• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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E.D.P (RB and BS)

The tension was palpable as every spectator in the arena remained quiet while looking at the Prince. Fortunately for Blood Moon, he could see some of the initial fear he was seeing dying down a little as he stays still. Even though, everypony still seemed on edge. To the point that even moving one hoof only a little, had resulted in a flurry of ponies flinching and hugging their children tighter. Not even the princesses were immune, as he could detect the same tension in their eyes. That image of the two of them poised and unsure pierced through him like a knife twisting in his stomach and leaving a bad taste in his mouth.

Come on Rookie you got this Hurricane thought, also tense by how things had turned out.

This is it, sweetie. The moment of truth, you got their attention, now show them the rest of you, just like we practiced Platinum swallowed saliva in anticipation.

Almost there, now give us a speech, so we can wrap this whole show up. Pudding was practically biting her hoof from the tension in the air. You are just milking the tension now, stop it already!

"He seems…scared" Fluttershy whispered with pity as she slowly started to take stock of the transformed prince's features.

"Oh this is bad, he won! Ponies should be cheering, not staring at him like he's the next coming of King Sombra" Pinkie answered before turning to her friend "We need to do something, this seems like a job for an E.D.P"

"E.D.P?" Fluttershy looked at her in confusion.

"Come on, I will explain on the way," Pinkie told her, as they both took advantage of everyone been distracted to slip away from their seats.

As the minutes passed, the prince swallow hard before hardening his resolve and address his subjects. "Let this be a lesson, ponies of Canterlot. I am far from perfect, and I'm pony enough to admit that I still have a long road ahead of me to atone for my sins, but with the princesses as my witness, I promise you two things" He closed his eyes and then pressed his right hoof against his chest before planting Clarent's point into the flagstone. "Someday I will become the prince you all deserve," He opened his eyes, and everyone felt a cold chill on their backs at the sight of his glare. "And two, if anyone threatens or harms our kingdom or my family. They will face the FuLlEsT eXtEnT oF mY wRaTh."

Blood Moon could feel the gaze of his aunts boring into him, and when he stole a glance to gauge their expressions, it took all of his training to not flinch. Their earlier apprehension hand morphed into something all the more heart-wrenching. Fear.

They're scared of me, as well as the rest of the kingdom. Blood Moon felt like dirt, and the only thing he wanted to do now was to walk away and never show his face again, but for the sake of his image, he knew that all of this was necessary. No matter how much it pained him. Holding back a tear, he simply decided to close his eyes and prepared to leave when the last thing he expected to happen... happened.

"Blueblood?" turning back, the Prince was surprised to find an equally surprised and yet concerned Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie standing right in front of him. He took a quick glance to their seats and then again at them as he processed what had happened.

But they were…? When did they…? How did they…? How did nobody see them? The prince silently questioned as Fluttershy took a cautious step closer, some ponies gasped at her boldness while staying at the edge of their seats.

"Is that really…you?" It was just a straightforward question, but the way she asked with so much concern in her voice managed to do the trick as the cogs on his brain re-engaged and started to spin, cluing the Prince into what was happening, and why everyone was so tense from his appearance.

"They think Blood Moon is possessing me." He whispered, catching Fluttershy off guard.

"What?" She raised an eyebrow, not entirely sure of what she just heard.

With a shake of the head, the Prince addressed her once more, much calmer now. "YeS, dEa-" Blood Moon’s voice broke hissed out for a moment before he paused and cleared his throat. Before beginning once again. This time not falling into his demonic rasp, though there still remained something otherworldly in the Prince's voice. "My apologies. Yes, dear Fluttershy, it is me." He regarded her with a genuine smile, managing to surprise the spectators and partially mollify them a bit. "I understand why you would be asking though." The Prince continued turning Clarent slightly to regard his own reflection. "My current form is radically different from how I used to look, but I assure you, even though I'm a bit…taller, I'm still the very same stallion you got to meet."

"What…happened to you?" Fluttershy got even closer to him and raised a hoof that she places on his chest. "How did you even manage to…well, change like this?"

"And more importantly, how do you SEE?" Pinkie voiced her opinion, invading the Princes' space, and examining his eyes. "Did you see everything in red now? How does it feel having a magic mane? Does growing fangs hurt? Can you turn back and forward at will like a changeling? And most importantly... do you still remember us?" She asked in quick succession inspecting his body before looking at him with pleading eyes and pouty lips.

"Well, in that order: I trained quite hard for this duel. I created a new form of magic that allows me to transform into a pony of shadows at will. I see just fine, although the size difference has changed my perspective somewhat. No. It's rather chilly actually. Yes, a little, as well as feeling weird at first. Yes and no because in order to change, I need to stare at the moon for several moments, and my power level depends on the current phase, with a Blue Moon being my most powerful. To return to normal, I must rest indoors or in a place where the moon doesn't shine; and put your worries to rest, I know we still have that game of hiding and seek to finish, if that is what you are wondering." He finishes with an impish grin.

Pinkie gasped and tackled him into a hug that makes Blood Moon take a staggering step backward from the force.

"Bluey! It really IS you!" She cheered in happiness while hugging him with all the force she could muster, which was quite substantial. Luckily, the armor the prince still wore held fast against her onslaught. Blood Moon's smile fell through when the metal itself began to groan under the sustained pressure.

Jesus, how strong an earth pony can really get? The prince questioned silently before chuckling and returning the gesture. "I missed you too Pinkie, both of you actually. I'm so sorry that you got caught in the crossfire of all of... this mess." He tells them with some shame while gesturing with his head.

"Nah, it’s ok." Pinkie ended the hug and dismissed Blood Moons words with a wave of her hoof. "We're used to crazy things happening to and around us; we get into situations like this all the time." She finished with a cheerful smile as Fluttershy nodded in silent agreement.

"Wow, you ladies really enjoy life to the fullest." Blood Moon mentioned in honest surprise, making Pinkie giggle at his reaction.

"Oh, if only you knew how much." Pinkie mumbled with a roll of her eyes. Her words seemed to help calm everything down, and the Prince started to notice how the tension around them had bled away, the audience finally beginning to breathe once more. Even the princesses seemed more calm and happy now that the tension had been broken.

"Wait!" Pinkie suddenly grabbed his attention again as well as his cheeks as she pressed their noses together "Did you say pony of shadows, as in…like what happened to Nightmare Moon?"

"Aye." Blood Moon answered and slowly pushed her away. "I suppose it was inevitable that some pony would ask me that question eventually. Yes Pinkie, in this form, I can be considered a stallion of shadows, just like Nightmare Moon."

"Why would you do that?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"Indeed." Everyone in the small group looked to the side and see Luna and Celestia landing near them as some pegasus guards moved in and began to escort Jet Set and Upper Crust out of the cage. The Prince only now realizing that with his new body, he was actually slightly taller than Luna. "Why would you willingly choose to become something like what I once was during one of the lowest points in my life?" Luna inquired, her sadness and self-loathing plain for all to see.

"Because that event made you into the great aunt that you are today." Blood Moon answered honestly, confusing everyone, save Celestia. Who, after the initial surprise, only smiled and nodded in understanding.

"Let me explain; while it is true that the tale of Nightmare Moon can be interpreted as the fall of a fair princess, one who surrendered to her inner demons. I, myself, prefer to see it as a tale of humility, and of how that, not even royalty is perfect." He took a step closer. "A story on how we all have flaws, and how those flaws are what make us who we are. It is a story about the importance of having the courage to accept those flaws and being better for knowing. After all, ‘There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow pony; true nobility is being superior to your former self.’”

He places his hoof on her chest. "There is absolutely no shame in admitting it, Aunt Luna. Nightmare Moon is you, and you are she. You two are part of the same whole, and by admitting that she exists, you can find true inner peace and grow into a better version of yourself." He smiled kindly and removed his hoof from her chest. "That is why I chose to become Blood Moon, to honor your memory, and to show you and everypony else how powerful anyone can truly be if you find and accept your shadow as part of what you are."

"Blueblood I…I don't even know what to say I…I just-" Luna was incapable of conjuring words as she teetered on the verge of tears, genuinely moved by his speech. She couldn't help but finally feel accepted, as for millennia, she had always thought of Nightmare Moon as nothing more than one of her greatest shames; a memorial serving as a constant reminder of the horrible creature she once was and never wanted to be again. Yet here her nephew was, looking like a sinister reflection of that monster, but instead of disgust or anger, she felt an odd sense of happiness. It was like he was seeing her truly and loving her regardless of her flaws.

Unable to come up with anything, she resorted to merely going forward to hug him tightly in a loving embrace, several tears leaving her face in the process. "Thank you." was all she could utter as she tightened the hug even more.

"Citizens of Canterlot!" Celestia chose that moment to address the crowd. "Rejoice, for today, history has been made!" She takes a couple of steps forward. "Today our nephew has returned to us, and with his return, the end of the lockdown and crisis has finally arrived, as well as the discovery of a new form of magic!" She announced earning happy cheers from everyone present.

"Now, come on everypony. Just like Princess Celestia said, the Prince has returned, recovered his title AND become a nice shadow pony! It's time to celebrate! Let's Party!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted out, earning more cheers and yells from the audience, the ponies now eager to party.

Blood Moon chuckled at the reaction and ending his embrace with his Auntie. approaching the party planner, "I appreciate the thought Pinkie, but don't you think it’s a bit rushed?"

"Oh come on Bluey, please let's party? Please, please, please pretty please?" She begged with puppy eyes and putting her hooves together.

"Pinkie is not that I don't want to, but making a party right now would be kind of impossible" He closed his eyes and started to list off the problems with that. "We need to remove this cage, get some decorations, come up with the food, find a DJ, maybe a dance floor, some drinks, chairs, and desks, a banner, and…how did she bloody do that...?" The Prince was left speechless when by the time he opened his eyes, everything he had been listing was already in place, and the cage had turned into some kind of party dome where ponies were already dancing or enjoying some food with the disco ball illuminating everything as it spun.

Pinkie only smirks and chuckles at his reaction. "Oh silly Bluey, never underestimate the power of an E.D.P!"

"E.D, what?"

"Emergency De-Escalation Party, duh!" She chided with a smile.

"It’s just Pinkie Pie, don't overthink it," Fluttershy answered him, taking note of how confused he was by his explanation.

"I have so many questions right now."

"Just let them go Prince Blueblood, trust me, it will save you the headache." She warned.

"Well, …ok, if you say so." After a moment, the Prince decided to simply shrug it off and took Fluttershy's advice.

"Now come on! Let dance!" Pinkie exclaims as she starts to drag Blood Moon and Fluttershy out onto the dance floor.

The royal sisters soon hear a chuckle near them, and when looking for its source, they see the three mysterious mares approaching them. "I like that pink mare, she seems crazy." Pudding Head remarks with a smile.

"Of course you would; you two are practically clones," Platinum mentioned with a sideways glance.

"Heh, can I train them or what?" Hurricane approached Celestia with a proud smile. "Told you, my boy would clean the floor with those two!"

“Although he choked in the last part of the plan.” Platinum mumbled in disappointment. “Looks like there is still too much to teach that stallion.” She summarizes with a shake of her head.

"Indeed, and I have to say," Celestia regards the three mares with no small amount of curiosity, "My sister and I can't help but feel something familiar about you three."

"Indeed, have we meet in the past?" Luna asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"I suppose a couple of thousand years would make you forget some old faces, right dearies?" Platinum tells them before taking a step closer. "Look at our faces you two, look closely." She suggests, and the princesses comply, until after a few seconds, they gasp and then look at the now garland covered statues before doing a rapid series of double takes.

"It’s you!"

"Long time no see, eh Celestia? Just look at you. The two of you have grown into such beautiful and radiant princesses." Platinum commented with a proud smile.

"Glad to see the braces worked for you, Stardust!" Hurricane interjected to Luna, making her blush from embarrassment. "Commander Hurricane, please! That was a millennium ago!"

The three laughed at her reaction. "Oh you, always easy to embarrass, it never gets old. Listen there is much to talk about, and I'm sure there are lots of things you would like to tell us but what do you say we wait for tomorrow, hm?" Pudding Head suggested while pointing at Blood Moon dancing with Pinkie before they change partners. Now he was paired with Fluttershy who had a radiant blush on her cheeks. "Let him have this night for himself. Besides, it’s a party! Time to have fun! Hurricane I see a table full of cider right there, and I'm ready to beat you once again in a drinking contest."

"Oh! you are so, on!" Hurricane accepted the challenge, and the two ran to said table.

"Oh no, you are not! We might not be the rulers anymore, but we still need to keep some semblance of decorum, as symbols of Equestria...hey! listen to me, you two knuckleheads!" Platinum scolded as she gives chase after her friends making the princesses laugh.

"Oh, how I missed the antics of those three," Luna shook her head. "But they are right sister, the night is young, why not enjoy it? The rest can wait for tomorrow."

"I couldn't agree more sister."

"But before that..." Discord suddenly appeared in front of them. "Perhaps you could address one slight little issue of a certain tall handsome and benevolent lord chaos who was kind enough to look after your nephew, and ensure that he went unharmed and safe while away from you? Hmm?" Discord goaded conjuring more claws to point at himself.

"While also keeping him a secret from us and let us worry ourselves sick for two whole weeks!" Celestia countered, her expression neutral.

"Small details and a certain princess needed to cool down a bit after the masquerade incident before getting any news." He quipped back his own neutral expression equal to Celestia's.

Luna let out a long-suffering sigh and rolled her eyes. "What do you want, Discord?"

"Oh, nothing much, a simple pat on the back, maybe a small thank you…"

"Thank you, Discord" Celestia flatly stated before starting to walk away before he could finish.

"…aaaaaand maybe an opportunity to chat more with my good pal Blueblood. After all, we have kind of become, well, the best of best buddies and if I could have a chance to visit more often. It wouldn't be such a problem, right?"

"…You only want that job as a royal jester don't you?" Luna summarized with her own poker face.

"Just give me five sessions to prove to you that they are worth it!" Discord broke the act and used his open claw to number the events.

"We will give you one test show" Celestia quickly reply

"What do you say, four?"

"Two!" She counters.

"Deal!" Discord agreed and giggled with mirth and pride before shaking the hand of another Discord who walked up to congratulate himself. "Discord you handsome devil, you did it again."

"Whatever" Luna and Celestia start to leave.

"Two shows with Celestia and two with Luna; this will be so great!" He clarifies in anticipation before leaving.

"Wait, two of each? Discord we never agreed to…" Celestia tried to stop him, but he was already gone.

"Ignore him, Tia, we will deal with him tomorrow. For now, let us enjoy this party." Luna calls out her. Celestia just nods and follows behind as they go dance with their nephew too.

Meanwhile, in her balcony, Scarlet finally managed to get rid of her writers high, as she lets go of her smoldering quills and panting slowly, she approached her balcony to see the celebration going on down below.

And with that everything comes to a close

She took a deep breath and recovered before looking at the castle where Jet Set and Upper Crust were most likely being taken and placed in custody. Now, as I promised, it's my turn She shark-like smile spread itself malevolently across her face as she licked her lips before looking back at the party.

Oh, my sweet, kind prince always the softy, you let them go easy, didn't you, honey pots? Don't worry, as your future marefriend, I will take care of everything from here on out.

She then goes back to her room and fills five cauldrons with water and boils them using heated rocks before tossing some dust into each one. the resulting puff of smoke followed by a gout of flame that formed a window, where the silhouette of a dragon, an anthropomorphic cat, a griffin, a changeling, and a diamond dog soon appeared.

"Hello, ladies." Scarlet addressed everyone with an evil smirk. "How are you this fine night? Still eager to seek some attention?"

All the ladies in the flame windows laughed in anticipation as a response. "You know it Scarly." The changeling confirmed.

"Anytime, anywhere, all. day. long" The dragon agreed with a lick of her lips.

"Just tell us who's feeling lonely Scarlet," The Griffin said, "We will take care of the rest!"

"I'm so happy to hear that," Scarlet responded with a sincere smile before it turned malevolent once more. "Because I have one particular doozie of a job for you." All of them soon started to laugh as Scarlet informed them of her plans.

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