• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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Bluebloods Strategy (Edited by BS)

"Is this really necessary?" Blueblood asked as he and Nefertiti took the sleeping bodies of Aria and Adagio and placed them in two chairs in front of a small stage. The group decided to go into the music store to help the siren feel more comfortable testing her voice.

While preparing everything, she asked if they could bring a desk and two chairs in front of the stage to place the remaining sirens, a place holder to put the phone, and a small plastic bag full of shattered red crystals, which, according to Sonata, used to be their source of magic.

"Absolutely. You said I should direct my energy toward finding my voice, right? Then I want those two ingrates to hear me while I pretend they are watching, so I'll show them." She explained with a slight glare at the sleeping sirens.

"Fair enough, nothing wrong with some gloating." Nefertiti shrugged before looking at a permanent marker nearby and picking it up. "Hey, wanna draw on their faces too? That would teach them a lesson for leaving someone behind when they need help."

"Just give it a rest, Nefi," Blueblood sighed and rolled his eyes. "We are better than that; sure, they must be taught a lesson. But I think having their jaws dropped would be punishment enough, right Sonata?" He turned to her, who remained quiet as she stared at the bodies. "...Right?"

"Fine! ...But we will keep the pen on the table. In case they test my patience again."

"Alright! I like the way you're thinking!" Nefertiti cheered and put the marker on the table.

The Prince could only shake his head, sigh in disappointment, and throw his arms into the air. "Sure, why not? Is it boring taking the moral high ground anyway. Hey, why stop there? Why not shave their eyebrows and draw on surprised looks so everyone thinks they are always happy or scared?" The Prince is surprised when he sees the sparkle in their eyes and the grins on their faces. "Oh, come on! Wouldn't that be taking things too far?"

"Nope," They both said simultaneously as their grins got wider.

Sighing again, he decided not to give them more ideas and just looked around the store. "I'm drowning in malevolence." With a final, defeated sigh, he stopped and looked around at different instruments. "Ok, before you do anything, why don't we go back to the subject at hand, finding Sonata's voice."

"Yeah, you keep saying that, but I still don't get it; what do you mean by "my voice as a solo act"?"

He shrugged and shook his head. "It's... hard to explain honestly, and the easiest way to describe it for me is by using the warrior's equivalent." He smiled and grabbed the hilts of both Llamrai and Hengeron. "Just like my swords and I, or Nefi and her gauntlets, a warrior must find that special weapon that simply fits them. The weapon flows with their style and serves as an extension of the warrior. The same applies to musicians and singers."

He stepped aside so Sonata could look around at all the different options in the store. "Clearly, we need to find something that bonds well with you and makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. So we will test them out and see which instrument works best for you."

"And that will help me recover my siren's voice?" She asked, intrigued, while looking around at the instruments on hand before turning to Blueblood. "Because I already told you, the source of my power is my voice, but it only works here while I have my gem." She pointed at the shattered stones on the table. "My singing is a must; trust me, I'm an expert in all musical styles too."

"Great, then we can cross wind instruments off the list...for now, maybe they are the clue" Blueblood looked around before snapping his fingers. "Ah, an oldy but a goodie" He picked up an acoustic guitar and handed it over. "Why not try this one first? See if it flows with your singing...you do know how to play with that, right?"

"Do I know how to play?" Sonata asked sarcastically, "Do I?" She repeated while actually considering the instrument in her hands, "I mean, I always wanted to try, but Adagio never let me. Hey, this could be fun!"

Sonata went up onto the stage and settled down behind the microphone, starting to get excited at the prospect.

"Ok, music test #1, remember that previous energy you felt and try to aim it at the gems. I will do the rest." Blueblood instructed, sitting in an empty chair next to Nefertiti as they remained behind the control panel off to the side, making sure the mic and stereos were on while he prepared Llamrai in case the guitar worked.

"And...we are on; knock yourself out, honey" Nefi gave Sonata a thumbs up, who responded with a nod, clearing her throat before starting.

Fifty tries and forty-five instruments later.

Having tried and subsequently given up on all instruments as none seemed to bond well with Sonata, the siren decided to try her hand at opera, finding her footing yet not quite reaching the peak required with any of them. "...and think of me..."

"That's ok, Sonata. You can stop now." Blueblood sighed and gave her a glass of water to soothe her sore throat.

"I don't know; I think we were getting close there, Blue," Nefi remarked while playing with one button on the control panel, with an exhausted sigh.

"I know, and that's the problem; we have tried everything, and we have the same result every time. We reach 'almost' but can't break past that barrier," He confessed, pacing back and forth, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Don't go saying that to me. I'm just doing what you told me as best as I can...but yeah, it's nice, and all but none of them are talking to me." Sonata stepped off the stage, set the glass on the table, and then approached and stroked the strings of a harp. "Maybe if I sing louder?"

"No, that would only get us the same but louder." Blueblood stopped and sighed in frustration. "I don't get it; we tried every instrument here and tried happy, sorrowful, angry and upbeat songs; what else are we missing?"

"Stop! Please stop." The three looked at the entrance where Bratblood stood with a large tote bag, scowling at his counterpart. "You are embarrassing yourself at this point; you have the basics but know next to nothing about the world of music or how it works."

"Oh no, not you again. Blue, finish the job," Sonata demanded, pointing at Bratblood with a scowl while taking a step back.

"Wait! Before anyone gets stab happy, let me talk." He raised his hands in a placating gesture. "I'm not here to complain, I swear! You and your girlfriend gave me a lot to think about."

"My, what now?" Blueblood asked, tilting his head and raising an eyebrow.

"Let him talk!" Nefertiti stopped him from asking or saying anything more as Bratblood approached the group and marched up to his copy.

The Prince, in turn, crossed his arms and looked his doppelganger in the eye. The silence was deafening as the two regarded each other until Bratblood sighed and took a deep breath. "Listen, I thought about what you said; I had time to realize you were right, and I..." He struggled to find the right words before sighing in defeat, "...don't. Want. To be alone, there I said it!" He admitted with some frustration.

The news put a smile on the royals and caused a groan to escape from Sonata.

"So, do you mean you are ready to listen and stop with all the snarky comments, whining, ego-boosting, and complaints?" The Prince started to listen and uncrossed his arms.

"I will do what I can. I got the idea with the sword at my throat" He gulped and glanced at Nefertiti, who flashed him a toothy grin and wiggled her hand. "Just...don't expect me to fight either. I may have practiced kenjutsu, fencing, and other sword arts, but that doesn't automatically mean I can fight. Those were in a safe gym environment, and I mostly know how to use them as a sport."

"That is ok; you can help in other ways; as long as you help, we are happy." Blueblood agreed readily, now more relaxed and happy to see his little speech work.

"So you know about fencing and music. What kind of school did the princesses send you?" Nefi asked, confused and intrigued by his broad base of knowledge.

"Schools plural, I move around often, and naturally, I worked extra hard to excel in every subject, which gives me the means to solve your little issue here." He says, getting more confident and looking at the stage before taking a calculated look at the Prince. "And prince, did you mean it when you said I can be better?" He asked hopefully.

The Prince responded with an easy nod at once. "Of course, you can. Trust me; you would be surprised by what you can do when helping others."

That put the teenager at ease as he went to Sonata, who kept glaring at him.

"Oh no, no, no, no, NO! I refuse to even be in the same room as this rat. I had enough on my plate in dealing with those two." She pointed at the unconscious bodies. "What in the seven seas makes you believe I would even give you the time...the time...?" She then started to sniff a familiar smell wafting in the air. "What's in that top bag?"

Smiling with some embarrassment, the teenager Blueblood reached out and took a giant taco wrapped in a big napkin "An olive branch...or taco, in this case? Maybe this is my way of saying sorry and asking for an opportunity to start over. I made it myself looking for the best ingredients, three semesters in a cooking school" He smiled nervously, hoping the food would improve her mood.

"Oh mighty seas, could that be a...a taco truck? W-Well, it smells so good, and I..." Sonata started to drool as she picked the taco until she shook her head. "No, NO!" her glare intensified at Bratblood. "You think I'm so naïve as to forgive you just because you made me...a..." She has to swallow saliva before continuing, "...an obviously delicious taco? Do you think you can buy me that easily?

Bratblood didn't say anything and only unpacked a second, even more massive taco and offered it to the siren with a cautious smile.

The siren fell silent for a moment before her entire body trembled in anger... or perhaps hunger? "FUCK!" Snatching the taco, she took a massive bite and backed away. "ONE CHANCE, that's all you get, ONE!" She starts taking another bite before grunting in frustration. "Damn it, they're delicious!"

"Ok, fencing, music, and now cooking? No, seriously, how many schools did they send you?" Nefertiti reiterated in disbelief, with how many things the teenager knew while Bratblood and Sonata kept eating, muttering obscenities and groning in bliss at the food. The Prince finally remarked after watching these events unfold.

"I can work with this, now then. We need to set the scene right this time."

The Prince could not help but chuckle at the display the two teenagers were making with their back-and-forth conversation as they moved around the store for their next attempt while calming Nefi. "Different story, I suppose, Nefi; this Blueblood didn't exactly have to learn how to be a prince after all."

She looked up in thought before nodding. "Point taken. We might not have twin Bluebloods on the battlefield, but your plan still seems to have worked Blue." Nefi commented, impressed at the results.

"In part, this is certainly a big leap from where he started, but it will take time, and who knows? Maybe he will enter the field on his own accord." The Prince pondered with interest.

"Oh? And how do you know that?"

"He admitted that he has trained with swords before, meaning he knows how to wield them and has experience fighting. Even if it was used as a sport, they are still weapons; he lacks the bravery to use his skills to defend himself and the moral compass to how and when to use them. But if the situation calls for it, at the very least, he could defend himself. I suppose only time would tell what will happen."

"Hey, you two, don't just stand there; come here and help." Bratblood called to them as he put some trumpets in line next to Sonata.

Seeing he had a point, the royals complied and helped set the place up before the teenager explained what they were doing wrong while Sonata snacked on her treats with gusto.

"Ok, your plan had merit, and I agree that Sonata needs to tap into the same energy as before, but you were going about finding her voice the wrong way." He explained as they continued to work.

"How so?" The Prince asks with genuine interest.

"You keep tackling the issue with only one emotion instead of viewing it for what it is, which is a whole spectrum. Sadness for what her supposed friends did, anger for the same, desire to break free, eagerness to show off, and playful nature, among others. It is a whole package you need to condense in one song."

"How exactly are you intending to do that?" Nefertiti asked, suddenly unsure if there could be a way to convey all those emotions into one song.

"How did you know that? Wait, where are you spying on us?"

"More like listening in and finding my courage; forgive me if I was not eager to meet Mr. and Ms. Stabby Mac Stabbersons here so soon after our last...talk." He defended while regarding the royals.

"Harsh but fair," The Prince admitted. "Please continue; you know how to convey all those emotions in one song?"

"I do, but to do so, I would need your help setting the lights..." He said, moving Nefi to the control panel, "...You and I need to discuss the lyrics, style, and mood you would need for each verse" He picked a pen and notebook, pointing at Sonata before grabbing Sunset's phone and pressing it against the Prince's chest. "And you need to call Aria and Adagio and convince them to listen from start to finish."

"Ok, the rest I get, but why do we need those two to listen? Can't we play pretend with their bodies?" The Prince questioned, tilting his head.

"No! They need to hear it when it happens." Bratblood pressed on with anger

"But why?"

"Because my tone-deaf clone, the idea of this song is more than just giving this siren her voice. It's to immortalize her performance as a moment of triumph and freedom against those who doubted her!" He exaggerated, raising his hand into the air. "This song will mark the point where she will step OUT of the shadows tall and proud and show the world the hidden gem they all keep overlooking. To make everyone regret assuming that she was nothing else but 'the principal's nephew'"

"Yeah! I would show them how to be more than just a nephew!" Sonata got excited, too, and fist pumped in the air before registering what she had just said. "Hey, wait a minute."

"So close." The Prince shook his head in disappointment.

"I don't know, Bluey. He was doing well until the last part; I say he deserves at least half a point." Nefertiti shrugged. "And hey, minus that, he hit the nail on the head; this whole deal is to teach those jerks a lesson on humility as well and show them that Sonata is not their tool to use and play with; that is what where are you going, right junior?"

"...yes, that too, and back on topic, now you see why you need to make the call."

"O...k, but why me specifically?" The Prince asked again.

"Because Adagio scares me; Sonata would just argue, and your girlfriend..."

"Not my girlfriend," The Prince corrected before his local counterpart could continue.

"Right...your friend. Honestly, I am even more scared of what she might tell them."

"As you should, he is right, Bluey; you are the best option." Nefertiti replied and nodded at Blueblood Jr.'s logic, quickly followed by Sonata.

With a roll of his eyes, the Prince picked up the phone and walked away. "Fine, but only because you are trying to help someone else for a change, and I agree that they need to hear what they dismissed and lost."

"And tell them they were very mean to me, too~!" Sonata added as he left.

Blueblood Jr. blinked a couple of times. "Ah, Sonata, that is what he..." Nefertiti stopped him and shook her head

"Just let her have that junior; it's better that way."

Once outside the music store, the Prince looked through the recent calls and redialed Pinkie Pie, only to receive a nasty surprise on the other line.

"Well, well, look who just decided to crawl back. I knew you wouldn't last a minute without me," Adagio remarked in a sarcastic and prideful tune. "Now let me out!"

"Adagio, why do you have Pinkie Pie's earpiece?" The Prince replies in a professional monotone, not bothering with any pleasantries and deciding to ignore everything she just said.

"What! Who is this? Where is Sonata? Why do you have her phone?"

"Blueblood. We will get to that, and it's not her phone; it's Sunsets. Now my question remains, where is Pinkie?"

"Oh, it's you," Adagio sighed in disappointment and irritation. "Listen, I don't have time for your rants and whining; we both know how this is gonna go, but knowing how you have a pea for a brain, let me spell this out for you, I have that pony, you can't do anything to stop us, and if you want her to stay safe, you better keep us happy, now go find Sonata before I get mad you narcissistic, pompous, mama..."

With a long-suffering sigh, Blueblood pulled the phone away from his ear and approached a nearby booth selling airhorns while Adagio continued her insulting tirade until he rested the bell of one on the mouthpiece and pressed the trigger, startling and silencing the mean siren.

After thirty seconds of concussive sound, Blueblood put the phone back on his ear and spoke again in the same neutral tone before Adagio could say anything else, "Let's try this again; I don't want to hear any more of your crap, and now I'm furious, so, let make me this crystal clear. I only wanted to hear answers, to speak with Pinkie and your cooperation, but since you and Aria decided to distract me with the monumentally stupid threat of harming my friends. Here is my counteroffer; we both know you are bluffing about harming the mare but on the off chance you decide to do something...stupid. Well, this mall has a tattoo parlor, and you have no means to control or protect your body. And we can always escalate from there. Do you need me to connect those dots for you, sweetie?" He ended with a sarcastic question.

For a few seconds, there is only silence "...you wouldn't."

"Really, Adagio? Are you brave enough to take that bet? Or should I say, take the bet for you...and for Aria?" He asked rhetorically; entering the business in question, he rummaged around for a moment before turning on a pneumatic tattoo machine, allowing the air compressor to fill ominously before finally bringing the needle close to the transmitter so they could hear it as he adjusted the speed of the machine. Aria lasted for all of ten seconds before she finally cracked.

"Ok, ok! You win! You win!" Aria squeaked in terror, much to the displeasure of her companion


"Just put that thing away."

"Thank you, Aria." Blueblood turns the machine off and exits the establishment. "I knew we could have a civilized conversation."

"Whatever, what do you want?"

"For starters, I would like to speak with Pinkie Pie." He replied in the same tone in which Aria was speaking to him. "...Now"

"We don't know where she is. We snuck out when she wasn't looking and took this thing with us."

"Then. Go. look for her." He ordered without skipping a beat.

"Hey! We're not your servants..."

"...What do you prefer on your face? A cute little bunny? A flower? Or do I keep it simple and just write 'Sunset's Bitch' on your foreheads?" He reminded the pair, not tolerating any sass.

"NO! Wait, we are looking, we are looking!" She replied in a complete panic as the two quickly ran, searching for the party planner.

With a slightly dark chuckle, the Prince sat on a bench, waiting for their reply while listening to a piano play nearby and watching his copy and Sonata discuss the lyrics of a song that he seemed to want to accompany with a piano. Nefertiti kept a close eye on the two as that happened.

I knew there could be good in you, boy. Now show us what you can do. The Prince smiled confidently as everything seemed to fall into place.

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