• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,505 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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43. Enter Chrysalis

I stand alone in the hall, just outside of Cadance's private bedchambers. I'm dressed in my coat again and I'm ready for anything, or so I hope. I have no idea what I'm getting into at all. There's no telling how dangerous this thing is, but I now that all I have to do is flare my magic, and Celestia will come running, and then the imposter will be beyond fucked.

Still, it's difficult knowing that the fate of this country depends on this single meeting. Like the fake Cadance told me, I haven't told a soul. To get here, I asked a few guards where I could find her this late at night, and they directed me here.

There's guards on either side of Cadance's door, but it doesn't seem like they even see me. In fact, when I peer closely, their pupils are smaller than they should be, and are glowing slightly green. The glow is so slight, I wouldn't be able to see it unless I was staring right at their eyes from a close distance.

That settles it though. I'm dealing with the one who sent the assassin to kill Celestia. I'd bet my life that the pony with the knife had shown these same characteristics. This is a control spell; the guards don't even turn to look at me as I approach. I notice when I glance at them that they're the two guards I knocked out.

As for Rainbow and the others, they've basically gone to sleep early, since the dress rehearsal for the wedding (because apparently they need to do that) is at six in the morning. As for me, I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight. It's about midnight right now, and who knows what's going to happen once I walk into that room.

I raise my fist to the door, and then I hesitate. It feels like my heart is in my throat. I'm not usually one to get this nervous, but...there's a chance that I might not walk out of this room. Unlike how I was over a month ago, I'm not so eager for death.

Finally, I take a deep breath, and then knock on the door thrice. Almost immediately, I get a response. “Come in!” says Cadance's authoritative voice. The door handles glow slightly, and then something clicks in the door itself. Probably the locks holding it shut. All right, here goes.

I clutch the handle and turn it, my hand slipping on it slightly because of sweat. The door opens without a sound, revealing the interior of the room. I didn't know what I expected to see, but it appears to be a normal room, with a lavish four-poster bed on the opposite side of the room, a large plush carpet, a vanity and closet for changing clothes, and a door that likely leads to a bathroom. The large windows are completely covered up by heavy maroon drapes, such that the only source of light in the room is the fancy chandelier hanging from the ceiling. As such, it's really dim in the room.

Cadance, or whoever replaced her (I'll just call her Cadance until I find out otherwise), is standing with her back to me, looking at her reflection in the vanity mirror. “Welcome, human. I was almost afraid you weren't going to come,” she purrs, running a hoof through her mane. She turns her head to look at me, a predatory smile crossing her face. “I trust you've held up your end of the deal?”

“Against my better judgment, yes,” I reply. My every instinct is telling me to get away from here as fast as I can, but I force myself to remain still. I have a chance to bust the entire plot right here if I play my cards right. “Now you need to do the same.”

“Oh, of course. Shall we begin by introducing ourselves properly?” Cadance responds in a sultry voice, approaching me slowly. The door shuts behind me and locks, trapping me in the room with her. I jump slightly, adrenaline shooting into my body. Holy fuck, this was a terrible idea. Why did I come here instead of tell Celestia? That would have been the smart thing to do. Now I'm the fly trapped in the spider's web. What if that control spell works on humans? Fuck, I didn't even think about that. “Tell me, human. What is your name?”

“Seth Rogers,” I answer, crossing my arms and attempting to look confident. “What about you?”

“Well, I'm afraid simply telling you my name would be meaningless. If we are to have a successful partnership, it would be best to dispense with the secrets, don't you agree?” Cadance replies coyly. Her horn lights up a sickly green, which is another sign that this Cadance is not what she seems. Cadance's magic is a light blue. Her eyes start to glow that same shade of green, and...fuck...how do I describe this...it's like her skin is shifting.

I watch in shock as Cadance's skin starts to peel away, starting from her back hooves, climbing up her rear and tail, and sweeping over the rest of her. What's left behind in place of Cadance's usual pink coat is a black, chitinous material that's pockmarked with holes. Her once multicolored tail turns to a sickly teal color.

This change continues to her wings, which shimmer and dissipate to reveal translucent insect-like wings with pointed tips. Upon being freed, they flap several times, buzzing slightly. Next, Cadance's face shimmers away, revealing a black, pony-like face with a more angled muzzle and rows upon rows of sharp teeth, with particularly long canines. Her mane turns that same shade of teal, cascading down her head and shoulders. Lastly, her horn becomes longer and more jagged. At least, her twisted, sick transformation is over.

“What the shit?” I gasp, having never seen anything like that before in my life. I'm honestly a bit disturbed by that, to the point where I can feel bile rising in my throat. Her skin just...it just fell off, almost like she was molting. What the fuck!?

“Ah, that's much better,” the thing says, her voice deeper than before, and also possessing a strange distorted quality, almost as if two voices are speaking out of synch. “I've spent too much time cooped up in that useless princess body. I was beginning to feel cramped.”

The creature emits a satisfied giggle, and then she starts to stretch like a cat, her joints cracking. With every crack, she emits a moan of pleasure. Okay, this is getting more and more fucked up. “Okay, seriously, who and what the fuck are you?” I demand.

“Just a moment,” the thing replies, and takes a few more seconds to stretch before she looks at me with her vivid green eyes. “Now, allow me to introduce myself. I am Queen Chrysalis, sovereign of the changeling race. It is a pleasure, Seth Rogers.”

My knees feel weak. Cadance just broke apart and became a monster right in front of me. I almost fall backwards, and I would have if Chrysalis hadn't used her magic to slide a chair beneath me. “Holy fuck...I've never seen anything like that,” I emit, unable to come up with the words to say anything else.

Chrysalis chuckles knowingly. “I understand. It's not often that a non-changeling lays eyes upon me. But...” Chrysalis then steps closer, lowering her head to look at me in the eyes. I freeze. She's so close, I can smell her breath...which for some odd reason, smells like...what the fuck? That smells like the perfume Amaryllis always wears. How the hell...what... “It's also not often that a human has ever been seen in the realm of the living. In fact, I was under the impression that your kind was extinct.”

“That's because we are...and...why the hell do you smell like...one of us?” I demand, my breathing rate increasing. This...thing, this changeling...is really freaking me the fuck out.

“Oh, my apologies. It comes with being a changeling. We feed off of love, so our biology adapted to make gathering our food easier,” Chrysalis explains, backing off slightly with a giggle. Wait, the fuck? She feeds off of love? But...love doesn't fucking exist. That's just lust, romanticized by dumb human literature.

“So you feed off of lust. How does that even work, and how does that make you smell like a human?”

“You ask so many questions! Though I suppose that's to be expected. This meeting is a first for the both of us,” Chrysalis remarks. “I promised, however, so I shall deliver. We do not feed off of lust. While some changelings believe in engaging in such activities with their targets, it is not necessary for our nutrition. Let me say it again, so that you understand. We feed off of love, not lust.”

“But they're the same thing. Love is just lust, covered up with lies and bullshit romanticism,” I point out to her. “And you still haven't answered my question about your smell.”

“Oho, how delightfully dark. But, in the end, false,” Chrysalis corrects me. “Before I prove it to you, I will answer your question, as it appears to be important to you. Our smell is a biological weapon provided to us. We emit different scents to different creatures, depending on what they love most. For example, if I were to approach that buffoon Shining Armor, I would smell like Cadance. It's why he was so willing to overlook my...less than exemplary acting performance.”

So that's why she smells like Amaryllis's perfume. That's fucked up, but I suppose it makes some twisted kind of sense. Still, her words about love bother me. “How the fuck can you prove that love exists?” I question. “That's impossible. Because the more people try to prove it exists, the more I can show them how it's just their body conditioning them for intercourse.”

Chrysalis doesn't answer at first, instead opening the door behind me. “Come inside, Steel Shield,” she calls softly, and then one of the guards outside the door walks inside as if he's in a trance. Chrysalis shuts the door behind him, locking it once more. The guard, who is a stallion, stands stock still in front of us, waiting for further orders.

Chrysalis gazes at him like a predator would its prey. A white orb forms at the top of her jagged horn, which she then hurls at Steel. When it hits him, his entire body flashes white for a moment, before returning to normal. “A simple truth spell,” Chrysalis explains for my benefit, before turning back to Steel. “Tell me, Steel. Do you love your wife?”

“Of course I do. She's my whole world,” Steel answers, a defiant look on his face. I notice that the green film over his eyes is gone, which means he's back to normal, only influenced by the truth spell. Though I question why he's not running and screaming from Chrysalis.

“How delightful. Tell me, if you were alone in this room with your wife, would you have sex with her?” Chrysalis asks, looking at me meaningfully. Ugh, why the fuck do we want to know his mating habits?

“If she was willing, yes. There's nopony more beautiful than she is,” Steel replies, his brow contorted. It looks like she's trying to resist the truth spell, but I guess it isn't working.

“Excellent. Now what if I removed her ability to have sex, so that you two could never make love again?” Chrysalis asks further, getting closer to the poor guard. “Would you still stay with her?”

“You're damn right I would. She's more to me than just a piece of flesh. She's my wife, and I'll always stay by her side,” Steel asserts. Chrysalis emits a shuddering moan, and she licks her lips with a forked tongue. Her horn starts to glow, and Steel convulses in pain as particles of green light stream from his body. Those particles flow into Chrysalis's mouth and are eaten.

Finally, Chrysalis withdraws from him, and the flow stops, as does his convulsions. The green film returns to his eyes, and she ushers the guard away, opening the door to let him out, before shutting it again. “Ah, this is why I keep him around. Such a healthy relationship tastes absolutely exquisite,” Chrysalis explains, while I look at her in horror.

“What the fuck did I just see?” I demand, glaring at her. “You sounded like you got off on...whatever the hell it is you just did.”

Chrysalis laughs at my words. “Oh, I fed off of his love, as it is very strong. You just don't find love like that out in the wastelands,” she expresses. “But do you see? Love is more than lust. Some couples go their entire lives without giving in to lust, and yet their love is still as strong.”

“Okay, so let's assume I believe that. So why are you trying to marry Shining Armor? Or, the better question is, why the fuck were you stupid enough to rile up Celestia?” I ask next, attempting to ignore that horrible sight of Chrysalis sucking away Steel's...love.

“It's all tactics, you see. By sending an assassin after Celestia, with a message embedded in the spell, she is guaranteed to step up security, so that she can protect her oh so beloved subjects,” Chrysalis spits out the word “subjects” as if it were poison. “It was a simple matter to slip in before the barrier was erected. Now, Celestia is going forward with this ridiculous wedding, thinking she's completely safe in her little bubble. Her lack of foresight will be her downfall.”

“Okay, let me just stop you right there. You're not going to beat Celestia,” I say. I might as well hit the nail on the head right here, and make this bug thing understand what she's fucking with. “Celestia is a fucking god. You think you can beat her because you've never seen her power. She'll incinerate your entire race if you make a move against her.”

“Trust me, I am well aware of her power. After all, the sun and moon move at her command,” Chrysalis assures me. Okay, so apparently everything in this world thinks Celestia moves the sun. I still don't believe that, and I never will. “But that's why she is the ultimate prize. She loves her subjects dearly. By bringing her down, the changelings will never go hungry again!”

“So how do you intend to take her down by marrying one of the regiment captains?” I say. I'm just about to end this conversation and flare my magic. Once Chrysalis reveals the rest of her plan, I'll bring Celestia here, and end this farce. Monstrosities like her and her race (since there's apparently more of them. God) deserve to be eradicated.

“That's simple. With Shining Armor under my command, so is the entire defense force of Canterlot. You'll see. Come the wedding, I'll force him to drop the barrier, and let my forces in,” Chrysalis reveals. Forces...holy fuck, she brought an army with her? Shit. Well, even so, when I call Celestia here, she'll crush Chrysalis and cut the head off of the snake, so to speak. “Then, I'll take care of Celestia, and Equestria itself will fall under my command. The changelings will reign over the land!”

Chrysalis starts to laugh, a lot like a typical villain. Well, I suppose that's enough. Time to end this. I stand up, glaring at her. “Well, seems like you've got everything figured out, little tactician,” I remark. Chrysalis stops laughing and narrows her eyes at me. “But now that you've told me your entire plan, what's stopping me from letting Celestia now exactly where I am, while you're in this form?”

“By rights, that question would cost you your life,” Chrysalis snaps at me with a voice as hard as iron. I flinch, breaking out into a cold sweat as her eyes glow with green magic, and a pressure falls over me, almost like how I feel whenever Celestia is around. Dear god, how strong is she? “But, on account of what you are, I'd like to offer you a proposition instead.”

“What the hell makes you think I'd accept anything from you?” I demand, clenching my hands into fists, just in case I need to fight.

“You're a human, one of our predecessors. I'm loathe to kill you if I have any other choice. Therefore, I'm willing to give you almost anything in return for your cooperation,” Chrysalis explains. “For example, what holds you to the ponies? Have they done anything to inspire your loyalty? Why not abandon them and stand by my side, as my king and consort?”

“What!?” I respond with a gasp that exhibits both shock and disgust. Chrysalis turns around, so that her back is to me. She turns her head back to me, giving me a sultry expression.

“What do you say? It's not a bad offer, don't you think? As my king, you would live in luxury for the rest of your life, an army of changelings at your beck and call,” Chrysalis offers, as I stare in shock. “Of course, that's not all. You'd have no responsibilities, nor any shortage of money. And lastly, as my consort, your loyalty would go very well...rewarded.”

The hidden meaning behind her words wasn't lost on me. The very idea was repulsive to me, causing bile to rise violently in my throat. I quickly turn my gaze, trying my hardest to keep from throwing up right then and there. Despite my efforts, it's impossible to keep Chrysalis from noticing how disgusted I am.

“Oh, changeling not good enough for you? I can work with that,” Chrysalis titters, not offended in the least. Suddenly, her body shimmers, and she becomes Cadance again. “How about it? There's nothing I can't become. I can be anything, all for the purpose of fulfilling your every desire.”

As I watch, she cycles through several different ponies, settling on Rarity at one point. Each time, the pony whose appearance she assumes wears a seductive expression the likes of which I've never seen them wear. I'd neverFinally, she stops on Rainbow. “You're particularly fond of this one, are you not? Would you like her to be yours?” Chrysalis whispers. Suddenly, her voice changes to sound exactly like Rainbow. “Yeah, Seth! Why don't you do whatever you want to me tonight? I promise I'll be a good girl...”

“GODDAMMIT NO!” I suddenly shout, losing my temper. “For the last time, I am human! I do not want to fuck you, or any pony! That's not how fucking sex drives work!”

“You'd be surprised. I once met a stallion who wanted to get naughty with a diamond dog female,” Chrysalis relates with a wry expression. “Though my offer of letting you become king still stands.”

“Sorry, but no. I have no interest in being king of anything, much less a kingdom of fucking insect things,” I retort. Chrysalis sighs, running a hoof through her mane.

“That's unfortunate. Thankfully, I do have one card left to play, if you'll hold off on summoning Celestia for just a moment longer,” Chrysalis reveals. “Sadly, I wanted to keep the last human all to myself. But if living as a king in your own perverted fantasy doesn't appeal to you, then I'll play my trump card.”

“What trump card? What the hell are you going on about now?” I demand impatiently. I don't know why I'm still listening. I should really just power up and then laugh maniacally as Celestia annihilates her for scarring me for life. Oh god, those images are going to be in my nightmares. Ugh.

“I suppose I'll say it bluntly. I know you're not from this time,” Chrysalis informs me. I freeze, my blood running cold. “Humans are extinct; they have been for three thousand years. Yet here you stand.”

“How the fuck can you know that?” I whisper, my body starting to shake. “How the fuck do you know that!?”

“It's simple. Some spells are so powerful, they leave an impact on the fabric of magic itself. In your case, the spell I'm referring to was cast on you directly,” Chrysalis explains. “I can sense the remnants of a powerful stasis spell that was cast upon you. And if I remember that your race is extinct, what other conclusion should I draw?”

“I...suppose you have a point. But how does this supposed to make me stay quiet?” I snap at her. Chrysalis responds first by giggling.

“Because what if I told you...that I can send you home to your own time?” Chrysalis whispers. I start to retort, but then it dies in my throat when the full meaning of what she just said sinks in.

Chrysalis watches me carefully as I stand there in a shocked silence, unable to even begin to come up with a response to that. I...can go home? Back to my own time? I can see Am...no, this can't be right. Twilight and Celestia told me that the time travel spell isn't stable enough for permanent travel to the past. Hell, Twilight said it was impossible to travel back further than a week.

“That's...that's bullshit. I should kill you, for daring to invoke that spark of hope in me,” I growl viciously. Chrysalis doesn't look fazed at all though.

“I'm not lying to you, Seth. I can really do it,” Chrysalis persuades, but I'm not having any of that.

“Stop. Starswirl the Bearded's time travel spell is too unstable for permanent travel. I have testimonies from both Twilight and Celestia attesting to that,” I tell her flatly. At that, Chrysalis puts on a coy expression.

“And you think that that's all there is? You think that if it isn't in Celestia's archives, it doesn't exist?” Chrysalis challenges, looking smug. “Starswirl the Bearded was a genius, but he refrained from finishing the time travel spell for fear of what it could do. But others...a long time ago, stole his work and completed it into a fully stable time travel spell.”

“And you're telling me you have this spell,” I ask, almost daring to hope. If she can send me home...holy fuck, I'll be able to see Amaryllis again. And the first thing I would do is tell her how I feel about her.

“That's right. We changelings live underground. Over the years, we've come across many hidden secrets,” Chrysalis answers with a wolfish grin. “But, if you are still unconvinced, allow me to demonstrate.”

Chrysalis's horn glows green, only this time, the way the magic feels in the air is completely different. It feels...older, veritably ancient...and incredibly powerful. Chrysalis starts to chant in an unknown language. Arcane writings and markings form in the air around her, circling her body in a cylinder.

A large sickly green rune forms on the ground beneath my feet. Inscribed within its bound are several Equestrian numbers that continuously change at a lightning fast pace. As if that wasn't enough, at least a score of glowing green clock faces fade into existence around me, arranged into multiple concentric circles. They all start to tick and chime at once, forming a cacophony of sounds so discordant that it makes me cover my ears.

The sound continues to bleed through, however. Chrysalis finishes the chant with a word of power so thunderous, it causes her mane to fly up in the air. Light emanates from the rune at my feet, completely enveloping me and obscuring my vision entirely.

A strange sensation of falling encompasses me, even as that blinding light fades away. I start to feel wind rushing against my body, and feeling it comes a second later. What the hell is going on?

I open my eyes, and immediately find out that it feels like I'm falling, because I am falling. All I can see is the ground far below me, but it's getting closer far too fast. “HOLY SHIIIIT!” I shout, suddenly fearing for my life. Of course, then I remember that I can fly. In that case, I'll fall just a little bit longer, so I can take it my surroundings in comfort. I say comfort, because I'm falling at or close to terminal velocity.

Okay, and my surroundings are fucked up. Looking up, I see the mountain on which Canterlot would usually be resting on, except there's no sign of the city at all. And if I thought that was weird, that's nothing compared to what the ground is like.

Everything is fucked up beyond all form and recognition. Like, the ground is hilly and ever changing, with bits of it even floating up into the air like a fucking lava lamp. It's also colored a million different colors and decorated in a million different ways. The trees are different colors and aren't even right side up, and rivers continuously change color while at the same time flowing up into the air. What the fuck, did Chrysalis send me on one hell of an acid trip? This...is chaos.

The second I think that, I suddenly become aware of a presence nearby. I turn my head, and my eyes promptly widen in recognition. That statue that was in the Canterlot gardens? The one where there's a dragon that looks like it was made by an artist high on LSD? Yeah, Discord is falling right beside me in all of his fucked up glory...except he's wearing a fucking skydiving suit, complete with a helmet and goggles.

“Ohoho, isn't this just the happiest day of my life!” Discord exclaims jubilantly, spreading his eagle and lion arms. “Where have you been for the past two thousand years, besides not causing chaos like you always do?”

“I'm sorry, what?” I reply, unable to think of anything intelligent to say. I'm suddenly in the presence of an actual god, though how this is happening is beyond me. I thought he was sealed up in the garden? Did he get free? Where is Canterlot, and why is the land all fucked up like this?

“Oh, one moment,” Discord says, looking down at the ground. Then he looks back at me. “Say, what's your favorite dessert?”

“Dessert? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?” I demand. Discord waggles a talon at me, and then he pulls a bar of soap from fucking nowhere and shoves it in my mouth before I can react.

“Now now, you should really watch your language. It's just not polite,” he teases me. I gag on the taste of the disgusting soap, and then I spit it out, glaring at him. Where the hell did that soap come from? “Do me a favor and answer the question, would you?”

“Uh...I don't know, let's go with cake,” I decide, completely confused as to what the hell is going on.

Discord forms a toothy grin, and then he snaps his eagle talons, and then before I know what's happening, I land softly...in a massive strawberry cake with butter cream icing. “What in the...how did...what!?” I stammer, getting up. I'm all covered in icing...even my coat. “My coat, goddammit!”

Discord proceeds to twirl through the air, laughing uproariously at my facial expression. “Oh dear, you should see your face!” With that, Discord taps my face with a paw, and then to my utter shock, shows me a mask of my icing covered face. I reach up to touch my face, only to find that there's nothing there. I'm sad to say that I scream like a girl at that. Thankfully, with another snap of Discord's fingers, my face returns and the cake and icing disappear from the ground and my body, such that my clothes are pristine again. “That one never gets old. Can you believe I did that to this one pony, and he literally started crying? Crying, without a face. Imagine that!”

I glare at Discord, attempting to recover from that incredibly jarring experience. I can't believe this is the thing that screwed up my entire world. “Now then, where did you come from, little human?” Discord asks. “I haven't seen any of you in so long. I got so bored, I wrecked nature!”

“Uh...I came from up there,” I say dumbly, pointing at the sky. I'm so out of sorts by everything that's happening, I can't really get the presence of mind to make intelligent conversation. Discord, however, seems to find my attempt at wit hilarious.

“Oh, and he's witty! Just wonderful! I suppose you're a bit jumbled and whatnot,” Discord exults with a wave of his hand. He peers in closer to me, shedding the skydiving outfit and instead donning a weird Sherlock Holmes looking outfit, and then he proceeds to stare at me through a magnifying glass. “What have we here? Time travel? From the past and the future at the same time? This day simply could not get any better!”

“What are you talking about? How can you know that?” I demand. Discord's clothing disappears again as he curls around me.

“Because this is my world. Did you know that humans are my favorite race? I was ever so bored when you lot died out,” Discord reveals. I look at him in shock. Hold on a minute, this fucker was around even during my time? What the...that can't be possible. “Watching your kind was so entertaining, I watched you for years! So chaotic! You were always pillaging and burning...”

As he speaks, Discord changes some part of his body or produces some object to enunciate his words. “...drowning and accusing, oh I could go on, but unfortunately that time travel spell you're using is temporary,” he informs me. “So tell me who you are, human?”

Suddenly, it clicks. Holy shit...Chrysalis did it. She sent me back in time. Discord was around over a thousand years ago according to pony history...which means...Chrysalis really can send me home! Oh my god, this is the best news I've heard in my entire life...except she probably wants something in exchange for sending me back. Whatever it is, I doubt I'm going to like it.

“I'm Seth. Seth Rogers...” I say slowly, feeling a spark of hope in my chest for the first time...ever. If I do what Chrysalis wants, I can go see Amaryllis and my family again.

“A pleasure, Seth Rogers, I'm Discord, but I assume you already know that, Mr. Time Traveler,” he rambles, tapping me on the nose. Out of instinct, I reach up and touch my nose, making sure it's still there. “Why don't you do something chaotically human, for old time's sake? Entertain me, before your time runs out.”

“Like what?” I ask breathlessly.

“How should I know? Do what you humans always do. Destroy something, control something, light something on fire, make love to random animals because you're too lazy to find a woman that accepts you...funny joke there. Gotta love the Greeks. Delightfully chaotic.” Everything Discord says just serves to further confuse me.

“Hold up...how can you know what the Greeks are? That's way before the time of ponies and magic,” I demand, ignoring his request for the time being.

“Oh come now, I'm the god of chaos. I'm as immortal as they come,” Discord proclaims, holding a claw to his chest. He worms through the air like some kind of twisted snake. “Of course the Greeks came before magic, because I hadn't invented it yet. Why did humans need magic, when they already came up with the most ingenious of contraptions? Did you know the Eastern Roman Empire invented a fire that would never stop burning? Delightful.”

He's telling the truth. Greek fire was a major thing in the wars between the Byzantines and the Arabs. For him to know that...he must have been around then. Holy shit, if only I could go back and tell the dumb churches about this. By the way, I know a god that really exists, and his name is Discord.

“Now, now, distractions aside, do something chaotically human for me. Chop chop now, time is running out,” Discord urges me, conjuring a fucking couch and resting on it.

I don't know what the hell he wants me to do. Something chaotic. What, does he want me to run around screaming like a madman? “Okay, Discord. I don't know what the hell you expect from me. Honestly, I didn't even know I was going to be seeing you at all until a grand total of a minute ago. I just got here. Seriously, what the fuck do you expect me to do!?” I snap at him. Now that the shock is fading away, I'm starting to get annoyed. This is the fucker who wrecked my world. I have half a mind to hit him with the strongest magic blast I can muster...if I thought it would do anything.

Rather than returning my ire, Discord seems to view my outburst as the most hilarious thing ever. “Wonderful! Some good ol' human anger. So much better than boring old Celly's self righteous fervor,” he praises me, clapping his...appendages. Then, his head suddenly changes into motherfucking Celestia's head, which is wearing a ridiculous expression. When Discord speaks again, it's in a comical imitation of Celestia's voice. “Discord! Thy reign over this land hath ended! Thou shalt face the power of the unbridled sun...”

Discord cuts off, his face returning to normal, as he laughs uproariously. “They're so intense! So many thee's, and thou's, and how dare thee...oh dear,” he continues, wiping a tear of merriment from his eye. “But nothing compared to the humans. I once showed myself to a human in the late information age. He threatened to, and I quote, bash my head in with a rake. Hilarious!”

What the hell...this guy just goes on and on. But despite what Celestia and Twilight told me, he seems harmless. Maybe it's just because I'm a human and he likes us, but he just seems like a silly old man to me. Well...a silly old man with world bending powers.

“Oh, poo. It seems like our time is up,” Discord grunts with a pout. Wait what is he...oh shit, the rune is back, forming just underneath my feet. I guess I'm going back now...back to Chrysalis. “Such a shame, I was having so much fun. Do tell your spell caster thanks for me. I'll make sure to seek you out in the future. Ta-ta, now!”

Yeah...how about don't seek me out? Oh wait, you can't because you're sealed in stone. Sucks to be you. Well, good riddance, Discord.

The light from the spell dissipates, to reveal the darkened interior of Cadance's private bedchambers once more. I stagger slightly when the spell releases, but thankfully a chair pulls up to me once again, courtesy of an smug looking Chrysalis.

“I sent you back over a thousand years ago,” Chrysalis reveals, even though I'd figured out that much on my own. For some reason, her mane is streaked with sweat, as is her body. She's panting heavily, as if casting that spell had taken a huge toll on her. “I hope you enjoyed your trip to the past.”

“About that. Do you know what happened over a thousand years ago?” I begin in a slightly higher pitched voice. “I landed in a pile of fucking cake, courtesy of a thoroughly insane Discord!”

“Discord? Interesting. It sounds like your time in the past was a fulfilling one,” Chrysalis remarks. She steps closer, the smell of Amaryllis even stronger now. “But, you believe me now, don't you? I can send you home, to your friends and family.”

“Yeah, I believe you. But...what's the catch? I know there has to be one,” I ask, crossing my arms.

“The catch? Why, all I ask for is your cooperation,” Chrysalis replies. Wait...cooperation? Does that mean I'd have to go against Celestia? Jesus fuck, I'd have to have a death wish. But...if I don't, then I can't go home. “Actually, you don't even have to do that. Just promise me that whatever happens, you'll stay out of it.”

“Wait...that's it? Just stay out of your way and let you do your thing?” I ask incredulously, unable to believe my ears. It's that easy? I don't have to do anything? Chrysalis nods with a smirk. Wait a minute...what kind of things am I staying out of? “What exactly do you plan to do, anyway, besides take down Celestia?”

“Oh, I have a lot in store for this city. Once the barrier is down, I'll crush the Canterlot guard beneath my armies, and enslave its populace for our feeding pleasure,” Chrysalis answers with a wicked grin. “Though I'll make doubly sure to exterminate the Elements of Harmony. I know their power, and I won't fall prey to it.”

My blood runs cold at her words. Kill the Elements of Harmony? That means...Applejack, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy and...Rainbow. “Fuck...” I emit, holding my head in my hands. This is the most difficult decision that's ever been presented to me. Chrysalis is giving me the power to choose who lives and who dies...I'm not sure I can wield that kind of power.

“Take your time. I'm sure this isn't an easy decision,” Chrysalis assures me. She sits down on her haunches and waits patiently, watching me with a pensive expression.

Fuck...okay. I have two choices here. The first is to stay out of it like she wants me to. Then I can go home, which is what I want more than anything. I can see Amaryllis and my family again...at the cost of Rainbow's life. On the other hand, I can stop her here, saving Rainbow, but forgoing my only chance to see Amaryllis again. In the end, it all comes down to who I want to save.

I have to choose between saving Amaryllis and my family, or Rainbow and the others.

Author's Note:

Yes! Here's the chapter I've really been psyched about putting out. I've had this planned ever since I decided that Seth was going to experience the Royal Wedding. Seth is presented with a very difficult choice. Either way, canon will be effected to the point where it will be barely familiar.

I was also able to expand a bit on changelings, and include a little scene with Discord. Discord...is the most entertaining character to write ever. I was cracking myself up just writing his lines, especially the ones with the Greeks.

Also, there is no censorship. Chrysalis knows of the Elements of Harmony, and will kill to render them inert.

Sorry about the lateness on this one. Anyway, I have one more chapter left on backlog, and then it'll go back to weekly updates, unfortunately, now that I have both a job and school. Bleh.

Leave your comments and let me know what you guys think of this situation! :D

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