• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,505 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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102. Council of War

I turn to look at Celestia, feeling both thankful and a little foolish at the same time. However, I still feel a little hint of trepidation about the future. As weak as I am, the most that I can handle are the small fry monsters, but that's about it. I'll have to leave Sombra and Hawke to Celestia, as much as that pains me.

“Thanks for that,” I tell her finally, brushing my hair out of my face. I then look at all the ponies that came to see me as well. “What the fuck are all of you doing out here, anyway?”

“We know you lost your magic, and you were feeling down. I wanted to be here, even if I couldn't help,” Twilight is the first to reply, much as I expected.

“That's right. We're your friends,” Fluttershy joins in next from her position besides Twilight. I can't help but scoff. This is a bit ridiculous. It doesn’t matter what the situation is, but if I'm feeling just a little bit angry or sad, these fucking ponies crawl out of the woodwork and try to help me...even if that gains them a verbal tongue lashing from me.

“We won't let you give up, darling,” Rarity asserts. “I'm not made for battle, but even despite that, I won't give up. If I can fight with the rest of them despite my admittedly lower magical power, then you certainly should be able to.”

“That's how it is, youngster. Still, I oughta kick you,” Blades admonishes, approaching me and resting a hoof on my chest. I blink in surprise,. I didn't expect him to scold me. “Didn't I tell ya last time that you gotta quit mopin' around and make yer decisions quickly? Magic or no, that don't change a thing.”

“You did...” I admit, recognizing the truth in his words. “And you know, I probably should have listened.”

“That's just the nature o' the young. They only respond to fallin' on their flank a few times, rather than a lecture,” Blades reassures me with a lamenting chuckle. You know, I don't think I've heard something so fucking true in a long time.

“Now, ah think you got somepony to talk to,” Applejack tells me sternly. Wait, who is she...oh. Rainbow. Fuck, I feel really stupid. I yelled at her like that and made her mad, even though she was right in the end. She doesn't have any magic, but she's still going to fight, despite the fact that she can't even hold a candle to the stronger enemies. I guess now I'm on the same level as her.

“That's right. I could feel the disharmony from here,” Cadance scolds me next, standing next to Applejack. Her lips wrinkle into a glaring pout. “Go fix it, or I swear I'll sic my husband on you.”

“You'll do what?” Shining Armor says with an incredulous chuckle. He looks at me next, a strange expression crossing his face. “So that's how it is. Unless you want a beat down First Regiment style, you'll do what she says.”

“Right, you all say that like I wasn't planning on doing that anyway. Sheesh, it`s not like she's my girlfriend or anything,” I complain sarcastically, holding up my hands disarmingly. I blush a little when I realize I just said that aloud to a crowd full of ponies that may or may not already know. Judging from Luna's blink of surprise, I don't think she knew.

Still, I'm a little surprised Shining Armor can talk to me without glaring. I wonder what changed between now and the last time we met right before the expedition. I turn around, resolving to search for Rainbow. I pause though, realizing that I don't exactly know where she is.

“Go ahead, Seth,” Celestia urges me, spreading her wings. “When you are finished, meet us in the town hall. Now that you're back in the fight, it's time to decide on how to deal with King Sombra. Let us go, everypony!”

The other ponies all chorus in agreement and filter back into the town proper through the alleys, back on their way to the town hall. But like Celestia said...I have to learn to have faith in my friends and not give up, even if the situation seems hopeless.

“I'm such a fucking idiot,” I berate myself aloud as I walk back into the city myself on my way to find Rainbow. It's true. Amaryllis wouldn't have given up, even if the odds were stacked against her like that. Hell, if I were to give up and die like I was considering earlier, she would be disappointed in me. “Now where's that pony?”

So, because I'm completely useless at times, I end up having to ask one of the few ponies in the street where to find Rainbow. None of them really know her except by name, but one of them does mention seeing a flash of rainbow heading for the top of the waterfall. That's a start.

I'm relieved that she isn't hiding in the clouds somewhere. Then there would be nothing I could do except wait for her to come back down, and who knows when that would be. Still, this will be a pain.

With the help of some of the locals, I discover that there's a mountain path that leads up to the top of the waterfall and beyond, heading all the way up the mountain. It's regularly maintained and used as a draw for tourists, likely because there's no doubt this is one of the most beautiful places in Equestria. In any other situation, I'd have slowed down and enjoyed the sights as I walk through a forested area on my way to the top of the waterfall. The scenery is beautiful of course, but I can't really focus on it. Sometime, I'll come back here and enjoy a walk around this place...but when I do, I want Rainbow to be there with me.

At the top of the waterfall, the massively wide river starts to froth and divert along the edges of rocky islands before pouring downwards into the basin far below, past several additional waterfalls. It's along one of these islands that I spot Rainbow lying on the ground near the cliff's edge. She occasionally tosses a rock over the side, watching it fall into the abyss with distant eyes. Goddammit, Seth, when will you learn to stop hurting this mare's feelings?

Son of a bitch...the island is in the middle of the river, and the current is moving extremely fast, because we're literally on the edge of the waterfall. Swimming is out of the question, and even if I yelled, I doubt she'd hear me from this distance over the sound of the falling water. What to do?

I notice several jagged rocks jutting out of the water. If I'm careful, I should be able to use them to jump between the different islands until I reach her. Of course, I could also slip and fall, but I'm not seeing much of an option here. Here goes nothing.

Rainbow looks behind her when she hears the sound of me landing on the ground near her. Her eyes widen with surprise, looking between me and the rushing river rushing over the cliff. “Seth? How the hay did you get over here?” she demands, raising her voice to be heard over the sound of the falling water.

“I jumped. It wasn't that hard, considering all the little rocks between here and the bank,” I comment loudly with a bit of a smirk, crossing my arms. Rainbow's eyes bug out and it looks like she's going to hit me again, but then she remembers how close we are to the falls. “What, you thought a little water would keep me from you?”

“You idiot! What if you'd slipped?” You could have gotten hurt!” Rainbow snaps, getting up and approaching me.

“Yeah well, I wasn't going to wait for you to come back down, so I had to reach you somehow,” I retort with a shrug. Rainbow looks at me strangely, noticing that I'm acting more like myself than before. “But who cares about that? Can we go somewhere where I don't have to shout?”

“Fine, but I'm not letting you jump back over those rocks! That was dumb, even for you,” Rainbow derides me with a frown.

“What do you mean 'even for me?'” I complain even as I see her take to the air. “What are you doing?”

“Just come here so I can lift you back to the bank...jumping around so close to a waterfall...seriously...” Rainbow grumbles, hooking her front hooves underneath my arms and lifting me roughly before I have a chance to prepare myself. I can't help but yelp as she flies over the rushing river. Being unable to fly causes a sense of vertigo to come over me, and I gulp, sweating slightly. “Calm down, I won't drop you.”

“You better fucking not!” My voice rises into a high squeak as I clamp my hands over her withers and cling tightly for dear life. I can't help but look down at the water pouring over the edge of the falls, and the instant death to await me if I fall. “Oh Jesus Christ...”

I almost kiss the fucking ground when she finally puts me down near the mountain trail. I think I finally know how Applejack felt when I carried her back in the Crystal Empire. That aside, we have some relative peace and quiet here in the trail. Now we can talk without having to shout.

“What do you want?” Rainbow asks, snorting a little. Yeah, she's still mad. I scratch the back of my neck, a little unsure on how to proceed. She's a woman, so I doubt I can just take back the words I said about giving up...fuck it, I'll just wing it like I always do.

“I wanted to talk to you. You and Fluttershy were right,” I admit, coming right out and saying it. Rainbow sits down on her haunches, watching me carefully and expectantly. She probably wants me to elaborate. “I shouldn't have given up like that.”

“You think?” Rainbow returns. Oh boy, she's pissed. She glares at me, her muzzle wrinkling. I notice her hoof move slightly, and I tense in expectation.

“Are you gonna hit me again?” I ask tentatively, wondering if I should back away from her.

“I'm thinking about it,” Rainbow confesses. She lifts her hoof and curls it slightly to the point where I flinch, expecting pain. However, she lets out a sigh and drops her hoof. “You're just so selfish!”

“What are you talking about?” I inquire. Yeah, I'm selfish as fuck, but I'm confused as to why that's suddenly a problem.

“You're thinking about no one except yourself! Going on and on about how powerless you are and how we should all give up now...did you even think about how I feel!?” Rainbow demands, getting up and walking towards me until her muzzle is in my face. I remain silent, hardly able to meet her gaze. She's right; how she felt never crossed my mind. “You think I don't know that this Sombra pony is stronger than me by far? That Hawke guy is the same way!”

“But you said...” I start to say, but Rainbow isn't finished talking. She plants a hoof on my mouth to keep me from speaking further.

“”I never thought about quitting. Not even once. My friends need me. I don't care how strong they are. I'll fight anyone that threatens them. Threatens you,” Rainbow snaps, removing her hoof. My eyes soften, and I look at Rainbow with new understanding. Her eyes soften as well. “I finally found someone like you...I'd die rather than lose you.”

“That's exactly how I feel,” I breathe. Rainbow nods, taking a slight step back. “Celestia helped me realize something earlier. Sombra is stronger than me. Stronger than all of us. But she won't give up. She told me to have faith in my friends, and faith in her.”

“She's right. I know that's like, an alien concept to you, but without it, we can't push forward.” Rainbow points out. I nod, agreeing.

I clench my hand into a fist with determination. “I also promised something to myself. I'm going to try my best and give everything I have. That way, even if worst comes to worst and we fail, I'll be proud of my actions. I'll be able to face Amaryllis and my family with my head held high.”

“That's more like it. That's more like the Seth I know,” Rainbow responds with a grin, slapping my shoulder. “Yeah! You and I are gonna kick some undead flank! We can fight together, just like in the changeling invasion!”

“Right!” I affirm, mirroring her grin. Even if we all die some time in the future, I do appreciate the time I've spent in Equestria. I can't believe I just fucking said that, but it's true. I've realized the many things wrong with myself, made friends, and even fallen in love. How could I have ever thought that coming here was pointless?

Rainbow and I look at one another for a moment longer. Then, she looks around the trail to make sure nopony else is around, and then she pulls me in for a kiss. I wasn't expecting it, so I end up falling backwards onto the trail, with Rainbow on top of me. I yelp into Rainbow's mouth as her weight causes the two of us to slide down the trail for several feet.

“You know, you're supposed to hold still while I kiss you...” Rainbow admonishes me as she pulls away from my lips, a little smirk on her muzzle. “...but considering the circumstances, I'll let it...slide.”

“Get the fuck out,” I groan at the incredibly horrible pun. Rainbow snickers shamelessly and sits on her haunches in my lap as I sit up straight. I turn around so that my back is resting against the uphill portion of the trail. “You know, we should probably head back.”

Rainbow presses herself into me, her body weighing down my chest. “Yeah, I know, but the moment we do, it'll be all business for who knows how long. Let me just enjoy this a minute, okay?” Rainbow retorts, caressing the side of my face with her hoof. I chuckle at the odd show of affection, but I guess she does have a point. “You're my human. Weird and stupid, but still mine.”

“Fuck you too,” I retort, but any further response is cut off by her kissing me gently again, her lips parting slightly in a rare show of passion. I wrap my arms around her back, holding her close to me, and the two of us spend one last moment together in peace.

Who knows what the future holds?

Eventually, Rainbow and I have to make our way back down the mountain, occasionally trading snipes at one another. For me, I called her out on why she always had to go to the highest place possible to get away from everyone. For her, it was why I always have to be so fucking stupid. And of course, my jackass response is to tell her that I don't know either.

All of that goes away the moment we re-enter the city and return to the town hall, where Celestia and the others are waiting. Then, the both of us fall silent. I think I'm speaking for the both of us when I say that from here on out, it's likely going to be hell.

When we enter the central room in the town hall, we find that the room has been rearranged entirely. The round tables from before are folded up and stacked neatly against the walls, along with the stools that had once surrounded them. The mayor's desk is also nowhere to be found.

Celestia, Luna, and Mayor Robin as well as the other thirteen ponies in the main group are situated around a large rectangular table that seems to have been brought in here solely for this meeting. Fleetfoot appears to be here as well. Stretched out across the table is a large, full map of Equestria along with the surrounding regions. Differently colored pins are clustered together inside of a small plastic cylinder next to the map. I guess seeing all of this confirms it. This is a council of war.

“Excellent, the two of you have arrived. Now we can begin.” Celestia observes, looking up at our entrance. I notice that she and Luna are wearing their armor once more. It looks like their armor has been mostly repaired since the battle in the Crystal Empire. It seems that the others are fully decked out in armor as well, except for Rarity, Twilight, and Spitfire. Though, judging by the pile of armor beside Twilight, there's no doubt she'll be wearing a set at one point or another. Spitfire is just wearing her Wonderbolts outfit.“I trust that you both have settled your affairs?”

Rainbow and I nod, joining them all around the table. I squeeze in beside Iron and Fleetfoot, Rainbow just next to me. “What is all of this?” I respond, indicating the map and the pins on it. Celestia responds with a glance.

“It is what we feared would happen,” Celestia answers, closing her eyes and sighing. “King Sombra has formally declared war on Equestria.”

“Formally?” I repeat, curiously. “I don't think showing up randomly and wrecking our shit counts as formal.”

Celestia wordlessly uses her magic to produce an odd scroll whose ends are encrusted with crystals. She passes the scroll to me so that I can see it for myself. “This was given to us not long after my recovery, by way of an undead pegasus, which fell apart not long after delivery.”

I unroll the parchment to reveal lines of fancy archaic text. It's a different dialect of Equestrian, so I don't recognize all the words, and as such I have to sound them out in my head in order to understand what they mean.

“This is a joint resolution: a state of war now exists between the Crystal Empire and the Principality of Equestria and its denizens.

Whereas the Equestrian Royalty hath committed unprovoked acts of war against the lawful government and denizens of the Crystal Empire: Therefore be it resolved by the King and his council assembled that a state of war is hereby formally declared, and the King is authorized to employ the entirety of the country's military force to carry out this war and bring it to a satisfactory termination.

Signed as follows;

King Sombra

Hawke Volkovin

Flowing Mist

Earthen Glass

Silent Shatter,”

“Shit, he really did declare war,” I admit, setting down the scroll down on the table. I expected him to just charge over us with his incredible power, but I guess there's more to being a king than just sitting on a throne and killing your enemies.

“I can't believe this...the first war in Equestria for a thousand years!” Robin laments. I clench my hand into a fist as I glance back over at the scroll.

“Unprovoked acts my ass! Still, why would he do that, instead of just crushing us? I ask in confusion.

“Sombra wishes to reclaim what he believes to be his country,” Celestia reminds me. “No doubt he wishes to be recognized as a legitimate country by the rest of the world.”

“Wasn't it a military takeover in the first place? How did he ever get recognized in the first place?” I demand. I almost said coup d'etat, but I doubt these ponies would understand French.

“That is a story for another time. At present, time is not a luxury we can afford,” Celestia lightly chastises me. I sigh at being scolded, but I suppose I understand. “Here is the present situation as it stands currently.”

Celestia leans over the table and places several pins down right on top of the town labeled as Trotsdale. “The majority of our armed forces are being relocated to this city as we speak, in response to Sombra's declaration. It is a naturally defensive position, and is the closest location to the Crystal Mountains,” she explains. I nod, understanding that the mountain we're on, as well as how the city seems to be built into it, can be very easily defended. Celestia then places more pins of a different color beyond the Crystal Mountains, where the Crystal Empire is located. “According to recent intelligence gathered by the Stealth Corps, Sombra is rallying his forces behind the mountains, no doubt preparing for the inevitable assault.”

“He no doubt intends to take his undead through the mine tunnels that riddle the mountains, in order to avoid using the singular mountain pass,” Luna deduces, using her superior knowledge of combat tactics to our advantage. “Sombra is anything but foolish. The pass would have made an excellent position to set up a defensive line.”

“He can only come at us with one or two hosts of undead, right? He and Hawke are the only two necromancers,” I ask. I don't pretend to be as much of a strategist as Luna is, but I feel my mind is the only thing I have going for me now that I don't have magic. Suddenly, even before they respond, I remember the other names on the declaration of war. “Wait, shit...”

“I do not understand how, but Sombra has discovered a way to resurrect his generals,” Celestia explains. So that's what those other names are. I figured that Hawke is one of Sombra's generals now, likely the replacement for Vanta. But those others... “I recognize those names from our first war with the Crystal Empire.”

“T'is prudent to assume they possess their previous abilities,” Luna suggests. Yeah, I agree with that. In war, plan for the worst case scenario. That way we're not taken by surprise. “Therefore, while their forces may be undead, they art fully capable of commanding them to their fullest potential.”

“What about Canterlot, Princesses? If we relocate the majority of the unicorn regiments to Trotsdale, the capital will be left undefended,” Shining Armor points out, tapping Canterlot on the map with his hoof.

“Perhaps t'is so,” Luna points out, placing her hoof on the map near the Crystal Empire. “But to reach Canterlot from the Crystal Empire, Sombra must pass his forces through the Crystal Mountains. We hath charted every exit to the mines, and the only exits are close to Trotsdale or here...in the hills north of Manehattan.”

“What happens if those beasties surface there?” Blades asks, scrutinizing the map. Luna taps the mountain range against which Trotsdale is settled.

“Should they attempt to circumvent or ambush this city, they must traverse the pass north of Hollow Shades. T'is a perfect place to trap his forces,” Luna explains. Celestia and the other officers nod, seeing the logic in that. Luna's hoof then moves to Manehattan. “Trotsdale is connected to Manehattan by railway. Should they attempt to assault Manehattan, t'will be simple to relocate our forces there.”

“Sombra will not attempt to travel to Canterlot by sea to get around our forces. Those waters belong to Griffonstone, and he is too smart to risk antagonizing its denizens,” Celestia surmises, looking to her sister for approval. Luna nods, and then the both of of them look at Shining Armor. “Canterlot will be safe, Captain. I will not let Sombra's forces that far into our territory.”

“Definitely! I ain't lettin' them varmints anywhere near Ponyville!” Applejack asserts.

“So what are we going to do? Sit here in Trotsdale and wait for them?” I demand, unsatisfied by that course of action. There's got to be something else we can do other than just sit and wait. What if Sombra comes himself? Trotsdale will be decimated.

“Here is our decision. We shalt make our stand here, at Trotsdale,” Luna decides. She then glances over where Shining Armor and Robin are standing. “Firstly, Robin, we will require that thou evacuates the civilians, and lead them to Canterlot. Secondly, Shining Armor, we must continue to fortify this city. Canst thou construct defenses around the perimeter?”

“Given the amount of trees at the base of the waterfall, I believe I can get a rough palisade built around the city, at the very least. How much time do we have?” Shining Armor returns, as Robin leaves the room after acknowledging Luna's order.

“As it stands, we believe it will take at least a week for Sombra's forces to reach the city, given the time it will take to cross the mountains and mobilize for an assault,” Luna estimates. A week, huh? I certainly hope we can get defenses up in that time. “We suggests thou start immediately. Thou art dismissed.”

“Yes, your Highness!” Shining Armor salutes smartly, and then he retreats from the room, no doubt getting ready to start the preparations immediately. Iron moves to follow him as well.

“Not you, Commander,” Celestia calls. Iron pauses as the entrance to the room, and then he obediently returns to the table. “There is still something I wish to discuss that concerns you.”

“Captain Blades, thy task is to organize thy troops and prepare thy magical countermeasures,” Luna orders the older stallion next. Yeah, I do remember being told that that was the role of the Canterlot Royal Unicorn 2nd Regiment, but I don't know what that specifically entails. “Take Commander Rose with thee. Dismissed.”

“What about the rest of us? What do we do in the meantime?” I ask curiously as Blades leaves the room along with Rose. I especially want to know what I'll be doing. I'll likely be put with the earth pony guards where I can fight with them on a relatively equal level.

“That is what I wish to discuss. Luna's plan is sound, but should we manage to weather their assault, Sombra's forces should be depleted enough to make a counteroffensive,” Celestia answers. Wait what? If Sombra comes himself to the battlefield, we're all screwed. And even if he doesn't, attacking him head on is suicide.

“So will ours,” I point out, basically admitting that there will be losses. Of course there will. Who knows how many undead Sombra has under his control?

“That's true. And that's why we need allies – now more than ever.” Cadance is the one that answers this time. Allies? Who the fuck is going to help us? As far as I know, there's a lot of tension between us and some of the other countries, and even for those that are friendly, this really isn't their affair. I don't see why they'd help.

“But before we get into that...Captain Gale, return to thy duties. Keep an eye on Sombra's movements. Captain Spitfire, work with the others and set up supply lines. We will need to maintain our army,” Luna commands.

“Yes, your Highness!” With that, Gale, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot exit the town hall next. Now, it's only Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Iron, Rainbow, me, and the others from Ponyville in the room.

“Who the hell is going to help us? This is technically our problem, and that's how the other countries are going to see this,” I question. Celestia and Luna look to Cadance, rather than answering me. That's right, Cadance is the princess that handles most diplomatic matters. She would know more than them, I suppose.

“Equestria has always been friendly with Griffonstone. I'm friends with their viceroy; I think that if I approached him, he would help us,” Cadance explains.

“That is a good idea. It would be a definite help to have Griffonstone's armored airships alongside us,” Celestia agrees. “If you think you can convince them, then by all means, send a detachment.”

“I'll have to go myself. Zythe is...well...let's say he's a little eccentric. If it isn't me that talks to him, he won't listen,” Cadance asserts. Celestia and Luna look at one another in worry at that. I do too, because Cadance is pretty strong. Shouldn't she be on the front lines with us? “If anypony can get Griffonstone to help us, it's me.”

“Very well. I trust you,” Celestia says with a sigh. Cadance smiles at her words. Next, Celestia turns to Iron. “Now, for why I asked you to remain, Commander. I know what you have gone through, but I need your help.”

“Princess?” Iron asks, starting to look a little hesitant.

“Your blood brother...he still rules over Bleak Island, correct?” Celestia asks. At that, Iron visibly shows a pained expression, which is uncharacteristic for him. Then again, I don't really know much about Iron except that he came from Bleak Island and that his parents died in a civil war.

“Y-Yes, as far as I know, Warlord Salamul is still in command,” Iron responds. His eyes widen as he suddenly anticipates what Celestia is trying to ask. “You want me to...go back?”

“I would not ask this of you if we were not in need of every ally we can muster,” Celestia responds apologetically, not bothering to deny him. “I know what happened there left its mark on you...but we need his power, and you are the only one he respects.”

“I...understand...” Iron returns through gritted teeth. Finally, he sighs and looks down, faint acceptance in his eyes. “If I must return for the sake of Equestria, I will. This is my home now, not that island.”

“Thank you, Stalwart,” Celestia expresses gratefully, reaching forward and giving Iron a nuzzle, who looks visibly shocked by the gesture. “You are dismissed.”

Iron salutes and leaves the room, such that there's no more officers in the room. Now that it's just us, I have to ask. “What are your plans on dealing with Sombra himself?” I ask, crossing my arms. All eyes are on Celestia next, because she's the strongest one here.

“At best, it would take a combined effort to take him down,” Celestia answers, pretty much admitting that she has no idea if we can win against him or not. I'm about to ask another question, but she's ahead of me. “Sombra does not like to fight on the front lines. Therefore we have to outmaneuver his army and force him into a direct confrontation against the magically strongest out of all of us.”

“Which would be me and the three of you, right?” Twilight asks, speaking up for the first time since the council began. By that, I'm assuming she means the three princesses. But still, Sombra had a lot of power. He was hardly even injured during the fight against her and Luna...the only one that could even touch him was Iron because of that shield, and he can't do it again.

“I appreciate the sentiment, but Sombra is far above you,” Celestia replies, pretty much saying what I'm thinking. “I do not want you fighting him.”

“But you need all the power you can get! If I focus on training, I should be able to do something!” Twilight pleads, approaching Celestia directly. “I know...I know I'm not strong compared to you all...but I'm the Element of Magic! That has to count for something.”

Celestia looks like she is about to protest further, but then a pensive expression crosses her face. “Hm...you have been steadily growing in strength over the course of your life. If you were to apply yourself to training...” Celestia muses. Finally, she shakes her head. “No, it is too uncertain. Perhaps I will change my mind when it's time to fight Sombra, but until then, I cannot let you anywhere near him.”

“I...I understand. But I won't give up. I'll do my best to raise my power to be of use to you,” Twilight promises.

All of this talk about fighting Sombra makes me realize that if I still had my magic, I'd likely be included in the battle against Sombra when the time comes. Against Chrysalis, she was threatening my friends, but with Sombra...it's personal. I want to be there at the final battle more than anything, but there's no way I can fight him now. If only there were a way!

“Don't worry, Twilight. I think I can beat him, if I am given enough time to prepare my strongest technique,” Celestia assures us. I perk up at this. Her strongest technique? If she had something like that, why didn't she use it in the first place? “If the three of us fighting together can lower his power enough, I should be able to destroy him.”

“But you're not sure,” I prompt. Celestia pauses, and then she nods in confirmation. The sinking feeling returns to my chest, but I don't let myself despair as before. I promised everypony that I'd have faith in them and fight until the end.

“You are right. I am not sure we possess enough power to contend with him,” Celestia admits. She looks between Luna and Cadance, both of whom are wearing solemn expressions. “We could really use another magic user. If only there were some other being that could use magic...”

We all fall into silence after that, frustrated with the situation. I don't know if we can win. We may be able to crush his armies and defeat his generals, but unless something changes, Sombra will probably defeat us at the end. I clench my fists and grit my teeth, wishing more than anything that I had the magic to fight alongside them all.

“...There is somepony else with that kind of magic,” Cadance says softly after an agonizing minute of silence passes. At that, every single one of us turn to look at her in surprise. Who? Who else has enough power comparable with theirs?

“Who, Cadance?” Celestia prompts, watching her niece with anticipation. The rest of us wait anxiously for the answer with baited breath. When Cadance finally answers, it's in a low voice that's barely above a whisper.

“Queen Chrysalis.”

Author's Note:

Okay, so for those of you that aren't following me and haven't seen the blog post, I've edited the ending of the last chapter. To sum it up, I'm postponing the magic reveal because I believe that I rushed it. As such, Seth does not have magic as of yet. It will still happen, but not quite yet.

Now then, I've dropped one of the biggest plot twists I've had planned here, right at the ending. Heh, I'm such an asshole with my cliffhangers.

I'd talk about more, but I'm currently in a hurry, so for now, I'll just thank Schadenponi for editing this. Don't forget to leave your comments and tell me what you think!

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