• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,118 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Time: First Steps

The trio made their way carefully into the lush forest surrounding them, the wildlife peaceful as far as they could tell. The path was mostly straightforward and well traveled, and could be expected to have some degree of safety. The trees were tall and tropical, the sky blue and cloudless, and the sun shone brightly. What wildlife did attack them was tiny and barely worth note, easily dissuaded with a single swing of wrench or fist. A dilapidated stone bridge showed signs of civilization, and proved enough to make their way across a river running far below.

Before long, they reached a wide pool that spilled over into a waterfall...and Qwark admitted something he'd kept close to his chest.

"Umm...I'm not so good with the swimming in the moving water," he admitted.

"But what about the pools of water in your training course?" Twilight demanded, shocked.

"I held my breath, walked across the bottom, and climbed up the opposite wall," Qwark explained. "With all this muscle mass, I've got super negative buoyancy or something."

"Then wait here," Ratchet explained. "Looks like a mechanism of some sort over there. It'll probably extend a bridge or something."

"I got it!" Twilight called out, flying over to it. As expected, the mechanism did, in fact, raise a bridge over the pool. "Come on, you two!"

"So what's our plan, anyway?" Qwark asked as they crossed.

"Where there are bridges, there are people," Ratchet explained. "Where there are people, there are ships. Failing all else, we can get off this rock to find some Zoni to help Aphelion."

"I...guess that works as a plan," Twilight allowed, not liking the idea of leaving Aphelion behind.

"Alrighty then!" Qwark proclaimed eagerly, smashing his way through a thin stone wall to clear a path. Behind the stone wall, two other columns of blue time-light - as Twilight had come to think of it - held other areas in suspended time. "...is that normal for this planet?" Qwark asked worriedly.

"If it isn't, something seriously wrong is happening," Ratchet indicated.

"If it is, someone likely knows how to get Aphelion out safely," Twilight countered.

Since they had no better idea of what to do, the trio clambered up the bits of floating rock to a new path. Not long after, they encountered a Grummel-Net Uplink. "Maybe they can tell us something useful," Ratchet suggested, approaching it.

"We're sorry," the uplink intoned, "but this Grummel-Net uplink is currently not linked to the main network due to a temporal anomaly in the vicinity. Please accept our apologies for only being able to provide you with a tutorial for the new line of weaponry, the Constructo Models. These modular weapons utilize a variety of components to achieve various effects, allowing you to fully customize your arsenal. You are currently equipped with the Constructo-Pistol. Allow us to provide you with the new Constructo-Bomb, in exchange for 1000 bolts each."

"That's...moderately useful," Twilight allowed, swiping her bolt card.

As they continued on, a strange, purple skinned alien in homespun garb came running up to them. "Help!" she cried out. "Please help me! My children are in danger!"

"What seems to be the problem, citizen?" Qwark asked formally.

"Zyphoids!" the woman explained, gesturing to the fungus like creatures the group had been fighting. "We were fishing near the river when they attacked!"

"Qwark, stay here and keep her safe," Ratchet ordered. "Twilight, you help the kids. I'll take care of the Zyphoids."

"Understood!" Qwark barked out with a salute.

"Got it!" Twilight intoned as she flew off.

The division of labor worked well. Ratchet would go up to where each child was hiding from the Zyphoids and draw attention by wading into them, wrench swinging. Twilight would use the distraction to telekinetically lift the child onto her back and fly them back over to Qwark, who would catch them gently as they came down and set them beside their mother, standing guard over them until the ordeal was over. With Ratchet not having to worry about hitting a friendly target, he could be a lot more free with the use of his arsenal.

While their focus was on saving the three children, all three travelers noticed them talking about someone named 'Orvus', and they plainly recognized Ratchet on sight as a Lombax. They decided not to investigate this for now, but they felt they were on the right track for finding Clank.

When pursuing the third child, Ratchet and Twilight found themselves entering an area in which time seemed to be constantly fluxing between flowing normally, pausing, and flowing backwards. Platforms took shape, broke apart, and froze mid-fall, only to take shape again.

"This looks like it will require very careful planning and maneuvering," Ratchet murmured.

"Or I could just fly over," Twilight offered, flapping her wings.

"Or you could just fly over," Ratchet agreed, feeling more than a little silly.

Twilight smiled as she flew over, safely grabbing the child and collecting a Constructo-Mod for their pistols. She returned safely with both.

"Oh, thank you!" the woman cried out joyfully as she embraced her three children. "But the Zyphoids will be back soon. We must make haste to the village where it is safe."

"Lead the way," Ratchet replied. "We'll watch your back."

"Our deepest thanks," the woman offered sincerely, turning to lead the way to the village, keeping careful track of her children and making certain they didn't run off. Walking up to a large wall, she called out, "Alphius! Open the door!"

The wall lowered, and another member of her race - which the nav-comps finally identified as Fongoids - greeted her. "Enessa? What are you doing out here?"

Twilight did her best to keep her giggles inside. He sounds like Stitch, she thought, remembering one of her favorite movies as a child.

"The Zyphoids are back!" Enessa explained hurriedly. "There must be something wrong with the time keeper."

"Not in front of the outsiders!" Alphius responded chidingly. "Quickly, we must head to the village."

As the Fongoids led the way, Ratchet, Twilight, and Qwark fanned out around them, working to keep the path clear. As they entered the village proper, Alphius spoke up. "I saw your starship crash on the other side of the ridge. Perhaps we can be of assistance."

"You can help Aphelion?" Twilight gasped eagerly.

"Not I," Alphius replied. "The Zoni. Meet me at the Temple of Zon whenever you are ready." Indicating the structure with his glowing staff, he headed off. "I will explain everything there."

It didn't even take a full moment of thought for the trio to agree to see what could be done, and they made their way to the Temple.

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