• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,519 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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121. A Time for Rest

With the undead taken care of, Everwinter soon falls under our complete control. The walls are almost entirely unharmed, so the only real repairs that need to be made are for the gates. It takes the cooperation of several unicorns and mechanics to get a working gate set back up. Though I suppose it's mostly for cosmetics, because I just proved not too long ago that gates are woefully inadequate against any decent unicorn.

After clearing away the debris in the center of the village, Iron and Salamul quickly get a command center set up, consisting of several large tents in which tables, maps, and other strategic equipment is arranged. Other Islanders are busy gathering materials and supplies from the untouched houses. No doubt the poor ponies who originally owned them don't have much use for them now. My only hope is that we can get to them before Sombra can hurt them too much.

As for me...well, I don't really have much to be doing now that our mission is over with. The first thing we do is get a fucking good night's sleep for the first time since Trotsdale. The one at the Bleak Island camp didn't count because that was only a few hours. So, holing ourselves up in one of the houses, it feel really fucking good to just rest for a full eight hours.

When we next wake up, it's about noontime the next day. My team and I, after getting washed up in the frankly frigid showers, are now sitting in one of the larger houses that's been turned into a mess hall of sorts, eating our breakfast. I think it used to be a tavern, due to the presence of the bar like structure on one side of the room, as well as the multitudes of tables scattered across the the first floor.

“So yer tellin' me that you managed to get that Mist character to join us?” Applejack questions me in disbelief, an apple clutched in her hoof. Before I can even reply, Mist, who is sitting on the other side of Applejack, starts to look rather uppity. “Like...not just capture her, but actually join us?”

“But of course he did! You see, I was just faking it this whole time to get on Sombra's good side, so that I could...” she starts to declare, but soon peters out as all of our heads slowly turn to look at her, none too amused. “...what?”

“You stop that,” I tell her. Mist adopts a grin, even as her form disappears in a flash of green light to reveal a snickering Pterax. “You weren't even here, so you don't know. Besides, that's just so goddamn cliché.”

“I thought it was pretty good,” Pterax returns smugly, crossing his front hooves on the table. Unlike the rest of us, he's not eating, due to his changeling nature. “Still though. Who knew you could say anything apart from random expletives and sarcastic comments?”

“Fuck off, Pterax. As if you actually know me,” I retort irritably...realizing a second later that I pretty much proved his point. Even Rainbow is laughing at my expense. “I don't know why, but after seeing her in the streets and in her dining room, the idea of killing her didn't really sit well with me.”

“Honestly, it didn't sit well with me none either,” Applejack agrees. “To begin with ah ain't never gonna be alright with the idea of takin' another thinkin' pony's life, no matter what she done.”

“Yeah...me neither. I kinda just wanted to knock her around a bit, but that's it,” Rainbow agrees uncomfortably. “So I didn't like the idea of us going to 'take her down,' like you said.”

“You do know we're in the middle of a war, right? We're lucky in that the majority of our enemies are already dead, but these generals are alive and willing to kill us,” I point out to the two of them, sipping my drink as soon as I finish talking. Swift nods in agreement, understanding that sentiment from a soldier's standpoint.

“Still, she seemed mighty pitiful. So ah'm glad ya managed to do somethin' for her,” Applejack persists. I nod. It's a little funny, actually. When I'd first come to Equestria, I likely would have chosen to kill Mist, no matter what her situation. I notice Applejack looking at me rather strangely. “If ya don't mind me askin', what about that other human?”

“Hawke? What about him?” I ask curiously. This subject came right out of left field, so I don't quite get her motives.

“What are ya gonna do about him? He's yer kind too, right?” Applejack inquires. I freeze, and then sigh, setting down my sandwich and resting my hand on my fist.

“I don't know. I don't know anything about him, really, except that he doesn't seem to give a shit that Sombra is the reason our race is dead,” I admit after a few moments. Unlike Mist, I already feel strongly towards Hawke...and I only know one thing. “Between his betrayal and what he did to Twilight and Rainbow, he needs to pay.”

“He didn't hit me that hard,” Rainbow mutters, flushing a little. I scoff at that. Yeah right, he sent you hurtling into a building with just one hit of his arm. It wasn't even his fist, either. “Anyway, can we talk about something more cheerful?”

“Trixie scuffed her hoof...” Just completely out of the blue, our conversation is interrupted by an complaining whine from the blue unicorn sitting beside me. We all turn to look at her in disbelief and amusement. Trixie sits there, hardly paying attention to any of us. Instead, she's peering closely at one hoof that looks like it's seen better days. She looks up and notices us all looking. “What?”

Applejack is the first to lose her composure, letting out a loud guffaw that quickly turns into full blown laughter. From the darkness of our last conversation, hearing something so innocent and typical of her out of the blue like that just makes it twenty times funnier.

“Stop laughing at me! It looks horrible!” Trixie whines as Rainbow and I start to laugh as well. Swift lets her head hit the table out of exasperation as our professional facade disappears in an instant. Even Pterax joins in on this, turning into another Trixie with a similarly marred hoof, mimicking her whine perfectly. That sight makes us laugh even harder. “Stop that! I do not sound like that!”

“Oh look, I'm the Great and Powerful Trixie, look how pretentious I sound!” Pterax mocks her, to the point where the real Trixie throws a spoon at him with her magic. Rainbow finds that incredibly humorous.

“Pterax, that's just great! Do somepony else!” Rainbow requests. She thinks for a second, and then grins. “Do Applejack!”

“Say what now?” Applejack demands, but before she can protest any further, Pterax obliging turns into the farmer pony, albeit without the hat. Applejack stares at herself with a strange expression on her face, which Pterax mirrors. Suddenly, the changeling steals her hat and puts it on. “Hey!”

“Howdy, everypony! Ah'm Applejack. Buy some apples!” Pterax declares in a perfect rendition of Applejack's voice. I almost choke on my sandwich at how fucking hilarious Applejack's expression is right now. Pterax looks at the rest of us with a cheeky grin. “That's it. That's her personality.”

While all of us chortle at her expense, Applejack tackles Pterax to the ground, scattering dishes everywhere. “That ain’t true and y’all know it! And gimme mah hat back!” Applejack protests. Yeah, of course it's not true. We know her better than that. It's still fucking funny.

“Wait, what the...!” Rainbow exclaims, once Pterax and Applejack get back up from the ground. Pterax is now in Rainbow's form, which causes my right eye to twitch.

“Pterax...” I say in a dangerously soft voice, reminding him of the last time he took Rainbow's form.

“I'm Rainbow Dash! I like going fast and I have a fetish for humans! Look at the muscles on that Se...” Before Pterax can even finish his declaration, both Rainbow and I set aside our meals and pounce upon him at the same time, knocking him out of his chair and back onto the ground. “I regret nothing!”

“Dear Celestia...it's like I'm looking after a group of foals,” Swift complains, her head still resting on the table out of exasperation.

Our merriment is interrupted by the sound of somepony clearing his throat in front of us. We all freeze in position, with Rainbow and I on top of Pterax, and Applejack trying to keep water from going out her nose.

“Enjoying ourselves, I see,” Iron observes dryly. Well, if he's here, then it must be for business. I get up off of the changeling and return to my seat, giving Iron my full attention. Rainbow and Pterax hop up onto their seats as well, the latter reverting to his original form. “Seth, your presence is requested for a meeting in the command tent.”

“Okay, I guess,” I respond. I quickly stuff the rest of my meal in my mouth and get up from the table.

“I'm coming too,” Rainbow insists, hopping off of her seat and walking up to the two of us. It's weird, seeing her walk everywhere instead of hover like she always does. I can't wait until I can see one of the alicorns and get her healed. It'll make the both of us feel better.

“As you wish. Follow me,” Iron directs us. With that, he turns and leads us out of the tavern building and into the snowy streets. I wrinkle my nose at the stench in the air, no doubt coming from the piles of burning undead bodies situated in the streets every so often. I'm guessing that's an Islander tradition, but it's certainly not a pleasant one.

“Any word from the other teams?” I question curiously as I walk alongside the warlord. I doubt we're the only one who's succeeded.

“Very little, unfortunately. All we have heard as of right now is that Princess Celestia has captured her designated settlement,” Iron reveals.

“Of course she has,” I remark under my breath to Rainbow, who chuckles. Please, Celestia was the one I was least worried about. Like I said before, she's fucking unstoppable, even on her own. I mean, was there ever any doubt? “Nothing else?”

Iron shakes his head. Okay, now I'm wondering whether or not the others are alright. I know Chrysalis will be fine, because she's really fucking smart and wouldn't make a mistake like I did. Same goes for Luna. I'm not sure about the others. Though I guess in a wartime situation, no news is good news.

When we reach the command tent, I hear Salamul talking with somepony, who is replying to him in soft female tones. I recognize that voice in an instant, and I actually start to feel a little embarrassed. I hope to hell she doesn't already know how I messed up yet again. Oh, who am I kidding. She always knows.

“Perhaps another time, Salamul. Considering the current state of affairs, it would be hardly be conducive to proper morale, don't you think?” Celestia replies to something the warlord said. Iron, Rainbow, and I join them in the tent, gaining their attention.

Celestia isn't actually here, but is instead present in the form of a hologram emanating from a communication orb much like the one I used back at the changeling hive. Salamul looks rather disappointed for some reason or another.

“Perhaps. Nevertheless, I will expect a match once there is adequate time,” Salamul insists. Wait, a match? Is he trying to fight Celestia? What, is he nuts? “But now, it seems, we have company.”

“Welcome back, commander,” Celestia addresses Iron, who nods reverently at her greeting. She then faces the two of us. “Good to see you two are alright. I heard your infiltration was a success?”

“More or less,” I respond hastily, hoping she doesn't inquire much further. And...shit. Celestia is giving me the look. It's the one she always wears when she's figuring someone out. In this case, it's me. Yeah no. I cross my arms and gaze at her. “I assume you just curbstomped everything in your own mission?””

“The Oppressed, as you call them, are a dangerous foe. However, they are no match for an experienced warrior,” Celestia assures me. So yeah, basically that's a yes. “More to the point, I assume you did not contact me to exchange pleasantries?”

“That's correct. We've captured one of the enemy generals,” Iron reveals. He stomps the ground with a hoof, signaling the guards to bring in the chained up Mist. The former general sees Celestia and cowers, lowering her gaze. Celestia's expression, although surprised at first, turns stern, telling me that she's definitely not forgotten what Mist said to her on the fields of Trotsdale. “There are some...extenuating circumstances. I believed it would be best to seek your judgment.”

“I see,” Celestia replies shortly, gazing down at Mist with a searching gaze. “What sort of circumstances are you referring to?”

“Rather than being defeated, she...” Iron starts to explain, but then I interrupt, stepping in front of him and approaching Mist.

“How about we let her speak for herself?” I cut across Iron, causing him to close his mouth and look at me with a raised brow. Mist notices my approach and gets a little calmer, though she still trembles before Celestia's intimidating presence. I don't envy Mist right now. I don't ever want to be on the receiving end of Celestia's fury. “Mist, this was your decision. Don't let somebody else speak for you.”

“What...? But...I...” Mist stammers, looking between me and Celestia. I sit down on the ground beside her, shoving away the guard that's looking after her. Celestia's expression changes, turning to mild surprise briefly before becoming thoughtful. Just in this one exchange, I think she has a basic idea of what's happened.

“I rather like that idea. Well then, General Mist. Is there anything you wish to say to me?” Celestia addresses the former general. Mist quails beneath Celestia's stare, but just by my presence next to her, she gathers the courage to speak.

“I...I want to help,” Mist manages to get out. Rainbow and Iron both look surprised by this, because they weren't there when I talked her into surrendering. No doubt the last thing she wants is to remain in chains for the rest of the war.

“Excuse me?” Celestia utters. From her facial expression, it looks like that was the last thing she expected to hear. Mist's tone gets a little stronger now that's she's already said it once.

“It's...it's him. King Sombra,” Mist begins, doing her best to keep eye contact with Celestia, despite the trembling in her knees. “He's invincible. He's always been this pillar of unstoppable might in the middle of the empire. It didn't matter what we did, or what was done to us. He would never look at us...”

“'Us?'” Celestia repeats, looking as if she's starting to figure it out. “Ah, of course. I didn't see it before, on the battlefield, but you're a crystal pony, aren't you?”

“I was...a mother of three...” Mist continues, her voice catching. Okay, what? This part I never heard her mention. Even Celestia gets that the story she's about to hear isn't going to be a pretty one, considering how she's starting to look a little pained. “Winter Rain, Soft Dreams, and...Emerald Horizon.”

I think I understand a little better now. When she said she wanted the pain to stop, I guessed she was talking about the torture they must have inflicted on her. But...I'm guessing she was referring to the torture and loss of her family. I guess when she called some of those undead her “children,” she really meant it. And now....I remember that I pretty much killed one of her children right in front of her face. Well, re-killed, but still.

“They're gone now. I wanted to avenge them, but...King Sombra promised me that by embracing necromancy, I could get them back,” Mist admits. Celestia closes her eyes and sighs, nodding as if she had expected something like that. “But when I realized he was lying...I couldn't go back. The other crystal ponies...they would never accept me back after the things I did.”

“Then what changed your mind?” Celestia asks softly. Mist spares me a momentary glance before answering her; it's a glance that Celestia easily catches.

“I want to have faith in you all...please, bring him down and set the other crystal ponies free. I can't go back to them, but if I can help them in any way, I'll do it,” Mist finishes, sounding determined. “Just please...let me help.”

All of us watch Celestia closely. It's rare that I get to see her put in a situation like this, and despite my obvious bias for one side, I'm a little interested to see how she handles this.

“This is quite the difficult situation that you have put me in, Mist,” Celestia says truthfully. “As I have come to care for many ponies as if they were my own, I can understand your feelings, and I sympathize with them. But I simply cannot just ignore the pain you have inflicted upon my subjects.”

“I...understand...” Mist whispers weakly, looking crushed despite the fact that she no doubt expected this outcome. Still...I'm not satisfied with this. What, so after all that shit I said to her, she's just going to get screwed anyway? “If you want to kill me...I'd understand.”

“Flowing Mist,” Celestia snaps, using the general's full name. For some reason, the princess looks angry. Mist looks up in surprise at the sudden change in Celestia's tone. “After all that you just said to me, are you truly willing to accept a punishment as harsh as death so easily? Do your friends and family mean so little to you?”

“What!? No!” Mist protests, stiffening at Celestia's harsh words. “I want to help them! I do!”

“Good. Then you can start by never using your necromancy ever again,” Celestia asserts, stamping the ground. Mist blinks at that. “I have witnessed first hoof what happens to the souls of those enslaved through death. If your feelings are indeed sincere, then you will never put another living soul through that agony, for as long as you live. Promise me.”

Did...did Celestia just...she did. Mist and the others likely don't understand what she meant by that, but I do. I was down there in the ruins of my old school with her when we saw the spirits of the ones we freed from the slavery of undeath. I didn't think the experience truly affected her as it did me.

“I...I promise. I no longer want any part of King Sombra's magic,” Mist agrees readily, starting to shake a little. She freezes, and she looks down at her trembling hooves. “I can't believe that I...oh no...Emmie...”

“Secondly, when the time comes, I want you to tell us everything you know about Sombra and his operations,” Celestia orders her. Mist nods, and once again I'm blown away by Celestia. It's like, on one hand, she's a normal mare like anypony else. On the other, nothing ever seems to faze her.

“Okay...I'll tell you everything you want to know...or as much as I do know. King Sombra never held counsel with any of us...except for Hawke. He's the only one Sombra ever spoke to directly. All of our orders came from him,” Mist reveals. Wait what? Goddamn, what the hell did Hawke and Sombra go through together, to the point where even the evil king himself trusts him? Looking over at Celestia, she's nodding to say that she understands.

“Lastly and most importantly, I absolutely forbid you to die,” Celestia tells Mist commandingly. The former general looks at her in shock, as do Iron, Salamul, and Rainbow. Even I do, because that's an odd command to give to someone, especially somepony who used to be your enemy not too long ago. “If you want to make up for the things you've done...if you truly regret them...then you shall repent by continuing to live. Live and struggle, or I will never forgive you.”

There's a short silence after that, as Celestia stares intensely at Mist, who seems truly taken aback. “I...I will. I'll keep living! Thank you, princess!” Mist finally exclaims. “I've never met anypony quite like you.”

“Hah. Preaching to the choir on that one,” I retort, giving Celestia a cheeky expression. Celestia's response is to quickly and discreetly stick her tongue out at me, which almost makes me lose my shit right here, despite the heartfelt conversation that just went on. “So what now? Do we just sit around on our asses out here in Everwinter?”

“Not quite. I have been receiving reports from the other teams. So far, our invasion seems to be going well,” Celestia reveals, much to our relief. “We have met heavy resistance in the different settlements, but it seems as if they are more disorganized than before.”

“How is that possible? They nearly screwed us over several times, what with the nested traps and all,” I demand. That was Sombra, right? “What's changed?”

“I am not sure. Sombra has not moved from the capital, and Hawke's position remains a mystery,” Celestia admits. “This should have been far more difficult.”

“You are suspecting a trap?” Salamul asks, joining the conversation once more. Wait, you have got to be fucking kidding me. This whole invasion might be a trap? God, this is why I'm glad I'm not a goddamn tactician. Why is everything a trap?

“It is possible. For instance, that blind spot greatly concerns me,” Celestia continues, no doubt referring to the blizzard. “Queen Chrysalis has already completed her objective, and is scouting that area as we speak. Hopefully we will know more soon.”

“When can we expect to hear from the other teams?” Iron questions. Yeah, that's what I want to know. I want to know if the others are okay. “Our job here is mostly complete.”

“In the morning, I expect to receive a report from Cadance and Zythe. After that, we will hold a meeting with all of the team leaders to determine our next course of action,” Celestia answers. Oh boy, and here I thought we'd actually get more than a day to rest and recover. I guess not. We are in the middle of a war I guess. “To reiterate, have your communication crystal ready for contact early tomorrow morning.”

“Understood, princess. Any last orders?” Iron responds with a quick salute. Celestia turns to Mist one last time.

“Yes. Mist, you are under Commander Iron's supervision for the duration of this war. You are to follow his commands as if they were mine. Do I make myself clear?” Celestia orders her. Mist nods meekly, looking over at Iron hesitantly. “Iron, I am leaving it at your discretion when to return the use of magic to her. I trust you will make the right decision. Now then, I will see you bright and early the next morning.”

Celestia's image disappears from the room, leaving us in silence for several moments. Iron then turns to Mist. “You heard her. You're with me from now on,” the commander tells her. Mist nods timidly. “In any other case, I'd want to fight you to understand your strength, but we've already done that.”

“And she didn't stand much of a chance, considering your Storm Regalia or whatever are plain broken,” I quip. Iron shakes his head, mostly ignoring me.

“Until tomorrow's meeting, I'll want you to accompany me as my brother and I finish shoring up the defenses in case of attack,” Iron finishes.

“Okay. I can help with that. I know where all the weak points are,” Mist suggests. Iron nods with satisfaction, and then turns to his brother.

“Brother, I'll leave you to look over the other Islanders,” Iron states. Salamul nods, plodding out of the room without another word. Iron looks to me next. “Seth, you and your team are on standby until the next morning. Take some time to recover from your injuries. We'll need you at your best for the upcoming battles.”

“Standby. Got it,” I reply, sighing with relief. This means I can rest some more and just hang with my friends...though that's probably irresponsible. “Iron, can you find me later? I want to train some more.”

“I'll see if I can find the time,” Iron responds and moves for the exit. “Now then, I have work to do. Mist, come with me.”

Mist hesitates before following him. She approaches me real quick, pressing her muzzle to my leg in a quick show of affection, causing me to shift uncomfortably. “Thank you,” she whispers to me. She quickly retreats and follows Iron out of the tent.

“What's she doing, nuzzling you?” Rainbow remarks, watching Mist closely until the former general is out of sight. I raise a brow at Rainbow. “What?”

“Oh, don't be jealous. Come on, the others are waiting for us.” Even as I turn for the exit as well, Rainbow follows behind, spluttering indignantly.

“I'm not jealous...what are you talking about?”

“Of course you are. You're always jealous when somepony else nuzzles me,” I point out. “Remember when Lyra did it? I thought you were gonna put a little sign on me that said 'property of Rainbow.'”

“You did not! You were still oblivious at the time, you dolt!” Rainbow snaps back at me, causing me to laugh uproariously.

“Still funny,” I tease her, causing her to nudge me roughly.

It isn't long before we're back with the team, though we find them in a rather awkward situation. Applejack is laughing uproariously while watching Pterax shift into different forms to make Trixie even more uncomfortable. I happen to walk in at the exact moment as Pterax shifts into Twilight's form and makes Trixie fall right off the bench in panic. Next to them, Swift is repeatedly banging her head into the table, no doubt wishing she hadn't been picked for this team.

“You know I could add clothes to this too,” Pterax remarks, noting Trixie flushing in embarrassment as she picks herself up off of the ground. She raises an eyebrow at Pterax's comment...and then she squeaks as Pterax flashes again, and Twilight's form is now wearing lacy purple socks. Trixie blushes furiously, as does Applejack and Rainbow. “What, too much?”

“Pterax, quit fucking with the ponies,” I admonish him, as entertaining as I'm finding this. A little interesting to see how ponies react to socks. Maybe I should ask Rarity about that later. It might be hilarious to see Rainbow react to a set of socks.

“But it's so much fun though!” Pterax protests, though he does return to his original form. He then looks between Rainbow and I, a smirk forming on his face. “Besides, like you're one to talk.”

“If you mean what I think you mean, we're having roasted changeling for dinner,” I tell him pointedly, cracking my knuckles. I find it hard to keep from laughing as I see Applejack's disgusted face at the thought of eating Pterax. “Anyway, it turns out we're all on standby until tomorrow morning.”

“What's happening tomorrow morning?” Trixie questions.

“I'm going to a meeting with Celestia and the others. Turns out things are going well in other areas of the invasion,” I reveal to them. Swift lifts her head up from the table and looks at me curiously.

“Really? Just like that? We're attacking the largest and most dangerous army to ever exist, and things are going without a hitch?” Swift questions, suspicious. I nod understandingly.

“Yeah, you and Celestia are both thinking the same thing. She thinks it might be a trap,” I answer her. Applejack groans beside her.

“What? How is it a trap this time?” Applejack asks in exasperation. Yeah, I understand how she's feeling. We've dealt with nothing but traps since this war has begun.

“That's what I'd like to know. We're just worried about how easy it's been to complete every one of our objectives so far,” I reply. Rainbow scoffs.

“Easy? How has this been easy? I hurt my wing!” Rainbow complains, showing us her bandaged wing. “Sure the others did okay, but they probably had a hard time like we did. I mean, where's that Shatter guy? Or Hawke?”

“Yeah, we have no idea where Hawke is right now. It's actually a little worrying,” I add. That reminds me. I look down to my sword, reminding me of how I managed to rediscover my ability to absorb it into my magic just like my old rifle and scythe. I wonder what other abilities I can rediscover if I were to actually put my mind to it.

“Well, ain't no sense worryin' about it now. Leave all them fancy tactics to the princesses,” Applejack suggests sensibly. Her expression darkens. “Ah'm just hopin' we get to the capital soon. There's some ponies I want to rescue.”

“I think that goes for all of us,” I say. I can't help but remember those two crystal ponies Applejack and I spoke to, back in the Crystal Empire. I feel like shit every time I picture their faces, and then how they must be faring under Sombra's rule. Applejack must be feeling even worse about it. “Anyway, I should probably go.”

“What? Where are you going?” Rainbow asks me as I make for the door. Technically I should be resting, but I don't really have time for that. Standby is the best time for figuring out my magic.

“An open place. I don't remember most of my abilities from before I got this new magic. I figure I should take some time to train and get myself back up to par. I haven't had time before now,” I explain. Swift nods approvingly.

“That's a good idea. In fact, do you mind if I join you?” Swift asks. I blink at her. Did she just ask to train with me?

“What? Join me? How would that even work?” I ask with a raised brow. “I mean, could you even take a single hit from me?”

“Obviously I'm not going to train with you...just near you. I just need to work on my lance techniques,” Swift retorts, rolling her eyes.

“Ah okay. That makes more sense. But do you even have a lance anymore? Didn't you break it on Mist's neck?” I recall. As if she had been waiting for this very moment, Crimson Flare walks into the room, looking irritated as usual. We all watch her as she carries a brand new lance over to Swift, who flinches at her approach. “Oh shit.”

“Here's your stupid lance. Do you have any idea how many repairs I have to do? Do me a favor and don't add to them!” Crimson shrieks at Swift, dropping the lance unceremoniously on the table in front of her face. Swift nods timidly in response. Crimson nods in satisfaction and leaves the room, leaving the rest of us who haven't encountered Crimson before to look bemused. It figures she'd be the one to fix Swift's lance. She's the only smith around as far as I know. I wonder where she's set up shop?

“That mare...scares me,” Swift admits, much to my amusement. She lifts up her lance and hooks it to her armor, and then she joins me at the door. “Anyway, if that answers your question, let's get to training. In fact, we should all take this time to get some training done.”

“Sounds like a good idea. Ah never did like just sittin' around all day,” Applejack agrees. She takes a moment to finish her drink before joining Swift and I near the door. “C'mon, Trixie. You too.”

“Wait, why does Trixie have to train with you all?” Trixie demands, looking none too pleased about the prospect. “She has always done just fine on her own.”

“Yeah, but if you want to get any better, maybe you should train with someone who can withstand your might. Unless you want to go ask Iron or Salamul for help, training with me is your only option,” I suggest to her. I plan on taking most of this time to train myself, but I don't mind knocking her around a bit for the sake of making her stronger.

Trixie gulps, remembering Iron and Salamul's skill. They did fucking take apart a Mega Oppressed like it was made of paper mache. She quickly gets up from her seat and follows to rest of us.

“Eh, guess I might as well follow. If only to watch you all flailing around,” Pterax grumbles, annoyed that we're all leaving at once.

“Aw yeah, group training time!” Rainbow declares. She pulls out a hat from nowhere and puts it on with a grin. “Tell you what! I'll get you all running laps around the city in no time! Call me Coach Dash!”

“No, we're not doing that,” I retort, taking the hat off her head and tossing it away, much to Rainbow's annoyance. “You can certainly do that if you want, but it's the magic I'm worried about.”

“How you guys get such ridiculous amounts of magic is beyond me,” Swift grumbles, glaring at Trixie and I. Of course, that statement causes Trixie's ego to shoot through the roof, considering how uppity she's looking right now.

Trixie yelps as I poke her in the side of the head. She rubs the affected portion and gives me a disturbed expression. “What was that for?” she demands.

“Just deflating your overly swollen head,” I answer, much to her annoyance. Trixie pouts and starts grumbling something under her breath, even as Rainbow starts laughing at her. “Oh sure, laugh it up Rainbow. Your head gets so big I have to use one of Rarity's sewing needles.”

With that, the six of us leave the mess hall and roam through the streets, looking for a decent place to settle and start training. It isn't long before we find one near the edge of town, in the snowy space between the walls and the outer residences. Once we're there, we split up and start to train on our own.

After all, who knows what's going to come next. But for better or worse, it's almost over.

Author's Note:

This chapter was mostly just the aftermath of the previous battle, so it focused mostly on Mist's addition to their army. However, next chapter I'm going to lay the ground work for the next major plot point. If all things go as planned, I estimate about ten more chapters for this fic, though at least two of them are going to be 10000 word long monsters I think.

At some point I feel like I want to compile a list of characters and put down what I chose for their theme songs. Would you guys be interested in seeing that, or am I the only one nerdy enough to care about that kind of stuff? :twilightsheepish:

Also, my editor was absent around the time I chose to post this, so I had to go through and edit this one on my own. It's not really his fault though. I'm just extremely impatient about posting. It's like, if I have a chapter done, I don't want to wait very long to post it. How he puts up with me, I have no clue.

Anyway, don't forget to comment and tell me what you think!

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