• Published 4th May 2024
  • 193 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 38: Preparing For The Gala

May sixth...

The Grand Galloping Gala came. Fluttershy was the first one to wake up from her slumber, getting Noah up by heading into the guest room. The sunrays glowed through his window when she opened the curtains.

When he opened his eyes, he immediately shut them tight, using his hoof in the process, searching for his glasses.

"You awake, Noah?" Fluttershy asked, placing his glasses in his other hoof.

"I don't know; I think I'm blind," he replied, putting his glasses on. He received a giggle. "Is Joe and Hazel up?" He brushed the covers off of him.

"I will wake them up. It's too bad that I don't have any spare guest rooms." Shrugging it off, all she can do is grin - at him. "Who knows. Maybe we can have a new place to stay, like the sanctuary. Anyways, I'll get them up; meet us in the kitchen."

She left the room. Noah heard the clicking sounds of her hooves going down the steps.

Ever since the Gokaigers came, they're staying where the Rangers are staying at - Marvelous with Twilight, Spike, Cobalt, Ice Crystal, Starlight, and Troy. Luka with Applejack, Gia, and Lacy. Gai with Orion, Lightning Twister, and Dash. Ahim with Mythic Diamond, Rarity, and Emma. Don with Pinkie, Sugar Cupcake, and Jake. And Joe with Fluttershy, Hazel, and, of course, Noah.

The Element of Kindness does make a point that her cottage doesn't have any other guest rooms. When the Power Pony came, she was sleeping on the couch. She still does, even when Joe came to stay with them, who was given a cozy cot, all set up next to where the pony he likes already.

Weeks passed of the Rangers' counterparts arrival. The brainy one had witnessed the Blue Gokaiger talking with the Power of Fury.

Noah always brought up the fact to his counterpart that he likes her. His counterpart's answer? Turning red as a tomato.

"I...never had my eyes set on a girl like this before in my life," was all he could come up with in explanation, eyes on the Power Pony.

That was a couple of days ago. Now with the Gala here, for him being her plus one, he can spend time with her, like how Noah wants to spend time with Fluttershy, this time telling his feelings to her.

When he came down to the kitchen, he saw Joe chatting with Hazel.

"...I had a duel with Zodomas," he was telling her, "who was a swordsman who had this attack I had to figure out how to beat. I was doing great until three non-commissioned officers zugormin restrained me..."

Huh. Sounds similar to what happened to Noah.

"He jabbed his sword into my chest." He placed his hoof on the area where he was stabbed, like it was a reminder for him. "Thankfully, my friends came, and I ended him with my move - The Five Blade Style Blue Slash with the past Blue Sentais before me."

"Mind telling us who they are?" The Ranger came into the kitchen, curiosity filled all over him. "I used Megaforce, Samurai, Ninja Storm, Mystic Force, and Lost Galaxy." He sat at the table. "Including Super Mega Blue," he put into the list.

"The past Blue Sentais I used for my Five Blade Style Blue Slash for the Final Wave, is Gosei Blue, Skinken Blue, MagiBlue, HurricaneBlue, and GingaBlue, including my mode," he told him.

The Ranger's eyes widened. "Man, you and your friends have so much similarity with the powers my team and I have."

The Asian unicorn did a sly grin. "Yes, except you don't have any of the keys before Kyoryu Sentai Zyurangers, like, for example, Battle Fever J."

"Excuse me? I mean, we do get powers that never existed, like Squadron."

"Squadron?" Joe questioned with an arch eyebrow.

"A new Legendary Mode," he explained. "There's only Red, Blue, Yellow, Pink, and Green. When we morph into that mode, Orion would have to use the White Mighty Morphin Ranger power."

"I bet my team would like to see these powers that never existed," his counterpart smiled.

"Same goes for your team's powers before...Kyoryu Sentai Zyurangers." The Blue Ranger cringed when he butchered the name. Honestly, he has no idea what those powers are. All he could think of is Mighty Morphin to all the other past Rangers he knew.

Fluttershy gave them plates of waffles, having a plate for herself. "The Gala doesn't start until evening..." she started when Joe interrupted.

"Hold it," he halted. "It starts in the evening? Then how come we got up?"

"To get ready for the Gala. Thankfully, the school day will make time go faster."

Noah couldn't help yet to smile at her excitement. Seeing her all giddy made her more cuter than ever before.

They finished their breakfast, heading to the School of Friendship.

Walking there, the Ranger and the Element of Kindness are ahead of Hazel and Joe, who are, as always, talking to one another.

The sun was fairly bright, though it's gonna be hours until the school day is over. Joe has never heard the School of Friendship. Neither did the other Gokaigers.

Reaching the building, the princess gave the Asian descents a quick tour before any of the classes started.

When they did start, the Gokaigers went with their counterparts and their friends to each classroom, helping them out.

Today, in Fluttershy's class, the students learned about cockatrices that reside in the Everfree Forest.

Noah, Joe, and Hazel were shocked when she told the story on how she defeated one who turned her friend and one of her chickens into stone.

Hearing this from her, Noah couldn't imagine such a shy pony like her to stand up against a creature that has a head of a chicken with a body of a snake.

She stated the fact that she had to use The Stare on it to stop it, ordering it to turn her friends back to normal.

By the time school was over, it was time to go to the Boutique.

The bell jingled when Gokai Blue, the Blue Ranger, Fluttershy, and Hazel arrived. There, they saw their friends, along with Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom.

"Howdy," Applejack greeted.

"Hiya. I'm gonna be my big sis's extra plus one," her little sister exclaimed in excitement.

"Really?" Noah looked towards the farmer.

All she can do is chuckle. "It's what she and her friends call themselves. She knows Pinkie is my plus one, but thanks to Celestia sending us more tickets, my little sis can join the Gala like last year."

"Heh, yep," Rainbow nodded, rubbing the top of her sister's head, messing up her mane. "Squirt here is my extra plus one. Right?"

"You betcha!" Scootaloo declared, buzzing her wings, inches off the ground. "I'm excited to go to the party again. Maybe we can dance on the dance floor."

"I think Orion would dance with you. I want to chat with Spitfire about the next Wonderbolt practice."

"Didn't you already have the practice?" Orion reminded her.

"I said next practice," she repeated. "My last practice was a few months back. Us Wonderbolts don't practice our performance once. We have to work on it, be safe, and not be reckless like Lightning Dust and her team."

"Lightning Dust is the one who put your sister in danger, correct?" the Silver Ranger remembered the conversation about her months ago in the dining car of the train.

"Correct," she scowled, furrowing up her face.

"I-I hope I don't see her there." This got the youngest pegasus to gasp, grasping her sister's plus one. "She could be coming to the party," she feared the worst.

"Chill out, girl." Pulling her away from Orion, her older sibling gave her a hug of reassurance. "I doubt she'll be there."

"Mind telling us who Lightning Dust is?" Ahim asked.

Sighing, Rainbow told the newcomers about Lighting Dust from the day she met her to the last time she seen her.

"She created her own stunt show known to be called the Washouts. They do such dangerous stunts. I'm glad I won't have to see her again." A snort came from her. "By the way, where's Rarity?" She changed the subject.

"I'm here, I'm here." Here comes Rarity bringing something behind her. This something has wheels on it. It had a white sheet over it. "Alright. Mares and gentlecolts, may I present to you my latest designs..."

Activating her magic, she whipped the sheet away.

The whole room filled with gasps of astonishment. Under the sheet is a long clothes rack, filled with tuxes and dresses.

Troy saw his tux. It resembled one of his Red Ranger Powers - Lost Galaxy. Emma's dress had the designs of Pink Mystic Force Ranger. Gia's dress got spots of the Jungle Fury Yellow Ranger. Jake's tux is half black, half green, and those halves are Green Turbo Ranger and Black Dino Thunder Ranger designs. Noah saw that his tux has the matchmaker of the Blue Mighty Morphin Ranger, while Orion, just like Jake's tux, is split into two colors. Those two colors are gold and silver, like his RPM colors.

The Power Ponies dresses and tux are amazing. They're Gala outfits match their Power Pony outfits.

Even the Gokaigers are stunned at what Rarity has created for their outfits for the fancy party matched with each Super Sentai power like HurricaneRed, Momorenger, FiveBlack, Yellow Owl, Blue Dolphin, and GaoSilver.

Twilight and her friends' dresses and tux are wonderful, especially Fluttershy's. In his bet, Noah thought it'll look great on her.

Levitating the dresses and tuxes, the designer gave each one to each pony, including Spike's. "Go on, go on. Try them on." Rarity pointed to the changing rooms, as she gave her sister and her friends' cute, little dresses.

One by one, each pony went into each changing room. Rarity went into her own.

They all stepped out. "Look Applejack!" Apple Bloom galloped over to her, doing a little twirl. "Look at my dress; it has apples on it."

"I see that." Applejack patted her sister's back.

"These are the best Gala outfits you've ever made, Rare," Pinkie commented, hopping around like a rabbit.

"Pinkie Pie, don't jump around," Mythic scolded with narrowed eyes. "You'll ruin your dress."

She stopped at an instant, annoyed for getting yelled at, then went back to her cheery self.

With everyone praising the Element of Generosity, Fluttershy approached her crush, eyes on the floor. "You look great..."

"I would say the same for you," he returned with an admiring smile. "The dress suits you," he complimented.

"Tee hee." All she could do is giggle, feeling flattered by his words.

"Since everyone looks fabulous, we need to get our hair done." Rarity took them to another room.

The room was a salon. There were mane dryers, beds, towels, and all sorts of products to make somepony's mane look nice.

Not only did the boys see hair stuff, they also saw make-up stands with large mirrors.

To top it off, they also saw different types of jewelry.

"Alright, I'll be washing all you darlings' manes," Rarity told them, going up to one of those sinks where ponies get their manes washed. She got the shampoos and conditioners ready. "I'll start with the youngsters. Sweetie Belle."

Trotting over to the chair, her sister got on it, sitting down, then laid back.

Taking her mane, everyone watched the unicorn wash her sister's purple and pink locks. By the time her mane was done being washed, she was told to go to one of the mane dryers.

With the towel wrapped around her mane, the Crusader went up to one of them. Using her magic, she took the towel off her. The towel caught most of the water off her mane.

She sat on one of the pillows, brought down the mane dryer she was at, feeling the warmth from her hair to the top of her head after turning it on.

"She saw me use those things," Rarity explained, taking out a new towel. "Emma, you're next." When the Pink Ranger came over, the elegant equine talked about the Gala. "I couldn't believe this is your first time going to the Grand Galloping Gala," she expressed, squirting a good layer of shampoo on the pegasus's brown hair. "You darlings are gonna love it. It's the most glamorous party you'll ever see."

"Except the time where Celestia's nephew made you a fool by not treating you like a lady," Pinkie added. Her friend gave her angry eyes. "Sorry," she sheepishly apologized.

"It's fine, dear," her friend forgave, finishing up the Ranger's hair. "I have no need to worry about him. I'm happy that Spike is my plus one." She wrapped a towel around Emma's hair.

By the time everyone's hair is done, the girls went up to each make-up stand, putting on a light layer of blush, mascara, and eyeshadow.

Fluttershy finished up her face. "Our rides are here," she announced, eyes out the window to see a few carriages being pulled by strong stallions. Going up to the Blue Ranger, she brought out her ticket. "You still got your ticket?"

"Sure do." He showed her the ticket.

Everyone got in the carriages with their plus ones - Troy and Emma, Starlight and Twilight, Jake and Gia, Rainbow Dash and Orion, Noah and Fluttershy, Spike and Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack, Joe and Hazel Blossom, Lacy Lasso and Gai, Marvelous and Ahim, Ice Crystal and Mythic Diamond, Lightning Twister and Sugar Cupcake, Luka and Don, and of course, Cobalt, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and last, but not least, Sweetie Belle, the extra plus ones.

With the ponies and the dragon in the carriages, they headed to the capital of Equestria, all hyped up for the high class party.

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