• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 5,218 Views, 568 Comments

Brighter Horizons - Destiny Chaser

A Human raised in Equestria by Pegasi. Oh, and he has their inherent magic. Have fun!

  • ...

Hidden Wounds

A sharp clack cut through the air as Flash brought down his axe, splitting the log into perfect halves that tumbled off either side of the tree stump that served for a chopping block. Cutting firewood was the kind of chore that he never really considered a real chore, as he found it always helped him to relax and clear his mind when under a lot of stress. So when he discovered that Fluttershy had a pile of logs behind her cozy cottage on the edge of the Everfree forest that had yet to be split, he gladly offered to take care of it for her. Anything to help him take his mind off of things, or to prove to his friends that he had not in fact, been deliberately avoiding them.

Flash sighed as he paused and leaned against the axe. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining amidst a tasteful smattering of fluffy white clouds in the clear blue sky. Wearing a grey, dry-fit t-shirt and khaki slacks, he flexed his feet, gripping the soft grass with his toes as he tried to better appreciate the moment. It's not like he had truly been avoiding everypony, of course not. I just want to be alone for a little while, can't anypony get that?

It had been three weeks since his trip to earth, three weeks into his involuntary one month of leave from the guard. In that time, by all appearances, things had gone wonderfully. His wounds had largely healed, albeit a few new scars, but he was used to those by now. And he had been having a blast welcoming Ella into his world. Showing her around, introducing her to his friends, and just delighting in her unique company while enjoying her reaction to each new and unfamiliar sight and experience.

Ella had connected well with Twilight and some of the others, and had even survived Pinkie's surprise 'Welcome to Ponyville' party with most of her sanity intact. So wins all around, right? Life was good, better than ever before. He had finally met another human, and she was actually here in Equestria with him! And she's my...friend. That's still good, right? But despite all of this good, Flash couldn't bring himself to enjoy it.

I should be happy, why can't I be happy?! He angrily thought while clenching his jaw. But he knew why, the answer was always there, lurking in the back of his mind like some dark fiend, ready to torment and mock him everytime he was foalish enough to ask himself questions to which he already knew the answers to.

Flash could feel her, right on the very edge of his mind as he kept careful track of her movements, trying to watch closely without her noticing him doing so, just in case she had another episode. He had to make sure he was there for her. After all, it was all his fault...


Flash snapped out of his bitter thoughts as he whirled around, axe in hand, only to meet the startled, sea-foam green eyes of Fluttershy as she recoiled back from his abrupt reaction. She hovered a few feet away at eye-level with him, a tray holding a glass of iced-lemonade held within her hooves as she eyed him warily.

Flash grunted in frustration as he twisted and stuck the axe into the tree stump with a dull thunk. "Fluttershy, you should know better than to sneak up on me like that, especially when somepony is working with an axe!"

Fluttershy frowned. "I didn't sneak up on you, Flash! I called your name at least three times! But you were just staring off into the distance, like a statue!"

Flash just caught himself from responding back with a biting retort of how he might have heard her is she actually spoke up for once. What the?! No! Why would you ever speak to her like that you jerk?! He fumed at himself.

He cleared his throat with a nervous laugh. "Sorry about that Flutters, maybe I should clean the wood-chips out of my ears. Thanks." He said while taking the offered refreshment.

Fluttershy stared at him a for a few more seconds, her wings beating softly, a cautious wonder in her eyes. "Flash, are you sure you're alright? You've been acting really strange lately."

Flash eyed her over his glass as he took a swallow of the cold, sweet liquid. It tasted like it was made with love, like everything she did. He knew he couldn't fool her, Fluttershy had been his friend for almost as long as Rainbow Dash had. They had grown up together, and she was one of the few ponies who could easily tell when he was upset, even if she wasn't the bearer of the Element of Kindness. That said, he was getting tired of everypony asking him about his well-being.

He exhaled slowly as he lowered his glass, searching for some piece of information that he could give her that would satisfy her question.

"Yeah, sorry Fluttershy. I'm just...really stressed out is all. I just want to go back to duty, for things to get back to normal, yeah?"

The yellow pegasus remained stoically silent, not speaking as she eyed at him carefully, like she was weighing what he had said with what she had observed. Flash felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up under her gaze, not wanting this inquiry to go on any longer than it already had.

Fluttershy finally let out a small sigh. "I understand Flash, but, to be perfectly honest...I've, been worried about you. In fact, the other girls have been worried as well."

Flash gave her a winning smile. "Worried? Whatever for girl? Is it because I didn't get together with you all the last time?"

The mare blinked slowly as she raised an accusatory eyebrow. "Try the last three times Flash, or did you not get the invitations?"

Flash clenched his jaw slightly. Has it really been that many? I must have lost track... He thought as he cleared his throat. "Well, come on Fluttershy. You can't expect me to turn up to every social event. I've just wanted some time to myself, that's all." The two stared at each other a moment longer before Fluttershy finally relented with a sigh as she glanced off to one side.

"Alright, Flash. If that's what it is, that's fine." She said, though Flash could tell that he had failed to convince her. He reached back around with his left hand and yanked the axe free, desperate to occupy himself and appear casual.

"Have you spoken to Rainbow Dash lately?" She asked quietly.

Flash froze, a rush of emotional pain flowed over him that caused a sweat to break out on his neck and back as he swallowed back a lump of grief and anger.

"She doesn't want to talk to me..." He muttered, not looking back at his friend. With a soft flap of wings, Fluttershy circled around so that he was forced to look at her. When Flash looked up, he was alarmed to see the pained look of concern in her eyes.

"Flash, she hasn't been talking to anypony. Nopony has seen her for the last two weeks."

Flash blinked in astonishment before glaring. "What do you mean, 'nopony has seen her?' I saw her at Pinkie's 'Welcome to Ponyville' party for Ella-

"Three weeks ago, Flash." Fluttershy said cutting him off. "Since then, she's been cooped up in her house and refuses to leave. Twilight and I have both tried speaking to her, but she brushes off us. She's even taken leave from the Wonderbolts, right in the middle of spring training! Have you ever known Rainbow Dash to take leave? Especially in the middle of training?"

Flash had no answer to that. Rainbow Dash was so devoted to the Wonderbolts that she could have had a limb lopped off and would still insist show up for flight routines. This was truly troubling news, but what could he do about it? She had hardly spoken a word to him since he had come back, but he knew why. Why would she want to talk to the 'friend' who almost killed her?

Flash grimaced before speaking. "Fluttershy, I-" A burning spasm unexpectedly shot like fire through his left arm, causing him to drop both the axe as well as the glass of lemonade which shattered as it hit the ground. The sharp blade of the axe glanced off the outer side of his thigh, slicing through his pants and giving him a shallow cut on his leg. "Buck!" He angrily swore as he clasped his trembling left wrist with his right hand.

In a panic, Flash quickly broadened his connection to Bright Skies, his consciousness rushing to hers full of concern. Mom! What happened?! Are you alright?! She didn't answer right away as he felt her trying to hide the issue from him. Fluttershy, meanwhile, was gently pawing at the bloodstain slowly spreading on his pants while shouting something about him staying put while she went and fetched the first-aid kit; but he wasn't really hearing her.

Eventually his mother's delayed response came through. Oh horseapples...sorry honey. I, I just tripped, that's all. Just being a clumsy old mare.

Flash ground his teeth, knowing that she was just trying to laugh it off in order to make him feel better. No, you stay right there. I'm on my way! He mentally shouted while severing the connection before she had a chance to object.

Turning about, he sprinted off at high-speed in the direction of Cloudsdale. He hated leaving Fluttershy without an explanation, he hated the fact that he had used coarse language in front of her. But most of all, he hated himself.

His forehead began to tingle again as the landscape streaked by him. This is all your fault, you selfish foal...

Ella shifted in the crystal chair, leaning her elbows on the Table of Friendship to get into a more comfortable position while sitting inside the throne room of Twilight's castle. The same mare was presently pacing back and forth beside her, slowly flipping through a collection of notes that she held within her violet magic.

The young princess' aura was currently a pensive tinge of yellowish-green, signaling how the wheels in her impressive brain were currently working in overdrive as she sought to find an answer to the question that had been dogging them both for the last two weeks. Living with Twilight Sparkle during this time had been nothing short of a joyful experience overall. The young princess was bright, optimistic, thoughtful, and kind. All wrapped in a kind of innocent, boundless enthusiasm that Ella felt was practically contagious, even if the pony did come across as a bit obsessive at times. She's such a sweetheart. Ella thought with a humorous smirk, grateful to have had her company as she continued to adjust to this strange, impossible new world.

At the same time, Ella was both amazed and delighted at the incredible progress she had been able to make in regards to understanding and controlling her magic thanks in no small part to Twilight's assistance. Together, they had been able to figure out what had happened to her when Telson had given her his love, drastically altering the balance of energy within her.

She had been so weak at the time the transfer had occurred, that the level of changeling life-force within her, combined with it's magical nature, overwrote her own fading strength, triggering a kind of reprogramming of her human physiology down to a cellular level. As a result, she now had many of the abilities, and even the magical signature of a changeling.

There were some differences to be sure. For one, she did not possess the ability to change her form, and there appeared to be no physical manifestations as a result of the change, for now. But there were plenty of other abilities that continued to emerge. The most obvious being that Ella found that now, like a changeling, she could both see and sense the emotions of others, even feed on them if she chose to. It was so complete a change that if she wanted, she could easily sustain herself on the love of others completely, without the need to consume actual physical food.

Added to that ability, Ella found that her physical strength would also commensurately increase according to the amount of energy she allowed herself to take from others. However, if she refrained from feeding, as she had been doing for the past week per Twilight's instructions, the increased strength, like the kind she had initially gained after Telson's gift, would eventually fade, though never completely. Even at its lowest point, she found that she was still noticeably stronger and far more resilient than she had ever been before having magic.

With the aid of Twilight's analysis and the guidance of a young female changeling named Ocellus whom Twilight had introduced her to, Ella had quickly gained almost full mastery of her new senses. She could now easily control just how much the emotions that she was constantly bombarded with affected her almost as easily as she could control her breathing, being able to adjust her perception of them at will with the happy result that she no longer felt overwhelmed by the presence of others around her. All in all, things were going very well. There was just one, small problem.

"So," Twilight began. "In the last week, has the hunger gotten worse or stayed the same?"

Ella took a moment to smooth the skirt of the simple yellow sundress she was presently wearing before looking at Twilight with a sigh. "I think it's about the same, hard to tell. Sometimes it feels worse, at other times it's just kinda, there."

Twilight lowered her notes as she met the girl's face. "And you haven't been feeding at all for the past week, correct?"

Ella gave her a sheepish grin, "Well yeah, mostly. I mean, I've pretty much resisted the desire altogether, but there have been a few times where I've caught myself...tasting an emotion or two, but I stop as soon as I realize it!"

Twilight gave a friendly giggle at her slight admission of guilt. "Don't worry Ella, you're not harming anypony."

Ella frowned slightly, "But I don't like doin' it! Honestly, treating others like food like, like some sorta vampire..." she grumbled. "But it's just, well...I'm hungry!" She said with a defeated exasperation, slouching back into her chair. And it's not like you ponies make it any easier, you all throw around love like it's going out of style, God bless you...

Twilight sighed, "I know you are, Ella. But, it just doesn't make any sense! From what I've deduced, your metabolic rate signals the same rate of cellular respiration regardless of the source input for oxidation!"

Ella raised an eyebrow, "In 'english' Twilight?" Or is it 'ponish'? I can't remember.

"You shouldn't be hungry!" Twilight replied. "Your body is functioning perfectly from the energy you get from normal food, there should be no need for you to feed on the energy given by love."

Ella sighed, "Then...why? Why am I just so hungry all the time?"

Twilight's ears drooped slightly as she shook her head, "I'm not sure, maybe it's a side effect of your human physiology still trying to adjust to changeling magic?" She said while setting her notes down on the table.

Ella shrugged, "So, what should I do? Hope that it eventually goes away?"

Twilight was silent for a few moments, tapping the the tip of one hoof the floor as she looked down in thought. "The first recorded instance we have of a changeling losing their hunger was Thorax, right after he became friends with Spike. The love shared through their friendship was what began the transformation..." She trailed off. Her eyes suddenly widened slightly before she looked back up at Ella. "Are things good between you and Flash?"

Ella blinked in surprise, the question catching her off guard. "Uh, yeah, of course they are! Never better! Why do ya ask?" She said, feeling a nervous sweat beginning to break out on her forehead.

Twilight's eyes narrowed slightly. "He's been acting really strange lately, and he hasn't been talking as much to me or any of his other friends. I'm beginning to worry it may have something to do with his recent experiences. Has he talked to you at all lately? Do you know what might be going on?"

Ella swallowed nervously. Flash had asked her not to tell anyone, assuring her that he would eventually be fine. She had reluctantly agreed; but still, should she tell his friend here what she had seen? That he was hiding from his friends the fact that his heart was currently a flaming trainwreck? That he was being consumed by guilt? Or that she had only made things worse by officially 'friendzoning' him two weeks before? That had gone about as well as a rusty chainsaw through the heart. It had broken her own heart to do so. After all, he deserved better. But that's why it's for the best, he'll see that someday...

Ella cleared her throat, "I think, he's still a little shook up about some of the nasty things he had ta' see by going to earth. I think he'll eventually be alright." I hope...

Twilight stared at her a beat before sighing in resignation. "Yeah, you're probably right. It's just, I don't like to see him this way. He really needs a friend right now, and for that matter, so do you! I think that is ultimately how you're going to fix this 'hunger' problem, by making more friends."

Ella smiled sadly. "Yeah, you're probably right princess."

"Twilight," she gently corrected with a friendly wink.

"Heh, yes Twilight...thank you. I'll keep an eye on Flash, don't worry." She stared at her a moment, considering all of the time they had spent together so far, and of the many pleasant experiences she had been having with this amicable pony these past few weeks before deciding to ask her question. "Though, is it safe to say that we're 'friends' now too?"

The pony brightened up, giving her the sweetest smile while her aura flashed a vivid pink of heartfelt kindness and love. "Oh Ella, of course we are! I'm happy to consider you a friend."

Ella smiled, before reaching out to begin scratching behind one of Twilight's soft ears, "Thanks Twilight, I really appreciate that, and all of your help. Thank you."

"Oooh..." Twilight groaned, her eyes rolling slightly. "You're...welcome...Ella. Though, remind me later to make an observatory note that...female human fingers may be even better at this...than male ones..." She said while adorably twisting her head into Ella's hand.

Ella had soon discovered that unlike on earth, petting and ear scritching was something of a novelty for these ponies. While the most natural inclination for her, or any normal human in the presence of such unadulterated cuteness, turns out, it was something that they rarely got to experience, which made her all the more happy to provide it for them. Ella stopped as she noticed one of Twilight's rear legs beginning to drum against the floor. That's just precious, but I probably shouldn't cause a princess to do that. She thought with a chuckle as she rose to her feet.

Twilight gave a half-joking whimper as Ella withdrew her hand and got up to depart. "You off to meet with Rarity again?" She asked, shaking her head briefly to straighten her mane. "She mentioned earlier that she had an appointment with you this morning."

"Yeah, she wants to take some additional measurements and whatnot. It'll be fun." Ella said as she turned to head for the exit.

"Hey, Ella!" Twilight called out after her.

Ella paused and turned about, her eyes widening slightly at the vibrant pink energy radiating brightly off of the mare in what was an obvious free-will offering of friendly love. She felt her mouth practically water at the prospect.

Twilight smiled shyly, "I know you're trying to do without it but, uh...do you want something for the road? You know, just to take the edge off?"

Ella paused, taken aback by the unusual, but kind offer. She wanted to say no, thinking that it would be better to simply ignore the hunger now that she knew that she wouldn't come to any harm if she did. Then again, allow others to be generous?

Ella dropped to one knee, opening her arms as Twilight met her in an embrace. She wrapped her arms around the pony's warm, fluffy neck as the young alicorn placed her forelimbs around her. Everytime she hugged one of these marvelous creatures, Ella felt like she got a small part of her lost childhood back.

The love coming off of the pony was warm and rich, like freshly baked cookies right out of the oven. Ella parted her lips slightly, ready to inhale the sweet love filling the air around them, almost giddy at the anticipation of finally feeding after a week of ridged fasting. But at the last moment, she stopped. An image of Flash, his aura a battered black and blue floated in front of her mind's eye. No, she bitterly thought, clenching her jaw shut.

Ella reluctantly leaned back from the hug, brushing Twilight's silky mane with one hand; the pony looked at her with slight confusion. "You're a sweetheart, Twilight." Ella said with a smile in answer to her questioning look. "But, I can't. Not now. I...I need to learn to not indulge this. Ya know, in case it gets any worse?"

Twilight frowned slightly, but nodded. "I understand Ella, that's really brave of you." She said, her ears wilting slightly. "Sorry if I needlessly tempted you."

Ella smiled as she rose to her feet, "No, it's alright Twilight. Thank you for the generous offer, I may take you up on it in the future. But for now, I think it's best to wait."

Ella blinked as she stepped out into the warm Equestrian sun, pausing a moment to take a deep breath of the fresh morning air while she allowed her eyes to adjust before setting out on the now familiar path that would take her straight through the middle of Ponyville and right to Rarity's boutique. She was already beginning to regret not taking Twilight up on her offer, teasing her senses like that had only made the hunger pangs worse. Which was an odd feeling to have when technically she was full, having had a large breakfast that morning. That little dragon sure does make the best pancakes.

But this new hunger, which had begun to manifest roughly two weeks ago as Telson's energy faded, was of a different nature and could not be satisfied by physical food.

Ella sighed, Best not to think about it girl. Though that was easier said than done. The air of Ponyville was heavy with the sweet scent of love and happiness as it's inhabitants went to and fro about their business. It was like walking through a banquet hall arranged with a sumptuous feast and trying to avoid tasting anything after not eating for a week. Ella clenched her jaw shut as she narrowed her senses to the lowest possible level she could in an attempt to reduce the temptation to feed. They're ponies, not food. They're ponies, not food...

A trio of ponies working at a flower stall waved at her as she walked by, while a small foal looked shyly at her with enormous eyes from behind one of her mother's legs. Sweet mercy foals were cute. Oversized heads, glassy doe-eyes, all fluff and fur. Ella waved back to them with a friendly smile while continuing on her way, trying to shake the feeling that she was somehow walking through a children's storybook.

She was amazed at how quickly the ponies had become accustomed to her presence after the initial gawking and crowding she had been forced to deal with when Flash had first taken her here. They sure don't seem to mind the new alien walking through their town anymore. Must be because they're used to Flash. Ella grimaced as she thought about him, a longing tugged at her heart which she quickly suppressed. She hadn't spoken to him in almost three days now, and she couldn't help but miss him.

He'll heal in time, he'll heal in time...all guys go through this at some point. Yeah, he's going to be alright. He's a tough, smart...really good lookin' kid.

Ella snapped out of her thoughts as she heard a small bell jingle, surprised to find herself already at the front entrance of the boutique. A small, white unicorn filly with a pink and purple mane was scampering out of the doorway. The small pony paused a moment as she caught sight of the human.

"Oh, hey Ella!" She greeted with a bright smile. "You here to see Rarity?"

"Hi Sweetie Belle, yeah. Is she inside?"

"Mmm-hmm! She's waiting for ya right now!"

Ella thanked her before turning to head inside the cylindrical shaped building.

"Gotta run, say hi to Flash for us! Tell him we miss him!" The little filly shouted over her shoulder as she galloped off.

Ella sighed, "Sure, I'll do that." She muttered despondently under her breath. She stepped onto the light purple carpet of the first-floor workroom, kicking off the soft sandals she was wearing as she did. The place appeared to be in it's usual semi-organized, ever functional status. With pony mannequins and clothing stands arranged in various states of progress along the far side of the room. There among them facing away from her, was the beautiful white unicorn she had become accustomed to seeing almost as much as Twilight.

"I'll be with you in a moment darling!" Rarity said, her cheery voice reflective of the creative excitement that Ella could see beautifully coloring her emotions, like a gem in the sunlight.

Ella smiled to herself as she took her place up on the small display stage. Rarity had already lowered it so that her taller than usual guest would not have her head and shoulders cut off in the backdrop mirrors' reflections. While she may have gotten friendly with Twilight over the last three weeks, with Rarity, Ella had practically bonded.

The marvelous mare felt like the older sister she never had, the first female she had met since her own mother who made her feel like a real woman rather than a piece of meat. In addition to most generously providing her with a slew of new clothing, Rarity had provided her with something even more valuable: a listening ear, heartfelt empathy, keen insight, and the kind of quality advice that one girl can only get from another, more experienced and cultured woman. Her friendship felt to Ella like a refreshing rain on the parched earth that had been her own badly neglected femininity. Rarity was a true girlfriend, a mare who both taught and treated her like a lady; a person whom she felt safe in telling almost anything, almost.

Ella felt the tingling of Rarity's magic as the unicorn undid the saphire-blue ribbon that had been holding back her golden hair, allowing it to fall freely over her shoulders. She had noticed how her hair, eyes, and skin seemed to be gaining a kind of enhanced luster ever since she had been endowed with magic. That must be why Flash's hair practically shines... She thought as Rarity took a moment to examine the piece of fabric.

"My, I was right about this color being the perfect touch to complement your eyes, especially in that dress." Rarity said with admiration. "Though I must say, you look positively lovely with your hair down like that."

Ella giggled shyly, "Do you charm all of your customers like this?"

Rarity winked at her, "Only when it is deserved, love." Ella smiled while lifting her arms as the unicorn elevated a measuring tape across her shoulders.

"So," Rarity began, "Was this last measure still too tight in the shoulders? Do you need me to let it out more?"

Ella shook her head, "No Rarity, it's pretty much perfect. I think the last time was just me not being used to wearin' a dress, I haven't worn one since I was a little girl." She said with a small chuckle.

Rarity nodded, "Yes, well, those other garments you came here in may have been functional, but they hardly did your appearance any favors, darling. Clothing for a lady should be more than a utilitarian tool, it should both present and preserve her beauty."

Ella laughed, "Wow, ya gettin' all philosophical on me, huh Rarity?" It was a gentle tease, but Ella knew what she was getting at. It was a simple dress, with a collar that dipped just one inch below her collarbone, a slightly splayed skirt that went just below the knees, and sleeves that just covered her shoulders. Such a simple garment, but she had to admit, she thought it looked better than anything she had ever worn in her adult life.

The pony tittered a little into her hoof, "Well, I'm not the only one who thinks you look better in a dress. After all, Flash certainly seems to approve of it, if the color of his cheeks were any indication..." Rarity said, raising a sly eyebrow.

Ella sighed at the sweet memory of Flash losing his steely bearing and turning as red as a cherry the first time she had stepped out of the changing room in one of the many dresses Rarity had fashioned for her. "Yeah, well, keep in mind that he's still a young man who's not used to seeing girls."

"Perhaps dear, but don't sell yourself short either. I don't know much about humans but even I think you cut a striking figure." Rarity retorted.

Ella simply nodded with a grateful smile, but didn't say anything as she allowed Rarity to do her thing. The skilled seamstress took a few additional measurements while floating several different rolls of fabric of varying colors around her with her sparkling blue magic, commenting on the merits or lack thereof of each piece. Ella was happy to simply listen to the mare talk, only giving input when necessary. But at the same time, she felt distracted. Now that Rarity had brought him up, Ella couldn't get the thought of Flash out of her head, with doubts about her decision to limit their relationship beginning to assail her once more.

"So, are you ready to talk about it?" Rarity suddenly asked, breaking Ella from her train of thought.

"Talk about what Rarity?"

Rarity set her material down while removing her red-framed eyeglasses. Ella thought she looked adorable whenever the pony wore them. "About you and Flash," she said matter of factly, "Don't think I haven't noticed the change in his demeanor around you, darling. It's the same sullen look in any colt when he's been relegated to the dreaded 'friendzone.'"

Ella gave a small smirk, "I guess there was no hiding it from you, huh?" She paused a beat before asking, "How obvious was it?"

Rarity gave her a compassionate look, "As the sun in the sky, dear. I didn't mention it when I first noticed, I wanted to give you some time with your decision. But now that I can clearly see how unhappy it is making you as well, I simply have to ask. It's obvious that he feels very strongly about you," The pony paused, before adding, "And it's plain to see that you feel the same about him."

Ella's eyes widened, "How do you know that?"

Rarity smiled, "I have eyes, darling. Not quite as adept as yours, but I can still see how you feel about him. You light up like a firefly whenever he's around. So tell me, why?"

Ella was silent for a moment, wondering if she was ready to share this part about her with this pony whom she had come to admire and appreciate so much. She hesitated, partly due to embarrassment, but also due to a fear of what her new friend might think of her. In the end, Ella decided that such a fear was petty and prideful.

Relenting, Ella stepping down from the display stage so that she could sit on it's edge. "Because I'm not the right girl for him." She stated flatly, wincing at the pain the admission caused.

Rarity tilted her head to one side, clearly confused. "But why ever not darling?"

Ella opened her mouth to speak, but found the words caught in her throat, halted by the the sudden onset of a deep, soul-crushing pain. It hurt, it hurt worse than any physical pain she had ever felt. The pain of finally admitting to another what had happened to her felt like a sledgehammer to the chest, hurting so much that she wanted nothing more than to break down, hug this mare, and cry on her shoulder. But she didn't, she wouldn't. She refused to let those tears fall; and honestly? She didn't even know why.

Rarity's aura immediately flashed purple with worry and concern as she noticed how deeply troubled Ella had now become. The beautiful unicorn responded by hopping up onto the stage and sitting down next to her, sidling up close to the young woman in order to lend the human her comfort. Rarity didn't speak, she knew that words were not the right instrument at the moment. Instead, she simply waited. Patiently waited until whatever was causing her friend's pain came out on it's own.

Ella stared down at her hands, grateful for both Rarity's presence as well as her silence, which made it easier for her to find her voice again. The pony's worry and concern had a scent that was almost earthy in nature, but fresh. Like the scent of a tree on a clear, autumn day; it mingled with the smell of the jasmine-scented perfume gently wafting off of her mane. When Ella finally did speak, she found that her voice was strangely calm and quiet.

"I was a whore, Rarity." She said, casting a quick glance at the pony. "A call-girl, an escort, a woman of pleasure. Call it what you want, but I was not a good girl, even if it wasn't done willingly. And Flash?" She paused, a humorless smirk interjecting her words, "He's just so, innocent...not that he's naive, no way. I mean, he's just so pure! So...good, so selfless. Strong and brave, so untainted by the kinda darkness I've had ta live through. Believe me, I would be happy to be with him. After all, what girl wouldn’t? He’s every bad girl’s dream!” She said with a small, humorless laugh.

Ella shook her head slowly, “But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it's only natural that he'd fall in love with the first girl he's ever seen, and...that it would be selfish of me if I took advantage of his inexperience, especially after all that he’s done for me. No, he needs time, time to meet other women and see that there are better ones out there for him, ones that aren’t so damaged by the worst parts of the world.” She said, hesitating before adding, “He deserves better than me.”

Ella sighed as she finished her explanation, feeling a bit less anxious now that she shared her reasonings with another, but at the same time, all the more depressed. She turned and looked at Rarity, waiting for her to say something. Instead, the pony surprised her by wrapping her forelimbs around her shoulders in a deep, tender hug. Ella gladly returned it, her arms sinking into the incredibly soft fur of the pony’s withers. The sorrowful compassion radiating off of the mare smelled like crushed rose-petals.

“Oh darling,” Rarity breathed into Ella’s ear after a few moments, they leaned back from the embrace though Rarity still kept one hoof on the girl’s shoulder. The unicorn gave her a sad smile. Her sapphire eyes, the same color as Ella’s, sparkled with a fresh film of tears that had just begun to form.

“Why should you allow your past to dictate your future? Flash certainly doesn’t think any less of you for it, and neither should you.”

Ella felt a powerful surge of emotions rise up in her heart in reaction to the truth in the pony’s words. She wanted to release them, to cry and vent at the unbearable shame of her past that made her feel so unworthy of love, unworthy of Flash. Instead, she forced them back down, entangling them deeply within the hunger now painfully twisting around inside of her as it angrily demanded satiation. Chew on that you monster...

Ella didn’t know it, but her eyes flickered faintly with a green light. Rarity’s eyes widened as she noticed the phenomena.

“It’s not that simple, Rarity.” Ella said, gently brushing the pony’s hoof off of her shoulder after giving it a grateful squeeze.

Rarity frowned, “But why shouldn’t it be Ella? You’ve just stated that you care more about Flash’s happiness than your own, what would one call that but an admission of true love? You want to be with him darling, why shouldn’t you? Why should it be anyone other than you? After all, it was you and not another that managed to capture his heart.”

Ella wasn’t sure how to answer her at first. Then, for whatever dark reason, she suddenly found Chelicerae’s words to her from before coming into her mind.

“Life isn’t always about what we want, Rarity.”

Black darkness, searing pain, wrath, violence, blood.

“They break so easily, don’t they?”

Shattered limbs, burning flesh, agonizing screams.

“They’re pathetic, so inferior to us, they don’t deserve our pity.”

Tearing, rending...stronger, faster!

“Kill them...KILL THEM ALL!”

Resistance...don’t let them stop you...KILL!

His blades shot forward, they impacted flesh, sinking deep. A beating heart cut itself to ribbons as it fluttered against the sharp edges of his weapon.

Flash gaped as he stared into the mournful eyes of his beloved mother, blood trickled from her mouth as she coughed and gasped with her dying breaths.

“Why Flash?” She gurgled, choking on her own blood. “Why would you kill me? Was I a bad mother? I’m sorry...I’m sorry I wasn't good enough...

A ragged scream tore from Flash’s lips as he shot up in bed, a cold, clammy sweat clinging to his limbs and torso. His heart pounded in his ears as his gaze tore around his moonlit room, searching for a threat that wasn’t there.

“Oh buck...buck me...” He muttered through heaving breaths, holding his hands against his face which was wet with his tears and sweat. Flash immediately threw up mental walls around his consciousness, not wanting his disturbed mind to wake his mother again. He had temporarily moved back to their home in Cloudsdale from the loft he rented in Canterlot in order to be closer to her while she recovered, which made keeping his mind from her all the more difficult.

Flash rolled off of his cloud mattress as he stumbled into the adjoining bathroom, flicking on the lights as he did. He slapped the small raincloud above the sink, splashing some of the cold water it released onto his face. Wiping his face with the small hand towel, Flash looked up slowly into the mirror, his scarred visage angrily staring back at him.

The nightmares were getting worse, with the unpleasant consequence that he hadn’t had any decent sleep in weeks. He had been examined by no less than three mages, including Twilight herself. And other than some neural scarring, none of them had found any trace of Chelicerae’s magic still affecting his mind; but it didn’t feel that way.

He had sensed Luna’s approach during the horrid dream as she rushed to his aid. But like all the previous times, he forced himself to wake up before she could get to him. He didn’t want to talk to her. He didn’t want to talk to anypony, he just wanted to be alone. Luna, Celestia, Burnt Oak, his chaplain, none of them could understand what he had done, what it felt to like to live with this inescapable shame. But it wasn’t their fault, how could it be? No, the only one to blame was him. He put himself in this situation, him and his own selfish desires.

Flash felt his fist clenching as his rage at himself flared hot, black and caustic. He wanted nothing more than to drive his fist through his reflection. The magical outline of the red and yellow sun, Sunset's cutie mark, shone faintly on his forehead as her enchantment reacted to his very own malice. It only served to further fill him with even greater self-disgust. The scar on his cutie mark burned like a hot brand, its very existence a mocking reminder of just how spectacularly he had failed in his vocation to protect others, and of all ponies, the ones who were most dear to him. He clenched his eyes shut not wanting to look at himself any longer. Feeling as if he was about to explode, Flash did the only thing he could think to do: he ran.

A diving leap out the second story of his bedroom window later, Flash tore down the deserted streets of Cloudsdale, reaching the edge of town in only a few seconds. Without pausing, he dove clear over side and out into the open sky, the wind rushing by his face as he plummeted towards the ground far below, ricocheting off of strategically placed clouds with practiced ease to slow his decent.

Hitting the ground much harder than he normally would, Flash distributed the impact in a five-point roll before taking off like a bolt loosed from a crossbow, leaving a silver streak of magical energy in his wake.

Flash poured on the speed as he ran and ran, legs pumping, arms swinging as he moved faster and faster, his surroundings a blur.


He pressed harder, unable to remember the last time he ran so fast, perhaps when Tierk had attacked his mother? Perhaps never. He felt the air pressure in front of him building, that wall of thick, ground level air that had always prevented him from ever achieving sustained supersonic speed. Gritting his teeth, Flash dug deep, pushing himself harder than he ever had in his life as he felt himself reaching the very limits of his abilities. He thought he might break first: his muscles ached, his lungs burned, his heart was beating fit to burst, but he pressed on; straining every fiber, burning through every reserve.

Just as he felt that he could go no further, it happened. With a resounding boom that echoed across the Equestrian countryside, Flash Skies blasted through the sound barrier, crossing a line that he had always believed to be unbreachable for him.

With a sense of thrill and more than a little shock, Flash quickly slowed down, afraid that he might lose control and wipe out. Sliding to a stop, he collapsed to the grass on his hands and knees, gasping and panting as sweat poured down his face and body. He had left his home so quickly, that he had not even bothered to put on his shoes or grab a shirt, and was wearing only his light-blue sweatpants. Even with his enhanced durability and flight magic, his feet throbbed in protest at the abuse he had just put them through.

As pleased as he was at this incredible accomplishment, Flash found the joy was short lived. He couldn’t get the horrific images of his wounded mother, her blood hot on his hands out of his head. He looked up and finally realized where he was. He was standing in an open plain on a small hill upon which sat a lone elm tree; Canterhorn Mountain loomed in the distance. It was a secluded place, one he used to visit all the time when he was younger whenever he desired to get away and have time to read, be alone, or reflect on his life.

It was an especially meaningful location to him, and he was a bit surprised that had he ended up here of all places when he thought he was running to nowhere in particular; he hadn’t been here in years. A fresh wave of agony rolled through his heart as he caught sight of some graffiti that was carved into the trunk of the tree, reminding him of a memory he had all but forgotten until now.

Flash and Dash
Best friends forever!

A red haze descended over his vision, his fingers digging into the bark of the tree as a great rage rose up inside of him. You’ve ruined that as well, haven’t you?! Flash joined his anger to a familiar energy swelling up within him, raw and powerful. His eyes shone brightly with blue light as he sent the power surging towards his right fist, and with a wordless scream, punched the center of the tree with all of his might, releasing the full-force of the thunderbolt contained within his arm.

With a blinding and deafening blast of light that hurt his ears, the tree exploded with tremendous force. The trunk shattering into countless shards and splinters that stung his face and bare torso while it’s once proud branches crashed to the ground in utter ruin. The echo of thunder rolled off into the distance, slowly fading out of existence.

Flash felt his arm trembling, the discharge of energy so intense that it had left it almost completely numb. He slowly lowered his clenched fist to his side, blood dripping from the torn flesh on his knuckles as he paused to take in the wanton destruction that he had caused.

“You know Equestria is going to lose a lot more trees that way,” said an all too familiar, baritone voice from behind him. “Though I suppose if you were looking for the most chaotic way to create a lifetime supply of toothpicks, I applaud your most vigorous efforts.”

Flash scowled, not bothering to turn around. “What do you want Discord?” He grumbled. “You come to gloat? Say ‘I told you so?’”

There was a flash of light, and the decimated tree was suddenly whole once more with the draconequus responsible for its miraculous reconstruction lounging on one of the branches, a smug grin on his face.

“Moi?” Discord said, placing a claw against his chest. “Since when do I ever gloat?”

"...Not dignifying that." Flash muttered under his breath. Though secretly, he was glad that Discord had kindly restored the part of his childhood that he had foalishly destroyed in his anger.

"Well, fair enough...but seriously! If either of us has any reason to boast, shouldn't it be you?" Discord said, holding up the digits on his lion's paw which multiplied in number as he counted off.

"You discovered your origins, rescued countless damsels, defeated the baddies, converted fearsome enemies through the magic of friendship, made a new friend, who I must say, is not too shabby on the eyes," Discord was suddenly at Flash's side, nudging him in the ribs with his elbow while wiggling his eyebrows. Flash took a swipe at him only for the mischievous spirit to vanish in a flash of light and reappear behind him.

And, returned home safely! Very impressive, quite the conquering hero I must say! If anything, I should be the one eating humble pie and Celestia should be pinning you with medals!" He snapped his claws and Flash found himself pristinely arrayed in his short-sleeved officer khakis, as sharp and fresh as if he had just stepped out of the changing room. A mirror instantly materialized in front of him so he could take in his appearance.

"Oh it cost you a few new character marks to be sure," Discord said while snapping his claws again, and Flash found that the vision in his right eye suddenly disappeared. He looked and saw in the mirror that he was now wearing a stylish, black eyepatch.

"But hey, the ladies love a soldier with battle scars! Quite the roguish appearance, wouldn't you say?"

Flash snarled angrily as he tore the eyepatch off and kicked the reflective surface, shattering it into countless shards that immediately took flight as a swarm of mirror-winged butterflies.

"Enough!" He shouted. Flash glared at the Lord of Chaos, "I don't feel like humoring your games right now, Discord!"

Discord cocked his head to one side, folding his mismatched arms and pouting his lips, "But why ever not? I can't see a single reason for you to be so upset when you've obviously triumphed so splendidly."

"Triumphed...TRIUMPHED?!" Flash screamed, almost wanting to shoot lightning at his nigh omnipotent friend, as futile a gesture as he knew that would be. Flash's shoulder's heaved as he struggled to contain his temper. He didn't want to be angry at Discord. After all, he was his friend, and he knew that he was only trying to help him, albeit in his own, peculiar fashion.

Flash was about to ask him to leave, but in the moment, was struck with a different thought. If there was ever an individual that might give him an unusual perspective, something that he and others might easily overlook, it was Discord. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Flash decided to share with him the new reality that had been brutalizing his heart and mind.

Flash spun about, turning his back on Discord. "You want to know how spectacularly I've triumphed Discord?" He asked, a bark of self-deprecating laughter escaping his throat. "Well how about this?!" He turned about again, eyes flashing with rage. "Because of me, my mother's crippled now! She's got permanent nerve damage, not even magic can touch it...she's only 36 years old and she'll never WALK straight again!" Flash angrily exclaimed, gripping his left forearm for emphasis.

Discord blinked, his gaze enigmatic, but he didn't speak. Flash swore and turned his back on him once more, continuing with his rant. "And if that wasn't enough, the Alicorn magic in my gauntlet severed some of the energy lines in her forelimb, her magic doesn't flow through it normally anymore, which means I've all but ruined her career as a weather pony!" He paused for a moment, swallowing back a surge of grief that almost caused his voice to crack. "And my best friend? Rainbow Dash? Because of what I almost did to her, she can't even stand to look at me anymore. And why, for WHAT?! All because I was curious. Because I just had to know where I came from...how's that for 'triumph' Discord, huh?! YOU TELL ME!" He screamed, his voice echoing faintly across the moonlit plain.

Flash felt hot tears coming to his eyes as he finally heard his pain put into words. The guilt, the unbearable shame that he had caused those who loved him pain, combined with the gut wrenching knowledge that Ella would not have him was too much to bear. "I, I should have listened to you Discord." He said quietly. "You were right, I should have left well enough alone..."

Flash then waited, waited for what felt like forever for Discord to say something in response to his failure, to pass some sort of judgment on him, but no answer came. He grit his teeth as he spun about, "Well? SAY something you trickst-" His word died in his throat as he caught sight of the Princess of the Night silently stepping into reality from out of Discord's very shadow where she had apparently been hiding. The sadness in her beautiful eyes a testimony to the fact that she had heard everything.

Flash looked from Luna to Discord, completely stunned at the realization that Discord had so completely set him up. The draconequus frowned, uncharacteristic sympathy coloring the gaze of the normally urbane spirit. "I do not believe that I am the one you need to speak to at the moment, my friend."

The noise of the dining hall entrance being slammed open caused Princess Celestia to look up with a start from her morning report as her bedraggled looking sister stalked towards the dining room table.

The solar princess set down her notes and saucer that she had been holding in her golden magic while proffering a fresh cup that she had been keeping ready towards her sister. "Sister?" She asked, "How did-"

Luna ignored the offered cup, instead snatching the entire carafe off of the white table cloth with her magic and downing it's contents in several long gulps.

"Ah," Celestia remarked, "That bad?"

Luna took a gasp of air as she slammed the empty container back on the table. "It's worse than we thought sister," She said, giving Celestia a worried glance with her heavily ringed eyes. "Among other disturbances, Flash completely blames himself for his mother's condition, and because he is constantly aware of his mother's discomfort, he cannot see past this present trauma which has become all but a waking nightmare for him."

Celestia frowned, upset not only at the terribleness of the situation, but at her sister's obvious distress on the matter. Flash was the first friend she had made after her return, and held a special place in her heart, perhaps even more so than her own. Oh my little one, why do you choose to suffer alone? She thought with a grimace.

Luna bowed her head, "He, he did not even want to listen to me...he's never shut me out before..." She whispered in pained disbelief. "He said, that he didn't want to inconvenience anypony any more than he already had, that I should not waste my time on him, that he would have to come to peace with this on his own, if ever."

The two alicorns remained silent for a time, with the only sound in the room coming from the steady ticking of the stately grandfather clock against the far wall.

Celestia was the first to break the silence, "What do you think Luna, do you want me to intervene?"

Luna continued to stare down at the floor in thought for a moment longer before she shook her head and looked up. "No, sister. I know you care, but I think your intervention would only make the situation all the more tenuous. Instead, I think it's time we brought in a fresh perspective, one that Flash is not so accustomed to hearing from on a regular basis."

Celestia smiled, knowing instantly who she meant. "Alright Luna, I'll leave this to you. I trust your judgment in this matter."

Fifteen minutes and another carafe of coffee later, Princess Luna stood at the dark mahogany desk in her private study. The curtains were drawn, but the shifting patterns of the night sky magically imprinted onto the ceiling gave a soft luminescence to her tired eyes. Her bed called like a siren, rich with the promise of glorious, refreshing rest. But not yet, not until she completed the task at hoof.

Luna tapped the quill against her lower jaw in thought. It had been a long time since she had faced a problem of this nature that she was not able to solve on her own, and wondered how to relate what she had observed to another. Luna was not in the habit of revealing what she had seen and heard in the dreams of others, and kept the strictest of seals on that information less she lose the confidence of and scandalize her little ponies. Proceeding with caution, she placed her quill to the blank parchment.

My dearest Cadance,

It is with utmost urgency that I write to you this day...

Author's Note:

More tortuous than anything is the human heart, beyond remedy; who can understand it? -Jeremiah 17:9

Be patient with your neighbor, you never know what they might be going through.

Greetings my friends, so glad to be back. I apologize for the delay, things have just been crazy for me as of late, with the result that I haven't been able to get this out as soon as I had originally planned. Be patient with me.:twilightsheepish:
As always, thank you so much for your presence here, and feel free to contact me with anything I might pray for you to the Lord God.
Peace and God's blessings to you all my friends!