• Published 4th May 2024
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Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 46: Saving Equestria

The new Rangers got to the center of Ponyville, seeing mares, stallions, fillies, and colts getting away from a lot of the gray and blue goons.

X-borgs blasted their staffs, bruisers damaging a lot of property.

Ponies scattered from left to right.

Twilight, seeing that no other pony is watching, took out her morpher and key. "It's Friendship Time!"

"Super Mega Mode!" The others followed her lead.

Inserting their keys, they turned them in the slots of their morphers.

"Super Megaforce Red!" Twilight began the roll call, blasting a beam in the air.

"Super Megaforce Yellow!" Fluttershy shouted as loud as she could, the fear of being lousy gone away.

"Super Megaforce Green!" Applejack went next, throwing her back legs out.

"Super Megaforce Pink!" Pinkie Pie declared, adding a giggle to it.

"Super Megaforce Blue!" Rarity chimed in, flipping her head like she was tossing her elegant hair around.

"Super Megaforce Silver!" Rainbow Dash hollered, doing loop-de-loops, landing back down, wings spread out.

"We're friends forever, we work together! We'll never back down!" they all finished.

Blinking behind her silver helmet, the Wonderbolt had a proud smile. "Whoa, check me out."

The fashioned unicorn admired herself. "My, my, my, I look quite good in this outfit."

"Yee-haw!" The cowgirl reared up, swinging her front legs in the air. "We got Ranger powers."

"Look at mine, look at mine," the party one squealed, jumping around in her Pink Ranger spandex.

Looking at herself, the shy one couldn't believe she transformed into a yellow hero. The yellow color matched her fur, just like how the pink one matched the pink one's fur.

Drawing out her Saber, the new Red Ranger held the handle with her magic. "Girls, we can talk about being new Rangers another time. It's time to get rid of these fools."

The others took out their Sabers, with Dash taking out her Super Silver Spear.

"This is gonna be awesome!" She gripped the handle of her weapon of choice.


At the alicorn's holler, all six of them barged towards the soldiers, yelling.

They saw them coming their way, stopping at what they were doing. Ponies, seeing the Rangers, unaware it's the Elements of Harmony, went to seek cover to keep themselves out of their way.

Weapons with them, the holders of the Elements began battling the x-borgs and bruisers.

Twilight slashed at three x-borgs with her sword, along with blasting one that's in the sky. Rarity fought elegantly with her fighting skills. Slicing and shooting at the incoming gray ponies.

Pinkie, being all giggly, helped her cousin by blasting the baddies in their faces. Her cousin will use her Saber to fling them in the air, turn - and shoot out one of her hind legs with a mighty kick.

The kick sent the bruisers into the night sky where Rainbow and Fluttershy are at.

The two pegasi whipped them with their Saber and Spear. The one who thought she was going to be a lousy Ranger, was doing a decent job helping her friend she met at Flight Camp back when she was a little girl.

It was all thanks to her for her quick moves, returning the help to her shy friend. She swung her trident like it was a baseball bat, blue streaks hitting those nasty blue things.

With half of them defeated, the two flying equines joined back with the group. The other half of the x-borgs stood several hooves away from them, ready.

"Okay, girls," Twilight spoke within her helmet, taking out a different key. "We need to change things up."

"Yeah!" the others proclaimed. They pulled out the keys they needed. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Zeo!"

"Red Zeo Ranger!"

"Yellow Zeo Ranger!"

"Green Zeo Ranger!"

"Pink Zeo Ranger!"

"Blue Zeo Ranger!"

"Gold Ranger Power!"

"Power Rangers Zeo!"

With different Ranger powers, they all pulled out their Legendary weapons - the Shield, Power Clubs, Power Tonfas, Power Axes, Battle Sword, and the Golden Power Staff.

Levitating and holding their weapons, they barged towards the x-borgs. The princess used her Battle Sword, also known as the Power Sword, to knock down some x-borgs.

All in laughter, the bubble gum colored pony is using her Shield, known as the Disc to block attacks, sending back to them. Pinkie even tossed it like it was a frisbee. Her friends rather keep their mouths closed, unknowing if her weapon is throw-able or not.

The Power Clubs gave the animal lover a lot of confidence. The Clubs are attached to a chain, acting like nunchakus. She smacked the x-borgs coming her way, with Applejack handling her own set of x-borgs with her Power Axes, smacking them in the side of their heads with it; Rarity doing the same with her Power Tonfas.

"Golden Power Staff!" Yelling, the speedster whacked a few x-borgs.

The girls fought, battling x-borg after x-borg, forcing them on the ground.

It was then Twilight took out another key. "Let's use this, girls."

"Oh boy, oh boy." Hopping like a bunny, the hyper equine followed along with the others.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - S.P.D.! S.P.D. Emergency!"

"S.P.D. Red Ranger!"

"S.P.D. Yellow Ranger!"

"S.P.D. Green Ranger!"

"S.P.D. Pink Ranger!"

"S.P.D. Blue Ranger!"

"S.P.D. Shadow Ranger!"

"Rangers ready! Space Patrol Delta, Defenders of Equestria!"

New weapons at hoof, they continued on. Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity used their Deltamax Strikers, while Twilight is using her Delta Blasters, leaving Rainbow with her Shadow Saber.

Shooting at the x-borgs, Dash swiped them away like used junk. Clearly these duds are junks - for attacking their home.

While the five remaining colorful ponies fought, the brash pegasus decided to retrieve a different key. It's another S.P.D. key, though this time it's...

"S.P.D. Omega Ranger!" Morphing into a different S.P.D. Ranger, she took out a different weapon. "Omega Morpher - Hyper Mode!"

The move allowed her to slow down time, letting her zoom all over the place, giving her friends lots of help.

Releasing this attack, she made another one. First she went up as high as she could go, then plummeted down to the ground, shouting, "Electro Mode!"

She slammed it on the dirt, creating a lightning strike attack.

It shocked the x-borgs, leaving them vulnerable.

"Finish them off so we can go save the rest of the locations."

"You got it, R.D.," Twilight replied. "S.P.D. Delta Blasters - Locked!"

"S.P.D. Deltamax - Fire!" The other four fired their Deltamaxes.

The final move went towards the x-borgs, for they blew up like bombs.

The girls cheered, until more x-borgs came out of nowhere.

They hadn't had time to react or do anything when they got shot.

A yell came from all six of them, each landing hard on the ground.

It got them out of Legendary Mode.

Fluttershy, being all furious, stood up. "You...big...du-"

She was cut off when a blast hit her in the chest, hitting the side of her body.

Her friends cried in alarm with full worry.

She was about to shoot the x-borg who did this to her when something else blasted at it.

Facing the direction on where it came from, they all saw Rangers, as well as the Power Ponies.

Even Starlight Glimmer and Spike were with them.

The blast came from Noah, who helped Fluttershy up. "You okay?"

"I'm okay." She got on her hooves. "How did you get better? You all were so..."

"Starlight used a healing spell on us," he explained. "Oh, and we also explained to Gosei about the Elements being destroyed by King Sombra because he thought it'll be a good idea to use them," he added, the two joining up with their team.

"You did?" Twilight inquired, blasting her Blaster at the x-borgs.

"Yes, and Tensou is making something right now for you girls," Troy replied, referring to the princess and the rest of the Elements of Harmony. "He has completed the device to bring my friends and I back on earth after we finish up this battle."

Hearing this made Noah and Fluttershy nervous. When they get separated, they'll never see each other again.

But there isn't time to think about it. They all had to finish these guys when Troy took out his morpher that Twilight and her friends had never seen before. Even Starlight joined him, Jake, Gia, Emma, and Noah, while Orion brought out a key.

"It's Morphin Time! Go, Go Megaforce!" the five Rangers, excluding Orion, with Starlight joining them after placing their cards in their morphers that looked like Gosei, closing in on them, shouted out loud.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Robo Knight!" the Silver Ranger called out, placing a Legendary key in his personal morpher, placed the lid down, pressing the face of the robot Ranger button.

"Gokai Change!" the Gokaigers declared.

"Let's Power Pony Up!" Ice Crystal called out.

"Fury of the Dragon - Megaforce Red!"

"Flames of the Phoenix - Megaforce Pink!"

"Claw of the Tiger - Megaforce Yellow!"

"Venom of the Snake - Megaforce Black!"

"Bite of the Shark - Megaforce Blue!"

"Power of the Ursa Major - Megaforce Lilac!"

"Gokai Red!"

"Gokai Yellow!"

"Gokai Green!"

"Gokai Pink!"

"Gokai Blue!"


"Power of Energy - Mask Matterhorn

"Power of Beauty - Radiance!"

"Power of Forces of Nature - Zapp!"

"Power of Lightning Speed - Fili Second!"

"Power of Super Strength - Mistress Mare-velous!"

"Power of Fury - Saddle Rager!"

"Hum Drum!"

"Earth defenders..." Troy started to say.

"...and Equestrian helper..." Starlight added, using her own phrase.

"Never surrender!" The six of them declared together.

"Robo Knight - Protector of the Environment, Guardian of the Earth!" Orion stated his leader's missing friend's catch phrase.

"We are... The Power Ponies!" Ice and her team declared.

"Kaizoku Sentai..." Marvelous began.

"Gokaiger!" the rest of his team finished.

"Come on, everyone, let's bring these tinheads down and help the others," the Red Ranger said, pulling what looks to be his original weapon. "Dragon Sword!"

The rest of the Mega Rangers followed suit.

"Phoenix Shot!"

"Tiger Claw!"

"Snake Axe!"

"Shark Bowgun!"

"Ursa Major Staff!"

"Robo Blaster - Blade Mode!"

Weapons ready, as well as the Gokaigers', every single pony rushed towards henchmen, using their own assaults.

Twilight helped Troy who slashed at the x-borgs, while Starlight used her Staff, knocking them down to the ground. Orion was in the sky with Rainbow, swinging his Robo Blaster in Blade Mode to hit the flying x-borgs towards her who switched her Spear into Blaster Mode, shooting at them. Lightning Twister used her trusty lightning bolt to strike lightning at the incoming gray ponies. Gai kept his weapon in Gokai Spear Mode, striking hard at the soaring henchponies.

Captain Marvelous, Ahim, Ice Crystal, and Cobalt, along with the tween dragon, made different assaults. The captain shot at the x-borgs with his Gokai Gun, while Ahim shot them, too. Spike blew out fire, Cobalt punched one at a time. Ice used her powerful horn to create a frozen layout, making the x-borgs fall and get hit in the faces with powerful beams.

Don and Luka are with Lacy, who used her lasso and Hooferangs, with those two using their Gokai Sabers.

Sugar Cupcake, Joe, and Hazel gave them a hoof. Joe shot and slashed up the henchmen. Pinkie's counterpart smashed them with cupcakes, while the opposite of her grew huge with anger, stomping on them.

Pinkie was with Jake, the two working together. With hard blows, the Green now Black Ranger, struck his targets, letting the happy pony whacked them with her Saber, laughing.

Gia with A.J. by her side are dealing with henchmen of their own. Gia attacked them with her Tiger Claw. A.J. blasted at them. Mythic Diamond hit them with one of her beauty products.

Emma and Rarity worked together. They seem to take turns - the Megaforce Pink Ranger using her weapon to shoot at the x-borgs, having Rarity use both Saber and Blaster on them.

Meanwhile, Noah was with Fluttershy, using his Shark Bowgun, shooting blue shots at the tinheads, which leaves Fluttershy more confident than ever, dicing them up like no tomorrow.

They attacked, not stopping whatsoever. Wanting to take each x-borg to the floor. Wanting them to be gone.

When they're stunned from all the blows, they regroup. "Let's finish these guys up," Troy proclaimed.

Putting their weapons together - the Dragon Sword, the Ursa Major Staff, the Shark Bowgun, the Tiger Claw, the Phoenix Shot, and the Snake Axe - into one weapon, Troy, Emma, Starlight, Jake, Gia, and Noah, took out the cards they needed.

"Sky Power...!" The two Rangers who have the sky cards, placed them on their weapons. "...Energized!"

"Major Power...!" The new Megaforce Ranger placed her own personal card - an Ursa Major - on her Staff. "...Energized!"

"Land Power...!" Next was Jake and his crush, placing their cards on their weapons. "...Energized!"

"Sea Power...!" The nerd placed his card on his weapon. "...Energized!"

"Vulcan Cannon...!" Orion placed a Legendary card of the Vulcan Cannon in Troy's friend's morpher, attached to the Robo Blaster, pressing several buttons, getting the item he needs. "Vulcan Cannon - Set!" After retrieving the Cannon, he placed it within the Blaster.

"Super Mega Sabers - Charging!" After placing their keys in the cylinders, Twilight and the ones who have the Sabers, glowed with energy.

"Final Wave!" The Red, Blue, Green, Pink, and Yellow Gokaigers charged up their own swords.

Gai inserted his Gokai Spear that's in Gun Mode this time. "Final Wave!" he joined in.

"Super Mega Final Strike - Charge! Final Strike!" The trident glowed once R.D. inserted and twisted her key.

"Megaforce Blaster - Ready! Dynamic Victory Charge!"

"Knight Dynamic - Fire!"

"Final Strike!"

"Super Slash!"

"Gokai Supernova!"

"Super Silver Spear!"

Their attacks came at once. First the Megaforce Blaster went first, then the powerful shot from the Vulcan Cannon, the Sabers, the blast from the Gokai Gun, and, though not least, Rainbow flying up to the sky, heaving her Spear at the x-borgs.

Each attack hit them, blowing them up.

With them gone, Troy called his mentor. "Tensou, we finished up the x-borgs here, please teleport us to the next location, where Pinkie's family lives."

"Got it," the little bot's voice chirped, and all of them got sent to the next location.

"What?!" Picking something off the floor, the evil prince threw it, barely missing the filly's head. They had returned from Tartarus to send x-borgs, bruisers, and the leftover changelings once they arrived at the Armada ship. "The Elements of Harmony got the Rangers' powers!? That Starlight Glimmer has Ranger powers, too!? They destroyed my henchmen in Ponyland-"

"Ponyville," both out of three of his generals corrected in a shout together.

"Whatever! I can call any place I want," he talked back, slamming the orb away from him. Grogar caught it before it hit the floor, sending him an angry glance. "At least I sent a lot of my army in the pathetic pony world to destroy each land. Those disgusting Rangers and no one will ever take down my army for being in different places."

"Sire...you do realize they got transferred to another area."

Getting this from the warrior, the prince slumped in his chair. His hooves slipped down his face. He hadn't forgotten after seeing the colorful heroes vanished.

A frustrated sigh escaped from him. Staring at the ceiling, he had an idea. "If they reach Canterlot, I'll send one of you down there."

"What if they send them here?" From the look he saw, it was the first time the royal prince saw the young villain petrified. "I don't want to go to Tartarus again."

"You were there?"

She nodded, telling them about it. She also told them about being pen pals with Tirek.

On the other hoof, the prince seemed to lack caring. All he cares about is getting rid of those annoying ponies.

Yanking the orb from the ram, he set it in front of him, too see the heroes fighting the next set of x-borgs and bruisers at a farm with rocks.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Operation Overdrive! Overdrive Accelerate!"

Twilight, along with the others, morphed into a new mode.

"Operation Red Ranger!"

"Operation Yellow Ranger!"

"Operation Black Ranger!"

"Operation Pink Ranger!"

"Operation Blue Ranger!"

"Mercury Ranger!"

"Call to Adventure! Power Rangers Operation Overdrive!"

Operation Overdrive weapons in use, they joined the rest. The princess used her Drive Lance, using the Revline Strike attack, with Troy, who pulled out a key to lend her a hoof.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Dragon Power! Blitz Red Ranger!" In a flash of red, his original outfit switched into a new one. With no wings, he jumped in the air; a dragon appeared from behind him, going back to the ground, destroying a lot of bruisers in the way with one slash of no weapon of any kind.

Marvelous, seeing his counterpart in a new mode, switched into a new one, too. "Gokai Change - Sun Vulcan! VulEagle!" He admitted the Eagle Fire, a firing strike with his Vulcan Stick.

Everyone, excluding the Gokaigers, including the Pie Family, are astonished when they saw the captain switch into a mode that none of the Rangers have.

The mom of the one who bears Laughter, questioned the Super Megaforce Red Ranger, unaware it's Twilight on why the other ponies have the same pirate-like outfits like her and her friends, while the rest don't.

They have heard about the Super Megaforce Rangers and the Power Ponies, except they never heard of the other heroes.

They never knew the Super Mega Rangers, excluding Orion, that they are also Mega Rangers before getting Super Megaforce powers.

It got Twilight thinking. The Gokaigers had not yet been in the newspaper like the Rangers and the Power Ponies.

Not only that, but with her, along with the rest of the Elements of Harmony, and Starlight being Rangers, it might be the one time they'll have these powers.

She wanted to tell the mom, except she and her friends have a job to finish.

The Apple girl used her Drive Slammer, slamming it hard on the ground, creating an opening crack on the ground. X-borgs and bruisers fell within the opening, rocks going with them, the ground went back together, and she twirled her weapon like a baton at a parade.

Gia switched into a different outfit. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Supersonic Mode Yellow! Supersonic Flute!"

The flute weapon contained a sunny colored ribbon for she used it to wrap around several x-borgs with Lacy using her lasso to help her out.

"Sonar Blaster!" Her flute went into Blaster Mode, shooting at them.

Luka was busy fighting the x-borgs when she took out a key. "Gokai Change - Denziman! DenziYellow! Denzi Fists!" Her white gloves have been replaced by metal hoof fists, doing the hammer punch.

Rarity, her Drive Vortex in her hoof, blew the enemies away with such great force once they got sprayed by perfume her counterpart conjured.

Ahim went from Gokai Pink to...

"Gokai Change - Goggle Five! GogglePink! Pink Ribbon!"

Calling out a new Sentai Mode, she got out her weapon, much like Emma's best friend's ribbon, only pink, using it on the enemies.

An x-borg went towards one of the Pie Sisters, for it was stopped by the pink pony's Drive Geyser with a liquefied blast.

The Pink Megaforce Ranger shot at a bruiser with her Phoenix Shot, giving her enough time to transform into a different Ranger.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Prism Mode Green!" In a flash, her outfit went from pink to green. "Prism Gauntlets - Activate!" Power punches from her green Gauntlets made multiple strikes. "Prism...Punch!" The final punch got rid of the bruiser, this time punching a new one.

Sugar blinded three bruisers with chocolate cake. First she tapped them, made them look behind them, zoomed in front of them, and - splat! - covered their faces with the dark brown dessert.

While they struggled to get the icing out of their eyes, they failed to notice Jake and Don going into a new mode.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Blitz Mode Black!"

"Gokai Change - Bioman! GreenTwo!"

In their new forms, the two earth pony stallions worked together. "Griffon Magma Galaxy!" Rearing up, the Black Ranger in Blitz Mode called out the attack, stabbing his front hooves on the ground, fire spurting from between it after cracking it open, getting the x-borgs.

Next, Gokai Green came in, yelling, "Break Action!" He did a body attack on them.

Not too far from them, x-borgs are being beaten up by Drive Detector wielded by Dash, who has it in Lance Mode.

Lightning Twister conjured a tornado, vacuuming up the x-borgs, trapping them in it.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Operation Overdrive! Sentinel Knight! Power Kick!" Going from Robo Knight to Sentinel Knight, Orion's legs turned golden as he went higher in the air, stopped time and, closing his wings, went straight down, back first, his back legs pulled back, aiming towards the dizzy pegasi x-borgs, giving them a triple powered kick.

He reopened his wings, watching them get flung away. He gave Twister and Dash hoof bumps before going back in the fight.

Gai wasn't too far from them, making arcs with his Gokai Spear before pulling out a key. "Gokai Change - TimeFire!" he said. "DV Defender - Defender Gun!" Using his weapon, he shot at the soaring x-borgs he'd already struck at with his previous weapon.

Down below, Spike and Cobalt are helping Starlight. The dragon blew his dragon breath, the colt kicking at the scorched bruiser, Twilight's pupil using her Staff by shooting out a beam from it.

An angry roar came from Hazel, growing large, her outfit ripping from her bulging muscles. She went up, slamming back down, the x-borgs fearing her gigantic size.

They scurried off, being stopped by Noah's counterpart.

Smirking, Joe brought out a key. "Gokai Change - Battle Fever J! Battle France!" He morphed into a different Sentai Mode. "Command Bat - Fencing Sword!"

The Command Bat switched into a Fencing Sword. He used it to take them down.

Going back to normal size, the Power Pony went up to him, the two giving what looked to be...loving smiles, until they went back to business.

Rocks are being pelted at the x-borgs from Fluttershy, for she scooped them up with her Drive Claws to dig them off the ground. Dirt flew towards them, too, hitting them.

Noah, seeing the bruisers being hit by dirt and rocks, got out a key. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Lightning Mode Blue!" After calling out the mode, his Shark Ranger form went into a Legendary power one. In fact, it's one of those new Ranger powers no one has ever heard on earth. Er, Equestria to be more exact. "Lightning Rods!" The Rods in each hoof, he lifted then skyward into an X letter. "Lightning Slash!" He pulled down the Rods, the X being made, doing the attack on one of the bruisers. He did the attack a few more times.

All battered up, the henchmen - all of them - exploded with no final attacks.

"Tensou, Crystal Empire."

"You got it, Troy."

The Pie Family cheered when they all vibrated away. Well, the sisters, at least.

"Let's clean up this mess," Igneous Rock Pie gruffed, getting groans from his daughters as they went to work.

The Rangers, Starlight, Spike, the Elements of Harmony, the Power Ponies, and the Gokaigers arrived at the Crystal Empire.

Behind their helmets, both Gokaigers and Rangers, are wondering why the ponies' coats in this place are crystalized.

The Power Ponies have the same question in mind.

No time for answers. It's time to get rid of the changelings.

They fought the changelings until those creeps transformed to look like them, making it difficult for everypony.

Troy almost blunted Twilight with his Dragon Sword, for example.

Gia aimed her Blaster at someone.

"Real me, real me!" The pony cried out frantically.

"Sorry, Jake," she apologized, face turning red with embarrassment, but at the same time, something else.

She went back to fighting, being extra careful not to go after her real teammates.

"Flurry Heart!" A scream was heard, for everyone saw a changeling holding a baby alicorn.

"Mama!" Flurry reached for her, for she was held up by her tail.

The scream came from what looks to be the mom of the infant. The Rangers, Gokaigers, and the Power Ponies, believed the mom to be Cadence, while the stallion she's next to is Shining Armor.

Her dad hollered at the changeling. "Give her back - now!" All he received was a snicker. "Give our daughter back!" He repeated his order.

Jake took out his Blaster, placing a snake head on the end of it. "Snake Blast!" He shot at it, forcing it to release the foal.

Getting the foal, Emma carried her to the royal parents. "My friends and I believe she belongs to you," she politely said, giving the crying baby to the mom.

"Thank you," the mom returned the same manner.

While both parents consoled their daughter, one of the heroes glared at the changelings who are back to being changelings. "You're attacking babies, too?!" the Black Ranger screamed in fury. "Are you kidding me?!"

Again, a snicker came from the one who got a hold of the baby princess.

Not wasting any time, the heroes finished the changelings.

The crystal ponies cheered for them.

Troy spoke into his morpher. "Peaks of Peril."

"Sure thing," Gosei's assistant squeaked.

The ponies of the Crystal city continued cheering after they vanished.

Peaks of Peril wasn't too bad for Autumn Blaze and her friends decided to help out, changing into niriks to give helping hooves to the ponies and dragon, saving them from the x-borgs.

This surprised Troy and his friends, including the Power Ponies, and the Gokaigers while they fought, seeing the kirins' coat turn a jet black with white glowing eyes, flames around them, their manes and tails flickering with flames; hooves also in flames, along with sharp fangs.

Applejack and Fluttershy explained, while keeping up with their friends, that kirins can turn into niriks when they get mad, all fire-y and vengeance.

Not only that, but they also learned that kirins are basically ponies with dragon scales on their backs and the front part of their faces, along what looks to be a magical like horn of a unicorn; their manes looking like a lion's for the way it looks, a good tailbone with hair growing at underneath it, green at the tips of their hooves.

However, Noah saw how ticked these hybrid creatures are for having their home destroyed.

In fact, it doesn't take long to bring the x-borgs down for the help the Rangers, Power Ponies, the Elements of Harmony, Spike, the Gokaigers, and Starlight Glimmer are having with the interesting species before going to the next location.

Okay, readers, listen up. Everybody got their ears open? What about you, sir? Hey, put your phone away. I have something important to say. I want to let you all- Put the phone away! Thank you. As you can tell, I am breaking the fourth wall for like... Boy, I don't remember how many times I have done this. Oh well. It's not important. What is important is that the author doesn't want to waste her time in completing this book because she wants to get this story done. We saved Mount Aris - again - and helped Starlight Glimmer's village. There are also places the writer never mentioned. It isn't due to laziness. It's because there's too many places for her to put into words.

As you can see, all of us are in Canterlot, saving the rich ponies from harm. The Mega Rangers are still in their original outfits, Starlight in hers, my friends and I are in Legendary Ranger Mode of Mystic Force, Orion is still being Robo Knight. Yes, we saved Shireville. Dashie wished the x-borgs destroyed her arch nemesis, except Orion won't allow it to happen.

You all should've seen him when he rescued Lighting Dust with his awesome moves. Of course, the Washout already knew who he was when she heard his voice.

I must say, those two will make a great couple even though the alien isn't sure if they're a thing or not. I mean, come on! He gave her his bracelet. Clearly they are an item unless it's a slow progress. I saw Dust's face turn red when she saw him, and I know Orion did the same thing.

It was cute, romantic, and-

"Pinkie, quit talking to yourself and give us a hoof," Rainbow shouted, using her Wolf Warrior Saber to knock down the x-borgs. "Knight Power Strike!" An electrical ball came from the eye of the Shield of Light, for she whacked it towards them.

Pinkie joined in the fight with her Mystic powers.

Watching his army being destroyed was starting to make this evil highness angry. Sure, Levira can create more when they get back to earth since they are now running out of them, but what is more of the main thing for him is for all good guys to be gone - demolished.

"Argus, go to Canterlot. I'll send what I have left of my army."

Argus bowed. "As you wish, your highness," he respectfully obeyed.

"Can I come?" Cozy asked.

Argus stopped to see if Vekar is okay with her coming along.

A deep breath came from him. "...I said I'll send one of you down there, so no Cozy Glow. Ugh, such a stupid name for a villain." He got a glare from her which he ignored.

Refusing to get yelled at, the bodyguard left

Magical blasts came from Twilight, A.J., R.D., Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie's Magi Staff, destroying the x-borgs, while the others did their own moves.

Going back to Super Megaforce Mode, they regrouped with the others.

"They better not be anymore of those varmints," the cow pony hoped.

"Think again."

"Argus!" Noah and the others saw the swordsman drop down, wings opened.

X-borgs and bruisers dropped down from their ships.

The pegasi saw no x-borgs with wings, so they stayed on the ground.

Seeing their faces made the prince's bodygaurd wanna laugh. "You should see the look on your faces. However, we will destroy you all. We will destroy you and once the device is finished, the Armada goes back to earth."

"We'll be back to earth, too," Troy proclaimed, taking a step forward.

"And we'll keep our home safe like how we're keeping this world out of danger," Emma added defiantly, standing next to the Red Ranger.

Like last time, Noah and Fluttershy glanced at each other. With helmets covering up their entire heads, their eyes showed worry. They don't want to be separated - after the kiss they had a moment back.

Shaking his head, he was about to shoot at him, not wanting to deal with Argus anymore, when a glowing X came rocketing towards him.

But before it could hit him, everyone gasped when Fluttershy smacked it away.

"What!?" Argus was as shocked as them, seeing his attacked getting destroyed.

"You need to learn not to hurt other people, you big dumb meanie," she said gravely.

"Hahaha!" Chortling, he didn't take her seriously. "You may be brave for now, but watching you, you don't stand a chance when it comes to dueling me," he ignored what she stated.

"He's right, Fluttershy," the Blue Ranger had to agree. "It's no use. He always stops when he and I are halfway in a battle."

"He hurt you," she made a good point, something he couldn't argue with. "I wanna deal with him." She gave him the meanest look ever.

"Flutter-" He started to tell her that he wants to deal with him. She isn't ready to fight someone like the person the Ranger has been fighting for who knows how long.

"Let her fight me. I want to know how she does," Argus smirked, seemingly interested in battling with a pegasus pony. "Also, we both can fly," he mentioned, "for we can have it up in the sky."

"You're not fighting my girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend!?" Orion, Troy, and Emma exclaimed with shock, all eyes on their nerdy friend. Everyone else had their jaws dropped.

It was then Luka broke the stillness. "Noah...you and Fluttershy...are dating?"

Unable to control his face turning a different color, he was almost embarrassed. "...we kissed, so...yeah..."

"I knew he did," his best friend said. "Thanks to the high color on him from earlier back at the Command Center."

"Grr... let's fight. The more we're yapping, the less we'll fight," the bodyguard growled, gripping his sword in a tight grip, eyes locked on the shy sunny colored pony.

"With pleasure..." Opening up their wings, the two went into the sky.

"No, don't, you'll-"

"Let her."

Being stopped by the princess, Noah couldn't help but to feel angry. "He's gonna hurt her," he almost yelled.

"Noah, she may be a shy friend, but she knows how to stand up for herself. She even helped the pegasi bring water to Cloudsdale."

"She-" He stopped, thinking back at the Gala when the rude couple wanted to take the spot they thought it was theirs, until they were stopped by his now girlfriend, or in this case, fillyfriend in this world, telling them to back off and find another area to be at.

Letting out a sigh, he prayed for her to avoid getting struck, then joined the others to fight the x-borgs who had already harassed the Canterlot ponies.

Up in the sky, both flying ponies gripped their swords in their hooves, the nighttime air ruffling their feathers, flapping their wings like flags on a pole. The one switched his sword to his other hoof. He seemed to be waiting for her first move.

Just as he was losing his eerie patients on her, he was slashed violently across the chest.

Fluttershy was about to do it again, when her Saber got blocked with great force.

Moving his sword, he went to strike her when he got blasted by the Super Mega Blaster, being brought out by the pony in front of him.

It hit him on one of his wings. He cried out, unable to fly properly. He couldn't believe such a pony like her would shoot him there.

His one wing mangled, he managed to stay in the air, grunting with each movement.

He had to be honest, it was a sweet move she has ever done for the Blue Ranger never shot him. Except it wasn't fair in his fighting book.

Raising the sword, he flew as best as he could towards her, when he got shot again on the same wing.

This time his wing is damaged. He felt a hard blow, sending him to the cobblestone street of the rich city below.

Landing hard on his side, he saw the Blue Ranger's fillyfriend carefully going back to the ground.

Approaching, she spoke. "I would rather be down here then up there," she preferred, folding up her feathers.

"You're a pegasus," he responded, standing back up, with one wing closed, the other one handing for it's too painful to move it. "You shouldn't be afraid of heights."

"You are correct on what you said, yet..." Rubbing her hoof on the blade, her head went up to the sky. "...I am the only pegasus who doesn't like to fly."

"What kind of pony doesn't like to fly?" He wasn't baffled, he was ticked.

"Me, duh." He was given an attitude from her. "Anyway...I would like you to-"

"Solar Slash Energized!"

It was too fast. The move smacked her, her body flinging back to a building.

Hitting the brick building, she uttered a painful groan when landing back on the ground.

Her vision blurred. She shook her head, blinking, clearly her vision to see better.

Her sword laid beside her where she dropped it. She reached out leftwards-

When a heavy hoof planted on it. On the blade. The sword blade.

The white-gloved hoof was wrapped around the handle after it got purposely stepped on. She went back on her free three hooves, since the other one is occupied. She tried to pull it from underneath the hoof, except he was stronger than her. So, with a quick spin, she bucked him in the face with her back hooves, adding a punch to it.

This forced the evil pegasus to back off. He messaged his face, then his eye where he got swatted. "You puny-!" he began to yell, when a blast came out of nowhere, with him not watching, not paying any attention to where it came from.

It came from the Blue Ranger, for he galloped, getting in front of Fluttershy. "You leave her be," he shouted, his eyes burning behind the visor of his helmet.

"Noah..." Approaching, she placed her hoof on him. "I can fight him."

"I know," he answered, though kept looking at him. Beneath his spandex, his fur bristled like a cat. Fluttershy can actually feel it because she retracted her hoof. "Besides," he added, "you may need help in case he does something to you."

"She doesn't need help," Argus jeered, stepping towards them. "She did well...FOR DESTROYING ONE OF MY WINGS!" he roared, switching moods.

"I prefer-"

"You're a pegasus pony."

"It doesn't matter, Argus," Noah stepped in. "She isn't much of a flyer. I see her on the ground all the time."

"I don't care; I want to get this over with," he snapped. "First things first, getting you out of the way," he referred to the Blue Ranger. "Solar Slash Energized!"

"Defense Stream!" Placing his card in the Gosei morpher, he slammed the mouth part upwards, creating a shield of water. It halted the X, stopping it in its tracks. It vanished in thin air, the rush of water going away.

Except Argus wasn't done. He stomped over to him and, placing his free hoof on him, he shoved him out of his way.

The Ranger fell on one side. He sat up halfway - until he saw rearing hooves in the air.

A ferocious neigh came from the evil pegasus.

Quickly, Noah moved out of the way, doing a barrel roll to avoid the plunging hooves.

He kept rolling, with Fluttershy watching as he made sure the pony she was fighting stays away from her, avoiding the slamming hooves for they hit the ground, barely touching him.

Thinking about it, she knew she had to help him. Or, better yet, they both have to work together.

Taking out a key, she slid it into the slot. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Dino Thunder! Power Up!" she shouted as loud as she could due to her softness in her vocal range. "Ptera Grips!"

"Hey-" Argus started to protest, interrupted by a quick moving motion, getting whip-lashed. He got whip-lashed on his back and behind his neck. During this, he lost a few pieces of his mane. It was white like his fur. It fell on the road. "Will-"

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Lost Galaxy! Quasar Saber!" Out of nowhere, Argus was struck at Noah's Legendary weapon across the chest.

Growling like a lion, he charged at Fluttershy like a rampaging bull who got out of the show ring.

"Le- Ohh!" She hadn't finished when she felt his head slamming into the pit of her stomach, letting out a groan, air rushing out of her. She doubled over, seizing breath after breath.

"Flutt-" Noah started, until he saw her glaring at who purposely ran into her.

"You...big...dumb...MEANIE!" A furious scream came from her Dino Thunder Ranger helmet like it was alive. The white patterns on her outfit sprung up into spikes, turning her into Super Dino Mode.

Another scream, and she flew like no tomorrow, whamming the person with her Ptera Grips with great force.

Argus cried out, whacking her helmet.

It made the situation worse for his sword was taken away with a hard yank, being flung away.

"My sword!" He watched as it flew a several yards away. He would've got it, except he was too busy getting attacked.

Finally having enough, he pulled his back legs in, and kicked Fluttershy.

The sudden kick got her out of complete Ranger Mode.

She hadn't had time to even stop herself. She landed with a thud on the road.

Scooping up his sword after retrieving it, Argus charged at the fallen pony.

He doesn't get any further for his tail was stepped on. Turning, he saw the Blue Ranger. "Get off my tail," he ordered, and began fighting him.

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