• Published 4th May 2024
  • 193 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 40: Gala Distruption

Vekar rolled around in his bed, bored out of his mind. He had seen the Gokaigers parting weeks ago. He'd made no attempt to send any henchmen during that time. No, he hadn't given the heroes a break. What kind of villain would do such a thing?

He wanted to look at the orb. However, at the same time, he doesn't want to. He's been watching them non stop. They do the same thing all the time. Go to the stupid school, hang out, whatever. He hated how the Blue Ranger is getting close to a pony who he assumed is Fluttershy, thanks to his youngest member of his team for telling him.

Blah! Even picturing those two made him want to gag, like when they were under that love curse.

At least they aren't being sappy with one another anymore.

He continued rolling on the mattress - until he landed on the floor.

"Eugh!" He was so bored out of mind, he cannot even think straight. "It'll be great for those heroes to go away," he talked to himself, standing back up. "Then I won't be bored. It's more fun when they lose."

He walked out of his room, passing by Levira who was caring something. Presumably the device she's continuing to build.

"No, it isn't ready," she turned around and answered, knowing what he's gonna say.

"I wasn't going to ask," he responded, going on his way to the Command Room. "Gee wiz, aliens these days," he grumbled, the doors sliding open, seeing Argus looking at the orb.

"Sire, I know where the heroes are at!" Argus proclaimed, stepping aside.

"Let me guess," he plain-spoken. "They're in Ponyville. Like always."

"No, they're somewhere else," his bodyguard told him. "I'm unsure where though..." He looked at the orb. "Grogar, you should tell us the place the orb is showing us."

"It's Canterlot," the old ram answered, dullness written all over him.

"And everyone is at the Grand Galloping Gala," the filly added, creating a face of disgust. "Ugh." She looks to be grossed out. "I'm happy I never had to be at the fancy party full of snooty, no good ponies."

"I have no idea what the 'Gala' is." Hearing her mention the party, she hadn't gone into full details about it, leaving the prince to scratch his head.

"It's a high class party run by Princess Celestia," she shortly explained, arms folded over her tiny chest.

"Oh," he understood. "Let's send our army there!" he then declared.

"I'll go with the army," Argus volunteered, stepping forward.

"Let me think. No." Vekar shook his head. "We can activate the machine to bring someone here - like a monster."

"I don't think so, Prince Vekar..." Damaras hesitated in full concern. "You have no idea on how to work the machine."

"So?" he retorted.

"So you have no idea on how to activate it," the warrior explained further. "It'll be better for- Vekar, get back here." He watched his leader leave the room, following him in the process.

Being a large sized stallion, Vekar's ears caught the sound of the golden coated pony. "You're following me," he said, turning his head around, his four legs still moving.

"I wanna make sure you don't do anything stupid involving Levira's machine."

"Like Argus?"

"Wha-? No."

"I'm activating the machine."


"I know how to work it!" the prince turned and hollered, extremely annoyed.

"Then let me watch in case something goes wrong," he responded, keeping his composure.

"Hmph, fine," Vekar huffed. He hates it when he gives in. "But you're watching," he reminded him.

"I know." Damaras rolled his eyes by the time his boss turned his direction away from him, then followed his highness.

They entered the room where the machine was when it brought the Gokaigers over to the pony world. It was on, like someone forgot to turn it off. The prince went up to the machine, finding the buttons and a lever.

He may have not paid attention to what the scientist did, but it doesn't mean he isn't dumb like his father stated. To him, the dumb one is his brother. He isn't an idiot like his brother, the one who holds the glory.

Lifting a hoof up, he began pressing the buttons. He pulled the lever.

Like last time, he covered his ears. The sound was unbearable. It beeped, lights going on and off.

When the machine quiet down, the doors opening.

There, stumbling out of the machine, came a monster the prince has never seen before.

The ponified monster is red and purple. One of his front legs and hooves has a silver color with two tendrils, as well as another two tendrils on his hip area. There was a thick tendril starting from his chest, hanging down real low behind his back, the end of it inches away from the floor. His other front hoof seemed to have claws, and there seems to be a fire colored coral from one of his arms up to one of his shoulders.

His mane and tail are purple and red, matching his body. His eyes gleamed a yellow type color.

He had no wings or a horn. He was a simple earth pony.

The new villain looked around. "What the heck!?" He saw himself in the mirror. "Why am I a horse!?" He faced the prince. "Who are you!?" he demanded, strolling up to him. "I was reeking havoc after the Gokaigers somehow disappeared!"

"Back off." Damaras came over, pushing him away from his boss. "You're a pony," he corrected.

"It's still a horse," the villain pointed out.

Damaras shifted on his hooves. "We know nothing between those two..."

"You need to get rid of over twelve ponies," Vekar bounced in. "Whoever you are, you're going to be sent to Canterlot with my army and the changelings. The Rangers, Power Ponies, the Elements of Harmony, a pony name Starlight Glimmer, a puny dragon, and- Wait a second. You know the Gokaigers? Never mind, I don't need an answer from a coral-like monster. Let's go."

He left the room with Damaras and the villain behind his tail.

With Levira busy, he sent the villain, his army, and a good amount of changelings to the Gala.

Fluttershy looked into Noah's eyes, waiting for what he had to say. She received sweating, worried that he's embarrassed for what he wanted to tell her. It wasn't gross sweating. It was a different kind of sweating.

Removing his eyes away from her, his face got all red. Noah needs to say it. If he doesn't, he'll regret it for the rest of his life when he and his friends return home, something he doesn't want to happen.

He shook his head, finding the words he wanted to say to her. "Fluttershy, I want to say is that-"

He was interrupted by the sound of rumbling.

Fluttershy's face turned red. "...sorry..." A sheepish smile came from her. "I think we should get something to eat."

"Haha," he laughed in return. "I think you're right, Fluttershy."

"Let's go back inside to the food table," Fluttershy said, getting up from her pillow. Her face went back to her normal color as she and Noah headed back into the ballroom.

They reached the food table. They each got a plate, plating the fancy type food on them.

Looking around, they both spotted an empty table. They went up to it, placing their plated up food on the table cloth in the color of red.

Eating his food, Noah spotted his leader and his plus one coming over to them.

"Sup, Noah," Troy greeted, with Emma by his side who had a drink with her, holding the cup with one of her wings. "Having a nice night?"

"Sure am," his teammate answered. "What about you two?"

"Having a blast," Emma beamed. "Troy is a great plus one." This got the Red Ranger to turn red as his Ranger helmet.

"Uh huh. Well, we'll leave you two alone." Turning away, he and Emma went the other way. He sent Noah a smile with the Blue Ranger doing the same.

Going back to his eating with Fluttershy, he saw Princess Celestia coming into the room with a glorious dress.

"Celestia!" Noah waved a hoof, and she came over. "I have to say, this Grand Galloping Gala is a great party," he commented.

"Why, thank you, Noah," Celestia appreciated with closed eyes. "I'm glad to see my little ponies having a great time."

"Let's hope nothing bad happens," the pegasus spoke up. "I still remember the last disruptions we had last time."

"Yes, dear Flutteshy. I remember those as plain as day," the Princess of the Day recalled. "As long as the Armada and the changelings don't ruin this fabulous night, we'll have a great party."

Just has she said that, something shot toward the table. Noah quickly recovered, going over to Fluttershy, checking to see if she's okay.

She was fine. Pieces of food were in her hair, but all in all, she was okay. "That came-"

"Hahaha!" Laughter, evil laughter, filled the party room. Celestia, Noah, and Fluttershy saw someone they didn't recognize. "Now, where are the supposed ponies? The ones I've been told about."

"Salamandam!" It was Marvelous, he and his team coming together. "How'd you get here?"

"My, my, my, I'm happy to see you," the unknown villain called Salamandam answered amused, ignoring Gokai Red's question.

"Well, we aren't," Luka fumed.

All around them, ponies screamed in terror. Noah spotted his team going to the Gokaigers. The others came, leading him and Fluttershy to join them.

"We'll say this one time - leave," Twilight ordered.

"Yes, whoever you are, you have no taste for the Ball," Rarity said.

"I am Salamandam," the evil one introduced to those who don't know him. "I've been sent by someone to get rid of all of you."

"That'll be Prince Vekar," Troy stated. "And no matter what, us heroes will destroy you." Due to the panicking ponies, trying to get away from the henchmen, they hadn't heard him say that.

"What a laugh!" Salamandam declared.

"You won't find this funny for long." The Red Ranger took out his morpher and key. "It's Morphin Time!"

"Super Mega Mode!" his team called out together, morphing first.

"Super Megaforce Red!"

"Super Megaforce Yellow!"

"Super Megaforce Green!"

"Super Megaforce Pink!"

"Super Megaforce Blue!"

"Super Megaforce Silver!"

"Let's Power Pony Up!" Next were the Power Ponies.

"Power of Energy - Mask Matterhorn!"

"Power of Beauty - Radiance!"

"Power of Forces of Nature - Zapp!"

"Power of Lightning Speed - Fili Second!"

"Power of Super Strength - Mistress Mare-velous!"

"Power of Fury - Saddle Rager!"

"Hum Drum!"

"Gokai Change!" Last, though not least, are the Gokaigers.

"Gokai Red!"

"Gokai Yellow!"

"Gokai Green!"

"Gokai Pink!"

"Gokai Blue!"

"Goooooookaiiii... Silver!"

"Earth defenders, never surrender!" Troy and his team declared.

"We are... The Power Ponies!" the next team shouted together.

"Kaizoku Sentai..." Marvelous began.

"Gokaiger!" the other Gokaigers ended.

"Try to defeat me!" the monster taunted.

"We'll take care of him." The Red Gokaiger pulled out his Gokai Saber. "The rest of you take care of the others."

"Got it," his counterpart confirmed, knowing what he was referring to. "Let's go, guys."

With the Gokaigers busy with the monster, everyone else battled the henchmen and changelings.

Using their Sabers, Blasters, and Spear, the Rangers helped the ponies and Spike, when the Rangers called something out.

"Legendary Battlizers!"

"Super Samurai Red Ranger!"

"Jungle Master Mode - Jungle Fury Yellow Ranger!"

"SWAT Mode - SPD Green Ranger!"

"Element of Wind - Pink Legend Warrior Ranger!"

"Wave Power - Ultra Megaforce Blue Ranger!"

"Super Megaforce Gold! Power Up!"

"Wow!" Rainbow was amazed, punching a changeling. "Cool!" She kicked an x-borg.

The Battlizers on them, the Rangers continued to fight, when Orion spotted three bruisers near the mare he encountered.

"Back off!" It was Lighting Dust, and from what the sixth Ranger saw, she was trying to not be afraid, except she was. "Get away, you knuckleheads!" she warned gratefully, the fear going away slightly.

Zooming towards her, Orion scooped her off the floor, whacking the bruisers with his Silver Spear that changed a little due to his next transformation he'd engulfed.

Scanning the area, he found the entrance of the room, setting her down back on the floor. "Are you okay?" he asked her.

"I'm fine." She checked herself to make sure. "Glad you whipped by. I would've flown away. Guess those ugly things caught me off guard." Her eyes went back onto him. "Thank you," she appreciated.

"You're welcome." Even though this girl couldn't see it, he couldn't stop himself from flushing. "You need to be somewhere safe," he advised, gently pushing her out of the exit door.

"Understood." Lightning Dust flew away, looking behind her. A smile formed on her lips.

Making sure she was out of sight, Orion went back in the fight.

With the Rangers, the Power Ponies, Starlight, the Elements of Harmony, and Spike busy helping the victims, the Gokaigers kept on fighting the monster they were dealing with, knowing they had a chance to finish him off.

"You Gokaigers don't stand a chance against me!" Salamandam laughed, unleashing his own moves.

"Think again!" Gokai Red proclaimed in return.

"Marvelous, let's use this power!" Gai took out a key.

"Good idea, pal." His leader and the rest took out a similar key like his.

"Gokai Change - Dairanger!"

"RyuuRanger! Heavenly Fire Star!"

"KirinRanger! Heavenly Time Star!"

"ShishiRanger! Heavenly Phantom Star!"

"HouhouRanger! Heavenly Wind Star!"

"TenmaRanger! Heavenly Gravity Star!"

"Howling New Star! KibaRanger!"

"The Five Stars, shining in the heavens! Gosei Sentai Dairanger!"

Five Stars? There are sixth Gokaigers, writer of the story.

I know, Pinkie Pie, except it's how it is.

I don't get it.

Sigh... Of course you don't...

The last bit should be changed.

No, it's how it said. Get back in the book.

Five Gokaigers pulled out their Dairen Rods, a different blade for each one - a Naginata for Marvelous, a Spear for Luka, a Sasumata for Don, a Monk's Spade for Joe, and a Flanged Mace for Ahim. Gai had the Byakkoshinken, or Byakko for short, which is an enchanted talking Saber.

They charged at the villain, slashing at him with their weapons.

"Double Dragon Swords!" The captain's weapon went from Naginata into Double Dragon Swords. Salamandam blocked his move, knocking him down in the process.

This didn't stop him. He got back up with ease, him and his team working together on fighting this guy.

Just as they're powers are dwindling, they hear the Rangers call something out. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Squadron!"

"Legendary Ranger Mode - White Mighty Morphin Ranger!"

Noah came up to Joe, who spoke. "Now I know what Squadron is. It's similar to the past Super Sentais, except we call it Dairanger."

"Like I mentioned, we do have powers that never existed," Noah stated. "Come on, we finished sweeping up the henchmen and the changelings; we just need to get rid of him," he said, and they all charged at the evil pony.

"Saba!" Orion called out, slashing at him.

"Byakko!" Gokai Silver copied the Ranger's move, helping him out.

"Gai, Orion, duck," Ahim gave the boys a heads up.

"Duck? I don't see a duck," Pinkie said, looking around for any signs of ducks.

"No, we mean watch out," Don exclaimed as the Gokaigers took out their next weapon. They look like discs from what the Rangers have.

"We have those, too," Jake said, and he and the others pulled out the same looking weapons.

"Good. Let's unleash our Dairinkens." Gokai Yellow looked at the Super Mega heroes. "It's what these discs are called," she told them. "We aren't sure what you call them."

"They look like bladed wheels to us," the Yellow Ranger shrugged.

"No matter what you call them, those puny weapons cannot hurt me! I can get away from those easily."

"Is that so?" Lacy replied to Salamandam's boasting, her lasso twirling. "Let's see you get away by being flung in the air."

Unable to have time to react, the loop went around him. Quickly, Applejack's counterpart whipped her rope up, commanding it to release him.

With him in the air, five of the Gokaigers and five of the Rangers launched their discs by placing them flat side, tapping them with their hooves.

One by one, the blades hit the pony monster.

He fell on the floor with a thud.

"You messed with the wrong people." He was kicked by Troy. Troy, his team, and the Asian ponies are back in their original spandex. They got out their previous weapons.

Five of the Rangers inserted their keys into the cylinders of their Blasters. "Super Mega Final Strike - Charge!" They slammed down the cylinders, their guns glowing with power.

"Super Mega Final Strike - Charge!" Orion inserted his personal key in his Spear that he transformed into Blaster Mode. It, too, glowed with power.

"Final Wave!" Five out of six Gokaigers inserted their own keys into their Gokai Sabers.

"Final Wave!" the Silver Gokaiger slipped his key into the slot of his own Spear.

"Super Mega Blast!"

"Super Spear Blaster!"

"Gokai Slash!"

"Gokai Shooting Star!"

The attacks came. First, five out of six Rangers pulled the trigger of their pistols. Then Orion pulled the trigger of his Spear Blaster Mode, the move causing him to do a backflip, having him up a few hooves off the ground. Next, are five of the Gokaigers, slashing their Sabers, and finally, Gai zoomed up in the air, wings spread out, throwing his trident from above.

The blows headed towards the evil being - the shots, the slashes, and the trident hit him hardcore. A painful groan erupted out of him when Gai's Gokai Spear went through him.

An explosion came. All there was left was a black, scuff mark where the villain once was.

Seeing the stallion turn into ash made the prince throw a fit. "No! No, no, no, no! Coral Pony got destroyed!" He kicked at a nearby wall, almost kicking Argus in the face. He couldn't believe it. "They defeated Salam-whatever he's called by the stupid ponies! It isn't fair. I wanna win. I wanna win!" He turned towards the doors. "Levira!" he screamed in pure rage. "Get over here!"

The green unicorn walked in, unhappy for she was interrupted when she was working. "Here, your highness," she flatly announced, a tad irritated by him.

"Make the new guy huge," Vekar ordered.

"New guy?" She had no idea what he's talking about.

"Yes, I used your dimwitted machine to transfer a monster here," he explained impatiently, like a toddler wanting his dessert at a restaurant.

She hung her head, her mane hiding half her face. "You should've come to me first, boss. I'll let this slide for tonight. Next time, come get me first."

"Grow him! Or else I'll do something I won't regret."

Shifting her eyes, she got the thing she needed to enlarge the monster she never saw. "Magma Beam!" She squeezed the trigger.

The ponies leaped back when they saw the beams struck through the building of the palace. The ashes vanished, Salamandam growing. He grew and grew. The ceiling broke, pieces falling on the ground.

The damage made a mess within the ballroom, much to Rarity's dismay. Her dress had bits of plaster on it. She shook her head.

Noah felt the pony of his dreams quivering behind him, eyes watching the monster when he was done growing completely. He also saw a ginormous hoof coming their way. In a quick movement, he shoved Fluttershy away. No risking her getting stomped on.

It was like he wanted to take the brunt when he felt himself being moved out of the way. It was Twilight, placing him with his team.

"You're going down!" Salamandam bellowed in rage.

"No we're not." Marvelous stepped up, bringing out his morpher, flipping it open. He pressed the buttons. "Gokai Galleon!" he summoned, and a similar red pirate ship came.

Troy's jaw was agape when he saw it, looking exactly like his Skyship Zord. This was a surprise to all of the Rangers and everyone else.

Ropes dropped down. Marvelous, Ahim, Joe, Don, and Luka, wrapped a hoof around each rope, being hoisted into the Zord.

Then each one called out their own Zords.

"Gokai Trailer!"

"Gokai Marine!

"Gokai Racer!"

"Gokai Jet!"

Everyone was in shock, seeing identical Zords like the Rangers have.

"Pirate Combination!" The Rangers' counterparts proclaimed together, their vehicle-like Zords piecing together like a puzzle. "GokaiOh! Full Sail Ahead!" In front of everyone is a Megazord.

"Wow!" Don exclaimed within the giant robot. "I wasn't sure if our Mechas would come here."

"Same. With our Kaizoku Gattai GokaiOh, we can bring this beast down," his leader nodded. "Gai," he then called from above, "call out your Mecha."

"Got it." Gai took out his morpher, along with a key. "Crossing over time, come to me, TimeRanger's Grand Power!" He placed the key in his morpher - the TimeFire key, much like what Orion does when calling his Zord with his Quantum Ranger key. He pressed the TimeFire Ranger button three times, then pressed the call button. He raised it to the sky. "GoZyuDrill - Launch!"

Half the ponies gasped, the others are wide eyed, seeing his Mecha coming over.

The wild Gokaiger spread his wings, entering into it. "Come forth, ZyuRanger's Grand Power!" He called out the next mode for his Mecha, slipping his DragonRanger key, similar to the Silver Ranger's Green Mighty Morphin Ranger key, into the slot, turning it. "GouJyuRex!" His Mecha transformed into a robotic T-Rex, wowing everyone on the floor, eyes watching. "Complete - GouJyuRex!" he proclaimed when the transformation is finished, the dino roaring loudly.

"No way!" Orion was astonished. "It's like one of my modes for my Zord."

"Hah!" The villain let out a chortle. "The puny Rex is no match for me!"

"Think again. GouJyu Laser!"

"Ack!" The mouth opened from the GouJyuRex, the thing shooting out a blue laser, hitting the monster in the face, who claimed out in pain. "Watch it, pony!" he seethed. "Let's hope you don't have a third mode," he wished, narrowing his eyes at the Gokaiger who made the move.

All the Silver Gokaiger can do is put on a smirk. "I sure do... " He took out the White Dino Thunder Ranger key, or in this case... "Come forth, AbaraRanger's Grand Power!" Sliding the key into the other one of the key slots, he twisted it. "GoZjuJin!" His third Mecha Mode came forth, transforming into a robot much like Orion's third mode of his own Megazord. "Complete - GoZyuJin!" Gai's Mecha finally finished forming.

"Eeee! This is exciting!" Pinkie declared, all hyped up, shaking Fluttershy like a rattle. Fluttershy's eyes rolled around when she was done being shook.

"Marvelous!" Troy shouted from below. "My team and I will summon our Zords."

"No need, dude," Gokai Red declined, eyes blaring from his visor. "We can take care of him."

"You sure?" Noah called up.

"We're sure," Joe spoke inside the GokaiOh with full confidence.

"You guys stay back; we got this." Marvelous' words seemed to work for the ponies and dragon backed up.

The monster broke down one of the walls with his humongous height, the Mechas following him. He made a move.

"Gokai Ken!" The swords of their Mecha made a move to block the attack, while at the same time, Gai slammed a drill into the monster's flank.

"Trident Mode!" Gai's GoZyuJin drill split into two, showing a blue arrow with electricity surging all over it, making a good blow.

Salamadam was knocked back. "No sparks can bring me down. No move will ever get rid of me!"

"Troy, should we help them?" Emma seemed worried.

"Trust them," he assured her. "Marvelous says they got this guy."

"Let's make this showy!" Captain Marvelous was saying, for he took out a key. Don, Joe, Ahim, and Luka went along with him.

"Ranger key - Set!"

Inserting their keys, they turned them. The Gokai Marine, Gokai Trailer, Gokai Jet, and Gokai Racer opened up, the front part of the Mecha turning into something else.

Jake's jaw dropped to the floor - literally, when he saw it transform into...

"Complete - Deka GokaiOh!" Gokaigers within the new transformed Mecha declared in usion.

"It looks like the Legendary SPD Megazord," the Green Ranger earth pony exclaimed, wide eyed.

"They have such similar powers like we do," Gia had to agree.

"Well, I was told that they have powers before Mighty Morphin."

"Seriously?" Orion looked at the brainiac.

Noah nodded. "Seriously. I have no idea what they are, though," he shrugged.

The alien Ranger nodded back, until he felt someone watching him. He turned to face the area where he was being looked at.

When he did, whoever it was, was gone. Dash noticed. "You okay, Orion?"

"I'm fine." He looked back. Nopony there. He could've sworn someone was watching. Watching him. It was like he was the only one who felt it. When he turned his head for the second time, he saw the mare he saved. The same turquoise fur colored, amber maned pegasus mare, peeking her head around the doorway.

He waved a hoof, gesturing for her to leave. She could only smile, flying away. Not before she gave him a wink.

He arched a brow, wondering why Lightning Dust did such a movement with one of her eyes. His full covered helmet hid the redness that's been forming on his face.

"Let's do the finisher!" Orion whipped his head back into place, hearing Troy's counterpart. In the GokaiOh, the five Gokaigers took out their DekaRanger keys.

"Ranger key - Set!" They put the keys in the slots. They turned them. "Let's Go! Gokai Full Blast!"

The attack came, the open parts of the jet, racer, trailer, and marine, shooting out bullets, hitting the target.

"My turn," everyone heard Gai partake. He took out the keys he used previously, slipping them into each slot, turning them. "GouZyu Triple Drill Dream!"

"Aaaaggghhh!" Salamandam let out a scream. "No! Noooo! This cannot be!"

Everyone watched as he fell on his back, blowing up into bits.

They all cheered at the Asian heros, stomping their front hooves on the ground.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Rarity clapped her hooves. "Such a fine job, darlings."

The Gokaigers got out of their Mechas, rejoining the group. "See? Told you guys we can handle it," the red one said with full pride.

"Gokaigers." Celestia flew in. "Thank you very much." Ever since she's got the letter from her pupil, she's been wanting to meet the Rangers' counterparts. But with her greeting the ponies before the disaster, she thought she wouldn't be able to meet them in pony. "All of us are thankful. You even proved your friends about handling whoever that was."

"Thank you," Joe was the first to respond to her praise for him and his Gokaiger team. "You must be Princess Celestia," he assumed correctly.

The princess giggled. "Yes, though you are welcome to call me Celestia."

"Well, then thank you, Celestia. I'm Joe by the way."






"I know, I know. Twilight even put your names on the letter I got about you."

Noah took a good look at the ballroom. "Gee, we're really sorry for the wreckage of your castle," he apologized deeply.

"We'll help you fix it up," Troy offered.

"No need." Celestia shook her head in decline. "You all saved us from those prince's henchmen and the changelings. Besides, it looks like the Gala is over. You may all go. My royal guards can fix this up."

They smiled, walking out of the room, and out of the palace of Canterlot.

Ponies burst into cheers by the time they got outside. They hooted loudly, receiving thankful smiles. The Cutie Mark Crusaders ran to the Rangers, Power Ponies, and also the Gokaigers. The little girls gave them hugs.

It wasn't just them, other children who attended the Gala, ran up to them, also. A colt ran up to the Blue Ranger. Instead of a hug, he picked his hoof up.

Getting the message, Noah gave him a hoof bump. It exited the young pony.

Fluttershy smiled at Noah, him returning the same feeling, her cheeks feeling warm.

Up in the sky, Lightning Dust watched in flight. Dust watched the heroes leave to the train station after all the congratulating from the other people. More importantly, watching the Silver Ranger, until she left in a burst of speed.

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