• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 44,720 Views, 5,477 Comments

The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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Recount Of Evils (Edited by BS)

With the trip to Canterlot and Appaloosa taking two days despite their vehicle moving at full speed, the train's occupants took the opportunity to rest and settle their nerves while using clocks to determine the time.

With a yawn, Rarity groggily opened her eyes and checked the clock, noticing that it was past midnight before realizing that a certain prince was missing. Standing up, she looked around until she saw the light coming from the carriage next door, followed by princess Nefertiti, who was now wearing a nightgown. The pair slowly made their way toward the light, seemingly having realized the same thing.

Approaching the door, both ladies noticed the other before walking inside, only to discover that the Prince was focused on a corkboard with photos and pieces of paper strewn about.

"Darling?" Rarity asked with concern as both ladies made their way toward the Prince, who finally noticed the two.

"Hmm? Oh hey, Rarity, Nefi, shouldn't you two be asleep by now?"

"We should be the ones asking you that, Bluey." Nefertiti replied with a small degree of concern before turning to regard the board. "What's all of this?"

"It's a little project of mine. It is mostly a recounting of all the enemies I have faced so far." He suppressed a yawn before continuing, "Some time ago; Destine told me how there would be eight enemies representing each of these sins that I would have to face at some time or another to ascend and break her free from her prison."

"Ah yes, I have been meaning to ask this since you explained the situation with Destine." Nefi brought her thumb and index finger to her chin as she observed the board before glancing at the Prince. "Why exactly is your rite of ascension so violent and revolves around you fighting? Last I remember, for a pony to become an alicorn, they needed to unite a nation or master a new type of magic."

Blueblood nodded and chuckled. "Believe me, more than once. I have asked the same question. I have one or two theories about it, but the closest I can come to an answer? I think it's that my circumstances are different from my cousins. After all, neither of them has an endless..."

Rarity cleared her throat before he could finish the sentence, reminding him of Discord.

"...have the manifestation of Destiny itself asking them to set her free, or had the possibility of ascending just because they escaped their pre-written fate." He corrected himself. Making Rarity smile and nod as he tied a red string between two pins before addressing the ladies in the room. "Anyway, I thought this might come in handy, knowing more about the foes I have defeated. Who knows? Maybe it could even give me a clue about what to expect in the future." He tapped a photo of himself where all the strings seemed to connect. "So far, all I got is that all my opponents seem to have a direct link with me."

Nefertiti noticed the titles of the seven deadly sins in some of the pictures. "How exactly do you know they represent all of these things?"

"Oh, trust me, Nefi, I know. The evidence speaks for itself," Blueblood answered with confidence before sighing. "And well, back to your first question, I couldn't sleep, so when I noticed that my aunts packed all of this too. I thought that I might as well update and review my data."

"I see. Is that why you have a photo of Fort Knox?" Rarity asked, pointing at a picture, as Blueblood nodded in confirmation.

"Yep, and after Penny's past, he has the most curious backstory so far, believe it or not," Blueblood nodded twice before looking at the picture "Fort Knox, better known as the greed titan. The ex-owner of a chain of banks and other enterprises all over Equestria, this earth pony, surprisingly, had a humble origin. Born to a middle-class herd, his father worked as a banker, his alpha mother as an accountant, and his second mother a security guard.

"Since a young age, Fort was surrounded by money, security, and administration. Admiring his family, he wanted to follow in his father's steps, only to discover the cruel world of blackmail and exploitation courtesy of his father's boss. Set on taking revenge, Knox soon tasted power after acquiring dirt on the bank owner, who left his family alone. His noble intentions soon became an obsession, though, as he developed a network of bribes and blackmail. In his eyes, information was power, and if there was something he loved more than anything, it was this. He was drunk on it—a clear example of greed. In a way, he was the main network that Blue...that I used all the time. If I needed any dirt on anyone, Fort Knox usually brought it to my attention in exchange for me having the authorities turn a blind eye to his shadier dealings."

Before moving to the next photo, he put the title on top of Fort Knox.

"Jet Set and Upper Crust: self-centered as nobles could go and just as hollow as their heads. Both came from wealthy families that placed importance on image, and their family name above anything else save for lineage and the ability to continue with their traditions. Despite meeting as an arranged marriage to improve their families' standing, the two developed true feelings and eventually fell in love."

He sighed in disappointment. "Unfortunately, that is the only positive thing I can say about the couple. As I said, their families favored image over anything else, so of course, they were heavily involved in every activity that would bring the attention of the papers. As the best player or the best student, or the best dancer, you name it, and chances are they were that and had a picture taken of the subject at some point or another. That they earned any of those titles is very unlikely, though, to be honest. Bribes, blackmail, or simple downright falsification have always been their usual routine. The only thing they had any real aptitude for was swordsmanship and jewelry craft, and that first one may be debatable between maids and butlers until recently if the rumors are proven true. They were my ticket into noble's circles and centralized gossip on what was new and what social gatherings I should attend to improve my image and theirs by association further."

Blueblood nodded and placed another title underneath their picture "A clear example of unfiltered vanity" He then moved to the following image.

" the fake Nightmare Moon, the mare that doesn't need an introduction. Just residual sentient envy left behind on the moon from a long time ago, with its only objective being the creation of a repeat of the conflict that started on that dreadful night a thousand years ago." Blueblood sighed as he placed an image of Nightmare Moon on the board and wrote the appropriate title for her. "She was just an emotion, a sad reminder of my dear aunt's envy. And she fully intended to indoctrinate me into that belief."

He closed his eyes and rubbed his face tiredly.

"Interesting, and I see where this is going" Nefertiti nodded and placed the Lust title on top of an autographed photo of Penny Rose. "I mean, she had the spirit of desire to power her up. And now that you mention it, I'm intrigued. How did she obtain it in the first place?"

"I would like to know it too, though I barely have any information on her. I just discovered her real name yesterday and some about her origins." Blueblood sighed in frustration. "But I suppose it's better than nothing—Penny Ink Rose, aka Scarlet Lips. The well-renowned and popular novelist is known for her stories of romance and adult content. Similarly to Knox, Penny had humble beginnings in Baltimore with loving parents and a passion for love stories. Since she was a kid, the concept fascinated her, and she loved to hear love stories between their parents. Said love soon turned into curiosity as she asked the same to their parents' friends, neighbors, and any pony willing to share."

"Eventually, she graduated from hearing to writing her own story and getting lost in her pages. At some point, she encountered Desire, and from the looks of things, she re-invented herself before moving to Canterlot, where she quickly rose through fame and fortune until she was formally recognized as a noble. Despite that, her title never defined her, and she only seemed to care about one thing, which was, unfortunately, a toxic obsession with me. As you said Nefi, she is a clear representation of Lust. She used to be my main source of insight in general in the city, and she is probably the reason why there were so many rumors about me being the ideal of the 'perfect prince,' another one of her delusions. "

Suppressing a yawn, Blueblood took a step back and admired the remaining titles. "And now there is only Sloth, Wrath, Gluttony, and Pride" He stared at the picture of Crossfire Tempo with pity until he felt his shoulders being touched by both ladies as they smiled reassuringly at him.

"I know it's hard, darling. We all are thinking about it, no matter how hard it must be for you to hear." Rarity mentioned.

"I don't know much about Equestria, but I do know about family disputes, and trust me, ignoring the issue right in front of you would only let the problem grow in size and scope until it reaches a point of no return." Nefi grabbed the picture and pinned it on the board for him. "So why don't you tell us about your godmother?"

With a defeated sigh, the Prince nodded before staring at the image of his third aunt. "Crossfire Tempo or Sound Stars, according to her old Wonderbolts team. The flight team leader three generations ago and the current owner of the Golden Mirage." he began his explanation by connecting the picture with a red string. "She was a very close friend of my mother's. So much so that they named her my godmother, and she raised me soon after my parents died. She did just that for the first ten years while aunt Celestia allowed us to move to the castle. After a flying accident left her in a full body cast for years, plus the subsequent time in physical therapy to regain mobility."

He needed a moment to breathe before continuing the explanation, which hurt him more than he had imagined. "Then, at some point, something happened that made my aunt Celly cut all ties with her and forbade us from communicating indefinitely. I...I don't know what happened during that time. Some stories indicate that she drowned herself in her work and became a hermit in her spa, but that is pure speculation. Besides that and what happened recently, nothing else can be said about her."

He stared at the remaining four sins before putting them down. "She doesn't match any of the sins! But she took my aunts and...argh! I don't know what to believe." He held his head in frustration, too tired and distressed to think clearly.

The Prince had to hold his head and close his eyes from the headache he felt coming on until he opened them in surprise when he felt himself be pulled into a group hug between Rarity and Nefertiti, the former shushing him while petting his head.

"It's ok darling, it's ok, just breathe in and relax. Let my voice soothe your worries." She instructed while massaging his head.

"Rarity is right, Blue. You are running yourself ragged here. I think it's time to call it a day. Why don't we leave the detective work here and let us find a way to help you go back to bed?" Nefi suggested looking at him in concern.

"Y-Yeah" He weakly nodded a couple of times. "Yeah, maybe you are right" Gently pushing both of them away, he turned around and headed to the door. "Last thing I want is to be sleep deprived when we are trying to save my aunts."

"There you go! Tell you what, why don't you go to the dining car and let me make you a special treat of mine to help you sleep?" Rarity suggested, "We will be right there with you after we turn off the lights here."

The Prince nodded and, holding back another yawn, left the carriage. Once gone, both mare and lioness looked at one another before staring at the board and the image of Crossfire Tempo.

"You are thinking the same thing I am, aren't you?" Nefi glanced at the tailor with pity, who could only nod in response.

"As much as I don't want to admit it, the clues are all there, the spa, the endless, the timing, the theme of everyone sleeping. I'm not sure how exactly it fits, but it sounds like somehow we are facing the vice of Sloth here." She used her magic and placed the corresponding pin under the picture of Tempo.

"I understand your confusion. I'm trying to figure it out myself." Nefi nodded. "Sloth is the vice of inaction, of having the means to stop evil or aid others or yourself and remain still, to be lazy around the world. This mare was banished to a spa for years after what happened to Blueblood. No matter the circumstances, it seems like she gave up fast."

"You think there's more at play here, dear?" Rarity looked at the princess with worry, who nodded and hummed in thought.

"That mare doesn't seem like the lazy type. She was a Wonderbolt, for Isis's sake. She doesn't seem like she was born into nobility or decided to take up an easy lifestyle. So for her to be banished like that raises many questions."

Nefi then looked at the remaining vices and a picture of Sharp Shooter. "And she's not the only one, this pegasus. Do you know anything about him?"

Rarity shook her head as Nefi pinned him on the board between Gluttony and Pride " His name keeps popping up here and there. He attempted to kill a prince, spent time organizing his own paramilitary group and seems involved in lots of shady business. That takes time, planning, and patience. Whoever this guy is, he has been thinking over this goal for a long time. So he could either be a very prideful noble or a power-hungry psycho. Either option is concerning."

"Don't mention we still know next to nothing about who could be wrath." Rarity looked at the last remaining vice as Nefi nodded. "Two unknowns. One hard to pin down what his sin is, and a mare that is hard to picture as a villain. Poor Blueblood has his hooves tied with a messy mystery."

"He sure does, which is why it's a good thing he has friends to help him solve it."

"Couldn't have said it better myself. He sure could use a friend by his side in his darkest hour" Nefi smiled at Rarity. "I promise to take good care of him."

There wasn't any malice in her tone. The tailor didn't find any reason to be afraid or concerned. Yet, something about that sentence made Rarity tense and want to watch out for the albino princess as they both exited after the Prince, only to be surprised to see Sierra chatting with the Prince as they shared a glass of milk.

"That infernal pup got ahead of me again! Oh, hell no!" And just as if a switch was turned, Nefi's attitude had a sudden 180 as she rushed to the Prince, and she and Sierra started competing for his attention. Rarity blinked a couple of times at the exchange before smiling, deciding that their antics could be of use to keep Blueblood's mind off of the problems ahead, at least for now.

Taking one last worried glance at the board behind her, Rarity turned off the lights and closed the door behind her as she joined the group.

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