• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,505 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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64. Meeting's Conclusion

“You have anything to write on? I figure that the sooner I send this out, the better,” I ask Rainbow fervently. My mind is set on this now, so I know I have to do it. I'm going to send a letter to Princess Luna, and see how rich I can get from selling the location of this building. I'm such an idiot for not thinking of this before.

“What, are you doing this right now? We're still hanging out, though!” Rainbow protests as I get up and start looking around the room, suddenly not so keen on the idea.

“Chill out, it's only going to take me a few seconds to write something down and send it off to them,” I assure her, but that doesn't stop her from pouting. “Besides, it's not even midnight yet. The night is still young, and I don't have work tomorrow.”

“You have tomorrow off?” Rainbow exclaims. When I nod, she thrusts a hoof in the air. “Yes! We're totally gonna stay up all night!”

“Right. So that means get me a damn sheet of paper and something to write with, so I'll have Luna's reply in the morning,” I suggest. With a sigh, Rainbow forces herself up off of the couch.

“Hold on, I'll get something for you. Ugh, I'm too lazy for this,” Rainbow complains, lamenting her full stomach. “Shame on you for making me move.”

“You could just tell me, but apparently you don't want me rifling through your shit,” I comment. While Rainbow rummages through one of her drawers, I pour myself a cup of lemonade and sip at it, since we still have plenty of food and drink left. Pinkie really outdid herself, though I think she made the kind of portion she's used to eating, because she's like a black hole at meals. “Got something to hide from me?”

“What? No, of course not. What would I be hiding from you?” Rainbow responds, taking her head out of the drawer for a moment to peer back at me accusingly.

“I don't know, you tell me,” I answer with a shrug and a grin. It's so easy to mess with her, even if I don't even have anything to make fun of her about. Rainbow huffs and sticks her head back in the drawer, until finally she emerges with a notepad and quill.

“Here. Now hurry up, so we can rock out to more of that music. What's playing right now is too sappy for me,” Rainbow comments. I shake my head wryly, not surprised. My phone is on shuffle, so it's not that surprising that something would come up that she wouldn't like. Yeah, this type of music is hit and miss for most people.

“Fine, I'll put on some older music,” I tell her as I take the writing materials from her. After setting the inkwell aside to make sure it doesn't spill, I tap my phone a few times until another song starts to play. “I like this one. I generally don't like most of what this guy puts out because it's about bullshit romance, but every so often he'll have something that's worth hearing.”

“What's this one about?” Rainbow muses, but I don't answer, figuring that she'll find out when she hears the lyrics. It's a pretty inspiring song, especially to me. Unfortunately, Rainbow doesn't get the initial lyrics. “What? That...I don't get it.”

“Just shut up and listen to the lyrics. It explains itself,” I tell her in exasperation, and then I dip the quill into the inkwell. Did I mention I feel like I'm living in early modern England when I use one of these things? Or did they have fountain pens be then? Whatever. Anyway, how should I word this...?

“Oh, I get it now!” Rainbow exclaims, causing me to facepalm, as my concentration's been broken again. “I like this! Good message, and it's pretty rockin'!”

Dammit Rainbow. Let's try this one more time. It's been a while since I've had to write Equestrian, so I hope I don't fuck it up, because I don't think they have white-out yet.

“Dear Princess Luna,

Yeah, I'm writing you a letter. No, nothing is on fire or exploding. Figured I'd clarify since that's usually the case whenever we interact. In all seriousness though, this letter is meant for both you and Celestia.

I remember telling you two that when I ran into Sombra, I did so at my school, and that's when he transported me to this time. I failed to mention that when that happened, I appeared exactly in the same spot as before: in my school.

Therefore, I'll cut straight to the point. That building is still intact and hidden, and I know where it is. As ponykind seems to regard human ruins as an extremely valuable find, I figured I'd offer you two the chance to get first claims on it.

If you're interested in this offer, reply whenever you have time. I'm willing to negotiate a fair price for this information.

From your resident asshole, Seth Rogers.”

“Perfect,” I say, chuckling to myself at the closing of the letter. Rainbow watches curiously as I roll up the paper. With a snap of my fingers, the paper dissolves and is on its way to Luna. “That takes care of that.”

“What did you tell her?” Rainbow asks, looking a bit annoyed that she didn't get to read the letter herself.

“Nothing you don't already know. All I said is that I know where the building is, and I'm open to negotiations. If they're as valuable as you say they are, they should jump at the chance to explore them,” I remark.

“I don't think the princesses will go themselves, but they'll definitely send some of their best ponies to look into it,” Rainbow informs me. I shrug.

“I don't care if they're going or not. All I care about is that they take my offer. That way I'll be able to go back there with help,” I reason.

“You're going to go with them?” Rainbow asks in surprise, but she realizes how stupid that question was a second later. “So you can find your old memories?”

“Yeah. There's a lot down there. The size of the place down there probably rivals Ponyville in size,” I reveal. Rainbow's eyes widen as she tries to imagine it. “It wasn't just the one building. That was my college. If even half of it is still intact, somewhere underground, then it'll likely be the largest human ruins you ponies have ever uncovered.”

“...Can I go too?” Rainbow requests all of a sudden. She doesn't look like she's kidding, though again, I don't know why she cares so much about the things that are only important to me.

“Idiot,” I finally respond, pressing on the side of her head lightly. “Like I'm going to go without you. Who knows how long I'd be down there.”

“Yes! I really want to see what a human building is like. Ever since we became friends, I've been really curious,” Rainbow exults, pumping her two front hooves excitedly. “Be warned though, I probably won't be the only one that'll want to go.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I didn't mean for this to sound like some group field trip. All I'm doing is using the princesses' resources to uncover some old memories. It's not accurate to say that I'm excited about it, either. It's just something that needs to be done. I should have done it a long time ago, to be honest.

“Once Twilight hears about this, there'll be no stopping her,” Rainbow explains. I stare at her, hoping I'd misheard...and then I slowly lower my head into my hand. She's totally right. Come hell or high water, Twilight's going to come with us. I think I'd have to tie her to that dumb horse head idol she's got in her house to keep her away. “Not to mention everypony who loves the books will want to go...though I doubt many will be brave enough once they find out it's in the Everfree.”

“Okay. So the only other ponies that are going are you and Twilight,” I reason, because I don't feel like anyone in town would risk going into the Everfree for this. “There will probably be a bunch of civilian scientists and archaeologists going, and guards to keep them safe, no doubt. Some workers as well. Shit, this is going to be a huge endeavor.”

“Looks like it! On the bright side though, you get your memories back, and you probably won't have to work as hard anymore, what with all the money you'll be getting,” Rainbow reasons. That's true. I probably won't stop working even if I do make a decent amount of money, because I want to keep my body in shape now that I've got one work keeping. Plus I'd need something to keep myself busy.

“That's true. Anyway, enough about this,” I say, tiring of the subject. I didn't exactly come here to talk about business with Rainbow, after all. “There seems to be a little space in my stomach. It's time to fix that.”

“Hah, I hear that! I feel like I can eat a bit more myself!” Rainbow proclaims. She reaches into the box and pulls out a cupcake. She eyes it carefully. “Hm...should I?”

I pull out a cupcake myself, noting that it's strawberry and vanilla. I suppose I shouldn't be that surprised. I did end up telling Pinkie what my favorite flavors, so it stands to reason she'd make some.

Together, as the song changes to an old rock tune, Rainbow and I relax and eat more sweets against our better judgment. Midnight nears, but I'm not going anywhere. No work tomorrow, so who the fuck cares how long I stay up?

And then more dumb bullshit happens.

“Cloud three.”

“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me. How are you that lucky?” I demand, sighing in frustration at the infernal game in front of me. Turns out Rainbow has some board games lying around..,and by that, I mean a twisted version of battleship, except for pegasi.

“What did I hit?” Rainbow exclaims, fighting the urge to peer over at my board. I rub my forehead first before responding.

“My goddamn seagull,” I complain, an seconds later Rainbow starts to laugh incredulously at the coincidence.

“Really? This is the third game now, and I always hit your seagull first. How are you so unlucky that the hardest piece to hit is the first one you lose?” Rainbow questions in between her bouts of merriment. Gah, this game is frustrating as hell. Coincidentally, it's just as frustrating as battleship is.

“I don't fucking know, just take your next move already,” I tell her, resting back against the couch with my board on my lap. Rainbow takes a moment to think, rubbing at her chin with a hoof.

“Cloud four?”

“Oh. My. God,” I state, removing the piece from the board. Rainbow cheers and pumps a hoof in the air, celebrating her victory over what is supposed to be the most elusive piece in the game. “Actually, no. Let me tell how you bullshit this is. You had a seventy-five percent chance of missing. A three out of four probability! By all rights, you should have missed!”

“But I didn't,” Rainbow reminds me unhelpfully. I give her a glare, though I'm not all that angry at her. It's my damned luck.

“I noticed. How do I suck so bad...” I lament as Rainbow proceeds to continue laughing at my misfortune.

“Seth, there's no double jump,” Rainbow points out with mirth in her magenta eyes. I look back at her with disbelief, my fingers still clasping the little red chip tightly.

“Why is there no double jump? This is basically just checkers, right? If there's a line open, you should be able to take both of them!” I demand, my heart pounding. If I'm wrong, then my whole strategy is wrecked.

“Never played that, but in Apples and Carrots, you can't double jump,” Rainbow informs me smugly. Apples&Carrots. It's basically a cheap knockoff of checkers, except with little red and orange chips, rhombuses instead of squares, and the objective of reaching the other side of the board to win. Rainbow's been trashing me for the past game, but I'd been steadily maneuvering my apples, so to speak, into a position where I could double jump right into the middle of Rainbow's undefended center.

“Seriously? Gimme the damn rulebook,” I demand, snatching the little packet from the box, while Rainbow sits there with her hooves crossed, looking entirely too pleased with herself. Sure enough, I soon come across a line that tells me exactly what I didn't want to see. “Are you kidding? But...my whole strategy is wrecked because of that!”

“That's just too bad. Looks like your field is exhausted, dude,” Rainbow teases me, jumping the last apple she needs to get to the other side of my field. Once again, I reach up to my head and rub my forehead. Can I even beat her at anything?

“I'm placing a path here,” I state, placing down the thin little piece of wood that's supposed to indicate said structure on the board. “That lets me get access to everything in this area, right?”

“Yup! Of course, you have to roll the number on the little chip there,” Rainbow explains. That gets my right eye to twitch in annoyance.

“What? Why do you need to rely on a dice roll to get resources? Wouldn't these ponies just go out there and harvest them?” I inquire, looking at the game rules for clarification. “That's not realistic at all!”

“It's just part of the game. You don't have to use logic on everything, dude. You'll drive yourself nuts!” Rainbow says with amusement, rolling the dice. And of course, she gets exactly what she needs to build the structure that'll get her closer to victory. “Yes! I love my luck!”

“Oh durr, the dice rolled wrong. Sorry guys, we're gonna not work on the apple farm this year,” I say in an overly stupid voice, making fun of the creators of this game. Then I sigh, once again out of luck. “Dammit, without any apple trees, I can't build any towns!”

“Looks like you're gonna lose again!” Rainbow taunts me, once again reveling in her own impending victory. “All hail the mighty Dash!”

Jesus Christ, I can't fucking win.

“Chess? Are you kidding me?” I repeat breathlessly, taken completely by surprise that one of the most iconic board games from my time is still around. Rainbow is holding out a chess box, looking extremely pleased with herself that she found something I'd know.

“Yeah! I was saving this one for last, because I heard it was a human game. Am I right?” Rainbow explains, giving me the box. I take it delicately, and then I jokingly hug the box to myself, making Rainbow laugh. “What are you doing?”

“No, shut up, you don't even understand. This shit's ancient,” I point out, wiping away a nonexistent tear. “Seriously, it's good to know that even thousands of years after humans, this game is still around. It's like a bad penny. It keeps turning up.”

“A bad what?”

“Human currency. Skip it,” I sigh, forgetting that Rainbow wouldn't understand human colloquialisms. Rainbow shrugs, and then the two of us set the game up. “I'm assuming you know how to play?”

“Of course I do! There's nopony better at me at this game!” Rainbow brags, which gets the usual response out of me. You know, a facepalm, because she brags too much. Or...hilariously enough, Rainbow looks a little shifty. “...Except for Twilight. And Rarity. I also played Princess Celestia once after we dealt with Discord and got totally destroyed.”

“Of course Celestia beat you. I'd be shocked if she didn't, since she's been alive a lot longer than you,” I remark. Rainbow grumbles a bit, but she knows I'm right.

The two of us set of the game board as usual, though I find it rather humorous that all of the different pieces have been pony..poni...ponified. That's it. That's the word I'm using. The pieces are all ponified. Like, the rooks are friggin earth ponies, and the knights are pegasi. Also, according to the way Rainbow is setting up the board, the king is Celestia, and the queen is Luna. Except I doubt that's what they call the pieces now.

“Why the hell are there Celestia and Luna pieces?” I question, picking up the mini Celestia and peering at it. “Do the princesses even know about this?”

“Why are you asking me? I didn't make it,” Rainbow points out to me, taking the Celestia piece from me and putting it back on the board. “And yes, they know. I know Princess Celestia finds it pretty funny.”

“I bet Luna gets a kick out of being the most powerful piece on the board,” I remark. “Whatever. Let's just play. I haven't played in a while. Let's see if I've still got the skills.”

“Oh please, you can't take me,” Rainbow boasts. I narrow my eyes slyly at her, a knowing smile on my face. It sucks to be her, but I'm rather good at this game. I used to play it with my brother or Amaryllis every so often.

Sure enough, as we get started, Rainbow is ridiculously easy to read. I can't help but chuckle as Rainbow gets more and more frustrated as I back her pieces into a corner, as I'd easily taken her queen early on. It was so easy! All I did was catch her in a simple skewer maneuver that she didn't notice, choosing to save her knight...and then I wrecked her queen the next move.

“How are you so good at this?” Rainbow demands as she watches one of her bishops (in this case a unicorn) get taken out by a fork maneuver between it and her king. Obviously she had to save her king. “It's like, I know you're going to take my pieces. But I can't do anything about it!”

“That's how I play. You see me coming, but you can't do a damn thing to stop me,” I agree with a devilish grin. I am so going to get revenge for all of the games she's beaten me at tonight. Rainbow grumbles as she loses her other knight. “Come on, Rainbow, at least make this a fight for me.”

“I would do better if I could actually do anything!” Rainbow complains, moving her pawn to try and block my bishop from threatening her king...and then she immediately loses her last rook. “Oh, come on!”

“What's the matter? Seems like little Dashie is getting a bit salty,” I taunt her, resting back so she can take her next move. I reach up my hand to guard my face from the pawn she tosses at me in reward for my words. “Calm down. It'll be over in three turns anyway.”

“What? No it won't! I'll find a way to come back from this, just you wait!” Rainbow promises me as she moves her other bishop.. Yeah, that's not happening. I've already figured out how you play, so I know exactly what moves you'll make in response to my advance.

“One,” I declare, moving one of my pieces. Rainbow starts to sweat slightly under the pressure, and then she responds exactly how I expected. “And...two.”

“Stop that! I've totally...” Rainbow starts to protest, but then it's my turn again. One quick move...and...

“Checkmate,” I state confidently, and then I sit back, letting Rainbow look over the board for herself. “Sorry, you picked the one game I'm good at.”

“Apparently so...ugh, I hate losing,” Rainbow huffs. So I've noticed. God, she's so salty about this. She's been winning all night, so no doubt it sucks to have her winning streak broken. “Chess is stupid.”

“This was your idea,” I remind her, only to get another pawn thrown at me. Even as salty as she's being, I'm finding this totally hilarious. “Oh come on, quit throwing pawns at me. Or I'll have to retaliate.”

Just as Rainbow starts to look over at me, curious at my random threat, I use my magic to appear right next to her before she can react....and then promptly start tickling her. “What the...oh Celestia Seth stop!” Rainbow cries out, laughing helplessly despite how mad she is about losing. She falls over and rolls around, trying to escape my merciless fingers. “Seth...please!”

“Of course I'm not going to stop. This is too much fun!” I reply with a stupid grin on my face. Eventually, Rainbow manages to grab a pillow from the couch and whack me with it. Because it's made out of clouds, it loses its cohesion and showers my face with water droplets. This distracts me long enough for Rainbow to hurl herself at me clear over the chessboard and bear me to the ground. “Oh hell.”

As I'm lying on my back, looking up at the pony perched on my waist, I'm filled with dread when I see Rainbow waggle her two front hooves with an evil glint in her eyes. “Wait a minute, ponies can't...” I begin, but then Rainbow plants her hooves on my chest and runs them up and down rapidly. I can feel portions of her hooves moving around...which is just enough to tickle. A lot. “Oh shit, yes they can! Oh god!”

“Revenge is sweet!” Rainbow growls humorously, and then the two of us roll across the floor, each of us attempting to dislodge the other from their tickling attempts.

A few minutes later, the two of us are lying on our backs next to one another, panting from the exertion of tussling with one another. Never did I think I'd have this much fun with a damn pony, but I guess Rainbow's the exception. Heh, she always has been.

“What time is it anyway?” I ask tiredly, staring up at the ceiling. It's been dark outside for a while now. I haven't been watching the clock ever since I sent that letter to Luna.

“A quarter past three,” Rainbow sighs, releasing a long yawn. Shit, we've been up for a long time. Except at this point, I'm starting to feel it. We really shouldn't be awake right now, but we've been eating so much sugar it's been keeping us awake. Except now I'm starting to crash.

“I'm tired. Where do you want me to sleep?” I ask weakly, reaching over and grabbing my cup of lemonade. I take a drink of it, and while I can taste the sugar, it's not really doing anything for me right now. You just can't pick yourself up during a crash.

“Just take the couch, I'm too tired to care where you sleep,” Rainbow remarks, somehow lifting herself up. She walks slowly over to her bed and then throws herself upon it. “Ah, sweet comfort.”

“Sounds good to me. Everything here is made of clouds, so I could sleep on the floor if I needed to,” I acknowledge, hopping onto the couch. A contented sigh escapes my lips as the surface of the cloudy couch deforms to my body structure. The next thing I do is cast another iteration of the cloud spell, because the previous one is starting to fade. Don't want to fall to my death from the sky tower here.

After getting settled, I take my phone and turn off the music, so that silence fills the room for once more. There's a blanket on the back of the couch, so I take it and drape it over myself. Right then. Now I'm truly ready for sleep. Except there's one thing that's bothering me. “Rainbow, why am I sleeping in your room? You built this place, so don't you have any guest rooms?” I demand, lifting myself up a bit. There's no response from the other side of the room. Instead, all I hear is a soft snore. “Really...how convenient that she'd fall asleep right now. Whatever, I guess.”

I lay back down and stare at the ceiling for a few minutes before my body's exhaustion gets the better of me, and I fall into oblivion.

When I wake up, it's because it's too bright in the room for me to stay awake. I've never been here in the daytime before, so I guess I never realized it before. The whole place is fucking white, so the light is reflected all over the place. That includes inside this building.

Oh god, we stayed up way too late last night. I force myself to rise...and then I raise an eyebrow when a roll of parchment falls off of my chest to the floor. What was that doing there?

Then I notice the parchment is bound together by the royal seal. Which means the princesses have answered, probably sometime when I was asleep. Now then, let's see how much they're willing to offer me. I tear off the seal and callously toss it aside, and then unroll the letter. Sure enough, this looks like Celestia's handwriting...er...hoofwriting. Mouthwriting? Magicwriting? Whatever.

“Dear Seth,

I must say, I didn't expect to be hearing from you so soon. Nevertheless, it is a welcome surprise.

Your mention of a large human ruin is of great interest to us, as our technology and culture trace their roots back to your race. It pleases me that you're willing to offer us this information to us.

I understand that you wish to make this an even trade. However, there is much to be discussed concerning this offer, as it is a much more complex matter than you may think. Therefore I'm willing to offer you transport to Canterlot for a short time, so that we may converse further on the matter.

As my sister is currently asleep, enclosed is a spell formula that will allow you to send your letters directly to me.

You're nicer than you think,


My lips are set in a thin line as I finish reading the letter. Celestia...you fucking troll. She couldn't just...she...ugh, goddammit.

Still though, she's interested in the offer. Which means I'm going to get some money. Hopefully if Rainbow's to be believed, I can get myself a house. But...she wants me to go to that cursed city again. “Dammit, I don't want to go to Canterlot,” I mutter, reaching for the notepad on which I'd written my letter in the first place. “Every time I go, something always tries to wreck my shit.”

The spell written on the sheet of parchment enclosed within the primary message isn't that complicated to figure out, as it's very similar to the one I use to send letters to Luna. I just have to attune the spell to Celestia's magical signature instead...and she helpfully provided me with a crystal orb with a small amount of her magic in it. She certainly thought this through.

It doesn't take me very long to write a reply back to her, accepting her offer of transport. As much as I fucking hate Canterlot now, I shouldn't be there for long. I'm just going there, negotiating with Celestia, and coming back. There's nothing there that can possibly keep me.

After sending the letter to Celestia, I stand up and stretch, moaning slightly at the feeling of my typical sleep cramps disappearing. Okay, so I have today off. What the hell am I going to do with myself until Celestia answers?

Rainbow is still sleeping, albeit in a very undignified fashion. She's lying flat on her back, her wings spread out to either side. Her head is thrown back over the pillow and her mouth is wide open, emitting the most unladylike of snores. I can't help but chuckle at the spectacle. That's one difference I can draw between her and Amaryllis. At least Amaryllis managed to have some degree of grace. Rainbow is...she's just...Rainbow.

I approach the sleeping Rainbow with malicious intent. I wonder how I can make her morning life miserable this time? I could just poke her repeatedly again...actually that gives me an idea.

Leaning over Rainbow, I slowly press two fingers against her snout. I have to physically try not to laugh when she snuffles a bit and twitches, but doesn't actually wake up. I repeat the motion and get similar results.

Taking it a step further, I dangle a cookie right over her nose. She clearly smells it, because her muzzle is starting to twitch. I practically choke with laughter when Rainbow snaps her mouth shut, to which I respond by lifting the cookie out of reach. She opens her mouth a second later, so I repeat this motion a few times, until finally...

“Give me that darn cookie!” Rainbow demands, suddenly waking up and lurching up in bed. The first thing she notices is that I'm sitting on the bed next to her, holding a cookie and laughing a bit too hard. “What the...what are you doing on my bed?”

“Messing with your mind. Oh sheesh, you are too funny when you're sleeping,” I choke out, trying to catch my breath. Rainbow looks confused at first, and then she sees the cookie in my hand.

Suddenly Rainbow tackles me off of the bed, her two front hooves wrapped around my chest. “So you're the one who...give me that cookie!” Rainbow demands once we hit the floor. She proceeds to sit on my chest and pin my arms down with her front hooves. She tries to crane her head over to grab the cookie, but it's just out of her reach. “Give it!”

“You want this cookie?” I ask her tantalizingly, because we're at an impasse and she knows it. Unless she releases my arms, she can't reach the cookie. “What's the matter? Just reach over here and take it.”

Rainbow narrows her eyes in determination and lunges at the cookie, releasing my arms in the process. I snicker and toss the cookie in an arc over my head, catching it with my other hand. Rainbow scrambles to chase it, but this gives me enough leverage to get out from underneath her. Now there's an opening.

Rainbow yelps as I tackle her this time, taking her to the ground. I pin her two front hooves down, sitting on her chest this time. “Doesn't feel so good, does it?” I tease her. Glaring at me, she opens her mouth to say something, but then I shove the cookie in her mouth, promptly shutting her up. She makes a muffled sound of confusion, but she starts to eat it.

I get up off of her and sigh, chuckling to myself. This is one way to start off the morning. I glance at Rainbow, who's getting up as well, swallowing the cookie. “I should have known,” Rainbow laments, wiping the crumbs from her muzzle. “Why did I think sleeping in the same room with you would be a good idea? I can never wake up on my own.”

“I don't know, why did you? You made this place yourself, right? I'm sure you have guest rooms,” I point out. Rainbow seems speechless for a moment, and then for some reason, she flushes slightly. My right eyebrow immediately shoots right up.

“Cut me some slack. By the time we started thinking about sleep, it was way past midnight,” Rainbow finally reasons. “I was too tired to think.”

Huh. That's about the only reason I can actually accept. I let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding. Fucking Rarity, making me suspicious over nothing. That's a mistake I've made more than once myself, like the time I let myself fall asleep in a bed with both Vinyl and Rainbow in it.

“Fair enough. Anyway, I should probably tell you that Celestia is coming to get me soon,” I tell her, changing the subject.

“Wait, what? Celestia is coming here?” Rainbow asks, shocked. “When did this happen? Did she already respond to you?”

“Yeah, I got it when I woke up this morning. I don't know if she's coming herself, but she's definitely sending something to come get me,” I explain. “I really don't want to go back to Canterlot, but I shouldn't be there that long.”

“Oh. I guess they would want to talk to you face to face. Want me to come with you?” Rainbow offers.

“Thanks, but that isn't necessary. I'll only be there for a short time,” I tell her with a shake of my head. Rainbow nods, disappointed. “Besides, don't you have work with the weather team to do? You've only taken...what, how many days off now?”

“Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot,” Rainbow admits ruefully. “I probably should check in and make sure Cloud Chaser hasn't messed anything up. I left her in charge when I left.”

“What happens when you mess up a weather pattern?” I ask curiously, though I'm afraid to hear the answer. Rainbow's wince tells me that I'm right to feel that way.

“Very bad things. If you mess up making a storm, it could become a lot larger than you wanted. And a really big storm can really mess up Ponyville,” Rainbow explains. Sheesh. So what, making a storm is like making a meal, I guess. You can prepare it, but you can't control the end result.

“Right then. Yeah, definitely do that,” I comment, though I doubt she needs to emphasize that any more. Cloud Chaser...if I remember right, she was that slut that hit on me the moment she saw me. I can't see her being that competent at anything.

Just as Rainbow is about to continue the conversation, another scroll appears in a burst of golden light just above my head. I reflexively grab it, and then realize a moment later that's it's probably Celestia's reply. “Is that from Celestia?” Rainbow predictably asks a few moments later.

“Oh no, I'm sure it's from somepony else. I mean, it's not like I was talking about exchanging letters with her a few minutes ago or anything,” I retort sarcastically, which is my typical response to stupid questions. Rainbow huffs, but watches silently as I unroll the letter. It's a short one, so I can sum it up pretty quickly. “Well, she's sending a chariot to get me from here. Though now that I think about it, I don't know why that's necessary, when I can probably get there in a few minutes by flying at near supersonic speeds.”

“I could get there faster than that,” Rainbow brags, grinning. “I can get there in less than a minute by flying AT supersonic speed!”

“Yes, I remembered that, idiot. That's why I said near supersonic, since I know you're the only pony that can go beyond that,” I remark in annoyance. Why must she stroke her ego at every passing opportunity? “Oh well. Flying in a chariot should be fun. Heh, that's funny. Before learning how to fly, you'd never get me on one of those things.”

“You can't get me on one of those things anyway,” Rainbow agrees. “I've got wings, and I'd much rather use them than sit in one of those cramped things.”

There's a short silence as the conversation ends, but it isn't long before something breaks it. And by that, I mean Rainbow's stomach growling. “Guess that cookie had you wanting more, huh?” I remark with a raised eyebrow.

“Shut up about the darn cookie,” Rainbow grumps, but she's smiling despite herself. She then pretends to look distressed. “Oh no, we haven't had breakfast yet! But that requires a lot of work. If only there was a way I could skip out of making something...”

I watch with amusement as Rainbow's eyes slowly track down to the boxes of sweets that we still haven't finished. Almost as if we'd planned it, we both reach our assorted appendages into the boxes nearest to us and grab the first confection we find.

“I'm going to have to work all of this off when I get back to work,” I remark, a sentiment echoed by Rainbow, but neither of us particularly care at this moment.

Sweets for breakfast. I mean, why the fuck not?

Author's Note:

Finally got this darn chapter out. Writer's block hit me pretty hard in the middle of this thing, but I managed to force through it. Next chapter, I'll finally be able to get started on the meat of this arc. I spent some time talking to my editor (YES...I HAVE ONE NOW) about the next arc, so I've got all the main scenes mapped out in my mind. Now I just have to connect the dots.

As always, leave your comments and tell me what you think!

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