• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 5,218 Views, 568 Comments

Brighter Horizons - Destiny Chaser

A Human raised in Equestria by Pegasi. Oh, and he has their inherent magic. Have fun!

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“Thank you Raven, that will be all.” Celestia said. Raven Inkwell, the white-coated, brown maned unicorn that was her personal secretary gave her a polite bow before turning to depart down the side ramp of the dais upon which the throne rested. “And be sure to take tomorrow morning off!” She called out after her.

Celestia rubbed the side of her head with one hoof, feeling exhausted. She had been up for more than twenty-four hours now for what must have been the seventh time that month. It was late, past three in the morning. She regretted having to call her aide in at this time of night, but she wanted to make sure Twilight and Sunset had all the help they could get as they poured through the archives for the umpteenth time in what turned out to be another fruitless search for anything they might find on replicating the Gate-key, one of the few artifacts actually made by the legendary Starswirl the Bearded. But like so many of his secrets, the techniques he had used to create it had vanished along with him centuries ago.

They had even enlisted the help of Starlight Glimmer who was presently visiting Sunburst in the Crystal Empire. The two skilled unicorns had been pouring through the great library of that kingdom even longer than their own team had been searching here, but with no luck.

This confirmation of what they already knew was of course, no comfort to her sister and the three ponies gathered with her together down below the throne inside the empty court. The lack of light coming through the stained glass windows made the normally vibrant area seem especially gloomy; the moon didn't seem to be shining as brightly that night. Twilight and Sunset sat on their haunches, resting their strained eyes for a moment while Rainbow Dash buzzed restlessly back and forth a few feet off the floor like an angry wasp. Luna was still standing, staring pensively down at the floor, her anxious eyes appearing lost in thought.

“There has to be something we can do!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed for what must have been the hundredth time.

“Ugh, for the last time Rainbow Dash, we’re trying!” Twilight said as she rubbed both temples with her hooves.

“Well our ‘trying’ isn’t good enough!” She screamed as landed with a noisy clatter of hooves that echoed throughout the empty court. Sunset bit her lip as she resisted the urge to snap at Rainbow Dash again, but she understood her anguish. Though the tough pegasus usually tried to conceal her feelings, Sunset knew that her worry for her friend was approaching panic levels of anxiety. Sunset had nearly panicked herself when Luna had told them all that Flash had been shot. She actually did long to tell Rainbow that there was one possibility they had, one that she, Celestia, Twilight, and Luna knew of but had not dared to suggest because of the risks involved.

When Flash had first arrived to Equestria and had his mother’s magic imprinted on him, the magic of the gate-key that had been around his neck had been partially infused onto him as well, meaning the gate-key would no longer function unless he willed it to. Additionally, during the course of her experiments, Twilight had also discovered that what had happened to Flash had also happened to Bright Skies. That she too had the gate-key’s magic coded into her own and was thus also able to wield its power.

Their theory was that if they cast the right spell, there was a chance that they could trigger the gate-key’s residual magic in Bright Skies and create a dimensional gate. The only problem being that without the artifact itself to stabilize the gate, the interdimensional forces would likely tear her apart. It was simply too dangerous to even suggest taking such a route.

“Peace, Rainbow Dash,” Luna calmly interjected as she looked sternly but compassionately at her. “For the moment, there is nothing we can do and it does us little good to consume ourselves with worry. Flash is more than capable, so we must trust that whatever danger he is in that he can take care of himself, he is well trained.” Though her voice was steady, Celestia knew her sister well enough to know that she wanted to scream in frustration as she herself desired to as well. For all their power and resources, they were still helpless to assist their friend.

She was about to say something when one of the large, main doors to the throne room slammed open with a loud bang. Celestia’s eyes went wide with surprise as she saw the lone pink mare limping down the red carpet towards the assembled ponies. Bright Skies appeared the very definition of frazzled. Her mane was a twisted jumble, her cheeks stained with tears, and the tip of her right wing dragged limply across the floor. She was a right mess, but in her eyes burned an indomitable force of will that Celestia was certain that if harnessed, could move the very heavens just as easily as she could. One of the guards, a grey thestral with a dark blue mane and orange eyes immediately stepped into the room, appearing apologetic.

“I’m sorry your highness, but she-“ Celestia raised her hoof, cutting him off.

“It’s quite alright Steel Wing, let her come.” She understood that he had as much of a chance at halting her as he did the movement of time itself.

The assembled ponies parted for her, not daring to speak a word as she came to a halt within their midst. Bright Skies paused, panting for a moment before raising her head, flicking her mane out of her face as she stood tall, grimacing as she forced her wing to close. She looked from pony to pony, making direct eye-contact with each of them, allowing them each to clearly see and understand that she would not take ‘no’ for an answer to the declaration she was about to make. Sunset shrank back slightly, her ears drooping as she understood what was coming. Bright Skies, please don’t suggest it...

“Do whatever you have to, but we are getting my son.”

Ella silently watched as the woman stared hard into Flash’s determined eyes as they each sized the other up. She could tell that he was trying to anticipate and prepare himself mentally for whatever his enemy might have in store for him. The woman, however, seemed delighted by the apparent challenges her quarry presented. She smiled slightly as she began to walk slowly in a circle around him, carefully noting each of his injuries.

Flash resisted the urge to shudder as she ran a single finger delicately across the new scar on his shoulder. Each of her moves were slow and deliberate, as if she were taking stock of a priceless artifact. A sweet scent, like honey on clovers wafted off of her, teasing his nostrils with a delightful effect. The woman halted in front of him as she sharply seized his chin in her hand, lifting his face to hers as she lightly traced her thumb over the scar on his right eye, her eyes squinting in displeasure.

“Yeah,” she muttered after a few moments as she released him and glanced back to Telson, “Kill that guy.” He lowered his hands to his sides, his hands clenched into fists as a dark look came into his eyes.

“With pleasure Mistress.”

“No.” Flash said causing the pair to both look at him.

“What?” The woman said as she raised a disapproving eyebrow. Flash looked hard at her.

“I said ‘no’.” He repeated. “Don’t kill him. I don’t want anypony- anyone else dying because of me.” She frowned at his objection.

“Don’t be a foal Equestrian, he’s destroyed more lives than you can count! He deserves to die. Trust me, I’d be doing your species a favor.” Flash glared at her.

“Yeah, seems like you’ve been doing my species a lot of favors,” Flash said, letting that statement hang in the air for a moment. The woman stared back at him for a tense moment as the air seemed to be sucked from the room. Flash sternly held her intimidating glare for a few more moments before breaking the silence. “Maybe he does deserve to die, and maybe you would be doing us all a favor. Justice will find him soon enough, but not like this. I don’t want you killing on account of me or merely to satisfy your own displeasure, Mistress.” Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him, though at the same time, the corner of her mouth rose in amusement. It was almost as if she enjoyed the novelty of being challenged for once by one who understood that they were helpless before her. She smiled,

“Merciful, are you? Hmm, alright then, I’ll put his fate on the back burner for now, for your sake my soft-hearted friend.”

“Much appreciated.” Flash responded neutrally but with a small dip of his head.

“But I wonder,” she said as she leaned down to look at him face to face, “How far does that mercy of yours go?” Flash couldn’t help but squint slightly in confusion, wondering what she meant by that cryptic statement. He didn’t get to consider it for long as she unexpectedly moved to sit down on the floor in front of him, her legs out to one side while she rested her weight on one arm; his eyes widened more than a little in surprise.

“But enough about that for now, let’s get to know each other a little, shall we?” she said with a coy smile. Ella glared at her, infuriated by her cheap, manipulative ploy. She wanted to say something snarky, but decided it was best to hold her tongue, trusting that Flash knew how to handle the situation. “And please, call me Chelicerae. Princess Chelicerae, but you can call me Chel.” She said with a wink. Ella noticed Telson’s eyes squint a bit in discomfort, as if he had just heard a blasphemy, before going stone-faced again.

Flash’s eyes widened slightly in surprise once again, despite his best efforts to control his reactions. Even though he knew she was a changeling, her choice of disguise was making him quite uncomfortable; he understood that it was just a ploy to unsettle him. But what was more unsettling, was the revelation that she was a princess.

He was unaware that the Changelings had any princesses among them and the fact that they hadn’t ever mentioned them seemed to suggest that they were either a closely guarded secret, or not a part of their present institutional memory. She’s either lying, or she’s been here for a very long time. He thought. But if she was telling the truth, then that changed a few things. The chains rattled as Flash tugged his right arm, he glanced down at it before looking back up at her with a sheepish grin. “Sorry, force of habit. I’m supposed to salute all foreign dignitaries. I would stand too, but, yeah.” He said with a smile and a shrug causing the chains to rattle again.

Chelicerae smirked, impressed by his reaction to this first test. Oh child, don’t make me like you more... “Well, aren’t you a bit of a charmer? So tell me, how is dear old Celestia doing? Does she still have all her little sycophants planted firmly under her golden hoof?” Flash’s eyes narrowed for just a second but so imperceptibly that an observer would wonder if they had imagined it.

“Oh it’s not so bad your highness,” he responded with a smirk and a hint of sarcasm, “Keeps us from being blown away during storms.” She giggled a surprisingly girlish laugh, revealing her perfect teeth as she seemingly enjoyed his wit.

“I see, and how did you get these?” She said as she reached out to trace a finger up his undamaged cutie mark. “Were you Celestia’s little lab rat?” Flash shook his head as he resisted the urge to shudder at her touch,

“Nah, just her student’s. It was alright though, I got doughnuts when I was good.” Chelicerae scrutinized him for a moment, closely observing the colors of his emotions as well as his body's physiological reads for any sign of deception, but found none. His eyes never wavered, and his heartbeat remained steady.

Cheeky, are you? She thought before deciding to shift away from probing pleasantries. “So, why are you here? I’m guessing you’ve come home looking for answers?” Flash stared a moment, she could see him calculating a response.

“Something like that.” Chelicerae reacted with a warm smile that sent chills up his spine. One thing that had been bothering Flash from the moment she had first laid eyes on him, was the sense he was getting that she had been waiting for him. How does she know about me? Was she in Equestria when I was growing up? Has she been here the whole time? How did she even get here? The implications of the latter were chilling to say the least, but at the same time, he wasn’t sure if this was all just another subterfuge designed to throw him. Changelings were the most devilishly difficult things to read. Everything about them, their very nature, was designed to disguise them to and misdirect their prey.

He had already graduated the academy after the great metamorphosis had occurred, but had received additional training along with the rest of the guard when King Thorax had sent a former infiltrator drone, Refract, to teach a course on counter-espionage. It had been an enlightening, and extremely humbling experience to say the least. They had learned that the Changelings had pretty much owned them on that front, coming right into Equestrian territory, even into Canterlot itself, whenever they had darn well pleased, and all right under their noses.

That was the other burning question, did she know about the metamorphosis? If she did, then that meant that she and Telson were part of the few remaining Chrysalis loyalists that were still out there as he had seen that Telson was still in his base form when he had transformed in order to heal him. Gah, she’s got me twisting in the wind here. Time to change tactics. Flash thought as he threw a nod towards Telson. “You know I’ve tangled with more than a few changelings in the past and I must say, he felt stronger than any five of them. You must be pretty well fed.” She glanced back at Telson as she grinned like a mother who had just received a compliment about their child.

“And he has been snacking between meals,” she boasted before looking back at Flash who tilted his head with an impressed nod.

“And like any good Changeling, I’m sure that you aren’t simply hoarding all of that energy for yourself and must make regular deliveries to the hive, yes?” Chelicerae’s smile faded slightly as she understood that he was probing to see how up to date her knowledge was. But in the end, she decided that it did not matter how much she revealed to him.

After all, it's not like he’s going anywhere. Not this time... She thought. “Let's put the games aside for now, shall we?” She said with a smirk. Flash smiled,

“Was it that obvious?”

“It was a nice try, but not necessary. You see, I plan on telling you everything.” She sat up and pulled her knees under her into a sitting position. "Firstly, to answer your question, no. I have not been to the hive in nearly 18 years. That is how long Telson and I have been here in this world."

Flash kept a poker face to this revelation, but knew he would not be able to hide the shock coloring his emotions which he knew she would clearly be able to see. Chelicerae smiled,

"I see that I have piqued your interest, yes?" Flash swallowed, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"I'm listening." He said. She reached into the pocket on the side of her skirt and pulled out the silver chain connected to the multicolored gem, allowing it to dangle to one side from her fingertips.

"The reason we've been here so long, is because we lost the way home. So you can imagine just how happy I was to see you." Flash nodded once slowly,

"I can imagine," he stated calmly, despite how his mind was now racing. Who is she?! Is she the reason I was sent to Equestria?! Is she telling the truth?!"

"Yes, but can you simply imagine my complete surprise that when I tried to test the gate-key just a few minutes ago, that it wouldn't work for me?" She asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, isn't that just the darndest thing?" Flash said with a sly grin, but she seem undeterred by his snark.

"Obviously you've managed to put some sort of safeguard on it, smart thinking." Ella felt completely lost as she silently watched them, with no idea what they were talking about. She threw a glance to Telson, hoping that he would grant her a clue, but he continued to stare ahead with his hands clasped in front of him.

"So I tell you what," Chelicerae said looking from the gate-key back to Flash. "If you could just tell me what I need to do in order to use this, in return, I will tell you everything you've ever wanted to know and more about your past. What do you say, help a girl out?" Flash remained silent for a beat, trying to process what he just heard.

"Just like that?" She smiled and nodded,

"Just like that. Didn't think you would find everything you were looking for so quickly, did you?" Her face softened as she suddenly took on a sympathetic expression, "I'm sorry for the discomfort you have had to endure up to this point, truly I am. But don't you see? Your search is over! We can help each other and then we can put all of this behind us. I can't tell you just how ready I am to finally go home," she said with an exasperated laugh, "So what do you say, do we have a deal?"

Flash stared hard into her emerald eyes, only a foot away from his own. The disguised changeling smiled warmly at him, returning his gaze with a kind expression as she eagerly awaited his response. He remained silent for another beat before finally speaking.

"No." Her eyes widened as her smile melted away in shock.


"I said 'no'." Flash repeated firmly, his eyes narrowing into a glare. As much as he longed to learn about his origins, his duty to Equestria came first. Besides, he knew that he couldn't trust a single word she said.

"But, but you're an Equestrian! Aren't you all about helping others? Isn't that what the ponies taught you?" She frantically asked, appearing on the verge of tears.

"Oh save the crocodile tears your highness, it's unbecoming of you." Ella gasped as Telson stiffened in outrage. "I've seen firsthand the pain and misery you've caused, it's obvious you didn't come into this world on a goodwill mission. So until you tell me why you’re really here, until I determine you're not a threat to Equestrian National Security, until you begin trying to undo some of the pain you’ve caused in this world, you might as well get comfortable because I'm not helping you go anywhere, princess." Flash saw a shadow pass over her face as her eyes narrowed, a dangerous gleam that carried a hint of madness crept into her perfect eyes that chilled him to his core. She's been away from the hive for too long, He realized. It actually did make him feel a bit of sympathy for her as he had some understanding of how damaging it could be for a changeling to be alone.

I should try to help her, maybe I can. But first, I have to figure out what her intentions are. He decided to see how far he could push the envelope.

"You know you almost had me there for a minute, princess. A fantastic, well-woven and layered performance, your mother Chrysalis would be proud." He said with a slight smirk, hazarding that educated guess. Before he could react, her hand suddenly shot out and clamped like a vice around his throat with such force that it brought tears to his eyes. Ella shouted and tried to step forward only to be blocked by Telson who quickly moved and put his arm out in front of her. She began to push against it, but Flash managed to glance over at her and give a small shake of his head.

Chelicerae slowly rose to her feet, lifting him clear off the floor until his chains were pulled taught. It was hard to believe, but she felt even stronger than Telson, he could barely breathe. "You dare say her name...” She growled in a low, threatening voice that was not reflective of the growing alarm she was currently experiencing. How does he know about mother?! Just how much have I missed?! Changelings were not completely unknown to the other creatures of Equestria when she had left, but neither were they common knowledge either as they were, by nature, a hidden race. And certainly no one knew about the Queen, let alone her name. I need answers... She thought as she glowered at the young human struggling in her grasp.

The changeling princess glanced at Telson who looked at her with sympathetic concern, she could sense that he was as alarmed as she was, but was keeping it to himself. She took a calming breath before looking back at Flash, “You are a clever one, boy." She said icily with a small smirk. “You’re right, perhaps the tears were a bit much.“

"You’re welcome?" He managed to gasp past her choking grip. She held him there for another excruciating moment before dropping him back to the floor with a clatter of chains, Flash gasped and coughed as he struggled to catch his breath. She waited patiently until he had, she wanted him to hear what she was about to say.

“Why do you loathe what I’ve done so much?” He heard her say in a low and scornful tone, he looked up to meet her angry eyes; her fists were clenched at her sides. “You think I was acting any different than the rest of these humans? I’m a changeling, I needed to fit in! And you’ve seen what they’re like, they’re treacherous, all! And yet you have the gall to judge me?! You and your whole self-centered race!” She spat. Ella stood fixated in the moment, so captivated by her words that she hadn’t even noticed that she was still holding onto Telson’s arm as he stood next to her.

Flash could clearly see the disdain and hatred in her eyes, but at the same time there was something more, something strange. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but if he had to hazard a guess, maybe it was sorrow, regret? He cleared his throat, “And yet, rather than set a better example for my race, you chose to become like the worst of them?” Flash said with a raised eyebrow. He motioned with his head towards Telson, “Perhaps you could have been more like Telson here, he’s behaved more honorably than many ponies I know.” Flash could tell that one had stung as her eyes narrowed in rage.

“Yes,” she hissed, “Telson is honorable, far more noble than any human you’ll ever meet. But some of us don’t get to have the luxury of being so noble.” She said as she spun around and took a few steps away before halting. “I had a mission to accomplish,” She said angrily, “Surely you of all people can appreciate that?”

The ends justify the means, Chrysalis’ influence no doubt. “Yes, but I wouldn’t accomplish that mission if it meant destroying my soul,” Flash retorted. “What profit is there in gaining everything at the cost of who you are?” Chelicerae didn’t answer at first as she stood there silently with her back to him. Ella felt her heart beating so hard from the tension that she swore it could be heard.

Flash meanwhile, was starting to see a bigger picture. Holy harmony, the first humans she encountered must have been terrible! She must have thought that all humans were like that and so became like them in order to fit in, that can’t be healthy. That, on top of being away from the hive for so long, she must be going crazy! Poor girl... He thought, feeling real sympathy for her now. He glanced at Telson and, though he kept a straight face, could not hide the concern building in his eyes as he looked at her. He’s been the one trying to hold her together. Even for a changeling, that’s some devotion.

“You know nothing of the changelings, of what it means for us to have orders...“ Chelicerae finally said as she slowly turned around. “You think you’re any better? You think yourself so different from your fellow humans because of where you were raised?” She asked as she began to slowly walk towards him once more, her face determined. “Oh no, my little Equestrian. I’ll show you, by the time we’re done here, that you’re no different than the rest of them. That you too can be just as cruel, just as hateful...it's in your blood.” She said as she stepped back in front of him. Flash could not help but tense up as she drew nearer, knowing that she was about to try and break him somehow. Why she hadn’t yet threatened Ella to get what she wanted baffled him. Heck, she had hardly so much as looked at her. She was certainly playing a deeper game here, but he couldn’t understand why.

Has she really gone crazy? He wondered.

“You know, you really do look just like him.” Chelicerae said, pulling him from his thoughts. Flash looked up at her confused and was surprised to see that her face had gone soft, a look of wonder in her eyes that confused him further.

“Like who?” He said, almost afraid to ask as she smiled kindly at him.

“Isn’t it obvious? Your father, Viktor Alexandrov. The only human I’ve ever respected.”

Bright Skies stood still, simmering in place as she listened with ever thinning patience as her well-meaning friends and sovereigns once again ran her through a gambit of reasons as to why they could not take the risk of using her as a gate-key. Rainbow Dash had been furious when she first heard of this possibility, angry that it had been kept from her by Sunset and the others, but quickly simmered down once she learned of the risks involved and realized that her friends had not wanted to give her false hope by telling her about it.

"What are we supposed to tell Flash if you die?" Twilight asked.

"That I love him."

"What about us? How are we supposed to live with that on our souls?" Sunset objected.

"I forgive you."

"What sort of message would that send to everypony in Equestria when they hear that one of them died in some sort of risky magical experiment approved by the crown?" Luna warned. On and on they went, a cacophony of voices that battered at Bright Skies' mind as she struggled to hold her psyche together which was already threatening to split asunder with the stress her son was currently experiencing. Her entire body ached from the beatings and the torture he had underwent. She could feel the pain, the sorrow, the anxiety. Every little detail, each bead of sweat, all in such exquisite detail because she refused to isolate herself from him by willfully narrowing their connection for fear of losing what little contact she still had left with her baby. She could still feel the moment when the fangs had pierced his neck, the moment that had torn her screaming from the enchanted sleep that Luna had placed her under.

Stop it, Bright Skies thought, squinting her eyes shut as she grit her teeth. Quiet! Her head was pounding as the others continued speaking words of correction, comfort, and shared sorrow. Finally, she could stand it no more. The last barrier of her patience and even proper decorum shattered like a straw door before a steam locomotive as a cry from the deepest depths of her wounded soul tore past her lips with the combined fury of every mother who has ever had to defend their child from wanton aggression and evil.

"I WON'T LOSE ANOTHER CHILD!!!" She raged, stamping her front hoof so hard that it cracked the magically reinforced marble tile under it. Her voice reverberated off the walls of the empty court, echoing back and forth more than three times. Everypony was gaping at her, most of them with their ears folded flat against their skulls. Bright Skies panted hard past clenched teeth, her wings fully extended as her righteous-indignation at being unable to help her son burned in every fiber of her being. Nopony said a word as she glared at each of them, even the Princesses, daring them to contradict her adamant declaration of intent. She calmed her breathing as she stood up straight and slowly folded her wings.

"Either help me to do this, or I will find somepony who will. And don't you DARE think any of you will stop me!" Bright Skies knew that if this all ended well, she would likely have a heart-attack later after realizing that she had raised her voice at three of Equestria's five Princesses, but none of that mattered now. All that mattered now was helping Flash.

Celestia sighed, knowing with deep sadness in her heart that nothing would deter her. At this point, their best chance of minimizing the risks involved was to simply help her do it. At least they could do their best to control the outcome far more capably than some renegade wizard or accursed witch hiding in some dark, Source-forsaken corner of Equestria. Her motherly heart could only protect her little ponies so much. There came a point where she knew she needed to let them take their own risks as much as it pained her to let them do so.

"Alright Bright Skies," she said with all the weariness of her years. Celestia looked at the ponies assembled before her: her sister, Twilight Sparkle, and Sunset Shimmer. In this very room were three of the most powerful and capable mages Equestria had ever known. If anypony stood a chance at making this happen, it was herself and the three of them. "Let us make immediate preparations then, our time is short."

Bright Skies felt a surge of relief, but she could not bring herself to smile because of the dread which had been growing in her heart with each passing moment. It's not just our time that is short I fear...

Flash felt his face twitch, he shook his head once, “What?” He had trouble registering the sound of his own voice. Chelicerae smiled at his reaction.

“You heard me,” she said. “Your father, and your mother too, I knew them both.“ She reached out and softly brushed the side of his face with the back of her hand. “You as well, I even held you in my arms once.” Flash felt his mind practically going numb from the shock being caused by her stunning revelations, but she didn’t let up.

“Michail, that is your name. Your real name.” Flash shook his head,

“Wait, hold on!” He shouted, beginning to feel very overwhelmed at the relentless pace at which she was revealing world shattering information to him.

“Oh, I’m just getting started little ‘Misha’, that was your mother’s term of affection for you by the way.” Chelicerae said smugly as she reached up to attach the gate-key around her neck before crossing her arms.

“ENOUGH!” Flash screamed as he rattled his chains. He breathed hard as he glared at her, “How do I know you’re even telling me the truth?” He demanded, his voice breaking slightly from the stress. Chelicerae’s face suddenly turned serious as she reached up and grabbed the collar of her blouse as she turned her head and bared the side of her neck to him. Flash instantly recognized it as the most solemn gesture that a changeling could make. They only did it to other changelings when swearing allegiance to the queen or taking a solemn oath. Telson audibly gasped in shock as his stoic bearing faltered for a second.

“All true my friend, I swear it.” She said as she released her collar and turned her face back to him. Flash felt violated as his concentration began to waver, his mind spinning with the weight of the knowledge she was blasting him with. Even though he knew that she was doing this to break down his mental defenses, using the truth itself as a battering ram, he felt powerless to stop her. He was just going to have to endure her assault. The princess started walking in a slow circle around him, moving out of his view.

“Let me tell you a little story, my dear Michail,” she said as she traced a finger along one of the scars he received from Tirek as she moved behind him. “One year, a very long time ago, we experienced an unusually lean gathering season. And the hive, which is always short on supply, experienced a genuine famine, the worst in memory. Hundreds of drones starved to death, we were weaker and more desperate than we had ever been before. Our beloved Queen knew that she had to do something to change the wretched status quo. Scrounging, always living off scraps!" she said with particular bitterness in her voice.

Ella listened intently, the whole while despising how she was belittling him, circling him like a predator stalking its prey. The facade of a woman continued speaking after a momentary pause.

"She always knew of the rich land of Equestria far to the north, how it had all the resources we could ever want. Oh how she longed to simply go there and take what we needed. But she also knew that it would be suicide to confront Celestia directly, the sun witch’s power was far too great.”

Chelicerae paused in front of him and smirked before she continued circling, “That is, unless she could find something to tip things in our favor. So she decided to use one of the hidden treasures of the hive, an ancient, lost artifact that she had discovered in her many years of exploring the badlands, the gate-key.” The princess fingered the artifact dangling from her neck as she made another pass in front of Flash. “She knew that it could open a door to another world, but what world? What could possibly be on the other side? That was when she honored me, by asking me to go, to go for the sake of the hive. To see if I could discover something, anything that could aid us. She selected Telson, the hive’s finest soldier to accompany me, and sent us off into the unknown.”

She paused a moment to look at Telson with a smile while at the same time, flicking a glance at Ella who resisted the urge to shrink under her gaze and instead, glared back defiantly. Chelicerae raised an eyebrow at that but moved on. “And what a world we discovered!” She continued as she resumed her methodic pacing, “Such scale, such technology and weapons!” She held up a hand in front of her face, slowly flexing her fingers, “And a new form with which to wield them. We immediately reported our findings back to the Queen who instructed us to do whatever it took to find and amass such weapons so that we could arm the hive, and take whatever we wanted from the mewling Equestrians.”

“And what has that to do with my father?” Flash asked as she stopped in front of him.

“Why everything, Michail. Absolutely everything.” She said with a knowing smile. “You see, it was far too cumbersome to acquire large numbers of firearms legally, and stealing them would be far too risky. What we needed, was an arms dealer.“ She began pacing again,” It took weeks of painstaking infiltration. A lot of time, effort, and more than a few bodies, but eventually, I embedded myself deeply enough into this city’s criminal underworld to find the kind of human I was looking for. He was quite dangerous: cold, ruthless, and utterly brilliant. A man who commanded fear and respect even among his enemies." She sighed as if recalling a fond memory as she came into view once more, "And that man, was Viktor Alexandrov, your father my dear Equestrian.”

Chelicerae came to a halt once more in front of Flash, her eyes curious as she saw him trying absorb this information. His eyes had grown distant, and he was no longer making eye-contact with her. She slowly hooked a finger under his chin, gently raising his face to hers. Would you stop touching him so much ya nasty witch! Ella thought as she gritted her teeth in frustration.

"Come now, don't zone out on me now Misha, there's more to come still, much more." She said as she released his chin with a slip of her finger. Flash finally looked up at her, scowling slightly.

"You said you respected him," he said in a low, cautious tone, "What was it that you found so respectable? A minute ago you were lecturing me about how you despised humans for their treacherous behavior, so why the double standard princess?" Chelicerae smiled and tilted her head to one side.

"Do you know what made your father the most successful, powerful crime boss in this city?"

"Enlighten me."

"It was because of how he treated those who worked for him. If you worked for him, you were family. His genuine concern, even for the lowliest of his people, inspired such loyalty among them, such enthusiasm to please him, that he never once had to fear betrayal or being sold out. He was loyal to them, and they were loyal to him. It was so very 'changeling' like, a rarity in the disordered society of humans. He commanded such respect, how could I not admire him?" Flash blinked at her, but didn't respond. So she went on. "Naturally, such loyalty didn't come easily, it had to be earned. And he was also quite cautious about who he conducted business with. Your father wasn't going to make a deal with me simply because I had a lot of gold or batted my eyelashes at him." She smirked as if remembering something. "You'll be happy to know he was extremely devoted to your mother. He only had eyes for her so any typical flirtatious tactics would never work. No, you had to earn the privilege of doing business with him."

"So how did you earn that? You save his life or something?"

"Oh, even better," Chelicerae replied as she bent down to look him directly in the eyes. "I saved yours." Flash's eyes widened at her revelation; she seemed delighted by his reaction. "That's right little Equestrian, you owe me your life."

"What happened?" He asked as she straightened back up, crossing her arms.

"It wasn't that difficult. A group of men sent by one of your father's competitors tried to kidnap you, take you right out of your mother's arms in front of this very building we are in right now; you were barely five months old at the time. I had learned of the plot only days before through some of the connections I had made up to that point. And can you guess what lucky duo just happened to be there just in time to save the day?" Flash sighed, glancing away.

"You and Telson."

"You're welcome." She smirked, repeating his earlier words back to him. "First time I got to hold you too. I must say, you were quite adorable for a little bundle of flesh." The princess closed her eyes a moment, drawing in a long breath through her nostrils as if recalling a fond memory. "Your mother fed me that day, her love for you was exquisite." Ella squinted in confusion at the strange words as well as Flash's reaction to that. His eyes widened in longing while his jaw clenched in anger.

Chelicerae suddenly appeared a bit downcast as she seemed to be wrestling something. When she spoke again her voice was a bit more subdued rather than smug or excited as she had seemed before. "What began from there was an admittedly happy experience, the only human I've ever actually enjoyed being around; we made such a team. Your father was a delight to work with: smart, capable, and generous to a fault. He would even go out of his way to teach me many industry secrets and how to navigate his world." She chuckled at something, "Hard to believe, coming from a man who at the same time was quite capable of snapping a man's neck with his bare hands." Flash felt a bit sick from hearing how his father was in reality a horrible person.

I was sired by a monster, he thought to himself, the knowledge was like a hot knife across his heart. But as much as he wanted her to stop, he felt himself hanging on her every word, longing with ravenous desire to hear the next detail about his past.

"I killed him right here." Flash's head snapped up, his mouth hanging open slightly. Ella felt her breath catch in her throat.

"What?" he asked, blinking as if he had just been slapped. Chelicerae looked down on him, her expression inscrutable as she kept her emotions completely neutral.

"Yes," she replied as she glanced to one side, unable to meet his gaze. "In the very spot that you are now kneeling in." Flash felt his blood turn to ice, his jaw working up and down a few times as he struggled to find words. The changeling princess finally looked at him again, "Wasn't what I originally planned, but your mother forced my hand." Flash cleared his throat,

"Why...?" He practically croaked. Ella could tell he was fighting back tears as his features hardened. Chelicerae let out a sigh,

"Know that I took no pleasure in it," she replied in a surprisingly genuine tone, "But it was because I was careless. You see, while your father trusted me, your mother was always suspicious and would secretly spy on me." Chelicerae gave a small sigh, her eyes distant as she reminisced. "She was good at that you know, enough to make a changeling proud. Inevitably, she eventually learned about the gate-key, and witnessed how I would travel back and forth from Equestria. So in order to expose me to your father, she one day managed, quite brazenly, to steal it from the office your father had given to me for my use." She shook her head in a regretful manner, "If only I had just kept the blasted thing on me, but I became complacent, too comfortable with the routine."

"And so what, did you kill her too?" Flash said angrily, blinking back tears. The princess squinted slightly, appearing upset once more.

"Not directly, no. When I confronted her to get it back, she had hidden it away. So I took both you and your mother hostage and forced her to reveal its location, and because I knew the game was up, I made her summon your father and have him bring the gate-key so I could secure the situation. My plan was to put the three of you in cocoons until I could figure out what to do with you all, perhaps memory manipulation or something. But your father attacked Telson and I the moment he was in the same room as us, very nearly killed me. His wrath was something to behold." Chelicerae paused a moment to massage the bridge of her nose before continuing with her account.

"In the ensuing struggle, he was grievously injured and the gate-key was dropped and subsequently snatched up by your mother. Your father screamed at her to run, but the door was already blocked. So she then did what I least expected," Chelicerae dropped her hand and looked at him, "She activated it." Flash noticed that when she had looked up from her hand, that the pupils in her emerald eyes were now slitted. The concentration on her disguise was slipping, so great was the turmoil in her emotions.

"She obviously must have learned how to do it from when she had spied on me. She must have been absolutely convinced that I was about to kill you all, that she had no other choice. Her reasoning must have been, 'better a chance of survival in the unknown than certain death in that room'. She made the desperate move to escape with you in her arms even though she had no idea where the portal she had just opened before her led." Chelicerae paused, her eyes distant as she seemingly gazed into the past. "But before she could make it through, I managed to tackle her legs. Seeing that she could no longer escape, she slipped the gate-key around your neck, kissed you, and tossed you into the portal."

Flash swallowed, his heart pounding in his ears in reaction to the sheer enormity of what he had just learned: his origins, his entry into Equestria. The monumental knowledge was presently leveling the plane of his mind. She saved me, my mother wanted to save me... He thought as he struggled to come to grips with this revelation. "So then what happened?" he asked.

Chelicerae crossed her arms again, her eyes flickering for a moment with green light. "With nothing left to do but hold out and await for a practically non-existent chance of rescue, I took your father here and interrogated him about everything I thought I would need to know to take over and run his empire while surviving here. I knew he wasn't long for this world, Telson had been forced to shoot him in order to stop him from shooting me." Ella glanced up at Telson who was still standing at her side, his face was unreadable; but she could see there was pain in his eyes as the princess continued speaking.

"Your father wasn't going to survive without a hospital, and that was absolutely out of the question. So after I felt I had taken from him all the knowledge I could, I put him out of his misery. It was quick and painless." Flash closed his eyes, his brow furrowing as he took a deep, slow breath.

"And my mother?" He asked quietly. Chelicerae's jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed.

"Unfortunately, she went into shock when I revealed my true form while interrogating your father. I placed her in a cocoon, trying to see if I could stabilize her, but the trauma she had suffered as well as her anguish at losing both you and her husband, in the end, proved too great a strain for her to bear. She took ill, and faded away after a few weeks. There was nothing I could do." Flash opened his eyes, casting his gaze to the floor as he slowly nodded his head.

"What was her name?" he asked, his voice barely audible.

"Natasha," she softly replied, "Would you like to see a picture of her?" Flash raised his head, staring at her for a moment before nodding. Chelicerae snapped her fingers, Telson responded by pulling out a white envelope from the inside of his jacket pocket and handing it to her. She pulled out an old photograph, slightly worn around the edges, but still clear and sharp and held it in front of his face.

The picture showed a man standing with a woman who was holding an infant in a white outfit, both of them were standing in some sort of shrine with candles in front of a large white basin on a marble pedestal. The woman was beautiful. She had long, wavy brown hair, clear blue eyes and was wearing a long red dress as she smiled proudly at the camera. The man he assumed was his father was tall and strong, similar to Telson in many ways with neatly trimmed black hair, brown eyes, and wearing a dark suit. His gaze was piercing and his bearing hard. Flash could easily see he had inherited his strong jawline, sharp nose, and other facial features. But it also made it easier to see just how much his adoptive mother's magic had altered his appearance, changing the once dark color of his hair while making his features more streamlined, angled, and hawk-like. It was also apparent that he had his birth mother's clear blue eyes, now starburst with the vibrant violet of his adoptive mother's eyes. I have both of my mothers' eyes. He noted with wonder.

After allowing him to gaze on it for a few moments, Chelicerae withdrew the photo, placing it back in the envelope before tossing it over to the table on her left. She looked down at him as she crossed her arms, "So you see? You're origins are no more noble than any of the humans you've had to confront since you've arrived here. You think I made any of this?" She asked as she gestured around the room. "None of this is really mine, this was all your father's, your inheritance. That night club you destroyed? That was yours. This building we are in is yours." She pointed sharp finger at Ella without even looking at her, "That is yours! This is what you really come from, what your true nature is like. And while it may have been tamed a bit by the Equestrians, if given time here, like me, you will inevitably be no different. It's what you humans are."

Ella remained completely still when the woman had pointed at her, too absorbed in the stunning revelation that Flash was the heir of the very crime organization that had made her life a living hell. What were the odds that of all people, she would be the first one he bumped into? That's some crazy kinda providence if I've ever seen it. She thought. Flash had his head bowed, staring at the floor appearing deep in thought. Don't you believe her Flash, I know you. You're nothing like the scum I've had to endure. You're good! She saw Chelicerae smile slightly as she stared down at him, looking as if she were beginning to taste victory. Flash slowly raised his head and Ella felt her heart soar, he was smiling.

Not a sly, sneering, or defiant smile, but one that looked soft, sympathetic even. His eyes were filled with sorrow, but overall he appeared peaceful. Chelicerae's smile faded and her eyes widened in shock.

"I'm sorry princess," he said calmly, "But you're wrong. We never get to choose our parents, but that doesn't mean we can't choose what we will be like." He sighed, glancing to one side before looking back up at her with a slight frown. "Did you really think you would break me with the truth? It's true, the truth can potentially break you, but I choose to let it improve me. It hurts, yes, but it's only pain, and pain is temporary." The princess' arms slowly dropped to her sides as she unfolded them, but Flash went on.

"I may be my parent's child, but I'm not their son." he said, his eyes now becoming more serious. "I was taken in by the ponies of Equestria. I was raised by a mare who couldn't have loved me any more even if I were her own flesh and blood. I serve and have sworn allegiance to the most kind and benevolent leaders one could ever ask for. These good, blessed creatures, they made me who I am, not my blood. I am not my parents, and I'm nothing like you."

The changeling stared pensively at him, the electric hum of the overhead lights being the only noise in the room as her eyes bore into him. After a few more moments, her gaze narrowed into a glare. "Your lying," she said in a low tone, "You must be, I killed your parents! Admit it, you hate me! You wish you could kill me, I know you do!" She snarled, her voice increasing in volume.

Flash blinked, a bit shocked by her sudden outburst. He was about to answer, when suddenly, it dawned on him. Merciful Maker, she wants me to hate her! She wants me to hate her in order to justify her hatred for... the realization hit him like a kick from Applejack, ...for herself." He had first thought her emotional turbulence throughout their conversation was merely another manipulative ploy, but now he was beginning to understand that there was more to it than that. She hates what she has had to do, what she has become. She's been consumed by guilt and self-loathing. That and being trapped here, it's probably made her more than a little neurotic. And she probably wants me to hate her in order to make it easier for her to hurt me. Sweet Celestia... Flash also realized that this was what she had meant earlier about wondering how far his mercy went.

His thoughts suddenly turned back to the awful knowledge that his parents were dead, his heart throbbed in pain as it had when she had first told him, and his anger at the terrible things she had done began to flare up in him once more. There was definitely a strong temptation to give in to hatred, but, No, he thought, stamping that fire out. I'll never go down that path again. Flash looked back up into her demanding eyes, she appeared to stand somewhere between rage and sorrow. He sighed, as he marshalled his will to act.

"Yes, you killed my parents princess. It was a terrible crime, one that you should answer for and I am heartbroken to learn of it, I will certainly be mourning them. But, that being said," he paused as he looked hard at her for one more moment before finally coming to a decision. "I gave myself over to hatred once," he said, shaking his head. "Never again." His gaze was stern, but he managed a small, sad smile before saying, "I forgive you, Chelicerae." Flash felt the weight that had been threatening to build within him vanish as the words left his mouth.

The princess practically gaped at him, appearing genuinely mystified. As if for the first time in her life, a human did not behave as she expected them to. "You can't mean that..." she whispered. Flash turned his head to one side, baring the side of his neck to her.

"I do, princess. I swear it." Ella felt herself smiling as she watched them. She felt a warm hand close around her forearm and looked up to see Telson staring, utterly captivated by the scene, no longer able to conceal the wonder and delight in his eyes. Ella smiled, understanding that he probably hadn't even realized what he was doing.

"Princess, I don't think that you actually wanted to do any of the terrible things you have done," Flash said in a sympathetic tone. "I think you did them because you believed that you had to in order to carry out your Queen's demands. It was still wrong, you've done inexcusable things but, I don't think that you are actually evil. Please, let me help you."

Her eyes wavered, her mouth opened and then closed as if she wanted to say something but couldn't. A deep longing and sadness appeared in her slitted eyes and for just a second, Flash thought he might actually be reaching her. But as quickly as that thought came, it vanished as her face was suddenly twisted by rage.

Chelicerae seized him painfully by his hair and yanked his head back, glaring down into his face, "I don't need your help," she snapped, "I need to complete my mission!" Ella flinched in shock at the sudden and violent shift in her tone and body language, she was pretty sure Telson did the same.

"And you're going to do exactly as I say, or so help me, I'm going to-"

"But there is no more mission!" Flash shouted back, cutting her off. His eyes watered as she tightened her grip and moved her face closer to his, he could feel her breath on his skin.

"What are you saying? Be careful little Equestrian, my respect for your father will only protect you so much," she said in a dangerous tone.

"I'm saying that everything's changed! The hive, Equestria, everything!" Her eyes narrowed to slits,

"And Queen Chrysalis?" Flash swallowed, knowing that his next words could very well be his last.

"She, she is no longer queen."

If he had spat in her face, she could not have been more insulted. The changeling princess actually had to restrain herself from snapping his neck for that blasphemy then and there. Impossible...she thought, but he wasn't lying, she could see it in his eyes, emotions, and feel it in his pulse. At the very least, he believed what he was saying to her to be true. She held him for a moment longer before releasing him, and taking a step back. A few strands of his glimmering platinum hair falling from her hand. She glowered at him in barely restrained fury.


Flash shook his head once and took a breath to steady himself. Starting with a brief summary of his life in Equestria, Flash recounted for her the changeling assault on Canterlot nearly four years ago, Chrysalis' revealing of herself and her defeat. He then went on to lay out her second attempt to take over Equestria less than six months ago, and finally, the metamorphosis and her expulsion from the hive.

Both changelings listened with rapt attention, neither one even so much as moved a muscle as he recounted everything for them. When he had finally finished, Chelicerae just stood there, her expression inscrutable, completely masking the sheer panic exploding within her mind. She attacked without me...she acted, WITHOUT ME! I'm too late! She has been betrayed! Usurped! AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!! Mother... The pain was too much to bear. Her countenance finally broke, she groaned, her eyes clenched shut and her teeth ground together as she grabbed the sides of her head. "No...no, no, NO!!!!" she screamed, Flash winced as the blasting volume of her voice hurt his sensitive ears.

"Mistress..." Telson murmured, his voice trembling slightly. Ella couldn't believe what she was seeing, he appeared afraid. Chelicerae's hands dropped and her head snapped to him, her flawless face now a wreck of anger, panic, and despair. She looked at her faithful companion with baleful eyes.

I can't even keep my promises to him... She looked back at Flash, filled with rage. "This changes nothing!" she screamed as she got in his face and grabbed his lower jaw with bruising strength. "All this means is that I have an additional objective. I will kill this usurper Thorax and every traitor who follows him! And you, my little Equestrian, are going to help me do it!"

Flash shook his head loose from her grip, "To what end princess?! Didn't you hear what I told you? About how the changelings are now happy and at peace with us? How they no longer have to be starving all the time?" Ella saw a look of longing appear in Telson's eyes as Flash spoke. "Please! I'm begging you your highness! Let go of this dead scheme! Come home with me! Come, and you will see," he pleaded.

Stars exploded across his vision as she backhanded him, hard, across the face nearly knocking him to the floor. His head swam and pounded with pain as the blow aggravated his concussion. Ow... was all he could think; his ears were ringing. When the princess spoke again, her voice sounded far away for a moment.

"If the Queen spurned this transformation, then so do I!" Flash shook his head, just managing to get upright again as his hearing began to return. His whole body felt like one giant bruise as he looked up at her furious face. "Time's up Michail, tell me how to use the gate-key!" She yelled with ever increasing fury. He stared back at her, remaining defiantly silent.

Her lips curled into a snarl, "You really want to go there?! Fine! We'll do this the hard way." The princess snapped her gaze over to Ella, "Telson!" The large man grimaced ever so slightly as he turned and looked down at Ella who shrank back from him, her eyes fearful. His gaze was soft and sad as he could taste her bitter fear, he hated that she was looking at him that way.

"I'm sorry, small one," he said as he firmly grabbed onto the upper portion of her left arm, "But it's no longer up to me."

"I know, it's okay," she whispered as she offered him no resistance. Telson felt her words break his heart.

Why is it that rare and beautiful things can never last? He asked himself as he stood Ella in front of him gripping both of her shoulders, facing her towards his mistress. Telson saw panic fly across the young officer's face. He yanked at his bonds.

"No! Leave her alone! She has nothing to do with-" Chelicerae cut him off with a kick to his gut, doubling him over and knocking the wind out of him. Flash writhed in agony, unable to inhale because of the shock to his diaphragm.

"Last chance Michail," he heard her say. "Tell me what I want to know, or I'll have Telson start pulling pieces off her." He finally gasped and coughed, struggling to regain his breath. He now knew he had no choice, I have to tell her...

"COWARD!!!" Ella's voice echoed inside the confined space. All heads turned to look at her as she glared furiously at Chelicerae. She couldn't take it anymore, she had held her tongue long enough, and Flash needed her help.

"What was that?" The princess asked bemusedly, appearing a bit surprised.

"You heard me! I call you coward!" Ella shouted back as the changeling turned and began walking towards her, but she didn't care. "I know your type Chel, too gutless to do your own dirty-work so you force others to do it for you! Princess? Don't make me laugh, you're anything but! I've known crack-whores with more dignity!" Chelicerae's knuckles cracked as her hands clenched into fists. Ella felt a bit giddy, almost laughing out loud, Wow, I'm about to die. Worth it... she thought with grim resolve as she smiled defiantly at this monster who now stood in front of her, simmering with murderous rage.

A few tense moments passed as the two females stared each other down, waiting for the other to flinch. Chelicerae broke into a dangerous smile, "You know, Telson's quite taken by you," she said as Ella took notice of her slitted pupils. "At first, I couldn't imagine why. But now I think I see what he was talking about, you have spirit little girl. A rarity among all the sniveling worms in this world."

"You should get out more Chel, there are good people out there, people like Flash."

"Interesting. So tell me, give me one good reason why I shouldn't crush your skull right now?" Ella smirked,

"Please Chel, I've been thrown into a world of magic and monsters, you'll hafta do better than empty threats if you want to scare me at this point." The princess smiled broader, revealing a pair of fangs. Ella felt herself flinch slightly, but Telson held her firmly by the shoulders.

"Is that right?" Chelicerae asked, her voice sounded distorted. It was as if she were speaking with an additional set of vocal chords. "Alright little girl, Let's try it your way. Just give me a second, allow me to slip into something a little more terrifying," she yelled as she took a step back. Heatless green flames suddenly leapt out from beneath her feet and began crawling up her legs, licking away her skin to reveal a black, chitinous shell underneath. Ella felt her eyes widen, her stomach sinking as the impossible unfolded before her.

Is this really happening...? Flash was shouting something to her, but she couldn't hear him, he sounded so far away. Ella felt her mind grow numb in response to the horror now raising its grotesque head in front of her as a loud buzzing filled the air. Somewhere someone was screaming, it sounded terrible. It took her a second to realize that the screaming was coming from her.

"ELLA DON'T LOOK AT HER EYES!!!" Flash screamed as Chelicerae's disguised burned away revealing her true form. Now finally exposed, Flash was able to finally see what she really looked like. In many ways, she looked very similar to Chrysalis, with the same emerald eyes and same color mane, though hers was curiously streaked with a few blood-red highlights. She was also a bit smaller, about two-thirds her height. Her horn was straight with a single jagged angle running through its length; shorter than the queen's, but longer than any drone's. Her form was slender and elegant, but a bit more robust from so many years of being well-fed. She also had fewer holes running through her legs and wings.

Ella stopped screaming as she involuntarily tried to scramble backwards, pressing her back into Telson's chest. Chelicerae was obviously delighted by her reaction, casting a glance back at Flash. "Didn't you tell her about us?" She asked as she chuckled, her undisguised voice reverberating in her throat.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Flash screamed while yanking on his chains so hard that the cuffs bit into his skin. He desperately reached for his magic, trying to charge a lighting bolt, but succeeded in only creating a few sparks which popped randomly off of his body, his mind still felt heavy as the venom continued to suppress his magic.

The princess laughed again as she turned back to Ella, "Oh how I never get tired of the uninitiated's reaction to this. So what do you think little girl? Are you scared yet?" Ella screamed an expletive and kicked out with her heel, catching Chelicerae in the chest. It felt like just a tap against her chitin, but it still surprised her. "Oh ho! You still have some spunk!" She remarked as she rubbed the spot with her hoof. Telson pulled her back and pushed her down on her knees, dropping to one himself so that he could maintain his grip on her shoulders without having to bend over.

Ella managed to get ahold of herself, even though her heart felt like it would explode as it hammered away at her ribs. It's real! SHE'S REAL! It's not that she didn't believe Flash, but what he told her had never felt real. Flash's displays of superhuman speed, strength, and other feats of magic that she had seen were indeed wondrous to behold, but he was still human. Now though, now that she could see a creature from his world, it made it all so very real. Chel looked like something straight out of a nightmare. But despite her monstrous appearance, there was still something inherently attractive about her. Something definitively feminine, a dark and forbidding beauty that sent shivers through her. Like an exquisite oil painting that was captivating to behold even if what it portrayed was terrifying.

"How much did Michail tell you about us? Did he tell you what we eat?" Chelicerae said with a smile that revealed more of her sharp teeth. Ella remembered that was the last question she had asked him before they were interrupted by Damian. She trembled as a forked tongue flicked out from between the changeling's fangs, tasting the air like a snake.

"No Chel, DON'T! PLEASE!" Flash yelled behind her, but she ignored him.

"You know, I was planning on saving you for dessert, but why wait any longer?" Ella felt herself suddenly becoming lost in her green eyes. They seemed so large, so captivating. She wanted to tear herself away from their gaze, but it felt like she was falling into them. She began to feel sleepy, a bit warm and comfortable as if a large, soft blanket was slowly being drawn up over her.

What's happening...? Ella thought, her mind felt heavy and slow. Flash was yelling again, but he sounded so far away, like he was yelling through water. Why did he need to yell anyway? This felt so nice...so warm...would it be so bad to just rest a little? After all, she was so tired...

"Now I lay me down to sleep...

Dark, so very dark...

"I pray the Lord my soul to keep...

Where am I? It's cold...

A little girl with golden curls was kneeling by her bedside praying. "If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." She paused, and looked up at her mother who was kneeling beside her. The woman was pale and weak. Her head was wrapped in a cloth because she was sick, which made all of her pretty hair fall off.


"Yes dear?"

"If I ask God, will he make you all better? Will he help you?" Her mother smiled warmly, reaching down to gently stroke her head.

"Oh sweetheart, your prayers always help mommy."

"How? You're always sick, how come don't you get better?"

"Because some things are more important than that my little Ella." The woman scooped her up in her arms and hugged her child close.

"What does that mean?" she asked, hugging her mother back as she rubbed the back of her head.

"While being healthy is nice, it's not the most important thing in this world dearest."

"Then what is mommy?" The woman smiled before looking up at the small Crucifix hanging above her daughter's bed as tears came to her eyes.

"That we love Ella, that we love. That no matter what happens to us, good or bad, whether we are sick or healthy, the most important thing in this life is that we always love." Little Ella looked up at her mother with doe eyes.

"Do I do a good job of loving mommy?" Her mother bent down and kissed her forehead.

"Yes dear, you are the best. You have so much love to give my little Ella. And someday, I know your love will help others just like your love helps me."


...dark...so very, dark...I'm so...cold...where am I...where is...Flash...he needs my help...I need to help him...Flash...wake up...WAKE UP!

Ella screamed savagely as she snapped out of her trance, thrashing her head from side to side. Chelicerae was in front of her, her horn enveloped in a fell, green light as a stream of pink light flew from Ella's chest and into the changeling's open jaws.

"RAH!" Ella shouted as she managed to get a foot out from underneath her and kick at Chelicerae's face. The changeling princess snapped her jaws shut and yanked her head back, narrowly avoiding being struck. Ella felt the sudden burst of energy fade from her just as quickly as it had appeared as she went limp. She felt exhausted, no, drained. More so than she had ever felt in her entire life. It felt as if she had just been forced to run an entire marathon, but only after being starved for a week. She couldn't even hold her head up as she melted to the floor, the only thing supporting her being Telson's strong hands.

He immediately changed position, placing his large arm underneath her as he cradled her head in the crook of his elbow. Ella weakly looked up at him as he looked down at her, his pale blue eyes were full of worry and concern. Small one... Chelicerae meanwhile wiped her lips off on the back of her hoof.

"Well, well, I didn't expect that!" She said with a small chuckle of amusement. "You broke out of my entrancement spell little girl! You should be proud, no one has ever broken free from my magic! You have an exceptional will." Ella couldn't muster the strength to even reply as she felt herself shaking, it felt difficult to even breath, she could barely keep her eyes open. The changeling princess leaned down to look her in the eye, "You were right my dear, it is so much better to do things yourself sometimes. Now, shall we go again?"

"That's ENOUGH Chel, you're going to kill her!" Flash screamed, "Your quarrel is with me not her! Stop this!" Chelicerae glared back at him,

"I'll stop when you tell me what I want Michail!" she snapped, "Now let's try this again little girl-"

"OKAY IT'S ME! I'M THE KEY!" Flash screamed at the top of his voice. Chelicerae slowly straightened up and turned around to look at him cocking her head inquisitively to one side. "You win," he said, nearly breaking down, "Just, leave her alone, leave her alone..."

"Tell me what that means," she demanded. So Flash briefly explained to her how when he had first appeared in Equestria, he was hit by lightning. It was how he had obtained his magic, and why the gate-key was now connected to him and how only he could now use it. Chelicerae slowly walked towards him until she towered over him, the gate-key glinting as it dangled from her neck.

"Do you now comprehend the position that you are in Michail?" she asked in a cold tone. "What happens to her from now on, is entirely up to you. I will spare her but, disobey me, and she dies. Try to escape, and she dies. Do anything other than exactly what I tell you to do, you so much as displease me, and she dies! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" She shouted down at him.




"SAY YOU UNDERSTAND!" She screamed as she jammed her hoof under his chin and forced him to lock eyes with her.



"I will serve you!"




"I WILL SERVE YOU!!!" Flash screamed so hard that his voice broke, his broken ribs throbbing in agony from the compression of his diaphragm. She flicked his chin away with her hoof and took a step back as he choked back a sob, biting his tongue to prevent himself from breaking down completely. She then gave him a sympathetic look as tears streamed down his face.

"There now, was that so difficult?" She gently asked. Flash couldn't answer her, looking at her with a hopeless, heartbroken expression. "You belong to me now Michail, don't you forget that." She then reached out and placed a hoof on his shoulder as she bent down to look into his eyes, her horn touching the crown of his head. "I don't want to be your enemy Michail, it doesn't have to be this way. I don't want to hurt you, either of you, I never did. I just want to go home, I want to serve my queen, that's all."

Flash couldn't answer her, he felt so mentally wrecked. Disgusted with her because of what she had done to Ella, and at himself for failing to prevent it. The princess' hatred was going to destroy them all. He flinched as she suddenly embraced him with one limb, resting her cheek against his. Surprisingly, her hug felt genuine.

"You should know this," she whispered into his ear so that only he would hear it. "Her love was new, so very fresh and recent. I don't know what you did to make such an impression on her, but all I can say is that you're truly something special child." She then kissed him softly on his cheek before releasing him and stepping away.

"Telson," she said. He looked up at her mournfully from where he was kneeling on the floor, cradling Ella. "Release him."

"Yes mistress," he said as he carefully laid Ella down on the floor where she curled up, shivering uncontrollably. Telson stepped over behind Flash and unlocked his bonds. He fell forward on his hands and knees, feeling incredibly stiff and sore. But that didn't stop him from scrambling over to Ella as quickly as he could and snatching her up in his arms; she trembled against him.

"Ella, Ella can you hear me? I'm so sorry," he wept. She felt so light and looked so pale as she weakly raised her eyes to him and smiled.

"Hey you," she murmured as she slowly lifted a hand to brush a tear from his cheek. "It's okay," she whispered, "I'm here for you." Flash caught a glimmer of green light in his peripheral vision and looked to see Chelicerae back in her human form standing at the doorway, glancing back at him.

"Come along now Michail, we have work to do."

"I'll be right there, princess." He sighed, his submission to her making him feel sick. She nodded once at him before walking out of the room. Telson stepped around Flash and knelt opposite of him and Ella. The three of them stayed that way for some time, their collective sorrow shared by their silence. After a few more moments of this, Telson reached out and placed a hand on Flash's shoulder.

"Go," he said, "I'll bring her along soon, I promise." Flash looked up at him and glared, but quickly softened when he saw how distressed the changeling was.

"It's okay Flash," Ella whispered, "I'll be fine." Flash nodded, taking her hand and squeezing it gently before handing her to Telson.

"Is there anything you can do for her?" He asked.

"I'll do what I can." Telson replied.

Chelicerae rounded the corner as she walked down the basement corridor, the only sound in the grey and white cement hall being the buzz of the fluorescent lights and the clacking of her sharp footfalls. As she moved, she suddenly slowed, and came to a halt. She looked to her right at another grey steel door, she pushed on it and went inside. The lights in the room automatically flickered on, revealing shelf after shelf, row after row, stacked over a hundred feet deep and to the ceiling with weapons and munitions of every kind and caliber: Rifles, ARs, pistols, shotguns, machine guns, grenades, RPGs and more. There were at least four more storage rooms in this building, most of them much larger than this one, all of them absolutely stuffed with weapons. All of it the fruit of years of buying, trading, stealing, murder, trafficking, and utter human misery. The stale smell of gun oil and cordite filled the air as she slowly stepped inside shutting the door behind her.

The princess took one slow step forwards before collapsing against one of the shelves, clinging to it for support with one hand while she use the other to cover her mouth as sobs wracked her whole body. She fell to the floor as her disguise slowly evaporated away in green flames, weeping uncontrollably with loud, gasping sobs. The Queen was in exile, and it was her entirely her fault.

Added to that unbearable agony, was the image now burned into her mind: the haunted, horrified look in Michail's eyes as she threw his mercy and offer of assistance back in his face while she tortured his friend. It summoned an unbidden flood of dark memories, all of the unspeakable things she had done over the years in the name of duty. So much pain, so much suffering and death, all wrapped in the excusing mantle that she was simply acting as any human would. Any human, except this pair. They had proved to her, that they were not all the same after all.

Forgive me?! He forgives me?!! Chelicerae groaned as she ground her face into the cold, hard cement in an attempt to scrape the memories out of her mind. She was so full of love, and yet never felt more empty or alone. I can't do this anymore, I can't do this!!!" She raised her head, staring up at the lifeless ceiling, tears streaming down her face as she cried out in a weak voice, "Mother...mother! Please, help me! What do I do? What should I do?" Her ears flicked forward, straining to catch the sound of any reply, but no reply came, none ever did. The night was deep, and she was alone.

Author's Note:

"You have heard it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father." -Matthew 5:43-45
There is a story behind every enemy, behind every bad person. Never write them off, never dismiss them altogether. Only love can heal the broken, for it was love that made us in the first place.
I just so happened to complete this chapter on my birthday, and I couldn't be happier to do so. Keep each other close my friends during these dark times, for only by loving one another, will we ever bring healing to our world.
A special thanks to my friend and storyteller extraordinaire Antiquarian for allowing me to borrow a bit of the Equestrian theology he created for his story, "A 14th Century Friar in Celestia's Court"
If you haven't taken a look at it already, I highly recommend it.
Also credit to my friend Handyman for the original head canon he came up with on how Changelings swear allegiance in his delightful read, "Bad Mondays."
Peace and God's blessings to you all!