• Published 4th May 2024
  • 192 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 37: A Gokai Welcome Party

A loud scream of frustration thundered out of the Armada Ship, right through the windows to where they shattered into pieces, like an opera singer would do to a glass cup when reaching a tremendous, hard to reach high note - high up in an attic of a house.

The sky seemed to shake from this unpleasant noise from the prince. The good news is, being very high in the sky to see the world full of color fur coated ponies, those creatures hadn't heard his scream, with no receiving bloody ears which a certain pegasus is receiving.

"Quit screaming! You're gonna rip my ears off," Cozy cried out in pure rage. "Sweet Celestia, you don't have to sound like an off key siren." Just has she removed her hooves off her ears, she felt the prince yank her down by her tail. "Hey-"

His face came close to hers, his eyes piercing back into hers who was leaning far from him. As far as she could go due to being held by the tail by his tightly gripped hoof.

He got her upside down, much to this filly's dismay for she isn't liking this one bit. He got close to her face, hissing a threat at her. "Call the Mighty Prince Vekar an off key siren, I'll have my bodyguard turn you into chopped up squares." He released her. She caught herself before she could hit her head on the floor, flipping right side over, fixing her curly mane. "The spell got removed by that purple pony with wings and a horn."

"Technically, it's lavender," Damaras confirmed, who was inches away from the sharp glass.

"Don't correct me, you fool," Vekar fumed, stepping up to him, shoving him hard, though this warrior didn't move an inch. "I don't want to be corrected by someone who is bigger than me!" He shoved the pony again, taking his frustration out on him. "It isn't fair. My plan failed," he began to rant. "Whenever I come up with a plan, it fails. Fails, I tell ya! Those stupid ponies down there keeps on messing with them. I was hoping the spell from Roux will work until that winged unicorn pony thing-a-ma-thing, ruined it. I want to get rid of those heroes, and will you get out of my space!" He whipped his head to the side to see one of his x-borgs with a broom and dustpan. He grabbed the broom, as well as the dustpan out of his hooves, flinging it across the room.

Argus let out a cry, avoiding the items by going low to the floor. The broom and dustpan hit the wall, clattering to the ground. He glared at the prince, standing back up on the floor. "Watch it, sire!"

"Those stupid ponies, including the puny dragon, that I watch in the pathetic orb," he went on, ignoring the bodyguard's protest, "are such numbskulls. They think they're special all because they can defeat bad guys." He walked up to the broken window, stepping on the glass. They broke underneath his hooves. "Pch, it's pathetic how the Rangers teamed up with the Elements of Harmony. Also, what kind of pony has wings and a horn?"

"An alicorn..." Grogar replied slowly, carefully.

"An alicorn!? What kind of ridiculous pony is that!?"

"A pony with wings and a horn..."

"I don't care what you're saying, old ram," he said, stepping away from the window. "I hope that one isn't Twilight Twinkle."

"Twilight Sparkle," the filly corrected him. He sent her firing eyes. "My bad," she flinched away from his frightening gaze. "You don't like being corrected. Except her name is Twilight Sparkle. You've been told what her and her friends' names are."

"I know, I know." He messaged his head like he had a migraine. "I know their names ever since you said them. The issue is...I don't know which is which."

"Boss, how can you possibly not know which pony is which?" To the scientist, it wasn't difficult to guess who's who.

"They all look the same," Vekar said, going up to the orb. "See?" He directed at the Elements of Harmony once the item zoomed in on them, away from the Rangers, Gokaigers, Power Ponies, the dragon, and the unicorn. "Also, the one who is Starlight Gleamer should have a dumb Element, too."

"First off, sire, ponies do not look exactly alike," Cozy frowned. "Two, it's Starlight Glimmer. Third, it isn't hard to tell who's who. Look at their cutie marks."

"You mean tattoos," he frowned back.

"No." She shook her. "Cutie marks. They aren't called tattoos. Look, Applejack has three apples, Rainbow Dash has a cloud with a three colored lightning bolt coming out of it, Fluttershy has a trio of butterflies, Pinkie Pie got three balloons, Starlight has a glimmer, Twilight has a sparkle, and Rarity's got three diamonds for her cutie mark."

"I got it, I got it." He rolled his eyes, the girl getting his nerves up. "No need to tell me." His voice also ignites for the same feeling. "Besides," he put in, touching his mane. "Cutie marks aren't anything special for they're indeed tattoos planted on their flanks." This statement made the girl want to put up a fight with him. "Yuck, cutie marks. There's nothing special about them in any way."

"Hold your tail there, Vekar," she confronted him. "Cutie marks are special. It's part of a pony's personality, destiny, talent; literally anything a cutie mark could mean for them. Do you know what my mark represents?" Instead of waiting for him to reply, she answered for him. "My symbol is a rook. This regards the talent where my special talent is dividing ponies against each other while gaslighting them to believe I'm their friend, WHICH IS WHY I SHOULD HAVE MORE FRIENDS THAN ANYPONY ELSE IN THIS WORLD!" she bellowed in an ear-splitting screech, her mood going from a calm, serious expression to a ferocious one.

Her scream was instinctively loud, it caused the prince to block it out by folding his ears down, lowering himself to the floor. "Gee wiz," he finally answered, rubbing his head, this time getting a headache from her scream. "Are you bipolar?" he half insulted, rather than questioning her sudden mood swing.

She didn't answer. She was too offended at what he had insulted her for to even speak. Taking a deep breath, she answered his rude question. "No, I am not bipolar."

He doesn't believe her. He was more focused on his headache. He couldn't focus on anything else, nor he can say any rude things or blame others for his grinding pain, coming from his head.

Gee wiz, he wished she hadn't yelled out like the way she did. She wasn't the only one who gave him a headache. The buzzing changelings will give him one, his soldiers, his allies, even thinking about his dimwitted brother gives him a headache.

Hold on, even when he and his brother were younger, he'll get headaches whenever his little brother reminds him of how much he is their dad's favorite, getting all the attention for not being an empty headed alien like his big brother is.

He was glad Vrak isn't here, hiding somewhere on earth. Going out of the Command Room, he went to the bathroom. Opening up the cabinet, he took a couple of painkillers for his aching head.

With the help of the water, the painkillers went down. He left the bathroom, going back to the room, sat on his chair, watching the heroes on the glowing ball.

The new ponies looked around, catching the sight of Ponyville. They saw the residents doing what looks to be their daily routine. Watering plants, selling stuff, and working in their shops. They saw pony after pony, in different colors, the weird symbols on their flanks, each different from anyone else's.

One had a rose for a symbol. One had what looks to be three pieces of wrapped up sweets. One had a lyre. Each symbol caught the Gokaigers attention. They wondered why those ponies have those symbols on their flanks.

To top this off, they saw two donkeys - one a female, one a male. They seemed to be in their elder years for their age. Unlike the ponies, they don't possess any kind of symbol on their flanks. Do ponies only get those things on their hindquarters?

Pinkie was hopping along, instead of walking like everypony else. "I decided on where we should have the welcome party." She continued hopping like a bunny. "We can have it in the open area of Ponyville."

"You mean, the area where the pond is?" Fluttershy said. "The area where he-" She gestured at Noah. "-and his friends have their welcome party?" She wasn't sure if she was wrong.

"Yep." They all reached the area. The area where the Rangers had their welcome party. "Hmm..." Pondering, the party animal had a light bulb literally pop out of her head. "Time for my party cannon!" she joyfully smiled.

"Party cannon?" Luka wasn't sure why a party cannon is suitable for a party. "Shouldn't we get decorations for our welcome party?"

Her teammates agreed.

"Hahahaha!" They were taken aback when she let out a hysterical laugh. "Sillies." She calmed down a bit to talk. "My party cannon has decorations inside of it." As usual, the new ponies were skeptical. The expression caught her attention. "Seeing those unbelievable looks means I have to show you how it's done." Stretching out her front limbs like an elastic band, she got a hold of her party cannon.

In no second thought, she slammed her hoof on the red button. The party cannon let out a loud explosion. Streamers, balloons, confetti, and oddly enough, tables, that she somehow managed to fit in there, popped out of the cannon.

A blank banner got hung up by her, the strings being tied up by two branches. Then, somehow putting the cannon away, she got out some paint and a paintbrush.

The paintbrush in her mouth, she opened up all the paint cans. Dipping the bristles in each paint, she covered them up with each color.

She shook the excess paint before going up to the banner. She thought of a nice design for the banner. When the design got to her head, she hopped like a kangaroo, splashing paint on the blank banner.

Rarity yelped when yellow paint came towards her. Ducking, she avoided the paint. The paint splattered on Noah's glasses.

She went up to him, removing his glasses, using her magic to bring out a cloth and a spray bottle. "Pinkie!" she now berated, getting the Blue Ranger's glasses all cleansed. "Be careful. You're gonna get paint all over us." She finished cleaning the glasses, poofing her magic to get rid of the cloth and spray bottle. "Here, darling." She gave the glasses back to him.

Taking the glasses, he placed them on his face. "Thank you." Both he and Fluttershy watched the pink pony continue on painting the banner.

Splatters of paint went all over the place. Fluttershy got smacked-dab in the face with purple paint.

He couldn't help it, he had to laugh. It was her reaction. The reaction of cuteness when the paint got on her pretty face.

Hearing him laugh, Fluttershy pretended to be mad at him. Fakingly stomping over to one of the paint cans, she dipped her hoof in the blue paint for obvious reasons. Turning, she walked up to him.

Seeing her 'mad' at him, he acted like he had no idea why she 'felt' that way. "What?" He tried to keep himself from smirking, failing miserably at it.

Her 'angry' face went to a 'you're gonna get it' face.

Picking this que up, he yelped out playfully, running from her. She chased him by flying, though wasn't too fast like Dash nor any other speedy pegasi.

He wasn't difficult to catch for Noah was galloping slowly on purpose. Reaching out, Fluttershy placed her hoof on him, getting the paint on the back of his neck, inches away from his dark blue blazer he always wore over his T-shirt.

He turned around, feeling the cold paint on his coat. "Got you," Fluttershy smirked playfully, waving the excess paint off her hoof. Normally, she wouldn't do anything silly in front of anypony. This time she didn't care who was watching.

Laughing, Noah went over to the paint cans, covering up one of his hooves with yellow paint, seemingly to match his crush's yellow fur. Though it was a bit darker than her fur.

Their friends laughed, seeing those two, well, horse around. Noah caught up to her, smearing paint on her shoulder to her left wing. He 'purposely' stepped on her tail, making it easier to keep her at bay.

He continued to put paint on her, smearing it all over the back of her neck to her little back. Fluttershy laughed, the goop tickling her. When she flapped, paint went everywhere. For the second time, the fashionista had to avoid it. No way she's gonna get paint on her precious fur. Then, without any warning, as she went on flapping her wings, Fluttershy flung forward, landing stomach first on the grass.

Her head was lifted up. "This is what happens when you mess with the Blue Ranger," Noah spoke teasingly, the words getting this sunny color equine all rosy. He let her chin go, helping her back up.

She thanked him by giving him a smile, then went over to Pinkie to help her finish the party banner.

When the banner was finished, Pinkie and Sugar went to invite the Ponyville people. Joe went up to Noah, admiring the party decorations. "Boy, Pinkie sure does know how to quickly put up a party. There's even a cake on one of the tables." He noticed his counterpart wasn't paying any attention to him. "Noah? Hey." He waved a hoof in front of his face.

Nothing. His friend was in this...trance...eyes on the one pony he put paint on.


Joe's shout got the Ranger to snap out of it. "I'm here," he announced in answer.

"You like this Fluttershy, don't you?" Noah could only blush in response. "So you do like her!" his counterpart proclaimed, continuing on, causing the other unicorn to turn red more than ever. The only thing the red-faced pony can do is turn his head away, listening to his counterpart pretending to be him. "Oh, Fluttershy, I really, really, really like you," Joe began mimicking. "I would love you to be my girlfriend. Will you go out with me on a romantic date? Hahaha!" He guffawed, despite being the tough guy on his own team. "Man." He calmed down. "You should tell her how you-"

"I'll tell her about my feelings for her when the time is right."


"You know, not wanting to tell the one you like too early, yet you don't want to tell them too late," the Blue Ranger explained.

Joe thought about it, then nodded in understatement. He never had feelings on a girl. Eh...well...

"Joe...? " Hazel came up to him, scratching the ground with her hoof. Noah saw her cheeks turning pink. "Want to be my plus one for the Gala?" she shyly asked, presenting a grin.

"Plus one?" He never heard of this.

The Blue Ranger explained it to him. "It's a date, except more like a friendly type." He faced Hazel. "I don't think any of us told you and your friends about plus ones."

"No worries, Twilight told us about it after we were done at the spa," she assured, breaking her gaze from Joe before glancing back at him. "Anyways." She locked her eyes on the Gokaiger. "I would be honored to be your plus one as long as you are my plus one."

It was Joe's turn to get all pink face. "Eh, why the heck not," he returned, brushing the bangs out his eyes.

Squealing, she gave him a joyful squeeze. This surprised him. She released him, all giddied up like she met a famous celebrity.

Watching her leave after the hug, Joe had an astonished look on him. "Wow," he expressed. The pinkness faded away. "I knew she was pretty..."

"You like Hazel!?" Noah gasped. "Ha!" Letting out a hard laugh, he slapped the unicorn, his counterpart flinching in the process. "Hazel, you're pretty - the prettiest pony I ever seen in my life." Now it was his turn to mimic. "I'll love to be your plus one for the Grand Galloping Gala. We could have a nice dance when we're there."

All his counterpart can do is smirk humorously, elbowing the bookworm. "Very funny," he commented. His right side bangs covered half of his right eye, for he moved it out of sight. "I'll, you know, have a chat with her."

Noah snickered in answer, watching the stallion go up to the Power Pony who is at one of the party tables. There were no chairs, so Joe and Hazel stood next to each other. Hazel was first to speak.

After watching them, he saw Pinkie and Sugar coming back with the Ponyville ponies, all eager to go to another welcome party.

He saw that the ponies brought presents over, placing them on one of the tables next to the cake table.

Pinkie, he saw next, began introducing the ponies to the newcomers.

"This here is Marvelous..." She popped up beside Gokai Red. "...Ahim..." She came out of nowhere again, surprising Gokai Pink. "...Luka..." She placed her hooves on Gokai Yellow's narrow shoulders. "...Joe..." She got between Gokai Blue and Hazel, interrupting their conversation. "...Gai..." A friendly pat on the head was given to Gokai Silver. "...and Don." Last, though not least, she gave Gokai Green a big squeeze of a hug. "Be sure to make them feel welcome. They came from a far away place and they sure could use it."

After the introduction, all the ponies greeted the newbies, shaking their hooves. The Gokaigers met a lot of ponies of all ages, including Sanbar, Ocellus, Yona, Smolder, Silverstream, and Gallus who all seemed to be in their teenage years, all different creatures, too.

They were kind to the new Asian ponies, asking them question after question. One of the questions was brought up by a pony who goes by the name of Berryshine, also known to be called Berry Punch, who asked them where they came from.

Everybody was stunned when Marvelous stated that he and his friends came from a place in what they call Japan, explaining how he and his kind speak Japanese - until now.

A pony named Bumblesweet asked about what they're lifestyle was.

Another pony, a pegasus, named Skip - And - Along, roughly elbowed her. "You shouldn't ask them what they're lifestyles are," she spoke in a scolding tone.

"It's alright," Don assured. "We most likely lived like normal beings except-"

Jake covered up his mouth. His counterpart gave him an annoyed look, for he shoved his hoof off of his face. It didn't take long for why the Green Ranger did such a thing, for he was shaking his head vigorously.

Letting out a huff, the Gokaiger grinned at the two mares. "We live like normal beings like you in our country." Of course, it was enough for those two ponies, for they told him and his friends how they live their life.

While the ponies chatted one another, Noah went up to the table to where Fluttershy is at, with a blue jay on her hoof, chirping at her. She petted his feathery back, letting him fly away to see the Blue Ranger approach her.

He sat by her, having a nice chat. The two seem to be closer by his own calculations. However, he isn't sure when to tell this nice girl his love for her.

He even told her the jokes for what his leader told him. This led her to laugh. She laughed so hard that she practically spit up her drink that she got from the punch bowl not too long ago. A strand of pink hair fell on her face.

Using his hoof, he moved it out of the way. His hoof grazed her cheek, leaving her to blush and turn away.

Her shyness around him made his heart beat. He wondered what's going on in her head, wishing he had the ability to read minds.

"I'm going to grab some punch," he told her, leaving the table to get himself a drink. It was only a few tables down, seeing a large, clear glass bowl with a ladle. Cups were there, stacked up neatly on top of each other.

He got himself a drink, turned - and almost walked into his best friend. "Dude-" A little bit of punch went his way, staining his blue shirt when he protested.

"My bad," his best friend apologized with a small chuckle. "Saw ya talking with you know who," he witnessed, getting his own cup of punch. He walked with Noah, holding the cup, the two of them walking on all threes. "Bro, you should ask her to be your girlfriend." He took a couple of sips of his punch. "Mmm, strawberry," he had to comment, licking his lips, feeling the sweet taste on his taste buds.

"I want it to be the right moment, before...you know..." Noah hesitated, though his pal nodded.

"I know what you mean, except it's better to say it sooner than later," Jake shrugged, seeing the teammate eyeing on the pony whom he liked. "Besides, I have to ask Gia out someday. I'm glad she'll be my plus one for the Gala."

Part of Noah's mind wanted to tease him, another part of him told him he shouldn't, so he decided to listen to the other part of his smart brain.

The two boys separated - Jake going over to Gia who had her own punch, while Noah went back to Fluttershy.

"You know," he brought up, standing next to her, setting his cup down next to hers, "I was thinking..."

"Mhm." This got the pegasus eyes to twinkle - literally.

His face beating to red, he took a quick glance at Jake, then back at Fluttershy. "Heh..." Sweat formed on his forehead. "I was thinking you could be my-"

"Bee! Bee! Bee!" Gai flew right past them, messing up Fluttershy's once brushed down hair into a wild mess. "Look out, there's a killer bee on the loose!" he screamed, a cute little bee trailing behind him. "Ahh! Luka - help!"

"No, you can save yourself," she called back, enjoying some cake with Applejack and Lacy Lasso. The three of them laughed.

Fluttershy also laughed. "It seems like he doesn't understand that the bee wants to say hi to him."

Noah snickered. "I bet you're right."

"I'm gonna get us cake." She got up the table after he replied that he would love to have some. She left him alone at the table to the cake table.

Sighing, he downed his drink, pushing the empty cup away from him. He tried, at least. It'll be better to ask her when he and her are alone.

I'll tell her at the Grand Galloping Gala, he thought.

Fluttershy came back with two plates, each a slice of cake on it. "Here," she said, handing it to him, along with a fork. "Want me to feed you?" She busted out laughing.

"Very funny," Noah muttered with amusement. Picking up his fork, he forked his slice of cake, eating it.

He couldn't wait for the Gala to tell her something. That something in his head that's been hanging by a thread.

Just as long as the Armada and their new members don't disrupt it.

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