• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 5,218 Views, 568 Comments

Brighter Horizons - Destiny Chaser

A Human raised in Equestria by Pegasi. Oh, and he has their inherent magic. Have fun!

  • ...


Flash's world went sideways the moment he stepped into Celestia's study, the meteoric impact of lavender fur and feathers that was Twilight Sparkle knocking him flat onto his back as the young alicorn, once more forgetting her own strength, hugged the human with enough pressure to fold a steel beam in two.

"Twilight...ribs...can't...breath..." Flash squeaked as he felt his internal organs migrate to the polar extremes of his torso. He had to admit, it was the best imitation of a Pinkie Pie hug that he had ever experienced outside of the Element of Laughter herself. He gasped a huge lungful of air as Twilight released him, looking down at him with a wild grin stretching from ear to ear.

"Oh Flash, thank Celestia! You're not dead!" She exclaimed. They joyful expression animating her cute face lasted all of 10 microseconds until Flash saw one of her eyes twitch, which he knew from dreaded experience as the signal to run if he valued his very soul.


The boy was off like a shot, not daring to look back as he tore his way across the room, the eldritch horror he had foolishly summoned from the darkest depths of Tartarus hot on his heels.






Ella blinked, not sure which was more shocking: the reality that she was in an alien world, the incredible creatures standing around her, or the fact that none of them seemed to think any of this was out of place. The ponies called Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, and Bright Skies all stood behind her, watching the spectacle with a familiar amusement that she thought seemed alarmingly too casual. Sunset had managed to partially heal Bright Skies by the time she and Flash had gone back to fetch them, which helped to ease her concern about the poor creature, though she still looked a fright.

Ella couldn't get over the fact of how these ponies were so far beyond the creatures they represented back on earth. Their very appearance was so vibrant that they appeared to be on a higher plane of existence than the rest world around them. Their movements, their facial expressions and bodies were all so smooth, animated, and fluid that they seemed more like humans than any kind of animal she had ever seen, least of all actual horses or ponies.

That being said, the three ponies she had seen so far were nothing in comparison to the two standing before her now, gazing upon her with expressions of great interest. They were tall, much taller than the other ponies, possessing both wings as well as long, elegant horns. And they were strong...extraordinarily strong! She was fairly certain that even without her new abilities, she would be able to tell what forces of nature these two beings actually were. The raw power that radiated off of the wonderous pair felt as if it could light up half a continent. But despite the power and the air of regality that exuded from the two, it was outdone by the sense of warm benevolence and almost motherly affection that was visible in their faces, particularly that of the white one.

Her multicolored mane flowed like an otherworldly ether that Ella felt like she could stare at all day and still remain mezmorized. The shorter one, though still easily as tall as she was herself, had a similarly flowing mane that looked to contain an entire galaxy's worth of glittering stars within its ever-shifting midnight-blue depths. Ella found the darker one's emotions to be a fascinating mix: zeal, excitement, curiosity, and even a hint of mischievousness though tempered with a seriousness that could only be born of trial and hardship.

Ella felt a bit lightheaded in their presence, but still managed an unpracticed curtsy, as it was quite apparent to her, crowns aside, that these ponies were the ones in charge.

"Uh, your majesties? Ella...my name's Ella." She stuttered. A loud crash sounded somewhere in the background.



The white one smiled warmly at her as she took a step towards her, "Ella," She said, her gentle voice like a warm, soothing balm.

"What a lovely name!" The blue one energetically added.

"We are both so glad to welcome you to Equestria, my dear." Celestia continued.



"We assume that thou art the one to whom our young Flash extended his aid?" The blue one asked.

"Uh, yeah, yes! Flash helped me a lot!" Ella said, finding it very difficult to keep her attention from being divided as she saw Flash leap back into view in the background, clawing his way along one of the bookshelves.

"TWILIGHT! REMEMBER BOOKS?! YOU LOVE BOOKS!" He desperately pleaded while slapping and flinging tomes off of the shelves at the purple hurricane pursuing him.

"STOP TRYING TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT! YOU'RE NOT GETTING OUT OF THIS!" She screamed while catching the hail of hardbacks in her violet magic.

Am I...the only one seeing this? Ella wondered to herself.

"Well," Celestia continued. "I very much look forward to hearing about all that transpired in your time with Flash. Would you accept our invitation to stay here as our honored guest?"

"Y-yes, it would be my honor and-IS anyone else seeing this?!" Ella finally blurted out as she pointed behind them at the lavender alicorn currently hefting a ridiculously massive spiked-mace the size of a wrecking ball behind her in her magic. It seemed that Flash had managed to lock himself in the privy on the far side of the study.

"...open this door Flash, or Celestia will never find your remains."

"Did you know that you're really cute when you get all flustered like that?"

Ella adjusted herself on the red cushion that she sat on, finding it difficult to get comfortable while sitting so close to the floor. They don't have chairs, that makes sense. But they have teacups? She wondered as she observed the white porcelain cup with silver trim on the saucer in her hand. Celestia had ordered tea and refreshments brought in while she and Luna listened to Flash give his report.

At the same time, a small team of medical ponies had been summoned who busied themselves examining the group and tending to each of their injuries while they conversed. It took some convincing on Ella's part to one of the doctors who insisted on having her checked over that she was fine, the dried gore on her clothing doing nothing to help her case, and that he should tend to the ones who were actually hurt. While the good doctor eventually acceded to her insistence that she was fine, she still noticed the brown-maned, cream-colored unicorn giving her a disapproving glance every now and then.

It's not that she didn't trust the little equines, but she wasn't quite ready to have one of them that close. She was still struggling with the fact that they were real in the first place.

Ella noticed the one called Luna staring at her, and making no point to hide it. The night princess gave her a small, friendly smile, causing Ella to busy herself with her tea, pretending as if she hadn't noticed. There was something about the way this pony looked at her that she couldn't quite put her finger on. Her emotions remained an interesting mix of curiosity, excitement, sympathy, and something else that Ella didn't know how to identify. Determination?

Ella blinked and shook her head, still grappling with her new abilities. Isn't there an off switch for this?! She almost grumbled while rubbing the side of her head. One thing that was very obvious however, was this particular mare's deep affection for Flash. It was a jealous, protective love. Like a mix between the love of an older sister for her baby brother and the love of some rare, priceless gift. It tasted rich and full, with a slightly bitter hint, sort of like dark chocolate...Ella clamped her jaws shut, cutting off the flavor. She was becoming increasingly alarmed of the fact that she could literally taste and now it seemed, even consume love if she wanted. The flavor and rush of energy that followed was dangerously addictive. Get ahold of yourself girl, she's looking at you...

Ella looked at Flash as he explained another part of his experience with Chelicerae to Celestia while holding an ice-pack against his head. The lavender pony she understood to be Twilight Sparkle What a name haha. Was sitting just to his right scribbling notes down on a scroll. The pony had calmed down considerably from her initial freak-out, but still appeared more than a bit indignant at Flash, though Ella could tell her sour mood was born from an extreme concern for him whom she obviously considered a dear friend. There had been a collective shock among the ponies, with Luna stifling a whimper with one hoof, when the doctor had made Flash temporarily remove his shirt, allowing them all to see the extent of his injuries, particularly his marred cutie mark. That moment had created a cloud over the mood in the room that did not seem to have fully departed yet.

Ella noticed how Celestia appeared calm and impassive as she listened to him, but the Princess could not conceal the growing concern clearly visible in her pink eyes. Her emotions were a bit more difficult for Ella to read. It was clear that this pony held a special love for Flash as well, one that came across as maternal, as did her love for most of those present in the room. But at the same time, it seemed as if the pony was wrestling with another emotion, like some difficult decision or choice that she was trying to make.

In the course of the report, the princess had asked each of them for input on their part in the transpired events, with Ella explaining to her how Flash had repeatedly put himself in harm's way to help her. She had to admit, answering the inquiries of a magical pony princess was an experience that almost made her want to pinch herself, just to be absolutely certain that she still wasn't dreaming. Flash let out a breath as he finally finished his account, setting his ice pack down as he adjusted the sling holding his other arm.

Princess Celestia turned and looked at her sister, something seemed to pass between the siblings before Luna nodded to her with a small smile. Celestia returned the smile before looking back to Flash.

"Well Flash Skies, that is quite a remarkable account. And let me first say that I think that you acted quite commendably in this journey, upholding the highest of Equestrian values while under the most extreme of circumstances, I am very proud of you." She said with no small amount of pride in her voice.

"Thank you, your highness." Flash quietly replied with a polite nod, appearing uncomfortable.

Celestia smiled at his bashfulness. "And it is your opinion that this changeling princess no longer represents an active threat to Equestria?" She asked. Flash shook his head,

"No, your highness. I firmly believe that she no longer represents a threat to anypony, except to maybe herself. I am sure that her companion Telson will keep careful watch over her and help her to find a new and better start. I expect to hear from him again in the near future as he told me to expect contact from him." He said. Celestia nodded, seemingly satisfied by his answer.

"And what of you dear Flash? How are you feeling now with all that you have experienced?" The question hung in the air for a moment, and Ella could sense that there was more to this inquiry than represented by the pony's words. Flash gave her a faint smile.

"Uh, hard to say my Princess. I'll let you know in the morning?" He ambiguously replied. Celestia raised an eyebrow, clearly bemused at his benign deflection.

"Technically it's morning now my dear, and almost time to raise the sun." Ella frowned at the strange words.

'Raise the sun?' What in the world does she mean by that? She thought as she caught Luna giving a small smirk at her reaction.

Celestia rose to her hooves from the dais she had been reclining on while listening to Flash's account. She looked down at her young human charge, a calculating look in her experienced eye. A few beats of silence went by before the diarch finally spoke.

"A month." She said. Flash's eyes went wide with alarm.

"A month?!" Flash exclaimed as he shakily rose to his feet. "Princess Celestia, I'll be more than sufficiently recovered from these injuries after a week, you can't possibly expect me to-"

"A month of leave, 2nd Lieutenant Skies, and not a day less. I will bear no objections in this matter." She interjected in a tone that was firm though still laced with kindness. Flash's jaw clenched, and Ella noticed a slightly hurt look in his eyes.

"Yes, your highness." He finally relented, his tone a bit downcast. Celestia's face softened in sympathy as she stepped before him, reaching up to gently trace her gilded hoof over the scar on his face. Ella saw a tremor of pain ripple through the princess's aura, a dull shade of worried concern now visible beneath her glowing matronly love.

"I'm fine princess, really." Flash said, looking like a child that didn't want his mother's attention. Celestia smiled, though her eyes were sad.

"Are you?" She whispered, her voice barely audible. The alicorn leaned forward, embracing the young man with her neck and forelimb, tenderly rubbing the side of his face with her soft cheek. Flash shuddered, before relenting and leaning into her embrace with his good arm. Ella couldn't help but smile at the sweet scene, theirs was clearly a relationship that ran far deeper than that of a mere ruler and her subject. It was so deep in fact, that if Bright Skies hadn't already told her that she was his mother, Ella would have readily believed that this pony was instead.

"I need you to trust me on this, my little one." Celestia said as she ended the embrace. "Besides, I'm sure your new friend here would be more than happy to have your company during your time off." She added while warmly regarding Ella.

Ella felt herself flush slightly at her attention as she looked at Flash and nodded reassuringly to him. He smiled back at her, but she could see the slight crestfalleness in his mood.

"And thank you, Bright Skies, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset for your courageous acts. I'm so proud of each of you, my brave little ponies." Celestia said to the three ponies who had been sitting behind Flash and Ella. The three ponies rose and bowed to their princess, though Bright Skies seemed to stumble slightly in her attempt. Her coat had been cleaned of blood, and there were bandages on her forelimb and shoulder where the doctor's healing spells had not yet fully completed their work. Rainbow Dash looked far better, though her right wing was bound with bandages. Sunset, being the least scathed of the three, had only a bandaid on her left cheek, though she looked so exhausted that she appeared to be swaying slightly on her hooves.

Flash looked at Rainbow Dash, half-expecting her usual bravado about how it was no sweat for her, that she knew they would succeed because she was so 'awesome'. Instead, he felt slightly unsettled to see that she simply accepted the praise with a quiet smile, while seemingly avoiding his gaze.

"Dr. Lighthoof?" Celestia asked as she turned her attention to the doctor and his two unicorn assistants.

"They should be fine, your highness," He responded to her questioning tone. "But just to be safe, I would like to keep Bright Skies and the Lieutenant through tomorrow for further observation." He said in a clear, clinical tone. Ella noticed Flash give his mother a worried look which she returned with a small smile.

Celestia nodded, "Very well. Now, as for everypony else, this is quite enough for now. We'll discuss these events further in the coming days, but for now, I expect you all to go and get some well deserved rest."

Ella began making her way towards Flash as the small group began to disperse, taking time to repeat her gratitude to Sunset and Rainbow Dash before they departed. She noticed Celestia speaking in hushed tones with Twilight who glanced over at her, giving her a shy smile before looking back to Celestia who continued speaking to her.

Trying to put her mind off of what they might be discussing, Ella continued forward but paused as she saw Flash speaking with Luna. She had her hoof on his shoulder, speaking softly to him. He nodded slowly at something she said before she leaned in, touching her forehead to his in a tender display of affection. The night princess smirked slightly as she noticed Ella waiting and stepped back, inviting her to approach.

Flash adjusted his sling, the white cloth contrasting sharply with his black shirt, before his eyes caught Ella's as she approached him.

"Hey," he said, a half smile on his lips.

"Hey yourself," Ella replied with a small chuckle. "Are you alright?" She asked.

He gave her a tentative smile. "Yeah, I'll be alright. It's...it's just never fun when mom grounds you, that's all." He sighed.

"She's your mom too?"

"She's everypony's mom." Flash chuckled, though Ella could see the near reverential love he held for the pony, it smelled almost like incense.

"So what now?"

Flash sighed. "Now? Now I go to the hospital and let Dr. Lighthoof and his team fuss over me for the next 24 hours. I don't see what the big deal is, everypony's overreacting."

Ella gave him a deadpan look. "You've been shot, Flash...and tortured, traumatized, envenomed, bewitched, and beaten to a bloody pulp, twice I might add. Give me a break."

Flash winced slightly at that last part. "Ow. Hearing you say it like that hurts more than the actual beatings did."

Ella rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Just go and get better, okay kid? I'll be waitin' for ya when you get out."

Flash nodded, a tired smile on his face. As she looked at him, Ella couldn't help but notice a dark spot in his aura near his heart. It was small, but seemed to be expanding ever so slowly, like an inkstain slowly spreading across parchment. His eyes seemed to grow distant as well as the spot continued to grow, roiling and pulsing like a small thundercloud that threatened to unleash a larger tempest.

"Hey!" Ella said, snapping Flash out of his daze. The spot suddenly retracted back to a small, pulsing dot, but persistently remained. She eyed him cautiously, "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I just...I just need some rest, that's all." Ella didn't feel convinced, but she decided to let it go for now. After all, they all needed some rest at this point.

"Well, thank you again Flash, you know I can't say that enough, right?"

"You're very welcome, Ella. I'm so glad you're okay, that you're here right now."

"Come along now, Lieutenant." Dr. Lighthoof gently called out. Flash glanced back at the doctor and his mother both patiently waiting for him.

He reached out with his right hand which Ella grasped. "Gotta run. Don't worry, they'll take great care of you." He said, giving her hand a small squeeze.

Ella just smiled and nodded before reluctantly releasing his grip. She watched him until he exited the study, the door closing slowly behind him. He's just tired, yeah. That's it. Ella thought, feeling unconvinced. She was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of someone politely clearing their throat behind her.

Turning about, Ella felt a little startled to see all three alicorns before her, with Princess Luna being flanked by the other two, each of them smiling at her.

The Night Princess shuffled her wings slightly. "Might we have a word, child?"

Ella kept her hands nervously clasped in front of her as she walked down the wide corridor with the three ponies, with Celestia slightly ahead and to her right while Luna and Twilight walked to her left and right respectively. She found the rhythmic clopping of their hooves echoing off of the white marble to be somewhat soothing, though she was confused how dark it still was outside as they passed by the evenly-spaced arched windows.

Didn't she say that it was almost dawn? Why is there no light in the sky? Ella wondered as her gaze lingered for a moment on the outside. She looked again at Celestia, noticing the image of a sun on her immaculate flank. I guess that's her cutie mark? I wonder what it could mean?

"I imagine this all must be a lot for you to take in, Ella?" Princess Celestia said, casting a sidelong glance to her.

Ella nervously cleared her throat. "Heh, well, that would be putting it mildly your highness. No offense, but I'm still tryin' to wrap my brain around the fact that this is all real."

Celestia smiled and nodded. "None taken my dear, an honest assessment is the best way for us to gain an understanding of one another."

Ella took a second to glance back at Luna and Twilight, searching for some sort of clue as to where they were going; but if there was one, they kept it to themselves. She looked away, tugging once more at her blue shirt, still marveling at how spotless it was after the one called Twilight had unexpectedly magicked it clean for her before they set out.

Magic, Ella thought as she touched the side of one temple, I don't know if I'll ever get used to this.

The answer as to where they were headed came soon enough as they rounded a corner to a pair of white-wooden and glass doors. The pair of thestrals in dark armor flanking them moved to open the doors for the group. Ella had to keep herself from gawking at the pair of leathery-winged, fanged ponies as she went by. The charcoal one with a shaggy, dark red mane gave her a friendly, sharp-toothed smile as she walked by.

What sort of ponies?! Ella shook her head to clear it as she stepped out onto an enormous balcony hugging the side of the castle. The cool night air smelled sweet and fresh as the sound of crickets and the water from the fountain in the courtyard below created a comforting ambiance beneath the glowing moon.

Ella walked to the edge of the balcony, leaning against the railing as she took in the incredible view of Canterlot and the greater Equestrian countryside off in the distance. Even in only the moonlight, she could tell what a beautiful land this was. As the seconds ticked by, she could sense the three ponies watching her, they seemed to be waiting for her impression.

Ella smirked at the thought of actual royalty waiting on someone like her as she turned to face them. "So, this is the world where Flash grew up in, huh?"

Luna smiled and nodded. "Until relatively recently, we didn't even know what species he was or where he came from. He's the first human to ever be raised in Equestria."

Ella glanced down, feeling uncomfortable under their collective gaze. "Well, you certainly raised him to a good standard, that's for sure." She paused a moment before looking back up at them. "Sorry your highnesses but, what is it that you want from me?"

Celestia took a step forward. "No Ella, rather, what is it that you want from us? What is your desire?"

Ella gave a small sigh. "Are you askin' me if I want to stay here?"

Celestia gave a soft chuckle. "Among other things, my dear."

Ella paused, to be honest, she was not sure what she wanted. She hadn't thought much of the future in the last twenty four hours past anything but surviving to the next. She never considered that meeting Flash would upend her life so rapidly, or that she would end up learning about the existence of magic, alien creatures, or the reality of a whole different world, let alone that she would end up in it. Did she really want to go back to earth? After all, there was nothing waiting for her back there but painful memories. On top of that, she had magic now. She could feel it humming in her blood, synchronizing with the greater magical energy that seemed to permeate everything in this land, down to the very building she was presently standing on. It was such a strange, alien sensation. Difficult to ignore and yet at the same time, so subtle as to make her feel as if she had always had it.

Could she really continue to live as a normal human being on earth, especially when she didn't even know how to control her new power? What if someone discovered her abilities? Or worse, how much would the magic continue to affect and change her? What if she developed a deficiency like Chelicerae or Telson that required her to feed on others in order to survive? Ella shuddered slightly at the thought.

It's not that she didn't appreciate what Telson did for her. After all, his actions had literally saved her life. She may have denied it at the time, but in reality, she knew the truth. She was dying. Chelicerae had taken far too much from her for her to ever recover on her own. If Telson hadn't poured his life-force into hers with his dying breaths, she doubted she would have survived to see the next sunrise. And while his selfless gesture may have saved her life, it also appeared to have permanently changed her in a way that he had not intended.

She didn't loathe the change, she would have been willing to undergo much more if it meant continuing to live so that she could help Flash. But even so, having something going on inside her that was presently beyond her ability to fully control only added to her sense of uncertainty about the future, what she wanted, or of what to do next.

Ella knew that she needed help, desired it even; but she was reluctant to ask. After all, the last two people she had had asked for help, Flash and Telson, had ended up being badly hurt, with one of them even being killed, miraculous rebirths aside. Everyone she had ever allowed to get close to her had ended up either hurting her or being hurt because of her. She considered for a moment to simply take whatever help she was offered from these ponies and move on, but that felt too much like her old self, using others only for her own sake.

I'll never be that person again. She adamantly thought with a grimace. Ella rubbed her face and was startled to find it wet, with tears running down her cheeks. When did I... Embarrassed, she turned away to the balcony railing, quickly trying to compose herself.

"I'm, sorry. I don't know...what's come over me." She said, furiously wiping her eyes. Ella stiffened as she felt an extraordinarily soft, warm wing suddenly drape across her shoulders, immediately taking the edge off the early morning chill. She looked to her left to see Princess Luna standing by her side, her eyes brimming with compassion and understanding.

"Do not be afraid to not yet know the answers to the questions your heart presently asks, dear child." The beautiful equine gently said.

Ella smirked, rubbing her eyes. The pony at her side felt so wonderfully warm and comforting, she was like a childhood fairytale come to life. Her scent, like that of a fresh breeze flowing over a field of lilacs served to enhance to that effect. "Heh, it's kinda hard to not feel that way. I don't even get a magical mark that tells me what I'm good at."

The warm fur of Celestia's shoulder suddenly appeared on her other side as the princess joined her sister in comforting the young human.

The wondrous creature smiled down gently at her. "A cutie mark does not guarantee purpose, my little one. It merely reveals the potential that was always present to begin with."

Twilight Sparkle appeared at Celestia's side, propping her front hooves up on the railing so that she could turn and look at Ella. The young alicorn favored her with an understanding smile before speaking. "Even with a cutie mark, it is only through the love we choose to freely share with those around us, that we truly come to know and become who we are meant to be. I know how...hard, that can be. Especially when you're used to only relying on yourself. It feels like a terrible and unnecessary risk to try and change that, to change who you've always been. But trust me when I say, that the effort to open yourself to others is totally worth the risk."

It suddenly occurred to Ella that this pony was very young, probably around her own age. Yet there was a depth of experience and learning to her words that far exceeded her youthful appearance.

Maybe she's Luna or Celestia's daughter? It was hard to tell, but her words sparked a hope in her that maybe she could entrust herself to these creatures, that there was the possibility of peace and purpose to be found in this world, and that it was not her cursed destiny to only cause others pain and loss. What amazed her the most, was that there was no secondary motive, no hidden agenda to these ponies' words and gestures. She could see it clearly in their auras. Their genuine desire was only for her happiness, and nothing more. Now I see why Flash is the way he is.

Ella sighed contentedly as she felt Luna's wing tighten around her shoulders, pulling her closer into the pony's warm side; her fur was like the most luxurious velvet. My gosh, I'm being cuddled by a pretty pony princess. I just want to hug her and never let go. Ella thought with small laugh, feeling like a little girl again for just a moment.

Luna gave her a curious look. "What amuses you so, child?"

Ella laughed softly again. "Nothin' it's just that, well, you're all just so incredibly...cute."

Her comment elicited laughter from the three ponies, making Ella feel a bit bashful.

"Well, I suppose that's nice to hear coming from an outside perspective." Celestia said appreciatively.

Ella reached up and rested a grateful hand on the wing draping across her shoulders. These creatures were incredible, so kind and marvelously selfless. Completely foreign from the cruelty she had lived under for years. She would never have a better opportunity at a new start or to learn about herself than with them. They were opening their hearts and home to her, willing to trust her on goodwill alone. It was time to show some trust and goodwill back.

Ella sighed, "I think...I need help. Somethin' happened to me when I was with Flash, and I don't know what to do about it." She then went on to explain in greater detail what had happened in her encounter with the changelings. Chelicerae's forceful feeding on her, her weakened state, Telson's parting gift, and the changes that were presently happening within her as a result. The three alicorns listened attentively, but never once did they make her feel worried or nervous. If anything, their calm, understanding demeanor made it easier for Ella to reveal what had happened to her. It didn't take her long to finish.

"It's just, I don't know what to do now, or how to control this. I don't want to wake up someday and start lookin' at others like they're a free lunch." Ella said while rubbing her temples.

Twilight was the first to speak, and her response surprised her. "Not a problem." She said with a confident grin. "I helped Flash understand his magic, I'm pretty sure I can help you with yours."

Ella looked at her with hopeful eyes. "Really?"

Twilight gave her a sharp nod. "Yes, and believe me when I say that it would be my pleasure to help." She said with an eager look in her eye.

Celestia smiled at Ella. "I asked Twilight earlier, and she has already agreed to have you stay with her if that is what you wish."

Ella felt overwhelmed by their generosity. "Thanks..." She said while wiping her eyes. "Really, thank you. I'm not used to people being so generous, I really don't know what else to say."

Luna touched her soft muzzle to Ella's shoulder. "Your words of gratitude are more than enough for now. And hopefully, we can change that experience for you."

Ella laughed, feeling almost excited at the new possibilities that were now before her. "Well, you're all doin' a great job at that already, lemme tell ya." They all remained silent for a spell after that, enjoying the comfort of the moment. During that time, Ella found herself once again looking curiously at Celestia and Luna's cutie marks. "Sun and moon," She murmured before looking to Celestia. "If ya don't mind me askin', what do your marks mean?"

The two sisters exchanged what could be described as almost mischievous grins, causing Ella to feel a bit nervous.

"Why don't you see for yourself dear?" Celestia said. Ella was about to ask what she meant when she heard what could only be described as the gentle sound of wind-chimes. She looked to her left and to see that Luna's horn was glowing with a soft, blue light. The alicorn smiled and gestured with her head towards the sky. Ella looked up and felt her jaw drop.

The moon was moving. Slowly but steadily, in a way that should not be physically possible, the moon was moving, dipping down slowly towards the horizon. At the same time, she heard Celestia's horn ignite as a warm glow began to appear on the horizon, bathing the Equestrian countryside in a wonderful light as the most beautiful sunrise she had ever seen in her life occurred right before her very eyes.

Ella continued to stare in disbelief, her mind emptying as once again, the impossible unfolded before her.

"Welcome to Equestria, Ella." She heard Celestia say.

For the second time in less than twenty-four hours, Ella found herself shouting, "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Author's Note:

A little throwback to the first chapter haha. Man, that seems like so long ago. I really can't believe I've been writing for this long, but it has been my joy to do so, and my gratitude to all of you who have been kind enough to stop by along the way.

Always remember to love one another, for it is only in love that we discover our truest self.
Peace and God's blessings to you all!