• Published 4th May 2024
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Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 43: Foal And Filly Fair

It's been a few weeks since the incident at the Gala, ruined by the monster the Gokaigers had recognized at their home world. There hadn't been any attacks in a while in Ponyville, like the Armada was taking a break, though Noah knew better. He knew villains wouldn't take breaks. He knew the prince and his companions won't stop until the Rangers and their allies are defeated.

He and his friends have been wondering if they're gonna fight Grogar or Cozy Glow or both. He has no idea what Cozy Glow nor Grogar look like. The thing he and his friends knew about Cozy is that she tried to take over the school and tried to drain all the magic of this colorful world where no humans exist.

The thought of humans made him think about his parents. They have no idea where he's at - unless their world froze like his leader theorized a few months ago at the Canterlot Castle. It could be a possibility, but still, he's been missing his mom and dad for quite some time.

However, and this kept on coming up in his head, he doesn't want to leave Equestria - especially leaving a beautiful pony who is walking with him on the path, the two heading to Ponyville.

Ponyville is holding the Foal and Filly Fair - a carnival for folks to enjoy. With games and decent rides. It's not directly in the town, just outside of it.

The Power Ranger is all hyped for the fair. It's not as big as an amusement park, but it'll be fun as any other park with stands and fantastic rides.

Passing through town, Noah noticed a couple of colts playing with some action figures. They look familiar. He walked up to them, Fluttershy noticing his departure. She stopped, seeing him going up to the boys before following him.

The one colt is light, bluish gray with two shades of gray for his mane and tail. His eyes are a grayish purple. He has no cutie mark unlike his friend who has a brilliant orange coat, with a two-toned purple mane and tail. His flank, his right flank, which is the one Noah can see, has a spotlight and a top hat. His eye color is a nice purple tone.

"Phew, phew, phew." The orange one made shooting noises, holding his action figure, using the other hoof to knock down the other action figure down which is the color gray. He then did it again.

"Hiya!" his pal declared, his action figure having a sword, whacking his own gray action figures.

The closer Noah got, he saw what they had. Action figures of him and his leader, including x-borgs.

The two-toned gray hair colt saw the stallion approaching him and his friend. "Hello."

Noah smiled. "Hello to you, too," he said, looking at the toys. "I see you got some cool action figures," he obviously noticed.

"I know!" the orange colt proclaimed, holding his red action figure. "They're the spirits who save us from those bad people. I like the red one."

"Is the Super Megaforce Red Ranger your favorite?" Noah asked, chuckling a bit.

The colt hugged the toy. "He sure is; he's a great leader. He has cool moves."

"He sure does," the secret Ranger agreed. "What about you?" he asked the other colt. "Blue's your go to Ranger?"

"Blue's cool." This is what Noah likes to hear, the colt messing with the forelegs of his toy. "He's a great fighter, too, no doubt about it!" he said, setting it down. "I have a lot of Blue Ranger stuff from action figures to posters." Hearing this surprised Noah, for he tried to imagine this kid's room full of Blue Ranger collectables. "The others are great, too," he continued. "They are great heroes. It's too bad we won't know who the Rangers actually are." He glanced up at the stallion. "You think they'll reveal who they are in those helmets?" he asked curiously.

"They won't be doing it for a long time, Rumble," Fluttershy answered, coming up next to Noah. "Plus," she added, "Blue is also my favorite." A tint of pink formed on her.

The one colt who is called Rumble noticed. "You're blushing," he pointed out.

"I see." She felt her blush go away. "I may not know what he looks like, but I do know he's a gentlecolt - a handsome pony." This caught the one next to her to slowly blush at her kindness for it was true. "His friends are nice, as well," she included the other spirits.

Noah beamed, glad she hadn't left his friends out. "I agree," he responded, then glanced at the boys. "It was nice meeting you." He and the pegasus got ready to go.

"It was nice seeing you, too," the second colt answered. "Have fun at the Foal and Filly Fair."

"We will." With that, the two older ponies made their way to the fair.

As they strolled, the Ranger repeated the words Fluttershy had spoken.

He's a gentlecolt - a handsome pony, was the exact phrase she said. It was the first time he heard this from her, complimenting on how...handsome this guy is. He was a gentlecolt, a great friend, a smart fellow, yet he'd never heard someone say, like from a girl, that he was good looking.

And this was coming from the shy one. He wouldn't expect the sentence to come from her. But what she says is true, he won't deny it. Besides, he was called a gentleman when he helped Emma carry all her photo stuff, her wanting to take pictures of some sort of flower, when the two ran into a swordsman.

The thought of Skatana made him think of the fights he had with Argus. He's been fighting that bodyguard non-stop. Whenever he tries to take care of the Armada's prince, his protector will step in the way.

He's sick of fighting him, except he has no choice for the matter. The matter is for him to beat this guy. He's tired of Argus stopping in the middle of a duel, leaving the scene. Something that frustrates him. Something rare in his personality for how chilled he is, despite being a computer guy - er pony, per se.

One day, he'll defeat him. One day. And this pony will make sure nothing happens to Fluttershy.

They got further away from the village, catching a sight of the fair. Like it was stated, there were stands and rides. Noah felt a sigh of relief from Fluttershy for some reason. "Good, no big roller coasters." Now he knows why. "I'm not big on scary rides," the pegasus explained to him. "Small ones are fine, but I prefer gentle rides, too. Nothing spinning, dropping, or frightening," she cleared out.

"No worries, we'll go on the gentle ones," he promised her, checking out the rides he saw. There were decent rides, nothing too wild. No roller coaster in sight. To be fair, he is a roller coaster fanatic. They interest him by all the speeds they go to.

Since Fluttershy requested to be on gentle rides, he'll respect her wish. He wouldn't want her to get upset over a ride - a frightening ride.

"There's our friends," Fluttershy located, pointing her nose to where they were at. They were at one of those long picnic tables. The two of them came up to the table. "Greetings," she said, with Noah giving them a small wave.

"Hi," Twilight said with a warm expression. "Hmm..." In her head, she counted. "Looks like we're all here," she confirmed.

"Fluttershy - let's go on that!" Rainbow wrapped arm around her, her hoof pointing skyward.

Noah looked to see what she was referring to. It was a tall ride with a ring around it. The ride was the color purple. The ring had seats filled with ponies. It went up, going to the top. The ride stopped - then plunged right back down, ponies screaming their heads off.

Fluttershy stared at the ride with fear. "I-I thought there's just gentle rides." Her legs shook. "I thought fairs only have cute rides where you won't feel drops, spins, or anything." She yelped when she felt someone pushing her.

"There's nothing to worry about." The reassurance from Dash doesn't seem to help for how she explained the ride for how the Blue Ranger saw it. "All it does is go up to the top, stop for like two seconds and - whoomp! - you're back on the ground." She kept pushing her, when she cried out when her front hooves were sat on. "Hey!" she exclaimed, pulling her hooves free. "Fluttershy!"

"I'm not going on that," she firmly refused, sending the pegasus bold eyes. "I'm much better off going on anything calm."

"Girl, you need to quit being a 'fraidy-cat," Dash replied, rolling her eyes.

"Are you hearing yourself, Rainbow?" Noah frowned at her, stepping over to Fluttershy. "She isn't a 'fraidy-cat. Yes, she's shy, but she isn't a 'fraidy-cat."

"Please, she's scared of her own shadow." A water bottle was thrown at her. "Applejack!" She threw it back at her.

She ducked, and the water bottle hit Luka.

Rubbing her head, she sent a death glare. "Don!"

"It was Dash, not me," he replied, rearing back.

"Sorry," Dash apologized. "It was meant for her. Anyways, I can go on the ride myself. After all, I did go on the Wild Blue Yonder back in Las Pegasus," she said, remembering it like it was yesterday.

"What's the Wild Blue Yonder?" Emma asked.

"The best roller coaster of all time!" the weather pony answered in exclamation. "Probably the best one of all in Equestria. I was with Granny Smith and her friends who call themselves the Gold Horseshoes. I'm a new member in that group."

"Cool, and the grannies literally referenced a show on television," Pinkie chirped up, twirling her hoof around. "Cupcakes?" she offered, somehow managing to bring a tray full of pastries.

"Okay, first off, what R.D. said isn't a reference to anything," Applejack put out, "and second, how in apples did you make a tray of cupcakes appear out of thin air?"

"You aren't a unicorn, I had to add in," Lacy Lasso answered, somewhat as confused as A.J., along with everyone else.

"I know, I left my unicorn costume at home," she happily replied to them, popping one of the small cakes in her mouth. "We should get a move on. We shouldn't be- Cotton candy!" In a quick zip, all there was left was the color pink, for she sped off somewhere.

The sudden speed messed up some of the ponies' hair.

"Pinks, got a point," Rarity agreed, her magic bringing in a hairbrush. She used it to fix up her hair.

"Let's go have fun!" Marvelous got up from the bench, heading to the first game stand he saw, Ahim trailing behind his tail.

"That was another thing I wanna say." The brush vanished. "Let's go have fuuu-uuu-uuun~". She used her soprano voice.

"Gee, you got a nice voice," Noah complimented. "However, no offense, I think Fluttershy here has the best voice."

"You sing?" Gia asked the blooming pegasus.

"Why, yes." She stood up, some of her hair covering half of her face. "In fact, I was singing when I was feeding the animals." She shyly scratched the ground. "Noah...heard me."

"I'm telling you, she's spectacular," Noah beamed.

"Maybe she can sing on stage." Hearing this from Jake, this yellow pony didn't like the idea. He took notice of this. "You...don't want to sing on stage?"

"I sang behind the curtain on stage...with a voice that isn't mine because Big Mac lost his voice," she began saying. "He moved his lips while I sang for him. Then a few shows later, um, let's say I revealed myself from backstage."

The Rangers, the remaining Gokaigers, and the Power Ponies looked at one another until Lightning Twister spoke. "You have another range in your voice?"

"No," Fluttershy explained with a shake of her head. "I have one voice. The reason I had a different voice is because Zecora 'fixed' my natural voice into a deep one by using some poison joke."

"Poison...joke?" Noah questioned, unaware of the term.

"It sounds like what we have back at home, except we call it poison oak," Troy added.

"It's a plant," Twilight told them. "If you go through the blue leaves, you get a strange ailment."

"Haha, yeah," her assistant laughed. "And I gave you nicknames when you and the girls got affected by it."

"Heheh, thanks for bringing it up, Spike," she chuckled sarcastically with a furrow frown. "It wasn't funny." But Spike kept on giggling. "Let's forget about the poison joke. Let's enjoy the carnival."

Taking her word, everybody got off the seat of the picnic table, heading the first things they see of the Foal and Filly Fair.

All there was left were Noah and Fluttershy. The two walked, enjoying being alone with one another.

They went up to one of the games. It was a ring toss game.

The pony running the booth gave Noah five rings. "All you have to do is try to land them where the cans are," she instructed.

Noah tossed the rings. They soared loosely, one by one, catching the can he's aiming for. All five are around it, with no misses. He pointed at one of the prizes - a Blue Ranger plushie of him. The the game operator gave it to him, for he gave it to Fluttershy.

She hugged the plushie. When he and his friends leave, at least she'll have the memory of the Blue Ranger.

The plushie in her arm, the two ponies did some other things within the fair. Enjoying the dynamic in the festivities.

Several hours have passed during all the fun everybody is having. From going on rides to playing games to enjoying the food the fair has to offer. Noah and Fluttershy seem to have the most fun out of all of their friends in their own personal opinion.

The geek spotted Joe with Hazel at one of the game booths. He couldn't see what type of game it was, though he heard a lot of popping noises. In his guess, he bet it was darts.

Joe picked out a prize after all the small balloons popped. It was a stuffed caterpillar. He gave it to the Power Pony, who gave it a good squeeze. From the distant Fluttershy and Noah are at, they both witness them blushing.

It seems that this Gokaiger has taken a lot of liking to the girl he's with. Looking around, the Blue Ranger saw his leader and Emma at one of the food stands. The food stand they're at has a picture of ice-cream on a cone.

The two got their ice-creams, when Emma saw Noah and Fluttershy. Both she and the Red Ranger came up to them.

Emma saw the prize Fluttershy has. "Cool, did you win that?" she asked, then gave her strawberry ice-cream a lick.

"Nah, Noah did," she told her, giving the plushie another squeeze. "He...gave it to me."

"That was nice of you," Troy smiled at him.

"I know," Noah said. "Her and I saw Joe with Hazel, for he won a prize."

"And gave it to her," the yellow equine added. "He's a nice guy under all that toughness he has in him."

"They do seem to like each other," Troy agreed, giving off a smirk. "Reminds me of someone I know."

"Heheheh..." His friend chuckled, his face blushing in red, knowing who he's referring to. Noah played with his eye wear, quitting his chuckling. "I mean..." he started when he was tugged by his sleeve. He turned to Fluttershy, who pointed a hoof at a ride.

"Aww, how cute. It's a caterpillar ride, Noah." A few hooves away, there was, indeed, a caterpillar ride, moving in a circle on the track, going over small hills. "I thought there would be no roller coasters. However, at least it's a gentle one." She took the hoof of the Blue Ranger pony. "Let's go on it. Please!"

"Err, well..." Fluttershy did the puppy face when he began to hesitate. He looked over to his friends, but discovered they walked in the other direction. He turned back to her, breaking into a smile. "Sure, why not." He led her to the line of the ride.

They waited patiently; Fluttershy jumping in her hooves. It may not be a thrilling ride like the ones Rainbow Dash would like, but it looked like fun. In her head, she pictured her rainbow mane friend on this ride. She'll be bored out of her mind! Gladly, this pegasus has Noah to go on with her. Besides, by the smile on his face, he too, is happily waiting to get on it. The issue is, there were foals in line. No adult ponies.

It felt embarrassing when it got to him - seeing nopony his age excluding the one next to him. Glancing at the pony with him, he noticed that Fluttershy isn't worried about it. He then saw a ride suitable for both adults and children. "Fluttershy." He got her attention. "We can go on the ride over there."

Seeing the ride, she denied. "Let's do this one first," she gently answered, not complaining whatsoever. "After this, we can go on another ride."

Shifting in his sneakers, he swiftly watched as the caterpillar ride came to a stop. Foals who were on it got off, heading out of the exit gate. The line went down as the seats of the ride got replaced with new colts and fillies.

It was a short line, by the way. The only seats left within the ride is in the back; all empty. A place where Noah and Fluttershy are going to sit.

As they were about to get on, the operator of the ride shut the entrance gate.

"Hey!" Fluttershy protested, jumping back, shocked to see the gate being closed in front of her and the unicorn. "We were about to get on," she almost spoke angrily.

"Big ponies aren't allowed on this ride," the operator told her, starting up the ride. "Didn't you read the sign?" he somewhat asked in a rude tone.

"You shouldn't talk to her in the way you're speaking, sir," Noah stepped up, not liking the dude's negative attitude. "Both of us hadn't seen a sign."

The pony gruffed. "It's over there. Duh." He wasn't looking at him. "It isn't hard to miss." The second stallion clenched his teeth at his rudeness. "Besides," the operator went on, giving a look at them, more on the sunny colored one. "You are an adult, not a filly or a colt. Also, you geek, are wearing glasses. You should have seen the sign."

Alright, that's it! This Ranger has been called a geek, nerd, a loser back in his youth by all the bullies who teased him for being on computers and reading books, being criticized for not being a jock like one of his team members, but the way this guy said it is uncalled for. For one thing, it was said in a snap tone, rather than the one he was used to. Lot of the time he'll get teasing looks, being told he won't have any friends from all the electronics he's on, his nose in every book. He was even called four eyes!

Gladly, his best friend sees more than his smart brain.

He stepped forward to the ride operator. "You got a bad attitude," Noah called him out. "The reason why we hadn't seen it is probably because we passed by it." The result he got was an eye roll. "You think we're stupid, do you?"

"Please, I'm not an idiot like you."

"An idiot!?" Noah shouted, feeling offended, his collective attitude going down a notch. "I'll have you know-"

"Noah..." Fluttershy spoke up. She doesn't like the way he looked. It kind of scared her in a way. "We can skip this ride, and go on a different one." To be honest, she just wanted to get away from the pony running this ride.

Backing up, this unicorn believed she's right. A different ride, like Noah had told her already, is a good idea.

To top it off, he would rather avoid a fight with the other stallion, preferring to fight the henchponies and the new horde of changelings he and his friends are dealing with. He eyed the pony in front of him, until he turned his tail on him, walking side by side with the sunny mare.

The ride they're heading to had apples - fake large apples - that go in a nice circle, spinning gently, much to the yellow coated pony's liking, for she doesn't like fast spins. The ride reminded the Blue Ranger of Tilt A Whirl. A ride he'd been on once after eating too much carnival food, resulting in him getting sick. This taught him a lesson: Never go on a ride - any ride - with a full stomach.

The line was short, so it wasn't a long wait. Not to mention there are both adults and children. There was a sign at the metal fence. Children Must Be Provided By An Adult, it read, showing a photo of what looks to be parents with a colt, all three of them having fun.

The ride stopped. The safety bars of each ride went up, lending ponies of all ages to get off. They went out the exit.

The pony in charge of the ride is a middle aged mare. She opened up the entrance gate, letting ponies in, wishing them all to have fun. She included those two to Fluttershy and Noah. Her expression is a lot friendlier than the previous pony.

The two got into the ride, finding an empty seat of the fake apples. They sat down. Fluttershy held her Ranger plushie, with Noah next to her as the safety bar went down. They grabbed the safety bar, getting ready for the ride to start.

The ride started, giving gentle spins here and there. Not too fast, not too slow, just the right pace. Even though it wasn't an extreme ride, Fluttershy's mane was blown throughout the spins. Noah's...not so much.

"Rainbow wouldn't like this kind of thrill," the pegasus shared her joyfulness.

"I know." Fluttershy almost dropped her prize when a certain pink pony got in her way, between both her and the Ranger. "Dashie wouldn't want to be on this fun-tastic ride. She loves thrilling rides."

"..." All the glasses wearing horned pony can do is blink in disbelief. "How...how did..." Pinkie quit her talking, waiting for what he has to say. "Where did you come from?" he managed to get out, searching for any possible ways for this wacked pony to be here with them.

"Silly, I'm Pinkie Pie, I can do things no other pony can," she explained to him. Though it wasn't necessarily an explanation. "I can be anywhere from over there, to there, to there, to there, to there." She pointed at each spot she could pop out, all energetic like she had eaten all the fair's cotton candy. "And I can be -" She slipped down, surprising Noah in the process. "-over here!" she hollered in the distance, getting random looks from the other ponies, all in favor of knowing how she got there. She turned her head. "Ice-cream!" She zipped away.

Shaking his head, Noah went to think up any scientific explanation on her random ways. He came empty when he couldn't think of any logical answers as he and Fluttershy carried on with the ride.

The fair went on, all the ponies having loads of fun. Ponies played games, rode on rides, ate, then repeated the process. There was even a puppet show, being held by a stout stallion who is a unicorn. The puppeteer used his magic to make the wooden marionette move around.

Noah was buying cotton candy for both him and Fluttershy when he saw the kids laughing their flanks off while watching the puppets doing silly dances, controlled by the pony who's underneath the puppet traveling wagon.

Receiving their fuzzy treat on white, paper cones, the two decided to watch the entertaining show for there are also ponies their age.

The two sat down closely together. Close enough to where their hooves are inches away from each other. Fluttershy tore through her cotton candy, the taste tasting like lemon. The cone part is being held by her wing for an extra hand - er, hoof.

The sugary sweetness practically dissolved in her mouth, melting like it was ice-cream. The yellow cotton candy matched her body. She still had her charm bracelet she got from Hearth's Warming Eve.

With the two sitting side by side, this Ranger seemed to like it. They were kind of alone in a way. Sort of, and his heart skipped a beat whenever he glanced at her. Whenever he looked at her, his face turned a little red like it always does, and when the mare caught his eye, she too would feel the warmth on her face.

This girl knew he had something to say, all up in his sleeves, for she had the same feelings, the same thoughts.

The puppet show ended, leaving the two to do more activities within the carnival, casually eating their furry candy.

They played simple games, winning simple prizes. They were walking away when they heard crying.

There was a foal, younger than the others they saw, with her mom.

"I cannot catch the balloon for you, sweetheart, mama cannot fly," the mom told her daughter, the balloon up in the air to where it looked invisible.

Looking at her cotton candy, the Element of Kindness had an idea. She walked up to the child. Noah watched from where he stood.

"Mmm, good," Fluttershy gently spoke, approaching the child, handing her cotton candy to her. The little filly took it, staring at it. "Won't know if you like it if you take a bite," the pegasus made a good point, seeing a face that's always seen in children when they see new food in front of them.

The mom watched intently, waiting for her daughter, whether or not she'll give it a shot. Her filly sniffed it, until she ripped some fuzz. A few seconds later, a smile was brought upon her. Her mom felt relief wash over her. "Why, thank you very much," she blessed kindly toward the pony who gave her daughter the treat. "Seeing you do such a kind thing will have my daughter as kind as you are," she dreamed, before heading off.

"She seems grateful for what you did," Noah said, coming up to the pegasus. "You're such a kind pony, Flutters."

"The same goes for you," she blushed, shyly looking at the ground. "We better locate our friends." Afterwards, they did just so.

"...The Wild Blue Yonder is the best roller coaster ever, Orion," Dash was saying, being heard from incoming ponies. "When I was in the Las Pegasus, it was the last day for it to be open," she continued, slurping some of her drink. "It was super fun. I want the ride to be open again." Her eyes went frontwards. "Sup, you two."

"Hi, Noah," the Silver Ranger waved. "Are you and Fluttershy having a great time?"

"Sure are," his teammate expressed, handing his leftover cotton candy to Fluttershy, who took it without hesitation. "Fluttershy gave her cotton candy to a filly," he told them. "She's very kind - like her element represented." Hearing him say this made her blush again. "What about you two?" he then asked. "Went on any rides? Play any games?"

"The rides are okay," Dash somewhat shrugged. "I went on the one ride for how awesome it was."

"What kind of ride?"

"The Rocket Launcher," she answered Fluttershy. "It goes mighty fast. Something you probably won't go on. Silvy almost got sick."

"...I ate before going on," Orion smiled sheepishly. "Maybe too much," he had to put in.

"Sorry to hear that," the Blue Ranger chuckled apologetically. "Say..." He eyed his Silver Ranger pal. "...you don't seem to have your bracelet," he noticed, seeing it was gone.

A light laugh was his reply when he got the explanation. "I gave it to Lightning Dust. She wanted me to 'hang out' with her."

"In other words, it was a date." An eye roll came from the boastful pegasus. "I was expecting her to get rejected or something."

"You did say you hope she gets food poisoning," Orion brought up with a frown.

Turning her head, she snorted. "I know... I wish you hadn't gone out with her."

"Well, I did," he almost bickered, sounding a bit ticked.

"Wait, are you saying you and Lightning Dust are...a thing?"

He shrugged at the question from his team member. "It was one date. I'm unsure whether or not we're an item. I have to admit, she is hot, I tell ya."

A guffaw of belly laughs got their attention when Rainbow fell on the grass on her back. Tears ran down her cheeks like a waterfall.

"Hahaha!" She took a few calming breaths until she was calm enough to talk. "Let me guess, you're gonna marry her. Have kids. Are you gonna find a book titled How To Date A Reckless Mare? Hahahahaha." She wiped her face, getting rid of the tears raining out of her eyes.

A slow breath came from the male pegasus. He doesn't say anything. He waited till she's done laughing.

Lifting herself off the ground, she spoke. "You're serious, aren't you?"

"It's too early, and we only went out once," he shrugged his wings.

"Dash, you shouldn't laugh at something like this. You should respect others' choices," Fluttershy scolded, sending disapproving eyes at the Element of Loyalty. "You wouldn't like it when somepony laughed whenever you want to date Soarin, so I advise you to reverence ponies' solutions at hoof," she boldly suggested, keeping her attention on her friend.

Rainbow let out a gruntled huff. "Fine..." she said with disdain. "I won't be Dust's brides mare for her future wedding, no matter how much she pleads," she refused ahead of time, more likely directing at the sixth Ranger.

"You know she will apologize to you eventually," he replied with the same frown on his muzzle. "She does feel bad for what she did to Scoots, as well as taking a photo of me transforming into my Ranger suit."

"She what?!" A loud shout came from the technology geek, reacting to what was told by his fellow member. "She took a photo of you?" He toned it down for there are ponies crossing by. "She better-!"

"No, it was just me. I have to confess, I got enraged when she decided to take a picture of me when I was doing it." Putting his hoof up to his chin, another thing occurred to him and the Washout's 'hang out'. "She told me when I saved her, she heard me talk..."

"Heard you talk?" Dash doesn't seem impressed for she rolled her eyes for a second time in one direction.

"I mean, she recognized my voice within my helmet," he explained, sounding much sense full to what he's talking about.

"Ugh..." She let out a disapproving groan. "It'll be better for you to stay away from her. I'll be joyful for you to date a different mare."

Noah saw the yellow one sending her warning eyes. "Rainbow..."

"Alright, alright." Fluttershy relaxed when she gave in. "Come on, Silvy, let's go play some games." She honestly wanted her rival out of her mind.

After that, she unfolded her wings, flying to one of the game booths.

"I'll see you later." Opening up his own wings, he flapped them until he's a few inches off the grass. "Maybe I'll win a prize for her," he hoped. The other two chuckled, knowing who he's referring to. "Gotta fly."

With him out of the way, both pegasus and unicorn went on with their fun.

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