• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 5,218 Views, 568 Comments

Brighter Horizons - Destiny Chaser

A Human raised in Equestria by Pegasi. Oh, and he has their inherent magic. Have fun!

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Conflicts of Interest

Ella shifted slightly as Telson laid her gently down upon the small double bed, the strong changeling moving her as if she were made of glass, so that she was resting on her right side, her head supported by one of the pillows. She felt so weak that each breath felt like a great labor. She managed to keep her eyes open as Telson had urged her not to go to sleep. She found herself in a small bedroom that she was pretty sure was his own private quarters and took the opportunity to have a small glance into the changeling’s personal life.

The room was a little small which seemed odd considering his great size, but was extremely neat and well-maintained. The sheets and blankets she was lying on were drawn tight and crisp. A small lamp sitting on a small dresser did its best to cast some light into the room which seemed particularly dark, with the curtains drawn fast over the large windows. There was a bookshelf in the far corner filled with literature. She noticed one shelf in particular that was devoted to an assortment of philosophical texts, the writings of Aristotle, Plato, and even Nietzsche to name a few. She even spotted a bible which struck her as a bit curious considering he was not from this world. The walls were clean and white and adorned with various pictures and pieces of art. Most of the pictures were simple images from nature: a cloud in a blue sky, a white flower, a single tree on a grassy plain.

Guess there’s not a whole lot of nature out here in the city. Ella thought as her eyes moved on to some of the art. The art was mostly oil paintings of the classical variety, but what caught her attention in particular was the large display of Our Mother of Perpetual Help which seemed to dominate the center of them. Ella thought it strange that a creature from another world would have a religious image from this world. She remembered how her mother had a smaller one on her nightstand, the image of the frightened Christ child being comforted by his Mother had always brought her comfort. Maybe he finds some kind of comfort in it as well? Ella wondered.

The truth was, that even after all that had happened to her, even though she wasn't exactly sure what Chelicerae had done to her, somehow consuming her energy, she felt very much at peace, and felt no desire to hate the changeling princess. She couldn’t explain it yet, but when the princess had fed off of her, something strange had happened, something she could not yet describe. During that moment, Ella for some reason had both seen and felt the other’s misery and self-loathing, like she had a window into the other’s soul.

Beneath all the anger and malice, she saw incredible suffering and pain all wrapped in an incredible sense of single-minded devotion to duty. It had caused a pang of empathy to arise within her heart, a sorrow for this wretched creature that was suffering as she had recently been suffering. It was at that time that she realized that Flash was right about her, she truly did not wish to do the terrible things she has done and was at present being consumed with regret.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Telson placed a soft, midnight-blue blanket over her, carefully tucking in the sides as if she were a child. Despite his stoic features, Ella could easily see the hurt, worry, and concern in his eyes, and she found her heart going out to him, touched that this creature had come to care so much about her. The large man paused, turning to stare at her in wonder as he sensed the emotions suddenly being directed at him, his face confused as if he were trying to understand how she could feel that way towards him, how was he deserving of her sympathy? She could see it on his face, the question he wished to ask, Why?

It was a fair question. After all, he was one of the individuals partially responsible for her suffering and misery, even if indirectly. But things were different now. Ella no longer wanted to dwell on her ugly past, what would that do anyway besides make her miserable and hateful? After all, she now had something she hadn’t had in a long time, someone who cared about her, someone kind and compassionate, she had Flash; and now it seemed, Telson as well. She felt liberated by that reality and decided that she would much rather focus on the good she now had before her rather than on the ugliness behind her. That was the far happier choice. Still, the changeling wanted an answer. He had yet to so much as move, nailed to the spot he stood by shock and wonder, so Ella decided to ask him what she knew he wanted to ask her.

“Why Telson?” She whispered, her voice weak. He swallowed apprehensively,

“Why what small one?” He asked back, though he knew full well what she had meant. Ella smiled at his hesitancy before saying,

“Why do you care about me? What makes me so special to you?” Telson sighed, his large shoulders drooping slightly before he slowly dropped down to his knees next to the bed so that she would not have to turn her head as much to look at him. He was quiet for a beat, appearing pensive before his pale blue eyes flicked to hers.

"Where I come from," he began softly, "My kind have always been misjudged. We are the monsters in the dark of which parents warn their children, the terror of nightmares, the thing under the bed." Telson paused for a moment, glancing away before meeting Ella's eyes once more. "Yes, that reputation is not completely undeserved, we are a predatory race after all, and we have done things in the past that are regretful. But we didn't do so because we're monsters, it's only because..."

"You're hungry." Ella finished for him, remembering Flash's words. Telson nodded sadly.

"All the time." He softly replied. His eyes gained a certain conviction, "I hated that we were so misjudged, only because we had to steal what others freely receive. And so I made a vow: Never would I treat any creature as we have been treated, never would I rashly judge another. When I came among you humans, it would have been so easy to do so, to hate you as my Mistress does. There was so much wickedness and despicable behavior. But I wouldn't, surely there had to be some among you who were different than the criminals we lived among?" Ella blinked as she listened, amazed at the nobility of his heart that he was now baring to her. Telson smiled as he ever so gently reached to brush back a lock of her hair that had fallen across her forehead.

"And you were my reward, small one. After so long a time, you showed me, that I had not hoped in vain."

"How? What did I do?" Ella asked with wonder. Telson smiled warmly at her,

"Because you chose to stay." He replied. Telson saw her still a bit confused so he continued, "You could have escaped during my fight with Michail. For all you knew, I was there to kill you both, you didn't stand a chance. But you stayed, risking your very life, and only for the sake of another." He paused as he seemed to savor the memory, "I've never seen a human do that before, but it was what I had been waiting for. You showed me that humans could be selfless, that there is something noble about you after all, and that I was not wrong in the vow I had made in refusing to condemn another race." Telson stared at her, the look on his face part possessive, part admiration. "That is why I care small one, because in this dark world, you gave me hope."

Ella gazed at him in wonder, trying to process his words and the reason behind his feelings for her, not sure what to think. All she did know, was that she was truly amazed at his noble convictions that formed his personal code of honor. He's like a knight in shining armor. She mused. "Telson, what is it that your kind is so hungry for? What did your princess do to me?" The disguised changeling's expression suddenly appeared as one wounded, but he answered her questions.

"Love, small one. We consume love. The energy given off by another's will. We can consume most any good emotion, but it is love, that free-willing of another's happiness, that is the most powerful and nourishing of all. We cannot live without it, and yet we are always starving for it. Because who is going to love a monster?"

Ella's heart was moved with pity for him, Love? They're hungry for love?! That's what they need?! The thought almost brought tears to her eyes. Telson continued,

"Normally, we feed passively from love that is freely offered when we disguise ourselves as another creature's beloved. It is deceitful, yes, but the most effective way to obtain what we need. And since it is freely given, it does little to no harm to the one we take from, just as a bee does no harm to the flower when it draws nectar from it." He paused for a moment, sighing as he continued. "However, it is active feeding, the forceful taking another's love, whatever love may be present in a creature's heart, what my Mistress unfortunately did to you, that can do terrible harm. It's like ripping the flower out of the ground and chewing it up." He said before sorrowfully adding, "I am so sorry."

Ella could see the remorse and conflict in Telson's eyes, how he was torn between his code of honor and his loyalty to Chelicerae. He did not wish to harm her, but neither would he disobey his Mistress either. He was truly one caught between a rock and a hard place and her heart went out to him. After a moment of consideration, she came to a decision, one that she hoped would help them both.

"Telson," she whispered, "Let me see you." His eyes went wide with surprise and alarm. No creature had ever made such an intimate request of him before, he didn't know what to say. As much as he wanted to show her, he remained hesitant. She was already so weak and he was fearful of what any further shock could do to her. He eyed her nervously,

"I do not think that is wise," He said while shaking his head. "I don't want you to be afraid of me any more than you already are." He said, wincing at the memory of her momentary fear of him back in the interrogation room. She could understand his concern, seeing Chelicerae for the first time had almost scared her to death. But she had been trying to frighten her, Telson wasn't. Ella smiled at him,

"I'm not afraid of you." She said. Telson almost gaped as he felt a warm wave of her compassion accompany her words. She really meant it! The changeling took a breath, leaning back slightly with his hands resting against the edge of the bed for a moment before he acquiesced to her request. Ella jumped slightly as a burst of green flames rushed around him, stripping off his disguise and leaving him in his natural form.

She took a moment to gaze in wonder at the alien creature now before her. He was shorter than Chelicerae, about four feet tall by her estimate, four and a half if she counted his curved horn. His chitin was black and glossy like the princess's, but with an ocean blue shell on his back from which protruded insect-like wings. He was stocky, and more robust than her. Broader in the shoulders and deeper in the chest with a sharp, curved horn positioned on the top of his head and large white fangs protruding from his upper jaw. Large blue eyes that glowed with a soft luminescence squinted slightly with a worried expression, his tattered ears folded back against his head as he awaited her reaction.

Even though bugs did creep her out, any reservations Ella might have had were easily disarmed by Telson's vulnerability and how open he was being with her. If anything, she thought he looked kind of cute despite his admittedly fearsome appearance.

"Do I frighten you, small one?" He quietly asked. Ella smiled softly at him,

"No. I'm not afraid." She whispered back. Telson's wings gave a happy buzz in response, overjoyed as he was that for the first time in his life, a creature other than another changeling was looking upon him without judgement, without fear.

Ella slowly pulled a hand out from under her blanket, the movement requiring real effort in her weakened state as she curiously reached out to him. Telson flinched slightly at first before gently leaning into her hand, allowing her to stroke the side of his head, a chittering purr emitting from his throat as he delighted in the unique contact. Ella moved her hand to gently rub behind one of his ears, his shell felt like hard leather, and was slightly warm to the touch. Never imagined meeting Flash would lead to something like this. She thought, almost chuckling out loud.

The changeling lowered his head between his hooves, resting it on the mattress next to her, sighing as he allowed her affection to wash over him, affection that had not required him to deceive in order to receive, another first. Even though it was being freely offered, he wouldn't dare feed off of her, not in her weakened state. Still, he couldn't help but flick out the tip of his forked tongue briefly for a small taste of her love, which was indescribably good to say the least.

Telson felt the conflict within him increasing, his feelings for her were growing from mere protective admiration to downright reverence. She was a treasure, a diamond among rocks, a rarity of incomparable worth. I can't hurt her again... He thought sadly, feeling like he would rather tear off his own wings than commit such a sacrilege.

Telson recalled what Flash had told them, how the changelings had transformed and were no longer starving and miserable, it sounded like a dream beyond compare. And all it had required was for them to share their love, which on its face, seemed absurd. How can anyling give away the very thing keeping them alive and not die? It was a leap of faith unlike any he had ever considered, but could it actually be true?

Flash had believed so at the very least, the human hadn't been lying, that much he was certain. The words, He who loses his life will save it... suddenly came to his mind, he recalled reading that in a human religious text at some point.

Even if I could, who should I share it with? His thoughts immediately went to the young human currently scratching behind his ear. Her...I could give it to her. She's so weak right now, it would restore her strength. I...no! He still wasn't certain if such an action wouldn't kill him, certainly weaken him severely at the very least. And he was not allowed to die without permission. After all, his life did not belong to him. It belonged to his Queen, it belonged to his Mistress.

"Telson," he raised his eyes to her face, his expression sad but curious. Ella stopped moving her hand but kept it resting against the side of his head. She looked him dead on, her expression surprisingly fierce while remaining sympathetic. He was a bit taken aback by the strength of her spirit which, despite what she had suffered, remained undimmed, unbroken. If anything, it seemed stronger. Her eyes narrowed, "Help us."

"I can't." He said.

"Help us please!" She repeated. Telson shook his head,

"I cannot! I must obey my Mistress, she needs me." Ella clenched her jaw as she fought off another wave of lightheadedness.

"Then help her too!" Ella exclaimed, the effort causing her vision to swim. "You know better than I do that she hates what she has become! She's going to destroy herself, and us with her! If you truly care for her, and I know that you do, then help her find another way. Didn't you see how she reacted when Flash forgave her? How close it came to changing her?"

Telson gritted his teeth as he squeezed his eyes shut. He knew that she was right, that the Mistress had a poison in her heart that was slowly destroying her. His own heart had soared when Flash had shown her mercy because he knew that it had been exactly what she had needed the most, that it was the antidote for the blackness that was slowly consuming her soul and mind, ruining the beautiful creature she once was.

It used to be different, she was so different. Princess Chelicerae, daughter of the Queen. First changeling queen born to the hive in countless generations. To him had been given the honor of being assigned to her as her guardian, a duty that he had fulfilled with religious fervor, keeping careful watch over her since she was a nymph and he was but a young drone. He remembered those days fondly. She was so bright and eager, so enthusiastic and curious about life. She was a bright light in the hive, always happiest when she could help her fellow hive mates and make life better for them.

Telson had never sired any offspring of his own, but she had more than filled that hole in his heart. She was his little daystar, his life, his purpose. He swore that he would never leave her side, that he would always be there for her, and that he would die to protect her. He had always thought that he could protect her from anything, anything that is, until they had arrived in this world, where he learned that there were some evils that he couldn't protect her from, the evils that were chosen.

Telson had been forced to watch the bright light that was his little daystar slowly fade, the joyful soul she once was sour and grow colder the longer she had been here, becoming violent and hateful to all around her. He had done his very best to support her, to try to give her hope by always being there for her, but now it all seemed hopeless. The princess was standing before the yawning maw of despair and madness, about to fall in and be swallowed up forever. He could not, must not allow that to happen!

Mistress... But what could he do? If they continued forward with her current intent, the princess would surely be destroyed. And was it not his primary mission to protect her? But to disobey her, the very thought of it made him want to retch. The conflict within him was so strong that it felt like his carapace would split asunder. Telson's eyes snapped open, looking hard into the face of the young human female who had given him hope.

"I don't know what to do..." He murmured, completely at a loss for the first time since being in this world. Order had always been so clear to him, but now it seemed that there was no way forward, every decision was the wrong one. Ella nodded to him in sympathy, the emotion feeling like a soothing balm on his conflicted soul. She tenderly stroked the side of his face,

"What does your heart tell you to do Telson?" The changeling stared at her, his eyes going wide for a moment.

My heart? No one had ever asked him what he cared about before, but he instantly knew what that was. My daystar...It is my duty to protect her, even if that means protecting her from...herself. He thought, his eyes narrowing in renewed determination as he now understood what he must do. Ella smiled at him as she could see him coming to a decision. Telson smiled back, nuzzling her arm for a brief moment before saying,

"I will not disobey her, but I will find a way to help you small one, in a way that also helps my Mistress." He said as he turned his head, baring the side of his neck to her. "I swear it."

"Thank you Telson." Ella whispered as she scratched behind his ear, eliciting another happy buzz and chittering purr from him which caused her to giggle a little. Their hope was one, and the night suddenly did not seem so terribly dark.

Author's Note:

Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are. -St. Augustine
Peace and God's blessings to you all!
Good to be here again, even if only briefly. This particular chapter, while smaller than usual, was near to my heart and I thought it deserved to stand on its own.
It took a bit longer to get out given my present location, but I hope it was worth the wait. Continue to persevere my friends, never surrender your hope!