• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,505 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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128. Final Resolve

All around us, the Equestrian soldiers are still fighting hard, thankfully keeping the undead from approaching us and getting in the middle of the situation currently unfolding.

Goddammit, I should have thought of something like this! There was never any guarantee that Sombra would do the smart thing and pull out all the civilians. In fact, why did I think that there wouldn't be any of the crystal ponies around?

“P-Please don't...hurt me! Please!” Amber cries helplessly, squirming in Shatters grip. Next to me, the other members of my team are stock still as well, helpless to do anything, lest he kill the filly. It's even a filly that I know...making this ten times more painful for me. I can't even imagine how Applejack is feeling right now. Amber squeaks again as Shatter brings the blade closer to her throat. “Eep!”

“Put my sister down!” Rubella shrieks, galloping out of the house. She looks as drab and lifeless as she did the first time we met her, as does Amber. Her expression is one of desperation and fear for her younger sister's life. Bravely, she lunges at Shatter, but he easily maneuvers out of the way and kicks her to the ground viciously. “No! Please, general!”

“Keep quiet, slave. You should be grateful that it was your sister that I chose to take instead of you. Praise your luck and run, and maybe I won't kill you next,” Shatter scolds Rubella harshly. Rubella starts to sob helplessly, knowing that she can't do anything to save her sister.

“That's just...put her down, you twisted ass! You can fight us head on, can't you? Why do you need to bring in ponies that have nothing to do with this!?” I demand furiously, taking a step forward. Shatter, brings the blade up against Amber, making her cry out in terror. I freeze, cursing Shatter with every breath.

“Of course I can. It would be easy...but considering how special everypony else seems to think you are, I want to have a little fun with you,” Shatter answers, shrugging. Even as I grit my teeth with rage, I notice Applejack next to me, standing stock still, as if in shock. Her eyes are wide and fixed on Rubella and Amber, unable to look away. “I wonder how long you'll be willing to fight once I cut this little filly's throat? There's nothing I'd like more than to see you scream in despair about all the ponies you can't save.”

Applejack starts to shake next to me, her teeth grinding together audibly. She grows even more and more unsettled with every word Shatter says. I'm hardly paying attention though; my mind is running through scenario after scenario, trying to find a way to save Amber and take down Shatter at the same time. No matter how hard I try, I can't come up with anything. He's just too good.

“Dammit!” I yell, slamming my fist against a wall, almost shattering it. “Don't do it, Shatter! Leave her alone!”

“I think not...already your expression is absolutely thrilling,” Shatter responds, his grin widening at my rage. He brings the blade closer, the tip scratching against the crying Amber's neck, drawing blood. “Now, say goodbye to this precious little...wha..!”

I don't even know what just happened. One second Shatter is about to cut Amber's throat...and then suddenly Applejack has vanished from next to me. Now, she's several meters ahead, holding Amber with one hoof, while Shatter is down on the ground, nursing his jaw. “Ah've had it!” Applejack shouts, sounding angrier than I've ever heard her.

“How did...?” Shatter stammers, gaping at how incredibly fast Applejack had just moved to reach him. His astonishment fades away, to be replaced by anger. He rises to his hooves, glaring at Applejack. “Now you've done it, little pony. I'm going to kill you first.”

“Go back to yer sister, Amber, and don't y'all worry 'bout a thing. Ah'll keep y'all safe...ah promise,” Applejack says softly to Amber, lowering her to the ground. The filly nods thankfully, rushing back to the crying Rubella and tearfully uniting with her.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!” Rubella sobs, hugging her sister closely and gazing gratefully at Applejack.

“She did it! Come on, let's take him down!” I assert, stepping forward. However, Applejack's voice cracks through the air like a whip, causing me to freeze in place.

“Don't y'all take another step, ya hear? Ah've gotta bone ta pick with this one,” Applejack snaps at us all. Applejack glares at Shatter and cracks her neck and hooves threateningly. My eyes widen when I hear that she basically wants to fight Shatter by herself.

“Are you crazy!?” I demand, but Applejack and Shatter are already moving to attack one another. “Stop! You can't take him on your own!”

Shatter and Applejack meet head on in the middle of the street. Applejack swings viciously at Shatter, but as before, the general easily dodges them. He soon retaliates with his free hoof...and hits Applejac right in the face. He laughs in triumph, but the grin drops from his face when Applejack doesn't seem fazed by it at all. With Shatter's hoof still in her face, she cranes her head forward and slams a hoof right into the general's jaw, knocking him upwards.

Applejack chases him, leaping up and propelling herself off of the wall. Shatter grunts and rights himself in midair...only to yell out in shock when Applejack is suddenly hurtling through the air towards him. The general lashes out with a hoof, but the farmer pony just takes it without budging. Instead, she grabs onto the hoof that hit her and uses her weight to bear Shatter to the ground, her hooves forcing him painfully against the ground.

My jaw slowly drops at the fight unfolding before me. Shatter rolls over and lashes out with his blade, but Applejack turns her body so the weapon skids off of her golden armor. He curses and stabs at her again and again, finally hitting her shoulder and leaving a bleeding gash behind...but Applejack uses that against him.

When Shatter's hoof zooms past her, Applejack uses a hoof to slam down on Shatter and pin the bladed hoof down to the ground. A split second later, she uses her free hoof to stomp down on the blade, snapping it off at the handle and leaving Shatter weaponless once more.

“How is this happening!? Accursed earth pony!” Shatter growls, and then he lifts up his hind legs and wraps them around Applejack, flipping her around and hurling her over his head. Shatter leaps to his hooves as Applejack slams into the wall of a nearby building. He immediately chases after her, intent on eliminating her before she can rise.

Applejack isn't down for long. She meets Shatter halfway and just fucking tanks any punch he throws at her, using that to get close to him and grab onto one of his hooves. Shatter's eyes widen, and then he cries out with pain as Applejack levers a hoof into his face. She doesn't stop. She hits him again and again, causing blood to trickle from his mouth.

“No!” Shatter snarls, and then he hits Applejack right back, but she shrugs it off just like every other hit that she's taken so far. What the hell is that pony made of? Shatter growls in frustration and kicks the farmer pony in the belly, causing the air to leave her lungs. She can no longer hold onto him when he uses her grip to toss her away from him. “You won't be able to stop me from the air, foolish earth pony!”

Shatter takes to the air and swoops down upon Applejack, lashing out with his hooves every time he gets close. Applejack dodges several of his attacks, but is hit by several others, knocking her around and bruising her skin. Oh to hell with it. I start to move towards her to assist.

“Ah told y'all to stay back, didn't ah, Seth?” Applejack snaps at me the moment I start moving. I freeze again, unable to believe that this is happening. Why is she being so goddamn stupid and fighting someone as fearsome as Shatter on her own? Her body can't hold out forever and...what the hell is she doing?

Shatter flies a large circle through the air, gathering momentum for another assault. When he turns back around...he yelps as the loop of a lasso flies over him and fastens around his middle. The end of the lasso is held in Applejack's mouth, who had skillfully managed to loop him all the way from the ground.

With a jerk of her head, Applejack brings Shatter hurtling down to the street, where she lets go of the rope and grabs Shatter with both of her front hooves. She lets out a shout and slams him right into the ground...and then she stomps a hoof down hard on Shatter's outstretched wing joint. Shatter's cry of agony fills the street as the sound of cracking bones fills the air. I don't believe it...Applejack just grounded Shatter. I'm with the general on this one...how the hell is this happening?

“You won't be flyin' no more, ya hear? Now yer gonna pay for raisin' a hoof to those poor innocent ponies!” Applejack yells, bringing her hooves back down to stomp on Shatter again. The general grunts and rolls out of the way. He swiftly bites through the rope to free himself, and then he gets up to glare at Applejack.

“You...you broke my wing...I'm going to kill you...” Shatter hisses, truly angry for the first time since I've met him. He breaks into a gallop, charging towards Applejack with pure murder in his eyes. Applejack doesn't hesitate in galloping back towards him, showing no fear of any kind.

When Shatter reaches Applejack, he executes skilled combat maneuvers that I've never seen him use before, telling me that he feels backed into a corner and that he's pulling out all the stops. He easily deflects Applejack's attacks, allowing him to rain down relentless punches down on the farmer pony. Applejack takes every one, forced back under the momentum behind Swift's hooves. Shatter grins and kicks her across the street.

“Now, that should take care of...” Shatter starts to say, but then his eyes bug out as he sees Applejack rise again, even as battered as she is. “You...what are you!?”

I find myself thinking the same thing now as I watch the fight unfold. Applejack is fighting Shatter all by herself, and seemingly coming out on top. I've never seen Shatter this flustered before. I can't believe what I'm seeing.

“A mare...who knows what she's fightin' for...” Applejack forces out, despite how unsteady on her hooves she is. She zooms towards Shatter without any further words. Shatter growls and prepares his stance again.

Shatter shows off his skills once again, hitting Applejack repeatedly...but it doesn't matter. Applejack pushes her way through the pain and hooves, getting all the way to Shatter. She turns on one hoof and bucks Shatter hard in the chest with all of the power possessed by an earth pony.

Shatter flies across the street and crashes into a building. When he next rises from the rubble, he's breathing heavily. He hacks and coughs, spitting out blood, which lets me know that Applejack hit something important in there. “I can't believe this...” Shatter splutters, his own blood dripping onto the street. His hoof reaches for his necklace...but he doesn't even get to touch it before Applejack is already there.

“No! Yer not runnin' away again!” She yells, and she rolls forward under one of Shatter's punches and bites the necklace right off of his chest. She jerks her neck and hurls the necklace over to where we are...and Trixie quickly blasts it with her magic, rendering it useless.

The general tries to hit Applejack, but the mare is already ready for him. His eyes widen as he's hit directly in the side with another powerful buck, knocking him across the ground towards where Rubella and Amber are. When the general gets back to his hooves, he holds a hoof to his side. Some of his ribs must have broken. He won't be able to fight much longer, but neither will Applejack.

Shatter looks up at the advancing Applejack, panic evident in his eyes. He looks between her, and then I see his gaze pass over to Rubella and Amber again. I immediately jump into action, dashing across the street. Oh no you fucking don't...

Rubella and Amber scream as the general makes a beeline for them, no doubt intending to use them as hostages again. However, just as his hooves reach out for the crystal ponies, I appear in front of them just in time to kick Shatter down away from his last hope.

The general skids across the street. When he comes to a halt, he looks up...right into Applejack's eyes. She's glaring down at him with a terrifying expression on her face, promising pain to the one who dared point his weapon at a filly. Shatter starts to back away, fear filling his eyes.

“No...no...this can't be happening...” Shatter whimpers, unable to comprehend that he had just been defeated by a simple farmer earth pony. He backs away across the street faster, but Applejack gets closer and closer, no mercy in her eyes. “You're just an earth pony! Who do you think you are!?”

“The name's Applejack,” is all she says, before she stomps down both hooves onto Shatter's chest. Shatter's mouth opens wide, blood and saliva spraying into the air as the wind whooshes out of his lungs. At last, he falls limp, unconscious. There's a silence as my team and I look at Shatter's defeated form. None of us can believe what we just saw.

“Holy shit, Applejack!” I finally manage to say, unable to come up with any other words to express how I'm feeling right now. At a loss for further words, I rush over to the battered Applejack, as do the other members of my team.

“Applejack!” Rainbow cries out anxiously, zooming to her friend's side.

“I've never...wow,” Swift emits breathlessly. Swift is a skilled fighter, and she had been training Applejack back in Everwinter...and soundly beat her. This...this is beyond anything any of us could have expected from her. “It's okay now, Applejack.”

Despite how all of are approaching her, Applejack walks unsteadily over to Rubella and Amber. It's clear she's having trouble staying upright...not that any of us blame her. She took one hell of a beating from Shatter....it's a miracle she's still conscious.

“Applejack...thank you,” Rubella stammers, reaching out a hoof to brush the farmer pony's cheek. She sniffs, tears rolling down her cheeks.“You...why did you get yourself so beat up for us? We're nothing special...”

“Don't y'all ever say that...” Applejack pants with fervor, lowering herself down to face the both of them. “Ah wasn't gonna leave y'all behind again...no way, no how.”

“What are you saying? None of that was your...?” Rubella asks in confusion.

“It was! Ah talked all 'bout how it was over and you were safe...only ta turn tail an' run when things got hairy,” Applejack cuts across her vehemently. She gasps in pain and collapses forward, unable to keep her footing anymore. Rubella yelps and catches her in her forelegs, keeping her from hitting the ground. Applejack pants weakly, gazing up at the crystal pony. “Ah can't imagine how y'all must have felt...ah'm so sorry.”

“Applejack...” Rainbow emits softly from next to me. The five of us are standing around Applejack and the two crystal ponies, unsure of what to do. Behind us, the soldiers are steadily pushing their way through the enemy lines, making quick work of any undead in their way. With Shatter out of the way, there's nothing standing between us and the Crystal Tower.

Rubella sniffs and hugs Applejack closely, her muzzle pressing into the latter's neck. “Don't be sorry...you're here now. You came when we needed you...I can't ever repay you for the gift of my sister's life,” she assures Applejack. The farmer pony smiles weakly, starting to lose consciousness.

“Commander, we've broken through the enemy lines,” a soldier informs me, running up to the rest of us with the rest of my task force behind him. “What are your orders?”

I look between Applejack and the soldiers. There's only one thing on my mind right now. “Send some troops and get Applejack back to the rear camp. She needs treatment immediately. Then, take Shatter back as well and secure him,” I order the soldier. “After that, get the troops ready to march on the Crystal Tower before the enemy can muster reinforcements.”

The soldier salutes and moves to carry out my orders. With that handled, I approach the two crystal ponies, kneeling down so as not to frighten them. “You two should get yourself someplace safe. If you go back with Applejack to the rear camp, we'll protect you,” I advise them. Rubella nods and joins Applejack as some soldiers lift her up off of the ground. Amber follows along closely behind her.

I turn towards the Crystal Tower, the sight of it filling me with dread. According to Captain Gale, Sombra's chambers are near the top...and that's where he'll be. Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't come out to fight us already. We're right on his doorstep; you'd think he'd take notice.

“Okay we should get moving,” I say to Rainbow and the others. I know they're still a little in shock from the events that just transpired. I say that because I am too. If Applejack had that kind of potential in her this whole time...it just boggles my mind. “There's not much farther to go.”

“Right behind you, Commander,” Swift acknowledges. The others form up behind me as well, the sound of armor plating clanking echoing throughout the now empty streets. The battle is raging hard elsewhere, but it seems we've got a lull for now.

Suddenly, from behind me, I hear the sound of fighting. One of the soldiers assigned to taking Shatter grunts as he's thrown aside by the suddenly reawakened general. The second one is promptly punched multiple times and thrown across the street, giving Shatter a direct line to me.

“I'm not going down alone!” Shatter roars, and the general leaps through the air, another blade extending from his remaining leg brace. Immediately, I switch my sword to a reverse grip and pivot on my left heel, the blade sweeping through the air...and slicing right through Shatter's middle. Shatter's eyes widen...and then glaze over for the last time as he separates into two bloody halves. Shatter's remains scatter across the ground on either side of me, unmoving.

I pant from the feeling of the adrenaline pumping through my body. In his desperation, Shatter had relied only on the element of surprise...and that gave me the opportunity to take him down once and for all. And it is over...he's dead. I flick the general's blood off of my sword and step away from his body. “Good riddance...now he'll never hurt another pony again.”

“Good reflexes, commander,” Swift compliments me, purposefully averting her eyes away from Shatter's body.

“Oh dear Celestia, I'm gonna be sick,” Rainbow chokes, moving away from Shatter. Trixie exhibits a similar reaction, joining Rainbow in a nearby alley.

I sigh and stare at the body, realizing that I basically just killed my first living and breathing pony. I mean, Vanta and Frozen don't count, because they died long before I met them. This is a little more real. However...I don't feel that bad about it. Shatter was the worst kind of pony. He held no loyalty to anyone and was willing to sacrifice innocent lives just to see his enemy's despair.

“Alright, come on, everypony. We can't stay here for too long,” I finally say. Once my team forms up once more, I lead the task force down the street towards the Crystal Tower.

It's oddly quiet once we reach the underside of the tower. I can hear the sounds of battle fading away as our forces easily dispatch the undead between them and the tower. It seems like the first part of the battle is going as planned...which is just odd to me. Sombra sprung all those traps on us in the very beginning of the war...but ever since we made our counterattack, it's like he stopped caring. I'm starting to get a little anxious.

I turn my head as Salamul, Iron, Shining Armor, and Cadance enter the clearing at the same time, crushing the last wave of undead in their way. Behind them is the rest of the Bleak Islanders and the First Division. On the other side of the area, Luna, Blades, Rose, Twilight, and Rarity arrive with the Second Division, all of them looking no worse for wear.

All of us meet up in the middle. Twilight and Rarity rush up to us anxiously, meeting up with Rainbow Dash and embracing her in relief. I stand back and smile, as this is the first time that I've seen those two since we left Trotsdale.

“Thank goodness you're all okay. Where's Applejack?” Twilight asks Rainbow, who then animatedly starts to tell the story of how Applejack took down Shatter by herself. Twilight looks incredibly shocked by that, because she fought Shatter once before as well.

“'Tis good to see thou hast arrived unharmed,” Luna greets Cadance and I, walking over to meet us. “How fares thy magic?”

“I've been holding back as instructed, so I should be okay. I have plenty left,” Cadance reassures her. The both of them look at me next, looking for confirmation.

“I'm good. Got into a bit of a tussle with a general, but overall my magic is running high,” I add. I look around the clearing, searching for the other two. “Where's Celestia and Chrysalis? We can't do this without them.”

“Celestia's force looks to have met the most resistance, but it shouldn't be long before they get here. Nothing can take her down,” Cadance assures me. As if on cue, I hear Celestia's soldiers striding into the clearing, accompanied by the Wonderbolts, Pinkie, and a hell of a lot of changelings.

Chrysalis and Celestia walk in together, the former looking as smug as ever. Celestia doesn't even have a scratch on her, to no one's surprise. With their arrival, the entirety of our combat force has arrived. There's no sign of any undead. But if there's no more of them, does that mean we've taken the city? That can't be right. There has to be more.

“It appears we have all arrived,” Celestia observes, walking to the center of the clearing. Without waiting for any response, she immediately starts giving out orders. “Shining Armor, work with Captain Blades and set up a defensive perimeter. Expect enemy reinforcements. Everypony, focus on holding this area above all else!”

A chorus of acknowledgments rise up from the allied forces, followed by a loud hissing as Chrysalis gives her horde orders as well. All five of what I've started referring to as the “Sombra team” then gather in the center of the clearing, so I join them as well. There's not much time left before what's going to be the hardest fight of my life.

“I'm looking forward to this,” Chrysalis expresses, nonchalantly running a hoof through her webbed mane. I look at her as though she's gone crazy, as does Cadance. “I've been fighting all this time without even seeing what my enemy looks like.”

None of us answer her. Each of us is busy steeling ourselves for the fight to come. None of us hold any illusions about Sombra's strength. I've seen it first hand when he took my magic from me, so I know just what we're up against.

“Are you all prepared?” Celestia asks us softly, facing all of us with concern evident in her eyes. “This will not be an easy fight.”

“Of course. I'm anxious to see his power for myself,” Chrysalis responds first. I give a quiet scoff. I don't think she has any idea what she's getting into. “Honestly, I think taking all five of us is overkill.”

“I will stand by thee, sister. This time, let us make sure to put him down permanently,” Luna answers, using magic to clean her sickle blade.

“There are hundreds of ponies out there counting on us to free them. We can't fail,” Cadance adds next, as serious as the rest of us. “Still...he's so strong. I'm a little frightened.”

“Hah, I don't blame you on that one. To be completely honest, I'm not prepared for this,” I admit, my arms crossed. “I'm not prepared for any of this. I'm not a soldier. I just want to go home to Ponyville and live there with my friends.”

“I understand. I believe I speak for all of us when I say that we share similar goals,” Celestia responds, her eyes softening. Luna and Cadance nod in agreement. Chrysalis rolls her eyes at that, but otherwise remains silent. “But we must fight, Seth. There is no other course of action available to us.”

“I know that. I know what's at stake. I'll fight with the rest of you, don't worry about that,” I return softly. “I'm just tired of all this. I want it to be over.”

“Hey. We'll be fine,” Cadance assures me, rubbing up against my side. “We all have things to come back to...I have Shining Armor, and you have Rainbow, right? Just remember that, and you'll be okay.”

“Oh spare me. What, do you want me to spill my heart out to you now?” Chrysalis grunts, unamused by the exchange taking place. She pointedly ignores the disapproving stare that Celestia gives her. “You take too long. Let's just get in there and fight.”

Any further conversation is cut off when Captain Gale flies in from the northern sectors of the city, accompanied by several others of the Stealth Corps. “Princess! We've got enemy reinforcements inbound!” Gale announces in a clear voice, such that the whole clearing can hear it.

“How many, captain?” Celestia demands immediately.

“Too many to count. We'll be hard pressed to hold the tower!” Gale warns us. Oh shit, there's the other foot. I figured it wouldn't be that easy. We didn't fight anywhere near enough undead to account for his whole army.

“Don't pay attention to her, princess!” Shining Armor calls back from where he's been constructing barricades. “We can hold here while you take care of King Sombra!”

“Are you sure?” Celestia asks uncertainly.

“Ma'am, I'd be ashamed to call myself a captain if we couldn't even do that,” Blades calls in next, joining Shining Armor by the barricade. “Trust us. You do what you need to do, and we'll make sure nothing gets in to bother you.”

“You heard the stallion! We've got this, princesses,” Spitfire adds confidently. She and the rest of the Wonderbolts are hovering above the ground with the Pegasus Corps, prepared to provide fire support for the ground forces.

“Very well. Thank you, all of you,” Celestia finally responds with a smile. Determination fills her eyes, and she looks at us. “Let's go, everyone. It's up to us now.”

As we all nod and follow Equestria towards the entrance to the tower, cheers rise up from the allied forces.

“All hail the princesses!”

“We're depending on you all!”

“Take that mongrel down!” The soldiers cheer, raising their weapons into the air. As for me...I see all of the ponies that I've known ever since getting to Equestria standing in a line and gazing at me. The only one not there is Applejack and Fluttershy, as they're in the rear camp.

“Make sure you come back, or I'll come up there myself!” Rainbow threatens me, jabbing her hoof in my direction. “You know I will!”

“Be careful, darling. Know that all of us are rooting for you!” Rarity calls. Even as dirty and mussed up as she is now, her usual complains are absent, replaced with only concern for our safety.

“Make that mean meanie-pants take a time-out! That'll teach him a lesson!” Pinkie adds as well, sounding as nonsensical as ever.

“I wish I could be there with you all...but I'll hold here with the rest. Just come back to us, okay? There's so many things I wanted to share with you!” Twilight calls, focusing the last part of her comment on me.

“Trixie...uh...I am proud to call you my friend, Seth!” Trixie even adds, showing a great deal more emotion than she usually does. She immediately goes back to her usual demeanor, making me chuckle a little. “And I don't say that lightly! Be grateful of my generosity!”

“We'll keep them off of you, commander. You have my word!” Swift affirms, clutching her lance tightly in her magic. “Just make sure to do your part!”

Hearing all of their cries of support to us makes me tear up slightly, to the point where I'm at a loss for words. All I can do is turn and give them all a short two-fingered wave...and then I follow the others into the tower itself.

The inside of the tower looks so different from what it used to be. The halls are dark and menacing, and with the angled crystal and crystalline spikes extending from the walls, it looks like we're walking through the mouth of some twisted beast. The only lights come from the torch sconces lining the wall, each one burning with an ethereal purple and green flame.

It's absolutely quiet; even the cheers of the soldiers outside have been completely shut out by the thick crystal walls. The only sound comes from the clip clopping of the others' hooves on the floor....and from my own heartbeat that I'm painfully aware of.

“This way. If I remember correctly, the staircase was hidden before Twilight uncovered it,” Celestia directs us, changing paths down another hall. Eventually the area leads out into the main central part of the tower, which I remember walking through before it was corrupted.

The moment we near the other side of the room, one of the hallways erupts with the sound of guttural roaring, as well as pounding hoofbeats that seem to shake the floor beneath us. I immediately take out my sword, knowing exactly what's making that growling.

“Steady...it appears the tower is not without resistance of its own,” Celestia states. Taking her advice, we put some distance between ourselves and the hallway. Seconds later, a Mega Oppressed barrels out of the corridor...followed by another, and another, until there are a total of five Mega Oppressed in the room with us. My eyes bug out, having never seen that many of them in one place before. “Each of you take one and dispatch it as quickly as you can! Do not use your magic against them; it is ineffective!”

“Shut up, Celestia. We all know the drill at this point,” Chrysalis hisses back impatiently. She rears up on her hind legs and kicks at the air. “If you think you can take me down, come give it your best shot!”

The Mega Oppressed roar and charge all of us at once. The first thing we do is scatter apart to make it so that they can't group up on us. When I see two of them heading for Cadance, I form my blade into shurikens again and get one's attention by slicing into its flesh repeatedly.

While I'm contending with my own, Celestia is making short work of hers. With her superior speed, Celestia easily outmaneuvers it and bucks it hard into the wall. Her strength is so great, the monster's chest buckles in so far that some of its rib bones puncture the skin on its back.

As for Chrysalis, she smirks and transforms into a massive dragon that makes Pterax's look like nothing. With the added physical strength that it affords her, she lifts her Mega Oppressed clear off the ground and impales it on one of the larger spikes coming up from the floor, taking it out in no time at all. She then reverts to her original form, dusting off her hooves smugly. “And you all say these things are a threat. Adorable,” she emits confidently.

Remembering my tactics with the last one I faced, I aim for the creature's legs first, because it's pretty much helpless to stop you from getting behind it if it can't maneuver anymore. Just like before, I run circles around it until it falls, and then take it out from behind with my sword.

Celestia joins Cadance in dealing with hers, while Chrysalis and I move to assist Luna. With all of us working together, dealing with them is no trouble at all, especially considering how skilled all of us are.

When the last one falls, we immediately start moving again, traveling through the corridor from where the undead emerged. From here, it isn't long before we find the hidden staircase of which Celestia spoke. The doorway is hanging ajar, for some reason. Either it was left open since the last time we were here...wait no, that's unlikely. Sombra must have left it open, as if inviting us up to see him. His arrogance causes me to grit my teeth in anger.

“Not much further. Be ready,” Celestia advises us all as we step into the stairwell. As we climb higher, we eventually exit out into the open air high above the battlefield. Around us, we can hear the winds whipping around the tower not too far from us, keeping anypony from flying up here to join us. That's why we don't just fly to the top. Below us, we see the massive amount of undead bearing down on the tower, putting pressure on our defenses. I only hope the allied forces are doing well. “Remember the plan, everyone. When I retreat to build up my magical energy, you must keep him from searching for me. If I am interrupted, we are lost.”

“I'm telling you, that's not going to be necessary. There's so many of us, one pony can't possibly stand a chance,” Chrysalis expresses. However, she's ignored by the rest of us, who aren't as stupid as she is right now and know how much of a threat Sombra is to us.

“We will not let him find thee, sister,” Luna assures her. Cadance and I nod in agreement, as there's nothing more to be said. There's nothing standing between us, and the king.

At the top of the tower, the staircase opens out onto a wide platform...the very summit of the Crystal Tower. We're so high off the ground at this point, we're above the dark clouds that swirl around the tower. On the edges of the platform are several pillars, casting shadows over the crystal and giving the area an ominous look.

In the center of the platform is a construct of black crystals. Floating a few feet above the top of the construct is the Crystal Heart itself, looking black and corrupted just like the rest of the city. So it was up here the whole time. However, that's not what truly draws our attention.

Standing just in front of the crystal construct with his back to us...is King Sombra.

Author's Note:

There we go. Here's the last chapter of the battle before it's time to write the monster that's going to be the final battle against Sombra. I can't believe I'm already here. It's been like, forever since I started this story. I always intended to have a final fight against Sombra, but I've never reached the final battle in anything I've ever written. Actually, this entire story has been a series of firsts for me. The first story I've ever written to exceed the word count of the LOTR trilogy, the first slice of life I've ever written, the first romance I've ever written, the first positive story that I've ever written...but most importantly, this is going to be the first story I've ever finished.

So, how about that Shatter death? I'm hoping you guys don't mind the slightly graphic way that I killed him off....but I'm also thinking that won't be a problem. :pinkiecrazy: I also wanted to give Applejack her moment, because that fight was very important for her as a character.

Now then. I just have one more hurdle to cross before the epilogue chapters. And that's this final battle. I'm going to quit talking now and get right to it. It'll likely be a massive chapter, so it might take me a bit. Anyway, thanks to Schadenponi for editing this, and don't forget to leave your comments and tell me what you think! I didn't get that many at all on the last chapter, which was a little disappointing.

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