• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 5,218 Views, 568 Comments

Brighter Horizons - Destiny Chaser

A Human raised in Equestria by Pegasi. Oh, and he has their inherent magic. Have fun!

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The experienced priest checked his small ritual book for what must have been the tenth time, even though his hands had traveled the familiar rites countless times throughout his lengthy career; he probably had them memorized. Even so, the familiarity of the somewhat weathered pages awarded him a sense of peace and reassurance, as did his interior recollection with the Good God, in the otherwise unfamiliar and perhaps never to be familiar world called Equestria that he presently found himself standing in.

The mid-morning sun shone brilliantly above them in the blue sky, with every cloud having been 'moved' by the sky-dwelling residents of this dream-like plane of existence. He and the countless colorful guests were all gathered in the courtyard of the Castle of the Capital, the anxious equines milling about in eager anticipation as they awaited the arrival of the wedding party and so begin the ceremony.

The ponies had arranged everything in thoughtful detail with exactness to the cleric's requests. The two groups of patrons were divided by a center aisle created by an elaborate red carpet which led up to the steps of an elevated stage upon which was arranged a make-shift altar with all the proper adornments that he had brought along with him; a pair of kneelers, having been beautifully adorned with white linens and flowers, awaited the happy couple before the foot of the altar.

He was older, but not too old, though aged enough that his hair had lost all of its dark color and lines creased his kind face; however, his strong shoulders were still squared and his back remained unbowed, there was still some vitality left in him yet. But no matter how long he may yet live, he would never forget the day that the young couple, whose nuptial sacrament he would today bear witness to, first graced the foyer of his rectory, asking, as many had before them, for preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

The lessons had begun ordinarily enough, with the young man still needing further catechesis, of which he was a most willing student, before he could fully enter into the Church; the young woman at his side being one who had recently returned to the practice of her faith after many years away from the House of the Lord. It was then, after the young couple had gained good familiarity and trust with him, that they had confided to him their secret of unimaginable proportions, a secret that he promised to keep for them, a secret that once more proved to the veteran cleric that there were yet wonders in this vast universe known but to God alone, and to those whom He chose to reveal them.

What had begun from there was an incredible journey of revelation that was still ever unfolding before him, with greater wonder and beauty than he ever imagined he might experience in the later part of his life

"I take it that there is still much to take in, Monsignor?" Said the motherly voice of the seemingly heavenly creature beside him. Fr. Louis Gerard chuckled, casting a weary but humorous glance to the Princess of the Sun standing at his side,

"Even if I lived to be as old as you your highness, I do not think that I could begin to take all of this in." He replied.

Celestia: even though Gerard had only known of this world for but a brief two months, he had been blessed during that relatively short period to have struck up a marvelous acquaintance in the gracious ruler of this land, with whom he had enjoyed many delightful encounters and commonality with. Her appreciation of tea, conversation, and the finer points of gardening had helped to form a fast bond between them. Her gracious and gentle demeanor, so obviously honed by countless years of practiced virtue, was a source of great comfort and stability in the otherwise completely overwhelming experience of coming to knowledge of an entirely new world filled with beings, that until recently, had only existed as creatures of fiction in his mind.

Celestia smiled warmly at him, "Well, that makes two of us then," she said with a wink, earning a hearty chuckle from the man,

"Glad I'm not alone then," he whispered back before quickly turning to quiet himself, returning to his interior recollection in preparation for the Holy Rites and Sacred Mysteries which would soon commence.

Flash sighed, though not impatiently, as his mother looked him over for the countless time, checking his red officer's dress uniform and his hair for any flaws or defects. It was the same uniform he had worn to the Gala, though now adorned with the optional ceremonial officer's saber placed in a golden scabbard attached to his waist. Bright Skies for her part was wearing a simple light blue dress with a white collar, a silver chain holding the enchanted medallion of a silver waxing moon, a symbol of her recent apprenticeship as a dream warden under Princess Luna, hung about her neck.

"It's fine mom, nothing's changed in the last five minutes," he said.

Oh hush! A mother has a right to make sure her son looks his best on his wedding day! She replied with her mind. Flash blinked in surprise, realizing that she was so nervous that she hadn't even realized she had responded to such a casual statement with such an intimate form of contact.

Flash smiled, and gently grabbed onto Bright Skies' hoof, "Mom, it's okay, everything's going to be fine, you'll see." The pink pegasus flinched, looking up at him with her bright violet eyes,

"Oh my little guy, why did you have to go and grow up so fast?" She whispered, appearing almost on the verge of tears. "I used to be able to tuck you under my wing, and now look at you!" Flash chuckled,

"Did you ever imagine you would ever see something like this? You know, when you chose to adopt an alien?"

Bright Skies stared at him for a second, shaking her head, "No, I never thought that far ahead. I just thought that...that you needed love, that I needed to love you."

Flash dropped down to one knee so that he could be eye-level with her, "Well, you did a great job at that, you know that mother?" He softly replied, cupping her cheek with his hand.

She pressed his hand against her face, rubbing her cheek against it so fiercely as if she thought he might otherwise disappear.

"I'm just so happy for you, my Flash, you've made me so, so happy, I just want you to know that..." Bright Skies trailed off, feeling as if her heart would burst for joy and break with sadness at the same time. Flash smiled,

"I'm happy too, mom. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for you, thank you for everything, I love you so much."

The pony jumped up, flinging her forelimbs around his neck in a fierce hug which he returned, "I love you too, my heart." She whispered in his ear.

They stayed that way for a few tender moments, before Bright Skies leaned back, wiping a tear from her eye while leaving her hooves on his shoulders. Her eyes narrowed as a sly, serious look suddenly appeared on her face,

"Just one thing though, my son,"

"Anything for you, mom." Flash said.

Gripping his shoulders, Bright Skies pushed her forehead against his, her velvety muzzle touching his nose while her dead-serious gaze looked straight into his eyes, "I want grandfoals," she practically commanded.

Flash blinked again as heat suddenly suffused his face, "Uh, yeah, sure mom! Coming right up..." He said with a nervous laugh.

Bright Skies held her serious gaze for another moment before she laughed as well, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before dropping to her hooves so that he could stand. He offered his arm out to her, "Shall we?"

"Let's!" She exclaimed, placing her hoof on his arm as they took their place to walk down the aisle.

Ella paced nervously behind the divider at the back of the courtyard, trying to calm her nerves as she awaited Telson's arrival. She knew he was close, she could just sense it; no doubt scouting out the area first, caution was his most ingrained habit. She took a moment to check her wedding gown. It was a fairly simple white ensemble and veil, as she had asked Rarity to keep it so, no matter how much the mare begged her to enhance it.

"It seems that you have finally found the answers to those questions your heart asked when you first arrived," came a familiar voice from behind her. Ella spun around and was shocked to discover that Luna had appeared behind her without so much as a sound.

"Whoa! You startled me there, princess," Ella said, managing a curtsey as she bowed her head. Luna smiled,

"Please my dear, you do not need to be so formal with me, I just wanted to say 'thank you' before this happy occasion began."

"Thanks for what, princess?" Ella asked. The ageless alicorn took a step closer, lowering her voice,

"Thank you for making Flash happy, for being the answer to his prayers and dreams that I have for so long watched over, you don't know how grateful I am to see him so full of joy."

Ella smiled, "You're welcome, but believe me when I say that the pleasure is all mine."

Luna continued to smile, "I believe you my child, but please, do take care of him, he loves you so,"

Ella nodded, her eyes narrowing with determination, "You have my word," she replied with all the solemnness she could muster.

Luna dipped her head, "I will hold you to that my dear, but one other thing, at your reception, please accept my humble gift for you,"

Ella cocked her head, "Gift?"

"You came into our world with naught but the meager clothing on your back my dear, and that I could not stand. So I have taken the liberty to furnish you with a proper dowry for your future marriage, I do hope you will forgive my presumption."

Ella felt her eyes go wide, not knowing how to react at first to such an unexpected, and knowing Luna, exceedingly generous gift.

"Wow, uh, wow," Ella said with an incredulous laugh, "I, uh, wow, thank you princess, I really don't know what to say!"

Luna shook her head, "There's nothing more to say, Ella. Please accept this gift as a small token of my friendship to you, and a sign of all the blessings I wish upon you and Flash." She said.

Ella gave a bow of her head, feeling truly touched by the princess's kind and thoughtful gesture, "Thank you princess, I'm really grateful to have you as a friend."

As they spoke, a familiar white dove suddenly flew from a nearby tree and landed beside them; a swirl of golden flame revealing Telson in all of his imposing splendor.

His chitin appeared especially dark and polished, as if he had groomed himself for the occasion; and for the first time, now that they were standing together, Ella noticed that he was just as tall as Princess Luna.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, small one. I didn't want to interrupt," he said before turning to Luna who was slowly looking him over with a scrutinizing gaze. He for his part, returned her gaze without flinching, which seemed to impress her. At the same time, Ella could tell that there was a gleam of excitement and wonder in his eyes, as if he were meeting a legend come to life. After a few tense moments, Telson surprised them both with a respectful bow of his head,

"Mistress of the Night, it is an honor to finally meet you," he kindly remarked.

Ella bit her lower lip to keep from smiling too broadly at the surprise and delight, along with bit of flattered curiosity, that instantly colored Luna's spirit, despite the princess's stoic outer demeanor.

"Well met Telson, son of Chrysalis," Luna coolly replied, "I thank you for the aid rendered to Ella, and for being here for her today."

Telson gave another inclination of his head, "It is my honor, your highness."

After a few more pleasant exchanges, the Lunar Princess kindly excused herself in order to join her sister at the front of the gathering. Telson looked fondly at Ella before transforming into his human disguise, clothed in a fine tuxedo.

"Ready, Ella?" He asked, offering her his arm. Ella frowned,

"What do you think you're doing Telson? I said that I wanted you to walk me down the aisle, not a disguise."

Telson's eyes widened in surprise, "You want me to..."

Ella looked at him pleadingly, "I want the real you, Telson. I'm not ashamed to be seen with a changeling."

Words could not describe how touched Telson felt by her request, and it took a great deal of effort for him to maintain his composure.

"As you wish, small one," he whispered before reverting to his natural form. Ella smiled, resting her hand on his offered forelimb. They stepped out from behind the divider, and as the entrance antiphon began, accompanied by a group of songbirds at Fluttershy's signal, the happy pair began to walk together towards the front of the sanctuary to the admiration off all gathered.

Waiting for them at the front, stood Celestia, Luna, and the six Bearers of the Elements as well as Sunset Shimmer who all made up the bridal party, with Rarity herself standing in as her mare of honor. Flash gazed on Ella with a look of such love and gratitude, his own party made up of Burnt Oak, Spike, Big Mac, several members of the guard, and even Discord who appeared clothed in an outrageously gaudy tuxedo, matched only by the obvious glee in his mismatched eyes; Slipstream stood in as best stallion.

Telson turned and lifted Ella's veil with his magic as they reached the front. Ella for her part embraced him, tenderly kissing his cheek before taking Flash's offered hand as together, they both knelt before the altar. The priest raised his hand in benediction over them as he began the sacred rite.

Two souls were united that day under the witnesses of two different worlds, but all united in the common and undeniable reality of love.

One week later.

It had started off as any other day at the hive, the weather had been beautiful, springtime in Equestria, with beautiful fauna blooming in all of it's unmatched glory while abundant songbirds sang sweetly in the many trees. It was a setting still so wonderfully new to the reformed changelings, after countless generations of knowing only a barren wasteland. Everything was well, until all at once, when it wasn't.

It had approached from the wilderness, a presence so baleful that the birds fell silent, and so sorrowful that the very sun's warm glow seemed to grow dimmer; the temperature suddenly felt more frigid as creatures hid themselves from the sight of whatever it was that came.

Into the hive, stalked a changeling stag, tall and dark, his size and strength easily matching that of their King, Thorax; perhaps even surpassing him. He greeted noling, though few offered welcome, choosing instead to remain silent, struck dumb by the cold rage and grief so strong, so utterly vast and incomprehensible, that it seemed to extinguish every emotion but it's own. Nymphs ran to their parents, huddling in fear behind their legs while stealing curious glances at their mysterious guest who was one of them, and yet was not.

Changelings generally kept the habit of not broadcasting their spirit to others, as auras were a most intimate side to reveal, and made a changeling unnecessarily vulnerable to all but the most trusted companions; but this one seemed to hold nothing back, allowing his spirit to announce his displeasure for all to feel its abrasive touch, smell its stinging ire, and taste its mournful bitterness.

Once he reached the center spire of the hive, where stood Chrysalis' former, broken throne, the changeling known as Telson stood like a statue in stoic silence, patiently waiting for all the hive to approach him until a large multitude of his brethren clamored about, whispering amongst themselves, but daring not to address the stranger.

Word had reached them several months ago that a pair of changelings, one long lost to one of Chrysalis' many schemes, had found their way back to Equestria. There was little detail beyond that, but from what little information they had heard, told them that these changelings were of an older, stronger blood, one that had known the dark days of the great hunger which had eventually driven Chrysalis to assail Equestria itself.

Thorax for his own part, could not be certain of what their intentions were, but the knowledge that one of the pair had already undergone the metamorphosis had bolstered his hope that these lost changelings would eventually join them in the reformed hive, one that no longer knew hunger, but only the blessings of full hearts and friendship.

The young king rose from his throne, apprehensive, but confident, confident in the power of love and friendship that had carried him to the heights of leadership; his confidence was all the more bolstered by the presence of his fierce brother Pharynx who joined him in approaching the stranger whose ominous air was like that of the calm before some great and terrible storm.

Thorax eyed his lost hivemate up and down, and saw that he was truly a most impressive specimen. His chitin was of the deepest black, like oiled ebony. His blazing eyes were the brighter than polished gold, his wings and tail a flaming, burnt orange, and his shell like the deepest blue of the sea; a single, double-pronged curved horn, long and sharp, fading into a violent red as bright as fresh blood, adorned the crown of his head.

It was so long ago, a year before his brother had even hatched; Pharynx had been but a year-old nymph, but even now, he remembered the revered awe he had held for the Queen's Sword: Telson, the strongest warrior of the entire swarm. He was everything that Pharynx ever wanted to be, and now that he was back, felt a nostalgic respect that caused him a bit of unease, torn as he was between his loyalty to his brother and his respect for this living legend who was obviously not here on a mission of good-will.

"Welcome friend," Thorax said, finding his voice, "I'm told that your name is Telson, and let me just be the first to-"

"Quiet, seat warmer," Telson growled, though low enough so that only the pair of changelings before him would hear.

"Hey!" Pharynx bristled, "No one talks to my brother like-" Pharynx felt his voice catch in his throat as he nearly choked on the suffocating wave of emotion that suddenly erupted off of Telson with the sudden violence of water bursting through an exploding dam. Apparently, the powerful vibes they had all felt up to this point, as intense as they were, were but the preamble to the true immeasurable tempest contained within this creature's powerful soul whose unleashed fury delivered a harsh message more clearly than a hundred speeches ever could.

The message was one of grief and anguish, a bitterness of soul that told of the tale of the heartrending loss of every soldier who had ever failed his country, every son who had lost their mother, and every devout acolyte forced to witness the desecration of all that they held sacred. And within this tempest, more powerful than all the other powers of the soul combined, was a burning love and devotion of such ferocity and depth, that the very sea in a raging storm appeared tame and placid by comparison. And from deep within all of this tumultuous pain, came a cry, a simple, piercing question, one that simply asked with all the grief of a parent holding the body of their deceased child, 'Why? Why would you let this happen?'

Everyling involuntarily flinched and shrank back, with some covering their muzzles with their hooves while others huddled to the ground, holding their hooves over their head in terror and shame, while nymphs everywhere whimpered in baffled confusion, cowering pitifully behind their parents for protection.

Telson glared, his baleful eyes slowly traversing his cowering brethren. When he finally spoke, his voice was calm, yet as unyielding as a mountain made of solid iron,

"Chrysalis, is your queen. And once she reforms, she will be your queen once again. If anyling has a problem with that, they can take it up with me."

Turning to walk away, he paused, noticing Pharynx, who alone held his gaze; and though trembling slightly under the power of Telson's aura, the proud changeling refused to look away. Anger, guilt, and a glimmer of wondrous admiration shone through his strong, amethyst eyes.

Telson favored him with a slight smile, "Young Pharynx," he said, "I am pleased to see the strong stag you have grown to become. Please, continue to keep our family safe with your strength, especially your brother, he will need it."

Then, without waiting for any kind of response, Telson turned and walked back towards the forest as his brethren parted before him. He waited until he was more than a mile away from the hive before he permitted the first of his tears to fall.

Ella slowly descended the polished wooden stairs that led from the second level of her and Flash's home to the first floor, covering her mouth to stifle a yawn while tying the belt around her nightgown. It was still early, but as groggy as she felt, she wanted to get an early start on the day.

Even though it had already been a few months since the wedding, Ella still had a hard time accepting that everything around her was hers. For it was at their wedding reception, that Ella realized how in a single day, she went from being a poor girl with nothing to her name, to a woman who, by earth's standards at least, was quite well off, wealthy even, especially once she beheld Princess' Luna's incredible gift to her.

The Princess of the Night had indeed been exceedingly generous, bestowing on her a large chest of gold, a full wardrobe, and enough household goods to furnish a small castle as a dowry. It was well that she did, as Flash had already obtained for them on a new plot of land, a beautiful large house on the edge of Ponyville, close to Fluttershy's cottage.

It was newly constructed, with two stories, five bedrooms, and a large yard both front and back. The dwelling was far beyond what Flash could normally afford, even by a Captain's salary, but he had gotten it practically for a song; Ella suspected Gold Fleece's hoof somewhere in the matter.

Ella was surprised at first that Flash didn't choose his hometown of Cloudsdale, explaining to her that he wanted whatever future family Providence might grant them a certain closeness to the friends he had known growing up.

Walking into the spacious kitchen, Ella set the coffeemaker to work before taking a moment to look at some of the many photographs posted on the front of their fridge. There were pictures of their wedding, and several others of them caught on various get-togethers with their many friends. The one that drew a particular smile to Ella's lips however, was the one Spike had managed to catch of Flash as Ella handed him small, black and white photo image. His eyes were as wide as saucers and his mouth formed an adorable, small 'o'. Rainbow Dash was hovering at his side, nudging him in the ribs with an elbow, a smug smile on her fuzzy face; Bright Skies hugged him from the other side.

Ella smiled, taking a deep breath as she felt Flash's strong arms suddenly wrap around her waist from behind and gently pull her in for a hug as he kissed her neck. She reached a hand back to hold the side of his face,

"Good morning," she whispered.

"Good morning back, did they wake you again?" Flash asked, dropping his hands to rest on her growing belly.

"Like little roosters," Ella said with a small chuckle. They stayed quiet for a few tender moments, simply enjoying the calmness of the morning.

"Do you have to go to Canterlot today?" She finally asked.

"Yeah, Celestia wants me to listen in on her audience with some business pony's urgent request, something about a danger to his merchant fleet or something, no biggie. What about you?"

"I have another checkup with Redheart today, she wants to check their growth, pretty standard. Will I see you again tonight?" She asked, turning around to face him.

Flash brushed her face lovingly with the back of his fingers, "Yeah, I'll make sure of it."

Ella smiled and embraced her young husband, grateful in her heart for the many blessings to be found in the beginning of another ordinary day, one filled with the promise of an extraordinary future in a truly, extraordinary world.

Author's Note:

Nothing much to say that I didn't say in my author's note from the last chapter.

What do you think the future holds for our heroes? Is there anything you would hope to see in possible sequels? Just let me know in the comments.

Thank you all again for being here, for your many thoughtful comments and words.
May God bless you all, and I'll be seeing you around, take care!

-Destiny Chaser

Comments ( 63 )

And it is finished! Or simply begun, depending on one's perspective. Most remarkable from start to finish, I consider myself most fortunate to have been here for it.

That said, please forgive a few minor tweaks...

Celestia smiled warmly at him, "Well, that makes two of us then," she said with a wink, earning a hearty chuckle from the man.

"Glad I'm not alone then," he whispered back before quickly turning to quiet himself,

Goodness gracious, Telson is not a happy changeling.

Fixed, and thank you! I consider myself most fortunate for your presence here.

No, he really isn't.

I always hate it when stories that's went on this long finally end. I get attached to them and always watch for new uploads. I really hope to see a sequel sometime.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much, and you are very kind to say so thank you!

I do have two sequels in mind and a bunch of smaller spin-offs, including a small bridging story that I'm already working on that will take us to the sequel. We'll see if I can get it all done!

Good story, Sequals could be interesting, especially if other humans get involved! Did feel less interested in the story after the climactic fight scene, but that's my personal preference for fight scenes over emotional reconciliation showing, although I did get invested in the latter eventually.

Thanks for the comment!
Hmm, we might see some other humans, maybe Flash has other family on earth.
Thanks for reading!:twilightsmile:

A find end to the story... with some somber foreshadowing of a potential sequel. The Monseigneur has certainly had an... interesting experience. And I wonder if they had to read some human OBGyN in on certain otherworldly realities in order to assist the Ponyville General staff in prepping for... twins, is it?

All in all, a satisfying and heartwarming conclusion, with a little bittersweet interlude with the changelings, and a reminder that Telson is a force to be reckoned with.

I am so glad you enjoyed it, thank you for the kind comment!(Brightened my day!)
Yeah, the good Monsignor is still a bit dazed by it all haha. We might see more of him in the future.
Yes, Ella Made sure to get ahold of a few medical books from earth for Redheart to read so that she is capable to help her with the twins (yes, 2 boo-boos, a boy and a girl).

Telson is kind, not nice. He is a loyal soldier with a job to do and he will see it done.
Thank you for reading my friend, God bless!

This, this right here Is why I love this fandom the creatively and beautiful things that the fandom makes even now Is why I even started drawing seeing so many amazing art stories and music I am blown away by this story and I hope that one day when I'm skilled enough I can make art for this story because this is an amazing and extremely well written story that deserves that and thank you for making such an amazing story destiny

Well thank you my friend for that very kind praise, I am so happy that you enjoyed it! If you ever do produce any art, I would love to see it!
Thanks again and God bless!

Comment posted by Destiny Chaser deleted Sep 1st, 2022

You're a master of writing combat.
It's so hard to visualize some author's writing, but you got it down.

You're writing has an 11 year old boy at full height 5 inches shorter than his pony mother.

Yeah, maybe I should go back and fix that.:twilightsheepish:

I try. (Wow, you're a fast reader!)

It's your story, I'm just a reader. But yeah, you keep implying ponies are at least as big as Flash. Even a filly Rainbow Dash was able to whoop him and all that with her size as being a key attribute.
She should have been a quarter his size at that point.
And yeah,I read using TTS at work so I don't have to stop reading.

Yeah, I seriously overestimated/underestimated size at the time. Flash at 11 should be about 5ft tall and filly Dash should be about 3ft at best. So Flash should be the one about a foot taller than his mother at that point.

Where'd you come up with that lullabye?
Can I use it some day?

I made that lullaby up myself, I can write poetry if I really put my mind to it haha. I'm so pleased that you like it, and I would not mind if you wish to make use of it so long as the material you make use of it for is clean.:raritywink:

Of course. I plan to have a filly sing it to a friend.
I thought of a story as soon as I read it.

I would be honored if you would like to make use of it, just send me a link when you write the story so I can read it too!

Wow. She's turning into a changeling!

I'll bet you didn't see that one coming haha

It's rare for me to cone across a good human in Equestria story that feels organic and not forced.
Too bad it's over. Now I've gotta wait years for the sequel to be done before I can read it.

I am so glad you enjoyed it, and so grateful for all your commentary, thank you!:twilightsmile:

That's what I wanted to do, write an organic HiE story. It was so rare to come across a good one, so I just thought, "Why don't I just do it myself?"

Hopefully you will not have to wait years for a sequel haha, I've already started on the spin-off story that is supposed to lead into the sequel, hope you enjoy it and God bless!

Well, can easily say this is one the top tier HiE fic I've read. Awesome job!👍:raritystarry:

Really enjoyed your OCs, Best Bug Horse Bodyguard being on the top of the list obviously, the Bug Princess was great complex antagonist and Bird Mom was amazingly cute and badass also. Ella and Flash's character developments from their interactions with each other was well done and it's odd how Flash went from reminding me of Smallville Clark Kent at the beginning to more like Adora from the new She-Ra without the abusive upbringing by the end of it.

I really liked how you focused back half of the story on the fallout of the big climactic fight, most other fits would have ended shortly after that and most of what you did here would have been saved for a sequel or wrapped up in one or so chapters and the epilogue.

My only real gripe would be how Sunset just disappeared after helping save Flash until the epilogue, especially considering how much of a presents she had in the fic before hand.

Also would have liked to have a bit more Flash's upbringing and involvement with the Mane 6 throughout the canonical events, which I get you did so to avoid a lot of HiE cliches. But I tend to really enjoy those type of stories, so guess that's just me. Who knows, maybe if you're one day willing that might make a good little short side story or something.

Well I am so pleased that you enjoyed it so much and I am so grateful for all of the feedback you gave as you read, thank you!:twilightsmile:

Yeah, there are a few things I might have changed as I look back, and I do wish I involved bacon pony just a bit more. That all said, I do hope to write some side stories focusing on Flash in his childhood from his mom's perspective and her own experiences in raising an alien. We shall see, lots of work to do; already started a side adventure meant to bridge to the full sequel if you're interested.

Thanks again, and God bless!

You're welcome.:pinkiehappy:
And yeah, I have your other story in my read later list give it a read when there's a bit more to it. Also Look forward to that sequel and whatever else you plan on for this series.

Nope, I'm out of here. Too much misanthropy for my tastes. Hate it when people make it so anything with magic is automatically superior to anything without magic. Equestrians are nowhere near as powerful, perfect and smart Mary Sues as you make them out to be. Likewise, humans aren't as dumb and weak as you made them. Those changelings would be found out and killed a long time ago.

Hmm, I was not going for misanthropy, merely to show that good people can have flaws as well. I thought I showed a tremendous love for humankind in showing that people like Ella could make tremendous strides to become better people and not giving up in the face of hopelessness (and the 'weak' non-magical human ended up saving the day). I did not make the Equestrians so perfect either, Bright Skies has her own rocky past, and Flash had to deal with some mild bigotry, never mind what Sunset did to him.
Nevertheless, it is your perspective that matters here, if that's how it came off for you, I'm sorry to hear that and I shall strive to do better as a writer.
I thank you for your patronage and your commentary nonetheless!


Hmm, I was not going for misanthropy, merely to show that good people can have flaws as well.

Really? My brother in Christ, if that wasn't you going for misanthropy, I'd hate to see what you going for it would look like.

I thought I showed a tremendous love for humankind in showing that people like Ella could make tremendous strides to become better people and not giving up in the face of hopelessness

She was a prostitute, not exactly the scum of the Earth.

(and the 'weak' non-magical human ended up saving the day).

That never happened. She was transformed into a changeling by that point. In fact she quite liked losing her humanity and ascending past her "normal" species.

When she had finally managed to stumble forward into the main penthouse, she had found it almost impossible to gather her bearings as her senses now swam in a cacophony of new sensations and heightened awareness. Something inexplicable had happened earlier as Telson had poured his life force into her. It felt as if something inside her had completely changed. There was now so much energy coursing through her body, that the world around her felt as if it were made of cardboard; she nearly tore the handle off of the door as she entered the room. Far more alarming to her than the ridiculous strength, was the additional senses that had formed in her body and mind. Everywhere she looked there was now color, every color of the rainbow. She could see what others were feeling, she could taste the bitter fear and anger hanging in the air, and she could smell a powerful source of love somewhere in the room. Is this what a changeling feels like?!

"It's not a burden, Telson, it's a blessing! I couldn't be happier for the way that I am now; I wouldn't trade it for anything, and I thank you for it."

Could she really continue to live as a normal human being on earth, especially when she didn't even know how to control her new power?

Yep, no non-magical humans in sight.

I did not make the Equestrians so perfect either,

You portray them as angels compared to lowly humans. Two different aliens come to Earth and immediatelly encounter thugs, human traffickers and other low-lifes. In comparison, it took Ella 4 months to encounter a pony who was a bit rude to her.

"I'm just saying, I wish you could have experienced the Gala as it was in my day dear child, only the most noteworthy individuals were allowed to grace its presence! It was truly a display of only the best Equestria had to offer. Ah, how sad that those days are now long past, as today, even the most common or absurd are invited to cavort among their betters, truly a loss of happier times..."

That's not the first time I've ever had to deal with deprecatin' commentary comin' at me from a guy, and believe me when I say that Top Shelf was practically polite in comparison, real 'PG'," she said with a small laugh. "I think that mighta've been the first rude pony that I've actually met since comin' into your world; I knew it couldn't be all rainbows n' unicorns, even if that's what it literally is."

Bright Skies has her own rocky past,

She is portrayed as a saint in 99.9% of the fic.

and Flash had to deal with some mild bigotry,

A single bully in his childhood who immediately gets punished with latrine duty and is never heard from again.

never mind what Sunset did to him.

Ah yes, she left him for a bit, the monster.

“YOU LEFT HIM!” She finally exploded, her wings springing open in outrage. Sunset flinched as if struck, her jaw dropping as the echo in the empty chamber repeated the harsh accusation, the veracity of the words hitting her as solidly as a hammer blow. Rainbow Dash stepped towards her, jabbing a hoof at her chest, “Where were you when he was growing up?!” The pegasus shouted as tears began to form in the corner of her eyes. “Where were you when he was kidnapped by dragons?! Were you the one watching his back when bullies targeted him?! Or did you stay by his hospital bed after Tirek beat him within an inch of his life?!” Rainbow Dash paused from her angry rant, letting the force of her accusations sink in for a moment before she continued.

Nevertheless, it is your perspective that matters here, if that's how it came off for you, I'm sorry to hear that and I shall strive to do better as a writer.
I thank you for your patronage and your commentary nonetheless!

Wow, a reeasonable response to criticism. That's a rarity here. Okay, I'll elaborate some more on what rustled my Jimmies in your story.

Massive spoilers ahead.

The most glaring issue is just how overpowered you made anyone with magic.

Another thought occurred to him, that these other humans were not nearly as strong or as fast as him. I guess this confirms Sunset’s theory that my species doesn’t have any magic, ponies are much stronger than us physically, and I’m not even an earth pony. I’ll have too keep that in mind…

"But I'm nowhere near as strong compared to many other ponies from where I come." He gave an nervous laugh. "Any stout earth pony, for example, could easily lift more than me. Heck, I'm friends with a good farm-mare who could fold me into a square if she really wanted to, and don't get me started on her older brother."

"Well, I don't have wings so I've never quite been able to break the sound barrier, but I've gotten close. In comparison to some pegasi, my best friend for example? She can go ten-times that fast..." He muttered. "But I can move pretty quick when I need to for short bursts."

“If it means anything to you little Equestrian,” His mouth curved slightly into a smirk but mixed with a hint of sympathy, “Best scrap I’ve had in years, better than any human I’ve ever faced.

She knew from the moment that she had stepped into the room, that this creature was not human, and that she was absolutely lethal.

“Alright, well, I’m basically a pegasus without wings, Chel. I have the strength, resiliency, and agility of a very athletic pegasus. And unless humans here are capable of reading the print of a newspaper on the street even from way up here, I’m guessing I have sharper senses than an ordinary human does as well.

Michail's mind was strong. In fact, his mental defenses were stronger than any human's she had encountered before.

During her time in this world Chelicerae had become accustomed to having humans as opponents, crushing enemies that were in no way capable of competing with her. Now that she would be returning to Equestria, she knew that she would be facing powerful adversaries against whom she would have few advantages and even fewer allies.

Sunset subtly cast a spell that would increase her agility, and another what would increase her durability.

They were tall, much taller than the other ponies, possessing both wings as well as long, elegant horns. And they were strong...extraordinarily strong! She was fairly certain that even without her new abilities, she would be able to tell what forces of nature these two beings actually were. The raw power that radiated off of the wonderous pair felt as if it could light up half a continent.

A far cry from canon ponies who need glasses, lose consciousness from bunny stampedes, can't open a jar of pickles and their oh so powerful "goddesses" getting their flanks handed to them by bad weather and garden weeds.

There's a brief glimmer of hope.

But one of Sunset’s warning prior to his departure continued to ring in the back of his mind: “Don’t underestimate ‘guns’.” He understood the concept of these projectile firing ‘weapons’, but knew that he did not yet fully appreciate their capability. His mind flashed back to the seriousness of her expression, “Please Flash, understand. As fast as you are, these weapons are extremely dangerous, they can kill you. My spell will not protect you from them. Please, be careful.”

Sure, normal humans are weak, but with guns they stand a chance, right? Pfft, no. A few paragraphs later:

The lead man had taken about two steps down the stairs and had begun to aim his pistol with one hand towards Flash.
"Hold it right theAA-" Before he could react, Flash had closed the 25 feet or so between them within a fraction of a second, seizing his wrist before violently yanking him forward with enough force to pull his arm out of its socket, sending him rocketing head over heels down the steel and concrete stairs into the next landing where he crashed in a broken heap.

His right arm raised up over his head as the twin blades of his wrist gauntlet snapped out. Flash shouted as he brought the deadly edges down hard on the gun in Enrique's hand, the enchanted steel slicing through metal, flesh, and bone as if they were all equally insubstantial. Flash continued his forward momentum, allowing his elbow to smash into the man's sternum. He felt the satisfying crunch of bones breaking as the blow sent the miserable wretch crashing backwards into the desk behind him.

Just like that, normal humans are relegated to insignificant bugs compared to their horse overlords. Btw, it also completely invalidates Chel's plan.

“And what a world we discovered!” She continued as she resumed her methodic pacing, “Such scale, such technology and weapons!” She held up a hand in front of her face, slowly flexing her fingers, “And a new form with which to wield them. We immediately reported our findings back to the Queen who instructed us to do whatever it took to find and amass such weapons so that we could arm the hive, and take whatever we wanted from the mewling Equestrians.”

The lights in the room automatically flickered on, revealing shelf after shelf, row after row, stacked over a hundred feet deep and to the ceiling with weapons and munitions of every kind and caliber: Rifles, ARs, pistols, shotguns, machine guns, grenades, RPGs and more. There were at least four more storage rooms in this building, most of them much larger than this one, all of them absolutely stuffed with weapons. All of it the fruit of years of buying, trading, stealing, murder, trafficking, and utter human misery.

If every magical rando can just dodge bullets, let alone slower grenades and rpgs, then what's the point of bringing guns to a magic fight? In your haste to portray just how cool and powerful Flash is compared to normal humans, you completely forgot to show human weapons as a threat to equestrians.

Right, moving on: changelings. I hate them, they are disgusting, misanthropic, irredeemable pieces of shit.

Sergio barely had time to utter a shout before they all heard a sickening 'crunch' as Telson effortlessly closed his fist with the force of a hydraulic clamp around a paper cup. The dead man fell limply to the floor, twitching once before he was still.

She never did like him, not that she liked any human really. Just another sack of worthless meat.

She looked up to the ceiling at the more than two-dozen humans suspended in the luminescent, green cocoons attached to the ceilings.
They were mostly women and children. All runaways and strays. All unwanted and ignored in the mostly unnoticed underworld of human trafficking that so called ‘civilized society’ in this world chose to largely ignore. It was why she despised these humans she lived among: no loyalty, little order. Despite all of their impressive advancements in technology, there was often no care for their fellow hive mates outside their own immediate circles. And even these often carried with them disordered and broken relationships. They disgusted her, and were largely unworthy of her respect. But at least they were good for one thing. The changeling princess parted her jaws as she sucked in another healthy dose of the life-giving energy from the air.

“Yeah,” she muttered after a few moments as she released him and glanced back to Telson, “Kill that guy.” He lowered his hands to his sides, his hands clenched into fists as a dark look came into his eyes.
“With pleasure Mistress.”

“You think I was acting any different than the rest of these humans? I’m a changeling, I needed to fit in! And you’ve seen what they’re like, they’re treacherous, all! And yet you have the gall to judge me?! You and your whole self-centered race!”

“Telson is honorable, far more noble than any human you’ll ever meet. But some of us don’t get to have the luxury of being so noble.”

“You think you’re any better? You think yourself so different from your fellow humans because of where you were raised?”

It took weeks of painstaking infiltration. A lot of time, effort, and more than a few bodies,

He was loyal to them, and they were loyal to him. It was so very 'changeling' like, a rarity in the disordered society of humans.

"That is yours! This is what you really come from, what your true nature is like. And while it may have been tamed a bit by the Equestrians, if given time here, like me, you will inevitably be no different. It's what you humans are."

"You must be, I killed your parents! Admit it, you hate me! You wish you could kill me, I know you do!"

"Tell me what I want to know, or I'll have Telson start pulling pieces off her.

But now I think I see what he was talking about, you have spirit little girl. A rarity among all the sniveling worms in this world."

“Why…why do you insist on caring about me so much you foalish, stubborn Equestrian?! Don’t you realize how many of your kind I’ve killed? How many I’ve tortured to death? How many men I’ve heard cry out for mercy before me as I crushed the life out of them?! This would be so much simpler for the both of us if you would just get over your misplaced morals and despise me! I thought hurting Ella would have been enough!

The human had freely offered her love even though he knew she was a changeling, even though he knew that she had killed his family; and he had continued to give the life-giving gift even as she was violating his mind.

A mission that required her to be cold and ruthless in order to infiltrate the humans of this world. She had hated it at first, but the building disgust with which humans filled her had made it easier for her as time went on until eventually, she saw them as no more than ants beneath her hooves. Easy to crush, easy to brush aside as means to an end. It wasn’t long before she began to enjoy doing so as it filled her with such a sense of power, pride, and accomplishment.

"First, I'm going to break both your arms. Then I'm going to break your neck. After that, I'll tear your leg off at the hip, and beat you to death with it."

Also her needing to murder Flash's parents makes no sense with how overpowered you made their magic.

But your father attacked Telson and I the moment he was in the same room as us, very nearly killed me. His wrath was something to behold."

With how weak you made humans this sounds about as believable as me needing to use lethal force to defeat an unarmed 2-year-old.

Celestia always says that the greatest power in the universe is not magic, but love.

I guess Flash's parents didn't actually love him or does it only apply to people with magic and not lowly, normal humans?

"Your father wasn't going to survive without a hospital, and that was absolutely out of the question.

Said the bitch with mind control powers. Honestly, the entire revelation about his parents is riddled with sloppy writing, my dude. It only exists to affirm that the only reason Flash is a good human is because he was raised by ponies. He gave zero shits about her needlessly killing them.
And yet the story seriously tries to convince me this murderous psycho bitch deserves a second chance, that she is only bad because humans and Earth are shit.

It used to be different, she was so different. Princess Chelicerae, daughter of the Queen. First changeling queen born to the hive in countless generations. To him had been given the honor of being assigned to her as her guardian, a duty that he had fulfilled with religious fervor, keeping careful watch over her since she was a nymph and he was but a young drone. He remembered those days fondly. She was so bright and eager, so enthusiastic and curious about life. She was a bright light in the hive, always happiest when she could help her fellow hive mates and make life better for them.

"The mistress was not always so cold, she used to be like you child. Full of hope and kindness. I'm hoping that she will begin to remember that."

e hates what she has had to do, what she has become. She's been consumed by guilt and self-loathing. That and being trapped here, it's probably made her more than a little neurotic.

There was a brief glimmer of hope when Damien showed up again that they won't get away scot-free or at least Telson won't. You know you fucked up as a writer when your reader cheers for a human trafficker who likes to torture people, but he is the lesser of two evils here. He also has a total protagonist moment when he fights off Telson's bullshit mind powers.

Damian felt the all encompassing horror reaching unbearable proportions, his life was over, death stood before him, and he could not bear to face it...No... No he would not die, not now, he couldn't! He was his own master,

An inhuman howl tore from his throat as with a surge of adrenaline, he finally managed to raise his gun. He began applying pressure to the trigger, aiming right for the monster's face,

Woohoo, go Damien! Teach him not to mess with non-magical humans! Woops, can't have normal humans beating their superiors so he immediatly gets murdered.

His mouth opened for a scream that never came as a green bolt of energy burned a hole clear through the center of his chest.

Well.. at least he dragged Telson to hell with him, right? Haha, no, we can't have nice things. He resurrects for no reason and walks free.

Human villains, unlike changeling villains, get no pity or second thoughts. They are crippled and murdered left and right with no remorse, while changelings get a second, third and fourth chance at redemption.

"Yes, you killed my parents princess. It was a terrible crime, one that you should answer for and I am heartbroken to learn of it,
"Princess, I don't think that you actually wanted to do any of the terrible things you have done,"

“You’ve never actually harmed an innocent before, at least not with your own hooves, have you?”
“I’m guessing every human that you’ve ever harmed before have been people like my father, Damian, or Enrique. Individuals who were anything but innocent, who were destined to reap what they had sown anyways.”

Compare it to this:

“You strike me,” Flash remarked as he pushed the door until it almost closed, “As someone who has always gotten what they wanted. You think you’re just entitled to everything; that the whole world owes you a living.” His knuckles cracked audibly as he clenched his fist. “I truly despise that, but not as much as I despise the man who would dare raise his hand to a woman...and even defile them...” He took a breath to calm himself before slowly letting it out. “I can’t think of anything more dishonorable, you sickening piece of trash.

“I see, so that’s how you killed Enrique.” Flash grimaced slightly,
“Yes.” She cocked her head at him,
“Do you regret it?” She asked as she turned back around to face him. Flash stared at her a moment before shaking his head.
“No, I don’t. Don't get me wrong, it was a bucking awful thing to go through and I pray that I'm never in that kind of situation ever again. That being said, the more I’ve thought about it, the more I realize I did the right thing. I’d do it again if I had to.”

What a disgusting individual. This world would be better off without his existence.

Even when Chel seemingly mind controls him into murdering his adoptive mother he doesn't have a single scrap of hate for her.

Of all the reactions that Flash thought he might have at seeing one responsible for harming the pony he loved more than life itself: wrath, hate, a desire for vengeance, the last feeling he ever expected was presently welling up from the depths of his soul with such force that it nearly brought him to tears: heartbreak.
Why...why Chel...why...would you do this? He bit the inside of his cheek as he felt his eyes growing glassy.

It's ridiculous just how much she gets coddled by the story. She should be dead in a ditch after crossing the wrong human criminal from a sniper or poison. No way would she be allowed rampage for 18 years without anyone squashing her. But of course, normal humans aren't allowed to beat magical creatures no matter how dumb it it is.
Okay, moving on. She promises to fix everything she has done.

"No, not yet. First, I need to begin undoing some of the damage I've caused here."

"I'll need your assistance returning to your homeworld to begin undoing much of the harm that we caused there."

Sounds promising, how could she possibly undo 18 years of murders, drugs and human trafficking?

Together they had begun the necessary process of dismantling his father's old criminal empire, a lot of which simply involved making sure the right evidence fell into the right laps.

...that's it? THAT'S IT?! Bitch you deserve a fate worse than death for what you did! A thousand years as a self-aware lawn ornament at minimum! Ugh, there is no justice in this world.

Celestia smiled at his bashfulness. "And it is your opinion that this changeling princess no longer represents an active threat to Equestria?" She asked. Flash shook his head,
"No, your highness. I firmly believe that she no longer represents a threat to anypony, except to maybe herself. I am sure that her companion Telson will keep careful watch over her and help her to find a new and better start. I expect to hear from him again in the near future as he told me to expect contact from him." He said. Celestia nodded, seemingly satisfied by his answer.

How about the opinion of humans whose lifes she ruined? How about you give her to the human authorities to face actual justice? What's that? Normal humans are irrelevant bugs who should be grateful their superior horse overlords don't conquer them? Yeah, hear ya loud and clear, chief.

Broadly speaking, the story can be divided into 2 parts: Earth and Equestria.
Earth is described as hell with no redeeming qualities. When asked if she wants to return to Earth, Ella thinks there's nothing good about it:

Ella gave a small sigh. "Are you askin' me if I want to stay here?"
Celestia gave a soft chuckle. "Among other things, my dear."
Ella paused, to be honest, she was not sure what she wanted. She hadn't thought much of the future in the last twenty four hours past anything but surviving to the next. She never considered that meeting Flash would upend her life so rapidly, or that she would end up learning about the existence of magic, alien creatures, or the reality of a whole different world, let alone that she would end up in it. Did she really want to go back to earth? After all, there was nothing waiting for her back there but painful memories.

You actively mock the notion that Earth could be better than Equestria:

But, what if you find that you like where you came from more than Equestria? What if it's a better, more beautiful world than here, and you wanted to stay? I'd bet it is,"

"We Earthlings really didn't make a good first impression for you, huh?" Flash huffed as a sad smile softened his face.

Not even human music is safe from getting shat on lol.

He winced slightly as his sensitive ears were assailed by the awful thump of very bad techno reverberating above them and to their left.
Ugh, what a beastly noise. Vinyl could sure show them a thing or two about proper music.

Whereas the music she had heard in the club had a primitive, primal mood to it, made to elevate the most base passions and desires in the revealers on the dance floor, this music felt, different. It was soothing, uplifting, unlike anything she had ever heard before. It felt as if it was almost, alive.
The music flitted about joyfully, like a bird in spring. It swelled and danced, weaving together so many layers of rich sound in a warm pattern of harmony that seemed to simply wrap around her soul like a warm quilt, making her to feel as if she were being met by an old friend who was just happy to see her. It was, in a word, magical.

In comparison, the second part constantly gushes about how gosh darned amazing Equestria is:

The power of charity, harmony... It was the Equestrian way that had allowed his adoptive home-world to live in peace for over a thousand years.

These creatures were incredible, so kind and marvelously selfless. Completely foreign from the cruelty she had lived under for years.

Flash's hometown was even more incredible up close than what she had beheld at a distance. As she had approached the city, the sheer scale of it boggled Ella's mind. It looked as if someone had uprooted an entire mountain, hung it in the heavens, and with painstaking detail, carved an entire civilization out of it. There were immense buildings, elaborate towers and countless columns, and all of it formed out of clouds bound with rainbows and the all elements of the weather itself. The style of the marvelous architecture reminded her of some ancient Greek city, though arrayed from a dream and held aloft by imagination. And all of it constructed by ponies, or more specifically, the pegasi.

They truly are beautiful creatures

Ella closed her eyes, taking a moment to savor her delightful surroundings, reflecting on how blessed her life had become in the last four months since arriving in Equestria, at complete odds with all the pain she had ever known, which was increasingly turning into an evermore distant, unpleasant memory.

She was beautiful. No, fairer than the heavens and all the stars they contained. Her fair scent was like the smell of every fragrant flower of the field, her sweet love the delectable taste of every savory food, her dazzling countenance more radiant than the sun itself, made so by the blazing fire of creative life that formed the very beating center of her luminous being. This was no mere equine. Here, was a flame cast from the very Hand of God.

I also noticed your attempts at "showing a tremendous love for humankind". They fall flat on their face for various reasons.

So much pain, so much suffering and death, all wrapped in the excusing mantle that she was simply acting as any human would. Any human, except this pair. They had proved to her, that they were not all the same after all.

When I came among you humans, it would have been so easy to do so, to hate you as my Mistress does. There was so much wickedness and despicable behavior. But I wouldn't, surely there had to be some among you who were different than the criminals we lived among?
"And you were my reward, small one. After so long a time, you showed me, that I had not hoped in vain."

After all, both Michail and Ella had destroyed all of her preconceived notions about humans,

These don't work because it states that it took changelings 18 years to find two decent humans, one of which was raised by ponies. Which in fact implies that most humans are shit.

“Well, he was easy to work with. Your species is quite a noble one, Ella. And my time with you has only strengthened that opinion.” Redheart said.

Doesn't work because Flash was raised by ponies. And why does she think Ella is noble? Prostitute who abandoned her world and species for the first rich and powerful guy who showed interest in her, that Ella?

Ella felt strangely stirred by the little pony’s words. For so long, she had only thought of humanity as depraved,

Gee, thanks. hate you too, sunshine.

but hearing the perspective of this entirely different creature contradict that sentiment, felt refreshing, in a most uplifting way.

It actually would, if normal humans did something of worth in this story instead of constantly getting shafted.
So were humans actually ever deservedly complimented in this story? Yes, actually, twice even.

If he had to choose a single word to describe her, it would be ‘beautiful.’ More beautiful than any pony, or any other creature he had ever seen.

Flash had beheld many a fair sight during his life in Equestria, but nothing, neither in flower, star, nor pony, had he ever seen anything quite so lovely as the woman now standing there before him; she was once again the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

By a horny teenager who never saw a woman before in his life.

Did I forget anything? Oh yeah, Ella is suddenly religious.

Lord God...It's me, Ella. Hey...I know we haven't exactly been on speakin' terms for a long while, and I know that I've been pretty, well, a pretty bad girl, and that after mom died, that I said that I hated you, and that I would never speak to you again.
But, I wanted to let you know, that I didn't mean that. I was just so angry, so sad to lose her. And even though I left you, I see now, that you never left me, that you've always been there, waitin' for me to come back. And, I just...I just wanna say, how sorry I am...that I'm sorry, for everything, that I'll do better from now on...and I also want to say...thank you!
Thank you for giving me another chance, thank you for giving me Flash! For showing me this incredible world with it's beautiful creatures, for so many new friends, and for teaching me how to love again! For showing me again the truth of what my mom told me, that the most important thing we do no matter what, is that we love, that we always love!

Now, I don't have a problem with religion in stories but... why? Correct me if I'm wrong, the Earth and humans are God's masterpieces, right? He even loved us more than angels and Lucifer had a problem with it because of how inferior he thought the humans are to angels. So God banished him to hell for it. There's also no mention of Equestria or good magic other than God's in the Bible. So why would Ella suddenly believe in Him, when magical aliens who totally mog God's best work show up? Wouldn't she convert to whatever religion you gave equestrians?

Oh All-Maker above, please...help us...help my baby.

From a certain point of view, this story is anti-christian and pro-Satan, but I'm kinda stretching it at this point.

Phew, that took a lot longer than I thought it would take, but it feels great to get all of it off of my back.

What do you think the future holds for our heroes?

More misanthropy? Title "On the Isle of Man-Eating Ponies" doesn't exactly give me any hope lol. Probably about how titular ponies are misunderstood victims, maybe stealing human technology without giving anything in return?

Is there anything you would hope to see in possible sequels?

Less misanthropy, go full "Humanity, Fuck Yeah!" But chances of that are lower than Celestia showing up in my house. More realistically, maybe a brief scene about Flash and Ella reacting to events that lead to G5? Specifically, when ponies started to hate each other, constant conflict everywhere to the point Twilight had to seal away the magic from Equestria. Now back to being a normal human, would it ever occur to Ella that Earth and humans weren't so different from Equestria and ponies. Or that it all could have been a false-paradise created by Satan to lure her away from God's grace and then trap her in hell? Chel and Telson getting stoned, pretty please?

Nevertheless, you put a lot of work into this story and a lot of people loved it. Don't let my criticism discourage you from writing more and good luck on your deployment.



Really? My brother in Christ, if that wasn't you going for misanthropy, I'd hate to see what you going for it would look like.

Hmm, perhaps I have a more negative outlook on things because I see a lot of darkness in my profession. I chose to use the darkest elements of humanity as my antagonist in this story, that doesn't mean that I think of all of humanity has depraved.

She was a prostitute, not exactly the scum of the Earth.

She went from trying to manipulate him in the beginning to serve her own ends to seeing things more from his perspective; she was bitter and hateful because of what she had experienced.

That never happened. She was transformed into a changeling by that point. In fact she quite liked losing her humanity and ascending past her "normal" species.

You seem to forget her reaching out to and connecting with Telson after being brutalized by Chelicerae, that takes some serious 'love your enemy' right there. She had no magic at all then. Also, her telling Flash to not hate Chel as Telson took her away to treat her; again, no magic. And where did Ella learn to love like that? From her very non-magical mother; she had only forgotten. I thought that Ella was downright heroic in virtue long before she had any magic. Score one for humanity.:raritywink:

(Also, I seem to recall that Ella's 'turn the corner' moment came when the decidedly non-magical human chose to defend Flash against a terrible foe with nothing more than a tiny knife.)

Yep, no non-magical humans in sight.

See the above references.:raritywink:

You portray them as angels compared to lowly humans. Two different aliens come to Earth and immediatelly encounter thugs, human traffickers and other low-lifes. In comparison, it took Ella 4 months to encounter a pony who was a bit rude to her.

I admit, I have an idealistic view of the ponies; in my mind, their world is more pure as they are not as affected by the Fall of Original Sin as humans are who are at the top of material creation and so the most affected.

She is portrayed as a saint in 99.9% of the fic.

What can I say? I love bird mom pony.:twilightsheepish:

Ah yes, she left him for a bit, the monster.

And treating him as her personal vanity project; but yeah, Sunset is selfish, not evil.

Wow, a reeasonable response to criticism. That's a rarity here. Okay, I'll elaborate some more on what rustled my Jimmies in your story.

Humble acceptance of criticism is a great aid to self-improvement; even if the criticism is not true (not saying that about yours, you make many good points) it's good for one's humility! Thank you so much for this wonderful feedback!:pinkiehappy:

The most glaring issue is just how overpowered you made anyone with magic.

A far cry from canon ponies who need glasses, lose consciousness from bunny stampedes, can't open a jar of pickles and their oh so powerful "goddesses" getting their flanks handed to them by bad weather and garden weeds.

I based the enhanced abilities from what I observed in the show: Strength/Durability-Rainbow Dash able to tear apart a barn with her bare hooves, catching what was easily a 600lbs boulder faster than the eye could follow and tossing it back on Garble, Applejack stopping a 1000 ton boulder and bucking it couple hundred yards, kicking down a brick wall with one blow, RD crashing into rocks and walls and shaking it off, Twilight getting a piano and anvil dropped on her and surviving, Twilight and Rarity able to lift 'Tom' (2 tons at least) with only physical strength, Big Mac moving a house, etc.

I could go on, but I think its fair to say that it was not unreasonable for me to make beings with magic stronger than non-magical beings. True, there are arguments to the contrary (the ones you make) but I chose a balance and I did have good examples to base it on so again, I do not think it is unreasonable to make a human with magic much stronger/more durable than a human without magic.

Sure, normal humans are weak, but with guns they stand a chance, right? Pfft, no. A few paragraphs later:

We've seen RD move at hypersonic speeds, able to accelerate to break the sound barrier in an instant, and move so quickly with ordinary movements that she was able to tie balloons to a pie and get rid of it in the time it took Pinkie Pie to blink. True, not every Pegasus has RD's speed just like ordinary humans are nowhere near as strong/fast as professional athletes and Olympians; she is exceptional. Flash is athletic, so like RD, I assumed he is a bit faster than the average Pegasus and thus easily able to dodge relatively slow .45 ACP which btw are subsonic rounds. If someone shot a rifle at him, he'd stand no chance at dodging that.

I considered explaining all of this in the story, but thought that it would have been an information overload so I didn't. You may disagree with my reasoning, but again, based on my observations of things I have seen in the show, I thought I built a reasonable head canon.

Just like that, normal humans are relegated to insignificant bugs compared to their horse overlords. Btw, it also completely invalidates Chel's plan.

If every magical rando can just dodge bullets, let alone slower grenades and rpgs, then what's the point of bringing guns to a magic fight? In your haste to portray just how cool and powerful Flash is compared to normal humans, you completely forgot to show human weapons as a threat to equestrians.

See above. Ponies like RD have demonstrated speed that would easily allow them to dodge pistol rounds. But not everypony (or pegasus) is a RD so the plan was still viable. Flash still ended up getting shot and severely wounded by a bullet, even while wearing the equivalent of light Kevlar. Telson is shot to death, so what more should I have done to demonstrate human weapons as a threat to equestrians?

Right, moving on: changelings. I hate them, they are disgusting, misanthropic, irredeemable pieces of shit.

Well, they were the bad guys. And the first humans they encountered were the worst so yeah, bad first impression of humans and first impressions are hard to overcome.

Also her needing to murder Flash's parents makes no sense with how overpowered you made their magic.

Flash's father would have died of his wounds anyways, and Chel is no doctor so magic wasn't going to help in this case. As for Flash's mother, Chel did not outright murder her; the woman died from a combination of going into shock (can be lethal) and a broken heart. Chel tried to save her but couldn't.

With how weak you made humans this sounds about as believable as me needing to use lethal force to defeat an unarmed 2-year-old.

Maybe I should have written a flashback; the man came in with guns blazing and nearly shot Chel. Telson was armed too at the time and shot back, mortally wounding the human.

I guess Flash's parents didn't actually love him or does it only apply to people with magic and not lowly, normal humans?

Flash never knew his parents, he was an 8 month old infant when he fell into Equestria. And I thought I established that Flash's parents loved him very much?:rainbowhuh: At least I never gave any indication that they hated him.

Said the bitch with mind control powers. Honestly, the entire revelation about his parents is riddled with sloppy writing, my dude. It only exists to affirm that the only reason Flash is a good human is because he was raised by ponies. He gave zero shits about her needlessly killing them.
And yet the story seriously tries to convince me this murderous psycho bitch deserves a second chance, that she is only bad because humans and Earth are shit.

Well, it was my first foray into writing so you got me there, I was very sloppy at times, but that wasn't intentional, I'm just inexperienced. Trying to do better.:ajsleepy:

It was not my intention to suggest that Flash is a good person solely because he is raised by ponies, only to show the good fruits that come from being raised in a loving environment. And yeah, I see the ponies as an ideal of virtue which is a different path than many take. Flash was not sure how to feel about Chel killing his parents as he never knew them and so had little attachment to them. He was tempted to hate the changeling, but chose in the moment to forgive which he was taught is the right thing to do. Plus, he had gone down the path of hatred once, he saw how destructive it was and chose to not do so again. I explain that when he choses to forgive her. (Trying to portray Christian virtues here my friend.)

There was a brief glimmer of hope when Damien showed up again that they won't get away scot-free or at least Telson won't. You know you fucked up as a writer when your reader cheers for a human trafficker who likes to torture people, but he is the lesser of two evils here. He also has a total protagonist moment when he fights off Telson's bullshit mind powers.

Yeah, maybe I did totally screw it up if that's where the story led you, ouch. That being said, I did try to have Telson atone for his crimes by, you know, dying a painful death? And its not unprecedented that Changelings have the ability to manipulate minds, it's portrayed in the show and in countless others stories here. C'mon, cut me some slack here.:twilightsheepish:

Woohoo, go Damien! Teach him not to mess with non-magical humans! Woops, can't have normal humans beating their superiors so he immediately gets murdered.

Aw c'mon, cheering for the sadistic psychopath? There are bad people in the world my friend.

Human villains, unlike changeling villains, get no pity or second thoughts. They are crippled and murdered left and right with no remorse, while changelings get a second, third and fourth chance at redemption.

I can't redeem everyone in a story, there's always going to be a bad guy. And yeah, you can say that I have an axe to grind against human trafficking; that's personal. They're monsters.

Don't worry though, I do have a few very heroic human characters in mind for the sequels I've started to storyboard, including a very non-magical firefighter whom Flash's future daughter falls hard for. So yeah, I'm not antagonistic towards humans, but I am very realistic about the evil that is out there that I have seen and I was glad to portray that as the villain in this story.

"Yes, you killed my parents princess. It was a terrible crime, one that you should answer for and I am heartbroken to learn of it,
"Princess, I don't think that you actually wanted to do any of the terrible things you have done,"

“You’ve never actually harmed an innocent before, at least not with your own hooves, have you?”
“I’m guessing every human that you’ve ever harmed before have been people like my father, Damian, or Enrique. Individuals who were anything but innocent, who were destined to reap what they had sown anyways.”

Compare it to this:

In one situation, you have a rapist hurting people for their own pleasure. In the other, a confused, embittered alien with mommy issues who really doesn't want to hurt anyone but believes she must follow her mother's orders, that mother btw being Chrissy dearest and all her tender virtues. Chel is not malicious, just misguided and bitter. They are not the same.

Even when Chel seemingly mind controls him into murdering his adoptive mother he doesn't have a single scrap of hate for her.

Love your enemies, do good to those who hurt you? That's what I was going for here my friend. The humans Flash executed justice on were active threats, Chel was a remorseful wreck. Totally different set of circumstances here. You're comparing apples and oranges.

It's ridiculous just how much she gets coddled by the story. She should be dead in a ditch after crossing the wrong human criminal from a sniper or poison. No way would she be allowed rampage for 18 years without anyone squashing her. But of course, normal humans aren't allowed to beat magical creatures no matter how dumb it it is.

Wards are great for protection against poison or the odd sniper. And quite simply, magic really does give an unfair advantage. You have superpowers, the humans don't. That's not illogical.

Sounds promising, how could she possibly undo 18 years of murders, drugs and human trafficking?

One step at a time. I'm not done with Chel, she has much to answer for, I just ran out of story for now.

...that's it? THAT'S IT?! Bitch you deserve a fate worse than death for what you did! A thousand years as a self-aware lawn ornament at minimum! Ugh, there is no justice in this world.

Chel is sorry for what she has done, the human traffickers I portrayed were not, they were truly wicked. Chel has a shot at redemption because she is contrite and always hated what she was doing. Yeah, 'just following orders' is no excuse, but I'd rather have her alive and doing good. In order to be forgiven, one must have contrition. Once forgiven, we begin to atone.
St. Paul, as I recalled, killed and imprisoned Christians before his conversion, should we just have executed him? Some of the greatest saints in history started off as the most despicable villains. Not all the saints began well, but they all ended well; that's what matters.:twilightsmile:

How about the opinion of humans whose lifes she ruined? How about you give her to the human authorities to face actual justice? What's that? Normal humans are irrelevant bugs who should be grateful their superior horse overlords don't conquer them? Yeah, hear ya loud and clear, chief.

That's kind of leaping to conclusions in my opinion, that's not what I'm saying at all. Chel is going to do good to make up for the evil she has done, I just ran out of room to portray it in this story. I actually have plans for her to strike up a meaningful relationship with a human she met back on earth when she goes back to get away from her mother's anger.

Broadly speaking, the story can be divided into 2 parts: Earth and Equestria.
Earth is described as hell with no redeeming qualities. When asked if she wants to return to Earth, Ella thinks there's nothing good about it:

Earth is not all sunshine and rainbows my friend. A human at his best can be like an angel, at his worst, more terrible than a demon. There is a lot of evil in the world, this story focused on that facet in order to be a test of our hero's virtue. That was my whole point, to show perseverance in virtue in the face of evil. But just because I focused on an evil facet does not mean I automatically think all humans are bad. Remember what Ella said? "You should get out more Chel, there are good people out there, good people like Flash."

You actively mock the notion that Earth could be better than Equestria:

Not at all. Ella has nothing on Earth: no family, no housing, no friends. Why not take a chance in a new world where she has all three? It's not unreasonable.

Not even human music is safe from getting shat on lol.

That's personal, I think most modern music is trash, but that's just me, don't take it personally.::derpytongue2:

In comparison, the second part constantly gushes about how gosh darned amazing Equestria is:

Oh come on, we're all here because we love the ponies. Equestria is a marvelous fantasy, that doesn't mean I automatically hate earth. Just because I like describing a fantasy world doesn't automatically mean I must hate earth. Yeah, I can see how you got that impression because I chose to focus on the worst parts, but that was only to give the heroes a test for their character. It doesn't mean I think all the world is like that.

I also noticed your attempts at "showing a tremendous love for humankind". They fall flat on their face for various reasons.

Well, I shall endeavor to do better then.

These don't work because it states that it took changelings 18 years to find two decent humans, one of which was raised by ponies. Which in fact implies that most humans are shit.

Maybe, I was only trying to imply that the two changelings didn't get out much past the world of criminals they had to live among. Guess it backfired.

Doesn't work because Flash was raised by ponies. And why does she think Ella is noble? Prostitute who abandoned her world and species for the first rich and powerful guy who showed interest in her, that Ella?

Flash isn't rich, middle-class. And she didn't even accept Flash's advances at first, she chose Equestria because she was happy to be living among friends for a change. She thinks Ella is noble because the girl is so kind and caring to a species not her own that she's just met. Ella has a lot of love to give.

Gee, thanks. hate you too, sunshine.

I deal with a lot of bitter people in my profession, people just like Ella who see humanity as a lost cause. Glad you've been spared this but I was writing this story to show the real darkness many people believe/struggle with.

It actually would, if normal humans did something of worth in this story instead of constantly getting shafted.
So were humans actually ever deservedly complimented in this story? Yes, actually, twice even.

By a horny teenager who never saw a woman before in his life.

Is that unrealistic?:rainbowlaugh:

Did I forget anything? Oh yeah, Ella is suddenly religious.

Ella has always believed in God, that was made clear in the very first chapter. Many people have a falling out with God in life even though they still believe in Him. Ella is one of these people. She hated God because of her mother's death and stopped talking to him. Little by little, throughout the story, she starts to talk to Him again. I thought it was beautiful.

Now, I don't have a problem with religion in stories but... why? Correct me if I'm wrong, the Earth and humans are God's masterpieces, right? He even loved us more than angels and Lucifer had a problem with it because of how inferior he thought the humans are to angels. So God banished him to hell for it. There's also no mention of Equestria or good magic other than God's in the Bible. So why would Ella suddenly believe in Him, when magical aliens who totally mog God's best work show up? Wouldn't she convert to whatever religion you gave equestrians?

Lucifer was banished to hell because he rebelled; but yeah, he hates humanity and is envious of us. God's power isn't magic, it's simply Him. He is.

Ella, like any good Christian, knows that God is the Creator of all things. If she discovered another world of creatures then like any Christian, would just assume that God made this too, wouldn't you? After all, who are we to put limits on God's creative freedom? Discovering aliens doesn't change anything, God is still God. The ponies believe in a Creator, they just refer to Him by different names than we do. Who knows, maybe Ella will start evangelizing the ponies?

From a certain point of view, this story is anti-christian and pro-Satan, but I'm kinda stretching it at this point.

I thought I was demonstrating the Christian virtues of perseverance in love, mercy, and forgiveness. My mistake then.:rainbowderp:

Phew, that took a lot longer than I thought it would take, but it feels great to get all of it off of my back.

I'm here for venting.:twilightsmile:

More misanthropy? Title "On the Isle of Man-Eating Ponies" doesn't exactly give me any hope lol. Probably about how titular ponies are misunderstood victims, maybe stealing human technology without giving anything in return?

Hardly haha, but check out the sequel. It's meant to be more lighthearted and fun. Just a spin-off.

Less misanthropy, go full "Humanity, Fuck Yeah!" But chances of that are lower than Celestia showing up in my house. More realistically, maybe a brief scene about Flash and Ella reacting to events that lead to G5? Specifically, when ponies started to hate each other, constant conflict everywhere to the point Twilight had to seal away the magic from Equestria. Now back to being a normal human, would it ever occur to Ella that Earth and humans weren't so different from Equestria and ponies. Or that it all could have been a false-paradise created by Satan to lure her away from God's grace and then trap her in hell? Chel and Telson getting stoned, pretty please?

Hmm, hadn't considered G5, interesting...
Satan has no creative powers, only God can create..:ajsmug:
Why would I stone Chel and Telson? Should we have stoned St. Paul? Or St. Cyprian who was a former satanist? Or the thousands of other saints in history who reformed from villainous ways? Read the lives of the saints, it will show you the power of God's grace in the lives of seemingly irredeemable monsters.:raritywink:

Nevertheless, you put a lot of work into this story and a lot of people loved it. Don't let my criticism discourage you from writing more and good luck on your deployment.

Thank you so much, and again, I really REALLY appreciate all of this helpful feedback, it will help me to become a better writer and be more aware of the differing perspectives out there. Thank you and God bless!:twilightsmile:


Hmm, perhaps I have a more negative outlook on things because I see a lot of darkness in my profession. I chose to use the darkest elements of humanity as my antagonist in this story, that doesn't mean that I think of all of humanity has depraved.

That might be so, but the story sure gives off this impression.

She went from trying to manipulate him in the beginning to serve her own ends to seeing things more from his perspective; she was bitter and hateful because of what she had experienced.

Still a saint compared to the changelings.

You seem to forget her reaching out to and connecting with Telson after being brutalized by Chelicerae, that takes some serious 'love your enemy' right there.She had no magic at all then. Also, her telling Flash to not hate Chel as Telson took her away to treat her; again, no magic. And where did Ella learn to love like that? From her very non-magical mother; she had only forgotten. I thought that Ella was downright heroic in virtue long before she had any magic. Score one for humanity.:raritywink: (Also, I seem to recall that Ella's 'turn the corner' moment came when the decidedly non-magical human chose to defend Flash against a terrible foe with nothing more than a tiny knife.)

Humanity:1 Ponies:100000. Wooo
Besides, that literally accomplished nothing. Chel would have been defeated with or without Ella. She was inconsequential.

I admit, I have an idealistic view of the ponies; in my mind, their world is more pure as they are not as affected by the Fall of Original Sin as humans are who are at the top of material creation and so the most affected.

Humans are evidently not the top of material creation in the story since ponies are demonstrated to be better than them in every way. Moreover, the original sin is eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and, since ponies know both good and evil, they must have committed the sin, too. Actually since there are tons of sapient species in Equestria, all of them would have to eat from the Tree. That's a lot of sins. The very first thing Adam and Eve did after eating from the Tree was to feel shame for their nakedness and cover themselves. We can see Rarity demonstrate that Equestria has the original sin too.

Humble acceptance of criticism is a great aid to self-improvement; even if the criticism is not true (not saying that about yours, you make many good points) it's good for one's humility! Thank you so much for this wonderful feedback!:pinkiehappy:

Aw, shucks, you're making me blush. :twilightblush:

I based the enhanced abilities from what I observed in the show: Strength/Durability-Rainbow Dash able to tear apart a barn with her bare hooves, catching what was easily a 600lbs boulder faster than the eye could follow and tossing it back on Garble,

RD crashing into rocks and walls and shaking it off,

600lbs? That rock was 30-40 kilos max. Rainbow also lost conscience and broke a wing from a simple collission with the ground. She also was afraid of being stuck forever in a canyon just because a small boulder pinched 2 inches of her wing, she couldn't budge it. Couldn't even slow down one falling, wooden support beam.

Applejack stopping a 1000 ton boulder and bucking it couple hundred yards,

Twilight and Rarity able to lift 'Tom' (2 tons at least) with only physical strength,

And yet it takes the entirety of Apple and Pie family, all earth ponies, just to move holder's boulder. Also they were under influence of Discord's magic.

Twilight getting a piano and anvil dropped on her and surviving,

Same pony got a scar from a paper cut, got put into a wheelchair from falling down stairs, got maimed by bees, and was afraid of a 100 foot fall.

Big Mac moving a house, etc.

He was under the influence of a love potion. Same Big mac later struggles to lift a simple wedding cake

I could go on, but I think its fair to say that it was not unreasonable for me to make beings with magic stronger than non-magical beings.

When Tirek takes away magic from ponies they can't even stand up on their own. Magic doesn't add on top of physical strength, it replaces it entirely.
Besides, humans do have magic, the magic of friendship! Remember, It's kind of in the title? The show states several times how friendship is the most powerful form of magic. And since there a lot more humans than ponies (I doubt 8 billion ponies would fit in their cities), it's reasonable to assume there are a lot more human friends than there are pony friends. So Earth is in fact a more magical place than Equestria! It's elementary, My dear Watson.

True, there are arguments to the contrary (the ones you make) but I chose a balance

What balance? It skewered towards ponies to a laughable degree.

I do not think it is unreasonable to make a human with magic much stronger/more durable than a human without magic.

I actually agree with that. Humans use physical strength, ponies use magical strength. If you add them together you'll get something stronger than somethig that only uses one of them. However, that would mean Flash should be stronger and faster than any other pony, which is not the case.

We've seen RD move at hypersonic speeds,

No, we didn't. In fact, It is highly dubious if she can fly at the speed of sound at all

Flash is athletic, so like RD, I assumed he is a bit faster than the average Pegasus and thus easily able to dodge relatively slow .45 ACP which btw are subsonic rounds.

See above.

If someone shot a rifle at him, he'd stand no chance at dodging that.

Would be nice to actually see that happen.

Ponies like RD have demonstrated speed that would easily allow them to dodge pistol rounds.

See above.

Flash still ended up getting shot

Because he was shielding Ella.

and severely wounded by a bullet, even while wearing the equivalent of light Kevlar.

Wounded so severely he only murdered the man who shot him, escaped police, ran across half a city while carrying another human and had to take a nap before regenerating the wound, instead of conquering the planet in a single night. What a horrendous trauma it caused him.

Telson is shot to death,

And yet he lived, which is not something that can be said about the gunman who shot him.

so what more should I have done to demonstrate human weapons as a threat to equestrians?

Atually have them succed in murdering them would be nice. Just like most of the humans in the story exist solely to be beaten by Flash, you could add more equestrians who only exist to be killed by human weapons. For example, you could add more changeling guards working under Chel and shift all of her "humans are pathetic weakling compared to us, bug ubermensch" to these new lings. It would make Chel a lot less vile if every second paragraph from her isn't badmouthing the reader's species. These changeling don't want to return to Equestria because they like how overpowered their magic makes them on Earth and don't to go back to being nobodies in a magical land. They plan to kill Chel because they know she is too loyal to Chrissy to abandon her mission. They confront Telson and offer him to join them. He refuses and they attack him. Despite being the strongest, the fact that changelings are no better than humans when it comes to loyalty leaves him deeply shaken, he also got too used to fighting someone weaker than him and they outnumber him ten to one. Telson gets mortally wounded and the traitors are about to kill Ella. Then the man, the myth, the legend, Damien Chadson bursts onto the scene. He just pilfered the guns from Chel's stash and was on his way to kill Flash but then he overheard the changelings speaking to Telson. He's shocked, the criminal organization he worked for was actually led by aliens who despised humans? Damien suddenly remembers how a long time ago he turned to a life of crime to save his sick sister or some other sob story that makes him sympathetic. He realizes that the changeling gang members constantly pushed him to do more and more heinous acts until he starded enjoying them because he couldn't take the guilt. With righteous fury and two rifles in hands he attacks the traitors! They try to fight back but their pathetic magic is no math for a man with military grade weapons. Soon the last traitor lays dead on the ground. Telson, who is still clinging to life, apologizes to Damien for the life of crime changelings forced him into. He also pleads that the man shows mercy to Chel for she still has some good in her. Then he talks to Ella and gives her his life essence like in the original before dying. Damien and Ella join Sunset and Rainbow in a fight against Chel and Flash. Damien is still salty about getting beaten by Flash so he focuses on him. With Rainbow as support, he inflicts enough damage on Flash to incapacitate him. Chel follows soon after. Heeding Telson's last words, he spares the changeling and leaves. He's a changed man now and he has a lot of sins to atone for.
Phew, sorry, got on a bit of a ramble there, but I got a sudden bout of inspiration.

Flash's father would have died of his wounds anyways, and Chel is no doctor so magic wasn't going to help in this case.

Chel said he could be saved in a hospital but refused to move him there.

As for Flash's mother, Chel did not outright murder her; the woman died from a combination of going into shock (can be lethal) and a broken heart.

Murderer by proxy.

Maybe I should have written a flashback; the man came in with guns blazing and nearly shot Chel. Telson was armed too at the time and shot back, mortally wounding the human.

Except you forgot that changelings can sense emotions and a furious father intent on killing them would shine lile a lighthouse in a starless night. They would sense him from a mile away and prepare accordingly.

Flash never knew his parents, he was an 8 month old infant when he fell into Equestria. And I thought I established that Flash's parents loved him very much?:rainbowhuh: At least I never gave any indication that they hated him.

Did you miss the quote above my response? This one:

Celestia always says that the greatest power in the universe is not magic, but love.

If love was the greatest power in the universe, then Flash's father would succeed in squashing the bugs instead of dying like a bitch without even wounding them. Or he didn't love Flash, choose your poison.

And yeah, I see the ponies as an ideal of virtue which is a different path than many take.

I agree with this when it comes to the main characters, but I think the average man is just as virtuous as the average pony was shown to be.

He was tempted to hate the changeling, but chose in the moment to forgive which he was taught is the right thing to do. Plus, he had gone down the path of hatred once, he saw how destructive it was and chose to not do so again.

He had no problems hating and murdering the human thugs.

I explain that when he choses to forgive her. (Trying to portray Christian virtues here my friend.)

What about Thou shalt not kill and turn the other cheek?

That being said, I did try to have Telson atone for his crimes by, you know, dying a painful death?

Death only matters if it sticks. First-degree murder is 30 years in prison to a life sentence. Besides, one painful death doesn't equal dozens\hundreds he murdered, and I doubt any of his victims got the priviledge of being revived.

And its not unprecedented that Changelings have the ability to manipulate minds, it's portrayed in the show

We only see changeling queens being capable of that.

C'mon, cut me some slack here.:twilightsheepish:


Aw c'mon, cheering for the sadistic psychopath? There are bad people in the world my friend.

If you compare the crimes they committed, Telson was worse. I was cheering for the good guy. But both of them were bad.

I can't redeem everyone in a story, there's always going to be a bad guy.

Coincidentally, all of them are humans.

And yeah, you can say that I have an axe to grind against human trafficking; that's personal. They're monsters.

I agree with that, which is why it's weird that changelings, a literal race of human/pony traffickers, get away scot-free with everything they did in your story.

Don't worry though, I do have a few very heroic human characters in mind for the sequels I've started to storyboard, including a very non-magical firefighter whom Flash's future daughter falls hard for.

Great, can't wait to see him... being completely useless against anyone with magic and gushing about how great and amazing everything in Equestria is compared to his shitty planet. Woooo.

In one situation, you have a rapist hurting people for their own pleasure. In the other, a confused, embittered alien with mommy issues who really doesn't want to hurt anyone but believes she must follow her mother's orders, that mother btw being Chrissy dearest and all her tender virtues. Chel is not malicious, just misguided and bitter. They are not the same.

Their crimes are the same, actually, no, Chel's crimes are worse by far. Flash only knows about her sob story because he listens to her and gives her countless chances at redemption. He never gives a chance to humans or asks about their life story, why they ended up as criminals. He makes up his mind as soon as he sees them and hands down punishments immediately.

Love your enemies, do good to those who hurt you?

Not a shred of love for human thugs was shown.

The humans Flash executed justice on were active threats, Chel was a remorseful wreck.

By your own admission. Chel was more of a threat than all the humans combined and did not show remorsefulness until the end. Humans never got a chance.

Wards are great for protection against poison or the odd sniper.

Please show an instance of the show where wards protect from poisons or something comparable to a sniper. Actually, do they even have any wards to begin with? It's one thing to base your head canon on high-end feats while ignoring all low-ends, another is to give them powers they never showed in the show just so they could stomp humans even harder.

And quite simply, magic really does give an unfair advantage.

Only because you made it so.

You have superpowers, the humans don't. That's not illogical.

Technology is a superpower. Tirek's blast, empowered by the magic of all ponies of Equestria plus Discord's, colliding with Twi's blast, empowered by all magic of the alicorns, produced a laughably small explosion that looks like a firecracker compared to high-end nukes. Technology trumps magic in destructive capabilities.

One step at a time. I'm not done with Chel, she has much to answer for, I just ran out of story for now.

The last step being a life sentence in prison, right?

Chel is sorry for what she has done,

If being sorry was enough to not get punished, then there would be no prisons on Earth.

the human traffickers I portrayed were not, they were truly wicked.

Because you made them so.

Chel has a shot at redemption because she is contrite and always hated what she was doing. Yeah, 'just following orders' is no excuse, but I'd rather have her alive and doing good. In order to be forgiven, one must have contrition.

That's not how it works, even in Equestria. Celestia imprisoned her own sister for a thousand years. Discord too, he even was awake during it, a thousand years without being able to move an inch is a fate worse than death. And then they subjected a child to the same punishment. And none of them actually murdered anyone. The moment Chel was in Celestia's reach, she would be sentenced to become a statue for a thousand years minimum, not getting away completely scot-free to do whatever she pleased.

I actually have plans for her to strike up a meaningful relationship with a human she met back on earth when she goes back to get away from her mother's anger.

Wooo, another human to constantly gush about how beutiful, powerful and amazing she is and how every atrocity she committed against humankind doesn't matter because she is reaaaaly sorry about it. Joy. :pinkiesick:

Earth is not all sunshine and rainbows my friend.

Neither is Equestria. It's actually debatably worse. I don't have to endure monster attacks almost every week. Or world ending events every season on Earth. Or crazy unicorns mind controlling my town to do their whims. The quality of life of modern thecnology and the enterteinment industry dwarfs their equestrian counterparts many times over. Plus my country is yet to collapse due to everyone being racist to each other like in G5 lol.
Equestria would be a great vacation spot, but terrible to permanently live in.

A human at his best can be like an angel, at his worst, more terrible than a demon.

Same applies to ponies: Sombra, Starlight, Cozy Glow.

That was my whole point, to show perseverance in virtue in the face of evil. But just because I focused on an evil facet does not mean I automatically think all humans are bad. Remember what Ella said? "You should get out more Chel, there are good people out there, good people like Flash."

"People are only good if they behave like people raised by alien horses" is not a good look on humanity, my friend. Again, you yourself might not be misanthropic, but your story is.

Not at all. Ella has nothing on Earth: no family, no housing, no friends. Why not take a chance in a new world where she has all three? It's not unreasonable.

You responded to the wrong quotes. The mocking ones were bellow. And as for Ella abandoning Earth, where's balance? Where's a pony who has nothing in Equestria and prefers to live on Earth?

That's personal, I think most modern music is trash, but that's just me, don't take it personally.::derpytongue2:

Equestria has the same modern music as Earth.
And Earth has tons of old-style music. The point is, Earth is never described as having something better than Equestria, despite there being a ton of examples of it.

Oh come on, we're all here because we love the ponies.

Yes, i love the canon Equestria, where very flawed ponies learn to be better from season to season and win most of their battles through the magic of friendship, not overpowered badasses who use force to beat the shit out of everyone who disagrees with their ways.

Equestria is a marvelous fantasy, that doesn't mean I automatically hate earth.

Equestria is mostly shown to just be America with a horse skin over it.

Just because I like describing a fantasy world doesn't automatically mean I must hate earth. Yeah, I can see how you got that impression because I chose to focus on the worst parts, but that was only to give the heroes a test for their character. It doesn't mean I think all the world is like that.

Your bias has tainted the story with a very negative outlook on human civilization. Until I see ponies gushing over how great and amazing Earth is compared to Equestria and humans ranting about how dumb, ugly and pathetic Equestria is compared to Earth, it will remain so.

Well, I shall endeavor to do better then.

Let's hope so.

Maybe, I was only trying to imply that the two changelings didn't get out much past the world of criminals they had to live among. Guess it backfired.

It sure did.

Flash isn't rich, middle-class.

He's rich compared to her.

And she didn't even accept Flash's advances at first,

Because she thought a lowly human like her doesn't deserve to be with a magical guy like him.

she chose Equestria because she was happy to be living among friends for a change.

Implying that humans are worse at friendship than a species that literally needs a school to learn friendship :rainbowlaugh:.

She thinks Ella is noble because the girl is so kind and caring to a species not her own that she's just met. Ella has a lot of love to give.

She's noble because... she just does her job? Ponies raised Flash and Spike, they take care of the animals constantly, being caring and kind to another species wouldn't be seen as something extraordinarily virtuous by a pony.

I deal with a lot of bitter people in my profession, people just like Ella who see humanity as a lost cause. Glad you've been spared this but I was writing this story to show the real darkness many people believe/struggle with.

It's kind of funny how a lot of first world country citizens are such doomers despite having the best living conditions in history.

Is that unrealistic?:rainbowlaugh:

No, but it's too little.

Ella has always believed in God, that was made clear in the very first chapter. Many people have a falling out with God in life even though they still believe in Him. Ella is one of these people. She hated God because of her mother's death and stopped talking to him. Little by little, throughout the story, she starts to talk to Him again. I thought it was beautiful.

Ella, like any good Christian, knows that God is the Creator of all things. If she discovered another world of creatures then like any Christian, would just assume that God made this too, wouldn't you? After all, who are we to put limits on God's creative freedom? Discovering aliens doesn't change anything, God is still God. The ponies believe in a Creator, they just refer to Him by different names than we do. Who knows, maybe Ella will start evangelizing the ponies?

The Bible says humans were made in God's image, if a species better than humnas in every way showed up there can only really be two conclusions: God doesn't exist and Christianity is a lie or God decided to abandon Earth and made new favorites to replace it. Both sound pretty anti-Christian to me.

I thought I was demonstrating the Christian virtues of perseverance in love, mercy, and forgiveness. My mistake then.:rainbowderp:

You did a relatively good job with those. The problem is that the story ignores or contradicts the rest.

Hardly haha, but check out the sequel. It's meant to be more lighthearted and fun. Just a spin-off.

Mmmh, I dunno, maybe when it's complete. Reading a story from an author who works in a profession where he can get killed at any moment is a bad omen.

Why would I stone Chel and Telson? Should we have stoned St. Paul? Or St. Cyprian who was a former satanist? Or the thousands of other saints in history who reformed from villainous ways? Read the lives of the saints, it will show you the power of God's grace in the lives of seemingly irredeemable monsters.:raritywink:

I meant turn them into statues with the elements of harmony, not throw stones at them until they die. I'm not some bloodthirsty monster, sheesh.

Thank you so much, and again, I really REALLY appreciate all of this helpful feedback, it will help me to become a better writer and be more aware of the differing perspectives out there. Thank you and God bless!:twilightsmile:

Glad to be of service, my friend. God bless! :raritywink:

Just revisiting, nothing more.

How many stories are going to be in this series? Or did I already ask this?

There are two sequels planned, and a few side spin-offs that I have in mind that I would like to write.

The next story deals with a threat to Equestria during the first year after this story.

The third story focuses on Flash and Ella's unique children and a certain changeling queen.

Honesty thought about deleting this didn't really talk about the story just the authors note. Not gonna debate on good people are entitled to their opinions and you seem highly religious from your other author notes. Decent story like people said one of the few good ones that show a human being raised on equestria for me personally it kinda feel off later chapters and I didn't like the Ella and flash relationship nvm there were more chapters. ,10/10

I am so grateful for your feedback, thank you for your kind words!

I am already working on the sequel which will be released in a few weeks and of course, there's the small spinoff I wrote that's already available if you're interested; that one is a bit more lighthearted.

Curious, why didn't you like Flash and Ella's relationship? Would you rather I had paired him with someone else and if so, who would have been your choice?

Thanks again for reading!

Twilight, rainbow, Luna maybe introduce a undercover cop early on in the chapters when he was still in the human world if your not comfortable with those options.like I mentioned ella and flash relationship just reminds me to much of run forest run where the main characters both stay focused on the same woman depsite her personality and her past actions.your comment about her getting magic remove her stds and fix her injuries didn't really do it for me and her personality is just bad she put herself in that position by running away from her home and her father who I think only neglected her emotionally never hit her or blame her for the death of her mother. It's a good story like I said b4 but Ella and flash relationship just didn't sit right with me personally also i anit no writer so sorry the for long response

No, I welcome your words, I really enjoy hearing feedback.

Yeah, I was never going to pair him with a pony, I don't cross the species line. That said, the undercover cop option could have been very good, could have had a lot of fun with that one.

Ella made a lot of mistakes, but the point of her character was to show we do not have to be defined by our errors, but can always choose to become a better person no matter our past.

The sequel is now available, looking forward to your thoughts!

The sequel is now available, looking forward to your thoughts!

The sequel is now available, looking forward to your thoughts!

The sequel is now available, looking forward to your thoughts!

The sequel is now available, looking forward to your thoughts!

You are welcome. Thank YOU for a great read so far.


So if you want something done, you do it yourself.:raritywink:

Ain't that the truth.

Well, the main character is named Chell (with two Ls). That's the only connection I was making, though. If you ever want a unique puzzle/platformer experience, I highly recommend both Portal and its sequel.
I always appreciate authors that take the time to respond to comments.

Glad you liked it!
I'm sorry if you already saw me ask this, but I would appreciate it if you would take a look at my Music Recommendations blog post sometime (I definitely don't mean right away, just whenever you're interested). I just would like to get as many opinions from people about it as I can.

I'll take a look at it when I get a chance, but I would be a poor judge of modern music as I don't listen to a lot of it.

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