• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 5,231 Views, 568 Comments

Brighter Horizons - Destiny Chaser

A Human raised in Equestria by Pegasi. Oh, and he has their inherent magic. Have fun!

  • ...

Great Expectations

Three months later.

“See now? All better!” Ella said while down on one knee, smiling at the 3 year old foal sitting patiently before her. The small tan earth pony named Soft Mist shyly withdrew her forelimb that Ella had just finished binding, staring up at her with enormous blue eyes. The little filly glanced nervously from her bandage and back to the human before scurrying back to her mother waiting at the back of a small exam room inside Ponyville General.

The mother, a light blue Pegasus with a white mane named Cool Mist eagerly observed her daughter’s binding before breathing a sigh of relief.

“Oh thank Celestia, I thought for sure she was going to need stitches! You’re sure it won’t scar?” She asked, looking up at Ella,

Ella smiled, “No, not so long as you keep it clean and change the bandage once a day, it should heal up nicely.”

“And she didn’t even cry!” Cool Mist exclaimed, “It’s just like everypony said, you really do have such a way with children!” She said before looking down at her daughter, “Softy, what do you say to the nice nurse?” The little pony looked shyly from her mother to Ella, hesitating for a moment before taking a small step forward,

“Th-thank you Miss Ella, it feels a lot better now,” she squeaked in a voice so adorable that Ella felt like her heart would give out.

“You’re very welcome, little Soft Mist. You just be more careful now, okay?” The little pony nodded her big head and turned back to her mother, pausing, and then turning about, surprised Ella with a quick tight hug around her waist. Ella returned the hug, marveling at how soft the little filly’s fur and mane were as she saw the pony’s aura explode with the shimmering pink of innocent love that was sweet as honey and smelled like strawberries.

Sweet friggin’ mercy, I want a foal… Ella thought as the pony released her and scrambled back to her mother. She bid them both farewell before standing up, placing her hands in the small of her back and stretching for moment.

“You know, ponies are going to think you’re putting a spell on their children at this rate,” said a voice from the doorway. Ella looked up to see Nurse Redheart leaning against the door jamb, a sly look in her pretty blue eyes.

“Oh please, kids love everyone.” Ella said dismissively, trying to brush off her compliment. Redheart shook her head,

“I’m serious, in case you haven’t noticed, ponies in general are kind of skittish to begin with, but they don’t seem to have a problem with you, and you have fangs! You must be doing something right.” Ella laughed,

“Well, it’s not like y’all are that hard to love, especially when you’re all practically made out of diabetes-inducing levels of cuteness.” Ella said as she took another moment to smooth out her white skirt and adjust her pink apron that was emblazoned with a large, red heart. She also glanced in the mirror to make sure that her nurse’s hat was on straight.

Rarity had been the one to design the outfit for her, and if she didn’t know any better, Ella would have sworn that the fashionista had purposely dressed her to such a cliché, if the color of Flash’s cheeks were anything to go by.

Well, what does a pony know about dressing an alien anyways? Ella thought with a small chuckle. The last three months had been a blur of activity. Adventures, unexplained magic, and spontaneous song seemed to be business as usual for Equestria in general, but especially in Ponyville. She was still living with Twiight, while stealing free moments with Flash whenever she could, who seemed to grow more confident by the day in learning how to court her.

He was adorable to watch, especially when some of his male friends tried to give him advice on wooing the fairer sex. Though following Discord’s suggestions had led to them both being chased by a swarm of angry bees and an animated rose bush trying to serenade them for half a mile before falling into a pond composed of chocolate pudding. Ella had almost laughed herself to death while Flash screamed something about never trusting the thrice-blasted trickster for dating advice ever again.

The biggest change however, had happened when Twilight had asked Ella one day over breakfast what it was she had always hoped to be able to do. Besides being a mother, which Ella kept to herself for the time being, she had told the princess that she thought she might like to learn medicine as she had always been pretty good at looking after others when they were hurt or sick.

It was then that Twilight had introduced her to Nurse Redheart, Ponyville’s resident nurse practitioner and general manager of Ponyville General Hospital. Ella had taken an instant liking to the warm-hearted little earth pony, as the sweet-natured white mare did not hesitate in taking the human under her wing to teach her the basics of caring for sick and injured ponies.

Ella was a quick study and took to her apprenticeship with enthusiasm. She was already becoming pretty capable with general care, but it was with foals, those otherworldly adorable balls of fluff and eyes, that she had really found her stride. Thanks to her Changeling senses, Ella knew how to soothe and comfort an upset child like no other caretaker in the region, and had quickly gained a reputation among Ponyville’s parents as a wonder-worker with children.

“I swear, at this rate, I’m just gonna go adopt a foal,” Ella sighed,

“Well, why don’t you and Flash just get married already and make some foals of your own?” Redheart said with a wink. Ella suddenly discovered both to her surprise and delight that she had not lost her ability to blush.

“Redheart!” Ella exclaimed, her cheeks burning. Redheart smiled, cocking an eyebrow,

“What? I’m not the only pony around who think the two of you make a perfect couple. Besides, the Grand Galloping Gala is tomorrow night. Do you think he might pop the question?”

Ella would be lying if she said the thought hadn’t occurred to her, and she found herself almost giddy with anticipation at the possibility that Flash was planning to ask her. But at the same time, she didn’t want to give herself any false expectations. She shook her head,

“Well, ahem, you know, I don’t wanna rush the kid or nothin’. He’s got a lot on his mind after all.”

“Stallion.” Redheart gently corrected, “Or is it, ‘man’ for a human? Either way, he’s not a child anymore dear, and I can see how seriously he takes you, don’t underestimate him.” Ella nodded, swallowing nervously,

“Yeah, you’re right. I keep forgettin’ because he’s still so young but, I gotta say, he’s more mature than guys I’ve met who were twice his age. You ponies really did an incredible job with him.”

“Well, he was easy to work with. Your species is quite a noble one, Ella. And my time with you has only strengthened that opinion.” Redheart said.

Ella felt strangely stirred by the little pony’s words. For so long, she had only thought of humanity as depraved, but hearing the perspective of this entirely different creature contradict that sentiment, felt refreshing, in a most uplifting way.

“Oh you, I just wanna scratch your little ears now,” Ella said with a laugh, “But I don’t think that’s appropriate since you’re my boss and all, yeah?” Redheart laughed as well and then surprised Ella by stepping forward and hugging her.

“Hmm, well, so long as none of the other staff see it, I suppose it’d be alright,” She whispered as Ella got down on one knee to return her embrace, and after a moment’s hesitation, gripped one of the pony’s delicate ears for a few well placed scritches. The little pony uttered an adorable noise, one of her rear hooves drumming slightly against the linoleum, causing Ella to giggle slightly at the innocence of it all; the sweet creatures were truly wonderful beings. After a few moments, the pony spoke, “Now then,” Redheart said as she reluctantly ended the hug and scratching with a small shake of her head, “I don’t want to see you here for the rest of the day, after all, you have a big day to get ready for tomorrow!”

“Oh but Redheart, it’s not even lunchtime yet, and there’s still plenty to do here! I need to update those charts, refill the medicine cabinets, and those linens won’t clean themselves!” Ella protested. Redheart shook her head and began gently pushing the girl out the door with her forehead,

“Nope, I will hear none of it, shoo now, off you go! You have a spa appointment with Lotus and Aloe early tomorrow morning and I know Rarity will be looking for you this afternoon and the last thing I need is for that mare to hunt you down here, go on now, shoo!” Ella tried to object again, but Redheart would have none of it, and was impressed as once more she was reminded of just how strong the little equine pushing her out the door actually was.

“Alright! Alright! I’m goin’, sheesh!” Ella said, moving down the corridor towards the exit.

“Oh, and Ella?” Redheart called, causing the girl to pause and turn about. The mare gave her a sly smile, “Knock that colt’s socks off, will you?”

Ella did her best to hide her blush as she hurried out the door.

Flash paused outside the large, double white doors that led to Princess Celestia’s private quarters, hat in hand, taking a moment to check the gig line on his officer’s khakis. He was quite familiar with this area of the castle as he had spent a good deal of time here as a child whenever Sunset Shimmer or his mother had dropped him off for another day of quality time with the Princess at her request. He remembered those days fondly, Celestia had always been like a second mother to him, but it had been a long time since she had asked to see him up here, making him wonder if this summons was for official reasons or personal ones. He did his best to push any apprehension aside as he gently knocked.

“Come in!” Came Celestia’s warm voice.

Grasping the cool brass handle, he pulled the door open and stepped inside. His black dress shoes sunk into the thick, plush crimson carpet of Celestia’s sitting room. The large bay doors on the far side leading to the expansive balcony were open, allowing the dimming rays of the late afternoon sun to pour into the room, the princess herself was standing in front of a large dais which was positioned next to an ornate crystal coffee table that also featured two white wingback chairs for guests.

“Your highness,” Flash said, dropping down to one knee and bowing his head before his liege. Celestia stepped forward, looking as magnificent as the day he first remembered her as she placed a gentle hoof to his chin,

“Rise my little one, thank you for coming,” she said, drawing him up into a warm embrace that Flash gladly returned. Celestia gave a small frown as they separated, gently tracing the scar over his right eye with her hoof. "I really wish you would allow me or any of our healers to remove that blight from your countenance." Flash smiled,

"Nah, it's alright Princess. Some scars serve as good reminders of where we've been. Besides, I kinda like it, makes me look...tough."

Celestia gave a small chuckle, shaking her head, "You're such a colt, you know that?" Flash laughed at that, giving a guilty shrug in response.

Celestia gestured him to one of the two chairs as she raised a white, gold trimmed teapot from a set on the table in her golden magic.


“Please, thank you Princess.” Flash said, graciously accepting the offered cup which he already knew would contain one lump of sugar, as he knew she knew his preferences. Celestia reclined on her dais, taking her tea up in her magic. A few moments of comfortable silence passed between them as they sipped on their beverages.

Flash glanced to his left, and noticed sitting on Celestia's large mahogany writing desk, a black wooden case about two and a half feet long, four inches tall, and six inches wide that looked to be made out polished ebony of the highest quality. The lid of the case was emblazoned with an outline of Celestia's cutie mark etched in pure gold that contrasted beautifully with the rest of the dark-colored case while, a gold latch affixed with a blood-red ruby secured it.

"So, how are you feeling my dear?" Celestia asked, interrupting his curious musing.

"I am doing very well Princess, thank you for asking." He replied.

"And Ella, how has she been? Is there anything she needs?"

"Oh no, she's doing great, and she says 'thank you' again for commissioning a dress for her to wear to the Gala, Rarity has been working on it all month!" Celestia smiled,

"It is only right that she look her best for her first Gala, and I hope that you'll be ready as well, young man." She said with a knowing look over the rim of her tea cup.

Flash chuckled nervously, feeling a bit of heat touch his cheeks. "So, uh, what can I do for you my Princess?" Celestia paused, staring at him before setting her cup down gently on the low-sitting table.

"What makes you think I called you here to ask for something dear Flash?" Flash smiled,

"Well for one, you're still wearing your crown, Princess," he said. In the past, Flash was able to tell when she had called him for business or pleasure, as when it was merely a personal call, she had usually already removed her crown and other adornments by the time he arrived, signaling her desire to simply enjoy his company. Celesita's eyes flicked up at her crown,

"Hmm, perhaps I'm becoming a bit too predictable in my old age?"

"I would prefer to call it, 'beautifully consistent' your highness, as are you." She gave him an amused, smoldering look,

"My, what a silver tongue you've developed, I think you've been hanging around Discord a bit too much. But you should know, that flattery will get you nowhere, Lieutenant." Flash grinned,

"Well, can't blame an officer for trying to grease the skids for a promotion, can you?" He said with a laugh which she joined him in. Their laughter died down, and Flash sat up, recognizing that the Princess was now adopting a more serious demeanor.

"Flash, do you remember the incident with Tirek?" Flash nodded solemnly,

"How could I forget?" Flash said, absentmindedly rubbing the scar on his left pectoral from the mad centaur's claws. Celestia nodded,

"Yes, Tirek, Discord, the two attacks by Chrysalis, and many other threats besides. In the last eight years, there has been a drastic increase in events that have put Equestria in danger. But tell me my officer, do you know what our response to each of these events had in common?" Flash grit his teeth,

"Yes your highness, they were all reactionary. It seems we're always playing 'catch-up' to whatever new threat crops up," Flash said, suddenly feeling a bit hot under the collar. Flash loved ponies, but what he could never understand, was how they were never proactive enough in defending themselves. Their might was formidable, so much so that no nation had dared raise the sword against Equestria for the last 1000 years. But that might seemed only to respond when provoked by some already active foe, and usually too late. He had long argued that the guard should be much more aggressive in combating potential threats, a vocal opinion that he was well known for in the academy and which had earned him some ill-will from a few of the higher brass.

"Exactly," Celestia said, surprising Flash for a moment by her agreement with his assessment. "And it seems that a thousand years of peace have only reinforced that behavior. I realized, after the near disaster with Tirek, that if Equestria is going to overcome future threats more effectively, we must learn to be more proactive in our approach to them." Flash nodded eagerly,

"Glad to hear it your highness, so what's your plan?" Celestia did not answer him at first, taking a moment to pick up her tea cup for another sip,

"My plan?" She asked, looking at him over her cup, "Tell me dear Flash, if it were up to you, what would you do?" Flash blinked in surprise, caught off guard by her question. It didn't take him long to form an answer though, as he had long given thought to Equestria's present military structure and what he thought it lacked. He had even written a term paper on it once.

"Well for starters, I would form some sort of special team, a group of skilled specialists that could operate independently of the current structure so that it could respond quickly to threats. Of course, for it to be effective, it would need the backing of the crown as well as immediate access to intelligence resources so as to act on threats before they can gain momentum. It would still function as part of the Guard, but to speed things up, it should be granted a degree of freedom to make calls on it's own, with only you and Princess Luna as the final say on weightier decisions. Naturally, whoever leads this must be somepony of sound judgment and unquestionable loyalty to Equestria who knows how to pool talent from all the branches and even races, be they unicorn or even thestral. That is what I would do, Princess."

Flash sat back with a sigh, running a hand through his platinum hair, his pounding heart a reminder to himself of just how passionately he felt about this particular subject. Celestia stared at him for a quiet moment, her face inscrutable, the only sound between them being the ticking of the grandfather clock against the wall. Then she smiled,

"Excellent plan, so, when can you start?" Flash stared for a second before breaking out laughing, only to calm down when he realized that Celestia wasn't laughing, but continued to smile at him with calm but serious eyes.

"Wait, you're serious?"

"As a heart attack," she replied, her tone steady without a hint of humor. Flash leaned forward in his chair,

"Your highness, I'm flattered that you think so highly of my ability, but, it can't be me! You need somepony with more experience in these matters! I'd be happy to make some recommendations for you." Celestia shook her head,

"You're perfect. For one, there is nopony in the present officer corps who sees a need for such a change, they're too set in their ways, you're the only one who believes in the plan's merits, and the fact that you stated precisely the reason why I called you here today, to propose this very same idea to you, proves to me that I was right about you, Flash Skies." Flash squinted slightly in confusion,

"Right about what Princess?" Celestia sighed, setting her cup back on the table,

"The day Tirek attacked, you were the only one of my subjects who attacked him without waiting for a command, and you weren't even a soldier yet."

"Yeah, and it almost got me killed."

"The point is my dear, that despite your upbringing, being raised by ponies, you have something, something in abundance that we ponies sorely lack."

"And that is?" Celestia's eyes narrowed,

"Aggression, Flash. You don't think like a pony." Flash's eyes widened at what felt like an accusation from her,

"Well I'm, sorry princess, I just-"

"That's not necessarily a bad thing, Flash." She interrupted, much to his surprise. "I want you to be aggressive, to use that predatory instinct that I now know is inherent to your species for the protection of my little ponies. It wasn't until that terrible day, as I stood by your hospital bed, that I fully appreciated just how strongly that quality exists in you, and it was then that I decided that I would harness it for the good of Equestria, and for your sake as well."

"My sake? What do you mean, Princess?"

"You're a guardian, Flash Skies. You're at your best whenever you are in the role of serving and protecting others. I want to empower you in that role. I believe placing you in this unique position would make you happier, better fulfill your potential, and is a far better use of your talents than simply standing guard and managing regular patrols like any ordinary officer; because you, my little one, regardless of what you might think of yourself, are far from ordinary."

Flash leaned back in his chair, taking a moment to weigh the enormity of everything she had just said to him. Ever since he was a boy and first entered the junior academy, he had always insisted that he didn't want any special treatment, and that he just wanted to be treated like any ordinary cadet. But now he realized that it would be hopelessly naïve and even foalish of him to insist that he was just like everypony else. If his Princess saw something in him that could be beneficial to himself and others, then he had a duty to rise to that challenge, however daunting it might seem at first. He glanced up at her,

"What did Princess Luna think of all this?"

"Oh, she hates it." Celestia said bluntly, not even attempting to put a spin on it which earned a laugh from Flash,

"Yeah, I can imagine she had some choice words," Flash said with another chuckle, shaking his head. He looked back up to Celestia, and could see the earnestness in her eyes as she waited for his response. He thought back to what she had told him about that day in the hospital, and was struck by the implication that his Princess had been planning this for years and had likely arranged events to bring him to this point, grooming him for this very role. It reminded him of what Discord had told him long ago, 'Remember, Celestia always plans, and that is just so very boring sometimes...'

But he liked that, he liked that Celestia once more proved that she could choose the good of Equestria over her own personal feelings. It was a quality of her leadership that he had always admired. This job would no doubt be dangerous, which is why, he guessed, Luna did not like it. Flash felt a little apprehensive at the vastness of the responsibility being set before him, but at the same time, excited, thrilled at the prospect that Celestia would place in him a position to do what he had always wanted to do: protect the ones he loved. In his heart, he knew exactly what his answer would be.

"I understand if you would like some time to think about it, I know that this is a lot-"

"I'll do it." Flash said, surprising her with his uncharacteristic interruption. He smiled at her momentary shock, "It would be an honor, your highness. I will do my best to fulfill this role to the utmost of my ability and to the fullness of your vision for it, I am grateful for this opportunity to serve Equestria's need."

Celestia rose from her dais and stepped around the table towards him. Flash rose to his feet at the same time to meet her, noticing that the room suddenly felt noticeably warmer as the sun princess beamed with pride at him.

"Thank you, Flash Skies. Know that I will always be here to support you in this endeavor, and that I am confident in your ability to see this through, I expect great things from you, my little one." She said with a warm smile. Flash nodded once in acknowledgement before Celestia stepped around to the other side of her desk. A few scrolls were immediately drawn up into her magic along with a quill with which she started to quickly scratch some notes.

"After today, you will no longer report to Colonel Slate, I am reassigning 2nd Lieutenant Highball to take over your position at training HQ." The scroll rolled itself up, her seal materializing on it before it vanished, on its way to its receiver. She took up another scroll, "From now on, you will report directly to me. I expect you to use your newly available time to begin scouting out potential recruits for your team and to compile a list of assets that you wish to have in establishing your department."

"Absolutely your highness, I'll get started on it right away," Flash said, feeling almost lightheaded at how quickly this was all happening, giddy at the thought that she was making him the head of his own department. He took up his tea, taking a sip of the soothing brew to calm his nerves.

"And I'm promoting you to the rank of Captain." Tea nearly sprayed out of Flash's nose, leaving him coughing and sputtering for a moment. Celestia did not look up from her work as the edges of her lips curled slightly in a small smirk.

"Your, your highness! I am, too young!" Flash exclaimed while he hastily set down his cup, checking the front of his uniform.

"A deficiency that you will shortly overcome," Celestia replied, continuing to write and send scrolls. "You are to represent me Flash Skies, my authority, and it is only appropriate that you have the requisite rank to both fulfill the task I am giving you and so that other ranking officials will take seriously the vital role this new department. So do not worry, whatever you feel you may lack in capability I know you will learn as you have both the humility and the willingness to seek advice from others."

Flash swallowed nervously, but he could see the logic of her decision. He may be an officer, but no other senior ranking officers would take a butter bar seriously. Still, the thought of jumping two whole ranks at least 6 years ahead of the usual timeframe was causing his head to spin. This gave him an idea,

"Princess, I request the permission to promote one level of rank any pony I choose for my team, be they enlisted or officer." Celestia glanced up at him,

"Granted, provided that they have not recently promoted. You wish to give potential recruits an incentive to join I'm guessing, yes?" Flash nodded,

"Yes, and a way to empower their confidence in decision making. The ponies on this team must be freethinkers."

Already taking to the role, Celestia thought with a smile. Finishing with her missives, she rose from her seat and stepped around to him, fanning her magnificent wings, "Attention to pinning, raise your right hand, and repeat after me."

Flash snapped to attention before his Princess, and with his heart soaring with love and admiration for her, he repeated his commissioning oath:

"I, Flash Skies, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Nation of Equestria against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the Crown and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me Harmony and the Source of all."

Celestia's horn shone, as the golden bars on either side of the collar of his uniform were transformed into twin silver bars, the rank of a Captain. The Princess then dipped her head, tapping both of his shoulders with her long horn,

"Congratulations Captain Skies, and thank you for your loyal service to our nation." She said while handing him a sealed scroll that contained his new commission as well as the orders that would give him special authority to act freely within the different ranks of the Royal Guard. Flash looked down at the scroll in his hand, and then back up at his Princess who gazed upon him with such love.

Unable to contain himself any longer, Flash flung himself around her neck, kissing her warm, soft cheek. Celestia returned the embrace, settling down on her haunches and drawing him close to her with a large, alabaster wing; she sighed with contentment. In a land of little ponies, Flash had always been grateful that she was not so little, "Thank you Princess," Flash whispered, "Thank you, for always being so good to me, for all of your love."

Celestia nuzzled the back of his head with her cheek, "You are so very welcome, my little one.” She whispered back, “And thank you for being such a blessing to me and to Equestria, you will always be our adopted son.” She leaned back, but not before briefly touching her nose to his, a gesture of affection she had done with him since he was a baby; it always made him blush slightly.

Keeping her wing on his shoulders, Celestia raised a small jeweler's case from the top of her desk, “Just a few more things dear Flash,” Opening the case, she removed a small bronze colored heart at the end of a red and white ribbon. “For conspicuous gallantry in the face of danger, and for perseverance in the highest of Equestrian values while under extreme duress, I award you, Captain Skies, the Bronze Heart of Valor.” She said, pinning the medal to the left breast of Flash’s uniform.

Flash gaped in disbelief at the third highest military honor now hanging from his uniform, at a complete loss for words. “Princess…I, don’t know what to say…” He gasped. Celestia smiled reassuringly,

“Don’t be so surprised my dear, your performance in your home world, even though done on a personal endeavor, was a most admirable feat. I had wanted to give you this award as soon as you had returned, but I knew, because of the conflict you felt at the time, that it was better to wait. I am so very proud of you, Flash Skies.”

Flash clenched his jaw, holding back a few tears while looking from the glinting medal back to his Princess, “Thank you, Princess.” He managed to say. Celestia gave a small squeeze of his shoulders with her wing,

“And now, lastly,” She said, lifting the long, glossy black case from the desk in her magic, the one Flash had been eyeing earlier.

“Oh what is this, Hearth’s Warming? You’re going to spoil me your highness!” Flash said with a laugh. Celestia gave a small chuckle,

“A princess may do as she pleases,” She teased before opening the case before him. Flash felt his eyes widen as he beheld what lay inside. Ensconced in violet velvet, lay a spear of breathtaking make. The spearhead was a dusky silver, with golden runes of power inlaid upon its spine. The haft was of a dark, polished ash, with a golden engraving of Celestia’s cutie mark at the collar of the weapon. The spear seemed to radiate a deadly purpose, and Flash could already feel the incredible magic that emanated from it. He hadn’t felt anything like it since Luna had gifted him his bladed vambrace.

“I crafted this spear myself,” Celestia began, “The spearhead was forged from a meteor shard, heated at temperatures that match the surface of my sun. It can pierce most any object, be it magical or otherwise. The haft will never break, and you will find that it will respond to your input, lengthening or retracting at will. It has other useful properties, and so long as the weapon is cast with just intent, you would be hard pressed to miss your target.”

Flash slowly raised his hand to it, casting a hesitant glance at Celestia who nodded her encouragement,

“Go ahead Flash, I made this for you.”

As his hand drew near, Flash felt a kind of harmonizing within himself as his magic seemed to reach out from his fingertips towards the spear. Arcs of blue lightning leapt from his hand as he grasped hold of the weapon.

“Princess, what is this? It feels almost, alive in my hands!” Celestia smiled,

“You can thank Sunset Shimmer for that. She attuned the spear to your exact magical signature, ensuring that you could channel your abilities through it. Seems that she and I can still work together when it concerns something that we both care for.” She said with a gentle touch of her muzzle to the side of his head.

“Grow,” Flash said, and the haft responded immediately, expanding an additional four feet into a full-sized spear. While still marveling at this development, in a moment of inspiration, Flash sent a surge of current down his arm into the haft, which caused the spearhead to ignite with all the ferocious intensity of a burning strip of magnesium. The entire room was instantly consumed with a pure, white radiance; but despite its intensity, he found that he could look directly at it without any strain on his eyes.

“That light, will only harm those of ill-intent,” Celestia affirmed. Flash stared in wonder at the spear in his hand, overwhelmed that his Princess would gift him an item of such unparalleled quality and capability.

“What, what is its name?” Flash murmured.

“Well, I was hoping you could give it one, my dear.” Celestia replied.

Flash laughed incredulously, “Oh brother, I’ve never been the creative type, I wouldn’t even know where to begin!”

“Well, consider what it is you wish this weapon to represent. What is it you wish to do for your fellow Equestrians?” That was all the inspiration Flash needed, for he knew in his heart what he desired to be for his ponies, for all of Equestria.

“Let it be a light in the darkness for all who are oppressed, and the bane of all the dark forces that would threaten the peace or our land.” He said while withdrawing the energy he fed to it so that the blazing light winked out, “‘Shadowbane,’” he affirmed, ”That is her name.”

Celestia nodded approvingly, “‘Shadowbane’, how very fitting, Flash Skies. May it serve you well in the defense of Equestria.” Flash returned the spear to its case, securing the golden latch,

"Thank you Princess, " He breathed, looking up at her with grateful eyes. Celestia leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, before looking deeply into his two-toned eyes,

"Now go, my little one, you have an important day before you tomorrow. Go with my blessing for your happiness and well-being, I look forward to welcoming you and Ella to the Gala tomorrow night." She released him from her wing, and after graciously thanking her once more, Flash gathered up his effects and departed, cradling Shadowbane as if it were a newborn foal, his heart practically skipping with gladness.

After watching him go, Celestia stepped out onto her balcony, taking a moment to admire the view of her Kingdom, grateful for its many blessings. Tilting her head to the sky and closing her eyes, she inwardly prayed, Source of all, grant all my subjects a restful night and a peaceful end. May we live each day by Your Benevolent Will, and grow always in the ways of Harmony. Opening her eyes once more, Celestia stretched out her magic to the sun, guiding it down towards its setting, eager to bring on her sister's night that would prepare them all for the dawning of a new and glorious day.

Author's Note:

Achievement unlocked: Aquire legendary weapon.

Greetings my friends, and God’s blessings to you all, I pray that the new year is going well for you. Another chapter or two before we come to the happy conclusion of this story, and I cannot describe how grateful I am to all who have taken the time to read my humble work, your feedback has been a joy for me.

As always, let me know in the comments if there is anything yet you would hope to see, and message me if you have any need or there is anything I might pray about for you. God love you!