• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,505 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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71. The Expedition Begins

The morning sun shines brightly as I rest my back against one of the posts of the town hall, steadily reading from the Daring Do book in my hand. My other hand is tucked into my pocket to keep it warm. It's a particularly cold day, so I'll take any kind of warmth that I can get.

Sitting on the ground next to me is Rainbow...though she's nowhere near as patient as I am. She's doing that thing where she'll move around constantly in an attempt to keep herself entertained. Every so often she'll let out an annoyed sigh and glance jealously at the book in my hand.

“You'd think they'd have been here by now,” Vinyl comments, checking the clock tower in the distance. She's also here, though like Rainbow, she hasn't brought anything apart from herself. Well, and her shades, but those are given when she's out in public.

“They aren't late yet,” Twilight insists from her position next to Rainbow, also checking the clock. Unlike the three of us, she's packed for the long run; she's wearing a set of saddlebags filled with books and other materials. “Princess Celestia told me to expect a chariot before noon. We will simply have to be patient.”

“'We'll just have to be patient.' That's pretty rich, coming from the mare who woke us up hours before we needed to be here,” I grunt. I'm not kidding. Twilight literally showed up in the early morning, banging on my door until I woke up. I barely had any time to get ready before she was dragging me to the square. “We've been waiting for two hours now.”

“Silly Sethie! We got here early so we can have some fun before we go!” Pinkie admonishes me lightly, bouncing through and around us seemingly without any kind of pattern. She sets down a box that she pulls from somewhere and produces a cookie from within. “I brought cookies! Early morning cookies, anyone?”

I slowly turn to Twilight and thrust my thumb at Pinkie with a deadpan expression, even as Rainbow and Vinyl move to grab some cookies. “Can somepony tell me why the fuck she's coming again?” I ask with resigned confusion. Even though I'm annoyed by her presence...I can't help but get a cookie as well.

“Somepony needs to come along and make sure you're all smiling!” Pinkie explains instead of Twilight, literally throwing an entire cookie into her mouth. “It's like we're going on a field trip!”

“A field trip? Do you even know what we're going to do?” I insist, lowering the book and staring at her incredulously.

“Nope!” Pinkie responds cheerfully. Her response causes all of us to blink and look at her with dumbfounded expressions. Of course, she's oblivious as ever, considering she's now digging her snout through the box of cookies. “Now, I know I packed some white chocolate in here...”

“Whatever,” I mutter, and then I look back at my book. I don't get very long to read until I'm interrupted again. This time I'm happy to be interrupted though.

“There's our ride!” Vinyl alerts the rest of us, pointing her hoof in the air. Sure enough, a rapidly approaching dot dips beneath the cloud layer and descends towards us.

“Finally!” Rainbow exults. She finishes off a cookie that she is eating and then stretches her wings. Basically, she and I are going to fly, while the rest of them ride in the chariot. When I'd pitched that suggestion to her earlier in the week, she'd agreed wholeheartedly. Riding in chariots is something neither of us like. It's very...confining.

The other townsponies in the square quickly clear away, giving the chariot ample room to land. One thing I notice about the chariot is that this one is different from the other one I rode in. This one is wooden rather than golden, and the seats are actually enclosed by walls and a roof like an old fashioned carriage, complete with doors on each side. Well, that'll make things more comfortable for those of us that brought luggage. By that I mean Twilight.

“I'm so excited! This is going to be so much fun!” Twilight squeals as she climbs into the chariot. Vinyl and Pinkie also get inside. At a nod from me, Vinyl shuts the door and bolts it. I don't think the guards know that we plan to fly, because they're looking at Rainbow and I curiously.

“Don't worry about us. We're flying with you,” I tell them. With a flare of my magic, I leap into the air. The guards looks amongst themselves in confusion. After a second, they collectively shrug and start to run. I look next to me, where Rainbow is already hovering. “Well, Rainbow? Should we stick with them? Or shall we leave them in the dust?”

“Let's do both,” Rainbow suggests. I raise an eyebrow. How can we do both at the same time? “Let me show you some of the tricks I've been working on. I'll spin loops right around this thing.”

“Okay. I guess I'll follow your lead then,” I say with a shrug. With that, Rainbow and I fly forward, keeping pace with the chariot just as it takes off. It isn't long before the three of us are flying in formation towards Canterlot in the distance. By three, I mean Rainbow, the chariot, and I.

It's been a very agonizing week up until this point. I kept getting that feeling you get right before a long trip or vacation. It doesn't make sense, but before something like this, you get restless, and things that used to entertain you don't have the same effect. The whole time, I had very little patience. I just wanted to get this trip started.

But, there was nothing I could do about it at the time, so I ended up relying heavily on Twilight to give me books to read. That way I could lose myself in the fantasy and not think about how long it was going to be before the trip actually started.

I've actually finished the Clock-Maker, for instance. That is an incredible book. I was so tense while reading that scene in that clock tower at the end, holy shit. I can't believe Sephylon didn't decide to make himself immortal...or at least younger. But that's probably just nonsense to you.

Then, at Rainbow's insistence, I actually started reading the Daring Do books. I swear, they couldn't be any more Indiana Jones. Daring even has a hat that she never loses, no matter how ridiculous things get. The only thing Daring is missing is a whip and a short little kid driving her around. The books aren't bad. The plot is a bit kiddy, but they're well written, with plenty of imagery and symbolism that I can make out. I can see why Rainbow likes them.

Speaking of Rainbow, there was hardly a moment where she wasn't with me. She was constantly spending her breaks from work either reading on a cloud where I'm working, or chilling in my house if I had a particularly short shift that day. It's not that I mind, but she's spending an awful lot of time in my house, and not her own.

Lastly, I finally put in an order for a piano. It cost me all but eight thousand bits of my payment, but I now have a grand piano in the sitting room of my house. I haven't gotten around to playing it yet, because by the time it got here, it was already late on the night before today. Once I get back from this expedition though, I'm going to play the shit out of that piano.

I'm snapped out of my recollections by a gust of wind in my face. Rainbow is flying around the chariot in a vertical circle, looking like she's having a little too much fun. Heh. Maybe I should stop thinking so much and enjoy the sights. It's not like I've flown to Canterlot like this before.

Pinkie has her fucking face pressed up against the window of the chariot. Her mouth is moving rapidly, but I can't hear anything apart from a few muffled squeaks, thanks to the wood of the chariot and the rushing of the wind. Thank god for that.

As we get closer to Canterlot, I notice something that wasn't there before. And that would be the two massive airships parked in the air near the castle, tethered to the runway. Those are what I'm going to be riding on?

They literally look like ships...in the air. They're not blimps, nor are they zeppelins or hot air balloons. They look like something that I would see sailing on the ocean, what with the hinged golden rudder, curved hull, and the prow complete with a figurehead. The only difference from a sailing ship is that there's no masts. Instead, there are small steel posts to which a massive balloon in the shape of a violet whale is tethered. For direction, it has two golden fins similar in design to the rudder on each side of the ship, to direct airflow. I can't help but whistle appreciatively. That looks fucking cool.

“Okay, we're almost there now,” Rainbow alerts me once I can make out the runway where the chariots usually land. “Now we can leave them in the dust. Let's do this. You and me, the ultimate rematch of the century!”

“You know, I think you're just hyping this up a lot so you can brag more effectively when you win,” I point out to her. As long as she can break the sound barrier and I can't, there's no way I can beat her there. I think she knows that too.

“Aw, where's your competitive spirit? Give it a shot! Who knows, maybe you'll do better than last time?” Rainbow encourages me with a grin and a nudge.

“Competitive spirit? You say that as if I ever had one to begin with. As far as I see it, the more competitive you are, the more pissed off you get when you lose,” I retort scornfully. “So honestly, I find it too stressful to get competitive.”

“Aw, it's just in good fun. Don't think about it as a race then. Just look at it as a way to see how fast you can go,” Rainbow suggests. Taking a glance at her, I notice how hopeful she looks. Ugh, she really wants to race me. I don't see why, when it's clear who among the two of us is the fastest.

“Ugh, fine. But don't you dare brag when you win,” I grumble. Rainbow pumps a hoof in the air triumphantly, and then she lines herself up next to me. All the while, the pegasus guards flying the chariot are looking at us curiously.

With only a glance between the two of us counting as a signal, Rainbow and I shoot off like a rocket, leaving the bewildered guards behind.

It's a much shorter distance to fly, compared to how far we went during our last race. Therefore, by the time we near the runway, it's clear that Rainbow hasn't built up enough speed to break the sound barrier. However, Rainbow has the edge on me still, more than before. She must have been pushing herself particularly hard during the past month or so, because unlike our last race, I can't keep up with her.

So obviously, she's the first one to get to the runway. I get there a second or two behind her and power down, my feet landing on the edge of the runway gently.

Speaking of which, the runway is currently swamped in ponies moving large boxes, logs of wood, and other materials onto one of airships by way of gangplanks. It really looks like preparations for our ultimate departure are coming along nicely. I think I recognize some of these ponies as well. For example, I see Steel Rivet standing by a pile of lumber that's being loaded onto an airship, overseeing the loading process.

“You're a bit faster than you were last time,” Rainbow remarks after I join her on the runway. I grunt in annoyance. Though I do appreciate she's not bragging about how much faster she's gotten. I'm just amazed that she even can get faster. She was ridiculous back then, and she can still improve? Yeah, as fast and as skilled as she is, there's no way she won't end up in the Wonderbolts at some point if she applies herself. Not that I'm going to tell her any of this. It'll go straight to her head.

“I've gotten a bit stronger with my magic. So I guess speed comes naturally with that?” I guess, because I have no clue how combat magic works. Rainbow shrugs, obviously not having a clue herself.

“Looks like it's pretty busy around here,” Rainbow observes, referring to the crowd of ponies milling around, getting the airships ready for departure. Several scientist ponies walk past us, dressed in their lab coats and carrying labeled boxes and strange technical apparatuses with them. “I'm really excited. I can't wait to see what your old school looks like.”

“I just want to go back to my old dorm. Even though...eighty years passed before the human race died, so my dorm was probably cleaned out,” I reveal to her, a forlorn expression crossing my face. This isn't something I've told her, so Rainbow immediately turns to face me, listening attentively. I initially thought that going back to my dorm was a good idea, but...no doubt after I left, they'd have given it to some other student. “I don't care though. I want to go back there. I lived there for quite some time. I...need some closure.”

I suddenly feel Rainbow's fur brushing up against my side not long after I admit that. I look down at her to find her gazing at me sympathetically. Ugh, don't look at me like that. Sympathy isn't something I need. Sympathy can't fix your problems...though I'm glad she's coming. I don't know why, but I don't think I'd be able to go back there without her. Heh, Zecora was right. I guess I couldn't make it through on my own after all.

“I get that. I'm curious to see how you lived though. Was it a big room?” Rainbow asks, trying to change the subject to something easier to talk about. Though she doesn't move from my side. Before I can answer, I spot a familiar mare approaching us through the crowd.

“Why, it seems the guest of honor has arrived!” Opal proclaims as she comes to a halt just in front of us. She looks at me and smiles brightly. I'm about to say something scathing to her, but then I mentally smack myself. Just looking at her, I can see the similarities between her and Vinyl. Her facial structure is similar, which becomes especially evident when she smiles. Though I don't know why Vinyl is white when Opal isn't. I guess her crazy father must be the white one. Or maybe colors aren't inherited. I don't fucking know. “Good morning, Seth! Who's your friend?”

“The one and only Rainbow Dash, at your service!” Rainbow introduces herself with an egotistical bow. I stifle a groan, but Opal seems to find it funny, as she chuckles. Then it strikes her a second later.

“Rainbow Dash? The Element of Loyalty?” Opal asks incredulously. Oh boy, and now Rainbow is preening herself even further now that her status was recognized as well. “Dear me. I had no idea that one of the Elements was coming with us. It's an honor to have you here.”

“Please stop. Her head is getting so big at this point we could use it to carry the airship,” I practically beg her. In response, Opal starts giggling in an undignified manner as Rainbow proceeds to shove me playfully. “That aside, I should probably warn you that two other Elements are coming: Twilight and Pinkie...for some reason.”

“I should have known Miss Twilight would be coming. I've never met anypony whose drive to learn is as intense as hers,” Opal admits. “Where are they? We're going to be leaving as soon as we get these airships loaded up.”

I don't even have to say anything, because the chariot that Rainbow and I had left behind arrives, landing roughly on the runway besides us. Thankfully the other ponies that would have been in its way have the sense to move aside. The moment the chariot comes to a stop, the door slams open and Pinkie streaks out like a rocket.

“Hooray, Canterlot! Ooh, are those airships? Do we get to ride on one? I've always wanted to ride on one. Do you think it would be like using my flying machine?” Pinkie starts to speak at a mile a minute, though I have no idea who she's talking to.

Twilight and Vinyl get out next, though the moment the latter does, it gets Opal's attention, and she looks truly surprised. “Vinyl, is that you?” Opal asks with disbelief. She immediately leaves me behind and goes to speak with her daughter.

“S'up, mom?” Vinyl responds with a grin, meeting her mother halfway. Much to her annoyance, Opal proceeds to lift off Vinyl's shades with her magic, revealing her unique magenta eyes. “Hey, give those back!”

“In a second. I just want to see those adorable eyes of yours. You know I hate it when you hide them,” Opal chides her, lowering her head to Vinyl. “Now c'mere and give your mother a nuzzle.”

“Aw, come on, mom!” Vinyl complains, though she does nuzzle her mother affectionately. I can't help but snort with laughter as Vinyl is embarrassed by her overly affectionate mother. Finally, Opal draws back and gives Vinyl back her shades.

“What are you doing here? You always said you didn't like coming with me on my digs,” Opal asks curiously. Then, she and Vinyl start walking over to Rainbow and I.

“Yeah, well, I don't. I'm here for a different reason,” Vinyl remarks. Just then, she and Opal reach Rainbow and I. Twilight seems to be on her way here as well. Vinyl glances at Rainbow and I wryly. “Did you two really have to leave us in the dust like that?”

“Of course we did. I really wanted to show Seth how much faster I got!” Rainbow shoots back with a grin. I give her a look, which makes her sheepishly add, “He also got a little faster as well.”

“Yeah, well, good luck catching up to Rainbow, bro. It's just not going to happen.” Vinyl sarcastically jokes, punching me lightly. Opal looks horrified at that, and just as she's turning to scold Vinyl for supposedly antagonizing me, I laugh and reach my hand forward, about to mess with Vinyl's mane. Of course, I almost get my hand bitten. “Oh no, keep your hands away from my mane or I swear I'll wake you up in the morning by blasting my speakers right next to your bed.”

“You didn't even bring your speakers, genius,” I remind her, causing Vinyl to freeze. “And don't you remember? We're going to a dig site. I doubt we're going to have actual beds.”

“Eh, you have a point. Fine, it will be the next time I hang out at your place,” Vinyl counters. That comment causes Opal to do a double take and look between Vinyl and I in shock. Vinyl notices her mother looking so surprised and raises an eyebrow. “What?”

“You two are friends?” Opal asks in amazement. Oh yeah, I was a total ass to her the last time I saw her. The fact that I'm friends with her daughter must be pretty shocking to her.

“Yeah, totally. Seth and I have been buddies for over a month now,” Vinyl explains. Opal's jaw drops, and then she looks to me. When I nod in confirmation, her jaw falls further. “Why's that so surprising?”

“Because I was a total dick to her the last time we spoke,” I say ruefully. I guess I better get this over with now rather than later. I turn and address Opal. “By the way, I'm sorry about that. I had no idea you were related to Vinyl at the time.”

Opal continues to look dumbfounded for a few moments before she manages to compose herself. She smiled warmly. “Don't worry about it. I didn't know you were friends with my daughter, either. Shall we start over then?” Opal offers, extending her hoof to me.

I might as well. I mean, even though I was only friends with Amaryllis, I was on good terms with her family as well. “Sure,” I say simply, and then I grasp her hoof with my hand and shake it lightly. Opal beams at me, happy that we're on better terms than before.

Any further conversation is interrupted when a stallion earth pony approaches Opal, caryring a clipboard. “Miss Opal, the lighting equipment has arrived. Mr. Rivet wants to know if he should load them in now, or wait until the miners get here,” the stallion reports, bowing his head slightly in respect. Right, I forgot that Opal is the project lead. No doubt she's going to be incredibly busy.

“Tell him to wait. No doubt the miners will have equipment of their own that will need to be organized,” Opal orders the stallion, who nods and canters back to Steel Rivet. Opal looks apologetically at the rest of us. “I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to get back to organizing.”

“Is there anything we can do to help?” Twilight inquires hopefully. Opal pauses, and then she looks back at the loading efforts for reference.

“Perhaps. However, I'd like to let you know that none of you are on the payroll for this expedition, so your help is purely volunteer work,” Opal warns us. When Twilight doesn't look any less discouraged, Opal continues. “Very well then. Miss Twilight, would you mind helping out Dr. Forward? He just arrived and could use some help loading his equipment onto the cargo ship.”

“Not a problem!” Twilight says, and then she trots off to join the white coated ponies. Opal looks at the rest of us curiously. I cross my arms. I mean, I could help them load, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm being paid to help them in the ruins.

“As for the rest of you, unless you want to help as well, then it would probably be best if you went ahead and found yourself someplace to be on the other airship,” Opal explains, indicating the respective airship with a hoof. “It won't be long before we set off.”

“Sounds good to me. I don't feel like sitting around down here,” I agree. I look back at Rainbow and Vinyl. “Are you two coming?”

“Definitely. I want to see what this airship is like,” Vinyl answers.

“I'm sticking with you,” Rainbow adds. Suddenly, Rainbow looks perplexed. She looks back at the crowd of working ponies with a worried expression. “Where did Pinkie ever go?”

It's not hard to spot her. Pinkie seems to be tormenting this poor working stallion that's trying to carry a particularly heavy looking box onto the cargo ship. As she passes by us, I can make out her conversation...which is just as senseless as I expected. “...and that's when I said, 'no, silly, your tail isn't grass, it's just green!' You should have seen her face...” Pinkie rambles to the worker, who looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. Sometimes I wonder what the hell goes through that mare's mind.

“...Right. Moving on,” I deadpan. Vinyl and Rainbow seems to find this whole situation rather funny, as they're chuckling as they follow me towards the airship.

I take my first steps on to the gangplank leading up to the airship. The wooden structure bends slightly under my weight, but holds firmly. That's probably to help distribute the weight of all the cargo that this thing is meant to help transport. Still, if I couldn't fly, this would make me uneasy. Thankfully the gangplank is rather wide.

The three of us step onto the airship together, moving away from the gangplank so the other ponies can come and go as they need to. The first thing I do is look around, noting just how similar it is to an 18th century sailing ship, what with the mostly wooden structure and the ship's wheel up at the stern.

Standing near the wheel of the ship is Gilded Skies, dressed in that same black overcoat that he'd been wearing at the meeting. He's resting on the wall of the cabin at the back of the ship, looking rather impatient as ponies walk in and out of the cabin.

“Okay, we're here. What now? All mom said was to 'find someplace to be,'” Vinyl questions, looking around at all the various ponies on the top deck.

“I think that's literally what we do. It isn't that far from here to the Everfree, so we could just stand here for the maybe thirty minutes it'll take us to get there?” I estimate. I'm pretty impatient to get going as well. With that in mind, I slump down and sit against the rim of the airship. Perplexed, Rainbow and Vinyl sit down on either side of me.

Together, the three of us make small talk while everypony gets the ships loaded and ready to go. Rough Hammer and the miners arrive soon, loading their equipment onto the cargo ship and then boarding the ship I'm on. A large group of guards boards the ship soon after, led by Commander Iron himself. He spots us out of the corner of his eye and gives us a terse nod before getting back to directing his troops.

Finally, after half an hour of just sitting here and doing absolutely nothing, it seems like thing are starting to get moving. Opal steps onto the deck of our airship followed by Twilight, Pinkie, and Flash. Opal waves a hoof towards one of the miners on the ship, who joins her obediently. Together, the two of them start retracting the gangplank.

“All right, that's enough sitting around! If you're flying on my ship, you're part of my crew!” Gilded Skies declares, speaking loud enough that his voice can be heard over the sound of the scores of ponies talking on the deck. “Opal, good thinking. Get that gangplank up on deck. Somepony loosen those ropes tying us down!”

Gilded Skies walks across the deck, snapping out orders to anypony unlucky enough to be near him. His voice and gait are so authoritative that the ponies he speaks to can't help but follow his commands. “Make it snappy now! I want us moving in less than five minutes!” Gilded Skies finishes. His light blue wings fan out and he takes to the air, soaring up to a wooden box just below the massive balloon holding us up. He fiddles around with something up there, and then I hear a roar, an orange glow suffusing that area. There's no opening in the balloon, so I doubt he's heating the air to get it moving. I guess that whatever that is, it's a way to get this ship moving.

A shudder runs through the ship, and then I feel the deck rumbling beneath my feet as whatever machinery that keeps this thing running starts up beneath the deck. Gilded Skies lands on the deck near us, looking satisfied. His eyes alight upon me briefly for a moment, but that's all. He doesn't approach me, choosing instead to return to the ship's wheel.

The ship shudders once more, and then, at long last, we start to move. “This is it everypony. Just sit tight and we'll be at the forest in no time!” Gilded Skies calls, turning the wheel so that the ship travels away from the runway.

“Troops, stay on your guard. From here on out, we are protecting each and every one of these civilians,” I hear Iron command his guards as he passes by us.

“Oh gosh, I'm so excited. It feels like I'm in a Daring Do book!” Rainbow exclaims. Hah, she's practically bouncing in place like Pinkie.

“I know, right? Remember that one scene where Daring Do has to travel by airship because she hurt her wing?” Twilight agrees, trotting up to us. At that, Rainbow's eyes light up and she turns to Twilight. The two of them start to fangirl together about that one particular scene in the book. I read that part too, but I'm certainly not the kind of guy to freak out over something I've watched or read. That...was more something that Adam tended to do.

“I think I'm going to head up to the prow. You coming, Seth?” Vinyl decides, standing back up and gazing back at me.

“Yeah, sure. Why not?” I grunt, getting to my feet. As I do so, I hazard a glance behind us, peering over the rim of the airship. I can see the other airship flying a safe distance behind us as well, albeit significantly lower in altitude because of how much cargo it's carrying.

Following Vinyl to the front of the ship, we pass multitudes of other ponies from all sorts of groups. I even catch snippets of their conversations.

“We've got the first job and likely the hardest. We've got to get those trees cut down first so a camp can be made,” Steel Rivet says to a group of earth ponies as we pass by.

“You heard the description of the monster that Seth faced. I want you to be prepared to see more,” Iron instructs several other guards. I also notice with some curiosity that Swift Lance is here as well, listening intently to her commander.

Similar conversations are heard all the way until we reach the front of the ship. It seems like everypony is taking this very seriously. It's a bit surreal to know that I'm a part of something this huge. Even more so because I know that in the end, they're doing it all for me, whether they know it or not.

“This is so cool,” Vinyl remarks, peering over the edge of the ship. Below us are the plains between Canterlot and Ponyville, with a large river coursing through it. In fact, I think that's the same river that passes through Ponyville and heads west. This won't be a long trip after all. “I don't go flying that much, so it's so fascinating every time I do.”

“I can fly whenever I want,” I retort. Without a care for how dangerous this would be for someone that couldn't fly, I hop up onto the prow of the airship and walk all the way to the edge. Call me crazy, but I've always wanted to stand on the prow of a ship like this. Though...I always pictured that I'd be gazing out over the sea and not the clouds. I guess I'll take what I can get.

“Yeah, if I didn't know that you can fly, I'd be freaking out right about now,” Vinyl remarks nervously, eyeing my position at the prow. I shrug and sit down on the prow, letting my legs dangle down into the open air.

Vinyl and I remain there in silence for a while, unable to think of anything else to say. Unfortunately, that doesn't last very long, because a certain pink pony takes it upon herself to interrupt us.

“Guess what guess whaaat!” Pinkie squeals, joining me on the prow despite the fact that she's an earth pony and can't fly. I gaze at her out of the corner of my eye, annoyed. I'm about to make a witty retort, but she continues, despite the fact that no one's made a guess. “That nice Opal pony said I can help! Guess who's going to be cooking for you all!”

“You serious!?” Vinyl exclaims. After Pinkie confirms with a nod, Vinyl grins. “That's totally rad. Nopony can beat your baking skills.”

“You do know that we can't eat cupcakes and cookies every day, right?” I point out. In the end, I think I'm okay with Pinkie making the food. Like I said, she's a baking wizard.

“Of course not, silly! Those are desserts! You eat them as tasty additions, not as a substitute for the meal itself,” Pinkie agrees. Part of me wants to point out the few times I've seen her eat sweets randomly before dinner, but the last thing I should do is try to win an argument with Pinkie. No doubt she'd respond with something stupid and then try to feed me a cupcake.

“Did I hear you right? You're going to be cooking for us?” Finally, Rainbow chooses to come join us, though Twilight isn't with her. “That's just awesome! You've totally got to make some of those spicy cupcakes for me. Those are delicious!”

“Aren't they? They're a bit tricky to make, but I'll do it for you, Dashie!” Pinkie replies happily. I see Rainbow roll her eyes slightly at being called by that name, but she doesn't say anything about it. Probably because she's going to be getting sweets.

“Where's Twilight? Weren't you nerding out with her about those Daring Do books?” I ask curiously.

“I wasn't 'nerding out.'” Rainbow huffs, her right eye twitching at my wording. “But yeah, that Dr. Forward guy showed up and started talking in words I could barely understand. Twilight picked right up on it and started ignoring me, so here I am.”

“Seems about right. I feel like those two will be working together quite a bit,” I conjecture. “They're both overly intellectual ponies, after all.”

“Yeah, I guess. Still annoying that the moment he showed up, off she goes,” Rainbow grumbles. She looks up when I land on the deck next to her...and that's all the warning she gets before I lean down and snatch her up, wrapping an arm around her neck and pulling her close. “Aaah! What the hay are you doing?!”

“Does this little pony want some attention? I think she does. I think she does!” I croon to her in the fakest voice I can muster, messing with Rainbow's mane as she struggles to get free. This little display gets Vinyl and Pinkie laughing uproariously, especially when Rainbow starts flailing her hooves around.

“What the...get off! Seth! I'm going to...stoppit!” Rainbow complains, and then she slams a hoof finto my stomach, winding me. With a gasp of pain, I fall backwards, landing flat on my back. Of course, Rainbow comes with me, because even with that, I didn't let go. Soon, I'm holding her on top of me with my arm.“Waaah!”

“Oh come on, you two. We're in the middle of the open. Can you save your affections for when nopony is looking?” Vinyl complains, her trademark grin returning to her face. Rainbow and I immediately stop struggling with one another and glare at her evilly. We're about to get up and wreck her when Pinkie gives Vinyl a little shove, sending her sprawling right into us. “Uh-oh...”

Rainbow and I detach from one antoher and lunge at Vinyl, such that the three of us are practically rolling across the surface of the deck. We eventually slam into the side of the deck and collapse into a pile of ponies and me, the one human. “Maybe that will teach you to...Pinkie, what are you doing?” I ask in horror as Pinkie approaches with a devilish expression.

“Pony pile!” Pinkie cries gleefully, promptly throwing herself on top of the three of us, bearing us all the deck once more. Oh god, why did I think that starting this would be a good idea? Even so, I'm laughing.

All the while, the airships draw closer to the Everfree Forest, the place where my past has rested in silence, undisturbed for over three millennia.

Author's Note:

Well, it's official. I've broken 500,000 words, and shown myself that I really shouldn't make estimates about this story, because they end up being wrong. It's like a constant argument with Clio that I keep losing.

Anyway, sorry it took this one so long to get out. Writer's Block happened, and then Thanksgiving break happened, so I couldn't be bothered to write much of anything.

At last, the expedition starts! They are finally on their way to the school, where stuff happens and that one event happens to that one guy. You know, the usual.

Also per usual, leave your comments and tell me what you think!

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