• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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Report And Reconciliation (RB, GT4 And BF)

The moment the group returned to city hall, the prince didn't waste any time and approached Celestia. Luckily for him, she had already dealt with the press, and by the time they arrived, the princess had finished talking with the traitorous guard and was on her way to the Golden Leaf.

The next couple of hours after that were spent dispatching soldiers and medics to transport the wounded, arresting Fort Knox and his thugs, and recovering all the contraband Fort Knox had in his possession. It was an ordeal that was already proving to be long and tedious, but to perform it in secret also turned it into a very slow process --- one that the princess took full advantage of to get a report from the group, culminating with her hearing the confession of Fort Knox on the recording.

"And after that, we left the place and came back with the hopes of getting more guards and making the necessary arrest," the prince said, finishing the story and looking back at Celestia.

After hearing about the confession and Bluebood’s recount of events, the Sun Princess could only sigh and shake her head in disappointment. "When we came here, I had hoped for the start of a new alliance and an opportunity for a new family member to be introduced into our society. Instead, we now have two traitors, and even more problems that need to be addressed carefully and in due time to avoid panic."

"What’s going to happen to them, princess?" Applejack asked, slightly worried.

"They will be judged and punished for their crimes, of course. However, due to our recent alliance with the changelings, and because of the position Fort Knox holds, his trial, no matter what, will make news and will be exposed almost immediately. It’ll have to be delayed for a time.” She then looked Applejack dead in the eyes. “But I assure you, Applejack, not even the weight of all of Canterlot’s bits or information are going to save him. His crimes are as clear as day, and any information he might be in possession of will be useless. He will be receiving the maximum sentence."

"Well, I’d say that serves him right, after all he’s done over the years," Rarity huffed, sticking her chin up in the air in indignation.

Blueblood then put a hoof under his chin and glanced up at Celestia. "Auntie, do you have any clue who or what that alicorn ghost was?" he asked

Celestia shook her head. "I'm afraid not. Luna and I only have a few fragments of the alicorn tribe that preceded us. By the time we were conscious, all of them were already gone, so I don't have an answer of what they were." She then smiled and touched his cheek with a hoof. "But it's a mystery that I would be happy to unravel together as a family. And even though I'm not exactly happy that you have ventured into almost unknown dangers, scolding or punishing you would just make me seem like a hypocrite."

"Auntie?" Blueblood looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"If I had been in your position, I’d have probably done the same thing. Despite the dangers, you acted as a true leader, wanting to protect your subjects while at the same time trying to ensure peace and avoid panic as much as possible,” Celestia continued. “Let this be a lesson, nephew --- the unexpected can happen at any moment in our line of work, so it's important to always keep a cool head and consider your options in the event of an emergency, just like today. You really acted like a true prince of Equestria," She used her wing to bring him into a hug. "And for that, I couldn't be more proud of you."

Blueblood blinked twice as Celestia embraced him, and then happily returned the gesture.

The Elements let the two have their moment for a while before Rarity walked toward them with a guilty frown and cleared her throat. "Um, excuse me..."

Blueblood and Celestia ended the hug and looked back at her. "Yes, Rarity?" Celestia asked.

"I know that I’ve already apologized back at the warehouse, but I feel like I need to do it once more now that our lives are no longer in danger,” she replied.

"Come on Rarity, there is no need for you to…" Blueblood tried to stop her, but Celestia placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"Actually, she does, Blueblood. As much as it pains me to say it, no matter the reason why, she still raised her hoof against royalty and lashed out without any sort of provocation. It's a major offense towards the crown, and punishment needs to be addressed," the princess explained with a regretful grimace. "I can't just overlook this, not when it comes to my family."

After that, she looked at Rarity with an imperious and neutral expression, which was enough to make Rarity flinch back. "Plus,” the Sun Princess added. “I also want to hear what she has to say. Depending on what she says, I will weigh a proper punishment."

"Auntie, please..." Blueblood placed his hoof on her shoulder with a worried expression. "There’s no need to go this far, the poor mare has suffered enough and she told me that she already learned--"

"It’s okay, Blueblood,” Rarity interrupted him by lifting her hoof and looking at him with determination. "This is something I need to do properly, and the princess is right. I wouldn't be calm if a similar situation had happened with Sweetie Belle. No matter what the consequences are, I will take my punishment with my chin up.”

Her words made the prince sighed in defeat and looked down. "There’s no escaping this, is there?"

"’Fraid not, partner. Just as the princess said, attackin’ royalty can't just be solved by a slap on the fetlock," Applejack sighed. "Don't worry, Ah'm sure the princess won’t be too hard on her,"

"That’s correct, Applejack. As furious and disappointed as I am right now, I promise to be completely fair," Celestia confirmed with a smile.

Nodding in understanding, the prince lifted his head and looked at Rarity, who took a deep breath before speaking. "Prince Blueblood, I just want to say that from the bottom of my heart, I truly am sorry for the poor treatment I’ve given you the past couple of days. In my line of work, I have seen others playing the friendly game to take advantage of defenseless ponies and swindle them out of every bit they had, and your previous image and actions were the reason why it was hard to believe a change in personality on your part. Plus, because of our story and my propensity for melodrama, I blinded myself into what I thought was justified paranoia, and never once gave you the chance anypony deserved." She ended her speech by giving him a bow of her head. "I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for my rude and un-ladylike actions."

"Of course I do," Blueblood told her, bringing his hoof to her chin and making her look at him. "Now, please stand up Rarity. We’re friends, there’s no need for you to bow to me. Let's try to leave all of this behind us and start again, just like I offered you."

Rarity smiled a bit at that. "I would love that, yes."

"Even so, I still don't understand why you lashed out so violently, Rarity," Celestia remarked. "It’s true that you’re not afraid to show your discontent or wariness to others that have wronged you, but unless provoked or enchanted, you’ve never once resorted to physical harm."

"I don't understand it myself either, princess," Rarity told her plainly. "Ever since you told us the truth about Blueblood at the hospital, I’ve been completely on edge, and no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't relax or think straight. Not even making dresses, which usually calms me down, helped..." She sighed in disappointment. "And I really thought that the changeling necklace could offer me a challenge big enough for me to forget the whole ordeal."

Both royals’ eyes widened in surprise the moment she told them that. "Wait a minute," Blueblood exclaimed. "You’re telling us that all this time, you’ve been using the changeling necklace as a piece of garment on your dresses?!"

"I wasn't intending to keep it, I swear!" Rarity held her hooves up in defense, a bit panicked by the sudden shift in demeanor. "When we left the hospital, Thorax gave me the necklace, asking me to give it to Twilight so she can keep it safe until you take it back. It was too late at night, so I decided to keep it and then give it back first thing in the morning, but the designs on it, the perfect color for an autumn line of clothing, the possibilities for formal attire! I just couldn't resist the ideas. And before you say anything, I never activated it, I just wanted to know how it would look with the correct combination, and though I did, the anger just festered inside me. I...I still have it; I can return it once we are back at the hotel.”

"Oh Rarity, why?" The prince pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head upon hearing this news. "Now it all makes sense."

"What?" She looked at both of them, clearly confused.

"Rarity..." The princess took a deep breath and then looked at her like a disappointed mother. "The reason why the changeling necklace is so dangerous is that when some pony uses it, his or her emotions at the time would flourish and grow according to what they change into, just like its title implies."

"That is why before using it, one must first clear their head and keep calm,” Blueblood continued. “If they don’t, the necklace will expand the user’s emotions to dangerous levels, even if you don't activate it. If you are happy, you’ll end up euphoric. if afraid, then you’ll be completely terrified. If angry…"

"…Then furious," Rarity finished as her eyes widened in realization. "Now I understand. The necklace kept feeding my anger and increasing it. I didn't understand what was happening, so I just kept using it, and the cycle just continued!"

"Now Ah get it!” Applejack said. “Over the past few days, ‘cause ya were wearin’ that thing, your anger just kept growin’ and growin’ until it reached a boilin’ point and then ya slapped him. No wonder ya’ve been actin’ so outta sorts all this time, that necklace was keepin’ ya from seein’ reason."

"Indeed, and it wasn't until you stopped using it and talked with Fort Knox that you finally managed to calm down and see what was going on in your heart,” Celestia said as she approached the Element of Generosity. "I'm happy to know that you’re safe, and that you understand the reason behind your actions, but I'm also disappointed that you were so careless in dealing with enchanted artifacts. You could have easily endangered your life."

"I'm so sorry, princess…” Rarity responded, bowing her head in guilt. “I promise I’ll be more careful from now on.”

"For now, we’ll need to remedy this situation. If you use the necklace so many times, then the risk of lingering magic might still be on your body." Celestia started to prepare her horn. "Stay still, my scan will only take a moment."

At that moment, Blueblood had an idea and stepped in front of the princess."Wait, auntie.”

She stopped and looked at him. "Yes?"

"Before you do that, can I talk with you for a second?" he asked her before pulling her away from the two Elements who just blinked in confusion as the prince whispered something in the princess's ear.

"If an opposite emotion is placed upon her, can it counteract the present one?" Blueblood asked

"Well, yes. It would be like pouring water on a fire. Why?"

The prince grinned. "If that’s the case, then I think I have the perfect idea on how to erase all lingering anger in Rarity and give her a fitting punishment all at once."

That made the princess smile. "I'm listening."

After explaining the plan, the princess matched his grin and nodded before the two returned to the Elements. "Well Rarity, it seems like today is your lucky day," the princess stated in a calm voice. "Thanks to my nephew’s quick thinking, we managed to come up with an idea to help you and punish you at the same time, without being overly severe.”

"Really?" Rarity looked at both with a smile before flinching and slightly backing away once they grinned and chuckled.

"Oh yeah, Rarity, this is going to be perfect," Blueblood answered. "Since the changeling necklace made this mess, we’ll use it one final time to solve it."

Rarity gulped.

Later that day at an ice cream shop

The group entered the establishment and soon placed their orders, leaving just one to say something.

"And what would you like, Annie Belle?" The prince asked with a smile as he turned to look at his back. A thoroughly embarrassed and blushing Rarity, now turned into a filly version of herself, but with a red afro wig and wearing a messy brown dress underneath a green, polka-dotted one. Her tail was now red and frizzy, making it almost resemble Pinkie Pie. Around her neck hung the changeling necklace, and her face even had some freckles on it.

"Just...order anything for me..." she responded, burying her face in the prince’s back in complete mortification.

"Didn't ya say that ya’d take your punishment with your chin up?" Applejack teased her, smirking slightly.

"I didn't think that I would take it like this!" the unfortunate filly quickly retorted.

"Too bad, because this one was the less painful one. The other option involved a pretty big shot and one of your tushies," the prince responded with a grin.

Rarity’s eyes widened and she glanced at him fearfully. “Please no, I hate needles!”

The prince just chuckled. "Understood, no shot for you." He then looked in front of them. "So, what flavor would you like?"

"Uhhh, that one!" Rarity pointed to the most expensive and biggest ice cream sundae they had, as her inner filly began to take over.

"Great choice, Annie,” the princess nodded before turning back to her. “But you know our deal: if you want a big sundae, you’ll have to earn it by doing what we told you.”

"But I don't want to," she whined, crossing her forelegs, some heat appearing on her cheeks again.

"I’ll ask them to add an extra scoop of ice cream if you do~..." Blueblood sweetened the deal.

Despite herself, her eyes widened and her mouth watered. "Promise?"

"I promise."

“Fine, I’ll do it, but not a word of this to anypony, especially Rainbow!" Rarity jumped down from the prince and walked to the center of the room before clearing her throat. From seemingly nowhere, musical instruments started to play.

Blueblood blinked and looked around in confusion. "Who’s playing that music?"

Meanwhile, the others kept looking at Rarity, with Applejack even trying to contain her laughter at what she was seeing. As she continued to sing, a small crowd started to gather in happiness, enjoying the performance. Some parents even “aww’ing” at how adorable she looked.

"No seriously, who’s playing that music?" the prince asked again, continuing to try to find the source of it.

"Oh, give it a rest, Your Highness," Amber told him before handing him his ice cream. "These kinds of things just happen. I’d say it's the magic of Equestria itself.”

"I…see," the prince responds, deciding to just accept the fact and take the ice cream in his magic.

And just when I thought I had this place figured out. Will this world ever stop surprising me?

He smiled and shook his head as they continued to watch Rarity’s performance. Next to him, Celestia let out a giggle. "Well, nephew, I have to say, this was indeed a brilliant idea on your part.”

"Are you sure nothing bad will happen to her?" Coco asked in worry. "I’ve never seen Rarity act like this before."

"It’s completely natural, Coco," the prince replied, calming her down. "That necklace is what makes her think like a foal, which is perfect since all of her anger is being purged from her body as we speak. Perhaps she’ll act a bit foalish for a few minutes after we take it away, but afterwards she’ll be as good as new.”

"And why did ya teach her that particular song?" Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That is the final part of her punishment, AJ. Believe me, try as you might, that song will be stuck in your head for weeks," he replied with a smirk. "One last reminder for her to have next time she is trusted with something dangerous."

"Oh..." Applejack nodded in understanding. "Okay, now Ah get it."

Once the song ended, everypony in the shop stomped their hooves on the ground and cheered for Rarity, who just smiled and pranced to the counter, waiting for her reward.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot...

Shining Armor rushed through the hallways on his way to Luna’s bedroom, knocking furiously on the door as soon as he reached them. Soon, the Princess of the Night opened the door with a mixture of worry and irritation written on her face.

"Shining Armor, what’s wrong? Do you have any idea what time of night this is? Why the sudden--?"

"I...I found it!" he quickly interrupted, raising a hoof and trying to catch his breath. After a moment, he regained his composure and looked at her again. "I found out how Blueblood was killed!"

Author's Note:

The song is call 'The sun will come tomorrow' by Annie, a broadway show

And (BF) stand for Brony Falcon who also is helping me with the editing

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