• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 5,231 Views, 568 Comments

Brighter Horizons - Destiny Chaser

A Human raised in Equestria by Pegasi. Oh, and he has their inherent magic. Have fun!

  • ...

Growing Up

Six years earlier.

“C’mon Flash, you said that you would help us out with the next game!” Slipstream flapped in place outside of the second-story window of the cloud-house, the young colt folding his hooves across his chest in frustration, his alien friend sitting at a desk bent over a book with a quill twirling in his fingers. Flash Skies didn’t even bother to look up from his studies, so absorbed as he was in his reading, the bright afternoon sun providing the perfect lighting.

“Pestering me won’t make me finish any faster, Slipstream.” A few days after their fight all of those years ago, Slipstream had unexpectedly shown up at Flash’s front door to personally apologize for all of the hurtful things he had said. Flash had responded by throwing his arms around the young pegasus in a forgiving embrace, the two of them developing into fast friends ever since. Soon after Sunset Shimmer had left, Flash had been overjoyed to discover that a study packet, the first of many, began to arrive in the mail. They included books and notes on various subjects, a collection of specially prepared lessons assembled in advance by his teacher continued to arrive one week after another, allowing him to continue his education from home. Some of the lessons even included small, personal notes from her commenting on the importance of the subject, giving suggestions, and offering him encouragement. His love for her had swelled alongside the sorrow that she was still gone. Nevertheless, he was determined to carry on in his studies, both to honor her efforts and in order to prepare himself for what he was certain was his calling, to be an Equestrian Royal Guard.

Slipstream huffed and placed his hooves on the windowsill, leaning into the room to get his friend's attention. “Look, Rainbow Dash’s team has been killing us in the last several rounds of capture the flag. Every time we’ve asked you for help you’ve been “busy”. Chopping wood, doing homework, always something.”

“Uh huh…” Flash said absentmindedly as he scribbled down a note on a spare scroll. Slipstream scowled before using his wings to flap a gust of wind inside, scattering papers from the desk. “Hey!” Flash glared at him as he scrambled to snatch papers out of the air.

“Hey yourself!” Slipstream retorted. “Look, will you be there or not?” Flash stared a moment longer at the charcoal-grey pegasus, his electric-yellow mane as vibrant and frazzled as ever. His cutie-mark had come in not long after Flash’s own, an image of a white-knight chess piece. He sighed in resignation.

“Fine…yes! I’ll be there, okay?! Now beat it ya buzzard!” Slipstream grinned as he backed out of the window frame.

“I’ll hold you to that, Flash. Otherwise, I’m going to put a storm cloud in your bed again!” Slipstream turned and darted off at high-speed, purposefully creating another gust that blew papers around Flash’s room, again.

“Lousy, no-good…” The boy angrily grumbled to himself as he bent down and began to gather up his scattered notes again. He couldn’t help but smile sheepishly as he felt a little bit of regret for putting off his friends for so long. Yeah, I guess I kinda deserved that. It’s not like he meant to put them off, he was simply anxious to be completely caught up in his studies, especially since he had received a summons from Princess Celestia last week to meet her in Canterlot tomorrow. He had his hopeful suspicions as to why she wanted to meet, but it had been so long since he had seen her in person and he wanted to make sure that he would be ready for any kind of questions she might have for him about his studies and other ongoing events. Whatever the case, Flash couldn’t wait to see her again.

As he finished stacking the paper on his desk, he caught sight of himself in the full-length mirror on his closet door. He was wearing a black shirt that had an image of his grey shield and lightning bolt cutie mark on the chest. Flash couldn’t help but admire how he was beginning to fill out with some muscle. All of that chopping and hauling wood for Burnt Oak over the years, in addition to his other exercises, were really beginning to pay off. Alright, that’s enough preening for now…He thought, mentally chastising himself. A sudden glint of pink in the distance caught the attention of his hawk-like vision; another trait he had inherited from his mother. Filled with elation, Flash turned and immediately sprinted at near super-sonic speed, scattering his notes once more as he ran downstairs and out the front door to greet his mother returning from her morning shift of cloud-busting.

He waited eagerly on their front lawn, which he had made sure to smooth earlier with the lawn condenser. Bright Skies waved as she picked up some speed, quickly closing the distance before alighting with a few back-flaps in front of him. “Hi mom! How are you?” He said as she returned his hug, which now required her to rear up on her hind legs as her 'little' colt was now a foot taller than her; she could not believe how big he was getting. Bright Skies kissed him on the cheek and he kissed her's as they parted,

“Oh, I’m doing just fine sweetheart,” She replied with a happy smile. “Did you have a good morning?” She asked while beaming brightly at him.

“Yes! I’m all caught up on my lessons and I’ll be ready to go see the Princess tomorrow!” Flash said pumping his fist in triumph.

“Well, I’m happy to hear that. I got done with my shift early and thought I’d come home so we could have lunch together. I’m thinking grilled cheese and tomato soup, how about you?” She said while raising a sly eyebrow, knowing that was another one of his favorites. Flash’s eyes practically sparkled.

“Oh, sweet heavenly Celestia! Could this day get any better?! Yo-” Bright Skies blinked in sudden shock as her son instantly vanished before her eyes with a loud ‘whump’ in a streak of rainbow light. She looked to her right to see a familiar, cyan-blue filly with a rainbow main and tail sitting on top of Flash who was now face-down in the cloud-bank almost 50 feet away. Rainbow Dash shook her head to clear it as she glanced back at Bright Skies with an unapologetic grin.

“Oh, hey Miss B’! How are you?” She said in her scratchy voice. Bright Skies rolled her eyes and sighed.

“I guess it will be three for lunch today…” she said as she turned and trotted through the front door and into her house. Some muffled grumbling caused Rainbow Dash to look back down at her friend pinned beneath her hooves; she leaned down closer to listen.

“What’s that? You need to speak up Flash, I can’t hear you.” She chuckled as she leaned in closer. She was then startled as an arm suddenly shot back and hooked around her neck, yanking her with a twist as her captive rolled her over. “Hey!”

“…the big idea…think you can crash into me AT OVER 400 KNOTS?! EAT CLOUD VAPOR!” Flash screamed as he shoved her face into the clouds. Rainbow Dash struggled a moment before breaking free and rolling away from him.

“Oh, look who can’t take a joke, you overgrown monkey, I'd bet even Fluttershy could have dodged that!” She said as she crouched with her wings spread.

“Dodge this!” Flash shouted as he tackled her, the two of them now grappling across the clouds in an attempt to pin the other.

“Got you now!”

“No you don’t!”

“Blue buzzard!”

“Furless freak!”

"Who's a freak?!"

“OW! Hey! No biting!” Flash finally got the upper hand, grabbing one of her hind legs and leaning back against it, pinned her against the clouds. “Alright! Uncle!” Rainbow Dash finally shouted after struggling a moment before tapping out. Flash released her and fell back onto his elbows, spitting out a blue feather from his mouth with a loud ‘puh!’ They sat still for a moment, each panting in an attempt to catch their breath.

“Ha! My point!” Flash said triumphantly as he sat up. Rainbow Dash got to her hoofs as she shook herself off, flapping her wings a few times before folding them.

“Yeah…fine.” She huffed before glancing back at him with a smirk. “The score’s still mine though, seven to four!”

“No way!” Flash angrily objected, “It should only be six to four!” The smug pegasus shook her head.

“Nope. You were totally unprepared when I tackled you, that counts as a point in my favor.” Flash sprang to his feet.

“That’s not fair! That was a totally underhoofed attack!” Rainbow Dash flicked her mane dismissively.

“You should be ready for anything ‘Mr. Wannabe a Royal Guard someday.’” Flash growled as he crossed his arms.

“Ugh, fine. It’ll just make it that much sweeter when I kick your flank in capture the flag later.” His friend turned and slowly sauntered up to him, a sly grin on her lips.

“Oh? Is that so? Wanna bet on it?”

“Anything you care to lose?” He retorted. Rainbow Dash was silent for a moment before locking eyes with him, a mischievous look spreading across her face.

“Alright then, if my team wins, you have to scratch my ears for an hour!” She smiled smugly, confident that he would never take such a steep gamble; she was mistaken.

“Fine!” Flash replied without hesitation. “And if my team wins you forfeit your current lead and I am the winner for this month.”

“Deal!” Rainbow Dash put her hoof out and Flash bumped it with his fist.

“Deal.” He suddenly bolted past her towards his house. “Last one to lunch is a rotten apple!”

“Hey!” She shouted as she immediately took off after him.

Celestia’s sun settled lower on the horizon as the day grew late, orange rays illuminated the sky casting the City of Cloudsdale in a warm glow. Several Pegasi were still out enjoying the cool evening air; they barely took notice of the strange pair lounging together on a small cloud on the outskirts of town.

“Mmmm…oh yeah…right there…” Rainbow Dash groaned as she twisted her neck to push a particular spot behind her left ear into her friend’s hand. Flash was leaning back against her barrel as she laid behind him; his left arm resting on her neck as he methodically scratched her left ear before slowly switching to the other. He rolled his eyes as he looked out over the city, his legs dangling carefree as his bare-feet kicked lazily over the edge of the cloud they were sitting on.

“Yeah, yeah…enjoy it while you can…lousy, feather-brained, speed-demon…” Flash grumbled under his breath. Rainbow Dash’s eyes were closed as she dozed in and out of consciousness.

“I heard that…” She mumbled, too content to care though. “Not my fault for being the coolest and the fastest.” Flash scoffed slightly but decided to let it go; besides it was a nice evening, he was with his best friend, and he was seeing Celestia tomorrow; all in all, not too shabby. He took a moment to enjoy the beautiful view of his hometown from above. As he looked on, Flash caught sight of a pair of pegasi, a young mare and stallion, flitting about each other high above them like two robins in spring time. The yellow mare with a ruby-red mane darted behind a cloud before peaking out over it in a teasing manner. The midnight-blue stallion with a white, short-cropped mane eagerly pursued her, plopping down on the cloud right in front of her. She responded by unexpectedly pecking him on the muzzle before darting off like a sparrow.

Flash blushed in tandem with the stallion who shook his head in shock before shooting off after her. Flash looked away, slightly embarrassed but could not help but smile at the cute scene he had just witnessed. They look so happy. He thought as he gently gripped one of Rainbow Dash’s velvety ears between his finger and thumb, scratching away as he stared off into the distance. He tried to put his mind off it, but try as he might, his mind kept circling back to a realization that had been coming up in his mind ever more frequently during the past year. There’s somepony for everypony…except me. “Hey Dash?” The sleepy pony mumbled something incoherent in reply. “Do you think…I’ll ever find out what I am? If there are other’s like me?”

“…mmmgzz…num num…” Was her only response; Flash paused scratching.

“Well do you?” Rainbow Dash let off a huge yawn, smacking her lips.

“…uhnn….less yappin’…more scratchin'.” He frowned as he sharply flicked her ear with his index finger.

“OW! Hey!” Rainbow Dash snapped her head up, now fully alert as she glared at him, “What the hay was that for?!” Flash looked away guiltily.

“Ugh…nevermind. Sorry.” She cocked her head to one side as she considered him.

“Hey, are you alright Flash?”

“I said forget about it.” He said as he reached for one of her ears. Rainbow Dash shook her head as she pulled away from his hand. She forced him to sit up as she rose to her hooves before moving to his side and sitting down next to him.

“Nuh-uh. You’re telling me what’s wrong right now.” She stared at him intensely, not letting up until he was forced to meet her gaze; Flash finally turned and met her magenta eyes.

“Well, its just that…I’m eleven years old now. I’ve been in Equestria for over ten years, and yet, nopony knows what I am or where I came from...not even Celestia.” He looked away sadly. Rainbow Dash remained silent, signaling for him to go on. He gave her a sad smile. “Am I...always going to be alone? Are there no others like me?” Rainbow Dash turned away, gazing down in thought, she didn't want to give her friend a careless answer.

Urgh, why is this so hard? Fluttershy is always the better one to talk to about feelings and stuff. C'mon...think! This means a lot to him. A thought suddenly came to her, and she looked back at him and smiled.

“You had to have come from somewhere, Flash. There must be others like you.”

“Yeah, but, what if I never get to see one of them?” Rainbow Dash replied by extending a strong wing across his shoulders and pulling him to her side in a warm hug.

“Don’t think like that. I don’t know how, but I have a feeling that you’ll find out where you came from and that someday, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for.” She favored him with a warm smile as he considered her words.

“You really think so?” Her eyes narrowed in a confident expression as she gave a firm nod.

“Yeah, I really do.” Flash smiled as he put an arm around her and hugged her back.

“Thanks Dash.”

Oh yeah, nailed it! Hey, I'm pretty good at this whole 'advice' thing. “Don’t sweat it Flash! It's what friends are for." Rainbow Dash allowed him to enjoy the hug for a moment longer before thinking, Alright, that's enough of this syrupy stuff for now. "Besides,” she grinned mischievously, “I bet there are others like you that can give way better ear scratches than you do.” She laughed as he scowled at her.

“You had to go and ruin the moment!" Rainbow Dash pulled away as he took a half-hearted swipe at her. "I knew it! You only like me for my fingers!”

“Well duh! I had to find something you’re good at!” They both glared at the other for a second before cracking up simultaneously in riotous laughter, falling onto their backs in their shared humor. After a while they both fell silent, staring up at the beautiful evening twilight coloring the sky; they stayed that way for a few more minutes as they caught their breath. Flash was the one who finally broke the silence.

“Thanks again Dash, you’re the best friend an alien could ask for.” She twisted her head and gently bumped her forehead against his shoulder.

“You’re not too bad yourself Flash.” He grinned as he suppressed a giggle.

“Feather brain.”

“Monkey butt.”

The sharp ringing of an alarm clock going off early the next morning caused the young human to stir from under the warm sheets of his soft cloud-bed as he reached over with fumbling fingers to silence the incessant noise. Once it was off, Flash laid on his back for a moment longer while gazing up at the tall ceiling of his bedroom. So comfy…He snuggled a bit deeper under his sheets, his whole body feeling like lead. It was six in the morning and the late summer light of the morning sun was already streaming through the gaps of the drawn blinds that covered the window of his room. The Princess is up. You should get up. Eventually, it was the tantalizing scent of frying bacon wafting up from the kitchen below that finally gave him the will to move. You’re the best mom. Flash suddenly wrinkled his nose as he began to feel a large sneeze coming on, but it faded as quickly as it had appeared. Huh, that felt a little weird. He thought as he rubbed his nose. Flash took a quick glance up at the large, metal pull-up bar that stuck out of the side of the wall close to the top of the twelve-foot ceiling of his room. Well, best get to it.

Throwing off his sheets, Flash quickly sprang from his mattress and landed on the floor at the foot of his bed before dropping to the floor to stretch and carry out his morning physicals. Ever since he had made up his mind to try and join the Royal Equestrian Guard, he had taken on this habit of a morning exercise routine, gradually intensifying it over the years in order to discipline his body. It was especially helpful for the physical demands that came when he began working for Burnt Oak all of those years ago. He knew that he could never hope to match the stout earth pony in strength, but as Sunset had told him, ‘push past your limits.’

After quickly belting out one-hundred push-ups, with his blood now hot and heart racing, Flash looked up and leaped the nearly twelve feet towards the ceiling, latching onto the steel bar to begin the same number of pull-ups, breathing hard. When those were completed, he neatly flipped himself upside-down, hanging from his legs to do the same number of sit-ups; it didn't take him long. …ninety-nine, one-hundred! A fine sheen of sweat coated his limbs as he finally finished. Flash hung there for a moment, gasping and panting, his arms swaying limply as he waited to catch his breath, his whole body burning with lactic acid. When his breathing finally slowed, the boy kicked off the bar, and flipping over, landed lightly on his feet next to his bed; control of his equilibrium was something that came easily to him. Satisfied, Flash walked out of his bedroom towards the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a much-needed cool shower.

After completing his morning ablutions, as he walked by the bathroom mirror, Flash suddenly paused as he noticed that his silvery hair appeared to be sticking nearly straight up, as if he were sitting on a charged storm cloud. He ran a hand over it in attempt to push it down; no luck. Huh, maybe they’re preparing a lighting storm later. Shrugging, he went to his closet to pick out a special outfit for his meeting with the Princess. He chose an emerald-green, long-sleeved collared shirt made of a soft, velvet-like material. The shirt also sported a small image of his cutie mark embroidered onto the left breast.

Flash smiled at the memory of when Rainbow Dash had introduced him to Rarity in Ponyville. The aspiring fashionista jumping at the opportunity to design clothing for his unique form. That filly sure knows her stuff, I’ll have to thank her again later. A pair of dark slacks, a brown belt, and his black shoes completed the ensemble. As Flash prepared to don the outfit, he suddenly felt a tingling spreading rapidly over his entire body before concentrating in his face. He held his nose with both hands as he felt a tremendous sneeze building. “Ah…Ah…”

Bright Skies hummed to herself as she finished setting the table for breakfast. She wanted to make sure that her son would have a good meal to begin such an important day. As the pony walked back to the stove to turn off the heat, she was almost knocked off of her hooves as the entire house shook with an enormous clap of thunder. Oh for Celestia’s sake! “Flash Skies!” Bright Skies shouted as she turned and galloped up the stairs. “Did you and Slipstream hide a storm cloud in your room again?!” The flustered pegasus moved down the hall and pushed open the bedroom door. “I swear, if you two don’t act your age I’ll-” Bright Skies was cut off as she saw her son sprawled out on the floor in nothing but his underwear, attempting to push himself up on his elbows as scraps of scorched paper drifted about in the air. Blue-lightning curled and flickered about his body as he shook his head; his eyes went wide as he caught sight of her.

“MOM!” He shouted as he rolled over behind his bed to get out of her sight. Flash ripped the bedsheet off and wrapped it around himself as he peaked over the mattress, blushing furiously. “Knock before you barge in!” She immediately threw a wing up over her eyes and glanced away.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” Bright Skies said as she nervously glanced at him with one eye between two primary feathers. She waited until he was decent as he pulled on a pair of sweatpants that had been laying on the floor. “Flash, what happened?! Are you alright?”

“I don’t know…I mean, yeah. I think so.” He said as he rubbed the side of his head; the lighting sparked and fizzled about him a few more times before it finally faded out of sight. “Ugh...but it feels like I just tackled a fully-charged storm cloud.” Bright Skies slowly approached him before tentatively putting out a hoof to tap his arm. Sure enough, she could feel electrical feedback through her hoof, the same as if she were handling a storm cloud.

“You feel just like a charged thunderhead!” She said with wonder. Flash held his hands up, staring at them for a moment before spreading them out and quickly clapping them together. The effect was immediate: there was a flash of light accompanied by a loud bang; the sudden discharge of electricity sent him flying onto his back.

“WHAT THE HAY?!” He shouted in shock and frustration as he propped himself up again on his elbows. Flash looked up at his surprised mother who stared back in bewilderment at him. “What am I going to do now?! I can’t go out like this!” Bright Skies sighed before reaching out a hoof to help him up.

“Well for now, let’s just stay calm about this. I’m sure the Princess knows somepony who can help you figure this out.” Flash groaned as he got back to his feet.

“Stay calm?! I’m shooting off lightning mom!” Flash began to nervously pace while holding his head in his hands. “How am I going to explain this to the Princess? What if this keeps me out of the academy?! Oh, this could qualify as a 4F…” Bright Skies reached a hoof out and stopped him. She smiled as she placed the same hoof on top of his hair, still charged with static and standing straight up. The experienced weather-pony concentrated and focused her magic for a moment before running her hoof over his head; his hair slowly discharged and settled back into its normal form. Bright Skies chuckled softly as she withdrew her hoof, shaking the tingling energy from her limb.

More surprises from my little alien.“Don’t worry Flash, I’m sure you’ll figure out what this is and how to control it.” She turned and headed for the door. “For now, just finish getting ready. The sky-chariot will be here soon.” Flash groaned as he ran a hand back through his hair.

Of all the days…

“Just tell them it’s because you have such an ‘electrifying’ personality dear!” Bright Skies called out as she headed back downstairs. Flash thought his eyes might roll out of his skull.

“That’s such a ‘mom-joke’ mom!” He scowled as he gathered up his outfit.

“That’s my prerogative!” Her sweet laughter ringing down the hall caused him to smile in spite of it all.

The trip to Canterlot Castle had gone smoothly enough; no new surprise lighting-discharges. Flash had taken the time to try and remain calm by focusing on his breathing, it seemed to help. Just keep it steady. He thought as he paced slowly around the large corridor outside of the throne room as he waited for the Princess. It was a beautiful day and the morning sun was streaming through the grand windows of the hall, reflecting off of the white-marble floors creating a beautiful, luminous effect. The two pegasi royal guards standing outside of the double doors in their signature golden armor were as unreadable as ever, but Flash swore he caught one of them smirking slightly for a second; a twinkle of amusement seemed to glimmer in his eye. I can do this…just stay calm. Breathe in, breathe ou-”

“Good morning Flash.” No aspiring soldier should ever be heard to make such an undignified yelp, let alone in the presence of his liege. Flash found himself leaning back against the breastplate of one of the guards he fell into who, in his opinion, deserved a medal for not biting off his own tongue as he suppressed his laughter.

So much for remaining calm His heart felt as if it were about to hammer its way out of his chest. “P-princess Celestia!” She was never in the throne room, Flash had merely assumed that's where she was. In the meantime, she had somehow managed to sneak up behind him from the opposite direction without making so much as a peep. Now the magnificent Princess of the Sun stood before him in all her pristine glory with an amused smile gracing her elegant features; her ethereal mane and tail sparkling in the sunlight. How did she do that?! Flash quickly regained his composure and dropped to one knee, bowing low before her. “I-I didn’t see you there, forgive me you highness!” She reached a hoof out and gently lifted up his chin.

“Rise my little one, no need to be so formal with me Flash.” Celestia drew him into a warm hug as he stood which he gladly returned; he always marveled at the sheer amount of energy he could feel radiating from her through her warm, white fur. “Gotcha.” She whispered playfully into his ear as she released him; he turned crimson. Flash realized that the Princess was getting payback for the time he had jump-scared her all of those months ago when she was visiting him last in Cloudsdale; Slipstream had dared him.

Prankster level: Grand-Master. Flash mused to himself. Celestia turned and gently touched his back with the edge of her wing, encouraging him to walk with her. Despite his growth spurt, she still towered above him. The young human took notice that her hoof-steps on the marble only gradually began to produce sound once more. She even used a stealth-step spell! He marveled in disbelief. She waited until his embarrassment passed before speaking to him again.

“So, how have you been Flash? Is your mother well?” He swore he could listen to her soothing voice all day. He coughed and cleared his throat.

“Yes, I am…I’m doing so well Princess, and so is my mother. Thank you!” He replied nervously. Celestia dipped her head slightly in acknowledgment.

“Well I’m certainly glad to hear that, and I’m so glad you’re here today. As you probably have guessed, I have some good news that I wish to share with you.” Flash looked up at her, eyes full of hope. “After much deliberation, I am happy to announce to you that your application into the Equestrian Royal Guard Junior Academy has been accepted, congratulations!” The joy that surged through him caused Flash to instantly forget all of his previous nervousness about his present condition as well as the deferential reverence he normally displayed in Celestia’s presence as he cried out in happiness, flinging himself into the Princess’ side with a hug.

“THANK YOU! Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou Princess!” Celestia chuckled as she gazed down in delight at his exuberant reaction. “I promise that I’ll do my very best!”

“I know you will, little one,” She leaned down and twisted her neck to give the side of his face a loving nuzzle. “I expect great things from you, Flash.” Princess Celestia silently marveled once more at how this small stranger from another world, a creature so different from them, had so completely given himself over to Equestrian society. Such enthusiastic loyalty, such love! I wonder if all of his kind are so wonderfully disposed?

Celestia happily recalled the day, less than a year prior, when he had first requested her permission to apply. She remembered taking him aside in order to carefully explain to him the challenges he would face if he chose to pursue this particular path. The reality was that there were many within the Guard who were opposed to him even being allowed to apply and the reasons they had presented to her were fair; going far beyond the obvious biological differences which in and of themselves, would create a distraction. For one, it would mean breaking the time-honored tradition and uniformity that had been painstakingly built up and maintained within the Guard; he would be the first non-pony in Equestrian History to ever be accepted into the Academy.

Additionally, they pointed out that his very presence would inevitably create the appearance of special treatment as Celestia's personal affection for Flash was no secret. This alone had the potential to create animosity within the ranks and might cause his superiors, even on a subconscious level, to treat the human differently. This concern remained despite Celestia’s repeated assurances to them that they would have no need to fear of any reprisals from her and that Flash should be treated no differently than any other recruit and that this was precisely what he wanted.

Lastly, she told him that for all of these reasons, even if he was accepted and could pass muster, that he would likely have to endure at least some level of prejudice and disapproval from many of his fellow guards, even long into the future. Celestia smiled as she remembered Flash’s response when she had asked him, with all of these things considered, if he still desired to become a Royal Guard. Without hesitation, the boy replied with an adamant, ‘Yes.’ That was all Celestia needed to hear; his determination was astounding. He had her approval and backing, he would get his chance; she could not be more proud of him. He truly is one of us.

Flash for his part felt his love for his Princess exploding. He was well aware that his acceptance into the academy was due in no small part to her personally advocating on his behalf. As he treasured this special moment, the boy understood that he now had a long and difficult road ahead of him. He would receive no special treatment. He would need to work very hard in order to make good on his stated intent and to compose himself with excellence; not only for his own honor, but that of Celestia who had vouched for him. Flash swore then and there that he would always represent her well and that he would repay the Princess and every other pony for their kindness to him.

Celestia ended the embrace but not before briefly touching her nose to his, causing him to blush slightly. “There is one more matter that I need your assistance with while you are here my little one.” Flash nodded eagerly.

“Of course Princess! Your wish is my command!” Celestia smiled warmly at him as she resumed walking down the corridor.

“As you are already aware, after Sunset Shimmer’s unfortunate departure, I took on another student.” Flash’s jubilant spirit was slightly dampened by that sad memory; his love for his former tutor had never faded. He had never met this successor, she always seemed to be absent when he was visiting with Celestia; but he had heard of her. Apparently, she was supposed to be something of a magical prodigy from what others had said. Flash had always been a bit dismissive of those reports. After all, nopony could possibly be as smart or as powerful as Sunset was. This Twilight Sparkle was probably just talked up by the gossip vine in order to lessen the blow of losing a true prodigy like Sunset Shimmer. Celestia continued,

“Before you arrived here today, my student Twilight was made aware that you would be coming and she has been rather…eager to meet you.” Flash frowned slightly in confusion.

“I don’t understand, I have been here many times over the years. Why did I never meet her sooner?” Celestia gave a knowing smile.

“Twilight is one who is very devoted to her studies.” Devoted? More like a religion. “There are times I can hardly drag her out of the library.” She chuckled. “Every other time you have been here previously, she was otherwise occupied. But today, she made the point of asking me to see you; she is very curious.” Flash nodded.

She likes to read, huh? Maybe we will be able to relate a little… At the same time, Flash felt a little self-aware. How often had he put off his friends because of his dedication to his studies and work? “What would you like me to do Princess?”

“For now? Just talk with her. Twilight will likely wish to conduct an exploratory interview of sorts and take some notes about you. After all,” Celestia gave him a sidelong glance, “You are a fairly unique presence in Equestria, Flash Skies.” He smiled shyly at her description. At the same time, a flood of warm memories of Sunset studying him, taking notes and asking him questions came to mind. Celestia paused before a set of white and gold double doors that he recognized as leading to one of the ancillary study wings. “More importantly my dear Flash, I think it would do her a great deal of good to simply spend some time with somepony else. Could you do that for me?” If she had asked him to wrestle a wild manticore, Flash could not imagine refusing her.

“Absolutely, your highness. I would be more than happy to help.” After all, how hard could this be? Celestia seemed to have guessed his thoughts; she raised a bemused eyebrow that said, 'Prepare yourself' as her magic pushed the doors open. Flash stood with Celestia at the entrance to the room and peered inside. The study’s walls were lined with bookshelves and tasteful fixtures, with a map of Equestria adorning the far side and a long, rose-wood writing table in the center of the room. Sitting at the table, engrossed in one of several books, was a young, lavender unicorn with a violet mane sporting a few pink highlights. From what Flash could tell, she was no longer a filly, but not quite an adult. He guessed her age to be around fifteen, perhaps a year older than Rainbow Dash. So, this is Twilight Sparkle. Huh…thought she’d be older.

“Twilight, there’s somepony here to see you.” Celestia called out. Twilight immediately perked up.

“Princess Celestia!” She quickly gathered up all of her books, quills, and parchment at once into two saddlebags bearing her star-shaped cutie mark in what Flash thought was a rather impressive display of casual telekinesis. She began trotting towards them. “I didn’t think you’d be here so soon I-” Twilight froze as she caught sight of Flash standing at Celestia’s side. Her violet eyes widened; Flash noted that they were the same color as his mother’s and, partially, his own. That was the last coherent thought he had before a mad grin spread over the unicorn’s face as she practically materialized in front of him.

“OH MY GOSH! HE’S REALLY HERE!” Flash staggered backwards as the young mare exploded into his personal space, energetically trotting all around him. “Wow! He really is bipedal! Are you able to fly?”

“Uh, not really-”

“Is it true that you need meat in order to survive?”

“That’s not quite-”

“You really don’t have any fur, do you?!” Her magic tugged curiously at his entire body the whole time she spoke; pulling on his limbs, opening his mouth, and lifting his shirt.

“MADAM!" Flash shouted as he tugged his shirt back down, blushing furiously; he noticed how delightfully amused Celestia seemed to be at the entire scene. She knew this would happen…As overwhelmed as he was by Twilight's excitement, he couldn’t help but think that the unicorn was a bit adorable in her contagious enthusiasm. Sunset had never been this wild in her mannerisms; then again, she was a bit older.

“Sorry!” Twilight took a few steps back but still had an eager grin plastered across her face. She held her hoof out, “Twilight Sparkle, I’m so happy to finally meet you Flash!”

“Likewise,” he said nervously as he shook the offered limb.

“Oh, I’ve heard so much about you! This is just so amazing! Do you mind if I could ask you some questions?” Twilight began to levitate a quill and scroll from her saddlebags. Before Flash could answer her, he felt a severe tingling building up in his body and focusing into his nose.

Oh no…He held up a finger as he began to squint, his face contorting in restraint. “Agh…Ah…” Celestia cocked her head to one side in concern.

“Flash dear, are you alright?”

“Eck..AH…WAAAH-CHOO-” An enormous flash of light accompanied by a deafening thunderclap shattered the quiet decorum of the castle, sending many of the castle staff scattering in panic while several guard came galloping in from all directions in to assess the situation. Flash for his part was lying flat on his back; his shoes had been blown clear off his feet while several holes were burnt into his now smoking garments. Ugh…It’s over…and Rarity’s going to kill me. He sat up as the smoke cleared, a black ring was scorched into the marble around him. Looking up, he saw that Celestia had thrown up a magical barrier around herself and Twilight. The princess blinked at him, not hiding her surprise.

“Um, Flash? Is there something you needed to tell me?” He barely registered her words, distracted as he was by the crazed unicorn who currently had her face and hooves mashed against the golden magic of Celestia’s barrier. Twilight stared hungrily at him as if she were a foal at Hearths Warming looking through a toy shop window at the last ‘must-have’ item of the season; that grin could only be described as ‘manic’.

“Please don’t drop that barrier…” Flash murmured as Celestia released her magic; Twilight shot towards him like an arrow released from a bow. “…help…

“What an incredible ability!” She shouted as she rapidly circled him. “Have you always been like this? Are you able to control it? What does it feel like?! Oh, this could open a whole new area of study in weather magic related phenomena!” Princess Celestia finally intervened.

“Just a moment Twilight,” She said as she gently raised the boy back to his feet with her magic. “Give him a moment to compose himself.” Twilight retreated slightly to her side but was still practically prancing in place, grinning from ear to ear. “Flash, could you please tell us exactly what just happened?” He sighed as he brushed his ruined clothing off and, starting from the beginning, explained to them what had been happening to him since that morning. Celestia listened patiently, a concerned expression on her face while Twilight furiously scribbled down notes based on what he said. Flash’s face fell as he finally finished.

“It’s just that, well, why now? I’ve never had anything like this happen to me before.” Celestia appeared pensive for a moment before speaking.

“Well, I have one theory. It could be because your body is beginning to mature." Flash looked curiously up at her. "Many changes occur in every creature when they begin to um…grow.” A random ‘eep!’ came from Twilight who appeared on the verge of bursting with excited curiosity. Celestia continued, “This phenomenon could be a latent ability that was created when you first received your magic, but only now is beginning to emerge.” Flash cringed.

“This won’t keep me out of the academy, will it Princess?” Celestia’s face broke into a sympathetic smile. She placed a hoof comfortingly under his chin.

“No, it shouldn’t. Not if you can learn to control it.” Flash felt warm relief flood through him, relieving the tension that had been building up in him; a few random sparks popped from his fingertips.

“Thank you, princess.” Celestia chuckled as she pulled her hoof away.

“But first, we need to help you figure out exactly what it is that is happening with you.” She looked down at Twilight who looked like a sprinter waiting for the starter pistol to go off. “Fortunately, I think I know somepony who would be more than happy to help you with that.” Flash nervously took a step backwards.


“Twilight, do you think you cou-” It was like watching a flame fall on flash-powder.

“YES!” The lavender unicorn sprang forward so quickly that Flash thought she might have teleported. “Yes!Yes!Yes!Thankyousomuchprincess!”

“Wait! Don’t I get a-”

Flash suddenly found Twilight’s muzzle nearly touching his nose as she practically jumped on him. “Don’t worry Flash, you and I are going to learn so much about you together!” With that, she seized him firmly in her magic and began to drag him in the direction of the castle library. Flash clawed fruitlessly at the marble floor, a look of horror etched onto his face.

“Princess…HELP!” Celestia was turning a lovely shade of red as she fought to suppress her laughter.

“You two have fun!” She called out after them. “I’ll check in on you later after I’ve had a chance to consult with some of my researchers!” And after I've found a secluded place to laugh my head off. Celestia heard her student’s jubilant voice echo down the hall.

“We’re going to need more boo-OOKS!”


Author's Note:

Growing up can be so hard at times.
Sorry for the delay, I hope this was worth the wait! Let me know your thoughts below.
As always, God Bless you all!