• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Traitors Season (RB and BS)

As the days went by, the royal sisters didn't waste time as they embarked on a campaign to bring down the various groups who were plotting against the crown, using Fort Knox's list as a guide. The list was, to their displeasure, disturbing in its length and accuracy.

Said list included a wide scope of collaborators, from immature teenagers with enough bits and contacts to build a small army of mercenaries with delusions of power, conquest and carnal pleasure involving the princesses. All the way to expertly organized and founded cults with misguided ideologies of superiority on their respective race, bloodline or noble status. All of which, culminated in the belief that only they themselves were fit to rule the three tribes. They may speak of noble causes but if one judged these ponies by their past actions, even if they had not involved the crown, any creature would agree that they were nothing less than monstrous.

Needless to say, the whole ordeal left a deep wound on the princess's hearts. Both from the discovery of this new face of their beloved subjects and from the tense and hostile atmosphere the knowledge brought between the Royal family and the noble class.

The once strong bond was now fragile and on the very edge of breaking. A solution was needed and soon. As the third week came to a close, it seemed like time was running out. A concept that had been stewing around within the prince's head. It kept on distracting him, even during a sparring session with Amber, leaving him unable to dodge a magic blast that barreled straight on into his chest, which threw him, bodily into the air a good distance before skidding across the ground until grinding to a halt.

While recovering his wits from the attack and shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, the prince turned to Amber, who approached and offered him a helping hoof. "Sir, if I could speak freely, that was just pathetic," She admitted in disappointment as the prince stood up with her help "Even a colt could have dodged that last attack. And I’ve seen what you can do in the past, so don't even try telling me that you are still learning." Amber chided in anger before her face turned into one of concern "You're clearly distracted, what is wrong your highness?"

"It's nothing," Blueblood mumbled as he turned his head in sorrow before starting to walk away until Amber blocked his way.

"I think we are past that, your highness." Amber pressed,

"I said it's nothing!" Blueblood lashed out and shoved her to the side before continuing on his way, only to take several steps before coming to a halt. Sighing "Sorry for lashing out Amber, it's just…ever since the trial of Fort, things have been going from bad to worse around here, Canterlot is in a crisis, and I can't help but feel responsible for it," He confesses, slowly turning to look at her.

Amber took some steps closer to him and extended her hoof into the air. "My prince you know that if something is bothering you, you can always…"

"…Aw, you are done training? Such a shame, I always love watching, you two perform such incredible shows" The voice of Scarlet interrupted Amber and when they turned to their right, they saw the mare in question approaching them with two towels being guided by Stellar, who was keeping an eye on the noble mare with a neutral expression.

"Oh hi, Scarlet" The humor of the prince soon turned cheerful as he went to meet her halfway and after accepting the towel, gave her a quick hug with his neck which she gladly accepts. "So glad to see you"

"So I heard from all my admiring fans" She proclaimed with pride, making the prince chuckle and roll his eyes.

"Always the modest one, I see" Blueblood quips as the two shared a laugh. "So what brings you here Scarlet? Not that I am complaining or anything but I thought you were still hard at work on your next book." The prince questioned with some intrigue.

"Indeed" Amber loudly proclaimed as she got in between the two and took the other towel. Stellar moving next to her, creating an improvised wall in between the noble mare and Blueblood. "What business do you have with the prince, Ms. Lips? I'm sure you are aware of the high alert the castle is currently under and how, because of that, meetings with nobles must be brief." Amber explained to Scarlet with an intense glare.

The whole situation though just succeeded in confusing the prince. "Amber what are you…?"

"…Standard protocol your highness," She quickly responded. "We apologise for our rude behavior but, after what happened last time, we rather take some extra precautions."

"Well, I had my fair share of experiences with wary mares against the idea of me chatting with their stallions, but this is the first time it has ever happened with a guard," Scarlet states to them with a smirk. "Don't you trust me?"

The prince could hear how both guards just growled like wolves at Scarlet, which just made things even more confusing for him.

Deciding to put an end to this debacle, Blueblood managed to squeeze through between the two and stand in the middle. "At ease you two. No need to be so hostile," The prince ordered his guards with a smile. "It's Scarlet we are talking about, remember? That mare has been and still is helping us ever since this tension with the nobles started. We owe her a lot for managing to keep peace on the streets despite all this recent chaos."

"Blueblood darling, it's ok," Scarlet calmed him by placing a hoof on his shoulder, Amber staring at the action like a hawk. "Old Amber here is just being a good soldier and I understand where she is coming from. With this whole situation between the royals and nobles, of course, all of your guards would be on edge when any visitors came to the castle,"

She explained before backing away. "And that is exactly the reason for my visit."

"It is?" Blueblood inquired, followed by Amber who repeated the same question and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. The guards took the opportunity to place themselves on either side of the prince.

Scarlet giggled and gave a nod "As I was about to tell you before being interrupted by your guard. I have been working hard on my next book when out of the blue, a sudden spark of inspiration for a scene came to me, that would be just perfect for you to use," She explains in overly dramatic excitement. "The incident with Fork has left you wary of all of the noble class, as well as leaving us unsure that we can truly trust the crown once again. We need a way to clear the air and reassure both parties that we are still friends and what is happening is only targeting those with wicked intentions wishing to hurt us both."

"Yeah!" The prince exclaims, starting to smile at her words. "That is exactly what we are doing."

"We need a big act of friendship and goodwill, for all to see!"

"Yeah!" The prince nodded and took a step further toward her.

"We need…a party." Scarlet finally announced.

"Yeah!…wait, what?" The prince cheered for a moment before looking back at her, confusion evident on his face only a moment later she pulls him into a one-legged hug and turning so they can both stare off into the horizon.

"Just picture it, Prince Blueblood; the noble and royal families mingle together in peace, letting all our questions out into the open to be answered at long last."

"Ah, actually that sounds reasonable." The prince pondered her words.

“With you and your family standing tall and proud in front of all, proclaiming to all of Canterlot that, despite the incident, our friendship is strong and powerful and you will not let those traitors ruin it.”

"Yes, that could work."

"And most importantly, taunting all who defy you. Sending them a message to remember: 'We are here, and we are not afraid.'" Scarlet whispered into the prince's ear.

"Scarlet that is perfect!" The prince let go of her and started to pace back and forth. "A party could be a good way to end all this built up tension. My aunties could finally have the moment to breathe that they really need, and we can calm everyponies nerves all at once." He exclaims in excitement as he starts to picture things progressing before stopping abruptly with a look of fear slowly beginning to dominate his expression.

"But a party can't just happen. We need to reserve the place, send out the invitations, and check the security…"

"One step ahead of you darling," Scarlet interrupts him in a sing-song voice before passing him a pamphlet that the prince takes in surprise.

"The memorial to the Pillars of Equestria?" The prince read it out loud before looking at her with a questioning look. "Doesn't this sound kind of depressing?"

Scarlet chuckled and shook her head. "No you silly colt, read it again." She replies with a playful smile. The prince was still lost until Amber approached him to clarify, "The Pillars of Equestria are not dead your highness."

"What?" Blueblood shifts his gaze to her in surprise. "Then why…"

"We will explain later, but the important thing is, this memorial was originally held to pay homage to heroes of the past…Though it doesn't make much sense now though, so its existence is somewhat superfluous.”

"Exactly!" Scarlet exclaimed.

"The memorial service has been canceled, but thanks to a certain novelist…" Scarlet added, making no effort on being subtle while referring to herself "…The venue where it usually takes place, and the catering for it, is still ready. It's basically a party waiting for a theme to arrive. Which means…?"

"…We can use it for the event without any problems!" Blueblood finishes for her and rushed to Scarlet, before enveloping her into a hug. The guards could not help but feel jealous at the action. "Scarlet you are a genius!"

"Oh I know, but don't let that stop you from saying it." She giggled out as she enjoyed the hug while taking a covert glance at the guards before smirking and nuzzling her face against the prince's neck, daring them to stop her.

The guard's eyes twitched in rage as they tried their best to maintain their composure, while the embrace lasted.

"Oh! I have to do so much now. I need to tell Aunt Celestia about this, and send the invitations, and see the place. I-I need to write some letters." He exclaimed frantically.

"Blueblood, calm down." Scarlet stopped him before he had a panic attack. "First of all, why don't you go talk to your aunt about the idea while I start working on the invitations?"

"What? Oh no! Scarlet, I couldn't possibly ask you to do…"

"I insist, trust me when I say that it is better this way. The nobles are more likely to hear me out as opposed to the princesses at the moment, given the current tensions." Scarlet explains.

The prince thought it over for a moment, "Maybe you are right, but you should go through the list with Aunt Luna present at the very least. So she can know exactly who is coming." The prince offered.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Scarlet acquiesced with a smile.

"Well!" Amber and Stellar moved to get in between the two again. "If that is all, I'm sorry Miss Lips but your time is up, you should be going…now!" She ended the sentence with a glare toward Scarlet, Stellar’s own expression a near perfect match to her own.

"Oh, of course, I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome," She told the two guardponies before giving the prince a small bow. "Until next time your highness."

"Sure and sorry for all this. You know the high alert and all."

"Totally understandable." She assured him with a wave of her hoof before turning around and starting to walk away "Ta-ta darlings. Let's us hope our next meeting is more…friendly" She calls out to the guards.

"That will be awesome" the prince agreed as he waved her goodbye while some other guards escort her towards the exit. Once she had departed, Blueblood sighed and looked back at his friends.

"Ok, I will give you one chance to explain yourselves." The prince’s tone left no room for an argument while his expression settled into a neutral mask while looking at both "The moment Scarlet arrived, you both have been nothing but rude and cold toward her, and I want to know, why?"

"We were only doing our jobs, your highness," Amber quickly responded "Stellar and I both made a vow to protect you from any harm, no matter what form it takes."

"And you think that Scarlet Lips is one? She is a novelist for Equestria's sake!" Blueblood scolded them both, causing the guardsponies to flinch "Not only that, but she is also one of the few remaining noble ponies that have stuck by our side in our moment of need. She has defended us when other nobles thought that we were taking justice into our own hooves and were just taking power away without rhyme or reason. She acted as a true friend should. Does that not even deserve a little bit of trust?"

"We apologize, Prince Blueblood, but we simply cannot take the risk" Amber shook her head in determination.

"Oh, but it is worth running the risk of destroying our cordial relationships with the noble families beyond repair and watching as Canterlot crumbles down around our ears on its own?" Blueblood retorts

"We didn't intend…" Amber began to try and defend her actions but couldn't find a suitable counterargument for that statement and let her words die off. The prince just sighed releasing some of his anger with the air before shaking his head.

"Ladies I get it, with the Fork incident plus this open season on traitors, cults, and cultists, you are both understandably stressed out. Anyone would be,"

"What? No! Your highness I assure you Stellar and I…" The prince interrupts them by lifting his hoof for silence before Amber or Stellar could say anything else.

"Amber it's ok, There is no need to act tough around me. I get it, I'm also exhausted and hoping for some breathing room now more than ever, yet I can't rest yet, not now." He confided to them in shame as he looked back at the castle "It's my fault Canterlot it's cracking in the first place, so of course, it needs to be me who fixes it, as soon as possible. That is why I cannot stop," He looks back at them. "But that doesn't mean you two need to share the same burden."

The eyes of the guard pair widened at the implication. "Prince please don't!" Amber pleaded in alarm, her partner matching her expression. "Don't push us away; we are more than capable of serving you!"

"Relax I'm not dismissing you," The prince quickly reassured them, calming them both as they let out a breath they didn't know they were holding.

"But you clearly need a moment to clear your heads, so I will be giving you the rest of the day off."

"What?" Both look at him in astonishment while he only nodded.

"It's clear that I have been pushing you both too hard and too far, so by all means, take the rest of the day off to stretch your legs, go explore the city, or do whatever other things that would help you relax."

"But your highness! Your protection…"

"Amber, I will be fine," The prince slowly explained to her as he moves to the side. "The palace is almost completely locked down, there are guards everywhere, and I don't have any plans to leave for the rest of the day. Do not worry about me and for once, think about yourselves and your own mental health. That is an order."

Amber wanted to argue back, but a pat on the shoulder from Stellar and a subtle shake of the head from her friend made her understand that it was a lost cause. So, with no other options available, she had no choice but to salute and comply with her orders.

"As you wish your highness."

"Trust me, it's for best." The prince finishes with a smile.

The guards gave him a final small bow and left the palace.

Later that day in a park in Canterlot

While Stellar was calmly meditating on the ground, her partner was busy taking out her frustrations on a tree with a picture of Scarlet Lips pinned to it in an attempt to vent off some of her frustration.

"That mare is a menace Stellar! I just know she is!" Amber gasped out in anger and exhaustion before looking over to her partner, who nodded in agreement. "Who does she think she is? Marching into the palace and get all cozy and touchy-feely with our prince?! If she really wanted to help then why does she keep taunting us?"

Her partner just kept on nodding.

"She is plotting something Stellar, I don't know what, but I know she is."

Her partner just turned to look at her with a neutral expression

"What? You know what her game is?"

She nodded and then pointed to a couple sharing an ice-cream together. Amber eyes went wide in dawning horror "No, oh HELL no! She is not going to turn into the prince’s alpha concubine!" She yells in rage and hit the tree once more. "Tartarus itself will freeze over before I let that happen."

Stellar placed her hoof on Ambers' shoulder and looked at her in concern. Her friend, understanding the message, just breathed in and out until she finally relaxed. "Yeah I know, we promised the prince that we would relax," Amber then look at her friend. "But we still need to do something about it."

Stellar nodded and began to mull over her thoughts until an idea popped in her head. "Blind date" she eventually whispered out in a raspy and low voice.

"A blind date? You mean like set the prince up with a mare we choose?" Amber asked her with interest. Her friend replied with a simple nod.

"That…that actually is brilliant!" Amber exclaimed with a smile as she turned to her partner. "Our prince may be too naive and kind to realize what game he is unknowingly playing with Scarlet, but we can prevent him from making a mistake by setting him up with the right mare before that horse can make her move," Amber smiled in excitement before starting to think. "The mare we choose needs to be loyal, and friendly, but also strong and a natural leader. Somepony that matches his indomitable spirit, a pony like…Captain Spitfire!" Amber exclaims in excitement, "She would be perfect for him."

Stellar interrupted her by putting her hoofs on her chest and shaking her head, before making a projection of Fluttershy with her horn and pointing at it. "What? You think the element of kindness would be a better match for him?"

Stellar nodded with a smile before making more projections of the two playing with animals, then talking with children and finally the two dealing with nobles with a smile.

"Stellar don't get me wrong, Fluttershy is sweet and kind, and I understand what you are saying. Someone friendly, calm and nice would make the prince happy. But she is simply too soft, our prince is a natural leader. His alpha concubine then, of course, would need to match that aspect. Thus, Spitfire is the best choice."

Stellar kept shaking her head and continued to point at Fluttershy with even more vigor.

Amber just smirks and crosses her hooves. "Well it looks like we are at an impasse then, and there is only one way to solve this."

Stellar also smirked and nodded.

"Double-blind date; we invite the two mares to the party and see who the prince chooses, while also keeping Scarlet as far away from him as possible.

Stellar nods in agreement and they both bump hoofs. "May the best mare win."

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