• Published 4th May 2024
  • 193 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 27: Hearth's Warming Eve

Fluttershy flipped a pancake over with blueberries in it on the pan on the hot, red stove, with Hazel helping out by setting up the table, pouring grape juice in each cup, the two of them waiting for Noah so they could eat and head to Twilight's castle for the gift exchange.

Also, Fluttershy is taking Noah to see her parents once her friend puts the spell on him, for him to walk on clouds.

She looked out of her cottage window, seeing all the white, puffy snow, sparkling like glitter.

Winter, for the most part, is her favorite season, despite her animals are asleep at this time until Winter Wrap Up gets here - within several months from here.

Her pet bunny is outside, deep within his burrow. She wondered what he's dreaming about. Maybe carrots and lettuce.

The sound of hooves clomping down the steps got the two girls attention. Fluttershy smiled when she saw the Blue Ranger with a box wrapped up in yellow with pink butterflies, matching her symbols on her flanks.

He looked around, spotting other gifts on the counter. He set his down next to the others. He realized he hadn't gotten anything for Hazel, wondering how she'll feel about it.

Shrugging, he was sure that her friends got her gifts with her doing the same for them. Besides, each team is learning about each other, so it probably doesn't matter anyway.

Maybe I should tell Hazel first, he thought, thinking it was a good idea. "Hazel..."

"It's okay that you hadn't had time to get a present for me," she beat him to it with a kind grin. "Hearth's Warming Eve isn't about gifts."

He smiled in return. "Gee, that's good." He went over to Fluttershy. "Need any help?"

"I'm good. Are you excited for today?" She placed the last pancake on the pancake pile. Turning off the stove, she brought the plate over, placing it on the table where everyone can each grab a piece.

Noah sat down across from her. "Sure am," he said, offering himself two slices of pancakes, putting maple syrup on it, cutting the pancakes in bite size slices. "Though I couldn't wait to see your parents. What are they like?" He wanted to get in depth about those two, wanting to prepare himself for what's to come.

Finishing half her glass of her drink, she set her cup down. "They're like me - except for my little brother Zephyr Breeze. I'm not sure if he's coming over there because he has his own place." She got three pancakes onto her plate cutting them up before adding some syrup on hers.

He never knew she had a brother. "What is your brother like?" After he asked Fluttershy told him. "Wow," he commented with a blink. "He's nothing like your parents."

"I know. Rainbow doesn't like him too much because my brother is obsessed with her," she replied, eating her breakfast.

"Aww," Hazel gawked. "He has a crush on her. Cute."

"It does sound cute, but she has her eyes on somepony else named Soarin who is a Wonderbolt. She gets all blushy when she sees him. He is cute..." Fluttershy looked at Noah. "Though not as cute as you..."

"And you're pretty and cute," he returned gratefully, receiving flushed cheeks from her.

They finished their meals, then headed to Twilight's castle, where it was all decorated with Hearth's Warming Eve decorations.

Entering the castle, the three ponies - Noah and Fluttershy walking with Hazel flying - made their way to where their friends are at. At a nice holiday tree where all the presents are at.

They placed their presents with the others, joining their friends. Pinkie placed a party hat on Hazel and Fluttershy's heads. "You came at the nick of time for the holiday party." She then put a party hat on the Blue Ranger, covering his horn.

"Unless those uncouth henchponies and changelings don't ruin it," Rarity stated, levitating a cup of hot tea. "They hadn't attacked us in a small while, though I doubt they'll ever quit."

Mythic Diamond agreed. "Yes, I wouldn't want them to crash this party, despite having no other ponies here besides us."

"I told all the Ponyville ponies about my party," Pinkie shrugged, taking a cupcake off a plate. "They have their own plans." She popped the pastry in her mouth. "Doesn't matter anyway," she smiled otherwise.

"They probably went to see their families," Fluttershy theorized, helping herself to a tree shaped cookie.

"When can we open our gifts?"

"Cobalt," Ice scolded, leaning to his level. "Be patient." The colt put on a pouty face. "You have to wait," she told him, handing him a cup of cider that was warm to the touch when he took it.

Cobalt grumbled. "I hate waiting..."

"I know a way to pass the time." Zooming all around the room in a pink blur, Pinkie Pie began setting things up. "We can play games until it's time for the present exchange. We got Chess..." She went over to the chess board game. "...indoor bowling..." She rolled a small bowling ball, knocking a few pins down. "...Pin the Star on the Hearth's Warming Eve Tree..." Blindfolded, she stuck one of the stars on the tree, not getting close to the top of the tree. "We can also make crafts such as..." She went over to a table. "...creating our own ornaments..." Another table. "...cards with lots of pretty stuff to put on them..." She made a card with balloon stickers shaped as stars. "...we can make paper snowflakes..." She made a trio of different types of snowflakes, stretching them all out. "...popcorn chains..." Going over to another table, she strung some buttered popcorn, including putting some in her mouth. "...clay snow ponies..." She sculpted a clay pony to look like her. "We can even make more cookies." She went back over to the group. "By the time you occupy yourselves, you'll think you've started playing these activities. Sugar and I call for making more cookies!"

Sugar Cupcake let out a happy whinny. "I love baking." She went with the party pony.

"You guys wanna play indoor bowling?" Rainbow asked Applejack, Jake, Lightning Twister, and Orion.

The four of them replied with different answers.

"Sure thing, partner."

"I'll play."

"Bowling is one of my favorite sports."

"I played rock bowling. It should be the same as this type of bowling."

"Rock bowling?" Gia questioned, looking at the Silver Ranger.

"Rock bowling," he nodded. "We'll make pins out of rocks, sculpting them and use a round rock, the size of an actual bowling ball."

Dash blinked. "...okay... Well, this is normal bowling, pal." With a quick zoom, she went to where the bowling set up is at. "I get to play first!" The ones who said they'll play with her went over there.

"I'll be making some fine ornaments," Mythic decided, bouncing her mane like Rarity does. "Anyone want to join over to the ornament creating table?"

"I'll help you out. I know I made tons of them when I was a little child." Rarity went over to the table with the other unicorn. "Emma. Do you want to make ornaments?"

The Pink Ranger declined. "I'll be making paper snowflakes. Gia, you wanna create paper snowflakes?"

"I sure do," her best friend answered.

Hazel went up to them. "I'll like to create some, too..." After she joined the two Rangers, they went over to the paper snowflake creating table, cutting up papers upon papers, making snowflakes.

With them making snowflakes, while Rainbow, Lightning Twister, Orion, Jake, and Applejack play indoor bowling, Pinkie and Sugar Cupcake went into the kitchen baking more cookies, Troy, Twilight, Starlight, Cobalt, and Spike play Pin the Star on the Hearth's Warming Eve Tree, Mythic Diamond and Rarity coming up with their own ornaments to make, Ice and Lacy Lasso having fun making clay snow ponies, while Noah and Fluttershy decided to play Chess.

Fluttershy never played Chess. Thanks to the Blue Ranger, she was taught well. She even beat him at a few rounds - about five of them until he finally won at the seventh one.

They started playing the eighth round. Fluttershy went to use her first move, accidentally brushing the unicorn's arm.

Her face burned when she did it, though she wasn't the only one. Noah's face was red as hers. Adjusting his glasses, he moved his arm out of the way.

They took turns like all the other rounds they did. The shy pony touched her final piece. "Check..." She slid it across the board. "...mate." She knocked Noah's piece, a smirk on her lips. "I win," she happily declared, clapping her hooves together. "Wanna play again?" She leaned over to him.

He was about to answer when he was saved by the bell - from Pinkie Pie.

"Time to open the presents," she announced in a sing-song voice, the new batch of cookies on her head with Sugar Cupcake doing the same, except the plate is on her tail. The first two she went up to are, of course, Noah and Fluttershy. "Here ya go. Take a cookie and come to the tree." Tilting her head forward, she somehow managed to get two cookies off of the plate.

Receiving the cookies, the two of them joined their friends at the tree. Twilight was levitating all the presents. "This is for you, Flutters." She gave the present to her. "It's from Noah."

Tearing the paper, the yellow pony gasped. "It's the bracelet I wanted." She faced him. "I thought somepony else bought it."

"I was the one who bought it - for you," Noah answered, happy for how he surprised her with such a small gift.

Putting the bracelet on her, she smiled. "It fits perfectly." She flung her arms around him.

He was expecting something different, though it can wait for another time, unless it isn't too late.

His heart beat in his chest, returning the hug back to her. Both releasing, he tore up his present, his eyes bugging out to see a chemistry set in front of him.

Fluttershy turned her head away. "...do you like it...?" Her response came when she got a hug from him. Despite her friends all in the same area, she felt somewhat embarrassed.

Shaking the feeling away, she hugged him back for the second time.

Like him, she expected something else. Something more than a hug.

After everyone else opened their presents, they decided to go out to the frozen pond. Pinkie placed ice skates on the ground, lining up in a straight row.

Leaping into the air, she got her own skates on. "Who wants to go ice skating?" she practically screamed.

"I'll...I'll ice skate." Walking up to the ice skates, the Element of Kindness placed them on. With them on, she stepped onto the ice, one hoof at a time - until she fell on her stomach. "Oof," she let out with a grunt. She firmly planted the right skate down, pushing herself up to stand. "Whoa!" Letting out a yelp, she went flat like a pancake.

Each time she got up, she would end up falling down. Up, down, up, down, it doesn't seem she'll get it.

For like the twentieth time, she managed to stand, splaying out her legs. Picking up one of her front legs, she went to move forward when she slipped.

Seeing her struggle, the brainy Ranger put on the skates, going onto the ice. "Here, I'll help you out." Fluttershy placed a hoof on his, propping herself up. "It's like walking," he began teaching her, moving around her - walking - demonstrating how it's done. "You try." He skidded to a halt.

Lifting her front right leg, she added it by lifting her back left one. Placing them down, she moved herself forward, repeating the process with her left legs, the blades grazing on the ice, creating marks on the frozen up water.

Noah watched her, watching her skate.

He kept watching before joining her by her side, the two of them skating together. He doesn't care that his friends are watching from the sidelines. He halted, going in front of her for he gave her a hoof.

Almost bumping into him she managed to stop without falling, placing her skate up hoof on his.


Noah quickly pulled Fluttershy away from the incoming Element of Laughter, the two of them falling on their haunches. Pinkie skated past them, unseemingly to notice the two for her eyes are closed, doing tricks like spins.

Getting back up, they continued to skate. They made sure to watch out for the bubblegum pony.

In the snow, Gia was pelted by a snowball. Whipping her head around, her eyes pierced at Jake.

He shook his head, pointing in the air at Orion for he had a snowball in his hoof, throwing it at her. "Let's see if you can get me." A snowball was thrown back at him - in the face. "Puh." He spat some snow out of his mouth.

"Snowball fight!"

After Rainbow's declaration, the ones who are in the snow, began making snowballs, tossing them at each other. A few of them made snow piles to shield themselves from the incoming snowballs.

They went on. Jake was the one who got most of the snowballs. It was then he felt something on the back of his neck. "Snow under my sweatshirt, snow under my sweatshirt." He galloped around. "Cold, cold, cold!" He shook his whole body. "Cold, cold, cold- hey!"

Gia had pelted him in the back of the head, leaning against a snow covered up tree with icicles hanging from the branches. She sent him a 'come and get me' look, tossing another snowball on her hoof, catching it.

She released a playful scream, ducking out of the way. The snowball missed her by a mile, smacking onto the trunk of the tree. She tossed the one she had back at him.

He dodged out of the way. "Ha, you missed." He proudly smiled with closed, happy eyes. "Ow!" The Yellow Ranger nailed at him by tossing a snowball right in his chest.

Noah and Fluttershy went on with their skating, almost ignoring their friends. They're too focused on each other.

Way too focused, to be exact, because Pinkie accidentally rammed into the timid pony.

Fluttershy tried to stop, planting all four hooves, yet she kept on going. She hadn't stopped until she got a mound of snow, getting herself buried for her eyes showed through the snow.

The Blue Ranger came to the rescue, digging her out. "You okay?" Fluttershy nodded, her body shivering, hugging herself.

"S-So c-c-cold," she chattered, her teeth clattering together. "F-Freezing." She couldn't control her stuttering.

Noah brushed some snow off of her yellow fur. "Want some hot chocolate?" All he got was more teeth clattering.

Helping her up, they made their way into the castle. She was so cold, Fluttershy could hardly walk.

"Looks like you two need some warming up." A blast of magic came. Before they knew it, they were in the kitchen, sitting on stools at a counter. Twilight appeared in front of them, using her magic to make two mugs appear with hot chocolate, setting them down in front of her friends. "This will help," she stated after she offered them the hot cocoa.

"Th-Thank y-y-you, T-T-Twilight." Picking up her cup, Fluttershy lifted the rim up to her lips. Her arms shook, though she got some hot chocolate in her mouth, down her throat. The hot chocolate seemed to work, her body warming up. "Twilight," she suddenly remembered, her voice going back to normal. "I'm taking Noah to meet my parents; mind using the spell to get him to walk on clouds like us?"

"Sure," she happily applied, getting her own cup of hot chocolate. "Though you two have to ride in a hot air balloon since Noah cannot fly."

"We will."

The three of them finished the hot drinks, placing them in the sink for Spike to wash them. They went back outside, Twilight taking both Noah and Fluttershy to the hot air balloon owned by Cherry Berry.

Fluttershy got on first, giving some bits to the pink coated and blond haired pony. "He's with me," she told her, pointing at the brown coated unicorn.

The young stallion felt the magic invade him from the Element of Magic, feeling himself little light. He got into the basket of the balloon with the driver getting on with them.

Getting on, the owner of this hot air balloon untied the rope, the balloon lifting in the air. "Where do you two want to go?" she asked. Fluttershy told her the destination. "Got it," she affirmed, using the wind to steer them in the direction.

Looking down, Noah saw the town, passing by his friends. He waved at them, thinking they'll wave back.

They didn't since they're too busy messing around.

Shrugging it off, he admired the scenery. It was like Skyship, being the air, looking at the world below them.

Except for getting attacked by the Armada.

Fluttershy joined him, throwing her arms over the basket. The cold breeze blew some of her hair back. Tucking some of the loose strands behind one of her ears, she spoke. "I'm glad you're going to meet my parents. I normally would bring Rainbow Dash along since she's the one who can come with. I know Twilight would've come, but she's always doing princess-y stuff."

"I'm glad she put a spell on me so I can walk on clouds," he smiled in return, glancing at her with his eyes. "I want your parents to like me, though..." he hoped, feeling a pang of nervousness.

"No need to fret," she assured him, patting him on the back. "I told them everything about you." Her face went from yellow to a gentle tulip color. "Though, I hadn't told them about you saving me back in Canterlot, for I wanted to tell them when we get to their place."

Noah can only smile, gazing at the ponies down below, watching them play in the white, soft, powdery snow. The image of saving Fluttershy from a run away cart replayed in his head over and over like someone rewinding the event.

It made him want to tell his true feelings to her. However, when he does, he and his friends will end up going home once they get rid of their enemies, hoping they'll end up staying here for the rest of their lives.

Deep down, he knows by the time Tensou gets the invention finished, he'll have no choice but to go home, where he can never return back to this world.

He seriously doesn't want to leave this world, the reason why he hopes there'll be a way to stay here.

Part of him wants to tell his leader, yet he isn't sure if his leader would agree. Like Troy said, by the time Tensou gets the invention done, and all of them defeating the Armada, the changelings, the queen, Cozy Glow, and Grogar, Noah will have no choice but to go back home.

His thoughts broke away when he heard Fluttershy say, "We're here," in an excited, and also, cute voice. She flapped her wings, all four hooves inches away from the bottom part of the basket. Cherry Berry landed the balloon on the cloud, opening up the door for her passengers.

Fluttershy got off first, turning to the stallion. "Come on," she gestured, waving her hoof over.

Even though the Princess of Friendship used her magic to get this Ranger to walk on clouds, he hesitantly placed his right, front hoof down on the cloud, then the other, and the other, and the other, until he was a few inches away from the transportation balloon.

The cloud felt soft like a fluffy pillow. He wondered this is what Orion and Emma felt when walking on these clouds - joy. Well, Orion is staying at a Cloudominium with Rainbow, so there's that. Still, he couldn't believe he's on a cloud, feeling like a pegasus rather than a unicorn.

Their flight attendant shut the door. "What time do you want to be picked up?" Fluttershy gave her the time. "Got it," the earth pony confirmed, getting the balloon off the ground. Using the wind, she steered the balloon away, sending the two ponies a friendly wave.

With the balloon gone, the Blue Ranger looked at the house. It was lovely looking, and he noticed there are other houses, too.

This could be Cloudsdale, he had to guess, seeing houses, plus buildings. Not too far from where he's at, he saw the weather factory. Yep, definitely Cloudsdale.

The door of the house swung open. Noah saw two pegasi step outside. One was yellow with a raspberry colored mane and tail with curls, her eyes matching her hair. Her coat is a light yellow. She wore a gold pearl necklace, gold pearl flower earrings on her ears, and on her muzzle is a pair of lime green glasses.

The other one was a stallion, of course. His coat scheme is a pale, light malachite green, his eyes in the color of turquoise. He wore a blue sweater , with a hint of a white shirt underneath it

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