• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 5,218 Views, 568 Comments

Brighter Horizons - Destiny Chaser

A Human raised in Equestria by Pegasi. Oh, and he has their inherent magic. Have fun!

  • ...

Hidden Costs

Rainbow Dash banked through a series of air currents, the tips of her primary feathers tingling as she felt the many minute changes in atmospheric pressure, which allowed her to actively modify her flight path to the most efficient path with unconscious ease. Her eyes, with their hawk-like vision, continually flicked around her surroundings, feeding her a constant stream of information that she retained and processed with a level of passive ability that even the most astute veteran fliers would envy.

She loved flying, so much so that she imagined she spent twice as much time in the air as she ever did on the ground, even when accounting for her sleep schedule, which was generous to say the least. She always felt better when flying, the singular experience of leaving everything behind and soaring freely through the skies lifted her spirits as quickly as her wings lifted her body from the terrain.

Even so, as high and as fast as she flew, she could not escape the feelings of guilt that continued to hang like a millstone around her neck as they had for the past month. Flash still had not come to see her since his return to Equestria; but she wasn't surprised. After all, why would he want to see her? The friend who could think of no better solution to help him in his moment of need other than beating him bloody? Element of Loyalty? What a laugh. How could she continue to be a bearer of an Element of Harmony when she could not even protect her friends from her own incompetence?

A glint of pink flashed through her rear peripheral vision, it was the second time she had seen it. Somepony was following her. Let's see them follow this, She thought while gritting her teeth in angry determination. Sharply angling her wings, Rainbow Dash suddenly banked a hard left faster than even a sparrow would be able to follow. Twisting her body low and around in a split-s, she immediately went vertical, accelerating straight up into the sky like a bolt out of the blue. Effortlessly punching through the sound barrier, Rainbow Dash poured on speed before performing a complex series of maneuvers that even her legendary Captain, Spitfire, would have trouble keeping up with.

Checking the clear blue sky around her one more time, she found herself in the clear and began to ease off on her airspeed. Spotting a clump of clouds, she dove for them, flaring her wings as she approached them, and set down. This would be as good a place for an afternoon nap as any. As the mare stretched in anticipation of bedding down, she suddenly heard the sound of somepony gasping and panting behind her as if trying to catch their breath.

There's no way! Rainbow Dash thought as she wheeled around, ready to give whoever it was a hard piece of her mind, only to blink in surprise at the identity of her mysterious pursuer.

"Bright Skies?! What the hay?! Why are you-"

The other mare cut her off, holding up a hoof as she kept her head down while continuing to catch her breath. It was then that Rainbow Dash took notice of Bright Skies unusual appearance. Her left forelimb was noticeably duller in color compared to the rest of her vibrant pink coat, and the patch of fur on her left shoulder had faded to a similar degree.

Bright Skies finally straightened up, neatly folding her wings but curiously, not letting her left hoof touch the cloud.

"Dang girl, you really are a hard one to follow. Fastest thing I've ever seen in the skies!" Bright Skies said with a small huff and smile.

I could say the same thing about you, Rainbow Dash thought, genuinely impressed that the older mare had still managed to catch up with her. Guess the stories I've heard about you being a first class flier are true after all. She then found her eyes once again lingering on the mare's discolored limb and shoulder, wondering what was happening to her. Those thoughts were quickly pushed aside by the alarm of why Flash's mother was even here. Did she have a message from him? Was she here to finally tell her what a worthless friend she had been? Well, if that's the case, it's no less than what I deserve...

"Bright Skies, why are you here?" Rainbow Dash quickly began, "Did Flash send you?! Because if he did, please tell him that I'm so sor-"

"Flash," Bright Skies interrupted, "Does not know that I'm here." She said while tapping one temple with her hoof before holding it to her lips. Lowering the volume of her voice, she continued, "And please, if it's alright with you, I'd like to keep it that way."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in understanding as she took her meaning, slowly nodding her head. Bright Skies sat down, keeping her left limb tucked against her chest.

"Rainbow Dash, dear, we need to talk."

Flash didn't bother to turn around as he heard the front door open, continuing to put away the dishes he had just finished washing. He knew who it was. What he didn't know, was what was causing the strange mix of emotions that he could sense twisting on the surface of her heart, even through the mental barriers he continued to keep firmly in place. What he could easily feel though, were the eyes of his mother boring into the back of his head as she waited for him to acknowledge her presence.

"How was your flight?" He asked, attempting to make small talk. "Are the skies today as good as they look? I was afraid that new pressure system they were preparing would-"

"Flash," Bright Skies said, causing him to grimace. He knew that tone of voice, it was the same tone every child dreads to hear from their mother, the tone that said more clearly than what a book of words could describe, the pronouncement of, 'You're in big trouble, mister.' Flash sighed in resignation as he turned to face her.

Bright Skies hobbled over to him on three legs, taking care to not let her left hoof touch the floor as lately, it would unpredictably fall through the clouds on occasion, leaving her on her face. She stopped in front of him, the look on her face one of anger, pain, and concern. She cut right to the chase.

"How long are you going to keep this charade up? How long will you continue to shut me out? Why do you still insist on not talking to me, or to anypony for that matter?"

"We've talked about this, mom. I'm going to be fine, why can't anypony seem to get that?! I'm not a foal anymore! I don't need to be coddled or pitied by every well-meaning friend and neighbor, I'm sick of it!" He said, feeling his temper rise, upset that she was upset.

Bright Skies eyes pleaded, "No, you're not a foal anymore Flash. But that doesn't mean you can't still talk to me, son!"

Flash shook his head, "It's not that simple, you wouldn't understand, mom."

"Wouldn't I?!" Bright Skies exclaimed, taking to the air so she could look him in the eye. "If there's anypony who could understand, wouldn't it be me?! A piece of my very soul is within you for Celestia's sake! How could you say such a thing?!" Flash winced at her outrage and the hurt that his words had caused her.

He moved to walk past her, heading towards the door. "I'm not gonna do this with you right now, mom. You're just going to have to trust me on this one." Bright Skies grit her teeth in frustration, turning in the air to follow him.

"I spoke with Rainbow Dash today, Flash."

The young man froze mid-step, "You what?!" He exclaimed as he spun around, eyes wide with shock and anger.

"Yes, and the poor girl cried on my shoulder for nearly an hour! Telling me all about how she believed she had failed you as a friend! And you not going to see her for more than a month only cemented her in that false belief!" Bright Skies shouted, her tone making it clear that she was ashamed of him. She saw the color practically drain out of his face as he realized his error in judgment.

"But, she...I mean, I thought-"

"You thought that she was the one angry at you, yes I know. It's one of the few things that I've managed to pry out of you these past weeks. And you would have realized your mistake weeks ago if you hadn't gone and shut everypony out! Like you're still doing right now! Why?!"

Flash suddenly felt her mind slam like a battering ram against his mental barriers, pushing and prying it's way in. "Hey, stop that! STOP IT!" He shouted, trying to resist her.

Bright Skies' eyes narrowed in concentration as she redoubled her efforts, "Give me one good reason why I should!"

"I don't want you to, that's why!" Flash hissed, straining to hold her out.

"Why? What are you afraid that I'll see Flash?! What is so terrible that you would rather continue to destroy yourself than show me?!"

"I don't want you to see it!"

"Why Flash, TELL ME WHY?!"

"BECAUSE YOU'VE SUFFERED ENOUGH!!!" He exploded, finally flinging the doors to his mind open. Bright Skies faltered, almost falling to the floor in shock at the poisonous torrent of grief, anger, guilt, and self-hatred that flooded into her heart from his. Tears of grief and anger immediately came to her eyes as his dark thoughts finally became clear to her. There was pain, so much pain over all he had experienced while on earth: pain from his scars, pain from so much of the ugliness of his race that he was exposed to, and still more from his falling out with Rainbow Dash, and a failed pursuit of Ella. But as bad as these were, they were all dwarfed in comparison to the one, all encompassing sorrow that was presently ravaging his heart with soul-destroying guilt and bitter self-loathing.

"So that's it then?" Bright Skies said, her voice breaking slightly. "You blame yourself for what happened to me, for this?" She said, holding up her crippled limb. "You've been torturing yourself for weeks, because of this?!" She exclaimed, her anger rising.

Flash scowled darkly, angrily holding back his own tears. "You would've never been hurt if I hadn't gone to earth, mom! I don't care what I learned or accomplished, it's not worth your life! I was selfish, and you paid the price!"

Bright Skies flapped forward so that she was in his face. "Flash, you're not selfish just for wanting to learn what you are and where you came from, what sort of nonsense is that?! Would you really have been alright with never opening that door? With never knowing another of your kind? Or never having the possibility of a female in your life?"

Flash grimaced at that sensitive topic, the pain of Ella's rejection still too fresh. "I'd rather be a celibate for life than ever risk your safety, mom." He growled.

"That's stupid Flash, you know that! What? Are we supposed to live in a bubble our whole lives? Never taking any chances or risks? Yes, it was a risk for you to go into the unknown, and you did get into trouble, and I did get hurt when I came to help you. But do you think I care about that?!" She said, holding up her limb. "No! All that matters is that I have you back safe and sound! It was a sacrifice I willingly made and if you ask me, well worth it! How dare you torture yourself for that and try and take that away from me?!"

With nothing now concealing their heart from the other, there was no longer anything to hold back their tumultuous and wounded emotions from inflaming the other's. The twin tempests that were their hearts continued to crash into each other, growing into a violent maelstrom of ever-increasing pain and darkness, fed and intensified all the more by their shared grief and anger.

"You shouldn't have come, mom!" Flash shouted, a tear finally breaking lose. "You should have just let me figure it out, the trip alone almost killed you!"

"I'm a grown mare Flash, I can make my own choices and have been doing so since you were still in diapers!" She retorted, shouting over him.

"Then let me live with the consequences of my own choices, not you! I don't want you suffering because of me!"

"It's called parenting, Flash! A parent will always suffer for their child!"

"Don't you think you've suffered enough in your life because of your childre-"

There was a loud smack, and Flash suddenly found himself flat on his back, blinking stars out his eyes; the taste of blood from a split lip coating his tongue. He immediately sat back up and saw his mother glaring down at him, her mouth set in a snarl while tears flowed down her cheeks; her hoof was still extended from the punch she had just thrown.

Bright Skies panted hard through her nostrils, "You...you dare..." She gasped through whimpering sobs.

Flash stared at her a moment longer, abject horror filling his eyes at what he had caused; and with a sound like rushing wind, he fled, vanishing in an instant.

The pink mare fell to the floor hard, burying her face in her hooves. Bitter wailing echoed through the now empty house as Bright Skies sobbed harder than she had ever cried since losing her foal. The sun slowly dipped below the horizon; it was dark now, and she was alone.

Ella caressed the soft bell of the beautiful white calla lily in her hand, admiring its flawless appearance which was made all the more glorious by the light of the bright moon shining high above them over Ponyville. It was obvious that a great deal of care was taken by the one who had picked it out. In fact, she could not recall ever seeing a more perfect flower in her entire life. Its sweet fragrance, its splendid appearance and unmatched purity was a clear reflection of the powerful feelings of the young man who had given it to her, specifically, his feelings towards her.

Ella looked up at Flash, her heart shattering at the hopeful look in his innocent eyes. 'A boy giving a girl a flower...' She thought as she shook her head, tears running down her cheeks.

"Flash, you are the best person I have ever met in my life...and I owe you my life for all that you have done, that you have suffered for me. But..." Ella swallowed back the lump that was building in her throat. "But, I'm not the right girl for you. There is someone, some girl out there waiting for you who is better than me, better for you...who will love you as you deserve to be loved."

She watched as his aura darkened with despair, the emotion's putrid scent, like that of rotting flesh, made her want to be sick. She could easily see him holding back his tears as his eyes turned glassy.

"But...I don't want another girl, Ella..." He quietly replied.

It was too much. Ella had seen this coming, knew that Flash would eventually ask her if they were more than just friends, but as much as she had prepared herself for the inevitable, it was not enough. Her own heart felt crushed by what she said next.

I'm...sorry Flash, but...no. For now, I think it's best that we just stay friends...

Ella stared up at the ceiling of her bedroom in Twilight's castle, unable to sleep. Two more weeks had passed, and in that time things had gone from bad to unbearable. She had seen Flash only three times during that period, and each time she had seen him, he had only gotten worse. Oh he looked fine, by all outward appearances. He smiled, he talked, he laughed with his friends. But she knew it was all fake, just a façade. If others could see what she could, he looked like a dead man walking, a lifeless puppet merely mimicking the motions of the living. She wanted to scream, to tell him to forget her, to talk with someone about his pain and move on with his life. But it wasn't like he was the only one hiding things.

In the two weeks that had passed, her hunger had gone from being merely an uncomfortable presence, to a force of nature within her that practically obliterated almost every other sensation. She had refused to give into it though, refused to take any love, even the ambient love that floated freely around her wherever she went; she refused to indulge her hunger. And for that, the hunger had responded by punishing her. Twisting her thoughts, and even warping her body as it sought dominance over her, a position that she still refused surrender.

Ella ran her tongue again over one of the small, elegant, razor sharp fangs that her canines had recently morphed into. It had become a habit of sorts. I'm not letting you win, you monster... She randomly thought.

I am not a monster, I'm hungry. Her mind answered back on it's own. It then wandered to the countless sleeping ponies who's love she could practically taste, even through the walls. Driven by hunger, her senses were amplified to an even more profound degree. Even here, she could smell their love, hear their soft breathing, and listen to the steady beating of a hundred hearts that were within the range of her increasingly predatory senses. Worse still, she could feel the dark temptation to actively feed prowling at the edge of her mind once more.

It would be so easy you know, to go out there...to take what you need, what you crave...

"Quiet." Ella murmured.

Exactly. We could be so quiet, you're so much more powerful now. Silent as a shadow, no one would ever know...

"Leave me alone..."

Alone? Yes, we are alone, aren't we? And who's fault is that, you fool?! You won't even take what these ponies freely offer you! And why?! Because you think yourself unworthy? Pathetic! You really are just a dirty, useless slut, aren't you?!

"SHUT UP!" Ella screamed, sitting straight up. "Just...stop..." She whimpered, holding her head in her hands, her eyes squeezed shut. She could feel her blood pounding in her temples as she struggled to calm her breathing.

Oh God, please help me. I don't want to be a monster... Ella opened her eyes after a few moments and was immediately surprised by what she saw. The room was dark, with only the faintest gleams of moonlight making it through the drawn curtains; and yet, she could see. She could see everything as clear as day for some reason. The furniture and various fixtures in her bedroom stood out in sharp relief to the shadows surrounding them, as if someone had sharply adjusted the contrast on an old television set.

Rising from her bed, Ella walked across the soft carpet towards the vanity on the other side of the room and peered into its mirror, before recoiling in shock at what she saw. Blinking rapidly, she failed to recognize her own reflection at first. Leaning in closely, she gently pulled at one of her lower eyelids to get a closer look, and saw the reason behind her sudden, inexplicable night vision.

Her eyes had changed. The once round pupils in her sapphire eyes had now been replaced by vertical slits, like those of a cat. Or, a changeling, Chelicerae... Ella thought as she recalled the changeling princess's eyes. She bowed her head, leaning on her palms against the top of the vanity as worried thoughts raced through her mind about how she might conceal this latest transformation from Flash and her friends. What is happening to me?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a small, yet noticeable tap on the sliding crystal door that led to her small balcony. Ella narrowed her eyes as she projected her senses outward, searching, but sensing nothing. Slowly grabbing her nightgown off of one of the bed posters, she pulled it on over the simple shift she was wearing, tying the belt before cautiously approaching the door. Ella felt her heart rate increase in anticipation as she put a hand to the curtain, pausing a moment before flinging it back.

Seeing nothing on the small, semi-circle platform of violet crystal, Ella undid the latch and stepped out into the cool, but pleasant evening, the soft chirping of the crickets greeting her ears. Somewhat relieved, Ella stepped forward and leaned against the crystal railing of the balcony, sighing as she did before looking up at the glittering night sky. Even now, she could hardly accept the fact that she was not on earth. The thought still seemed too surreal. She thought that she would find answers here, a new beginning. Instead, Ella found that she could not escape her past, her insecurities, even while in another world. She didn't care if she had to suffer because of them, suffering had been her lot in life. But what she couldn't stand though, was that her suffering was beginning to hurt those she had come to care about.

Flash, Ella thought, bowing her head. The tears were still there, the ones she had wanted to release when Rarity had confronted her. But she couldn't let them go. After all, why should she waste tears on herself? Oh God, what am I doing here? What is wrong with me? I don't know what to do anymore... A soft cooing off to her left interrupted her little prayer, and Ella looked to see a white dove perched on the left railing of the balcony. Ella thought it unusual to see such a bird awake at night when most birds usually bedded down for the evening. Then again, the even the animals here are a bit different than from those on earth, so what do I know?

"Heh, you the answer to my prayer or somthin'?" Ella said with a humorless smirk. The bird cocked it's head from side to side as it regarded her, cooing again before hopping down from the railing and onto the floor. Ella jumped in alarm as a burst of golden, flame-like magic erupted around the bird the moment it reached the floor. The magic vanished as quickly as it had appeared, and where there was once a dove, now stood a changeling.

"Hello, small one." Telson said with a small smile, a sad gaze in his golden eyes.

Ella gaped in disbelief, unable to speak at first before crying out his name and flinging her arms around the tall, powerful changeling. Telson gently embraced her in return, slowly lowering himself into a seated position with the human as she collapsed to her knees. Ella felt tears beginning to leak unbidden from her eyes as she huddled against Telson's warm chest, the dam of her heart finally beginning to break as she began to cry softly against him. The changeling gently shushed her as he comfortingly brushed his lower jaw against the top of her head, holding her as if she were his own child.

"Telson...what is happening to me?" She whimpered after few moments. "Why am I-" Her words caught in her throat as she suddenly felt waves of warm, comforting love radiating off of him. Ella remembered how Ocellus had explained to her that a changeling could not see nor sense another changeling's aura unless they deliberately revealed it, which answered her question as to why she hadn't detected his approach earlier.

"Words can wait, small one. First, sate your hunger." He calmly instructed.

Ella hesitated, "But, I-"

Telson gave her a small squeeze, "No more words Ella, feed."

Slowly at first, but gradually increasing, Ella began to inhale the enormous quantity of love her friend was directing towards her; and it was the most marvelous thing she had ever tasted. It was sweeter than honey, more satisfying than a steak dinner, and as comforting as a hot drink given to someone caught outside on a freezing day. She drank greedily, hardly even considering at first the possibility that she might be taking too much; but the amount of love did not seem to diminish no matter how much she consumed, nor did Telson seem to tire of giving. Ella finally tapered off her intake after a few minutes, the pain of her hunger finally subsiding, though not vanishing entirely.

"Foalish, foalish..." Telson gently chided as she finished. "How could you ever allow yourself to get to such a sorry state, dear child? Look at what it is doing to you!" He said, raising her face towards his.

Ella swallowed nervously, the love she had just consumed from him informed her more of his feelings of disapproval and sorrow for her actions than words ever could. At the same time, she was reminded of what she had experienced when Telson had first given her his love. That feeling of utter peace and contentment that came with the knowledge that she was truly, without any doubt, loved.

Ella sniffed, wiping her eyes before she looked up at him. "I, I don't really know. I guess, well..."

"Because you didn't want to be a monster?" Telson said for her, his gaze sympathetic. "Because you still, despite all evidence to the contrary, think yourself unworthy of love? Unworthy of Michail?"

Ella gave a small nod before whispering, "Yeah, I guess so..."

Telson slowly shook his head, "Oh small one, have you already forgotten that it was you who showed me that even a changeling was deserving of love? That it was your decision to love that saved Michail, that saved my mistress? How could you give love so willingly to others and yet think yourself the exception to receiving it?"

The words stung, Ella knew he was right; but even so, she still could not shake the feeling that she was wretched, that she was undeserving of love, however much she craved it.

Telson sighed at her lack of response, but understood why. He could see the uncertainty and self-doubt coloring her spirit. Tenderly nuzzling the top of her head, he decided to try a different approach. "Do you remember small one, what I said to you when you first told me your name?"

Ella nodded against his chest, squeezing out a few more silent tears. "Yes...you told me...what it means. That it means 'beautiful.'"

Telson smiled warmly, "That's right; and it's a most befitting name because it is true. You are something beautiful, dear child. I know it, I have seen your heart. And while it is true that you have suffered countless evils, you must remember my dear, that there is no evil that can befall us, however much it may obscure it, that can ever change what something is. And the reality remains, is that you are something beautiful, Ella. And beautiful things deserve to be loved."

Ella's eyes widened at profundity of his words, which struck a chord deep within her. She looked up at him only to feel her heart melt at the depths of compassion she could see contained within her friend's eyes for her.

Telson gently brushed a tear off of her cheek with his hoof before whispering, "You can cover a diamond with all the filth there is, but it will never change the fact that that diamond is still a diamond, and as precious as it ever was. Yes, we can become lost; but just because a treasure is lost, does not take away a fragment of it's value. All it needs, is for someone to find it. And you small one, have been found."

Ella felt the last of the inner resistance in her heart crumbling as the darkness of the lies she had surrounded herself with was slowly burned away by the light of truth and charity contained within Telson's words to her. He was right, she had been found! And who was the one who had gone to such great lengths to find her? The same young man who's heart she had broken, all because she had been too blinded by her preoccupation with her own insecurities to see.

"Oh, damn." Ella half sobbed and chuckled, wiping her eyes with her palm. "I really have been a foal, haven't I?"

Telson smiled, "It happens to even the best, small one."

Ella bowed her head taking a moment to reflect, weighing his words against her experiences. The pain was still there, and maybe it would always be there in some form. But still, it was worthless to allow it to define her. He's right...Rarity was right too. I can't let my past...rule my present, my future. What has that gotten me anyways? She sighed before flinging her arms around Telson's neck, hugging him with all her might. "Thank you Telson, thank you so much..."

"You are very welcome, my dear." He replied. They stayed that way for a moment longer before Telson gave a small cough, "Unless it is your desire to choke me small one, I must ask that you loosen your grip."

Ella quickly released him and leaned back. "Sorry!"

Telson chuckled while rubbing his neck, "You have grown strong, little Ella. Perhaps you are not so small anymore after all?"

Ella wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her nightgown, "Telson I've, really messed things up with Flash, and I'm not sure how to fix that."

The changeling nodded, "Perhaps, but his pain is not caused by you alone, is it? What?" He asked in response to her surprised expression, "You didn't think I wouldn't be keeping an eye on you two? The Mistress asked me to, and I would have done so anyways even if she hadn't."

Ella laughed a little at that. "Well I'm glad you have," She said. "Do you think that you could talk to him?"

Telson glanced to one side in consideration before shaking his head, "No, I am not the one best suited to help him in this matter. He is the unfortunate soldier who is still determined to stay at his post long after his duty is served. He blames himself for the painful consequences which are a fruit of the chaos on the battlefield which can neither be predicted nor controlled."

"So, what should we do?"

Telson looked her right in the eyes, "Do you love him?"

Ella blinked in surprised, astonished at his bluntness. "Well, yeah, I mean, he's such a good friend and-"

"Ella," Telson interrupted her, "Do. You. Love him? Do you feel the same way for him as he so obviously feels for you?" His eyes narrowed as his vision bored into hers.

Ella swallowed, her mind racing. After all, there was some truth to her earlier thoughts that there were better women for Flash, and that as mature as he was, it was still very likely that a big part of the reason he had fallen so hard for her was because she was still the first female of his species he had ever laid eyes on. Even so, she could not deny what she herself had come to feel.

"Yes." She finally admitted, "I do love him."

Telson nodded approvingly. "Good. Then use that love to help him. For just as love was the only thing that could have saved my Mistress from herself, so love is the only thing that will save Michail from his own present darkness."

Ella sighed, looking down in uncertainty. "But, how Telson? He's not even listening to those who have known him his whole life! And how well do I really know him? True, we bonded over our shared experience but, he's still a guy who grew up in, this!" She exclaimed, gesturing all around her.

"And I barely understand any of it! The kid literally walks on clouds for Pete's sake!" She said, before letting out a dejected sigh, "It's just, I have so little in common with him..."

Telson tapped his lower jaw in thought for a moment before an idea seemed to spring to his mind. "Perhaps you have more in common with him than you think."

Ella glanced up at him with a confused expression, "What do you mean?"

Telson smiled, "Come with me, I want to show you something."

"Telson this is stupid." Ella declared, keeping her hands firmly on the base of his neck while seated side-saddle on his back. They were high up in the sky, with Telson standing on a fluffy white cloud that overlooked the darkened Equestrian countryside.

"No it's not, trust me!" He cheerfully replied.

"I trust you, not this piece of fluff!"

"Every changeling possesses the ability to cloudwalk. With your magic, you should be no different!" He assured her.

"I'm not a changeling ya big lug!"

"Well, nobody's perfect." Telson said, glancing back at her with a smug smirk. Ella gave him a half-lidded glare.

"Alright, alright," he relented. "Look, even if this doesn't work, I promise I'm going to catch you, okay?"

"Fine," Ella huffed, "But that promise may need to include a change of undies." She grumbled as she looked down at her feet, taking a moment to gather her nerve. Her mind screamed at her that this was impossible, the slowly shifting vapors beneath her appearing no more substantial than the clouds or fog back on earth. And yet somehow, Telson, Flash, and other pegasi could stand on them as if they were pavement.

Ella slowly inched her feet down, stretching out with her toes as she tried to touch the surface of the cumulous while not leaving the relative safety of Telson's back. The changeling rolled his eyes before giving a small shrug of his shoulders. Ella screamed for the heavens as her silk-clad posterior suddenly slid off of Telson's smooth chitin.

"WHOA HOLY SH-" Ella began, but immediately stopped as the softest sensation she had ever felt in her life sweetly kissed the soles of her bare feet.

"Wha- WHAT?! HAHA WHAT?!" Ella shouted, incredulous with joy while falling to her knees, feeling the cloud all over with her hands. "THIS, THIS IS AMAZING! HOLY MAMA, WOW! IT'S, IT'S SO SOFT! IT'S LIKE IT'S MADE OF FRIGGIN BABY CHEEKS! WHAT HAVE I BEEN MISSIN' ALL MY LIFE?! HAHA!"

Telson chuckled softly to himself as he watch the young woman experience what all nymphs did the first time their parents took them up. Though he had to admit, her reaction was far more entertaining.

"There, you see? I told you there was nothing to fear."

"Yeah, you did! I guess-" Her eyes widened, "You colossal JERK!" She screamed, giving him a two-handed shove that sat him on his plot. "You scared the ever livin' sh-stuff outta me!" She exclaimed, remembering to watch her language as she had been trying do since she came to Equestria.

Telson nonchalantly brushed his chest off with one hoof, "I was just trying to help you along is all, a little encouragement if you will."

"ENCOURAGEMENT?! GOOD FREAKING GREIF! If I were a dude, that little stunt woulda had my friggin' balls in my throat!" Ella exclaimed while beginning to laugh again as she ran her hands over the cloud around her. It took her a few more moments before she could begin to finally catch her breath and calm down from the excitement of doing something that to her, was truly magical; one of those things that almost every human dreams of doing at some point in their life.

I'm actually sitting on a cloud...Oh God thank you, it's like a little piece of heaven!

No sooner had she finished her little prayer when the bright light of dawn began to spread on the horizon as Celestia raised the sun. Ella felt her jaw literally drop at the beauty of it, its utter magnificence even greater than that of the first sunrise she had seen in Equestria. It wasn't lost on her that she was probably only the second human in all of history to witness a sunrise while seated in the heavens; a tear of pure joy slid down her face.

Telson scooted closer to her so that she could lean into his side. "You see that sunrise, small one? It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Ella murmured, still amazed.

"Tell me, what had to come before the beauty of that light?"

"...a dark night."

"Exactly," Telson replied. "It happens in life, that you will often find yourself suffering, sometimes in a very dark place. There seems to be no end to it. But if you do not give up hope, if you persevere through that trial, eventually, you will find the joy you seek; you will come to that brighter horizon."

Ella sighed, a sense of peace coming over her as she took in her friend's wisdom. He was right. All of the pain, all of the suffering she had endured in her life had led her to this moment. This glorious, downright miraculous moment. And in that realization, she suddenly found another piece of the joy that she had been searching for, and with it, the desire to share that joy, that love with others. With Flash, She thought.


"Yes child?"

She wrapped her arm around his middle, squeezing herself closer to him. "Thank you."

The changeling twisted his neck to gently nuzzle the top of her head, "You are most welcome, my dear."

"You know that I love you, right?"

"Yes, and I love you as well."

"Will I get to see you more in the future?"

Telson smiled, "Yes, I will always be watching over you, for as long as I live. This I promise you."

Ella smiled, hugging him tightly. The rising sun warmed their bodies, while the love shared between them, warmed their hearts.

Flash, wait for me. I'll be there for you soon!

Author's Note:

The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great light.
-St. John of the Cross

Hello my friends! Yes, back so soon? Surprised? Well so am I!:rainbowlaugh:
Yes, I did not expect to be able to complete another chapter so soon, especially as I am heading out to sea again shortly.
And for that, I would like to thank my good friend Venerable Ro, who's creative input inspired me to write this chapter so quickly. Among other wonderful tidbits sprinkled throughout the chapter, he was the one who gave me the idea for Ella's little cloudwalking experience which I thought was a wonderful way to end things for now. Thanks a bunch mate!
Now for the bad news. As I am deploying again soon and internet access will be limited, the next chapter might be a bit, sorry.:fluttershyouch: But do not fret! Short of war breaking out, the ship sinking, or a giant octopus dragging me screaming beneath the waves, I am in no means abandoning this story. So please, be patient with me. As always, thank you for being here, let me know if you have any prayer requests, and remember to be happy!
Peace and God's blessings to you!