• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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Royal Masquerade Act 1. (BS and RB)

At a steady pace, life began to fill the ballroom as more and more ponies arrived. Many were immediately awestruck by the music, entertainment and the games that were spread throughout the hall.

Like the galloping gala, some ponies were enjoying the slow and formal dances or happily chatting with one another. Yet there were also jugglers and flamethrowers giving all folks the show of their lives as kids and adults alike, participated in games like at any ordinary child's party. Yet, even more, were enjoying all sort of treats and confections arrayed on tables filled with food and pastries in the corners.

The party was definitely something no pony had ever seen before, something from neither the upper or the lower class but a harmonious event where the two combined. As the prince kept a watchful eye on how things were unfolding from the second floor, he could not help but feel a deep sense of accomplishment and pride. The masquerade was his idea after all, and even though the night was still young, he could easily picture this party would unfold just as he had planned.

"Greetings nephew." The voice of Luna called out from behind him.

Returning back to reality, the prince turned around so he could properly receive both of his aunts as they approached him. They were both garbed in formal evening ball gowns that matched their fur, their appearance was accented further with a pair of golden and silver masks respectively. Each mask adorned with small decorations embedded or etched in its surface to give the allure of royalty to the item and wearer.

"Aunties," the prince greeted with a smile, before moving to them and exchanging a quick group hug with his family before looking up at them, "I'm so glad you were able to come, you both look incredible!"

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." Celestia assured him with a smile as she gave him a glance over, "And you don't look so bad yourself."

"Indeed," Luna commented as she inspected his attire which consisted of a formal long sleeved dark blue shirt with pants that matched in color with his mask. It was complemented by a silver vest, a black cape, and a golden scepter. "Originally, I thought the use of this type of mask would get in the way of the formal attire, but now that I see it in action, I can see the appeal behind it. As you promised, it really gives an aura of mystique and elegance, just like my night, and for that, I must applaud your nephew."

"Thanks, aunt Luna, I'm so happy that you like it!" The prince beamed with pride at her praise.

"We do, and something tells me that we aren't the only ones." Celestia commented as she approached him, "In fact, something tells me that the mares won't be able to take their eyes off of you." She joked giving him a small wink.

"Auntie!" The prince took a step back with a small blush as his aunts giggled at his reaction.

"Relax Blueblood, you know my sister and I are just joking around" Luna commented, "And, As per your request, we are here and ready to put the plan in motion."

"Excellent, now we only need to wait for Jade, Temptress, and Mirage and we can start this show."

"No need to wait for us, your highness," Mirage responded as she and her companions made their way to the Royals. Two of them were wearing the same outfit Luna was sporting while the third one wore similar attire to Celestia. "We're all here." They state with pride before a burst of magic changed them in the exact copies of the royal sisters Temptress and Jade assuming the form of Luna while Mirage became a doppelganger for Celestia. The now thoroughly disguised changeling approached the prince with an open and some might say mischievous smile before speaking in his aunt's voice. "And we are more than ready to party."

"That is great, seriously girls, thanks for helping us out."

"Oh, don't mention it. With how you explained the plan to us, this almost looks like a game." Temptress mentioned with a giggle. "Hey! We could even make this an official party game for the future: 'Guess who is the real princess.'"

She suggests with glee, making the prince chuckle. "Let’s see how the night plays out first and then we can discuss the idea later."

Taking a breath to center himself and focus, he addressed all the mares in a more serious tone. "Now remember, once I hit my scepter after my speech the masks will all be linked with each other, but it will only work with thoughts you want to share, like a voice in your head. So, keep that in mind."

"Are you sure you can handle being in a hive mind arrangement?" Jade asked the princesses with some worry. "Sure, it easy at first but it can get really hard, really fast."

"Phft! Do not underestimate us, fair Jade. My sister and I have faced many conflicts both physical, spiritual and mental for longer than an age. And we have been forced to make decisions on multiple battlefields on the spot. Sharing our mind with five others will be a walk in the park in comparison to that." Luna replied with candor.

Celestia nodded in agreement before addressing Jade as well. "You can trust us, Jade, as Luna said. We have some experience with multitasking. There is nothing to be fear, and we will be fine."

"Well ok, if you say so. Just get ready for the initial hit. The first time your brain is linked like this, it can shake your senses and perhaps your sense of balance for a bit."

"We will keep it our thoughts, thanks," Celestia responded with a smile.

"Ok ladies, let's get into position and start this party!" Blueblood exclaimed in excitement as he started to go to his designated spot, followed by their changeling friends. Celestia stopped him before he goes too far though.

She doesn’t utter a sound but instead uses her wing to pull the prince into one last hug.

"What was that for?"

"For good luck and to calm down."

"I am calm!"

"I mean for me."

"Auntie." The prince smiled and held her hoof. "We have been planning this for weeks now. There is nothing to worry about, I promise you, everything will be fine."

"I know, but years of experience have taught me that even the most flawless of plans can still end in disaster when they are upset by the smallest of things."

"Even if that happens though, I will be prepared," Blueblood reassured her, putting his right hoof on his chest and letting her hoof go.

"Just be careful, and if anything happens, remember. Your aunt and I will always be there for you."

"I know auntie, just like we agreed. I will cautious at all times, and if anything occurs, I will come straight to you." The prince nodded and resumed his march toward the top of the stairs where he could receive his guests properly.

Once everyone was in position, and the lights were cut off the prince took one last breath and prepared himself mentally to put everything in motion.

Ok, it's showtime!

"Citizens of Canterlot!" The prince calls out above the crowd as the ponies start to whisper and try to locate him in all the darkness until, suddenly, a reflector is turned on above the prince, illuminating him in a brilliant circle of light standing at the top of the staircase of the second floor. "Welcome to Equestria’s First Royal Masquerade Ball ever!" He roars out in pride as he lifts his scepter. More reflectors are turned on bathing banners with the silhouettes of the three tribes in the light as well.

"Well, we have to give him this. He certainly can make an entrance." Upper Crust commented, impressed by the display.

"I could have made a better one." Jet grumbled under his breath, unimpressed by the act as the prince continued his speech.

"Many of you are probably wondering, what is the point of this event? And why the need for masks. Well, allow me to explain it all to you." Pointing his scepter to the right, the light shows a new banner describing the three queens that formed Equestria for the very first time.

"Since its creation, Equestria has been known for his value of friendship. Ever since the rulers of the three tribes put aside their difference and decided to work together for a better tomorrow, as equals and as friends. There was no separation of race. No separation of magical mastery of any kind, and of course, no separation of social class whatsoever."

He points his scepter to his left and this time banners showed the accomplishes the elements of harmony have achieved. "It was that union that allowed us to triumph against mighty foes and overcome great calamities, and it is in honor of those great values, that I have created this event." He pointed the scepter above him and a final banner showing the two princesses, a noble pony, and a commoner pony all making a toast in happiness. "For tonight, I wish to invite you all to put aside your social standing and see the pony next to you as your equal."

Addressing his guests, the prince cast out a dazzling smile and points at his own mask with his scepter. "That is objective of the mask my friends. I'm not asking you to let go of your individuality, good heavens no! Who and what we are is what makes us special and strong, but I have to ask you. if We took away all our stations, all our monetary incomes, and all our birth origins. What are we left with?"

Everyone mumbling fades to silent wonder as the prince conducted the crowd like a maestro. Directing their gaze and minds.

"What we are left with my friends, are just ponies." The prince answered in a most pleasant tone, "Simple ponies having a great time and enjoying one night of partying like no other. With friends to spare and stories to share."

A dull roar of excitement begins to build as everypony in attendance hangs on the prince's word, eagerly engaging with the concept presented to them. "Who knows, Perhaps even romance can bloom." He teases impishly, earning some chuckles. "So, let go every pony, let us indulge in this new festivity, of equality and true friendship!"

Meanwhile in Ponyville

Starlight was calmly reading a book while Spike cleaned the floor when her eyes widened and she held a hoof to her chest. "Starlight? What is wrong?" Spike asked her in worry, noticing her reaction.

"I'm not sure Spike, but I have this overwhelming feeling of…pride." She told him with a smile and a tear falling from her left cheek

"Huh?" Spike raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Back at Canterlot

Everyone’s excitement and happiness continue to build with the prince's speech. The prince continues, building the crowds enthusiasm. "And, for all of you that have questions for the princesses and have been put on edge due to recent events. Be assured that your voices will be heard, in fact. Allow me to make the dream of a great number of you come true." The prince smirked and hit his scepter on the ground, resulting in the lights to be turned on again and bank of fog to appear behind him before something emerged from it, the roar that had been building with the prince’s every word died instantly as everyone in the crowd gasped at the sight before them.

From the cloud, three princess Celestia's and, three princess Luna's stepped forward and smiled at the gathered crowd.

"With the assistance of our changeling friends and some magic tinkering with their masks, I give you not one, not two but six princesses of Equestria! All of them mentally linked, all of them ready to mingle and party like normal mares, and most importantly, all of them ready to listen to their worried subjects."

The Celestia to the right of Blueblood takes a step forward and starts to speak. "That is correct my little ponies, just like my nephew said, the news of Fort’s betrayal and the subsequent hunt for his associates, has left all of us in a state of fear and distrust. Such a state cannot be allowed to simply continue on. We all have already suffered more than enough. It's time for all of us to move on."

It was then the closest Luna to the prince who spoke as well. "And that is why, for the remaining hours of the night, my sister and I will be open to any questions that you might have, be not be afraid to approach any of us. Rest assured that your monarchs will hear your question, no matter who you ask and, they will answer, no matter from who it comes from. So by all means, please speak away, ask whatever you want, try to find the real us. Consider this a type of game to play throughout this most spectacular of nights."

Internally all the royals smirked as they saw every pony in the room whispered in excitement at the chance find the true princess, some even appearing to start to play to their ego, claiming that they could spot the real Celestia or Luna and challenge their friends into friendly bets.

Of course, not all the copies are changelings either the prince took a glance to one of the Celestia’s who was watching everyone in the room like a hawk. No, one of the princesses is actually a particularly skilled soldier hoof-picked by my aunts, so good in the art of interrogation and negotiation that her victims don't realize that they are being questioned until she gets what she needs. and She have been trained and instructed for months, to ensure that she can resist the charms of the changeling necklace. A perfect spy hiding in plain sight, with the ideal disguise to perform an interrogation on all the noble community in Canterlot in one single night

Looking back at the crowd below, the prince addresses everyone one last time "So with all this said and done and as the prince of Equestria. There is only one thing left for me to say. Let my people…PARTY!" With a flourish, the prince slammed his scepter in the ground with force, in time for confetti to explode upwards and music starts to play, announcing the beginning of the party as all the ponies cheer and begin to mingle with one another. The princesses nodded to one another before Splitting off, each taking different paths and spreading around the ballroom.

Ok nobles of Canterlot lets party! the prince nods in confidence as he passes the scepter to a nearby guard and walks down the stairs to receive his guests as well and to enjoy the rest of the evening.

Meanwhile, at the entrance

Scarlet finished greeting yet another guest when she caught the eyes of two familiar faces.

"Well, well, well" The mare in question smirked as she saw Amber and Stellar approached her, though instead of wearing formal dresses, both were armed with spears, and fully clad in their centurion uniforms, which looked exactly like the standard golden armor that their comrades in arms wore with the exception that theirs featured the bright silver of platinum on their polished cuirasses, showing the symbols of the sun and moon respectively in the center, and their half helms were molded into the fierce visage of a dragon's skull forming around their faces "Fashionably late, I see. I can respect that, but I'm sorry to be the one who has to tell you girls, but the myth about the uniform making everyone go wild? It only works on mares," Scarlet tells them with a smirk.

" Actually, we’re not here to party, in fact, we are actually on duty as royal guards…miss" Amber responds with only a slight hint of coldness giving her a small glare.

"Oh my, working during such an iconic event?" Scarlet exclaimed faking surprise while trying and failing to hide a smirk, "Such a shame! A brand new and daring social event and you two would not be able to enjoy it. It truly is terrible, what a pity."

"Go ahead and have your laugh, Scarlet." Amber approached her with a smirk of her own. "We aren't the ones stuck here saying “hello” like a parrot."

While still smiling, one of Scarlet eye twitched for a second. "Oh, fair lady, you wounded me." She admonishes the guardsman with a practiced smile and a fake shock before regaining her composure. "So, I'm to assume that my two favorite guard dogs will be joining our beloved prince while barking at any mare that smiles at him?" She asks them before chuckling. "It's always so adorable seeing your jealous act."

Both of them ignore them as they step inside. "Oh, don't worry miss, we already plan for that."

That last comment caught Scarlet off guard as she looks back at them. "Pardon?"

"We figured out your game, and we didn't like it one bit." Stellar agreed with a nod "So we decided to step in and arrange some blind dates of on our own" Amber look back at her with a smirk "With mares, that unlike you, are perfect for our prince, and will keep you far away from him. Just admit it Scarlet, it's over, your little mind games end tonight."

"Wait, blind dates? So, you are not…? You actually…? You didn't consider…?" Scarlet sighed in frustration and facehoofed. "…Are you actually that dense?!" She exclaims in shock at them both, confusing the two as they look at one another and then to her again.

"Oh, for pity's sake, you actually are!" Her eyes widened in surprise and then the noblemare cast her gaze to the ground in disappointment. "And just like that, there goes like five plot twists, one glorious fight between romantic rivals and one beautiful and passionate defeated threesome."

"Excuse me!?" Amber tells her in anger, her cheeks starting to burn up as well. though Scarlet seems to just ignore her.

"I hope you are happy, you just destroyed the dreams and hopes of so many lectors, now go, enjoy your work. There is no point talking with mares this naive, and I still have ponies to receive and welcomes to give as well."

"Ok, that is it, what in Tartarus are you rambling…?" Amber was about to confront her but Stellar got in her way and shook her head, it takes a moment, but eventually Amber managed to calm down and sighed. "You are right, she is not worth it."

They both turn to leave-

"Also, one more thing." Scarlet catches their attention without looking. "It's obvious that you were too naive to realize it, so I will come out and say it. You haven't won anything yet, the prince hasn't chosen an alpha yet and believes me, it will not be that simple, the night is still young, and the musicians are just warming their instruments."

"Maybe you are right, but you will no longer be a part of that dance."

"We will see dear." Scarlet looked at them over her shoulder with a malicious smile. "We will see."

The guards felt a cold shiver run throw their spine as they watched Scarlet continue to receive their guest, before shaking their heads in confusion and going inside. There, they found the other centurions and took their positions guarding the party, while at the same time a shy little Pegasus wearing a simple yellow formal dress approached the prince with a blush, poking his shoulder to gain his attention.

"Ah…e-excuse me."

Author's Note:

Prepare yourself folks, the party is starting and I assure you, it will be a very long one

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