• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,505 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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106. Demands of the Queen

“You are the first in many years to set eyes upon the majesty of the changeling race,” Mantis informs me with a hardened tone, but even despite the hostility, I can detect a hint of pride there. Well...yeah, majesty is definitely one word for it. I'm breathtaken by the scope of the hive before me. How many changelings does Chrysalis even have down here? There's definitely more than enough to cause us a serious problem if they all decided to attack at once. “Stay close to me. The queen's chambers are a few minutes flight.”

Mantis hunches forward and leaps into the air, adding the sound of another set of buzzing wings to the amalgamation of noises already present in the seemingly unending chamber. I quickly follow him, my head craning around in every which direction to take in the sights around me. I can't help it. I always pictured the changeling hive to be just a massive labyrinth of caverns and chambers...not something massive like this.

One thing I can tell is that my presence is not welcomed here. Hundreds of eyes follow me as I follow Mantis through the air, watching my every movement. Down beneath me, I see groups of assorted changelings flying or walking to and from the different chambers. I didn't notice before, but the pillars that I thought supported the roof of this chamber are actually pockmarked with chambers themselves. Changelings perch at the entrances of many of them, their eyes turning to follow me as Mantis and I pass by.

A feeling of icy dread sinks into my skin the further we fly. I become aware of a hint magic in the air that seems to settle on my skin like an invisible spiderweb. The feeling makes me shudder, because I know full well whose magic this is. Mantis leads me ever onwards, towards a particularly large column that doesn't seem to be as pockmarked with chambers as the others. In fact, I can only see one chamber at the dead center of the column. Its entrance is decorated and obscured by drapes of red silk, as well as two burning flames situated atop small stone pillars located on either side of the ledge.

Mantis silently lands on the ledge, and I follow him a second later. I hear nothing but foreboding silence within, but then I hear a light feminine humming emanating from within. I recognize the voice immediately, because I've heard her hum before. This is Chrysalis' chamber, and she's waiting inside for me. I gulp visibly and attempt to remain composed. There's a chance I might not leave this chamber alive, but I've come too far to run away now.

“My Queen,” Mantis announces his presence from outside the chamber, not getting too close in order to respect Chrysalis' privacy. “I have arrived with the intruder.”

The humming stops from within, and silence pervades the area once more. The sound of hooves clopping on the floor is heard, growing ever closer. From behind the drapes, the queen's silhouette appeared, dark and ominous. “Welcome back, Mantis. I assume he didn't give you too much trouble?” Chrysalis' silky smooth, yet distorted voice calls from within. She doesn't seem overly worried about the prospect of an intruder. Come to think of it, she does know it's me, right? Mantis said she wanted to talk to me.

“No, my Queen. He came willingly,” Mantis answered formally. For being the queen's consort, he is extremely stiff and overly formal with her. You'd think they'd be a little more casual, especially if consort still means the same thing as I think it does.

“Did he now?” Chrysalis sounds a little smug at that. I can hear her walking away from the drapes. Following that is a disgusting squelching sound that makes me cringe. What the hell is making that noise? Thankfully, it only lasts a few seconds before silence returns. Mantis remains completely still, so I do as well. Annoying Chrysalis would not be in my best interest at the moment.“Well? Don't keep me waiting. Bring him in.”

Mantis nudges me with his side, indicating that I should accompany him inside. Well, this is it. Steeling my resolve, I follow closely behind Mantis as the changeling brushes aside the drapes and walks inside the queen's chambers.

The chambers themselves are rather spacious and luxuriously decorated, complete with a plush red carpet covering the center of the black coated floor. There's a strange archaic desk tucked up against one corner that seems to be made of a hardened black substance similar to what coated the floor. On the other side of the room is an open archway that leads to what looks to be the bathroom, and immediately I can see the differences between changeling and pony architecture. There's no shower or toilet; instead there is a pool of steaming hot water that's bubbling up from a spring in the back. I don't see anything that resembles a toilet, but I don't have a chance to look further.

At the far end of the room is a large mushroom shaped construct made of green slime that glowed gently in the light. It looked fresh, because it was covered with a slimy sheen that indicated that it was still a little wet. I guess that's what caused that disgusting sound I heard.

Curled up on top the mushroom is Chrysalis herself, looking just as calm, collected, and terrifying as I remember. She doesn't look at us at first, instead running a hoof through her webbed mane casually. She lifts up her head and transfixes me with a stare, her expression guarded and impossible for me to read. “Well now...I must say this is a surprise, dear Seth,” Chrysalis addresses me directly at last. She turns to Mantis right after that without waiting for my response. “Leave us, Mantis. I would speak to our guest alone.”

Mantis nods and retreats from the chamber, taking to the air and leaving me alone with what, before Sombra reappeared, I considered my worst enemy. “Chrysalis,” is all I can bring myself to say. Now that I'm here, that familiar fear that I feel is back, only this time it's more justified, due to what Mantis said about Chrysalis training.

“I didn't expect to see you again so soon. You were quite attached to those ponies after all,” Chrysalis expresses, spitting out the word pony as if it were distasteful for her to even utter. Oh yeah, she's still pissed at me for rejecting her back during the wedding. “I don't suppose you're here to take me up on my previous offer?”

“No, I'm not. I have other business I need to discuss with you. It's...well, it's a bit difficult to explain,” I tell her, stammering a bit. Chrysalis is quiet at first, and then she releases a disappointed sigh, though she doesn't look all that surprised.

“Then what is it?” Chrysalis asks, stepping down from the mushroom bed. Her eyes narrow, and I realize that there's a very good chance that she's going to attack me, depending on how I answer. “Are you here for vengeance? Closure? To beg for my time spell?”

“None of the above,” I say, causing Chrysalis to look slightly confused. I let out a frustrated sigh, realizing that we're getting nowhere. “Look, I know you pretty much want to beat my face in right now, but I'm not actually here for my own sake.”

“Oh? I was under the impression you were a relatively selfish individual,” Chrysalis states, raising a brow and coming closer to me. “Why would you risk walking right into my lair, if not for your own purposes?”

As she approaches, I unwitting catch a whiff of her scent, and I flinch, expecting to smell Amaryllis again. Except I don't. Instead, I catch a scent that's very familiar to me, but it takes a few seconds for it to register in my head. Holy shit, that's Rainbow's smell. Chrysalis smells like Rainbow right now. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, considering the changelings' biology.

“Like I said, it's a bit complicated. There's a situation up north that...” I trail off when Chrysalis' eyes widen as she cranes her head forward, gazing at the insignias on my shoulder. Chrysalis hisses angrily and snaps her jaws at me, almost taking a chunk out of my shoulder. I have to leap back, barely avoiding getting chomped. “What the hell!?”

“Diplomacy!?” Chrysalis screeches incredulously. “So you're here as Celestia's pet, knowing full well that I'd let you in to talk to me! You disappoint me, human!”

“Hold on, I haven't even told you why I'm...”

Chrysalis doesn't let me finish. “Let me guess! Celestia wants peace between us. Hah!” Chrysalis lets out a harsh laugh, causing my hopes that this will end peacefully to sink further. “Oh yes, I bet you all would love to have peace between us! Don't speak to me of peace offerings! This is clearly a threat!”

“How is offering you peace a threat?” I demand, taking a step back from the raging queen. She isn't making much sense right now, but I get that she's offended by even the very notion of diplomacy. I expected this would be the case.

“This is Celestia's way of telling us that she'd love to leave us alone as long as we stay out of her way! Peace? No, I am insulted,” Chrysalis hisses. “You think you can drive us away once, and then expect everything to be end peacefully? My situation has not changed!”

“I know that!” I finally shout over her, losing my patience. “You really think I'd come all the way down here by myself just to deliver a generic peace proposal?”

“Why else would Celestia send you as a diplomat!? She knew that I would let you in, if nothing else!” Chrysalis demands. “If what you have come to discuss wasn't peace, then you would have brought an army!”

“Okay, first off, Celestia didn't send me. It was actually my idea to come down here on my own,” I point out, leaving out the whole argument with Cadance and Luna and the rest of them. No point in letting Chrysalis know how little her help was wanted. That at least gets Chrysalis to blink, bemused enough to let me continue. “Secondly, it's a great deal more complicated than a what you're making it out to be.”

“You claim Celestia didn't send you, but bear the mark of an Equestrian diplomat. You understand my reluctance to believe you,” Chrysalis counters, jabbing a holed hoof at my shoulder.

“Of course she's supporting me. I'm still here on behalf of Equestria, but I came here because I feel it's time to put the events of the royal wedding behind us.” I can't believe I just said that, because I still hate Chrysalis with every fiber of my being for what she tried to do there, but I can't focus on that. Nothing matters if Sombra wins. He will destroy or enslave everything, and I'll be damned if I let a simple grudge hold us back from fighting him with everything we have. “To put it in different words, we need your help.”

Chrysalis looks honestly dumbfounded when that last sentence leaves my mouth. Her jaw drops open a little in shock. No doubt the thought of us asking for her help had even crossed her mind. I stand there awkwardly, hoping against hope that she'll at least hear me out.

Finally, Chrysalis' expression changes, and then she bursts out into incredulous laughter. It quickly intensifies until the whole chamber echoes with her mirth. I wait patiently as tears stream from Chrysalis' eyes, and she collapses against the mushroom bed. “Celestia needs my help? She needs the changelings' help?” Chrysalis manages to get out in between bouts of merriment. “Oh, this is just too rich! Princess Celestia, the almighty ruler of Equestria and sovereign of the sun...wants my help?”

“I'm serious. You can quit laughing any day now,” I respond irritably. “We need your help. That's why I came all the way down here. There's something out there far worse than anything you can muster.”

“Absolutely not. Why would I ever help you? I want her and all of her subjects enslaved to provide us with love for eternity! I want you as my personal human slave!” Chrysalis snaps, her laughter fading and a snarl replacing her grin. “What's stopping me from simply seizing you here and keeping you for myself, and then let this threat that you speak of dispose of Celestia for me?”

Remembering my conversation with Cadance, I decide to go out on a limb and hope it doesn't backfire on me. “Because then you'd pretty much be condemning your race to death,” I answer calmly. Chrysalis pauses, and then she gazes at me with narrowed eyes. “You said you feed on love, right? That's why you want Equestria so bad; because of all the love.”

“That's right. There has never been a more nourishing love than what these ponies can produce,” Chrysalis replies, starting to drool a little at the thought. “What is your point?”

“So, you need Equestria,” I reiterate. When Chrysalis nods, I grin inwardly, realizing that at the very least, I can push this point home. “If Equestria were to suddenly be wiped out by our enemy, where would you get your love?”

“From the victor, of course,” Chrysalis answers as if it should have been obvious. Now that gets me to laugh, despite the situation I'm in. Chrysalis doesn't look happy by that. “What's so funny? Are you laughing at me?”

“You clearly don't know who we're facing,” I point out, crossing my arms. “Please, tell me more about how you're going to drain the love from the undead.”

Chrysalis' eyes widen at that, and at that moment I realize that I've gotten my point through to her. The first order of business is that I have to convince her that if she lets us all die, her race is screwed. “Undead? But...such magic has not been seen for ages. Not since...wait.” A realization seems to strike her. Chrysalis is far from stupid, so I think it's safe to assume she's putting two and two together. “Are these the same undead that destroyed humanity?”

“That's right. The exact same. The same necromancer has been sealed in the ice for a millennium, and now he's back, stronger than ever. If he wins, there will be no love for you to harvest,” I finish. Chrysalis falls silent, pondering my words in her head. I watch her breathlessly, wondering if I'm about to succeed after all. “So will you do it? Will you help us fight them?”

“Of course not!” Chrysalis returns without missing a beat. I sigh in frustration, because I thought I'd been close to convincing her. “You are still my enemy. As of right now, it sounds like you intend to use us for your own purposes.”


“Can you tell me honestly that Celestia wouldn't turn around and crush us the moment we stopped being of use?” Chrysalis cuts across me. I hate to say it, but she has a point. She would have no way of defending herself if Celestia were to turn on her. Also, considering my hatred for Chrysalis, I can't say I'd begrudge Celestia for it if she did crush Chrysalis right after we used her to defeat Sombra. Of course, I doubt Celestia would, but I have no way of convincing Chrysalis of that. My silence seems to confirm Chrysalis' suspicions. “No. An alliance would not be in our best interests. So far, you have only told me what we can do for you. As far as I know, my race would perish either way. It seems like the smart thing to do would be to take my changelings and flee for a safer location.”

I sigh, and realize that there's a hidden meaning beneath what Chrysalis is saying to me. “Alright, what do you want?” I ask her hesitantly. Chrysalis pauses, and then she looks at me with a slight smile forming on her face.

“I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear that. What did you say?” Chrysalis asks coyly, even though she heard full well what I said. Still, I don't have the advantage over her. I'm here on her home ground, making demands of her. No doubt Chrysalis wants to make a few demands of her own.

“What do we have to give you so that you'd help us?” I repeat, albeit in different words. Chrysalis closes her eyes and gives out a little moan, as if hearing that was the highest form of pleasure I could give her.

“My, look at you now, little Seth. You're so desperate for our help that you'd even resort to begging,” Chrysalis replies, causing a growl to form in my throat. I'm not begging, I'm just being diplomatic. If anything, I want to tear her head from her body. “Who is this villain, to which you would go to such lengths to defeat?”

“King Sombra, of the Crystal Empire. He's so strong that he could take down Celestia and Luna together while hardly taking any damage,” I answer, hoping that that revelation would shock her. To my relief it does, because Chrysalis' eyes widen, and I swear I see a little bit of fear. Of course. Sombra has so much power, you'd be insane not to be afraid of it. “Have you heard of him?”

“I...I have. And you believe that I would be able to make a difference in the outcome of the battle?” Chrysalis responds, her voice shaky at first, but she composes herself. I don't blame her. Knowing that there's something out there with more power than Celestia is a terrible feeling. I give Chrysalis a firm nod. “Again, I feel that if this threat is so great, the better course of action would be for me to take my changelings and flee.”

“That wouldn't make a difference. But that's besides the point. How about you quit beating around the bush and just tell us what you want. As much as I hate you, even I know that there's sense in working with you,” I snap. I feel as if I'm so close to getting her to join us, but Chrysalis is nothing if not stubborn and frustrating.

“Hm...very well. If what you say is true, and there is an undead force threatening to remove our future food source, I may consider lending a hoof,” Chrysalis begins tentatively. Right, I hear a “but” in there. “But...you still need to make it worth my while. As I said before, you've only said what we can do for you. You need to make this worth risking my hive in battle for.”

“Then list your demands. With these insignia's, I'm legally entitled to deal with you as a diplomat of Equestria,” I tell her officially, sighing in relief now that I can see success on the horizon. Chrysalis grins at that, and then she approaches me, gazing at me with half-lidded, suggestive eyes. “And before you even ask, no, you cannot have me. I'm...well...I'm spoken for.”

A look of disappointment crosses Chrysalis' face, which is quickly followed by surprise at my words. “You? Spoken for?” Chrysalis repeats incredulously. Then, realization strikes her. “With...Rainbow Dash, was it? I recall you being rather fond of her...enough to give up your family to save.”

When I remain silent, Chrysalis clicks her tongue. “Aww. Well, I suppose it was only a matter of time. Nevertheless, I am disappointed.” Chrysalis then stares at me, a wicked grin forming on her muzzle that fills me with dread. “Though, Rainbow Dash is not here. What is stopping me from taking you by force as a part of our deal?”

“Because I'm not as weak as you remember, Chrysalis,” I growl, summoning up my magic and showing Chrysalis just a hint of what I'm capable of now. Chrysalis looks unfazed, but that's because I can't actually push myself to the limit without destroying her chamber. “I'll say it again. I am off of the table. Do you have any other demands?”

“I'm sure I can think of a few,” Chrysalis assures me coyly. She paces through the room a bit. “Hm...I would like a full pardon from all costs, damages, and other repercussions and reparations resulting from our invasion during the royal wedding.”

Hm, that much is par for the course. Basically, by agreeing to this demand, we can't hold her accountable for her actions at the wedding at all. No doubt there will be a great many ponies out there that would protest heavily to this demand. I do as well. I want to see her put to justice for what she did there, but if I want her help, I have to give that up.

“Done. You will not be held accountable for your actions there,” I grudgingly assure her, hating every second of this. “Anything else?”

“Why, yes! Thank you for asking,” Chrysalis returns, smiling in what would have been a sweet manner if it weren't for the deadly fangs poking out from beneath her lips. I want to groan, but I restrain myself. “I would like the badlands.”

“Wait what?” I ask, wondering if I misheard. Did she just ask for the entire wasteland?

“The badlands. This is Equestrian territory still. I would like the badlands to be given to my changelings and I,” Chrysalis repeats, giving me an intense stare. Well, shit. This just went from manageable demands to something as big as giving Equestrian territory away. Fuck, I can't do this on my own after all.

“That's a pretty big demand,” I state uneasily, reaching into my bags for the little orb that Celestia had given me in the case that this very situation occurred.

“So is asking me to send my hive to their potential doom,” Chrysalis snaps, her voice like a whip. “If you wish for our help, you must be willing to give me what I demand. So will you give the badlands to me or not?”

“I can't make that kind of decision on my own. One moment,” I tell her, and then I produce the orb, tapping it with a bit of magic. The orb responds by starting to glow.

“What are you doing?” Chrysalis demands. As she watches, I throw the orb towards an empty area of the room. Instead of hitting the ground, it pauses in the middle of its trajectory and floats upwards. Chrysalis takes a step back as a cyan translucent hologram of Celestia forms in the middle of the room, directly over where the orb landed.

Celestia looks around the room, no doubt seeing a holographic representation of the room on her end as well. Chrysalis appears to be in shock for a few seconds, until she extends a hoof and passes it through Celestia's form. “Seth. By contacting me, am I to assume that you are currently in negotiations with the changeling queen?” Celestia says in an official manner. A second after saying that, Celestia and Chrysalis lock eyes. “Queen Chrysalis.”

“Celestia,” Chrysalis spits, her teeth bared at her ultimate enemy. “I should've known you'd want to be part of this too.”

“Of course I would. Should these negotiations succeed, it will allow for peace to come between our races,” Celestia diplomatically responds, even though I know Celestia can feel the hostility from the queen. Chrysalis scoffs derisively, causing me to recall her initial view at the thought of peace between us. Celestia turns to me. “Has Chrysalis begun making demands?”

“Yes, and she asked for something rather...uh...out of my league. Basically, I can't just give it to her without consulting you,” I answer, indicating Chrysalis. Now that Celestia is here, I feel like we can actually make some real progress now. If we can just satisfy Chrysalis' demands, we'll have ourselves a powerful ally and her entire army to boot.

“Very well. I thank you for your foresight,” Celestia responds, and then she returns her gaze to Chrysalis. “What are your demands, Queen Chrysalis? I am willing to be flexible in exchange for your aid during Equestria's darkest hour.”

“Dark indeed, if you're coming to me despite the fact that I nearly destroyed your city,” Chrysalis taunts, but she fails to get a rise out of Celestia. “The first thing I asked for was a full pardon from all costs, damages, or other repercussions and reparations resulting from our invasion.”

“Which I agreed to. I felt that like was...reasonable, given the situation,” I explain to Celestia. The princess nods, agreeing with me. “And the next demand, Chrysalis?”

“Ah yes. I wish for you to secede the entirety of the badlands to the changelings,” Chrysalis repeats smugly. Celestia's eyes widen a little at the magnitude of the request, but apart from that she remains calm. “Don't tell me this little wasteland is worth the deaths of your subjects to this...Sombra.”

“The badlands consist of more than the open wasteland in which your hive is located,” Celestia informs Chrysalis, her expression turning grave. “Are you including the MacIntosh Hills in this demand?”

“But of course. I can't have you building outposts to watch over us, can I? No, those mountains will be our defenses,” Chrysalis answers. God, her smug tone just makes me want to punch her right in the face.

“Very well. The badlands will be given to you, provided you assist us in battle against the Crystal Empire,” Celestia finally says, much to my shock. She's really okay with just giving that much territory to the changelings? I mean, if we don't, there's a good chance we'll all be screwed, so I guess I understand, but still. Just as Chrysalis is starting to grin, Celestia continues. “However, you may not have the portion of the mountains west of the railroad that leads south from Appaloosa. That railroad will be your territory's western border. Is that acceptable?”

“It will do. That is but a small portion of the mountains,” Chrysalis responds after a pause. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I notice Celestia writing upon a scroll in the hologram at that. “No doubt we can discuss borders later.”

“Any other demands?” I ask, hoping that Chrysalis would say no after demanding all that land from Celestia. I try not to groan when Chrysalis only grins.

“Of course I do. I'm far from finished,” Chrysalis answers. Celestia finishes writing, and then stares down at Chrysalis expectantly. “Next, provided this war goes in our favor, I would like you to formally recognize the changelings as our own independent country, capable of undergoing diplomatic negotiations such as this and interacting with the global community as a whole.”

Well shit, as if the last demand wasn't bad enough. Chrysalis wants to make herself known to the world as a whole through Celestia's influence. Even Celestia looks taken aback by the magnitude of Chrysalis' demand. “I'm afraid it isn't that simple. In order to establish as your own sovereign state, you must be recognized by the majority of the governments represented in the International Committee,” Celestia explains down to an unbothered looking Chrysalis, who doesn't seem to care how difficult her demand really is. “You may present yourself to the committee, but all I can promise you is my vote in that regard.”

“I expect you to make it happen, one way or the other. Give me your word that you will do so, or there will be no alliance,” Chrysalis returned uncaringly. I remain silent, because now that I've gotten Chrysalis to this stage, my role in this is pretty much over. I'm relieved that I didn't have to fight Chrysalis, but this is nerve-wracking just the same.

“Very well. You have my word that I will do everything within my power to help your state reach sovereignty,” Celestia concedes, though it looks like she is extremely reluctant. If the situation we were faced with wasn't as dire as it was, this wouldn't be happening. We don't have a choice really, if we want to keep Equestria safe. Chrysalis nods her head, satisfied.

“Excellent. Next, I want Dodge Junction,” Chrysalis states. I give a start and step towards her in outrage at that. Dodge Junction is a fully developed town filled with ponies! We can't just give that to her. Celestia stares pointedly at Chrysalis, so the queen continues. “Not the city itself, mind you. I would simply like Dodge Junction to be considered a neutral ground for my changelings and your ponies to interact. After all, I must secure some sort of food source for my kind, else my situation will not have changed whatsoever.”

“Your request is an understandable one, but I cannot give you Dodge Junction,” Celestia declares, much to my relief. “However, I agree that there must be a solution for your food problem if there is to be peace between us. Therefore, I propose that I build an extension to Dodge Junction across the railway, and that will be your neutral ground. As for your food problem, I will task my best scientists with discovering a way to give you what you need without harming my ponies. Is this acceptable to you?”

“My, you're being awfully reasonable with me, Celestia,” Chrysalis comments. Celestia remains silent, waiting for an answer to her question. “Yes, I find that acceptable. However I am quite curious as to what this King Sombra is like, for you to go so far out of your way to accommodate me, the one who almost brought your kingdom to its knees.”

“This is not the time for past grudges to interfere with rational decisions,” Celestia wisely responds. “I would much rather have you at our side than at our backs with a knife.”

“Oh, please, dispense with the flattery. If it weren't for this King Sombra, you would no doubt be marching upon me instead,” Chrysalis snaps. To be fair, she's speaking the truth. We would have had to deal with her eventually. “I'm simply doing what is best for my changelings.”

“As am I, for my ponies,” Celestia adds, her eyes softening a little. “Now, do you have any further demands?”

“I do not. However, I wish to see some form of documentation of this deal. I want to know that you'll be held accountable if you double-cross me,” Chrysalis demands. Finally, she's done with demands. I can't help but smile a little. We fucking did it. Chrysalis is now eliminated as a threat for now. Still, I'm a little pissed that I won't be able to kick her ass for what happened at the wedding.

“Do not fret. I have been devising a treaty over the course of this negotiation,” Celestia responds, lifting up the scroll that she's been writing on these past few minutes. She writes one last thing on it, and then it disappears from the hologram. A few seconds later, it reappears in the air right in front of my face, which I catch out of reflex.

I walk with Chrysalis over to her desk and spread the scroll out atop of it. Sure enough, there's a written representation of the deals we have just made, including the promises Celestia made with Chrysalis. Basically, I'm looking at a binding contract that compels both parties to fulfill the promises they've made.

Celestia's signature is already down at the bottom, where there are two more lines awaiting signatures. One of them is for Chrysalis, while the other is for the diplomat representing Equestria. So basically, me.

“Excellent,” Chrysalis expresses, and then she lifts up a quill with her magic and proceeds to sign her name down at the bottom. She passes it to me next, her hoof brushing against my hand as I take it. I can't help but feel a little tense. It feels like it was only a few days ago when those very same hooves were beating the absolute shit out of me.

When I finish signing the treaty, I snap my fingers and send it back to Canterlot. The scroll reappears in the hologram, and Celestia sets it down, looking satisfied. “There. With this, we are allies, until such time that King Sombra is defeated,” Celestia states, looking as if she can hardly believe it herself.

“I want a copy of that treaty,” Chrysalis demands. Yeah, I guess that's fair at least. Still, I can't believe this crazy plan of ours actually worked. With Chrysalis by our side, we have a much better chance of defeating Sombra.

“That is reasonable,” Celestia responds, nodding her head. She then looks at me gravely. “Now, Seth. I need you to return to Trotsdale as soon as possible. Sombra's forces are on the move. We may only have a little more time before they reach us.”

“Got it. I'll rush back immediately,” I answer. With that, Celestia gives us all one last look, and then the hologram fades, the orb falling to the ground, inert. I quickly retrieve it, and then I look at Chrysalis. Part of me can't believe she's on our side now, even if only temporarily. I feel like if I try to leave, she'll try to stop me. “Will I be flying back with you?”

“No. Return to the defense of your city. There is much to do before I can fully aid you,” Chrysalis tells me firmly. She walks with me towards the exit of her chambers, each of us pushing aside the drapes as we go. “Still, this is a most interesting turn of events. From fugitives to allies...it's funny how you all throw away your pride so easily.”

“Sometimes there's things worth throwing your pride away for,” I tell her, even if I know she won't understand. Chrysalis and I take to the air, her with her wings, and me with my magic. I notice her eyeing the difference in my magical aura curiously, but she doesn't say anything about it. “I'm headed back to Trotsdale. Meet us there when you're ready.”

“Are you ordering me around, Seth?” Chrysalis teases me with a grin. I groan and turn around , wanting to leave this hive behind. “Don't worry, I'll be there. I have taken an interest in this struggle now.”

Chrysalis then lifts her head and releases a shrieking hiss to the changelings below, who immediately stop everything that they're doing to look up at her. Mantis soon joins us, as if that hiss had been a personal summon directly to him. “What is it, my Queen?” Mantis asks, dipping his head respectfully.

“Prepare the hive for flight,” I hear Chrysalis order as I head for the exit. Her eyes narrow. “The changelings are going to war.”

Author's Note:

Now, the chapter you have all been waiting for: Chrysalis' return to this story. I had intended for her to fight alongside Seth and the others since the beginning of the fic, because I liked her too much for her to remain nothing but a villain to be exterminated. However, it was in the execution of this alliance that was difficult. After all, I wanted to keep Chrysalis in character. At the moment, she's getting the better end of the deal here, and both Seth and Celestia know it.

Now, if I had to estimate, I'm thinking there will be maybe ten more chapters? Hell, I don't know. I still have a lot of content to cover, so it might be more. This is looking to be the longest arc I've ever written. That's not even counting on the multi-chapter battles that may occur. Sheesh. Anyway, I'm done with finals, but I'll be heading home to my family, so the rate at which I get out new chapters depends on how often I can get time to myself.

Anyway, as always, thanks to Schadenponi for editing this, and don't forget to let me know what you thought of this! I'm curious to know if I pulled off this alliance believably or not.

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