• Published 4th May 2024
  • 193 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 39: Let's Party, Rangers!

The carriages reached the castle of Canterlot. One by one, the carriage doors opened. Everyone got out of them. The Blue Ranger helped Fluttershy off the carriage before going over to the booth where ponies are giving their tickets to a mare behind the glass.

These two are the second last of the group, hoofing over their tickets. The young mare let them in, placing the tickets away. Looking ahead, she saw a pegasus stallion with a tux that was half silver, half gold with a sky blue pegasus with an orange pegasus.

When those three reached the ticket booth, the mare noticed how young the stallion was. Well, all the stallions are young like the mares, except this guy is truly a good looking fellow. Not only was he good looking, he is also quite cute.

"Hello, welcome to the Gala," the Ticket Master greeted with a smile, unable to get her eyes off the fine stallion. "Tickets, please." The three of them gave her the small slips of paper. "Thank you. By the way, young fellow, tell me your name," she said, then spoke to the cute fella.

"Me?" Orion questioned, thinking she was referring to someone else.

"Of course, you," she replied, putting the tickets away like last time.

"Well, I'm Orion," he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, Orion, I'm Pearl Petunia."

"Nice name."

"Thanks." She outstretched her hoof. "Have a nice time," Pearl wished them.

They thanked her, catching up to their friends in the room they were at. However, almost the whole group seems to be missing. All there was left was Noah, Fluttershy, Troy, Emma, Twilight, and Starlight.

"The others seemed to be on their own," Rainbow noticed, spotting Jake and Gia at the food table, the others at the dance floor or at the round tables.

"Yep," the princess stated the obvious. "With all of us apart, we really need to keep our eyes peeled for those changelings."

"As well as those you know who," Troy reminded, wanting to make sure the filly doesn't know what he's talking about.

"Orion, Orion, wanna hit the dance floor?" Scootaloo buzzed her wings.

"Aww, how cute," Emma gushed, seeing how she was tugging at the Silver Ranger's hoof. "I think you should dance with her," she spoke to Orion.

"Err..." He seemed to hesitate, until his plus one patted him on the shoulder.

"Go ahead, dude. Like I said back in Ponyville, I need to have a chat with Spitfire about the next Wonderbolt practice."

He glanced back at the filly. "I'll dance with you," he gave in with a soft expression.


The others laughed, watching those two hit the dance floor. Then Troy and Emma, along with Twilight and Starlight, went to the dance floor, also.

All was left was Noah and Fluttershy. Fluttershy was looking around, wanting a place to spend time alone with her plus one.

The thing she could think of is the dance floor, despite others being there.

Noah got in front of her, holding out his hoof. "May I have this dance, fine lady?" he requested.

"I...I don't know..." She wheeled back, her fear of being judged etching into her head. "I cannot dance - especially in front of other people."

"Nonsense," he lightly disagreed. "Besides, I'm not a good dancer, either. Adding to it, I'm also not much of a dancer myself, as well," he told her, hoping it'll ease her.

It did, for she placed her hoof on his, being led to the dance floor.

A few ponies down from them, Scootaloo and Orion are having a blast, creating their dance moves. Although his dancing skills seemed to be off his rocker, Scoots here seems to be a professional when it comes to grooving.

They went on with their moves until they were done, their hunger getting the best of them.

Both him and the filly went to the food table. Orion helped her by placing the fancy food on her plate, before getting his own.

With plates filled with good tasting food, the two headed to one of the empty tables. Scootaloo was in front of Orion - when she stopped.

"Oof." Grunting, he'd bumped into the filly, almost falling on top of her. "Scootaloo, what-?"

"We should go the other way," she interrupted him.

"Pardon?" he responded, not realizing what the hay she was talking about. Following her anxious gaze, it doesn't take long for him to know what - or in this case - who she was looking at.

There was a light, turquoise mare - a pegasus with a yellow amber mane with gold stripes, wearing a silver dress with silver lace. Her front hooves are covered up with what looks to be golden gloves.

She was talking to someone - until she developed the sixth sense.

Dropping her plate, Scootaloo saw that she was coming their way. Turning around, she placed her little hooves on Orion's chest. She tried to push him, except she was too little. He wouldn't even budge.

Snapping out of his trance, he turned around, the two beginning to walk the other direction.

"Well, well, well, it's Scootaloo. Or should I say, Scoota-chicken."

"Don't call me that," Scootaloo spoke. She and Orion stopped in their tracks. "I'm not a chicken."

"You're right, kid," the mare pretended to agree. "You're a coward!" She laughed. Orion just looked at her, while she continued to laugh. She caught him staring at her after she was finished. "Say, who are you?"

"O-Orion," he stuttered, face turning a bright red. "Who-?"

"Lightning Dust!" The voice came from Rainbow Dash, for she trotted over. She pulled her sister away, placing a protective arm around her. "Long time no see," she coldly spoke.

"Same goes for you, rival," Lightning Dust returned the same manner. "I didn't know you'll be here, especially this little twerp."

Scootaloo squirmed out of her older sister's grasp, hiding behind her.

"Never call her twerp," Dash defended.

"She is one!" Dust proclaimed, pointing at her. "She wrecked the one stunt she would have accomplished, until you intervened."

"I had to!" Orion stepped back when the Element of Loyalty picked her voice up. "She could've ended up in a full body winged hoof cast, drinking through a straw."

"Hah!" Letting out a laugh, Dust found her words funny. "She would be fine if she was able to do it."

"Yeah, right!"

"Don't scoff at me."

"Hold it!" Orion got between the bickering girls. "You're Lightning Dust?" he said, unable to control his blush when he faced her.

"Eh, dude..." Rainbow went to say something, only for her enemy to cut right in.

"I sure am," she proudly stated. "I am Lightning Dust, leader of the Washouts." She gave him this...look...going up to him. "You'll make a perfect member for the Washouts." She walked around him. "You don't seem to be afraid to be reckless," she bet.

"Actually..." Orion began.

"No. Orion isn't stupid."

The alien frowned. Not because Dash was wrong about him being stupid, which he's not, but she answered for him. In fairness, he would've answered Lightning Dust with no problem.

"And he isn't reckless," Dash added.

"You are right, Dash," her arch nemesis responded with fake compassion. "He isn't stupid - he's a charmer."

"Charmer?" A disbelief look came upon the athlete. "Pch, okay. He's a 'charmer'."

"Are you making fun of me?" Dust challenged, her face so close that she and Rainbow's noses are touching each other. "I can call your plus one whatever I want - unless he's your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend." Shoving Dust away, Dash grabbed Orion by the collar of his tux. "Plus, he'll never date a horrible mare like you."

Okay, the frown he's having is turning into anger. He went to protest when Dash kept on going.

"No stallion would want to be with someone that pulls awful stunts, hurts others, cares for herself, and puts others lives in danger. Not even a Power Ranger will want to date you!"

"Power Rangers? You mean the Super Megaforce ones?"

"You know the Power Rangers?" the alien finally said something.

"Tch, of course." Lightning Dust gave him a punch on the shoulder. "The folks and I received newspapers about them back in my hometown in Shireville."

"What about the Power Ponies?"

"Got newspapers about them too."

Orion went to ask her about the Gokaigers, except he stopped himself. None of the ponies, even the Mayor of Ponyville, knew about the Rangers' counterparts.

He cleared his throat. "That's...nice to hear. Dash and I would tell you who they truly are, except we aren't allowed to reveal their true identities."

"Hm, is that so..." Her amber eyes locked into his. She rubbed her hoof on his chest. "You can tell me; I'm all ears."

"No." Orion stepped back, her hoof away from his chest. His face felt hot. Hotter than ever in his life. "We're telling you we cannot tell you their true selves." His face was now brighter than a tomato, unable to ease it down. "Our apologies."

"Aww, Orion doesn't want to tell Dustie." Her teasing had added more hint of red on him. His ears also blushed! "Fine, no need to tell me." She went to walk away when she stopped. "We should hang out sometime."

"Nope. No way, no how," Rainbow intervened. "Like I stated, he'll never hang - or date - a girl like you. Let's go, dude. Let's get away from..." Her eyes sent daggers at her rival. "...her."

"Have a nice night, loser!" Dust called out, referring to the Wonderbolt, watching her pull Orion away from her with Scootaloo right by her side.

Orion looked back, watching Rainbow's enemy heading somewhere else in the ballroom.

The redness faded away from his face, yet, it had turned into a pink color. The same color Noah's face would create. Then the alien looked away from the mare, the image of her in his head...

Meanwhile, Noah and Fluttershy had finished their first dance. It wasn't perfect, though it wasn't bad either. They had bumped into other ponies, resulting in them hitting the wall.

Fluttershy had accidently stepped on one of the mare's tails from one of the twirls she did. She was glad the mare forgave her, going back to her dance with her own plus one.

With the unicorn and the pegasus off the dance floor, Noah wanted to take her somewhere else, spotting what looks to be a garden.

He took her by the hoof, taking her over there. He heard a snicker, assuming it was Jake's.

Turned out it was Jake. His plus one shoved an elbow at him, forcing him to stop laughing. Gia went up to Noah, a drink in her hoof. "Heading somewhere?"

"We're going to the garden," he told her.

"Ah." She drank some of her drink. "I saw you two dancing. Not too shabby."

"Thanks." Noah had to smile at those words.

"I'll let you two go." She went back to Jake.

Keeping his hoof on Fluttershy's, the unicorn took her outside. The air felt warm, the stars twinkling in the purple night sky. Ponies were outside, as well. He saw the mares sitting on high class pillows.

Releasing her hoof, he spotted some of the pillows, the ones that aren't used yet. He trotted over to them. He wanted to be a gentlecolt to the pony he desired.

The pillows cost no charge. He picked up the first one he saw.

Heading back to his plus one, he gestured his head to a tree full of blossoms. He set the pillow down.

Fluttershy blushed, warmed by his kind manners. "It's great for you to be my plus one," she said, getting comfortable on the nice pillow.

"I would say the same thing," he replied, sitting next to her, watching the other mares with their plus ones who are more likely stallions. His cheeks got all pink. "Fluttershy...?"

"Young stallion, you and your mare need to move," a rude voice spoke.

"Move? We just- Ohh!" He saw who it was. "It's you two," he frowned with disapproval.

"Yes, it's us two," Upper Crust snottily returned. "My husband and I are hoping we won't run into peasants." She pointed an insulting hoof at Fluttershy. "Especially her."

"Hey!" Noah stood up on all fours, blocking their view from the girl. "You better watch your tongue. She is no peasant like you two are," he stated.

"Us? Peasants?" Jet Set let out a snort, adjusting his small glasses. "We'll have you know that us Canterlot ponies are much better than the other ponies."

Noah narrowed his eyes. This is the second time he encountered these two posh ponies. Instead of wanting to argue, he took a breath letting it out. "We will move to another spot. You can take ours."

"It isn't your spot to begin with," the husband proclaimed. "Go on, get."

"We aren't moving." This came from Fluttershy. "Noah picked this spot for the two of us to be at. He's a fine gentlecolt. I'm gonna politely ask you two to go on your merry way. Find somewhere else to sit."

"You're ordering us what to do!" the wife accused, feeling offended.

"No," she calmly answered, though her expression remained serious, something Noah is seeing for the first time. "I am not ordering you, I am telling you. Noah picked this spot for us. We aren't going anywhere until the Gala is over."

"Too bad, it's our-"

Jet Set hadn't had a chance to finish what he was saying. He and his wife backed up.

Unsure on why they looked freaked out, Noah turned. He almost jumped.

Fluttershy, he saw, was doing her signature move - The Stare on the couple. Her eyes widened, eyebrows turning into threatening ones, her eyelids not twitching. Her eyes also didn't twitch, either.

She got up from her pillow, walking towards the two. "I'm gonna say this again," she repeated, keeping The Stare on. "Go on your merry way. Noah chose this spot for us. I suggest you two go somewhere else. There's plenty of spots to sit at."

"We're going, we're going." Grabbing Upper Crust by the hoof, the high class stallion took her away from her.

With them out of Noah and Fluttershy's sight, Fluttershy softened her eyes, happily going back to her pillow. She sat down. It didn't take long for her to see that Noah was staring at her. "Noah?"

He violently shook his head. "Man...I was expecting your Stare to be a normal one, not the one that's intense," he chuckled. He stopped laughing, digging into the lush grass. "Before we got interrupted...um..." Come on, dude, he coaxed to himself. Tell her how you feel around her. It's better to do it sooner than later.

"Noah? Is there something you want to say?"

"Um...yeah..." Like always, his cheeks got all warm. "There's something I wanna tell you..."

Fluttershy leaned forward, awaiting for what the Blue Ranger had to say.

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