lessons with you."

"You want me to…teach him how to use magic?" Twilight looked between them and Blueblood.

"I don’t expect him to be teleporting any time soon, he just needs to re-learn the fundamentals," Celestia answered. “It’ll only be for a few short weeks until we can better organize our schedules."

"What do you say, Twilight? Will you be his guiding light in the darkness?" Luna asked hopefully.

Twilight put a hoof to her chin and hummed in response. Other than her schedule, which she could reorganize, as much of a headache it usually caused her, nothing was preventing her from helping the prince. Sure, he was a jerk, but if what the other princesses said was true, then as Princess of Friendship, her duty was clear. She gave Celestia a very determined nod and said, "You can count on me, Princess."

Celestia breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Twilight. You have no idea how much this means to us.”

"Uhhh, I don't mean to be the Element Bearer of Bad News, but…" Spike interjected, raising a talon. "Wouldn't it be weird and, like, super creepy if a full-grown stallion just showed up to attend Miss Cheerilee’s class?"

"We’ve already come up with a solution to that, Spike," Celestia informed him, turning towards the prince. "Blueblood, will you come over here for a moment?"

"Coming, auntie!" Blueblood called, giving Owlowiscious a gentle pat goodbye before approaching the group. “Yes?”

"Blueblood, would you please give a demonstration of the amulet I gave you earlier this morning?" Celestia asked.

Blueblood immediately adopted a more nervous expression, sending Twilight a look. "Would…that be okay, auntie? You told me not to use it when somepony is watching."

"It’s okay, nephew, you can trust Twilight," Luna replied.

"Well… okay," Blueblood said, looking a bit unsure. Nevertheless, he brought his hoof up to the medallion around his neck and closed his eyes.

"Okay Blueblood, just like we practiced. Clear your mind and picture the photo of the colt that I showed you earlier," said Celestia.

Blueblood nodded and concentrated as hard as he could, scrunching up his face slightly in the process, which got a snicker from Spike for some reason. Soon, the necklace shined with a bright golden aura that encompassed his entire body, and in a flash of green fire, he changed into a little foal version of himself. He seemed to be even smaller than the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and his Cutie Mark was no longer on his flanks.

The spell concluded and he peered up at the group. "Looks like it worked," he said in a much higher-pitched voice, completing the disguise and sending Spike into hysterics. Twilight rolled her eyes and slapped the back of his head with one of her wings.

"You did a fantastic job, nephew! You look just like you used to when you were a colt,” Celestia happily remarked, nuzzling him. She then gazed back at Twilight and Spike. "With this magic amulet, Blueblood can assume the form of a colt and join the class without raising any suspicion."

"As funny as this whole thing is, what exactly is it?” Spike asked, walking around Blueblood’s new body to inspect it. “It reminds me of—”

"Changelings?” Luna smirked. “That is because you, young dragon, have just witnessed the power of a changeling’s alteration necklace," Luna informed him, pointing at the amulet. "What he is wearing is one of very few, rare changeling artifacts on loan to the Royal Canterlot Archives by King Thorax. They are used in the training of changeling nymphs when they have become stuck in an undesired form. Whoever wears one should be able to change their appearance at will without much problem.”

"Is it some sort of illusion?" Twilight asked, lightly poking Blueblood in the chest, making him giggle.

Celestia shook her head. "No, it’s a complete physical change. Right now, Blueblood is as he appears: a colt.”

"But only as long as I want to be," Blueblood added, before tapping the necklace twice and reverting to his normal self. "See? That’s all it takes and I'm back to being myself."

"That’s incredible!" Twilight squealed in delight.

“And still a bit creepy,” Spike pointed out, although he was ignored.

"Most importantly, it will help us keep his secret," said Luna.

Twilight looked back at her. "What secret?"

"As we told you, if the news of his condition spread, nobles would try to prey on him and exploit his position for their own personal gain." Luna trotted over to Blueblood, covering him with a protective wing. "This is why we need to keep his identity a secret until he is once again ready to face the Canterlot nobility."

"Are the nobles really that dangerous, auntie?" Blueblood asks with worry.

“Absolutely, nephew. Every one of them would try to force their own perverted version of politics upon you, and you would lack the social skills to defend yourself,” Luna replied, a harsh frown donning her face.

Blueblood, realizing the dire importance of the situation, quickly changed back into his colt form once again.

"That is why for the remainder of his stay, unless he is on the castle grounds, he must remain in the form of a colt,” Luna continued. “The story that you will tell others is that you're taking care of a distant cousin of yours called ‘New Blood’. If somepony asks, you are allowed to tell them that he has recently suffered through a traumatic event, which will explain his amnesia, and that he will temporarily be staying with you at the castle until another guardian can be found."

"The best lies have a grain of truth,” Celestia said, giving Twilight a cryptic smile, “In fact, Twilight, Blueblood is actually part of your family.”

"Whaaaat?!" both Twilight and Blueblood cried out in surprise. Spike’s jaw hit the floor.

Celestia tapped her chin with her hoof. "Well, it is a distant association, but technically, since Cadance married your brother, that makes Blueblood your cousin-in-law, and by association, indirectly part of your family."

"Wait, Shining Armor is your brother?" Blueblood asked in shock, looking back up at Twilight.

"Wow, you really did forget everything," Spike chuckled. "You and I are gonna have a lot to talk about."

Luna ruffled her wings. "As you can see, Twilight, this is the story you must tell, even to the other Elements."

"Wait, why can't I tell my friends everything?" Twilight asked, tilting her head to the side.

"It must remain a secret as a matter of royal security, Twilight Sparkle. Please understand, this is not out of malice but more out of concern. It would be best for Blueblood if the rest of Ponyville were kept unaware, especially from one Element in particular that may have a…slight personal grudge against our nephew," Luna answered.

Twilight’s eyes widened in realization. It's true! It’s not only Rarity that we’ll need to worry about, either. Applejack met Blueblood too, and from what she told me, they didn't part on the best of terms. Faust only knows what those two would do if they found out the truth, or even if they would be willing to give him a chance.

She glanced down at the small colt before sighing. "I understand, princess. Spike and I will keep this a secret, even from our friends," she said, holding up a hoof. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake on my eye."

A haunting, shrill cry of “FOR-EV-ER!” echoed throughout the castle, although its origin could not be discerned. It still sent a shiver up everypony’s spines, however.

Shaking off the sudden chill, Celestia gave Twilight a motherly smile and brought her into a hug, "I knew we could count on you, Twilight. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.”

"You can count on me, princess," Twilight replied, returning the hug in full.

"We should be going, sister. We have delayed our duties for far too long," Luna informed Celestia before approaching her nephew. "Please take care, dear nephew. Remember that you can find me in your dreams if you need me."

Unsure of what to make of that sentence, Blueblood nodded slowly in reply. "I’ll keep that in mind.”

Luna gave him a quick nuzzle before making her way to the door. Celestia trotted over to Blueblood and lifted him into a large hug, spinning him around slightly. "Oh Blueblood, you have no idea how much I’ve wished for this day to come. I know you’re in good hooves now, and absolutely nothing bad is going to happen—”

“You’ve doomed us all!” Spike cried.

“—But if anything were to arise,” she continued with a smirk, “You only need to have Spike send me a letter and I will be here in an instant.” She gave him a motherly peck on his forehead.

"Come on, sister, before we stay here all day," Luna called, pulling Celestia away with her magic after the fifth minute of the hug. On their way out, the royal sisters waved goodbye, with Blueblood returning the gesture.

Soon, Luna and Celestia boarded a flying chariot, and as soon as they sat down they departed, leaving Twilight and Spike alone with Blueblood in the form of a small colt. The three of them watched as the royal sisters departed through the skies toward Canterlot, the chariot becoming a small speck in the sky.

Blueblood gave a wistful sigh and faced Twilight. "So…are we really cousins?"

"Well, I have no reason to doubt the princess, but it does sound pretty crazy, right?" Twilight replied, trying to make small talk. "Usually I figure out this kind of thing pretty easily, but this time, I didn't even have the slightest clue."

"Me neither," Blueblood muttered with a chuckle. "Then again, I have no clue about a lot of things at the moment." At that, they all shared a laugh.

Blueblood looked over at the saddle bag that he and Celestia had packed earlier that morning, now waiting patiently for him to unpack it. "Maybe I should go find my room and unpack my things?"

"Oh, yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Spike and I can give you a guided tour of the castle while we’re at it," Twilight offered.

"Quick word of advice, knock before opening any closed doors," Spike added. "Especially if you don't know who or what might be on the other side. Somepony might be on the other side and you might hit them."

"Does that…happen often?" Blueblood asked.

"Ohh, more times than you'd think," Spike grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Okay, I’ll keep that in mind," the prince acknowledged. The three were about to start moving when a knock on the front door caught their attention.

"Huh…are you expecting somepony, Twilight?" Spike asked.

Twilight shook her head, chuckling, "Maybe it's Princess Celestia wanting one last hug?" she joked. She used her magic to open the door, only to be met with an alabaster unicorn mare with a purple curly mane and tail, wearing what Twilight could barely describe as a dress with frilly…things on it, waiting on the other side. A package levitated in the air next to her.

"Oh! H-hello, Rarity!" Twilight exclaimed in a panicked voice before recovering with a forced smile. Outwardly, she was the picture of perfect calm, she thought, but inwardly she was screaming a long string of arcane profanities she didn’t even know existed as the last pony she wanted to see appeared at the front door.

Rarity, for her part, merely covered her muzzle with one hoof as she tittered happily at Twilight’s surprised reaction. "I see that my newest creation has left you utterly speechless, darling!" she said, stepping inside the castle.

“What brings you h-here, uh…Rarity?” Twilight managed to squeak.

"I came to give you back that dress that had that ghastly tear, darling," Rarity replied with an elegant flourish of her mane as she moved to put the packaged dress on a nearby table. As she placed it down, she spied the saddlebags beside it, which greatly puzzled her. "Are you planning to go on a trip, Twilight?" she asked, facing Twilight with a raised eyebrow and levitating the saddlebags in her magic.

Twilight started to sweat, and she let out a nervous laugh. She was soooo not prepared for this. Not yet. "Well, um, you see…"

"Those bags are mine," Blueblood answered for her as he slowly approached, keeping his head low as he stood next to Twilight. "They’re for my stay with my cousin, Twilight," he finished, allowing Twilight to breathe a sigh of relief.

Thank you, Blueblood…that still feels unnatural.

"Cousin…Twilight?" Rarity echoed, more confused than before.

Now feeling a little more relaxed, Twilight exhaled and approached her. “Rarity, meet my cousin, New Blood," she said, pointing a hoof at the colt. “New Blood, this is one of my close friends, Rarity.”

"Hiya!" Blueblood said, offering Rarity a small wave.

"I offered to let him stay here for a couple of weeks," Twilight clarified for Rarity, bringing her closer to whisper in her ear. "He recently went through a rather traumatic experience and suffered memory loss as a result. His guardians sent him over so he could hopefully calm down and relax."

"Oh goodness!" Rarity whisper-shouted. “That’s horrible!

"He doesn't even remember anything about magic, which I’ll be teaching him while he stays with us at the castle. His memory loss is so advanced that his guardians even had to remind him that they were his family," Twilight explained.

Rarity looked about ready to faint, and tears welled up in her eyes. "Oh, that poor little colt!"

"Yeah, he can be very shy, so please be gentle, okay?"

Rarity put a hoof to her chest and gave Twilight a solemn look. "Oh, I understand completely, Twilight. You have no need to worry about me. You have my word as a lady that I will be on my best behavior.”

"Uh…miss?" Blueblood called up to her once again.

"Yes, dear?" Rarity replied, looking down at him.

"May I have my saddlebags back?" he asked, pointing at it.

Rarity looked at the saddlebags, still hovering in the air from her magic aura. "Oh my, I'm so sorry! Of course, you can have it back," she said, blushing. She floated the saddlebags back to the floor, and Blueblood hugged them to his chest when they were within reach, selling his act perfectly.

"Twilight, may I go to my room now?" he asked.

"Of course you can, New Blood. Spike, can you please take my dress to my room?" asked Twilight.

Spike clicked his heels together and saluted, before picking up the package and running towards the stairway to the castle’s second level, blowing Rarity a quick kiss as he ran past her. Rarity giggled and rolled her eyes.

Twilight and Blueblood were about to leave, when Rarity surprised them both by trotting up to Blueblood and knelt in front of him. "Would the little dear care for a ride to his quarters?"

Blueblood’s eyes went wide. "W-what?" he stammered.

"It’s okay, darling. Consider it my way to apologize for taking your saddlebag without your permission. There’s no need to worry, I don't mind. Just don't grip too tightly, alright?"

"Uh…" Blueblood, unsure of what to do, looked up at Twilight for help, only to receive a helpless shrug in response.

"It's okay, dear," Rarity continued, smiling warmly. "I don't bite."

Twilight cringed internally. Oh, this is wrong on SOOO many levels…

"Well…alright, b-but just let me know if I'm making you uncomfortable, okay?" Blueblood mumbled, his face as red as a tomato.

"You have my word, darling," Rarity replied, giving him a reassuring smile.

For better or worse, Blueblood decided to climb onto her back, and then tried to get a little more comfortable in the awkward position. Once she felt that he was secure, Rarity stood up again and looked over to Twilight. "Shall we?" she asked in a sing-song voice.

Twilight, still mentally face-hooving her brain out the back of her head, could only nod mutely in response. "Y-Yeah, let’s go," she finally managed, and moved to guide them through the halls of the castle. Just go with the flow, just go with the flow, just go with the flow…

"I'm not too big for you, am I?" Blueblood asked as they walked.

Please no innuendo… Twilight pleaded in her mind. Not here, not now…

Rarity shook her head. "Not at all, dear. You’re nearly as light as my little sister," she replied as they went deeper into the castle. "You know, New Blood, I can't help but notice that your face reminds me of somepony I’ve met before…"

Twilight’s fear returned in full force, as she screamed a nigh-infinite repeating string of curses in her head for the second time that day. It probably wouldn’t be the last time, either.

"But by Celestia's mane, I can't put my hoof on who that pony was…how very curious."

Blueblood chuckled. "Well, if my memories return, you might remind me of somepony too," he joked. "Tell me, Miss Rarity, how do you get your coat and mane to look so beautiful? Are you a supermodel?"

"Oh, you little flatterer, you!" Rarity blushed and giggled. "Twilight dear, where have you been hiding such a gentlecolt? Your cousin is just a delight to be around!"

"Eheheheheh…yeah, he’s quite the charmer, isn't he?" Twilight answered, still recovering from nearly having a second heart attack.

She was starting to wonder about her decision to take in Blueblood, and was also suddenly wondering if Ponyville General had therapy sessions available for possible future use. Or research, depending on how things went. She’d have to ask Nurse Redheart later.

One thing at a time.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Hominus, for giving the idea of the perfect alias for Blueblood. Thank you your awesome comments

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