• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,505 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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40. Return to Canterlot

That's....okay, I guess this wedding is actually somewhat of a big deal. I remember whenever there was a royal wedding back in my time, everybody and their mother would be up in a clamor about it, whether that meant gossiping about it with their friends or watching it on TV.

And Cadance? I met her for a little while, and she was...tolerable. I'll give her that. I remember her mentioning a “coltfriend,” but I didn't realize they were so close that they were getting married. Still though, I'm not happy about having to go. Getting a place to stay will take a huge chunk out of my money. I mean, the option to stay here is there, but then I'll be losing money as well. So it's basically choose whatever I hate less. Would I rather be alone with no friends (since if it's a royal wedding, the entire town is probably going to go), or go with them and be bored. Fuck it, I guess I'll go.

Twilight, however, appears to be in shock. Yeah, I suppose that's how anybody would feel if they were told their sibling was getting married to a princess. Though I do find it interesting that she even has a brother, and that he was dating Cadance. Slowly though, I start to see the slightest hint of anger starting to show in her face.

“Congrats, Twilight! You must be so happy,” Applejack congratulates her, grabbing Twilight's limp hoof and shaking it. Twilight's eyes narrow, and she yanks her hoof away.

“Yeah, I'm SO happy to hear about this wedding from a slip of paper!” Twilight rages, tossing the scroll on the ground. The other ponies here look at her with shock, while I just watch with interest. I've only ever seen her mad once, and that was at me. So this is somewhat entertaining to see her angry at somebody other than me. “Why couldn't my brother tell me about this himself!? I mean really? Thanks, Shining Armor.”

Twilight then proceeds to impersonate her brother poorly. Then it hits me. “Hold on a second, what?” I interrupt her in the middle of her rant. The other ponies look at me now as if I've grown a second head. They probably think I'm nuts for getting in the middle of this. “Did you just say, 'Shining Armor?'”

“That's right. My brother's name is Shining Armor. Why, have you heard of him?” Twilight asks, surprised by my interruption.

“Your brother...is the Captain of the Royal Canterlot Unicorn First Regiment. The Shining Armor,” I repeat incredulously. I remember when I saw Shining Armor for the first time, the way his mane settled around his neck reminded me of somepony. Now it makes sense. His manestyle is similar to Twilight's. Oh son of a bitch, I tried to get out of training with Twilight, and got landed with her brother instead. The fucking irony. Still, Twilight keeps surprising me with how important she is. Personal student of Princess Celestia and she has a brother who's the Captain of the Guard and is about to become a fucking prince. Christ.

“Yes, that's correct,” Twilight says, still somewhat confused. Meanwhile, the jaws of the other ponies listening in hit the fucking ground.

“Wow...Equestria is a small fucking place. Did you know I trained with him during my trip to Canterlot a month and a half ago?” I reveal, much to Twilight's surprise. Even Rainbow looks surprised at me for that. I guess I never told her that much.

“Oh, so you already know my brother. Did he say anything about me at all?” Twilight asks hopefully.

“Nope, not a thing. Hence why I didn't know he was your brother,” I answer her. Her face falls, and then she gets angry again.

“He didn't? Is he not even thinking about me? Why would he make a decision like this, and not even tell me about it? Why did I have to find out from a stupid invitation!?” Wow, Twilight is more pissed than I've ever seen her. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Who is that, who even is that!?”

She...hold on a minute, Cadance was her foalsitter. How does she not remember her? Or maybe she doesn't recognize Cadance's formal name. Which would make sense, considering Cadance didn't seem to like it herself. You know...I could tell her...but this is rather entertaining. So I think I won't.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Fluttershy asks, trying to comfort her friend. Twilight looks like she's about to blow a gasket, but then she forces herself to calm down with a heavy sigh.

“Sorry...it's just that my brother and I always used to be so close,” Twilight laments. “He's my BBBFF!”

I'm sorry, what the fuck did I just hear?? What the fuck did she just call Shining Armor? Turns out none of the other ponies here have a clue what that means either, because they're also looking at Twilight with confusion.

“Big brother best friend forever,” Twilight explains, clearly not amused. While the other ponies give sounds of understanding, I give a snort.

“That's fucking dumb. How about you never say that again?” I ask rudely. Twilight turns her head and fucking growls at me.

“Can you not be...yourself right now? I'm definitely not in the mood,” Twilight snaps. Oh, just not be myself. Seems easy enough.

“I'll get right on that,” I retort. At that, Twilight gives off a frustrated huff. Rainbow sidles up to me.

“Can you give her some slack? She's really mad,” Rainbow whispers. I shrug. It's not my fucking problem if she wants to flip a lid over nothing. So what if her brother didn't tell her? It's really none of your business who your brother is fucking. What? That's literally all marriage is. I probably wouldn't have gone to Adam's wedding...unless he asked very nicely and there was cake.

“Before I came to Ponyville, Shining Armor was really the only pony I accepted,” Twilight continues, venting to her friends. Which doesn't include me, because I don't give a fuck. Suddenly, Twilight starts to hum a sad little tune. Wait really? Is this about to happen right...and she's singing.

Okay, do ponies really do this? I remember Pinkie breaking out into song randomly, but she's Pinkie. Lyra did it at one point, but she had her lyre to back her vocals. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle did this really cool improvised piece earlier, but I assumed that was just a talent of theirs.

Right...I'm just going to tune this out and pretend it isn't happening. I guess it might be a cultural thing. Whatever.

Anyway, so Shining Armor, that really hard ass captain that first trained me how to defend myself against basic attacks, and how to control the basic flow of my magic in general...is now marrying Cadance, that princess that took me to a concert, which was the best fucking thing ever. That's a bit of a revelation.

It makes sense though. No doubt only a captain would have the status necessary to court a princess. Though I can see why they'd date. They both are pretty chill when not on duty...and fuck it, I hate having to care. Because I'm probably going to end up helping to prepare this wedding, I have to care about their relationship...which I hate doing. Fuck relationships, and fuck weddings ten times more.

“Twilight,” Applejack says after Twilight finishes...whatever the hell she was doing. Nopony else seems to be batting an eye at her impromptu performance. “As one o' yer good friends, I think yer brother sounds like a good guy.”

“He is...they don't let just anypony be Captain of the Royal Canterlot Unicorn First Regiment,” Twilight agrees sadly. “They're in charge of the defense and security of Canterlot itself. Their captain needs to be somepony we can all trust.”

“So...let me get this straight,” Rarity inserts, looking somewhat manic. “We're helping out with the wedding of not just a princess, but also the Captain of the Royal Canterlot Guard!?”

“I...guess we are,” Twilight says with a heavy sigh. At that, Rarity proceeds to faint again, while the other three ponies start to whoop and laugh joyfully, as if this were an incredible opportunity. When I say three, I mean that Rainbow is still sitting next to me.

“Maybe this won't be so bad after all,” Rainbow remarks to me. “A Sonic Rainboom...at a royal wedding? This is going to be a great wedding!”

“That's not saying much,” I snap back at her, annoyed at this whole thing. Rainbow looks at me oddly. “I hate weddings. Not only am I being dragged to one because the alternative is staying here entirely alone, but there's also Twilight drama going on. This can't possibly get any worse.”

“Aw, come on, it won't be that bad. Come hang with me while I warm up for the wedding. Watching me do my tricks should take your mind off things,” Rainbow suggests in an attempt to cheer me up. Yeah...no.

“Thanks for the offer, but no. Chances are, you'll be flying around non-stop, with no time to hang with me,” I point out. Rainbow raises a hoof and opens her mouth to protest, but then she shuts it, realizing I'm right. “Plus, I have to find some way to make up for the bits I'm going to lose finding a place to stay.”

“No you don't. Since we're the Elements of Harmony and all that, every time we go to the castle on business, we get a royal suite!” Rainbow informs me excitedly.

“That's great, but I'm not an Element of Harmony,” I remind her.

“So? That doesn't mean you can't take advantage of it. Come stay with me in my room. We can listen to your music there too if we're lucky enough to get some free time,” Rainbow offers. That's...huh, I didn't even think about that. That's a pretty big favor...but in the whole month Rainbow and I have known one another, she's never tried to use her past favors as leverage against me. I guess I pretty much trust her at this point. At least for stuff like this.

“I guess that's fair. Even so, there's probably something else I could be doing to help with the wedding preparations while you're warming up,” I reiterate. Rainbow sighs and nods in understanding. She seems a bit disappointed, for whatever reason. “By the way, when is this wedding? All I know is that we're going to it.”

“It's...huh, I actually don't know,” Rainbow realizes. She turns her head to the sulking Twilight.” Hey Twilight! When is this wedding supposed to be?”

“Tomorrow,” Twilight answers sullenly.

“Holy fuck, really? Then we need to get going right the fuck now,” I express, looking around at the other ponies. “Who the hell planned this thing? Are we seriously going to be able to get everything ready by tomorrow?”

“Ah agree, we should get going. Though you should calm down a bit, Seth,” Applejack responds.

“Calm down!? You don't throw together a goddamn wedding at the last minute like this! Enough celebrating! Get moving! Let's get our tickets and get the fuck to Canterlot!” I'm practically yelling at this point. I don't see why I care, though. Probably because if I'm going to find some way to get paid for this, I have to make sure it goes according to plan. Though that's technically Twilight's job.

With that, I make sure to grab a handful of sweets, and then we start packing up the picnic, as something for more important lies on the horizon. I better get paid a lot for helping out with this, or I'm going to be mad.

Since Twilight is too busy being a drama queen, I take command. “Applejack, you find someplace to put all the cloths and stuff until we get back. Pinkie, take the food back to your place and store it. Rainbow, go get in line for tickets, and yes, there will probably be a line for a fucking royal wedding,” I order. Everything I say comes out sounding pissed off, but that's fine with me.

“Sure, ah kin do that.”

“Okie dokie lokie!”

“I'll be back in a flash!” With that, the three ponies I addressed split off to do the tasks I gave them.

“What are you going to do, Seth?” Rarity asks curiously. Well, I certainly can't go in just what I'm wearing now. Or I can, but it needs something to make it look more formal. And I know just the thing.

“I'm going go get that white coat you made for me. You know, the really epic looking one,” I tell her. Rarity gives a happy smile at that. I also feel a little excited. To wear that coat I mean. What's the big deal about this white coat? Oh trust me, you haven't fucking seen it. It's epic as hell. I actually paid Rarity for that one, despite her protests, because it is that fucking cool. “Now then, I'll meet you all at the train station. And make sure Twilight doesn't sit there and sulk for too long.”

Without waiting for a reply, I flare my magic and take to the air, as it will be the quickest way of getting to Vinyl's place without getting interrupted.

You know, moving around like this makes me feel like a character from Dragon Ball. Then again, this flight ability is exactly the kind of thing they use. This is kinda awesome.

So because of how much faster this method of travel is compared to walking, I reach Vinyl's house in a manner of seconds. Without knocking, I walk inside to see Vinyl...also packing. “Hold up, where are you going?” I ask curiously.

“Oh, hey Seth. You don't know?” Vinyl responds, looking up from preparations. She seems to be loading up all her musical equipment into that massive cart again. “There's going to be a royal wedding tomorrow, and I want to be there.”

“Seriously? So am I like, the last one to find out about this?” I demand furiously. Technically the eight of us found out at (by eight, I mean Twilight, her friends, and Spike) the same time, but they're less important.

“Shoot, I thought I'd mentioned it to you at one point. Sorry about that,” Vinyl apologizes with a sheepish expression. “Are you coming too?”

“Apparently I am. Celestia contacted Twilight and told her to bring me along to help with the preparations,” I explain, cutting out the minor details that don't matter. “What about you? Why are you bringing all your musical stuff?”

“Do you have to ask? It's for the after-parties, bro! Ponies from all over Equestria are gonna show up to see this, and the reception ain't gonna be the only party,” Vinyl expresses with an excited grin. “I'm gonna make a killing!”

“Right...well, then maybe I'll see you there. Since Celestia was a dumb fuck and decided to let us know NOW that we're supposed to set up the whole damn wedding, I have no time to waste talking to you,” I tell her, and then without waiting to hear her respond I dash up the stairs and into my room. Throwing open the closet, it's an easy matter to spot my coat and grab it, though I make sure to be gentle with it, because it really is a work of art. I don't know much about tailoring and what terms and what not, but I'll do my best to describe it.

When I say coat, I don't mean it's one of those fluffy winter things you put on. No, when I say coat, I mean one of those really long ones. Rarity had it in her head that she wanted to make something truly fancy, and she more than outdid herself.

I put on the coat, loving the feel of its weight settling on my shoulders. This coat is so long, the ends of it dangle just slightly above the ground. Yeah, its one of those. I'd also like to clarify that it's not one of those coats where the designer got lazy and decided to just make a standard jacket...longer. The cloth splits at the back at the waistline, and the edges of the split are trimmed with stitched polyester that looks almost like leather, except grayish, to contrast with the coat's mostly white coloring.

As for my shoulders, there's a set of epaulettes, but non in the usual sense. For example, there's no dumb looking tassels or anything like that. Instead, the cloth is a different color on top of my shoulders, and hangs down the side of my shoulders loosely, stopping just above my elbows.

There's a set of silver buttons running down my chest that are solely for decorative purposes. No, there's a small black stretch of stiff cloth that I zip together on my chest, as well as two straps and buckles. This coat is long sleeved as well. And lastly, on the area where my wrists would go, there's a set of fancy gray bracers.

In other words, this coat is sick as fuck. I also told Rarity I'd never wear this thing to work, which she agreed with. She said it would be more appropriate to wear if I ever returned to Canterlot. Which I am. So I'm wearing this thing. God, I feel like a total badass.

Once I zip up the coat and fasten the straps, I'm ready to go. Hopefully the other ponies did what they were told, so that we can just hop on the train and go. We have a lot of shit to do, after all, and it doesn't seem like Twilight's in any mood to do the role she's been assigned. Which means unless one of the other ponies steps up to the plate, it'll be my job. Dammit, I'm no leader. Twilight better not make me have to be one. Though on the other hand, if she fucks off, I'll get paid that much more.

Vinyl does a double take when I walk down the stairs. “Dude...that outfit. Holy mother of Celestia,” she gasps, looking at the coat in awe. I can't help but preen a little. Yeah, I do look awesome. “Rarity really went over the top for that. Still...looks awesome!”

“Thanks. Since I'm going to wedding, I might as well look my best,” I reply, adjusting my hair so that none of it falls into the collar.

“Wow. At this rate, you're going to make me look bad,” Vinyl comments appreciatively. Of course, that sets me up with the perfect opportunity to mess with her.

“Oh please, like you need my help to do that,” I tell her nonchalantly, moving for the door. Immediately, I'm hit in the head with a roll of paper towels.

“Oh, get the heck out of my house,” Vinyl retorts good naturedly, though she's picking up another roll.

Chuckling, I open the door and take to the skies again.

I land just outside the train station, where the train itself is idling and getting filled with ponies. It seems everypony is trying to go early as well...if you call the day before “early.” Seriously, just you wait until I can give you a piece of my mind, Celestia. This is some bad planning on your part.

The line is massive, but I can see Rainbow at the front of it now, exchanging her bits for tickets. That's good. And there's Applejack and Pinkie approaching the station, though the latter is literally bouncing instead of walking. I approach the two of them expectantly.

“Good. If we leave soon, we might have a chance of pulling this off,” I address them without even greeting them first. Applejack and Pinkie glance at me, and then they both double take.

“Whoa there, that's a right fancy outfit yer wearin',” Applejack observes. She reaches up a hoof and touches it with a hoof. “This Rarity's work?”

“Yeah. The only thing I actually paid her for...and would you stop that?” I turn down and bat at hand at Pinkie, who is giggling and batting at the ends of my coat with her hoofs.

“It's like you're wearing two really really big streamers on the back of your coat! It's a brilliant idea!” Pinkie exclaims, batting at them once again despite me attempting to fend her off. “Can Rarity make me one of these?”

“I most certainly cannot,” Rarity answers, walking up to our little group next, dressed in a fancy , yet practical dress of her own. Behind her, she's lugging a large cart filled with her luggage. “It's not that simple, darling.”

“Aw, why not? Sethie looks so fancy in that coat. Why can't I have one?” Pinkie asks, her excitement not dropping even a little.

“I swear to god, I will smack a bitch if you don't stop calling me Sethie!” I snap at her, even though it's been a month and a half, and she still has yet to acknowledge one of my attempts to get her to stop.

“Because, the design I used for this coat would fall flat if I were to extend it to ponies,” Rarity begins. Fluttershy joins us in the middle of Rarity's explanation, though she greets us so softly we hardly hear her. “You see those drapes on his shoulders? Our shoulders are not nearly as broad as his, so it would look simply awful, with all of that loose fabric hanging down.”

“We're wasting time. Where the fuck is Rainbow and Twilight?” I say, cutting across Pinkie's no doubt inane response.

“Twilight? Oh, she's been here,” Applejack answers, indicating the unicorn in question sitting near the edge of the train platform, completely alone except for a helpless-looking Spike.

“Oh, she's still sulking. Great. Do I need to smack some sense into her so she doesn't leave me to do all the directing?” I ask, though my question isn't really directed at anyone other than myself.

`”Ah...don't think that would be a good idea,” Applejack says haltingly. “She's pretty scary when she's mad. Though ah don't think she's got anything ta be mad about.”

“I agree. Her brother is getting married! I assume he didn't tell her because he wanted it to be a surprise!” Rarity adds.

“I don't know...” Fluttershy trails off, but she was cut off by Rainbow landing in our midst, eight tickets clenched in her mouth. She then gives one to each of us...though let me tell you, it is odd taking something from a pony's mouth.

“Okay, where's Twilight and Spike?” Rainbow asks urgently. Applejack shows her as well. “Okay. Let's go. Once I give them their tickets, we can get on the train. Also...awesome outfit, Seth.”

“At least somepony around here understands how last minute all of this is,” I grumble, while Rarity beams at the praise to her work. Thankfully though, we stop our idle conversation and start moving towards the platform. When we near Twilight, Rainbow approaches the sulking mare tentatively, holding the tickets.

“Hey Twi. Are you ready to go? I have your tickets,” Rainbow addresses her carefully. Twilight looks up slowly after a few seconds. She smiles weakly at her friend and takes the tickets, passing one to Spike with her magic.

“Yes, I'm ready. Sorry,” Twilight replies shortly. She turns around to see the rest of us. She looks at my coat curiously, but doesn't really say anything about it. I have half a mind to kick her ass out of this self-induced snit she's put herself in, but we have no time for that.

“Okay, everybody has their tickets. Now let's get going,” I order, motioning everyone towards the crowd attempting to get into the train. “Why can't we get a compartment to ourselves like we did last time?”

“We actually can. Hello? Elements of Harmony?” Rainbow remarks, waving a hoof in my face. I push her hoof down with wry expression.

“Is that how we got one last time? Because I doubt Vinyl was important enough for one,” I say, putting two and two together.

“No, actually. Vinyl paid for a reservation beforehoof,” Rainbow explains with a grin. “But we're on business for the princess this time, so we get our own.”

“I see. And it seems like you all know what you're doing as far as that goes,” I reply, noticing the others taking the lead. I tag along with them, walking onto the train behind them, handing my ticket to the conductor as I do so.

We all take our seats. I sit between Rarity and Rainbow, and Applejack, Spike, and Pinkie surround us. Twilight chooses to seclude herself, continuing to sulk over at the front of the compartment. She stays like this even as the train starts to move.

The ponies around me are chatting excitedly and animatedly, hardly even staying in their seats. Ugh. This is going to get really annoying.

“I can't wait! A Sonic Rainboom at a royal Wedding?” Rainbow says once we're far into the trip, repeating her words from earlier today. “Can you say, best wedding ever!?”

Pinkie takes a breath, and then proceeds to scream extremely loudly, “BEST WEDDING EVER!” This causes me to clap my hands to my ears, while the others just laugh. Goddammit, she can be really annoying.

Because my hands are over my ears, I miss Spike's remark, but it gets the girls laughing again, so it was probably something dumb. I think it's safe now, so I lower my hands.

“How long is she going to sit over there?” I demand, changing the subject away from the wedding for a second. I indicate Twilight with a wave of my hand. “She's acting like a foal.”

“Now, I think that's a little harsh,” Rarity chides me. “It's all right for her to be a little shocked, and perhaps worried. After all, she's never met this Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.”

“Yeah, well, I don't care what her reasons are. She needs to snap out of it and do the job Celestia gave her, or I'm going to have to take over, and I really don't want to do that,” I retort. “And neither do you. I'm not fun to work under.”

“Ah don't doubt it,” Applejack responds wryly. “Now how 'bout I go over there an' try to cheer her up?”

“Good luck with that. It's difficult to get her out of her slumps,” Spike inserts. “And this...well, I wouldn't say she gets like this often.”

“I suppose it's worth a shot, regardless,” Rarity decides. “I say do it. Shall I go with you, Applejack?”

“Nah, don't want her ta feel outnumbered. Leave it ta me,” Applejack determines. She gets to her hooves and walks over to Twilight, while we watch carefully. I don't think this is going to go well for her.

I can't really hear what they're saying over the sounds made by the train, but as I suspected, it isn't going well. Twilight is waving her hooves around animatedly, a furious expression on her face. Finally, Applejack appears to give up, and she walks back to us with her mouth set in a thin line.

“Ah couldn't get through to her. She seems mighty possessive of her brother. Claims he won't have time for her,” Applejack reveals. “Ah tried tellin' her otherwise, but she wouldn't listen.”

“Why, that's absurd. They're family, right? Why wouldn't he make time for her?” Rarity states her opinion, looking over at Twilight.

“That's what ah said. But she seems all hung up on the issue that he didn't tell her about the wedding,” Applejack relates.

“Pathetic,” I rejoin, shaking my head. They other ponies all turn to me with worried expressions. “That's all it is? Getting upset that someone can't spend time with you is foalish and stupid. You can't change the way things are.”

“Seth, must you be so critical?” Rarity gets on to me yet again. It seems like she's always the one scolding me whenever I say something like this. “I don't excuse Twilight's behavior, but I understand it. It's natural to crave the attention of your family. Do you have siblings?”

“Rarity!” Rainbow hisses at her in warning, but it's too late. I shut my eyes, remembering Adam. I can't really relate. While I enjoyed spending time with him, it wasn't that big of a deal if he was busy. That's why I always let him choose the times we'd get together.

“I'm not talking about my family. Ever,” I express to Rarity firmly. She blinks at the change in my tone. “To be honest, I don't care what she's feeling. All I care about is that she can do the job.”

“Okay, Seth. Stop,” Rainbow finally joins the conversation fully, looking at me. “You can't judge her because she misses her family. That's just wrong.”

“She should be happy she even has one,” I retort, and that in particular makes all of the ponies listening wince.

“I...think I understand,” Rarity begins, picking her words carefully. Oh do you? This oughta be good. “You are angry because you think Twilight is taking her brother for granted.”

“Fuck your assumption, that's...actually not far off,” I say, halting off in the middle of my retort. “Have you been taking lessons from Celestia? Because you're reading my mind.”

“Oh dear, don't put me on Celestia's level. She's been alive far longer than myself. I'm just being observant and empathetic,” Rarity explains, giggling slightly. Then she composes herself, looking serious. “I know the feeling isn't reciprocated, but I consider you amongst my friends. As such, I want to see you happy.”

I scoff, but I'd be lying if I said her words didn't mean something to me. I think I've said this before, but I'm so used to people not giving a shit what I'm feeling. In my time, nobody put forth the effort to know me. Sure, they'll talk to me. Or they'll ask if something's wrong. But when it becomes more than they've bargained for, they leave to find somebody simpler.

These ponies have faced the brunt of my anger and cynicism, at some point or another, and they keep trying to be my friend. It's baffling.

“Oh! We're here, we're here!” Pinkie screeches, sticking her head out the window. “Canterlot ahoy, captain!”

I look out the window as well, and notice something odd. Actually, not odd. As in, downright strange. There's a massive shimmering dome surrounding the entire city, colored pink. It's almost like a force field of some kind. There's also a massive military presence. I can see large groups of pegasi flying through the air around the castle, and legions of royal guards patrol the streets. Hell, there are even two guards standing on either side of the railroad just in front of the barrier...which we're about to hit.

The horns of the two guards light up, and the portion of the barrier closest to us starts to ripple like water. The train passes through it entirely.

“What the...” I start as the thin pink membrane of the barrier passes through the train and through me. My body starts to tingle unpleasantly at the contact. Rainbow and the others also appear slightly uncomfortable from the contact. “The hell was that?”

“I dunno, Canterlot didn't have this kind of security the last time we were here,” Rainbow answers, as confused as I am. “Did something happen?”

“Who knows. I guess we'll get a chance to find out,” I state as the train slowly comes to a stop at the typical station.

When the door opens, the first thing we all notice is the sheer amount of military presence here on the platform. There's guards everywhere, and I mean everywhere. There's practically an entire squad of the here, all armored and heavily armed with spears and swords. I think they're all from the Canterlot Royal Unicorn First Regiment, so they're all under Shining Armor's control.

“So many guards...seriously, what's the big deal?” Rainbow demands as the doors open. She walks out, followed by Rarity.

“I'm sure they're just taking precautions. These weddings can bring out the strangest of ponies, after all,” Rarity reasons. As if on cue, Pinkie walks out of the train and sneezes fucking confetti like it's no big deal. I'd say what the fuck, but I feel like I say that every time I see Pinkie doing anything. “Now, we should get moving. We all have a lot of work to do.”

“And Twilight, you should go congratulate your big brother,” Applejack says with an encouraging smile to the still sullen Twilight.

“Right....congratulate...” Twilight says in a dangerously soft voice. “And then I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!”

And off she goes, joining up with one of the guards, who proceeds to escort her away. Which leaves us entirely without our organizer. “Shit, really? Now how are we going to get to work without her directing us? Do all of you know where you're going?” I demand irritably.

“Well, ah'd assume ah'd be goin' to the castle kitchens to get the food ready,” Applejack answers, putting a hoof to her chin. Okay, that makes sense. I look at Rarity.

“I'll be going to my suite to get started on designing the dresses. I not only have to create one for the princess, but also for her bridesmaids,” Rarity explains next. She's starting to look a little stressed. “Oh dear, it's going to be a difficult task.”

“I'm going to the great hall! I've got to put up all the decorations, and get the party games set up. Oh! Not to mention contact musicians and write up a guest list!” Pinkie exclaims, bouncing around me in circles like an annoying fly. “Busy busy busy!”

“I guess I'm just gonna fly around and get myself warmed up,” Rainbow adds. That's true, she does have the easiest job out of all of us. What's probably going to happen is that she's going to take turns napping and flying.

“I'm meeting with the rest of my birds in the garden. We have so much rehearsing to do,” Fluttershy finishes. Right...I forget that they've all been here before.

“So...I'm the only one who hasn't a clue what to do,” I say flatly, looking between them all. They all exchange glances, and then nod in confirmation. “Then why am I even here? Is there something I can do to help any of you?”

“Hm...ah suppose ah could use some help in the kitchen...there'll be a lot of food ta cook,” Applejack suggests. “There's the apple fritters, the cake itself, the pies, you get the picture.”

“Hold up, I thought Pinkie was making the cake?” I ask curiously.

“Nope. Ah got tasked with caterin', so it's mah job,” Applejack clarifies. Oh great. I've tasted
Applejack's cooking at the picnic, and it's decent, but I don't think she can compare to Pinkie, because she is a baking wizard.

“You could always come with me to help with the dresses, like you've done before. I'll pay you for your trouble, of course,” Rarity adds. “After all, I do have a lot of dresses to make.”

I wait for more suggestions, but it seems like that's all I'm going to get. Rainbow and Pinkie don't need my help, and there's no way I'm sitting in a garden for an entire day listening to a bunch of dumb birds try to sing. I still think the idea of a bird choir is just fucking stupid. Seriously. Royal Canterlot Orchestra. You have one! Fucking use it. Ugh, idiots. I feel sorry for Octavia not getting to play in this.

“If those are my only options, I'll come with you, Rarity,” I decide, causing the fashionista to beam. The last time I tried cooking, I was only following a recipe, and that doesn't make a good cook. “I'm not that great of a cook, so I feel I'd just slow you down, Applejack.”

“Aw shucks, ah know how hard of a worker ya are. You wouldn'ta slowed me down none,” Applejack assures me. “But this is fine too. Anyhow, we should get movin'. Like you said, we don't have much time.”

“Right. Let's get going then.” I agree, and together the seven of us leave the train platform, heading for the castle.

It seems calm now, but I bet I'm going to be stressed as hell by the time we get started. Fucking weddings, man.

Author's Note:

Okay, I'm now at the point where I can say "fuck you" to the canon and make it my own. Hopefully reading through canon here wasn't that excruciating. That's why I tried to cut out the Twilight moments as much as possible, because we already know what her deal is.

No, this arc is going to be all about our main character, and how experiencing all of this will affect him personally. Not to mention I fucking love Queen Chrysalis, and I'd like to give her some more credit than what the show did.

Okay, I'll shut up about this and just get back to writing.

Leave a comment for me and tell me what you think! After all, this is a rough draft, and anything you tell me will be used in the rewrite.

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