• Published 4th May 2024
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Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 20: Power Ponies!

The Rangers, the Elements of Harmony, Starlight, Spike, and Princess Luna, couldn't believe it. Power Ponies?

Gia managed to free herself from Mistress Mare-velous hoofarangs, going over to her teammates. "We cannot hurt them - they're being controlled," she told them. "They've been told by Prince Vekar to destroy us."

Twilight took a closer look, and let out a gasp. "Queen Chrysalis. Chrysalis did this to them!"

"Pul-lease," Radiance scoffed, with a wave of her hoof. "The queen and her friends wouldn't do the thing to my friends and I," she defended the villains. "We were ordered by the prince to destroy you all."

"So you better get ready," Zapp prepared.

"For we will end you," Fili Second growled.

"Because you ponies should've been gone a long time ago," Mistress Mare-velous snorted.

"I would get very angry if we don't get rid of you," Saddle Rager said.

"And I may not have any kind of superpowers," Hum Drum sneered, "but I don't need them to help my friends."

"Hah!" Rainbow let out a laugh. "You're just a colt. How are you gonna defeat us? Because we'll defeat you."

"Dash, they don't know what they're doing," the Princess of the Night told her.

"We better help them," Fluttershy said, hiding behind Noah.

"We don't need your help!" the Power of Fury roared.

"To us, you do." Troy took out his key and morpher. "It's Morphin Time!"

"Super Mega Mode!" the rest of the Rangers, minus Gia, followed his lead.

"Super Megaforce Red!"

"Super Megaforce Green!"

"Super Megaforce Pink!"

"Super Megaforce Blue!"

"Super Megaforce Silver!"

"Earth's defenders, never surrender!"

"Alright. Let's help these ponies," the Red Ranger led. They pulled out their weapons, and they battled against the Power Ponies, who are more likely the Elements of Harmony's counterparts for they looked exactly like them, except for their coat colors, along with mane and tail colors.

Troy, Starlight, Luna, and Twilight fought Mask Matterhorn who has a light lavender coat, with a darker lavender mane and tail, her forelock pulled back over her head with sky blue eyes. Gia and Applejack dealt with Mistress Mare-velous for she has a light peach colored coat, her forelock a somewhat an indigo color for the rest of it covered by this thing that is green, being part of her outfit, along with brownish colored eyes. Rainbow and Orion are in the sky, dueling with Zapp, her coat color a very light blue, her mohawk mane purple, along with her tail with a light purple stripe going across them, her eyes the color blue, only greater than her leader's. Pinkie and Jake did their best to stop Fili Second, who's a green colored pony, with an orange tail looking like lightening, her forelock straight up, the rest going back, inches off the top of her head, the rest of her mane hidden in her outfit, her eyes a pink color, except it was difficult to do for how fast she is. Rarity and Emma dealt with Radiance, who's this yellow unicorn with green eyes, pink diamonds on her beautiful dark blue mane and forelock that are in huge curls, her tail the same color with a large curl at the end, the same colored diamonds on it, eyes a shade of green. Spike tried to battle Hum Drum who's a dark olive color with light brown mane and tail that is sort of shaggy, matching his eyes, except this little guy kept dodging away, while Saddle Rager is up against Noah and Fluttershy, her coat a gray scheme, her eyes a dull yellow, her long mane and tail a brown color with curls at the end of them, almost similar to Radiance's.

Noah pulled out his Blaster, shooting at the Power of Fury.

Saddle Rager backed up. "You better quit it, or else I'll get really angry," she warned. Noah ignored her, using his gun to shoot on the ground to keep her back, away from the other pegasus. "I'm warning you, don't make me mad."

"You are already mad," he told her, taking out another key, inserting it into his morpher. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Mighty Morphin! Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger!" With his Power Lance in his hooves, he swiped at her, with Fluttershy doing her best to help him out, for she doesn't want to hurt the Power Pony.

"Grr...! How many times do I have to tell you!?" Noah froze, including Fluttershy, when Saddle Rager's voice began to deepen. "I told you to quit, though you wouldn't listen!" Her eyes began turning red, though they still have the green glow around the irises. "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT WHEN I WON'T LISTEN TO YOU!?" She began to grow bigger, growing muscles, her suit tearing, creating rips. "YOU REFUSE TO LISTEN WHEN I SAID I'LL GET REALLY MAD! SO I'M GONNA GIVE YOU A PIECE OF MY MIND, AND THAT WAY YOU'LL NEVER IGNORE MY WARNINGS AGAIN!"

With a mighty roar, she raised her hoof, ready to strike the first pony she saw - Fluttershy.

But Noah shoved her away, taking her place to get struck by the large, bulging muscle pony.

He landed hard on his left side, getting out of Legendary Ranger Mode.

The Element of Kindness screamed. "Noah - look out!"

He looked up - just in time to see a hoof coming towards him. He moved out of the way, standing up, and pulled out his Blaster, shooting at the giant pony.

It did nothing. The blasts had no effect on her for how much muscle she has. He knows that he and his friends have to talk sense into these Power Ponies, but how can they do that?

"Over here, over here, over here." Fili Second was taunting her own two ponies that are trying to stop her, speeding everywhere. She stopped behind Jake, tapped him on the shoulder - and punched his chest.

He began to get frustrated. "We wanna help you - you and your friends are being controlled. The Armada and their new allies are the people you should be against."

However, she didn't listen, racing off back and forth, teasing him and the party pony - until her face got smashed with a pie.

The pie pan slid off her face, dropping to the ground. Her eyes opened up, glaring at the Element of Laughter. She shook her head, getting the white cream off of her, letting it go everywhere.

Some of it landed on Pinkie, for she licked it off. "Mmm, delicious." Her face got serious again. She took out another pie, ready to smash it in the pony's face again.

Except she missed when Fili Second took off, resulting in smashing the pie at her partner.

The pie pan went on the ground. "Pinkie Pie!" Jake scolded, removing the cream off of his viser.

"...oops..." she slipped out sheepishly. "Here, I'll get the stuff off of-" Tap, tap. "Huh?" A pie got in her face. Pinkie had some of her mouth. "Mm, pumpkin."

"I was expecting you to be ticked off," Fili Second spoke, annoyed that this pony was enjoying the dessert.

When all the pie is off her face, Pinkie brought out her party cannon, and shot it at Fili Second, with streamers and confetti going everywhere.

"Nice." The Green Ranger got all the pie off the front of his helmet, clearing up his visor, and he and Pinkie continued on, yet the speedy Power Pony took off, taunting and teasing them.

Up in the sky, Zapp picked up her lightning bolt with her teeth, raising it to the sky. It sparked, and she conjured up a bunch of clouds, creating a tornado.

The tornado went towards Orion, as he prepared himself for it, when Rainbow pushed him away, getting caught in it. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, ahhh!"

"Rainbow, stop the tornado!" Orion hollered over the roar of the twister.

"I can't stop...this thing!" she managed to say. "You gotta...help me...Silvy." She grabbed her stomach. "I think...I'm gonna..." She cheeks puffed up before flattening again. "...be sick!"

Zapp laughed. "What's wrong? Have a weak stomach?" she teased from outside of the tornado. "As for you..." Directing towards the other pegasus, she picked up the item she used to conjure the tornado, bringing in a thunderstorm.

Clouds came - and a bolt of lightning struck at the Silver Ranger. He landed on the ground, just in time to see the tornado coming straight for him.

He planted his hooves on the ground, trying to get away from it. "Ahh!" The tornado sucked him in like a vacuum cleaner. "Guys!" he called out from inside the funnel. "You need to...watch out!"

"We can't...stop the...tornado!" Rainbow hollered. "Twi...light... You need to...help...ugh...us."

"I'm on it." Aiming her horn at the strong, blustering tornado, Twilight was about to shoot a beam to help her friends when Mask Matterhorn shot out another energy beam at her, knocking her to the ground.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Zeo! It's Morphin Time" Inserting his key into his morpher, Troy replaced his Super Megaforce outfit with Zeo. "Red Zeo Ranger!" Bringing out his Battle Sword, he charged at the leader of the Power Ponies.

Like she had quick reflexes, Matterhorn shot out a blast of snow, creating ice on the ground.

He tried to get his footing, only for him to fall flat on his stomach, the sword falling out of his hoof. He went to get back up, only to fall on the ground.

The ice kept him from standing up for how slippering it is when the Element of Magic used her horn to melt the ice away. He stood up, pulling out a different key. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Turbo! Shift Into Turbo! Red Turbo Ranger! Lightning Sword!" He pulled out his Lightning Sword, going after Mask Matterhorn.

Conjuring up her horn, she went to blast him again, when a blue beam got her first from Luna.

She stood up, snorting. "You're gonna pay for that!" She charged at Luna, her horn ready.

Gia and Applejack worked together on Mistress Mare-velous. Applejack went to do a move when a lasso wrapped around her torso, flinging her in the air. The loop loosened up, with her going straight towards the ground.

She yelled out, preparing herself with a ton of injuries - when the tornado trapped her in with Orion and Dash. "Whoa! Orion, Dash...are you sure...you can't stop this...wind storm?"

"No...we can't...!" Orion replied. "Guys, you...need to...watch out!"

"What did he say, darling?" Rarity asked.

"He said you should join them!" Before Emma and Rarity could react, something wrapped around their torsos - a ribbon - and Radiance flung them towards the twister.

"Ahhh!" Emma let out a scream. She flapped her wings as hard as she could, fighting against the current.

Like a whiplash, she knocked into Rarity by accident, before going in circles, unable to fight the tornado for how strong it is.

The tornado came straight towards the others, picking up lots of debris.

As quickly as she could, Twilight activated her magic, ready to help those who were trapped in the tornado when Mask Matterhorn shot out a bunch of beams, with the princess stopping each one with her own.

Starlight helped her, shooting at a beam to another from the Power Pony. "How are we gonna stop them?"

"I don't know. I wanna use my magic to free them - except I can't if they're gonna dodge our attacks." Twilight shot another beam as it went towards Troy. "Troy - call Gosei, have him report this to Celestia."

"Got it." Troy took out his morpher, and called his mentor.

A beeping sound came from one of the panels. Tensou rolled over to the red one that is glowing, turning it on. "Yes, Troy," he answered the call. "Do you-" He stopped, seeing ponies he had never seen before. "Troy, who are those ponies?" he asked, referring to the ones the Red Ranger and his friends are battling against.

"They're-" A beam went towards him, and he hit the deck. "-Power Ponies."

"Power Ponies?" the little bot question. "Gosei, have you ever heard of Power Ponies?"

"I never heard of them," Gosei answered, "but it seems like something is wrong with them."

"You got that right. You need to report this to Celestia. Her sister is helping us out," Troy said, avoiding more beams. "Hurry, though. We don't know how long we keep this up. Some of our friends are trapped in a tornado."


"Tensou, report this to the Princess of the Day immediately," the tiki head ordered, not answering the little guy's question about the twister.

"I'm on it. Troy, I'm gonna send- wait a minute, how does Princess Luna know you are the Power Rangers?"

"Celestia told her and informed her to tell others whom we can trust. Now, Tensou, go report this to Celestia," the Red Ranger hurried before signing off.

With no second despair, the little robot did as he was told.

The tornado kept going and going, with Rainbow, Orion, Applejack, Emma, and Rarity, all trapped inside of it.

Dash tried to lift herself out of the funnel, only for her wings to draw back like reins.

The tornado went towards Pinkie and Jake. Jake began sliding when it came towards them. Pinkie chomped down on his tail, using all of her strength to keep him from getting sucked into the windstorm.

Seeing her struggle to keep her friend on the ground, Fili Second ran, her legs going into a blur, purposely knocking the two into the tornado.

Pinkie released the Green Ranger's tail. "That...wasn't...nice!" she yelled out angrily, shaking a curled hoof. "This ride...is terrible! How come you're not...in the tornado?"

"Because Zapp controls it!" Fili Second shouted.

"Wow, how...amazing," Jake responded with sarcasm, his body getting tossed around, his hooves barely hitting his friends.

"Yah!" Emma ducked her head when Rarity went over her.

"Sorry...darling!" the fashioned designer apologized, shouting over the roaring wind. "Oh, no...my mane is getting...messed up! Does anypony...have...a comb?"

"What makes...you think...we have...a comb?" Dash hollered, doing her best to fight the current of the twister. "Ugh...I think...I'm gonna...throw up..." Her face turned into a nasty shade of green.

"Please try...not to...throw up...on us..." The hollering wind drowned the farm pony's voice.

"No...promises...ugh..." Groaning, Dash held her stomach.

With Emma Dash, Applejack, Jake, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Orion trapped inside the tornado's funnel, the rest on the ground kept battling the possessed Power Ponies - when the tornado headed towards Fluttershy.

Her legs running, she went to get as far from it, in the result of her getting picked up. She let out a squeal.

"Fluttershy! Hang on!" Running up to her, his back leg nearly getting stepped on by Saddle Rager, Noah raced up to her.

Getting a hold of Fluttershy's hoof, he did a hard pull - or at least tried to - when the current took them in.

The yellow pony's hoof slipped out from his grasp, letting out a scream.

"Hey...thank you...for joining...us," Pinkie smiled, passing the Blue Ranger and Fluttershy.

On the ground, Gia has been dealing with Mistress Mare-velous on her own, thanks to her for tossing her helper inside the tornado.

She pulled out a key. "Legendary Ranger-" The lasso went around her torso from the owner of it. She got pulled towards Mistress Mare-velous.

She sneered at her. "I don't think so." She tossed the Yellow Ranger in the air - and just like that, she too, got sucked into the twister.

Jake grabbed her right before she passed him.

"Okay, we got...Noah, Fluttershy...Emma, Rarity...Gia, Jake...Applejack, Orion...Dash and I," Pinkie listed. "Now all we need...is Luna, Twilight, Troy, Starlight...and Spike." She put a hoof up to her chin. "Wow, that's a lot...for the author...to keep track of. I wonder- Hey! Oh, hey, Troy, welcome...to the...party," she grinned, seeing him with the gang.

"Pinkie, this is...anything but...a party!" Rarity said, flipping upside down. "The tornado...is ruining...my Nightmare Night...hairdue."

Applejack rolled her eyes before calling down to Twilight. "Twilight, get us...out of here!"

"And hurry!" The color on Rainbow's face turned even more greener.

Activating her magic, Twilight shot out a beam, having it wrapped around each pony. Starlight and Luna helped out and, with a hard tug, they pulled their friends out of the twister.

"Hey!" Zapp exclaimed.

"No worries, Zapp, I got this." Mistress Mare-velous went to use her lasso.

"Stop this instant!"

"Who said that?" Hum Drum looked around, giving Spike a chance to shove him away.

It was then a beam of light came.

"Princess Celestia," Twilight exclaimed, her magic still keeping her friends out of the rushing tornado, along with Luna and Starlight's help to keep them out of it.

With her horn, the Princess of the Day used her magic to get rid of the twister, to which Zapp isn't happy about. She joined her teammates who gathered together, all mad at the white winged horned pony.

"How disgraceful of you!" Radiance huffed.

"We were close to destroying them!" Fili Second fumed. "We were ordered by the prince."

"I've been told - and you won't work for them again." Before the Power Ponies could say more remarks, a green mist evaporated out of their eyes.

This gave Twilight, Starlight, and Luna, the opportunity to carefully set their friends back on the ground.

Troy, Emma, Noah, Fluttershy, Dash, Gia, Jake, Applejack, Orion, Rarity, and Pinkie, stood back up.

"Ohh..." Groaning, Rainbow stayed on the floor when Orion lifted himself up a few inches off ground. "Remind me not to go on spinny rides, Silvy," she told him.

All the Rangers unmorphed out of Ranger mode, going up to the Power Ponies who are rubbing their heads.

Troy was the first one to step up. "You okay?" he asked their leader.

"I guess so..." The unicorn shook her head. "Where are we?"

"You're in Ponyville. Well, outside of Ponyville, that is," Twilight told them.

"Ponyville?" Zapp questioned. "But what about Maretropolis? We were busy fighting a bad pony."

Jake looked over at Twilight. "Is Maretropolis in Equestria?"

"Actually, it's in a comic book - where they came from," the dragon said. "Where is the comic book?" He turned over to Hum Drum.

"It's in a ship," he told him.

"You mean the Armada Ship?" Emma inquired.

"Yes..." Mare-velous replied slowly, placing her rope away and her Hoofarangs. "We believe so."

"Honestly, we don't remember much." The Power Ponies' leader rubbed her head. "All we can recall is being in Maretropolis, fighting a bad pony with my team, then out of nowhere, we got teleported in a large ship which you -" She directed her attention to the Pink Ranger. "-stated is the Armada Ship."

Radiance used her bracelet to summon a hairbrush, using it to fix Rarity's Nightmare Night hairdue, surprising her. "We want to apologize..."

"No, no, no," Rarity declined with a polite smile. "You dears have no idea what they're doing - it's not your fault. The blame is on the prince and his allies."

"If you want to, you can join us," Twilight offered.

"What a great idea," Celestia agreed. "We have to make sure it's okay with Gosei."

"I remember him. He's the one that gave us those weapons when we were fighting against King Sombra a thousand years ago," her sister recalled. "And gave us the Elements of Harmony. I would love to see him again."

Celestia looked at Troy. "Have Tensou teleport all of us to the Command Center so we can have your mentor's approval if the Power Ponies can join your friends."

"Yes, Your Highness." He flipped open his morpher, speaking into it. "Tensou, teleport us to the Command Center - all of us."

Tensou's voice chirped from the morpher. "Yes, Troy. I'll do it right away."

"Command Center? Tensou? Gosei? What in Mare-?"

Before Hum Drum could finish, everyone evaporated in thin air.

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